Green Technologies
M. I. Kudusova and A. B. Mataev
Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Keywords: Green technologies, environment, consumed resources.
Abstract: The value of green technologies lies in the fact that they are environmentally friendly technologies developed
and used in such a way as not to violate the environment and preserve natural resources. Some people call
green technologies green technologies and clean technologies. Currently, this area is expected to bring
innovative changes to everyday life, similar to the scale of information technology. Green technologies are
built on four pillars in different sectors. The Government is taking steps to promote green technologies.
The government has introduced many tax incentives
that allow electricity to be produced from renewable
sources. Exemption from import duty and sales tax
for solar systems, exemption from sales tax when
buying solar thermal systems from local
manufacturers. The Ministry of Energy also held an
annual national month to raise awareness about
renewable energy sources and promote
environmentally friendly technologies. The goals of
green technologies are as follows: Meeting the needs
of society in such a way as not to damage or deplete
the natural resources of the earth is the main goal of
green technologies. The idea is to meet current needs
without any compromises. The emphasis is shifting to
creating products that can be completely recycled or
reused. By changing production and consumption
patterns, measures are being taken to reduce waste
and pollution, which is one of the important goals of
green technologies. It is important to develop
alternative technologies to prevent further damage to
health, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of
green technologies (Egorova, 2013). Green
technologies, environmentally friendly technologies,
are developed and used in such a way as to protect the
environment and preserve natural resources. As part
of the renewable energy industry movement for green
technologies, the importance of green technologies
cannot be ignored. We have come to a point where we
need to stop and think about the growing importance
of "green" technologies and why they will matter to
humanity. Given the numerous reasons for the
importance of "green" technologies, volumes could
be written and told on this topic. Whether it's the
growing importance of green technologies in industry
or at home, it's clear that everything needs to be done
quickly. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to say
that humanity should do something for a clean
environment and energy savings. Environmental
friendliness can only help us get out of the current
difficult situation. Before the situation changes for the
worse, we need to realize the importance of "green"
technologies in solving this problem (Egorova, 2013;
Ralph, 2011).
The ecological component of all human activity has
an impact on the environment. On the other hand, the
relative state of the environment will determine and
contribute to the nature and scope of activities in the
other main areas of this plan: economic, cultural and
social. Earlier in this plan, we considered some of the
major global environmental problems: climate
change, depleting non-renewable resources, loss of
natural habitat, loss of biodiversity, ocean
acidification; and increased pressure on the
population. It is obvious that all these issues have an
economic, social and cultural component (Egorova,
2015; Porfiriev, 2010)
The Social Equity component will help social
institutions and residents to raise awareness of social
needs and involve citizens and community partners in
planning and taking measures in response to these
needs. The end result will be an improvement in the
well-being of the whole society. Together we will
Kudusova, M. and Mataev, A.
Green Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0011572200003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
create social capital in the community between
individuals and groups to ensure joint activities on
projects of common interest. At the same time, we
emphasize the importance of individual and
collective wellbeing and security, including full
access to effective medical care, housing, food and
educational services - these are important elements
for full participation in cultural, environmental and
economic activities.
The economic component is aimed at attracting
new businesses and people to India. This is crucial for
the growth and sustainability of the city and helps us
create a strong and dynamic local community.
Attracting talented people to India's public, private
and non-profit sector is key to achieving this goal
(Nikoláeva, 2018) Existing enterprises and the jobs
they create are important components of a strong and
sustainable economy. Together we can succeed and
become what matters.
Energy Harvesting An important foundation of
green technologies is energy harvesting, which seeks
new innovative ways to extract useful energy from
useless by-products and develops new technologies to
maximize energy use. Energy efficiency has proven
its profitability in achieving savings by minimizing
the amount of energy used (Ralph, 2011).
There are many goals of green technologies.
Meeting the needs of society in a way that does not
damage or deplete natural resources on earth is the
main goal of green technologies. The idea is to meet
current needs without making any compromises. You
have come to the right place to learn all about the
goals of green technologies (Recent Research in
Science and Technology, 2014; Antulet, 2019). The
emphasis is shifting to the production of products that
can be completely recycled or reused. By changing
production and consumption patterns, steps are being
taken to reduce waste and environmental pollution,
which is one of the important goals of green
technologies. It is extremely important to develop
alternative technologies to prevent further damage to
health and the environment.
Accelerating their implementation can benefit our
environment and really protect the planet. Explore the
goals of green technologies by implementing a
sustainable lifestyle, developing renewable energy
sources and reducing waste. The emphasis on "green
technologies" is the right approach to solving
environmental problems and economic growth
(Leogrande, 2019; Leogrande, 2022). This is also in
line with the agenda of Governments around the
world, which are currently prioritizing environmental
issues, in particular the phenomenon of climate
change. We, the people of the whole world, must bear
the responsibility to jointly play our part in making
the world a better place to live (Egorova, 2015;
Costantiello, 2021).
When using green technologies, the greatest benefit
is to improve the quality of life by ensuring a more
sustainable quality of the environment. Air pollution,
water pollution, noise, etc. will affect the quality of
life if the problem persists. When using "green"
technologies, the negative impact on the environment
is minimal. Green technologies also have great
potential in stimulating the development of the
country. Industries that use or develop
environmentally friendly technologies can provide
employment opportunities for the local population
(Porfiriev, 2010).
The program is conducted to raise public
awareness. In addition, the Ministry of Energy
annually holds a national month to raise awareness
about renewable energy sources and promote energy
efficiency methods in the public and private sectors.
Energy Month events include lectures on energy
efficiency, the publication of household energy
efficiency guidelines, and the publication of a number
of articles in newspapers and mass media promoting
energy efficiency (Fukuda, 2020).
In the future, the Ministry will conduct a
campaign on the use of environmentally friendly
technologies with relevant stakeholders, including the
public and the Ministry/State Department, NGOs and
other reputable institutions, to educate and raise
awareness of all parties about the importance of
environmentally friendly technologies in our lives. .
This is done so that the programs to be implemented
by the Government to promote and develop local
green technologies can be effectively implemented
and evaluated by all segments of society (Nikoláeva,
2018; Porfiriev, 2010).
Advantages of green technologies 1. Does not
emit anything harmful into the air 2. Can bring
economic benefits in certain areas. 3. Requires less
maintenance, so you don't need to spend a lot of
money to operate it. 4. Renewable energy sources,
which means that they will never run out. 5. Can slow
down the effects of global warming by reducing CO2
emissions. Disadvantages of the introduction of
"green" technologies High cost of implementation.
Lack of information. No known alternative
chemicals or raw materials; Lack of known
alternative technological processes; Uncertainty
Green Technologies
about the impact on productivity. Lack of human
resources and skills (Wang, 2021).
Using green technologies, we help maintain a green
environment and our well-being by reducing costs,
reducing waste and saving energy. Green
technologies are not only green processing, but also
the mechanisms used in computers. Green
technologies are relevant in discussions about global
warming. Currently, all companies are guided by the
concept of "green" IT. Green technologies lead to
significant energy savings, reduction of CO2 and
CFC production, which leads to environmental
protection. The green economy has the hidden
potential to ensure sustainable development and
eradicate poverty on an extraordinary scale.
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MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher