A Case Study of Genealogical Networks from Network Science
Imre Varga
Department of IT Systems and Networks, University of Debrecen, 26 Kassai str., Debrecen, Hungary
Genealogy, Networks Analysis, Pedigree Collapse, Social Network, Ancestral Network.
In this paper, the analysis of a genealogical network is presented. The source database was constructed from
the records of birth, marriage and death registers of a medium-sized Hungarian town covering some centuries.
This genealogical network contains ca. 100.000 individuals. The topological features of this acyclic directed
graph were analyzed by computer software in order to draw conclusions about the community. The results
illustrate how network science can help the social sciences. A new measure is also defined to quantify the
degree of pedigree collapse of a person having a partially known ancestor graph. The network was analyzed
from the point of view of this ancestor-loss coefficient.
Social networks, where different interactions of indi-
viduals are described by graphs, are broadly studied
in the last decades. Different aspects were in the fo-
cus of scientific analysis for instance citation or co-
authorship of scientists (Radicchi et al., 2012; New-
man, 2004), sexual interactions (McDonald and Piz-
zari, 2017), membership of terrorist groups (Fellman,
2008), etc. Not just the real world social networks,
but also online social networks are also investigated
(Kumar et al., 2010; Howard, 2008). Besides their
topological structure (Barab
asi, 2016), their dynami-
cal properties and roles in spreading processes (New-
man, 2010; Kocsis and Varga, 2014) are also exam-
ined empirically and theoretically.
Genealogy is an ancillary historical discipline. It
means the study of family origins and history, and
the tracing of their lineages. The word ”genealogy”
comes from two Greek words (”family” and ”sci-
ence”), thus is derived ”to trace ancestry”, the science
of studying family history. Genealogists use histor-
ical records, genetic analysis, and other sources to
get information about a family and to demonstrate
ancestry and pedigrees of individuals. There are tri-
als of computer-aided document processing, but this
task is very complicated even for artificial intelligence
(Malmi et al., 2017; Gellatly, 2015). In the broad
sense, genealogy traces the descendants and the an-
cestors of one person. Genealogy research is per-
formed for historical, scholarly, or forensic purposes
as well. The results of such research are often pre-
sented in pedigree charts (BCG, 2019).
Family trees or ancestry charts are usually main-
tained as a binary tree data structure containing the
ancestors of a person. In a simple assumption,
everyone has 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-
grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, and so on.
Thus the number of ancestors in a given generation
can be expressed by the powers of two. For example
in the 30th generation theoretically, there are more
the one billion people, which can be more than the
total population of the Earth at that time. This con-
flict can be resolved by the fact that not all ancestors
are unique. In genealogy, this phenomenon is called
pedigree collapse (Wikipedia, 2020). It describes the
situation caused by the reproduction between two in-
dividuals who share an ancestor. It is very rare in the
short-term oral history of a family, but it is unavoid-
able in huge pedigree charts covering centuries. Due
to pedigree collapse genealogists have to use graphs
instead of tree data structures. It is quite frequent in
royal families. A good example of pedigree collapse
can be found in the ancestors of Charles II, the last
Habsburg King of Spain. There were three uncle-
niece marriages and three first cousins marriages be-
sides other unions of his immediate ancestry. Be-
tween Habsburg Charles II and his ancestor Philip I
of Castile, there are 14 different lineage relationships.
When not just a family, but a community is in the
Varga, I.
A Case Study of Genealogical Networks from Network Science Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0011723800003485
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2023), pages 47-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-644-6; ISSN: 2184-5034
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
focus of genealogical research besides the size of the
data source its structure also changes (Rannala, 1997;
Kingman, 1982). Marriages and childbirths connect
families (Koylu et al., 2021). Ancestry charts of a mi-
nor community cannot be represented by a forest of
family trees, it is a general directed acyclic graph. In
a small settlement especially in bygone years, the so-
ciety was more closed than nowadays, thus families
are densely interconnected. People who live in small
communities often choose wives/husbands from the
same community (villages, ethnic or religious minori-
The ”loss of lineage” (also called implex) can be
characterized by a genealogical coefficient of a given
genealogical tree, defined as the difference between
the number of theoretical ancestors of a person and
the number of his/her real ones in a given generation.
