Self-Directed Learning: An Essential Learning Skill for the
Amelioration of 21
Century Learners
Yogesh Pachauri and Gobind Singh Gure
Central University of Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Self-Directed Learning (SDL), 21st-Century Learners & Learning Skills, Higher Education.
Abstract: The increase in accessibility of information has changed the way we acquire and use information significantly
in the recent era. This has challenged both the absolute and correct nature of information and the belief that
information cannot be changed. The aim of education has its paradigm shift from the content of learning to
the process of learning, from what we learn to how we learn. This skill is known as Self-Directed Learning.
The learner of the 21st century is expected to have various skills such as personal skills, interpersonal skills
& professional skills, but the foundational skills are learning skills. Self-Directed Learning has a positive
impact on the development and expertise of various other skills required to excel in any profession. The New
Education Policy 2020 also emphasizes professional development in higher education for which Professional
Standard Setting Bodies (PSSBs) will be established for the development of professional standards. This paper
attempts to describe how SDL is related to the enhancement of learning at higher education & also describes
SDL’s need and effect in producing better professionals in higher education.
“The only person who is educated is the one who
has learned how to learn and change.”
- Carl Rogers (Carl Rogers Quote)
1.1 Role of Digital Technology and
SDL for 21st Century Learner
Learning in the 21st century has its goal of
developing learners who can initiate their own
learning. The vast availability of information and
learning opportunities in this digital age requires
nothing but mindful urge and action of learning for
self-development and skills enhancement. Learners
of the 21st century need the perspective of active
learning; hence Self-directed learning opens the
space of taking charge of their own learning. To find
answers to questions such as what to learn, why to
learn, and its importance for their respective goals
and development, Self-directed learning paves the
way. Learning in the 21st century in relation to
higher education is having its paradigm shift from
‘what to learn’ to ‘learning how to learn’. This
paradigm shift of learning emerges due to the
requirement of learners and the utilization of
available technology. 21st-century learning is a term
used to denote three major components which are 21st-
century learning goals, 21st-century learning skills, and
traits of a successful 21st-century learner. Some crucial
21st-century skills as mentioned in various literature
are creativity, critical thinking, thinking skills,
innovation skills, and technological skills, if we see the
foundation of these skills, self-directed learning can be
Further, in the digital technology era, learning at a
higher level has few to no boundaries or dependencies
apart from the learners themselves. Technology has
revolutionized the learning process like never before.
The learners of the 21st century are more likely to learn
through their own efforts and under their own
circumstances, unlike the learners before them. As a
result of increased learner autonomy and accessibility
of learning, learning skills in this dynamic world of
technology are not the same as they were previously.
The main emphasis of education has now shifted from
what to learn to how to learn. Realizing this paradigm
shift to the process of learning is known by different
terms for various learning approaches such as active
learning, experiential learning, learning by doing, etc.
And these learning approaches have their roots in self-
directed learning. (Self-Directed Learning Strategies in
Pachauri, Y. and Gure, G.
Self-Directed Learning: An Essential Learning Skill for the Amelioration of 21st Century Learners.
DOI: 10.5220/0012502500003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 724-728
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Adult Educational Contexts - UNESCO Digital
Library, n.d.)
2.1 SDL as Skill & Process
Self-directed learning skills are not specific to any
particular domain. They are prerequisites for
gaining any knowledge specific to any domain,
which means that these skills are prior requirements
for developing skills specific to any domain
(Taminiau et al., 2015).
To know what Self-Directed Learning is, we need
to look into our own example whenever we do or
initiate a task out of our own curiosity’s sake, and
we complete that task with or without taking the
help of others we follow Self-Directed Learning
approach. We do it unknowingly in our day-to-day
tasks, but when we consciously apply this skill for
our professional and academic growth and
ameliorate this process we eventually get better at
our respective fields. Adult learners learn this
process gradually as they get the responsibility at
different levels, but learners of young age should be
taught to become self-directed learners. The answer
to the question of “why self-directed learning is
required for young learners?’’ is in synchronicity in
the emergence of various digital learning
approaches such as digital pedagogy, Cybergogy, or
autodidactism. Learning in the technological era has
reduced the dependency on other factors than the
learning self-directedness of the learners. The
millennial and gen z learners are thriving on this
Self-directed learning is an understanding of
“learning how to learn.” From a broader
perspective, it can be defined as a process in which
individuals, with or without the assistance of others,
take the initiative in diagnosing their learning needs,
developing learning goals, identifying human and
material resources for learning, selecting and
implementing appropriate learning strategies, and
evaluating learning outcomes.
In the words of Malcolm Knowles “In its broadest
meaning, ‘self-directed learning’ describes a
process by which individuals take the initiative,
with or without the assistance of others, in
diagnosing their learning needs, formulating
learning goals, identify human and material
resources for learning, choosing and implement
appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning
outcomes” (Knowles 1975).
