Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO
) Emissions Load from Transportation
Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik
Maritha Nilam Kusuma
, Rachmanu Eko Handriyono
, Nafilah El Hafizah
and Tamara Via Damayanti
Department of Environmental Engineering, ITATS, Jalan Arief Rachman Hakim 100 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, ITATS, Jalan Arief Rachman Hakim 100 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: CO
Emission, Energy Consumption, Transportation Source.
Abstract: Carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions are gases that come out of the combustion of compounds that contain carbon.
The location of Sukorejo Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency which borders the City of Surabaya and
based on the provisions of the Gresik Regency Spatial Plan which states the coast of Kebomas District as an
industrial and port area resulting in dense population so that there are many community activities and high
transportation mobility. Energy consumption from transportation activities in Sukorejo Village, Gresik,
produces exhaust emissions in the form of CO
. The purpose of this research is to analyze carbon dioxide
) emissions from the transportation sector by vehicle type. The method used in this research is field
observation for the transportation sector by counting which is carried out at two points for two weeks on active
days, namely Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. The results of this study found that the total value
of carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions in the transportation sector was 132.83 tons/year
Air pollution is the entry of substances, energy, or
other components into the surrounding air through
human activities, thereby reducing air quality to a
certain level and damaging air quality (PP RI Number
22 of 2021). One of the ongoing air quality problems
is the release of carbon dioxide (CO
) which is a
fundamental part of ozone-depleting substances that
make up 50% of complete ozone-depleting
substances (GHG) and significantly affects the
increase in temperature throughout the earth. In
recent years, air pollution has become an urgency due
to the rapid increase of gas every day. Air pollution is
a serious urgency because it has a fatal impact on the
environment and human health (Ji et al. 2020). Air
pollution is one of the main factors in decreasing air
quality, and the occurrence of air pollution, air in
conditions of dangerous levels of gas, dust, smoke or
odors (Khan et al. 2020). Pollution from CO
emissions comes from two activities, namely natural
(natural) and human (artificial). CO
emissions from
human activities, transportation, waste and the use of
household electrical energy are relatively high, thus
disrupting the air balance system and endangering the
environment and human welfare. The transportation
sector plays a major role as a potential air pollution
sector (Niam et al. 2021, Handriyono et al. 2020).
Big cities contribute 60% to 70% of the source of CO
released from vehicle exhaust.
The increase in modes of transportation is directly
proportional to energy consumption in the form of
fossil materials (Jiang and Li, 2022). Increased
energy consumption can cause large amounts of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Li et al. 2021).
Energy consumption contributes to pollution across
low, middle and high income groups. To overcome
the environmental threat from electricity
consumption, it is necessary to add renewable energy
to reduce dependence on fossil fuels (Danis et al.
2019). The transportation sector is a major
contributor to increased energy consumption and
carbon emissions in recent decades (Chen et al.
2023). Several studies show that CO
emissions have
increased significantly in the transportation sector
Kusuma, M., Handriyono, R., El Hafizah, N. and Damayanti, T.
Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Load from Transportation Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik.
DOI: 10.5220/0012100800003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 117-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Zam-zam. 2020, Setyo, 2021, Hou et al. 2022).
Carbon dioxide emissions have increased by around
30 percent in recent years, and 25 percent comes from
urban transportation carbon emissions (Zhang, 2022).
Carbon dioxide (CO
) is a substance consisting of
one carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O
Carbon dioxide is one of the many gases that make up
the earth's atmosphere, including nitrogen, oxygen,
and argon (Subkhan, 2017). Carbon dioxide gas
accounts for 50% of all Greenhouse Gases. CO
emission is the emission or release of CO
gas into the
atmosphere. CO
emissions are expressed in tonnes of
equivalent. CO
emissions are the number one
cause of global warming followed by methane gas
). More than 75% of the composition of
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere is
carbon dioxide (Rawung, 2015). Carbon dioxide is a
greenhouse gas (GHG) that has a major impact on
increasing global average temperatures
(Rachmayanti, 2020). The greenhouse effect occurs
when greenhouse gases absorb the sun's heat and then
reflect it back to the earth's surface (Zubair et al.
