Advancements and Challenges in Continual Learning for Natural
Language Processing: Insights and Future Prospects
Asma Kharrat
1 a
, Fadoua Drira
1 b
, Franck Lebourgeois
2 c
and Bertrand Kerautret
3 d
ReGIM-Lab, University of Sfax, ENIS, BP1173, 3038, Sfax, Tunisia
LIRIS, University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon, CNRS, UMR5205, F-69621, Lyon, France
LIRIS, University of Lyon, Universit
e Lumi
ere Lyon2, F-69365, Lyon, France
Deep Learning, Continual Learning, Natural Language Processing, Catastrophic Forgetting.
Deep learning-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) has advanced significantly over the past decades, in
light of static learning’s remarkable performance across a range of text datasets. However, this method heavily
relies on static surroundings and predefined datasets, making it difficult to manage ongoing data streams
without losing track of previously acquired knowledge. Continual learning provides a more effective and
adaptable framework. It tries to make it possible for machine learning models to learn from an ongoing data
stream while maintaining their prior knowledge. In the context of NLP, continual learning presents unique
challenges and opportunities due to its dynamic and diversity. In this paper, We shall provide a thorough
analysis of CLs most recent advancements in the NLP disciplines in which major challenges are illustrated.
We also critically review the existing CL evaluation solutions and benchmarks in NLP. Finally, we present
open issues that we consider need further investigations and our outlook on future research directions.
Continual Learning is a machine learning subfield that
deals with non-iid (identically and independently dis-
tributed) data. Its purpose is to gain insight into global
optima for an optimization problem with changing
data distribution over time. This is common in
databases that are routinely updated with fresh data
or when data is streamed to algorithms with limited
storing capabilities. Continual learning (CL) seeks al-
ternate techniques to iid training in order to avoid re-
training with entire data each time new data becomes
available. In particular, when learning data samples
with different distributions or progressing through
a sequence of tasks, a parametric model eventually
reaches a point where no more knowledge can be
stored. At this point, either the capacity of the model
is increased or an override (i.e. forgetting) happens,
which will most likely result in a decrease in perfor-
mance. Models lose accuracy over time due to shift-
ing data distribution. With the introduction of deep
learning, the problem of continual learning (CL) in
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become even
more serious, as present techniques are unable to effi-
ciently retain previously gained knowledge while also
adapting to new information. Numerous approaches
have been presented over the years to solve the prob-
lem known as catastrophic forgetting (CF) or catas-
trophic interference. CL algorithms present several
memory storage systems for storing information from
previous learning experiences, as well as learning al-
gorithms to continue learning with this memory and
fresh data.
When it comes to CL and unlike computer vi-
sion or robotics, NLP is still in its infancy. It has
recently been investigated since it highly contributes
and is useful in many applications. Main applications
include digital libraries, document processing, Lan-
guage Modeling, Sentiment Analysis and Text Clas-
sification, Question Answering, Word and Sentence
Representations, etc. Accordingly, many researchers
are now interested in developing applications that em-
brace change and continually learn from new text im-
ages. Therefore, in this study, we conducted an ex-
panded deep overview of recent research from differ-
ent perspectives with a special emphasis on classical
static learning and continual learning within deep ar-
Kharrat, A., Drira, F., Lebourgeois, F. and Kerautret, B.
Advancements and Challenges in Continual Learning for Natural Language Processing: Insights and Future Prospects.
DOI: 10.5220/0012462400003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1255-1262
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
chitectures. We survey hundreds of papers on NLP
for text recognition and Continual Learning (CL). We
categorize these papers into popular topics according
to our Research Questions:
RQ1: What approaches can be developed to han-
dle shifts and changes in NLP models for text
recognition in continual learning settings?
In settings of ongoing learning, the statistical
features of the incoming data alter with time,
which presents a problem for handling shifts and
changes. This question addresses the investigated
strategies like domain adaptation, transfer learn-
ing, or dynamic model adaptation to guarantee
that text recognition algorithms work robustly and
accurately even when data distributions change.
RQ2: How can natural language processing tech-
niques be leveraged to enhance the accuracy and
efficiency of information extraction from unstruc-
tured textual data?
This question investigates the potential of NLP
methods in extracting meaningful information
from unstructured text, including handwritten or
historical documents. It explores techniques like
named entity recognition and domain adaptation
to enable more effective and efficient extraction
of structured information from unstructured tex-
tual data.
RQ3: What strategies can be employed to handle
imbalanced or evolving class distributions in text
classification and recognition tasks during contin-
ual learning?
This question addresses the challenge of handling
imbalanced or evolving class distributions that
may arise in real-world scenarios during contin-
ual learning. It investigates techniques such as
class balancing methods, importance weighting,
prototype-based approaches, or data augmenta-
tion strategies to ensure fair representation and
accurate classification for all classes, even as the
data distribution evolves over time.
The search results were subsequently filtered by re-
viewing the abstracts and only papers published from
2016 to 2023 were considered. However, we ac-
knowledge the importance of including papers pub-
lished before 2016 that are valuable contributions to
the field.
With the growth of interest in CL, other terminol-
ogy and concepts were revealed. Table 1 presents the
most common related paradigms.
To the best of our knowledge, only our work in-
vestigates research progress related to static learning
in NLP and Continual Learning in NLP. We further
discuss gaps and challenges in this domain.
DNN-based architectures could be performed using
two different strategies: The first strategy proceeds
by the design of the overall model following a train-
ing process from scratch. The second strategy is
based on transfer learning and is characterized by the
use of a pre-trained CNN model already trained on
bigger datasets (Raffel et al., 2020) (Houlsby et al.,
2019) (Ruder et al., 2019). Often, the advancement of
NLP is bound by adequate language modeling (Do-
gra et al., 2022) (Esmaeilzadeh and Taghva, 2021).
The probabilistic representation of word sequences in
a language is one of statistical language modeling’s
objectives, and it is a challenging task because of di-
mensionality (Mittal et al., 2020). The research re-
ported in (Bengio and Sen
ecal, 2008) was a break-
through for language modeling with neural networks
that intended to overcome the difficulty of dimension-
ality by training a distributed representation of words
and providing a probability function for sequences.
The difficulties of establishing an in-depth represen-
tation of language using statistical models appear to
be a key problem in NL Presearch when compared to
other fields such as Computer Vision. The basic aim
of NLP applications is to provide textual representa-
tions, such as documents. This entails feature learn-
ing extracting relevant information from raw data to
allow for additional processing and analysis. Tra-
ditional approaches begin with the time-consuming
handcrafting of features through meticulous human
examination of a specific application and are followed
by the development of algorithms to extract and use
such features. To connect word-level and character-
level representations using convolutional neural net-
works for OStagging, a deep neural network architec-
ture called CharWNN has been developed in (Santos
and Zadrozny, 2014). They mainly focus on the appli-
cability of character-level feature extraction because
their experimental findings show that, in the absence
of character-level features, hand-crafted features must
be used to attain cutting-edge performance. LSTM
networks, bidirectional LSTM networks, LSTM net-
works with a CRF8 layer, and other neural network-
based models for sequence tagging tasks have all been
presented in (Huang et al., 2015). Furthermore, in the
NLP domain, Generative adversarial networks (GAN)
are used for text generation (Li et al., 2017) (Yu
et al., 2016). Deep supervised feature learning ap-
proaches are extremely data-driven and can be em-
ployed in more general efforts aiming at delivering
robust data representation. Because of the large vol-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Continual Learning related Paradigms.
The goal is to increase learning efficiency and generalization performance on previously
unknown problems by leveraging existing knowledge. While meta-learning isn’t directly
tackling the issue of catastrophic forgetting (learning without forgetting), it does focus on
increasing a learner’s ability to adapt and learn effectively over various tasks. Although
meta-learning can aid in the development of more efficient and adaptive models for contin-
uous learning scenarios, it is not fundamentally related to the problem of learning without
Is an iterative kind of supervised learning in which the learner (an algorithm or a model) ac-
tively selects a subset of unlabeled instances and seeks labels from a human user or an oracle.
The goal is to select examples that are likely to produce the most valuable or informative
labels to gain the largest knowledge for the model.
