Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios
Paul Tavolato
, Robert Luh
and Sebastian Eresheim
Research Group Security and Privacy, University of Vienna, Kolingasse 14-16, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Department of Computer Science, UAS St. Pölten, A-3100 St. Pölten, Austria
Keywords: Threat Analysis, Formal Methods, Stochastic Game Theory, Model Checking.
Abstract: Using formal methods in threat analysis would be of great benefit to securing modern IT systems. To this end
a strictly formal description of attacker-defender scenarios is vital. This paper demonstrates how attacker and
defender behavior and its interrelationship can be defined using Markov decision processes and stochastic
game theory. Based on these definitions, model checking methods can be applied to find quantitative answers
to important questions relevant in threat analysis. A main focus lies on the applicability of the method to real-
world situations. This is accomplished by incorporating information from several proven tactical and technical
knowledge bases. Practicability of the method is shown by using the model checking tool PRISM-games.
Fighting cyber security threats has become an
inevitable must for every organization, may it be
small-scale businesses, public service providers, or
multinational corporations. Since 100% security
cannot be achieved in reality, a detailed look at the
effectiveness of counteractive measures is vital in
providing the best possible defense within a given
budget. Alternatively, it might be necessary to
determine the exact budget needed to guarantee a
certain level of security. One of the fundamental
operations in this context is threat analysis.
In the realm of cyber security, threat analysis is
understood as the process of assessing the activities
and capabilities of unknown intelligence entities or
criminals. Cybersecurity threats can be defined as a
malicious act that seeks to disrupt proper operation of
IT systems by violating one or more of the central
cybersecurity properties: Confidentiality (by stealing
data), Integrity (by manipulating data), and
Accessibility (by disrupting or rendering impossible
the normal flow of data processing). These principals
of protection are known as the CIA triad (Keyser,
2018). In a broader understanding threat analysis also
comprises the process used to determine which
components of the system need to be protected, as
well as the types of threats (security risks) they should
be protected from. This information is necessary to
determine strategic locations in the IT architecture
and to design reasonable and effective security
measures to be implemented (McCabe, 2007).
Several methods for threat analysis have been
proposed in the literature, including STRIDE and
Pasta (see for example (Shostack, 2014), (Tarandach
& Coles, 2020), or (Swiderski & Snyder, 2004)).
Though all these methods are very useful, they lack
an essential property: they are mainly of an informal
or semi-formal nature. If they contain some formal
parts, these are not strictly formal in a mathematical
sense. Therefore, they cannot be used in connection
with formal methods. By formal methods we
understand the use of mathematically rigorous
techniques for modeling a system and the formal
definition of properties in some sort of logic, e.g.,
temporal logic. The validity of these properties can
then be proved automatically by the use of software
tools. Such proofs are often carried out by a method
called model checking. For cyber security formal
methods have been used so far almost exclusively in
the realm of software development, especially with
regard to the development of safety-critical systems.
Using formal methods with threat analysis on a higher
system level, however, is still a marginal topic in the
scientific literature. Our main focus lies on the
analysis of existing IT systems at the users’ site. The
user in this scenario has no possibility to change the
software itself. S/he is only able to set and enforce
security measures that will detect, mitigate or at best
– prevent attacks on her/his system.
Tavolato, P., Luh, R. and Eresheim, S.
Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0010781300003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 281-289
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper revolves around applying formal
methods in threat analysis: The system, consisting of
both the attacker and the defender side is modeled in
a mathematically rigorous way. Due to the evident
antagonism between defender and attacker, concepts
from non-cooperative game theory are used,
assuming the attack on a system is a game between
the system owner, the defender, and a hacker, the
attacker. Such a game contains non-determinism: the
attacker as well as the defender can choose among a
set of available actions (restricted by insight, skill and
budget). They are also of a stochastic nature: the
success or failure of an action is determined by a
success probability. Given such a rigorous formal
definition of the attacker-defender system (the game),
one can formulate properties that represent essential
questions such as:
What is the maximum probability that an attacker
with a specific goal and profile will ultimately
What is the maximum defender success
probability with a given defender budget in the
given situation?
How does a significant lower defender budget
influence the defender’s minimum success
To answer these and similar questions we will use
formal methods of stochastic model checking.