Self-directed learning is a process of learning that is
personalized, progressive, and purposeful. The focus of
individualized learning is on self-actualization, choice,
and autonomy. It is believed that students are
independent and capable of making intelligent
judgments, that they have a feeling of responsibility for
both themselves and others, that they are inherently
compassionate, that they are driven to achieve self-
actualization, and that they are special and have
limitless potential (Elias & Merriam 1995; Morris,
2019). As a result of self-direction, these learners can
take responsibility for their meaning-making, choosing
how they will use information. This is very important
for a teacher to utilize and address this feeling of
understanding a subject and discipline of learners, if it
does not use and promoted it creates a hurdle in
initiating the learning. appropriate facilitation can
induce the self-directed learning skills of learners.
2.2 Significance of Self-Directed
Learning for 21st-Century Learners
John Dewey affirmed that everyone has an unbounded
capacity for growth and development from birth. He
described education as the mechanism that promotes
this growth and cautioned that the role of the teacher
should be of guidance rather than interference or
control over the learning process (Dewey, 1916,1938).
Much of the world continues to use the obsolete
transmission model of education, in which teachers
teach students factual knowledge using lectures and
textbooks (OECD, 2009). Self-directed learning is a
type of learning which enables the learner’s control and
lead in the learning process. The term "self-directed
learning" is most famously defined by Knowles, who
defined it as a process where a person takes the
initiative with guidance or without it, to independently
control their learning experience with regard to needs,
defining learning goals, identifying learning resources,
choosing proper learning plan, and self-reflection on
their performance and learning. As a learner grows and
gain insight into a discipline or field, they also gain
interest and curiosity, this curiosity pushes them to
make their learning goals, finalize their resources and
simultaneously find ways to evaluate their learning
(Knowles 1975).
Self-Directed Learning: An Essential Learning Skill for the Amelioration of 21st Century Learners
3.1 Importance of SDL in Personal
and Professional Development
Self-directed learning skills are found to be
associated with lifelong learning, which will enable
the learner’s continuous development in their
various roles as successful professionals and
enthusiastic individuals. The information and
communication society of the 21st century expects
humans to adapt to their way of life by updating
their knowledge in accordance with their needs,
keeping up with global change and innovation, and
developing into qualified individuals (Şentürk &
Zeybek, 2019). In today’s dynamic world,
everything is transforming at a fast pace, which
makes it imperative for learners to become self-
directed learners in order to sustain themselves.
People's lifelong learning abilities must be
developed if they are to create learning chances for
themselves in terms of personal development and
job development. The qualities and skills that
people are expected to possess have changed
concurrently with the information age's rapid
changes and conversions in information and
communication technologies.
3.2 Teachers’ Role in SDL
Teacher holds an important role in establishing self-
directed learning among learners at the higher
education level. The term coined for this approach
to teaching and learning is andragogy. This process
requires a self-directed learner to take facilitative
guidance from a teacher or mentor in gaining
mastery or learning something new. The choice of
taking the guidance of a teacher for a particular
learning experience enables learners’ sense of self-
directed learning (Gerard et al., 2022). Promoting
SDL among learners is undoubtedly a big challenge
for educators, it requires a change in perspective
from teaching the learners to facilitating the
learning process. Teachers teaching at the senior
secondary level can integrate such teaching
strategies that can help students understand the
process of self-directed learning and gain the skills
required for it on an initial level.
The teacher plays an important role in helping the
students to motivate the students for self-directed
learning. First of all, teachers need to be self-
directed learners and present themselves as a role
model for it. These SDL skills can be learned through
a supportive environment where self-directed learning
is a passion for others. Therefore, observation and
guided practices played a significant role in the SDL.
The teacher needs to develop learner autonomy, assess
the student’s readiness for learning, give them ample
opportunities to organize their learning by themselves,
motivate the learners to taking decisions for their own
learning, self-study habits, library visits, recommended
computer/mobile-assisted learning, enhancing
reflective dialogue; and let them understand the
methodology. Teachers need to motivate the learners
for autonomy, self-discipline, self-assessment, and
self-reflection skills among the learners. Researchers
suggested that at preschool learners should be ready,
aware, and motivated cognitively, socially, and
emotionally for self-directed learning. And these skills
should be continued nurturing at secondary and higher
education levels. SDL should be taken as a core skill in
higher education. Teachers should always provide
ample opportunity for self-directed learning. And all
the Institution practices must emphasize on
personalized & individualized learning, project-based
and challenge-based learning, open learning,
independent learning, etc. Overall teacher needs to play
a mediating in self-directed learning. In their teaching,
teachers must have to implement metacognitive
strategies so that learners get a deeper understanding of
how to learn them in an effective manner. A teacher
must have to involve in all teaching-learning activities
that shape self-directed learners.