Is a training procedure where a set of tasks are given in a specific order to tackle more chal-
lenging problems effectively. The learning is accomplished by starting with simpler or easier
tasks and gradually increasing their difficulty. Contrary, continual learning does not require
sorting or choosing tasks according to their level of difficulty. The objective is to retain
knowledge, adapt to new tasks, and minimize interference with prior knowledge rather than
just completing the last or most difficult assignment.
Is a particular instance of Continual Learning, where model updates are made on a per-data-
point basis with a batch size of one. Without the need to store or batch data, the model
is updated gradually as each new data point is received in online learning. The main ben-
efit of online learning is its capacity to adjust to shifting input in real-time, enabling the
model to pick up knowledge as quickly as possible and to make decisions or predictions right
away. However, because the model is constantly updating and adjusting based on specific
data points, online learning presents difficulties in terms of stability, managing concept drift,
and preventing catastrophic forgetting.
Is a machine learning technique where a single model is taught to carry out several connected
tasks at once. The model can benefit from shared knowledge and dependencies by pooling
learning from several tasks, which improves efficiency and allows for generalization across
all tasks. It increases the model’s ability to learn by enabling it to draw on task-specific
knowledge while also identifying common patterns across tasks.
Refers to the process of adopting a model from a source domain to a target domain. It en-
tails reducing domain variances between the source and target domains in order to boost
the model’s performance on target domain tasks. Domain adaptation approaches in CL are
intended to transmit knowledge, retain learned information, and adjust the model to new do-
mains or tasks. It aims to reduce the differences in data distribution or feature space between
the two domains to improve the model’s performance on the target domain.
Is the process of using knowledge from a previously trained model to improve learning and
performance on a target domain. The objective is to improve generalization and learning
efficiency in the target domain by utilizing prior knowledge. Transfer learning involves using
knowledge from a source domain to improve learning on a target domain, while domain
adaptation specifically addresses the domain shift between a source and target domain to
enhance the model’s performance on the target domain.
umes of unlabeled data, unsupervised feature learn-
ing is seen as a critical problem in NLP (Fatima et al.,
2017) (Le et al., 2019). Several approaches include
K-means clustering and principal component analysis
to this goal, analysis has been presented and effec-
tively executed. In (Al-Anzi and AbuZeina, 2016),
the authors propose using Latent Semantic Indexing
(LSI), a method singular value decomposing (SVD)
and clustering techniques, for Arabic text categoriza-
tion, to group similar unlabeled documents into a pre-
specified number of topics. The generated groups are
then categorized using a suitable label With the ad-
vent of deep learning and a plethora of unlabeled data,
unsupervised feature learning has become a critical
Advancements and Challenges in Continual Learning for Natural Language Processing: Insights and Future Prospects
problem for representation learning, a prerequisite in
NLP applications.
Deep learning has made the issue of continual learn-
ing (CL) in natural language processing (NLP) even
more urgent because existing methods do not properly
preserve previously learned information while simul-
taneously adapting to new information.
3.1 Continual Learning: Challenges,
Strategies and Related Paradigms
Continual learning system is also known as incre-
mental and lifelong learning system. It is an adap-
tive algorithm that can gradually learn the new flow
of data while maintaining the knowledge acquired
from previously seen tasks even when the number
of tasks to be learned is not predetermined (Parisi
et al., 2018). For data scientists, CL will increase
models’ accuracy, performance, and save retraining
time by making models auto-adaptive. Unlike static
learning algorithms, CL systems can build up knowl-
edge over a range of tasks without the need to re-
train from scratch. However, a quick update and fit-
ting of new information equally cause a major issue
known as ’Catastrophic Forgotten’ (CF). CF happens
precisely when the new instances to be learned di-
verge tremendously from previously seen examples
and overwrite old knowledge. When the network is
trained sequentially, the weights that are essential for
antecedent tasks are shifted to meet the objectives of
the new ones (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989). To over-
come CF, a vast range of methods and techniques have
been suggested (Farquhar and Gal, 2019) (Delange
et al., 2021) (Lee et al., 2018) (van de Ven and To-
lias, 2019). These methods can be categorized into
three main classes (Kirkpatrick et al., 2017) based on
how task-specific knowledge is retained and used dur-
ing the learning process (Mai et al., 2022) (Belouadah
et al., 2020):
(1) Regularization-based methods: Attempt to
achieve an equilibrium between conserving previ-
ously learned representations and allowing enough
flexibility to encode new information. It alleviates CF
by setting limits on neural weight updates. This is
accomplished by either including additional penalty
terms in the loss function or changing the gradient of
parameters during optimization.