Semantically the model is based on an adversarial
cyber security game for threat assessment called
PenQuest (Luh, Temper, Tjoa, Schrittwieser, &
Janicke, 2019). In this role-playing game (RPG) two
players, the attacker and the defender, fight against
each other in order to achieve their respective goal:
The attacker has a predefined goal (violating one part
of the CIA triangle) and the defender has a given
infrastructure he wants to defend against attacks. The
game is characterized by its high degree of practical
relevance, mimicking real-life situations in cyber
security as close as possible. This is accomplished by
taking information from several proven data sources
such as STIX (Structured Threat Information
eXpression language) (MITRE Corporation, D), the
APT kill chain by Hutchinson (Hutchins, Cloppert, &
Amin, 2011), the CAPEC (Common Attack Pattern
Enumeration and Classification) attack patterns
(MITRE Corporation, A), the MITRE ATT&CK
(Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common
Knowledge) attack and mitigation patterns (MITRE
Corporation, B), the NIST SP 800-53
Countermeasures (Joint Task Force Transformation
Initiative, 2015), and MITRE D3FEND (MITRE
Corporation, C).
The main tasks in formalizing realistic threat
scenarios comprise the modeling of attacker behavior
along a kill chain, of defender behavior, and of the
interplay between the two.
As mentioned above, most of the work on formal
methods and security focuses on the construction
(specification, development, implementation) of
secure and safe software, such as the implementation
of network protocols, the implementation of secure
cryptographic algorithms, or generally the
implementation of software without vulnerabilities.
For an overview see for example (Chong, et al., 2016)
or (Nanda & Jeppu, 2018). This work, however, goes
in a different direction.
Some formal aspects of attack modeling are
described in (Guelzim & Obaidat, 2015). For our
purposes, the concept of attack-defense trees (ADT)
used in threat analysis is of particular importance.
Initially of only semi-formal nature, more formal
treatments of ADTs were developed in recent years.
Wideł et al. (Wideł, Audinot, Fila, & Pinchinat, 2019)
provide an overview of the use of formal models in
security; in (Aslanyan, Nielson, & Parker, 2016) the
authors describe a formal system in order to analyze
quantified properties. Attack trees alone (without
defense actions) are discussed in (Gadyatskaya, et al.,
2016), where Priced Timed Automata are used to
formalize attack trees and model checking is
performed using the tool Uppaal CORA; however, no
stochastic aspects were used in this approach.
Another formal treatment of attack trees is discussed
in (Pekergin, Tan, & Fourneau, 2016), where a
stochastic analysis is described, but no model
checking approaches are used. In (Buldas,
Gadyatskaya, Lenin, Mauw, & Trujillo-Rasua, 2020)
constraint programming is used to evaluate attack
trees with incomplete information.
The idea of using stochastic game theory
(Shapley, 1953) in connection with cyber security
dates back to at least 2002 (Hamilton, Miller, Ott, &
Saydjari, 2002). The equivalence of attack-defense
trees and game theory was formally proved by Kordy
et al. (Kordy, Mauw, Melissen, & Schweitzer, 2010).
There are several papers about the application of
game theory to various aspects of security: a good
overview, though restricted to cyber-physical
systems, is given in (Etesami & Basar, 2019). Other
game-theoretic approaches are discussed in
(Bommannavar, Alpcan, & Bambos, 2011), (He,
Zhuang, & Rao, 2012), (Luo, Szidarovszky, Al-
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Nashif, & Hariri, 2010), (Nguyen, Alpcan, & Başar,
2009), (Sallhammar, Helvik, & Knapskog, 2006),
(Sajjan, Sankardas, & Dipankar, 2010), (Tabatabaei,
2016), (Zhang, Wang, & Zhuang, 2021), (Li, Peng,
Zhu, & Basar, 2021), (Jie, Choo, Li, Chen, & Guo,
2019), and (Han, Niyato, Saad, & Başar, 2019).
However, all these works use game-theoretic
concepts only and do not combine them with formal
methods (in the sense as described in the
Nevertheless, there are a few papers combining
game theory and model checking, all of them coming
from a group at the University of Oxford:
Kwiatkowska (Kwiatkowska, Model Checking and
Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Games: From
Theory to Practice, 2016) gives a good summary of
the approach, while (Kwiatkowska, Norman, &
Parker, Verication and Control of Turn-Based
Probabilistic Real-Time Games, 2019), (Svorenova
& Kwiatkowska, 2016), (Chen, Forejt, Kwiatkowska,
Parker, & Simaitis, 2013) and (Simaitis, 2013) cover
various details; Wiltsche (Wiltsche, 2015) uses model
checking in the frame of a game-theoretic model for
strategy synthesis. All the papers give some small
examples to illustrate the viability of the method, but
do not cover threat analysis for real-world situations.
This group of researchers has implemented a
stochastic model checking tool with an extension for
game models: PRISM-games (PRISM-games), which
we will use in our approach.
3.1 Environment Information
In order to formalize the behavior of each party, a
number of facts about the environment must be taken
into consideration:
The configuration of the system: this information
is initially only available to the defender in its
entirety; the attacker may have a restricted view
of the system’s exposed topology and access
points. During the attack process, the attacker may
gain more and more insight into the victim’s
The goal of the attacker: this information is only
available to the attacker in the beginning; again,
during the course of events the defender may
become more and more aware of the attacker’s
goal and progress achieved so far.
The possible actions available to the attacker and
the defender, respectively.
The skill level of the attacker and the defender: the
skill level influences the availability of certain
actions and their success probabilities.
The budget of the attacker and the defender: the
budget, too, limits the availability of actions.
The attacker’s initiative determines the number of
actions he can perform. It generally decreases
during the game. If, for example, the initiative
reaches 0, the attack stops (the attacker resigns).
3.2 Formalizing Attacker Behavior
Based on the definition of the environment, the skill
level and the available budget, we describe attacker
behavior as an adapted form of a Markov Decision
Process (MDP). Attacker behavior is formalized as a
4-tuple MDP
= (S
, A
, P, C
) where:
= {s
, s
, … s
} is a finite set of states; s
defined as the starting state.
= {a
, a
, … a
} is a finite set of attacker
P: S x A
x S [0..1] P(s, a, s’) is the probability
that action a executed in
state s will lead to state s'.
(s, s’) defines the consequences of
a transition from state s to
state s’ due to action a.
Simply put: Starting from state s
the attacker non-
deterministically chooses an executable action from
: an action is executable in state s if a predefined
condition evaluates to true. In other words, an action
is executable if it matches the skill level (for some
more complex actions a higher skill level is required),
if it can be executed within the attacker’s budget
(special tools might be necessary for the action, which
must be purchased), if it fits to the stage of the game
(some actions can only be executed if other preceding
actions were successful), and if it aims at a part of the
configuration already known to the attacker (the
attacker has to gain insight into the configuration
before being capable of attacking internals). After
execution of the chosen action the successor state is
determined based on the probability function P that
defines the success probability of the action. For
reasons of simplicity, there are only two possible
successor states depending on the success or failure
of the action. Finally, the function C
(s,s’) defines the
consequences of the state transition initiated by action
a. Such consequences may be a change in budget or
in initiative, an impact on the attacker’s insight into
the defenders configuration, some damage to the
defender’s configuration, or changes of P for future
Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios
transitions. A state transition together with its
consequences is referred to as a move.
3.3 Formalizing Defender Behavior
Defender behavior is formalized in the same way as
attacker behavior by means of a Markov Decision
Process. MDP
= (S
, A
, P, C
) where:
= {s
, s
, … s
} is a finite set of states; s
defined as the starting state.
= {a
, a
, … a
} is a finite set of defender
P: S x A
x S [0..1] P(s, a, s’) is the probability
that action a executed in
state s will lead to state s'.
(s, s’) defines the consequences of
a transition from state s to
state s’ due to action a.
The definitions correspond intuitively to the
definitions of the attacker MDP, especially
concerning skill level, budget and the like. The
concept of insight plays a somewhat different role in
the defender definition: initially, the defender does
not even know that he is being attacked. In this phase
the defender can only take preventive actions of a
general nature; therefore we call this phase the
prevention phase. However, a possible consequence
of a defender action may be the detection of an
ongoing attack – which moves the situation from the
prevention phase to the response phase and can
trigger a significant change in the availability and the
success probability of further defender actions.