2023). Greenhouse gases are continuously increasing
and have implications for climate change (Godil et al.
2021). The increase in CO
emissions is in line with
the increase in population and daily energy use
activities (Fitri, 2020). In addition, increased CO
emissions not only threaten the health of biophysical
ecosystems but also have a major impact on human
health (Liu et al. 2020a). However, good economic
governance can significantly reduce CO
and pollution levels (Liu et al. 2020b).
Sukorejo Village, Kebomas District, Gresik
Regency located on the banks of Lamong River,
which is located on the border between Gresik and
Surabaya in accordance with the Gresik Regency
Spatial Plan where the coastal area of Kebomas
District is designated as an industrial and port area.
The location of Sukorejo Village, Kebomas District,
Gresik Regency which borders the City of Surabaya
so that it is one of the factors where many community
activities, transportation and industry contribute to
emissions. This research was conducted because
Sukorejo Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency
itself is in the middle of the industry where right, left,
front is one of the large industries with transportation
operations from industry and high workers and
Sukorejo Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency
is a village with a high population density.
In this research, the method applied is descriptive
quantitative. Quantitative descriptive is a method that
describes, describes and or explains a condition that
occurs factually, systematically and accurately with
numbers or numeric. The initial stage of this research
is to study literature from journals and thesis reports,
field surveys, collect primary data in the form of
transportation sector data with traffic counting to find
vehicle type data. Primary data collection from the
transportation sector is carried out through traffic
counting at 2 points for 2 weeks on 16 May 2022 - 29
May 2022 Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
The selection of the day and time of measurement is
carried out so that the value validation is more
accurate with the average concentration every 1 hour,
the average concentration of active days and the
average concentration of holidays and is based on
high mobility on active days, namely Monday,
Wednesday and Friday and the selection of holidays
is the week where mobility is estimated to be in
Sukorejo Village and or to the Kali Lamong
Mangrove Ecotourism. Measurements were carried
out at the busiest hours, namely in the morning from
07.00-08.00 WIB, in the afternoon at 16.00-17.00
WIB and in the evening at 20.00-21.00. The tools
used are cellphone cameras and traffic counting
applications. Traffic counting The types of vehicles
that are calculated are 2-wheeled vehicles, 4-wheeled
vehicles, trucks and buses. This study has the
limitation that it does not distinguish between types
of trucks
The Calculation of CO
emission load of the
transportation sector can be done with the following
equation (1) (Suharto, 2017). Table 1 is The CO
emission factor value based on the type of vehicle
(Kondorura, 2018). Then Table 2 is values for
calculating motorized fuel consumption from the
calculation of emission factors.
emission = n x FE x K x L (1)
Description :
n = Number of vehicles (unit/hour)
FE = Emission factor (g/L)
K = Fuel consumption (L/100 km)
L = road length (km)
Table 1: CO
Emission Factor Value.
Type of Vehicle CO
2 Wheels 2597,86
4 Wheels 2597,86
Truck 2924,90
Bus 2924,90
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Table 2: Value of Motor Fuel Consumption.
Type of vehicle
Energy Consumption
(L/100 km)
2 Wheels 2,66
4 Wheels 11,79
Truck 15,15
Bus 13,04
In this study, measurements were also carried out in
the transportation sector by way of traffic counting to
calculate the volume of traffic vehicles.
Measurements were carried out at 2 location points
with the location of the first point, namely at the
entrance to Sukorejo Village where the location of the
first point is one of the access roads to enter Sukorejo
Village and the second point is on the main road of
Sukorejo Village (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Sampling Point Location for Transportation
Coordinate Point:
Point 1: 7°11'29.02"S, 112°38'9.10"E
Point 2: 7°11'23.83"S, 112°38'9.45"E
3.1 Counting Traffic Volume Data
Point 1
Point counting 1 traffic volume is at the entrance to
Sukorejo Village. The only access road to the
settlement of Sukorejo Village is through point
counting 1, this has resulted in a lot of vehicle
mobility, both local residents and non-local residents
who carry out daily activities such as commuting to
work, traveling and other activities. The location of
the counting point 1 is at latitude 7°11'29.02"S
longitude 112°38'9.10"E.