(2) Replay-based methods: Also known as
memory-based or rehearsal-based methods. As it im-
plies, these methods aim to replay data from already
learned tasks. The training process typically involves
inserting samples of former tasks along with the ac-
tual data for the present task. It either stores sam-
ples in raw format and tends to replay them or gen-
erates pseudo-data that mimics past data ’Generative
Replay’. A crucial aspect of these techniques is to
select a suitable subset of data, known as exemplars,
that approximates the entire observed data distribu-
tion. Such exemplars used as training data for previ-
ous tasks are often referred to as pseudo-data.
(3) Parameter isolation methods: To avoid forget-
ting anything, this family assigns different model pa-
rameters to each task. One can generate new branches
for new activities while freezing the parameters of
older tasks when there are no restrictions on architec-
tural size. These types of methods can be subdivided
into Fixed Architecture (FA) which only activates rel-
evant parameters for each task without modifying the
architecture and Dynamic Architecture (DA) which
adds new parameters for new tasks while keeping old
parameters unchanged.
Memory-based methods are robust to distribution
shifts, meaning that they are not sensitive to changes
in task distribution over time, unlike regularization
methods. They also preserve old task information
by storing a subset of past examples and using them
to prevent forgetting during training on new tasks.
Regularization methods, on the other hand, encour-
age the model to retain old knowledge by adding a
penalty term to the loss function, but they do not ex-
plicitly store past information. Besides, regulariza-
tion methods can sometimes result in overfitting to the
current task, while replay methods can prevent over-
fitting by providing a diverse set of examples from
past tasks. Architectural-based methods tend to pro-
vide better results than both replay and regulariza-
tion methods. Architectural-based methods can pro-
vide a structural bias towards the desired behavior in
the continual learning scenario, which can be diffi-
cult to achieve with replay and regularization meth-
ods. They can scale to handle an increasing number
of tasks over time, whereas replay and regularization
methods may become less effective as the number of
tasks or classes increases. Moreover, they allow the
model to independently process information from dif-
ferent tasks, unlike replay and regularization methods
(Kharrat et al., 2023).
It is worth noting that all of these methods do not
contradict each other. As each strategy has some lim-
itations, researchers tend to combine various strate-
gies to achieve continual learning. Therefore, we refer
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the readers to explore mainly these references among
many others (Mundt et al., 2023) (Qu et al., 2021)
(Parisi et al., 2018).
3.2 Exploring Continual Learning in
In the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP),
a diverse array of tasks is encompassed. This section
delves into how Continual Learning (CL) approaches
are applied to address the most prevalent NLP tasks.
The training process for numerous neural-based NLP
systems involves two primary steps: initially utilizing
a large unlabeled text dataset to train a Neural Net-
work (NN)-based language model, and subsequently
employing the pre-trained language model in super-
vised downstream tasks. Notably, Language Model-
based approaches for CL in NLP have gained sub-
stantial research interest recently. A huge Language
Model (LM) trained on diverse corpora can, in the-
ory, perform perfectly across numerous datasets and
domains (Radford et al., 2019). In a study by (Ke and
Liu, 2023), the focus is directed toward knowledge
transfer, which holds particular importance in NLP.