The next step in formalizing a realistic threat scenario
is the combination of MDP
and MDP
. The
obvious mathematical constructs for this come from
game theory. The following general assumptions
about the characteristics of this game are:
The game is non-cooperative (quite obvious).
It is a two-player game with attacker and
defender (obvious, too).
It is an extended form of a zero-sum game.
There is always a winner and a looser, though the
rewards may not match exactly: either the attacker
achieves his goal and wins, or the defender wins,
if the attacker’s initiative reaches zero (he „gives
The game includes non-deterministic elements:
each player can in most situations choose between
a number of possible actions (non-
deterministically) restricted only by some
predefined constraints.
It is a stochastic game: the success of a players
action is defined by a probability distribution.
It is a game with imperfect information: only a
very restricted set of information (or no
information at all) about the current state of the
play is seen by the players; during the game, parts
of this information may become unveiled.
It is a game with incomplete information: the
players can only guess about the way the game is
played (which means that not only the state of the
game, but objectives and strategies, too, are
unknown; even the rules of the game are
obscured). In the beginning of the game, for
example, the defender does not even know that the
game has already started, and an attack is well
under-way; we call this the prevention phase of
the game. When information about the attack is at
least partly unveiled to the defender, we say that
the defender moves from the prevention phase to
the response phase.
For the sake of simplicity we restrict the game to
be turn-based: only one player can make a move
at a time. Furthermore the moves are executed
alternately as defined in PenQuest’s game
mechanics (Luh, Temper, Tjoa, Schrittwieser, &
Janicke, 2019). This property makes the game an
extensive form game: the sequence of moves can
be structured in a tree-like manner. For future
work, this restriction could be loosened: the first
move (or even more moves) could be carried out
in parallel.
Under these assumptions we can formalize attacker-
defender scenarios as stochastic 2-player games. To
improve comprehensibility we will use an extension
described by Marta Kwiatkowska (Kwiatkowska,
Model Checking and Strategy Synthesis for
Stochastic Games: From Theory to Practice, 2016),
called a 2½-player game, where probabilistic states
are introduced between the attacker and defender
states to represent the probabilistic transitions
explicitly. This is without loss of generality as in the
above mentioned paper Kwiatkowska has shown that
for any stochastic 2½-player game there is an
equivalent 2-player game without explicit probability
states. In a 2½-player game the states of the game are
composed of the attacker states (S
), and the
defender states (S
), each controlled by the
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
respective players, as well as probabilistic states
). Starting from one of the player states, say the
attacker, the player chooses one of his available
actions and the model moves to a probabilistic state.
From the probabilistic state usually two different
successor states to the set of defender states can
follow depending on the probability of the action’s
success: one following the success of the action (with
probability p) and one when the action failed (with
probability 1-p). The sequence of game states then is
with s
being an attacker state, s
being a
probabilistic state and s
being a defender
We now define the stochastic 2½-player game:
= (Π, S, s
, δ, A, α, C, β)
Π = {att, def} the players: attacker and
S = S
a finite non-empty set of
states partitioned in three
the attacker states
the defender states
the probabilistic states.
= S
S the initial state
δ: S x S [0,1] a stochastic transition
function assigning
probability values to state
transitions. Player states
map on probabilistic states:
δ(s, s’) {0,1}
δ(s, s’) = 1 for at least one
s’ S
Transitions from
probabilistic states to player
states are assigned a success
for all s S
(s, s’)
= 1
A = A
a finite set of actions of the
α: S
x S
A a function assigning the
selected action to the
transitions from the players
to the probabilistic states.
C a finite set of consequences
β: S
x S
C a function assigning the
consequences of an action
to the transitions from a
probability state to the
succeeding attacker or
defender state
The transition function δ defines the success/
failure probabilities in case of transitions from a
probabilistic state to a player state; in case of the
transition from a player state to a probabilistic state,
it simply defines which states are possible (1) and
which not (0). In the latter case and if δ(s
, s
) = 1
the function α assigns the action selected by player i
to the transition. The function β defines the
consequences of an action (usually only if the action
is successful). Such consequences may be changes in
insight, damage, or changes in success probabilities
or in availability of future actions.