Figure 2: Average vehicle volume per hour of traffic at
counting point 1 in week 1.
Figure 3: Average vehicle volume per hour of traffic at
counting point 1 in week 2.
Based on Figure 2, it can be seen that the average
total number of vehicles on active days, i.e Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, is more than on holidays, i.e
Sundays. In the first week, the average active day is
243 units/hour with the average number of vehicles
passing the most on Wednesday and Friday at as
much as 250 units/hour and the average number of
vehicles passing the least occurring on Monday as
many as 230 units/hour while in the first week the
average holiday is 207 units/hour. In the second
week, the average active day is 281 units/hour with
the average number of vehicles passing the most on
Monday as much as 288 units/hour, and the average
number of vehicles crossing slightly occurring on
Wednesday being 274 units/hour. hours while in the
second week the average holiday is 289 units/hour.
Holidays at point 1 week 1 and week 2 have the least
average value compared to active days because the
most transportation mobility is due to work activities.
The average number of vehicles that pass on
active days in week 1 and week 2 is more than the
average number of holidays in week 1 and week 2
Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Load from Transportation Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik
because Sukorejo Village itself is in an industrial area
so More vehicle mobility on active days, i.e Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays. 2-wheeled vehicles have
decreased on holidays, i.e Sundays, because on
Friday, workers as residents of non-original
residences in Sukorejo Village travel back to their
place of origin, while 4-wheeled vehicles increase on
holidays, namely Sundays due to the natives of the
village. Sukorejo chooses to take a vacation and there
are tourists who visit the Kali Lamong Mangrove
Ecotourism. The most common types of vehicles in
the first week and second week of counting point 1 are
2-wheeled vehicles and then 4-wheeled vehicles
where the most accessible access to mobility for
access to Sukorejo Village is by using a private
3.2 Counting Traffic Volume Data
Point 2
Counting point 2 is on the Sukorejo Village highway.
This Sukorejo Village highway is one of the busiest
access roads in the eastern part of the industrial area
of Gresik Regency on the border with Surabaya City.
The location of counting point 2 is latitude
7°11'23.83"S longitude 112°38'9.45"E.
Based on Figure 4, it can be seen that the average
total number of vehicles on active days, namely
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, is more than on
holidays, namely Sundays. In the first week, the
average active day is 2,990 units/hour with the
average number of vehicles crossing the most
occurring on Friday as many as 3,523 units/hour, and
the average number of vehicles passing the least
occurring on Monday being 1,977 units/hour while on
week 1 the average holiday is 1,728 units/hour. In the
second week, the average active day is 3,883
units/hour with the average number of vehicles
passing the most on Friday as much as
3,919 units/hour
and the average number of vehicles
Figure 4: Average vehicle volume per hour of traffic at
counting point 2 in week 1.
passing the least occurring on Wednesday as many as
3,858 units/hour. hours while in the second week the
average holiday is 1,686 units/hour.
Figure 5: Average vehicle volume per hour of traffic at
counting point 2 in week 2.
The average number of types of vehicles that pass
on active days in the first and second week is more
than the average number of holidays in the first and
second week this is because the Sukorejo Village
highway itself is in the area industry so that vehicle
mobility is more on active days, namely Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays. The most types of vehicles
in the measurement of week 1 and week 2 of the
counting point 2 are 2-wheeled vehicles and the least
are buses. The volume of private vehicles and public
vehicles that pass on the Sukorejo Village highway
because this highway is one of the accesses for
tourism, industry, and between districts and cities.
The results of counting the number of vehicles at
points 1 and 2 show that the number of vehicles on
weekdays is greater than on holidays. These results
are due to the fact that people often carry out driving
activities on weekdays compared to holidays.
