ing sets from the whole collection, including the data
sets ML-10M, ML-20M and ML-25M. This is to pro-
pose an overall overview of the error distributions
resulted from baselines compared with models that
integrate tag-based static or contextualized embed-
ding representations. We observe that global error
distribution values from the models CF-MLP
are most located in the interval
∈ [−1, 1] compared to the error distribution values
of either the baselines or the models that integrate
static-based embedding representations. As instance,
the model CF-MLP
obtains a number of 8150
accurate predictions, which outperform Neural CF-
MLP (He et al., 2017) with 4500 accurate predictions
or U-Autorec (Sedhain et al., 2015) with less then
5000 accurate predictions. Moreover, CF-MLP
and CF-Autoencoder
exceed the performance of
the models integrating static embedding representa-
tions with less then 4000 accurate predictions for both
W 2V
and CF-Autoencoder
W 2V
models. From
these results, we confirm the effectiveness of tag-
based embedding representations to be used with a
neural CF approach for a rating prediction task.
Learning representations for recommendation repre-
sent a major challenge for the application of artifi-
cial intelligence along with its efficient role in rec-
ommendation applied to the massive amount of data
extracted from users’ folksonomies. Following the
experiments, we come to the conclusion that neural
networks models exploiting folksonomies using neu-
ral CF approaches, in particular, those using contex-
tual tag-based embedding as user-item features pro-
vide more accurate models to rating prediction tasks.
Moreover, we argued that exploiting contextual tag-
based embeddings as features remains an effective
way to include tags semantics into a recommenda-
tion process. We demonstrate that such embeddings
can lead to quality models in the context of predicting
user ratings. Tag-based embedding aggregation has
been a promising way of improvement since, in the
natural language embedding process, extracted repre-
sentations can be described as semantic relationships.
An interesting direction for forthcoming works is to
investigate tag-based neighbor embedding represen-
tations into a neural collaborative filtering model for
recommendation purposes.
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