5.1 Modeling
Let’s assume the following scenario: an attacker
wants to disrupt the victim’s service operation by
either encrypting some of the victim’s essential data
or by arbitrarily changing or even deleting this data.
We will give here only a high-level overview with a
restricted number of actions. Attacker activities are
structured into phases by kill chains. A simplified kill
chain for this attack would consist of three phases:
1. Reconnaissance
2. Gain Access
3. Destroy Data
For each of these stages the following actions are
available to the attacker:
1. Reconnaissance: use open-sources intelligence,
execute a vulnerability scan, perform an active
2. Gain Access: phishing, remote server
connection, brute force password cracking
3. Destroy Data: data encryption, data
manipulation, wipe disk
For each attacker activity we must define possible
target assets, required skills, the necessary budget, the
effects of a successful action on insight in the
defender’s configuration and on the damage status
with regard to CIA, and the success probability. The
skill requirements are rated at a scale from 1 to 5,
according to the STIX threat actor vocabulary
ThreatActorSophistication. The available budget is
rated on a scale from 0 to 10, insight and damage are
rated on a scale from 1 to 3 Tables 1 to 3 show these
assignments for the attacker actions.
Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios
Table 1: Attacker Stage 1 – Reconnaissance Actions.
TargetAssets SkillReq Budget Insight Damage CIA SuccessProb
OpenSrcInt WebServer MailServer
MobileDevices Database
FileServer ClientPC
CloudApplication DMZ
1 - +1 0,0,0 0.8
VulnScan Same as above 2 - +1 1,0,1 0.6
ActiveScan Same as above 3 - +1 1,0,1 0.5
Table 2: Attacker Stage 2 – Access Actions.
TargetAssets SkillReq Budget Insight Damage CIA SuccessProb
Phishing MailServer ClientPC 2 2 +1 2,2,1 0.6
Remote Server
WebServer MailServer
Database FileServer
2 - - 2,2,1 0.5
Brute Force Same as above 1 1 - 2,2,1 0.5
Table 3: Attacker Stage 3 – Destruction Actions.
TargetAssets SkillReq Budget Insight Damage CIA SuccessProb
Encryption WebServer MailServer
MobileDevices Database
FileServer ClientPC
CloudApplication DMZ
3 - - 0,0,3 0.3
Manipulation Same as above 3 - - 0,3,1 0.3
Wipe Disk Same as above 3 - - 0,0,3 0.3
The defender activities are structured into two
phases: the prevention phase and the response phase.
There are the following actions at disposal in the
respective stages:
1. Prevention phase: security awareness training,
security response training, incident monitoring,
mobile code restrictions, two-factor
authentication, logon attempts restrictions,
restrict external connections
2. Response phase: information spillage handling
fail-safe procedures, asset recovery
The definitions of target assets, required skills,
budget, insight into the attacker’s intent, and success
probabilities are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Moreover,
a defense action can change the success probability of
a defender action. A security awareness training, for
example, reduces the success probability of a
phishing attack (table 2, first line) by half.
A formal model as described above can be
formulated in a model checking tool. To this end we
chose PRISM-games (Kwiatkowska, Parker, &
Wiltsche, PRISM-games: Verification and Strategy
Synthesis for Stochastic Multi-player Games with
Multiple Objectives, 2018). This tool allows, among
others, for the definition of different players and
modules. The modules contain the actions and their
consequences and can be written to mimic the non-
determinism as well as the stochastic nature of the
activities derived from the success probabilities.
Equipped with this information, one can define
the game: Foremost, we must decide on the
parameters characterizing the players: their skill
levels, their budgets and the attacker’s initiative. The
attacker and defender states correspond to the phases
of the attack and the defense, the probabilistic states
between an attacker and a defender state decide on the
success or failure of an action. The transition function
δ defines the eligibility of an action in a certain state
(depending on skill, budget and other preconditions)
when going from a player state to a probabilistic state
and the success probability otherwise. The set of
actions is given by the tables and the function α non-
deterministically decides on the choice of an action
by a player. The consequences of a successful action
and the function β are defined in the tables, too.
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 4: Defender Stage 1 – Prevention Phase.
TargetAssets SkillReq Budget Insight ChangeAttProbs SuccessProb
Users 1 1 false St2/1 /2 0.8
Staff 2 1 false 0.8
System 2 2 true 0.7
Mobile Code
Mobile 2 1 false 0.7
System, Users 2 2 false St2/30.01 0.6
System 1 1 false St2/300.6
System 2 1 false St2/20.1 0.6
Table 5: Defender Stage 2 – Response Phase.
TargetAssets SkillReq Budget Insight ChangeAttProbs SuccessProb
System 2 2 true 0.7
System, Staff 3 2 true 0.4
System, Staff 3 3 true 0.5
The current version of the PenQuest model
contains approximately 250 different attack actions
and 70 defense actions that can be used in modeling
attacker and defender strategies. So far we use a
subset of these actions in our model checking
5.2 Applying Model Checking
Having modeled the example scenario as a game in
the tool PRISM-games, quantitative questions about
the threat situation can be formulated. The answers to
these questions can then be calculated by model
checking. Model checking evaluates all possible
paths the game could take and on the way collects the
necessary information to compute maximum and
minimum success probabilities of the attacker and the
defender. In PRISM-games these questions are
formulated in PRISM’s property specification
language, which subsumes several well-known
probabilistic temporal logics.
The questions from the introduction were
answered like follows:
What is the maximum probability that an attacker
with a specific goal and profile will ultimately
Given an attacker initiative of 4 (on a scale from
1 to 10) and a defender budget of 7 (on a scale
from 1 to 10) model checking yield 0.42 in the
example, meaning that in the given situation the
attacker has a 42%-chance of success at best;
while his minimum success probability is 0.0 (no
What is the maximum defender success
probability in the given situation with a defender
budget of 7 and an attacker initiative of 4, as
Model checking results yield 0.93 in the example,
meaning that the residual rest of risk against an
attacker with initiative 4 is rather small in the
given situation.
How does a significant lower defender budget
influence the defender’s minimum success
Model checking results show that lowering the
defender budget from level 7 to level 5 does not
influence the defender’s success probabilities;
lowering it to level 4, however, significantly
Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios
reduces the minimum probability of defender
success (0.40 instead of 0.58).
In the example – as implemented in our model the
most important parameters are the attacker’s initiative
and the defender’s budget. The attacker’s initiative
models his persistence: a lower value lets him give up
earlier and hence lowers his success chances. While
the defender’s budget influences a situation only as
long as it makes sense to invest. Spending money for
security measures that do not have any influence in
the modeled scenario will not change the
The formalism for modeling attack-defense scenarios
as described in this paper makes threat analysis
possible in a strictly formal way and thus renders
possible the application of formal methods and tools.
The main innovation here is that the combination of
game theory and model checking is applied to tactical
threat analysis for real-world situations. To keep the
analysis as close to practice as possible we collected
attack and defense actions from accepted data sources
and vocabularies. As mentioned above the model so
far contains approximately 250 different attack
actions and 70 defense actions that can be used in
modeling attack and defender strategies. Subsuming
all these aspects into one single model would clearly
lead to a too large model, and hence render model
checking impossible by leading to state explosions.
To keep the model in a manageable size we break
down the model into scenarios along the lines of kill-
chains (Hutchins, Cloppert, & Amin, 2011). Model
checking these scenarios is possible on standard PCs
with 4.6 GHz and 32GB RAM. For more elaborate
scenarios more computing power will be necessary.
Future work will consider parallel execution of
attacker and defender actions in certain situations,
especially in the beginning. This would mean giving
up the turn-based property of the game partially. So
far, the consequences of this are not yet analyzed
fully. Another idea for future development is strategy
synthesis (for defenders): Given a configuration with
real-world limitations such as a budget, skill as well
as anticipated threats, the optimal defense strategy
could be computed.
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Bommannavar, P., Alpcan, T., & Bambos, N. (2011).
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Buldas, A., Gadyatskaya, O., Lenin, A., Mauw, S., &
Trujillo-Rasua, R. (2020). Attribute Evaluation on
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Chen, T., Forejt, V., Kwiatkowska, M., Parker, D., &
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Formalizing Real-world Threat Scenarios