This article presents an energy minimization-based
framework to improve the depth map for the SFF
method. The framework has been formulated with
AD as a smoothness constraint and a fidelity term,
which incorporates the focus value of the initial depth
to improve the overall structure of the scene. Experi-
ments are conducted with real and synthetic datasets.
For synthetic dataset, both z
and z are also compared
with ground truth by measuring RMSE and correla-
tion. The results indicate that the proposed method
can significantly improve the accuracy of the depth
map by removing noise and preserving the structural
details of the scene. The proposed method is also
compared with the L2 regularizer, demonstrating a
substantial 10% improvement in terms of RMSE over
This work was supported by the Research Council of
Norway through the project CAPSULE under Grant
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Anisotropic Diffusion for Depth Estimation in Shape from Focus Systems