3.3 Emission CO
Total from
Transportation Sector
Calculation of carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions for
each counting point is needed to determine the total
carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions of the transportation
sector. Calculation of total CO
emissions is
calculated by the total number of each type of vehicle
multiplied by the emission factor multiplied by the
fuel consumption multiplied by the length of the road
when counting by the emission factor and fuel
consumption obtained from IPCC and BPPT in
Kondorura, 2018. Calculation of total CO
from the transportation sector can be calculated with
equation 1. with the average volume of vehicles in
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Figures 1. and 2. and the value of FE in table 1. and
the value of K in table 2.
Figure 6: Total CO
emissions at point 1 and point 2.
Based on Figure 6 above, it can be seen that the
highest total CO
emissions in the transportation
sector are in 2-wheeled vehicles, point 1, 16.15
tons/year, point 2, 68.53 tons/year, totaling 84.68
tons/year and the lowest in buses, totaling 0.98
tons/year which is obtained from point 2. The highest
and lowest values of CO
emissions are based on the
number of vehicles that pass. The highest total CO
emissions in the transportation sector come from 2
wheels because transportation mobility mostly uses 2
wheels and 4 wheels at points 1 and point 2. Truck
transportation mobility is bigger than the bus because
Sukorejo Village itself is in an industrial area that
uses trucks for activities and the mobility of buses is
because the Sukorejo Village highway is one of the
accesses to religious tourism areas in Kebomas
District, Gresik Regency. The total value above is the
total maximum emission contributed from the
transportation sector in Sukorejo Village for 2 weeks
of observation time which is then projected for 1 year.
Based on these results, efforts are needed to
control CO
emissions from transportation sources.
One of the efforts is to increase the number of plants
in private green open space areas. Private green open
space is an important part of the green open space
structure in urban areas. Private green open spaces are
able to provide air circulation systems, regulate
microclimates, produce oxygen, absorb rainwater,
and contaminants in air, water and soil media
(Gunawansyah, 2019). Several combinations of
plants such as trembesi, red snore, ketapang, and
gldogan are able to absorb CO
significantly (Kusuma et al. 2023). Some of those
plants are classified as large plants that require large
areas of land. Therefore, this study carried out a
simulation using several small plants so that they
could be planted on the residents' private land or in
public facilities in Sukorejo Village, Gresik. Some of
the small plants consist of chinese petai, fir cassowary
feathers, red shoots, and yellow frangipani. There are
2 scenarios used, scenario 1 with 1 type of plant
(Table 3), and scenario 2 with a combination of
several plants (Table 4).
Table 3: Plants needs with 1 type.
Plant type CO
(ton/ plant/
Total Plant Scenario 1
0,72 5
- - -
- 18 - -
Red shoots
- - 85 -
- - - 222
Table 4: Plants needs with several type.
Plant type CO
(ton/ plant/
Total Plant
Scenario 2
Chinese petai (Leucaena
0,72 1
Fir Cassowary Feathers
Casuarina Sumatrana
Red shoots (Syzygium
Yellow frangipani (Plumeria
The simulation results show that scenario 1
requires 1 type of Chinese petai plant as many as 5,
18 cassowary feathers, 85 red shoots, and 222 yellow
frangipani. 5, 21 red shoots, and 55 yellow frangipani.
These plants are classified as small plants so that later
they can be planted on community private land or
public facilities in Sukorejo Village, Gresik.
The copyright form is located on the authors’
reserved area.
The form should be completed and signed by one
author on behalf of all the other authors.
This study concludes that the total value of CO
emissions in the transportation sector is 132.83
tons/year which comes from 2 measurement points,
namely the entrance to Sukorejo Village and the
Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Load from Transportation Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik
Sukorejo Village highway. The total value of CO
emissions in the transportation sector is the maximum
load assumption received by Sukorejo Village,
Kebomas District, Gresik Regency.
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology,
Government of Indonesia, for funding this research
under the Higher Education Excellence Basic
Research scheme.
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Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Load from Transportation Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik