Factors Related to Menstrual Disorders in Students of SMAN 12 City
of Depok in 2022
Julieta Vinka Wibowo, Ony Linda and Cornelis Novianus
Public Health Study Program Faculty of Health Sciences University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
JL. Limau, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Adolescents, Menstrual Disorders, Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, Stress.
Abstract: Ideally menstruation in one cycle time is 21--35 days, if there is <21 and >35 days, the occurrence of pain
during menstruation, until there is no menstruation, menstruation occurs, menstrual disorders occur. This
study aims to determine the factors related to menstrual disorders in students of SMAN 12 Depok City in
2022. This study is a quantitative study with a Cross-Sectional design and a sample of 168 respondents. Data
were obtained using nutritional status questionnaires with BMI/U, stress with watershed standard
questionnaires, physical activity with GPAQ questionnaires, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, fat intake
with 24-hour food recall, and menstrual disorders. Data analysis using the Chi-Square test. The results showed
that there was a relationship between stress (p = 0.009), physical activity (p = 0.035) and menstrual disorders.
However, there was no relationship between nutritional status, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, fat intake,
and menstrual disorders (p > 0.05).
Adolescence is characterized by puberty, which will
be seen by changes physically, emotionally, and
socially. However, in women puberty is characterized
by the presence of menstruation (Manggul, 2016).
Menstruation is naturally occurring a process by
which the uterus (endometrium) is flowed to the
cervix through the vagina in the form of blood. From
puberty to menopause, women have menstruation
every month (Begum et al., 2016). The time span that
occurs between menstruation each month is called the
menstrual cycle. Usually, the menstruation cycle is
said to be ideal if it occurs between 21--35 days, with
an average number of cycles of 28 days (Purwati &
Muslikhah, 2020).
According to Novita (2018), WHO states that
menstrual disorders experienced by adolescents are as
much as 75%. Based on research as many as 60.20%
of respondents experience menstrual disorders. There
are several disorders in menstruation such as the
condition of not having menstruation for 3
consecutive months called amenorrhea, this disorder
is divided into primary amenorrhea, namely woman
who is 18 years old but has never had menstruation,
and secondary amenorrhea, which is having had
menstruation but not having menstruation for at least
3 consecutive months. Oligomenorrhea is a menstrual
cycle with a span of more than 35 days.
Polymenorrhea is a menstrual cycle with a span of
less than 21 days (Islamy, 2019). Dysmenorrhoea is
menstrual pain that is felt in the lower abdomen. This
pain is generally included cramps, nausea, and
headaches (Miraturrofi’ah, 2020). Menstrual
disorders that are not handled properly can result in a
decrease in the quality of life, especially in daily
activities (Santi, 2018).
In this study, researchers chose disorders such as
amenorrhea that is did not have menstruation for three
months in a row, polymenorrhea, which is a
menstrual cycle that is less than 21 days,
oligomenorrhoea, which is a menstrual cycle that is
more than 35 days, and dysmenorrhea, which is pain
in the lower abdomen during menstruation. The
results of the study by Cakir M et al (2015) found that
the largest prevalence of menstrual disorders was
dysmenorrhoea as much as 89.5%, then the
irregularity of the menstrual cycle by 31.2%, and the
length of the menstrual cycle was 5.3%. Based on the
results of research in India (2019) found that
menstrual disorders that occur in adolescents are as
much as 6.1% (Singh et al., 2019). Another study in
Iran (2020) stated that menstrual disorders in
adolescents were 28.4% (Shamloo et al., 2020). The
Wibowo, J., Linda, O. and Novianus, C.
Factors Related to Menstrual Disorders in Students of SMAN 12 City of Depok in 2022.
DOI: 10.5220/0011650600003608
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2022), pages 94-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-621-7; ISSN: 2975-8297
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
results of another study in Bone (2019) found that
menstrual disorders in adolescents ranged from
75.7% (Indriasari et al., 2019).
Data according to RISKESDAS (2013) in Sari
(2019) states that Indonesian women aged 10--59
years have menstrual cycle irregularities of 13.7%.
Data from West Java, according to RISKESDAS
2018, there are 72.15% of women who have
experienced menstruation with an average age of the
first menstruation of 12.70 years. According to the
results of Cabral's research (2019) found menstrual
disorders in adolescents around 100%. Another study
by Fahira (2021) stated that menstrual disorders in
adolescents are around 82.6%. Based on the results of
Manggul's research (2016) found that menstrual
disorders in adolescents were 66.2%.
Research conducted by Sitoayu (2017) stated that
there are several factors that cause menstrual
disorders, such as nutritional status, namely body
condition which is measured from weight weighing
and measuring respondents' height in accordance with
anthropometric guidelines using BMI / U and
processed using WHO Antroplus. The nutritional
status needed by each person is different, but lack or
even overnutrition will have a bad impact on health,
especially in young women because it can affect FSH
and LH hormones which result in menstrual disorders
(Felicia et al., 2015). Stress is a sense of interfering
both physical and psychic experienced by
respondents that causes pressure, stress can affect the
imbalance of FSH and LH hormones so as to increase
crh and GnRH hormones which can cause menstrual
cycles to be longer or shorter (AlJadidi et al., 2016).
Physical activity is an activity carried out by
respondents with a mild, moderate, severe level. The
high physical activity carried out can cause menstrual
disorders, but if the activity carried out tends to be
normal, it can reduce the risk of menstrual disorders
(Anindita et al., 2016). Carbohydrate intake was
respondents consuming foods containing fructose
within 24 hours before the time the study was
conducted. Juveniles need carbohydrates as a source
of energy during the luteal phase. Low carbohydrate
intake can result in depressed work of the hormone
estrogen so that the menstrual cycle is disturbed
(Rachmawati & Murbawani, 2015). Protein intake,
namely respondents consumed foods such as
processed milk, and so on within 24 hours before the
study was conducted. Protein functions as an energy
reserve for the body that functions to respond to
infertility and affects the follicular cycle
(Rachmawati & Murbawani, 2015). Fat intake was
that respondents consumed food sources of energy
within 24 hours before the time the study was
conducted. In reproduction, fats are beneficial in the
production of the hormone estrogen (Hanapi, 2021) .
According to the results of the study, there was a
relationship between, adequacy of carbohydrate
intake, adequacy of protein intake, adequacy of fat
intake, nutritional status, and stress with menstrual
disorders (Sitoayu et al., 2017). Subsequent studies
found that there were research results related to
physical activity and menstrual disorders
(Kusumawati et al., 2021).
A preliminary study that has been conducted at
SMAN 12 Depok City obtained from 30 female
students taken randomly by 30 people showed results
that as many as 70% of female students experienced
a faster menstrual cycle, 53.3% of female students
had menstruation twice in one month, 76.7% of
female students experienced pain during menstruation,
70% of female students experienced pain in the lower
abdomen alone. Based on this background, researchers
are interested in conducting a study with the title
"Factors related to menstrual disorders in students of
SMAN 12 Depok City in 2022”.
This study used a Cross-Sectional design, where
observing an object in the form of risk factors and
their effects using one or more variables by collecting
data and to observe the relationship between variables
at the same time. The advantage of this design is that
its simple implementation does not require
complicated preparation, does not require much cost,
is effective, and the time it takes is not too long so that
the results are known faster (Siyoto, 2015).
This study is a quantitative study taken using
primary data using questionnaires containing
questions related to menstrual disorders, direct
measurements for nutritional status, stress, physical
activity, carbohydrate intake, protein intake, and fat
This study uses probability sampling technique,
namely with Simple Random Sampling, which is
sampling that is carried out randomly without paying
attention to the level in the population. The advantage
of the Simple Random Sampling technique is that it
does not require additional information other than the
population list, the formula used is easier, and more
efficient (Novita, 2018).
The sample in this study was 168 people. The
selection of samples is in accordance with the
inclusion criteria, namely active students of SMAN
12 Depok City, respondents have signed an approval
sheet, have menstruation.
Factors Related to Menstrual Disorders in Students of SMAN 12 City of Depok in 2022
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents to Students of SMAN
12 Depok City in 2022.
n %
Menstrual Disorders
Nutritional Status
Not Stress
Physical Activity
Carbohydrate Intake
Not Good
Protein Intake
Not Good
Fat Intake
Not Good
In table 1, it presents that the results of a univariate
analysis of menstrual disorder variables with the
answer category were yes as many as 128 respondents
(91.4%) and not as many as 12 respondents (8.6%).
In the nutritional status variable with abnormal
categories, there were 39 respondents (27.9%) and
normal as many as 101 respondents (72.1%). The
stress variable with the answer category of stress was
88 respondents (62.9%) and non-stress as many as 52
respondents (37.1%). The physical activity variable
with a high category was 107 respondents (76.4%),
and low as many as 33 respondents (23.6%). The
variable carbohydrate intake with the bad category
was 126 respondents (90%), and good as many as 14
respondents (10%). Protein intake variables with bad
categories were 55 respondents (39.3%), and good as
many as 85 respondents (60.7%). The variable fat
intake with the bad category was 64 respondents
(45.7%), and good as many as 76 respondents
Table 2: Chi Square Test Results on Students of SMAN 12
Depok City in 2022.
Variable Pvalue Description
Not Stress
0,009 Relationship
0,035 Relationship
e Intake
Not Good
Not Good
Fat Intake
Not Good
Based on table 2, the results of bivariate analysis
using the Chi-Square test were obtained that the
nutritional status variable had a Pvalue of 1,000
which stated that there was no relationship between
the nutritional status variable and the menstrual
disorder variable (Pvalue >0.05), the stress variable
had a Pvalue of 0.009 which stated that there was a
relationship between the stress variable and the
menstrual disorder variable (Pvalue <0.05), the
physical activity variable had a Pvalue of 0.035 which
stated there was a relationship between the activity
variable physical with variable menstrual disorders
(Pvalue <0.05), carbohydrate intake variable has
pvalue 0.610 which states no relationship between
carbohydrate intake variable and menstrual disorder
variable (Pvalue >0.05), protein intake variable has
Pvalue 1.000 which states there is no relationship
between protein intake variable and menstrual
disorder variable (Pvalue >0.05), fat intake variable
has Pvalue 0.229 which states no relationship
between variable protein intake and menstrual
disorder variable (Pvalue >0.05).
Menstruation is a natural cycle in women that
shows hormonal maturity characterized by bloody
discharge from the uterus. This process is caused by
a decrease in the hormones estrogen and progesterone
so that menstruation occurs (Nuraini, 2018). This
study was conducted on students of SMAN 12 Depok
City, the results showed that as many as 128
respondents (91.4%) had menstrual disorders, while
as many as 12 respondents (8.6%) did not experience
menstrual disorders. The most respondents
experienced pain that occurred during menstruation
as many as 118 respondents (84.3%).
Based on research, it was found that stress has a
relationship with menstrual disorders. Stress is a
condition that puts a person under pressure and
requires a person to act (Suparji, 2019). If stress
persists continuously, it will have an impact on
immunity and hormone balance in the body which
results in disruption of the reproductive system
(Irwan, 2021). Univariate results of stress with a total
of 88 respondents (62.9%), while non-stress a total of
52 respondents (37.1%). The results of the bivariate
analysis obtained Pvalue (0.009) this shows that there
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
is a relationship with menstrual disorders. A similar
study conducted by Manggul (2016) stated that there
was a relationship between stress and menstrual
disorders Pvalue 0.003 (Pvalue < 0.05) in class xii
students of Karya Ruteng High School. Research
conducted by Nathalia (2019) showed that there is a
relationship between stress and menstrual disorders
Pvalue 0.000 (Pvalue < 0.05) in STIT Diniyyah Puteri
Students in Padang Panjang City.
Menstrual cycle irregularities are caused by heavy
physical exertion and are carried out continuously
(Loa et al., 2022). Excessive physical activity results
in fatigue and causes disturbed GnRH secretion,
resulting in menstrual disorders (Kusumawati et al.,
2021). Univariate results obtained high physical
activity with a total of 107 respondents (76.4%),
while low physical activity was 33 respondents
(23.6%). The results of the bivariate analysis obtained
Pvalue (0.035) this shows that there is a relationship
with menstrual disorders. Another study in line with
Rante (2021) stated that there was a relationship
between physical activity and menstrual disorders
Pvalue 0.048 (Pvalue < 0.05) in Pre-Clinical students
of the Faculty of Medicine, Nusa Cendana University
in 2020. The results of a study conducted by Sari
(2019) showed that there was a significant
relationship between physical activity and menstrual
disorders Pvalue 0.040 (Pvalue < 0.05) in Dharma
Husada Pekanbaru students in 2019.
Based on research that has been conducted at SMAN
12 Depok City, it was found that as many as (91.4%)
respondents experienced menstrual disorders,
(27.9%) respondents with abnormal nutritional status,
(62.9%) respondents experienced stress, (76.4%)
respondents with high activity, (90%) respondents
with poor carbohydrate intake, (39.3%) respondents
with bad protein intake, (45.7%) respondents with
bad fat intake.
Based on bivariate results, it can be concluded that
factors related to menstrualdisorders are found in
stress (Pvalue 0.009), and physical activity (Pvalue
0.035). Meanwhile, factors such as nutritional status
(Pvalue 1,000), carbohydrate intake (Pvalue 0.610),
protein intake (Pvalue 1,000), and fat intake (Pvalue
0.229) were not related to menstrual disorders.
I would like to thank all the female students who have
been involved and volunteered to be my respondents,
as well as the teachers and administrative staff of
SMAN 12 Depok City who have helped me a lot in
carrying out my research so that I was able to
complete this research well.
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ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health