This is attributed to the fact that words and phrases
used in texts from various activities or domains typ-
ically convey similar meanings or shapes and many
NLP tasks share a common knowledge base. Addi-
tionally, major advances in CL are oriented toward
alleviating Catastrophic Forgetting (CF). In addition,
(Gururangan et al., 2020) investigate the impact of
task- and domain-adaptation on the transfer ability of
pre-trained LMs across domains and tasks. In the
study, the authors concluded that ongoing domain-
and task-adaptive pretraining improves downstream
NLP performance. To better comprehend the inter-
nal behavior of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs)
in extracting knowledge, the researchers in (Wang
et al., 2022) first establish knowledge-bearing (K-
B) and knowledge-free (K-F) tokens for unstructured
text, engaging expert annotators to label some sam-
ples manually. As a result, PLMs are more likely to
provide inaccurate predictions on K-B tokens, owing
to diminished attention inside the self-attention mod-
ule. Based on these findings, two methods are pro-
posed to assist the model in learning more knowl-
edge from unstructured text in a completely self-
supervised manner, demonstrating effectiveness in
knowledge-intensive tasks. The usefulness of the
proposed strategies is demonstrated by experimental
results on knowledge-intensive tasks. In (Escolano
et al., 2020), the authors presented a language-specific
encoder/decoder architecture, in which languages are
embodied into a shared space and either the encoder
or the decoder is frozen when training on a new lan-
guage, to eliminate and minimize the necessity for
retraining the entire system. Class imbalance is a
pertinent aspect in NLP, although limited surveys ad-
dress it compared to the computer vision field (John-
son and Khoshgoftaar, 2019). Taking into considera-
tion strategies to correct class imbalance, can result
in up to 20% improvement in performance. How-
ever, NLP Research frequently fails to highlight how
crucial this is in real-world scenarios where minority
classes may be of particular relevance. (Jang et al.,
2021) describe imbalanced classification as a k-stage
continuous learning problem, progressively achieving
a more balanced dataset (sequential targeting). The
stage that exhibits the greatest degree of imbalance
is considered as the first stage, and the stage that ex-
hibits the least degree of imbalance is the final one.
Good performance on the present level and retention
of knowledge from prior stages are both encouraged
by the training aim. They have conducted ternary
and binary text categorization studies in Korean and
English. To also deal with imbalanced data the au-
thors in (Kim et al., 2020) come up with Partitioning
Reservoir Sampling (PRS), a novel sampling tech-
nique for the replay-based method that enables the
model to retain an even understanding of the head
and tail classes. They jointly address the two in-
dependently solved problems, Catastropic Forgetting
and the long-tailed label distribution by first empiri-
cally showing a new challenge of destructive forget-
ting of the minority concepts on the tail. Then, they
curate two benchmark datasets, COCOseq and NUS-
WIDEseq, that allow the study of both intra- and
inter-task imbalances. Research has demonstrated
that Active Learning (AL), by definition comprising
many phases, can enhance the performance of BERT
models, particularly for minority groups (Buda et al.,
2018). While domain adaptation approaches are ex-
tensively employed in the context of Neural Machine
text recognition and translation, there have been ad-
ditional attempts to adapt and joint learning on sev-
eral languages. Multilingual might be viewed as a
multi-task learning issue (Dong et al., 2015). The
goal of the multilingual translation model is to em-
ploy a single model to translate across several dif-
ferent languages. Such systems are useful not only
because they are capable of handling several transla-
tion directions with a single model as joint training
with high-resource languages enhances performance
on low- and zero-resource languages (Arivazhagan
et al., 2019). (Kim and Rush, 2016) also investigated
knowledge distillation, in which the student model
learns to match the teacher’s behaviors at the word
and sequence levels. (Wei et al., 2019) suggested
Advancements and Challenges in Continual Learning for Natural Language Processing: Insights and Future Prospects
an online knowledge distillation method that uses the
best checkpoints as the instructor model. Contex-
tual models learned by unsupervised pre-trained text
classification, such as ULMFIT (Howard and Ruder,
2018) in which the authors effectively investigated
and present a transfer learning method that can be em-
ployed to any task in NLP, and introduce techniques
for fine-tuning. (Devlin et al., 2019) employed the
newly introduced BERT Transformer model across
26 distinct text classification tasks, encompassing the
GLUE benchmark. The adapters not only attain
state-of-the-art performance but also contribute only
a marginal increase in parameters specific to the task.
Specifically, on the GLUE benchmark, their approach
achieves nearly indistinguishable results, falling short
by just 0.4% compared to complete fine-tuning, all
while introducing a mere 3.6% increase in param-
eters per task. In contrast, fine-tuning mandates
the training of 100% of task-specific parameters. It
is important to mention that the authors preserve
the original network’s parameters intact, facilitating
an extensive level of parameter sharing. (de Mas-
son d’Autume et al., 2019) introduced MBPA++, an
episodic memory-based model that complements the
encoder/decoder architecture. MBPA++ also does
sparse experience replay and local adaptation to learn
continuously. According to the researchers, MBPA++
trains quicker than A-GEM and takes no longer to
train than an encoder/decoder model. The synergis-
tic benefits of leveraging sparse experience replay and
localized adaptation are highlighted through their ex-
perimental results in text categorization and question-
answering tasks. They demonstrate that by selecting
cases to store in memory at random, the space com-
plexity of the episodic memory module may be low-
ered dramatically (by 50 to 90%) with a negligible
impact on performance. The results show that, while
the model’s performance diminishes as the number of
stored examples drops, the model can still retain a rea-
sonably good performance even with only 10% of the
whole model’s memory capacity. Except for a few pa-
pers, a CL scenario for word and sentence represen-
tations has received little attention so far. To address
this issue, (Wei et al., 2019) suggests a meta-learning
method that utilizes information from previous multi-
domain corpora to enhance new domain embeddings.
(Liu et al., 2019) presented a sentence encoder that
is constantly updated utilizing matrix conceptors to
learn corpus-dependent features. Importantly, (Wang
et al., 2019) presents a sentence embedding alignment
for Lifelong learning by suggesting that when an NN
model is trained on a new task, the embedding vec-
tor space undergoes undesirable modifications, ren-
dering embeddings for earlier tasks infeasible. In
the context of handling unstructured data and distri-
bution shifts. The authors of (Vijay and Priyanshu,
2022) Proposed NERDA-Con, a pipeline for training
Named Entity Recognizers (NERs) with Large Lan-
guage Model (LLM) bases. They incorporate Elas-
tic Weight Consolidation (EWC) into the NER fine-
tuning NERDA pipeline particularly for integrating
distinct tasks and updating distribution shifts.
We examined current developments in CL across var-
ious situations and NLP tasks. Currently, most NLP
tasks rely on annotated data, whereas a preponder-
ance of unannotated data encourages research toward
deep data-driven unsupervised approaches. Given the
potential superiority of deep learning approaches in
NLP applications, it becomes critical to conduct a de-
tailed review of various deep learning methods and
architectures with a focus on NLP applications. CL
in NLP currently lacks benchmark datasets. The ma-
jority of articles create baselines and run tests on their
own datasets. This renders it challenging to measure
and compare progress in the field. In addition, the per-
formance is affected by the order of tasks in the task
sequence. Furthermore, learning on a small number
of samples (e.g., using few-shot learning) is a signif-
icant issue for existing models, as is performing out-
of-distribution generalization. Widely utilized in NLP
sequence-to-sequence models, in particular, continue
to struggle with systematic generalization (Lake and
Baroni, 2018), unable to acquire general principles
and reason about high-level language ideas. Addition-
ally, researchers face the challenge of dealing with
historical documents, which pose specific difficulties.
Ancient papers and documents pose significant chal-
lenges due to the presence of unwanted elements such
as noise, and some characters may be missing en-
tirely or partially. Decoding ancient papers goes be-
yond noise and missing characters. It involves his-
torical context, language evolution, preservation is-
sues, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Technolog-
ical advances like computational linguistics and ma-
chine learning help unveil the mysteries within these
texts, offering insights into ancient civilizations. Ex-
ploring these complexities enriches our understand-
ing of this endeavor’s importance. When we delve
deeper into these complexities, we uncover the need
for interdisciplinary collaboration involving histori-
ans, linguists, computer scientists, and experts in var-
ious domains. Techniques such as computational lin-
guistics, machine learning, and image analysis can
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
be harnessed to enhance our understanding of these
documents. It’s fascinating how advances in technol-
ogy can aid us in unraveling the mysteries embedded
in these texts, shedding light on ancient civilizations
and cultures. Moreover, historical databases are lim-
ited in number. The dataset used for training is often
generated from modern handwriting, rendering word
recognition and character recognition models ineffec-
tive in deciphering historical texts. This calls for new
areas of research such as domain adaptation and ac-
tive learning.
In this paper, we provided a comprehensive overview
of contemporary NLP research encompassing static
learning and continual learning. We delved into the
application of continual learning methods to mitigate
concept forgetting in diverse NLP tasks. In closing,
we underscored persistent challenges and identified
research gaps that warrant further exploration, signal-
ing areas demanding more in-depth investigation and
attention within the dynamic landscape of natural lan-
guage processing.
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