3.3 Student’s Role in SDL
Now a day, self-directed learning is highly helpful to
develop the problem-solving skills of learners.
Therefore, it becomes an essential learning skill,
although, yet no more emphasis is given to it in the
various institutions. Because, it is not considered an
easy job to regulate own learning, and take
responsibility of own learning. To be a self–directed
learner, a learner needs to work on himself personally.
Firstly he/she has to work on his/her personal level; to
be ready for learning set the goals of learning, engage
in learning as well as assess own learning.
The center of self-directed learning is
individuals/learners themselves. As they themselves
have to be curious about learning, set their goals for
learning, be self-motivation, self-regulated, self-
discipline, etc. All of the learning requirements are to
be curious. To start their own learning learners, need to
ask these basic questions to themself:
Why do they want to learn? (Learning
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What do they want to learn?
How they will learn it? (Engage Yourself
in Learning)
How they will assess your own learning?
3.3.1 Steps Involved in Organizing Self-
Directed Learning
In the initial phase, Students need to know what they
want to learn in order to initiate their self-learning
experience. Teachers can facilitate in this step by
discussing and associating the need of their
respective courses and the student’s interest. Further
in this step learners will decide what skills and
subjects they want to focus on and they’ll create
their learning goals accordingly. After knowing
what they want to learn the next step is digging into
the why of learning, why you want to learn. In this
step, learners need to decide their own motivation,
reason, and learning milestones they want to
Then learners have to ponder on the question of
deciding how will they learn, and what they have
decided to learn. He/she will decide their learning
methods and activities. At last, learners should also
know about assessing their own learning. this step
is about self-reflection of own performance and
skills. As it is a continuous process students can
monitor their learning process with some practices
such as keeping a diary of learning events and
maintaining a personal portfolio and journal.
Maintaining a personal portfolio will help in
identifying strengths and weaknesses, tracking
performance, and self-evaluation.
3.3.2 Role & Responsibilities of Learners
in Self-Directed Learning
For the first step of deciding what they want to learn,
learners must keep some roles and responsibilities
in their attention, such as being aware to curious
about learning. to do a Self-assessment of their
learning readiness. Describe their learning goals and
develop a plan of learning. Decide on learning
resources. Take mindful action for the sequence of
stages of the learning process & be intrinsically
motivated. outline long-term and short-term goals.
identify tasks that will build towards goals. Utilizing
computer and mobile-assisted learning.
For the second step of this process, a student must
go through the purpose of the unit of study and
should have an overview of the activities and their
sequence. A timeline for completing the activities.
Material requirements for each goal. Specifics about
the grading procedure. The completion of each goal is
followed by feedback and evaluation. Schedule a
meeting with the advising facilitator. contract on unit
policies, such as a policy for late submission of
Then learners will Assess their Learning Resources.
Engage in a Learning Process. Apply What They
Learn. Collaborate With Other Learners. Share their
knowledge. Determine a schedule. Determine your
learning style. Study in a positive environment. Find
educational media. Take notes while you study.
Review materials on the same day. Organize
information. Apply your knowledge. Collaborate with
others. For the last step learners need to do self-
evaluation, regular consultation with the instructor,
take feedback responses, and do self-reflection on their
achievements, which means, asking self some
questions such as: How do they know that they’ve
learned? Are they having the scope to redesign and use
the learning? Do they have confidence in explaining
content/concepts? When do they know that they’ve
learned properly? To know when is it the time for self-
reflection and when to go for consulting with the
teacher? Re-evaluate and redesign the goals as required
during your unit of study. Consult with your facilitator
from time to time as required. These are the steps and
responsibilities of a self-directed learner.
The role of digital technology and web-based material
is undeniable for the enhancement of self-directed
learning for higher education learners (Gerard et al.,
2022). Self-directed learning is not specific to any
domain of subject, discipline, or profession. In context
to courses that aim to produce professionals, Self-
directed learning becomes very crucial to be developed
and promoted for learners at higher education. NEP
2020 also emphasizes on learning “how to learn” and
“self-learning”. It discusses the importance of
education as a medium for the development of human
potential. It focuses on the importance of learning how
to learn and its need for 21st-century learners. To
improve their performance, they must have the ability
to learn on their own (Alotaibi & Alanazi, 2021).
Students' abilities to learn independently are a key
result of the instructional strategy and can improve
other outcomes including academic mindset, rational
reasoning, and problem-solving abilities (Mahata and
Fine 2015, Fullan et al. 2017, Berger et al. 2016).
People need to be able to manage their learning, plan,
develop, adapt, and change in a digital, interactive, and
Self-Directed Learning: An Essential Learning Skill for the Amelioration of 21st Century Learners
global environment if they want to flourish in the
workforce of today (Brandt, 2020). These learning
skills should be the main aim of higher education
learning mindset.
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