For example, procreation between first cousins means
25% loss in the generation of great-grandparents of
the offspring. This measure is not so useful in case
of marriages between different generations or when
some ancestors are unknown (Pattison, 2001; Patti-
son, 2007).
In genetic genealogy, DNA analysis can be used
to show out pedigree collapse (Tetushkin, 2011;
Vince Buffalo, 2016). Generally, children inherit 50%
of their DNA each from their parents, 25% from their
4 grandparents, and so on. Nevertheless, the ac-
tual amount of DNA inherited is random, the average
amount of DNA inherited from an individual ancestor
is halved going back to each generation level. Due
to random inheritance, DNA analysis is an effective
way of finding shared ancestors only within few gen-
erations. Nevertheless, this kind of research is quite
expensive and involved.
Our goal is to build a directed network of people
based on only registry records (without genetic test re-
sults) and then determine different metrics of the net-
works (Newman, 2010; Barab
asi, 2016), such as in-
degree and out-degree distribution, average clustering
coefficient, size of the giant component, average path
length, etc. In this system, they have the social mean-
ing as well. The characterization of pedigree collapse
also requires network analysis. While the dataset is
not complete a novel quantity is defined to illustrate
the scale of pedigree collapse.
Our research is based on a public dataset created by a
Hungarian genealogist (Szepesi, 2020). He processed
the available (civil and parish) birth, marriage and
death registers of a town (Hajd
eny, Hun-
gary) and other historical documents (census, burial
records, etc) of the archives. The database contains
different data fields appeared in the registry records:
an ID, the name, the date of birth, marriages and
death of the given person, names (and IDs) of his/her
parents and name (and ID) of his/her spouse(s), etc.
More than 100.000 individuals appear in the dataset
mainly (but not exclusively) from the last three cen-
Of course, the dateset is not complete due to the
nature of the problem and the accuracy of the sources.
Each person has two parents, but the source is re-
stricted in time and space. Too old ancestors and too
young descendants are unknown and migration is also
not followed. In the 18th century, just the fathers were
represented in registers.
The IDs of people and his/her parents were ex-
tracted form a dataset having Personal Ancestral File
format and used to build up the genealogical chart
i.e. an acyclic directed graph of depersonalized IDs.
(Those few people who do not belong to any other
individuals are eliminated.) A special graph analyzer
program (Bord
an, 2019) and a web-application (Sz
et al., 2020) were applied to analyze the topology of
this special social network. However, only one com-
munity was investigated in this case study we believe
that the results and conclusions may be general.
2.1 New Characterisation of Pedigree
As it was highlighted in Section 1, the pedigree col-
lapse cannot be properly characterised by the simple
loss of ancestors in a given generation. That is why
we propose a new quantity to measure the degree of
the pedigree collapse. First a kind of auxiliary mea-
sure α
is assigned to the given person i and to his/her
known ancestors according to a recursive definition.
The α
= 1 for the given person, so where j = i. For
ancestors the value of α
is given by the following
, (1)
where k runs over all the N children of person j who
are ancestors of person i. An example is shown in
Figure 1. It was motivated by the inheritance. How-
ever it is a random process, approximately half of
the genome comes from the father and the other half
comes from the mother.
In order to define the new ancestor-loss coefficient
of a person i (denoted by λ
) the summation of aux-
iliary measure is needed according to the following
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 1: An example of auxiliary measures of known an-
cestors of the bottom person. The sum of values in gray
nodes and the half values in gray-white (bicolour) nodes
provides the ancestor-loss coefficient λ = 0.1875. It in-
dicates incest, an uncle-niece marriage in the grandparent
generation. (Colors represents the number of known ances-
If ancestor j has not got known parents, his/her
full auxiliary measure α
is taken into account in
the summation.
If ancestor j has only one known parent, then the
half of his/her α
is added.
If both parents of ancestor j are known, then
his/her α
value is disregarded.
Thus if the ancestor j of person i has P
parents (P
) then the λ
ancestor-loss coef-
ficient of a person i is defined as
= 1
, (2)
where j runs over all ancestors of person i. Since
genome can origin from the starting points of lin-
eages, that is why just the red and bicolor nodes of
Fig. 1 are considered.
The λ can be interpreted as an extension of the
common implex. In the case of simple situations (e.g.
reproduction between first cousins, where all great-
grandparents are known) λ = A
, where A
is the
real identical ancestors in the ith ancestor generation.
The definition of this quantity assumes that there is no
pedigree collapse in the branches of unknown ances-
tors, thus λ coefficient determines just a maximum for
the given person, in the case of more explored fam-
ily history it can decrease. According to the defini-
tion 0 < λ < 1. The λ = 0 indicates pure bloodline
in the investigated genealogical network. The λ > 0
implies the rate of incest (pedigree collapse). For in-
stance, in the well-known case of Habsburg Charles
II the λ = 0.830295.
It was found that our genealogical network contains
100.273 nodes (people) and 156.062 directed links
(parent-child relations). If it would be a set of in-
dependent families we should see a forest of many
trees of approximately the same size. Instead we
found only 3840 independent clusters of the network,
where most of them are relatively small, but there is a
dominant cluster. This giant component contains the
85.3% of nodes (and 91.7% of links). In the remain-
ing 14.7% of the system, most of clusters contain not
more than 4 nodes (S <= 4). The cluster size dis-
tribution is presented in Figure 2 excluding the giant
component. As one can see it can be well fitted by a
power-law form.
Figure 2: The cluster size distribution of the investigated ge-
nealogical network without the giant component. The solid
gray line illustrates a power-law function with an exponent
2.5. The dotted line refers to the average cluster size ex-
cluding the giant component.
In the case of small clusters, the available source
documents probably did not contain enough infor-
mation to identify individuals behind the registry
records, so relationship was not found to other people.
In the remaining part of the paper, the investigation is
restricted only to the giant component, so the inter-
connected pedigree of 85536 people is in the focus of
the study.
Since it is a directed graph the in-degree and out-
degree distribution can be important. In the case of
A Case Study of Genealogical Networks from Network Science Perspective
genealogical networks, the in-degree k
means the
number of known parents of a person. In this sam-
ple, 74.8% of the population has 2 known parents and
6.0% has only one parent. (Old registers contain just
the name of the father and in case of a bastard child
just the name of mother is documented.) Nodes with
= 0 refer to individuals where the parents are not
known most likely due to the missing documentation.
The out-degree k
of a node denotes the number
of known children of a person. (It must be mentioned
that the real number of children can be greater than the
number of known ones.) The out-degree distribution
is presented in Figure 3. Results show that an average
parent has 3 children, but someone has much more
) = 20). Almost half of nodes have not got
outgoing edges (k
= 0). This can be explained by
several things. On one hand, young adults can migrate
mainly due to their marriages. On the other hand, the
child mortality was high in former times. Last, but not
least the first childbirth was later than the last public
Figure 3: B) The out-degree distribution P(k
) of the sam-
ple network. The solid gray line illustrates an exponential
form on a semi-log scale.
There are two special subsets of the population.
One of them includes people where the in-degree is
= 0. Since the age of the source documents is lim-
ited, probably they are the oldest people in the sam-
ple, they are the forefathers. The other group covers
the k
= 0 subset of nodes. They are either in the
youngest generations or they are the end of lineages.
