the palette from frame to frame, lighting changes and
apparent motion can be induced. In this paper, we
demonstrated an optimization-based method for cre-
ating palette-cycling animations from arbitrary input
videos. Our technique involves alternating between
finding a set of per-frame palettes given a set of palette
indices, and then finding the pixel indices given a
fixed set of palettes. While many handcrafted palette
animations have been created historically, this paper
is the first to automate palette cycling.
The method produces quite good results for tradi-
tional use cases such as scenes with minor natural mo-
tion or time-lapse videos. Intrinsically difficult sce-
narios including large-scale motion and moving back-
grounds are less successful and offer opportunities for
further investigation.
The present method takes only an input video,
without annotations. Better results might be achieved
by allowing a user to mark regions of interest, and pri-
oritizing fidelity in those areas while discounting error
outside the important regions. Of course, the region
of interest determination could also be automated. It
might also be worthwhile to preprocess the video to
reduce the number of colors, rather than strictly rely-
ing on dithering; for example, L0 quantization could
be employed to reduce gradients.
We concentrated on photorealistic videos, while
historical palette cycling used pixel art. A possible
direction would be to jointly construct a pixel art styl-
ization and a palette cycling animation from an input
video. Further, the animation could itself be stylized,
as in handcrafted palette animations: one might imag-
ine artist-drawn tracks for particle effects or lighting
which could build on an input scene or video. Over-
all, we hope that this paper can spark renewed interest
in the fascinating medium of palette cycling.
Thanks to the GIGL group for helpful suggestions as
this project developed. The project received financial
support from Carleton University and from NSERC.
We want to thank Mark Ferrari for his kind words of
encouragement as we were beginning this project and
for his permission to reproduce frames from the jun-
gle animation, shown in Figure 2.
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Automated Palette Cycling Animations