On the Challenges of Applying Test Driven Development to the
Engineering of Big Data Applications
Daniel Staegemann
, Matthias Volk
,Mohammad Abdallah
and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster VLBA, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Department of Software Engineering, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Keywords: Big Data, Big Data Engineering, Test Driven Development, TDD, Testing, Quality Assurance.
Abstract: Big data (BD) is one of the major technological trends of today and finds application in numerous domains
and contexts. However, while there are huge potential benefits, there are also considerable challenges. One of
these is the difficulty to make sure the respective applications have the necessary quality. For this purpose,
the application of test driven development (TDD) to the domain was proposed. In general, the approach
already has a rather long history and, thereby, the corresponding challenges are also known. However, since
the BD domain has several demanding particularities, this also needs to be accounted for when applying TDD.
Yet, to our knowledge, this specific aspect has not been discussed by now. The publication at hand bridges
this gap by examining the challenges of applying TDD to the engineering of BD applications. In doing so, it
facilitates the approach’s use by practitioners and researchers while also constituting a foundation for further
discourse regarding the quality assurance in the BD realm and the TDD approach in general.
Big data (BD) is one of the major technological trends
of today and finds application in numerous domains
and contexts (Volk et al. 2020b). However, while
there are huge benefits to gain (Al-Sai et al. 2022;
Günther et al. 2017; Müller et al. 2018), there are also
considerable challenges. One of these is the difficulty
to make sure the respective systems have the
necessary quality.
One rather recent proposition in that direction was
the application of test driven development (TDD) in
the BD domain by Staegemann et al. (2020b). While
the potential benefits seem promising, it is also
necessary to pay attention to the challenges that come
with the intersection of both domains. And, although
the challenges of applying TDD in general have
already been discussed in the literature (Staegemann
et al. 2022a), this has, to the best of our knowledge,
not yet been done with an explicit focus on the
application of TDD in the BD domain. However, due
to the specificities of BD systems in comparison to
non-BD applications, there might not only be
similarities, but also some aspects that deviate
regarding the challenges when applying TDD. To
explore this aspect, the publication at hand aims to
answer the following research question (RQ).
RQ: Which are the major challenges when
applying test driven development to the engineering
of big data applications?
In order to provide an answer to the RQ, the
publication is structured as follows. Succeeding this
introduction, the most important concepts for the
understanding of this work are briefly outlined in the
background section. Afterwards, the challenges of
applying TDD specifically to the engineering of BD
applications are discussed. Finally, a conclusion of
the work is given.
To answer the RQ, it is at first necessary to have an
understanding of the involved topic. Therefore, in the
following, the necessary concepts are briefly outlined.
Staegemann, D., Volk, M., Abdallah, M. and Turowski, K.
On the Challenges of Applying Test Driven Development to the Engineering of Big Data Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0012087600003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 129-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Big Data
Due to the continuous increase of society’s data
production (Dobre and Xhafa 2014; Yin and Kaynak
2015) and the coincident desire to make use of it, the
concept of BD has become highly significant for the
operations of many organizations (Al-Sai et al. 2022;
Ghasemaghaei and Calic 2020; Oussous et al. 2018;
Volk et al. 2020b). Hence, the corresponding
discourse by scientists and practitioners is also very
active (Staegemann et al. 2019; Yasmin et al. 2020).
Yet, by now, a universally used definition for the term
was still not found. Instead, there are many slightly
varying explanations (Volk et al. 2022).
One of the most popular ones was provided by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), which states that BD consists of large
datasets that primarily exhibit the characteristics of
volume, velocity, variety, and/or variability and
require a scalable architecture for efficient storage,
processing, and analysis“ (Chang and Grady 2019).
Here, the volume addresses how many files have
to be processed and/or how big in size those are
(Russom 2011). Velocity indicates the speed at which
data is incoming as well as how fast the results have
to be delivered (Gandomi and Haider 2015). The third
characteristic, variety, refers to the changing types of
structure, formatting, context, and content the data
can have (Gani et al. 2016). Lastly, the alteration of
the data’s above discussed characteristics over time is
expressed through the variability (Katal et al. 2013;
Wu et al. 2014).
However, while these are arguably the most
common characteristics, they are not the only ones
and many more can be found in the literature,
highlighting the concept’s complexity (Volk et al.
2.2 Test Driven Development
Commonly, when developing software, features that
are supposed to be realized are first designed, then
implemented, and afterwards tested. However, when
applying TDD, this order is modified. Yet, it also
starts with the design. Though, it is slightly altered
because the corresponding functionality is
fragmented into preferably small portions (Fucci et al.
