Table 3: Performance metrics of diverse ResNet architec-
tures and the proposed modified ResNet-101.
Model/Parameters Pre Rec F1-score Acc
ResNet-18 0.8921 0.9123 0.9014 0.8898
ResNet-34 0.9040 0.9154 0.9102 0.9001
ResNet-50 0.9308 94.02 0.9405 0.9274
ResNet-152 0.9621 0.9614 0.9652 0.9847
ResNet-101 0.9542 0.9548 0.9760 0.9511
Proposed Mod-ResNet-101 0.9855 0.9855 0.9756 0.9756
Incorporating the segmentation task into the eval-
uation, the proposed modified ResNet-101 demon-
strated its versatility, as depicted in Figure 4. Seg-
mentation demands a nuanced understanding of im-
age features, and the model’s modifications evidently
contributed to its efficacy in delineating regions of in-
terest. The precision and recall metrics in the seg-
mentation task aligned with those of the classification
task, highlighting the model’s consistent performance
across both domains. This dual-task capability proves
instrumental in providing a holistic solution for breast
cancer analysis, where accurate localization and clas-
sification of abnormalities are paramount. While op-
portunities for fine-tuning and further improvement
exist, this study firmly establishes the proposed mod-
ified ResNet-101 as a robust and versatile architec-
ture for comprehensive breast cancer analysis, effec-
tively addressing both classification and segmenta-
tion tasks. By offering a comprehensive solution for
accurate localization and classification of abnormali-
ties, our meticulously designed architecture stands as
a beacon of innovation, paving the way for heightened
precision in medical image analysis and holding im-
mense promise for improving diagnostic outcomes in
breast cancer research and clinical practice.
Our proposed modified ResNet-101 architecture for
breast cancer classification via breast ultrasound im-
agery has demonstrated superior performance com-
pared to existing approaches. It exhibited height-
ened accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score met-
rics, signifying its efficacy in precisely discerning
cases of breast cancer. These outcomes outperformed
random forest-based models and rivaled a fully con-
nected depth-wise separable CNN model. These re-
sults underscore the potential of deep learning archi-
tectures in breast cancer classification and provide a
solid groundwork for future investigations. Through
continued refinement and progression of these mod-
els, we can make significant strides in early and pre-
cise breast cancer identification, ultimately leading to
enhanced patient outcomes and reduced disease bur-
Moving forward, we have outlined several areas
for potential improvement in breast cancer classifi-
cation models. A pivotal aspect of our agenda is to
leverage a distinct dataset sourced from our institution
(IGIMS Patna) to validate our model using authentic
clinical data. This endeavor will allow us to evalu-
ate the model’s performance and resilience in a real-
world healthcare setting, offering further substanti-
ation of its adeptness in accurately detecting breast
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BIOSIGNALS 2024 - 17th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing