The Effect of Job Stress and Job Environment on Job Satisfaction
Cooperative of Farming Business and Fisherman Nunukan
Harianti and Herlina
Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Nunukan, Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Work Stress, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the effect of work stress and work environment on job
satisfaction in the Nunukan Farming-Fishermen Multi-Business Cooperative (KSU TN), Nunukan Regency.
Respondents consisted of 40 employees and the sample used in this study was a saturated sample. This
research method is quantitative, while data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis
used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 25 software. This study shows that work stress
partially has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Meanwhile, work stress and work environment
simultaneously affect employee job satisfaction at the Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen Cooperatives
One of the Multipurpose Cooperatives (KSU) in
Nunukan is the Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen
Cooperatives (KSU TN), namely cooperatives whose
business activities are engaged in various aspects of
the economy, such as in the fields of production,
consumption, and services aimed at welfare.
community. Member of Multipurpose Farmers
Cooperative. and Fishermen (KSU TN) in particular
and farming and fishing communities in general,
bearing in mind that in Nunukan Regency the income
that the community gets comes from agricultural and
fishery products. The purpose of the Multipurpose
Farmers and Fishermen's Cooperative (KSU TN) is to
build and develop the potential economic capabilities
of members in particular and society in general to
improve their economic and social welfare, actively
participate in efforts to increase the resilience of the
Nunukan Community Economic district and provide
convenience and convenience for its members. and
the surrounding community.
Based on the observations of researchers at the
Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen Cooperatives
(KSU TN) there is a buildup of work due to an
imbalance in the number of employees with work
piling up the completion of work with predetermined
deadlines. by superiors. Hard to fulfill; moreover,
employees often get extra assignment of work that
must be completed first so that other work piles up
and becomes a burden for employees.
In addition, it can also be seen from the working
environment conditions that in general the physical
condition of the Multipurpose Farmers-Fishermen's
Cooperative (KSU TN) can be said to be still
inadequate, where there are still some unfavorable
work spaces. , for example the size of the office space
that is not too big and narrow. Limited employee
movement, and lighting conditions also do not match
the employee's vision; this can be seen from the lack
of bright lights in the room, poor ventilation of the
room causing the room temperature to feel less
extraordinary, sometimes even feeling stuffy.
Another thing can be seen from the use of several
office equipment which are still used interchangeably
so that many documents and files pile up around the
desk and can slow down employee work. This causes
work stress which then affects employee job
satisfaction. Papers will form part of conference
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Harianti, . and Herlina, .
The Effect of Job Stress and Job Environment on Job Satisfaction Cooperative of Farming Business and Fisherman Nunukan.
DOI: 10.5220/0011906400003575
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2022), pages 884-890
ISBN: 978-989-758-619-4; ISSN: 2975-8246
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Work stress and work environment are factors that
can affect employee job satisfaction depending on
how the company's employees work and how the
company can solve the problems it faces.
2.1 Definition of Job Stress
Job stress is a person's state of being depressed about
the work being done, while job stress is a person's
tension and fear with the work environment and will
result in excessive psychological and physical
disturbances because this will affect job satisfaction.
Stress can arise due to pressure or tension that comes
from misalignment between a person and his work
environment, the stress experienced by employees
due to the environment they face will affect their
performance and job satisfaction, so management
needs to improve the quality of the organizational
environment for employees (Noviansyah and
Zunaidah, 2010).
2.2 Definition of Work Environment
The work environment in a company needs to be
considered; this is because the work environment has
a direct influence on employees. A conducive work
environment can improve employee performance,
and vice versa; an inadequate work environment can
reduce employee performance. The condition of the
work environment is said to be good if humans can
carry out activities optimally, healthy, safe, and
2.3 Definition of Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is an individual thing. Each
individual has a different level of satisfaction
according to the values that apply to a person. More
aspects that are fulfilled by the wishes and
expectations of the individual, the higher the
satisfaction a person feels. On the contrary, fewer
aspects are fulfilled by an individual's wishes and
expectations, lowering the satisfaction felt by a
2.4 Relationship Between Job Stress
and Job Satisfaction
Job stress is one of the serious problems that afflicts
every employee at work (Tunjungsari, 2011). Stress
can arise as a result of pressure or tension that comes
from misalignment between a person and his work
environment, the stress experienced by employees
due to the environment they face will affect their
performance and job satisfaction, so management
needs to improve the quality of their work. work.
organizational environment for employees
(Noviansyah and Zunaidah, 2010).
The impact of stress experienced by a person
depends on how long the stress was experienced.
Stress levels that reach the optimal point will result in
good performance. However, if it is too heavy, stress
will actually put the person in various obstacles or fail
to meet demands, resulting in decreased performance.
At a very high stress level, employee satisfaction is
low. Stress that is not handled properly usually results
in a person's inability to interact positively with his
environment, both in terms of the work environment
and outside the work environment.
2.5 Relationship Between Work
Environment and Job Satisfaction
According to Mangkunegara in (Sedarmayanti, 2009)
the intended work environment includes clear job
descriptions, challenging work targets, effective work
communication patterns, work climate and relatively
adequate work facilities.
According to Handoko in the book (Edy Sutrisno,
2009), job satisfaction is an emotional state that is
pleasant or unpleasant for employees to view their
work. Job satisfaction reflects a person's feelings
towards his job. This can be seen from the positive
attitude of employees towards work and everything
that is encountered in the work environment.
The atmosphere of a workspace often influences
an employee's mindset and growth. Employees
working in a positive work environment may feel
more motivated to produce high-quality work
consistently. Specific satisfaction with task variety,
colleagues, working conditions, and workload were
positively related to overall job satisfaction, as were
career perspectives and job autonomy. In the
workplace, it is often assumed that employees who
are more satisfied with the physical environment are
more likely to produce better work outcomes.
Temperature, air quality, lighting and noise
conditions in the office affect the work concentration
and productivity.
2.6 Relationship Between Job Stress
and Job Satisfaction
Job stress is a condition in which an employee feels
tense and depressed about the work. While job
satisfaction is a pleasant emotional state in which
The Effect of Job Stress and Job Environment on Job Satisfaction Cooperative of Farming Business and Fisherman Nunukan
employees view their work and feel satisfied with the
work. The two are interconnected as has been
explained that one of the causes of job stress is the
perceived workload is too heavy.
Job stress For many people, low to moderate
amounts of stress allow them to do better work as it
allows them to increase their work intensity,
alertness, and interaction skills, whereas prolonged
high or even moderate levels of stress will eventually
lead to a significant decline in performance
significant and drastic. The affect individual health
and have a negative impact on organizational
behavior. Employees who experience stress will
easily lose their jobs, quit their jobs, and suffer from
serious illnesses.
The Job environment is everything that is around
employees at work, both physical and non-physical
that can affect employees at work. If the work
environment is conducive then employees can be
safe, comfortable and vice versa. The work
environment is reflected in the work atmosphere,
relationships with colleagues, availability of work
facilities, lighting, air circulation, noise, unpleasant
odors, security. A good job environment will affect
employee job satisfaction for the better, but if in a
good work environment there is high work stress it
will reduce employee job satisfaction. Conversely, if
an organization or company has a low level of work
stress, it will create job satisfaction for the employees
Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen
Cooperative (KSU TN) has problems in employee job
satisfaction. Factors indicated by employee job
satisfaction are job stress and work environment. The
level of work stress at KSU TN is still high and this
causes employee job satisfaction to not be achieved.
Coupled with the employee work environment which
is still relatively narrow or not broad, it has an impact
on job satisfaction of KSU TN employees in Central
2.7 Framework
The figure 1 below show varianble independent and
the dependent. Based on the figure 1, it can be seen
that the independent variable (X) consists of Job
Stress (X1), Work Environment (X2) while the
dependent variable (Y) is Employee Job Satisfaction,
which means that work stress and work environment
affect employee job satisfaction at Multipurpose
Cooperatives. Farmers and Fishermen (KSU TN) in
Central Nunukan.
Figure 1: Framework the relationship between the
2.8 Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a temporary assumption that may be
true or false so that it can be considered as a
temporary conclusion, while the rejection or
acceptance of a hypothesis depends on the results of
research on the factors collected so that a conclusion
can be drawn.
The hypotheses of this study are:
1. Hypothesis 1: Job stress has a significant and
significant effect on employee job satisfaction
2. Hypothesis 2: Work Environment has a
significant and significant effect on Employee
Job Satisfaction
3. Hypothesis 3: Work Stress and Work
Environment simultaneously have a significant
and significant effect on Employee Job
The design used in this study was experimental. This
research used is quantitative research. There are
variable independent and dependen. The independent
variables are Job Stress (X1) and Work Environment
(X2) and the dependent variable is Job Satisfaction
(Y). The research conducted in Nunukan, North
Kalimantan, with the object of research being the
Farmers and Fishermen Business Cooperative (KSU
TN), Jl. Prince Antasari RT. 021 Central Nunukan
District, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. This research
was conducted 2 month from 1 juny- 30 july. The
population used in this study were employees of KSU
Tani and Fishermen of Central Nunukan, Nunukan
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Regency, totaling 40 (forty) employees.Sampling in
this study is to use a saturated sample. Saturated
sampling technique is done when the number of
population members is relatively small. The sample
of this research is the employees of KSU Farmers and
Fishermen, totaling 40 employees.
Data were collected using the saturated sample
technique by distributing questionnaires to
respondents generated by several variables such as
Job Stress, Job Environment, and Job Satisfaction.
All variables consist of several indicators such as Job
Stress with indicators of Workload that is felt to be
excessive at work, Inadequate equipment and
working time, Leadership Attitude, Work Conflict,
Low remuneration and not by the Workload given,
Family problems that can interfere with employee
work concentration. Job environment with indicators
of Lighting at work, at KSU TN, the Lighting is
perfect and by the eyes of employees, Air circulation
in the workplace, Air temperature according to the
condition of the employee's body so that employees
feel comfortable working. KSU TN employees are
very concerned about the relationship between
employees and noise in the workplace; for job
satisfaction with indicators Job Content, Supervision
(Supervision, Organization, and Management,
Opportunities for Advancement, Colleagues. The
following steps are testing the validity and reliability
of the instrument by using the SPSS 21 version to
ensure that all of the items of questions are
4.1 Validity Test Results
This study uses questionnaire data as primary data, so
it is necessary to test whether the statement is feasible
or not to be used as a statement in the questionnaire.
This test is used by research in regulating the validity
or suitability of the questionnaire used to test in
organizing and obtaining research data from
participant respondents. Research questionnaires are
said to be of high quality if their validity and
reliability have been proven.
The basis for making decisions on the validity test
By comparing the value of rcount with rtable
where if the value of rcount>rtable then the
statement is said to be valid. On the other hand,
if the value of rcount<rtable, then the statement
is said to be invalid. The way to find the rtable
value is N-2 at 5% significance, then the rtable
value is 0.3120
By looking at the significance value (sig) where
if the significance value <0.05 then the
statement is said to be valid. Conversely, if the
significance value (sig) > 0.05 then the
statement is said to be invalid.
Table 1: Output Validity Test Results.
No Variables/indicators r
Job Stress
1 workloa
0,669 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
ment and time 0,711 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
attitude 0,584 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
4 Work conflict 0,718 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
5 remuneration 0,511 0,312 0,05 0,001 Vali
0,697 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
Job Environtment
1 Lighting at work
0,786 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
2 Air circulation at
0,774 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
3 Smells at work
0,784 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
4 Safety at work
0,713 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
5 Relationships
etween co-workers
0,568 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
6 Noise at work
0,699 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
Job Statisfaction
1 Job content 0,786 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
2 Supervision
0,793 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
3 Organization and
0,795 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
4 Opportunity to
0,550 0,312 0,05 0,000 Valid
5 Work collea
ue 0,863 0,312 0,05 0,000 Vali
Based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the r count
of each statement shows that r count > r table and the
significance value of each statement indicator is <
0.05 so it can be concluded that all indicators are said
to be valid and significant.
4.2 Reliability Test
There are several basic Cronbach alpha reliability
tests, namely:
Research questionnaires are said to be of high
quality if their validity and reliability have been
The reliability test was carried out after the
questionnaire items were declared valid.
The reliability test aims to see whether the
questionnaire has consistency if the measurement
is carried out with the questionnaire repeatedly
Reliability test can be done jointly on the
questionnaire items in a research variable.
The basis for making decisions on reliability testing
according to Wiratna Sujarweni (2014), the
questionnaire is said to be reliable if Cronbach's alpha
value is > 0.60.
The Effect of Job Stress and Job Environment on Job Satisfaction Cooperative of Farming Business and Fisherman Nunukan
Table 2: Reliable Test Output Results.
Variable Indicators
Alpha value
Job stress
0,663 0,60
and time
0,649 0,60
0,692 0,60
Work conflict 0,647 0,60
remuneration 0,734 0,60
0,678 0,60
Lighting at
0,773 0,60
Air circulation
at wor
0,773 0,60
Smells at
0,770 0,60
Safety at work
0,789 0,60
between co-
0,820 0,60
Noise at work
0,800 0,60
Job Content
0,770 0,60
0,769 0,60
0,766 0,60
Opportunity to
0,843 0,60
0,748 0,60
Table III shows that all indicators measured in this
study have Cronbach's Alpha values greater than 0.60
so it can be said that all indicators are reliable.
Table 3: Reliable Outputs.
Jon stress (X
) 0,717 0,60 Reliable
Job Environtmen
) 0,817 0,60 Reliable
Job satisfaction (Y) 0,818 0,60 Reliable
The analysis that has been carried out on the research
data, it can be explained that the testing of the
research instrument, namely the validity and
reliability test, shows that all the instruments used are
valid and reliable.
Then based on the results of the descriptive
analysis test it can be seen that the level of work stress
increases and employee job satisfaction also increases
because the descriptive analysis based on age can be
seen that most of the respondents are 36-45 years old
and based on gender, it can be seen that most of the
respondents are male. where at the age level of 36-45
years, men have a high level of work stress because
at that age employees are required to do a lot of work
and it is a challenge for male employees to learn and
get job satisfaction.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing
conducted by researchers, it can be seen that partial
testing shows that work stress affects employee job
satisfaction at the Multipurpose Farmer and
Fisherman Cooperative (KSU TN). This is evidenced
by the partial test of the first hypothesis of the work
stress variable (X1) where the results of the partial
test (t) show a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 and
a t count value of 8.293 > t table 2.0261, while the
work environment also affects job satisfaction.
employees in aquaculture and fisheries cooperative
(KSU TN). This is evidenced by the partial test of the
second hypothesis of the Work Environment variable
(X2) where the results of the partial test (t) show a
significance value of 0.046 <0.05 and a t-count value
of 2.068 > t-table 2.0261.
Simultaneous hypothesis test results indicate that
work stress and work environment affect employee
job satisfaction in agricultural and fishery
cooperatives (KSU TN). It can be seen from the
results of the F test output that after seeing the
significance value or comparing the calculated F
value with the F table, a significant value is obtained
for the effect of Work Stress (X1) and Work
Environment (X2) simultaneously. on Employee Job
Satisfaction (Y) of 0.000 <0.05 and the value of F
arithmetic 132.480 > F table 3.24 so it can be
concluded that there is a significant influence
between work stress and work environment
simultaneously on employee job satisfaction at
Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen Cooperatives
Based on the results of the R2 test, it can be
explained that work stress and work environment
affect employee job satisfaction at the Multipurpose
Farmers and Fishermen Cooperative (KSU TN)
simultaneously and can be shown in the form of the
percentage of Adjusted R Square results, which is
0.871 (87.1%) in the Cooperative. . Multipurpose
Farmers and Fishermen (KSU TN) and 12.9 percent
were not studied by researchers.
In addition to the results of the tests carried out, it
can also be seen that the employees of the
Multipurpose Farmer and Fisherman Cooperative
(KSU TN) experience a buildup of work so that work
with deadlines is difficult to fulfill, especially because
employees often get additional tasks that must be
completed first so that other jobs pile up. Not only
that, it can also be seen from the work environment in
the Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Cooperative (KSU TN) where there is a work space
layout such as an office space that is still relatively
narrow which makes employee movement limited,
the ventilation air feels stuffy and there are some
office equipment used regularly. regular. alternately
so that it can slow down the work of employees.
Based on the above phenomenon, it can be seen that
work stress and work environment affect employee
job satisfaction. However, this does not make
employees feel work stress because KSU TN
employees continue to carry out their work and
complete their work according to the predetermined
target and feel happy with their work.
The results of research conducted by researchers
are different from the results of research conducted by
(Rudianto, 2019), regarding the Effect of Facilities,
Environment and Job Stress on Job Satisfaction
(Empirical Study on Department Stores &
Supermarkets in Magelang City. From this study it
can be concluded that partially facilities work has a
positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of
Gardena Department Store & Supermarket
employees in Magelang City, partially the work
environment variable has a positive and significant
effect on job satisfaction of Gardena Department
Store & Supermarket employees in Magelang City
work stress variable has a negative and partially
significant effect on job satisfaction Work The work
of Gardena Department Store & Supermarket
employees in Magelang City Simultaneously, the
variables of work facilities, work environment and
work stress have a significant effect on job
satisfaction of Gardena Department Store &
Supermarket Employees in Magelang City.
In addition, it can also be seen from the factors
that experience stress but are still satisfied with their
work. This is because the tasks they do are full of
challenges and fun and there is effective
communication between employees at KSU Tani and
Fishermen so that it can be said that the higher the
level of work stress, the higher the job satisfaction of
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion
conducted by researchers using SPSS tools, it can be
concluded as follows:
1. Job stress has a significant effect on employee job
satisfaction at the Multipurpose Farmers and
Fishermen Cooperative (KSU TN).
2. The work environment has a significant effect on
employee job satisfaction at the Multipurpose
Farmers and Fishermen Cooperative (KSU TN).
3. Work stress and work environment
simultaneously affect employee job satisfaction at
the Multipurpose Farmers and Fishermen
Cooperative (KSU TN).
The researcher's suggestion to increase employee job
satisfaction, the company is expected to pay attention
to the conditions of a conducive work environment so
that employees can work comfortably.
This research was supported/partially supported by
the Nunukan State Polytechnic. We thank our
colleagues the director of the Bandung
Manufacturing Polytechnic who supported assisted
our team in accomplishing this research.
We would also show our gratitude to:
1. Arkas Viddy, Ph.D as Director of the Nunukan
State Polytechnic who contributed in
stimulating this research.
2. Dr. Besse Asniwaty, SE, MSi, as Vice Director
1 of Nunukan State Polytechnic who contributed
in stimulating this research.
3. Dr. Rafiqoh, SE, MM as Vice Director 2 of
Nunukan State Polytechnic who allocated the
budget for this research.
We are also immensely grateful to all reviewers of
ICAST especially for all of their insights.
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