2017). Then, the tests for these are written and
subsequently executed with the expectation to fail,
because the corresponding functionality was not yet
implemented (Beck 2015). However, if they would
pass, this would show that they do not cover any new
functionality and have to be revisited. Once the tests
are done, the actual code for fulfilling the
functionality is written. At this stage, the goal is only
to create working code that provides the desired
capability and passes the tests, other factors like its
adherence to certain conventions or its elegance are
only an afterthought (Crispin 2006). Following that,
the tests are run and if the code passes them, it can be
refactored to improve its quality (Beck 2015). While
doing so, the tests can be used to make sure that no
errors are introduced during the refactoring. While
this approach naturally leads to a high test coverage
and short test cycles (Janzen and Saiedian 2005), it
also influences the developed artifact’s design
through its emphasize on incremental changes to
progress (Williams et al. 2003). As a result of this,
unit tests are a highly important pillar of TDD.
However, often times they are supplemented with
other test types such as integration tests or system
tests (Sangwan and Laplante 2006).
Overall, as a consequence of the strong
modularization, the complexity of the distinct parts is
reduced, the likelihood of implementation errors is
minimized, and the system’s maintainability is
increased (Crispin 2006; Shull et al. 2010).
Consequently, the application of the approach is
associated with an increase in quality, which is,
however, at the expense of a reduced implementation
speed, as the corresponding literature highlights
(Staegemann et al. 2021a).
2.3 Test Driven Development in Big
Data Engineering
As discussed earlier, as an alternative to the common
approach of engineering BD applications (Volk et al.
2020a), it has also been proposed to transfer the TDD
method to the BD domain (Staegemann et al. 2020b).
For this purpose, the use of microservices has been
suggested (Staegemann et al. 2020b), since they are
perfectly suited for breaking the envisioned
application into small parts. Moreover, they are
already widely used in the BD context (Staegemann
et al. 2021b). By using microservices, each business
functionality can be implemented as a separate
service, allowing for independent scaling. Further,
also the implementation process itself is affected
because this approach allows to distribute the
development of the services across different teams,
which can each choose their preferred tools,
environments, and languages for their respective task.
Moreover, because the existing tests can be used to
validate them, TDD also makes it easier and less risky
to implement changes to the developed application.
Consequently, developers get faster feedback, newly
introduced errors can be minimized, and the users’
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
confidence in the solution can be increased,
potentially helping the application’s acceptance.
While the utilization of TDD for the development of
BD applications promises several benefits
(Staegemann et al. 2020b), it also doesn’t come
without challenges. For the general application, these
have already been discussed in multiple contributions,
as an overview of the topic shows (Staegemann et al.
2022a). These are, regarding the involved people,
mainly a lack of knowledge and experience by the
developers (Buchan et al. 2011; Causevic et al. 2011;
Causevic et al. 2013; Karac and Turhan 2018; Latorre
2014; Nanthaamornphong and Carver 2017),
difficulties in shifting to the TDD mindset
(Baldassarre et al. 2022; Causevic et al. 2013;
Hammond and Umphress 2012; Kollanus 2011;
Marchenko et al. 2009), and senior-level
management’s insufficient understanding of TDD
(Buchan et al. 2011; Causevic et al. 2013). Further, it
is tempting to create the tests in a way that they
highlight what works, instead of actively looking for
potential issues (Causevic et al. 2013). The
envisioned application’s initial design is often too
poorly planned (Causevic et al. 2013; Hammond and
Umphress 2012; Karac and Turhan 2018; Kollanus
2011), the existence of legacy code is not sufficiently
considered in the TDD approach (Causevic et al.
2011), and there is obviously a necessity to create
huge volumes of test code (Causevic et al. 2013).
Moreover, a lack of suitable tools for test creation
(Causevic et al. 2013; Kollanus 2011;
Nanthaamornphong and Carver 2017) and the high
technical complexity of TDD’s application in certain
scenarios (e.g., GUI development) are noteworthy
(Causevic et al. 2011; Causevic et al. 2013;
Marchenko et al. 2009).
However, while those factors mostly also apply to
an application in the BD domain, several of its
specificities must be considered for the proposed
TDD approach (Staegemann et al. 2020b). One of the
major points is oftentimes the sheer scale of the
systems, respectively the scalability, that has to be
reflected by the tests (Davoudian and Liu 2021; Qin
and Zhou 2013). Another one is the fact that they
comprise many different microservices that are
somewhat independent of each other but still
connected in potentially complicated ways.
Consequently, just testing the parts is insufficient
since the communication between the services is also
a potential source of errors. However, only having an
end-to-end testing is also not enough because it would
not allow to exactly determine an error’s cause.
Hence, both aspects need to be incorporated
(Davoudian and Liu 2021; Han et al. 2018; Qin and
Zhou 2013). Therefore, in comparison to most TDD
endeavours, many more tests are needed to achieve
comprehensiveness. This, in turn, exacerbates the
issue that was already identified for TDD in common
software engineering and might also deter leadership
from facilitating its application.
Further, the diversity of functionalities, who’s
combination often forms a BD application, also
increases the complexity of the task. This includes,
inter alia, the use of machine learning techniques,
ETL processes, statistical computations, or complex
visualizations, which all have to be tested and can
require vastly different approaches for doing so
(Braiek and Khomh 2020; Nwokeji et al. 2018; Zhang
et al. 2017). Hence, the complexity of using TDD for
BD development will often be higher in comparison
to traditional software because a wider spectrum of
capability types has to be covered.
Another source of heterogeneity emerges, when
the flexibility regarding the choice of frameworks and
programming languages, which is one of the
advantages of the microservice based approach, is
actually extensively exploited to pursue the best-in-
class idea. Because in this scenario, it is not only
necessary to know numerous solutions for realizing
the envisioned application but also to have sufficient
knowledge of the respective testing frameworks,
which might greatly increase the associated demands
on the developers (Staegemann et al. 2022b).
Moreover, while TDD in general already has the issue
of somewhat insufficient tool support, this is naturally
further exacerbated in the BD domain, where the
corresponding test tools also need to be capable to
handle the BD characteristics, further reducing the
number of available choices (Davoudian and Liu
2021). Additionally, taking the other perspective,
some BD tools might also be excluded from use
because they are less suitable for TDD due to their
design or interfaces (Staegemann et al. 2022b).
Another considerable challenge that is more
severe in the TDD of BD systems than for traditional
ones is the oracle problem. Due to the nature of the
applications and the inherent uncertainty of many
tasks, it is often not known how exactly the perfect
output looks like (Chen et al. 2019; Davoudian and
Liu 2021). Consequently, it is also not possible to use
it as a reference to compare the obtained results
against it (Staegemann et al. 2019). Thus, it will often
On the Challenges of Applying Test Driven Development to the Engineering of Big Data Applications
be necessary to settle for tests that assure the
functionality only with a certain confidence (Chen et
al. 2019). In turn, this also means that it is required to
determine what exactly qualifies as a passed test and
what is a failed one, in these scenarios. However, this
is heavily depending on the respective use case and
cannot be generalized.
As a consequence of the previously described
complexity and uncertainty, having some degree of
fault tolerance might be a valuable or even necessary
property for certain applications. This can be assessed
through tests that intentionally inject failures to see
how the system reacts (Qin and Zhou 2013).
Moreover, besides just testing with respect to the
pure functionality, it might also be beneficial to
incorporate benchmarking into the test setup. This
could, in addition to rather traditional metrics (e.g.,
processing speed), also account for other aspects such
as, for instance, energy consumption (Qin and Zhou
Another major point that differentiates the BD
domain from more traditional software, when it
comes to TDD, is the cost aspect. Usually in TDD,
the old tests can be rerun without worrying about the
incurring costs. However, for BD applications, the
testing is potentially extremely resource-intensive
(Davoudian and Liu 2021). Thereby, it might
necessitate the provisioning of extra server capacities
or the application might even entirely run in a
chargeable cloud environment with usage-depending
fees, leading to additional costs for each test run
(Staegemann et al. 2022b). Thus, if possible, their
number should be reduced without compromising the
thoroughness of the process. Hence, sensible
planning is necessary to find a feasible strategy that
fits the respective use case. One proposition to reduce
the extent of the required retesting is to determine
logical entities that can be tested when a service
inside of them is changed without the need to test the
parts outside of the concerned components
(Staegemann et al. 2020b). This seems feasible to
make sure the system as a whole still works properly
but the application of this strategy for individual cases
is still challenging because it requires a good
segmentation plan on top of the actual test creation.
One issue with regards to maintainability and
clarity comes with the freedom provided by the MS
architecture. Since the development teams can have
more independence from each other, there can also be
many different tools, languages, frameworks, coding
styles, naming conventions, etc. in use, making it
harder to understand what has been done when
revisiting some parts in the future.
Finally, when using TDD in the BD domain, it
might also be necessary to somewhat deviate from
guidelines that are focused on TDD in general
(Staegemann et al. 2022c). While it is usually advised
to focus on the current requirements instead of trying
to foresee potential future necessities (Guerra and
Aniche 2016), in BD these can sometimes be seen as
part of the requirements when it comes to, e.g.,
increasing user traffic over time, saisonal or event-
driven usage peaks, or shifts regarding the relevant
data. Hence, accounting for growth or changing
circumstances seems reasonable (Staegemann et al.
2020a). This, however, also has to be reflected by the
BD applications play an important role in today’s
society and are widely utilized. Therefore, the
corresponding quality assurance is a relevant topic as
well, which also shows in the scientific discourse.
One rather recent proposition was the application of
TDD in the BD domain. However, while this seems
promising, there are of course also challenges
associated with it. Some of these are linked to TDD
in general, whereas others specifically result from its
application in BD engineering. While the former ones
are also mentioned, the publication at hand is
primarily focused on the exploration of the second
group. By highlighting them, prospective developers
of BD applications are pointed towards aspects to
consider when deciding if TDD should be pursued.
Further, once the decision is made, being aware of the
challenges is also a necessary step to be able to
effectively deal with them. Moreover, the identified
challenges can also be seen as a call for action and
starting point for other researchers to base their future
endeavors on.
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On the Challenges of Applying Test Driven Development to the Engineering of Big Data Applications