From nodes of the former group to nodes of the lat-
ter one we can find multiple paths (along lineage). In
order to characterize the network, these paths were
discovered. These are the longest paths in that sense
that there is no more known ancestor of the oldest per-
son along the path and no more known descendant of
the youngest person along the path. The length distri-
bution of these maximal paths is shown in Figure 4,
while their average length is 6.46 generations.
Figure 4: The number of maximal paths containing the
given number of generations. As one can see the most
paths cover 6-7 generations. Some of the lineages are much
longer. These belong to nobleman families, because only
they have so old documents (public registration started only
in the 18th century).
The distribution of our ancestor-loss coefficient λ
is shown in Figure 5. One can see that the majority
of the people can be characterized by λ = 0.0, thus in
case of them, it is not possible to figure out pedigree
collapse based on the available registry records. It is
consistent with the average ancestor-loss coefficient
λ = 0.002986 ± 0.021524.
Figure 5: Distribution of the ancestor-loss coefficient λ.
Pure bloodlines are very frequent, but there are some people
with really low λ as well.
The most interesting finding of the research is the
relatively large number of individuals affected by the
pedigree collapse. In the studied population, 3943
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
people have an ancestor-loss coefficient greater than
0.0, thus they are available from another node of the
graph along at least two distinct paths. It is the 3.93%
of the investigated population, which is quite high if
we consider that the average known lineages are only
6 or 7 generations long. At least 7.59% of ancestors
of these people are lost, thus only 92.41% of the an-
cestors are unique in the last few generations. The
lowest found λ was 0.5 in the case of 7 people (in 3
families). Some of them were children of a full sib-
lings’ marriage. If two brothers get married to two sis-
ters and their children get also married (to each other)
then the grandchild is also has λ = 0.5 coefficient. A
real genealogical chart is illustrated in Figure 6 as an
example of a significant pedigree collapse.
Figure 6: An example of the pedigree of a person with se-
rious incest (pedigree collapse). The person represented by
the bottom node (ID: 15486) has λ = 0.475261. However,
his parents are not full siblings his ancestor-loss coefficient
is close to 0.5.
In network science, the average clustering coeffi-
cient of the network is an important topological mea-
sure. The clustering coefficient gives the probability
triangles, since it determines how often two neighbors
of a node are also connected. In genealogical net-
works, this kind of ”friend of my friend is my friend”
situation refers to incest. In the investigated network,
the average clustering coefficient hCi = 0.0. It can be
interpreted as total absence of procreation in father-
daughter or son-mother relationships.
In this work, a case study is presented in order to
demonstrate how graph theory and computer science
can be used in genealogical studies. A large dataset
was created from records of birth, marriage and death
(civil and parish) registers of a town. It contains
the known parents of inhabitants covering a few cen-
turies, thus a very complex genealogical network of
individuals serves as the object of analysis includ-
ing several generations of many families. Naturally,
it is not complete and full in the given time period
because some missing or inaccurate records do not
enable the full exploration of kinship. Nevertheless,
the dataset is enough to discover huge interconnected
pedigree charts. The graph analysis of them can pro-
vide interesting information for social sciences about
the population (e.g. child number distribution).
We created an acyclic directed unweighted graph
and then we investigated its features. The system is
dominated by a giant component, other clusters are
negligible. The out-degree distribution of nodes re-
flects the number of children in families. It can be
roughly fitted by an exponential distribution. Due to
the discovery of directed paths, we found that most
lineages include 5 7 generations. We introduced a
new quantity to measure the degree of pedigree col-
lapse in a not complete ancestor chart. The distribu-
tion of this ancestor-loss coefficient shows the preva-
lence of incest within the given community even if the
dataset covers just a bit more generations than the oral
history of an average family. These results cannot be
obtained without the tools of network science.
The author would like to express his sincere grati-
tude to Imre Szepesi for his valuable registry research
and the creation of the genealogical database used
(Szepesi, 2020). The author expresses great appre-
ciation to Imre Bord
an for technical assistance.
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COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk