Performance of Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics Teachers in
a Program of Professional Teacher Training
Cecil Hiltrimartin
, Muhammad Yusup, Yusuf Hartono
Universitas Sriwijaya, Jalan Raya Palembang-Prabumulih, Inderalaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Mathematics teachers, self-regulated learning, teacher professional training.
Abstract: Self-regulated learning is a cyclical process, wherein the student plans for a task, monitors their performance,
and then reflects on the outcome.Self-regulated learning refers to one's ability to under- stand and control
one's learning environment. The ability to learn independently is one of the characteristics needed in adult
learning. Independent learning ability can be developed in the learning process. This study aimed to analyse
difference of self-regulated learning of mathematics teachers in a program of professional training before and
after they study in FKIP Sriwijaya University. This study was an observational study with comparative cross-
sectional approach. The subjects of this study are mathematics teachers in a program of professional training
2018, a number of 30 people. Data was analyzed using t-test. The study found no statistically significant
(136,9) and after (141,8) following the professional education program (p=0,43).
The development of a country is also determined by
how education is carried out. At the primary and
secondary education levels a teacher is an important
component in education, because a teacher acts as a
teacher and an educator for students. It makes a
teacher has a great responsibility in achieving the aims
of national education. Teachers whom want to be
dedicated themselves with high professionalism to
education will make education qualified and create
human resources qualified as well.
A professional teacher must have expertise which
is gained through a specially programmed education
and training process. A formal recognition for the
expertise is stated in the form of certification,
accreditation, and license from the competent
authorities in this case the government and
professional organizations. Professionalism of
teachers will strategically determine the role of
education in global partnerships and also can break
the vicious circle of poverty alleviation.
There are many changes in the education paradigm
as an implication of globalization and reform and the
changes involve four things. First of all, the
educational process paradigm that is oriented to
teaching where the teacher is more of an information
center, shifts to a learning process that is oriented
towards learning where students become sources
(student center).
In connection with this, it is undeniable that
teacher professional education is a manifestation.
Explicitly in the elucidation of article 15 of Law No.20
/ 2003 concerning the National Education System, it is
stated that professional education is a tertiary
education after an undergraduate program that
prepares students to have jobs with special skills
requirements. According to Kemendiknas (2010),
This means that the teaching profession is open,
because the program of professional teacher training
can be followed by all candidates who have completed
the undergraduate program. Article 10 of Law No. 14
of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers also states
that teachers' professional competencies are obtained
through professional education.
The program of professional teacher training
curriculum was developed with reference to the
principle of activity based curriculum or experience
based curriculum instead of curriculum subject matter
as in academic education. The implication of this
principle, according to Merry, Koehler & Mishra
(2016) learning in the program of professional teacher
training takes the form of activities, namely in the
form of a learning device development workshop as a
form of implementation of the TPACK concept,
namely technological pedagogical content knowledge.
Hiltrimartin, C., Yusup, M. and Hartono, Y.
Performance of Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics Teachers in a Program of Professional Teacher Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0009996800002499
In Proceedings of the 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education (SULE-IC 2018), pages 226-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-575-3
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Learning activities in the program of professional
teacher training require participants to conduct it
independently. These activities require learning
independence for the participants. According to
Mujiman (2011) independent learning is an active
learning activity, which is driven by a motive to
master something of competence, and is built with the
provision of knowledge or competence that has been
owned. In determining competency as a learning goal
and how to achieve it, the determination of learning
time, place of learning, learning rhythm, the tempo of
learning, the way of learning, learning resources, and
the evaluation of learning outcomes are carried out on
their own.
Independent learning can be say self-regulated
learning. Self-regulated learning definition can be
identify by three aspects, meta-cognition, motivation,
and behavioral (Zimmerman, 1990; You & Joy, 2008;
Pintrich & Zusho, 2002). According to Pintrich & De
Groot (1990) there are many definitions of self-
regulated learning, there are three components of self-
regulated learning, meta-cognitive, management, and
students’ conceptualization.
From the description above it can be concluded
that students with self-regulated learning have
indicators such as, not relying on others, having an
attitude of responsibility, confidence, being able to
control themselves, evaluate themselves and have
awareness for independent learning. Self-regulated
learning is important to achieve optimal student
learning achievement. Students who have indicators
of self-regulated learning will be better in the learning
When taking professional training, there is a
problem about students' self-regulated learning at the
teacher professional training stage, and there has not
been much learning innovation in the teaching
profession, as well as the obstacles that occur in the
teaching profession, so this research was conducted.
The purpose of this study was to determine the
differences in self-regulated learning of mathematics
teacher in the program of teacher professional training
stage before and after undergoing learning in the field
of mathematics. The benefits of this study are
expected to provide input for curriculum development
in the program of professional teacher training stage.
This study was an observational study with a
comparative cross sectional approach. The variable of
this study is the self-regulated learning of
mathematics teachers of program of teacher
professional training. Self-regulated learning is one of
the ways that students do active learning which is
driven by the motive of mastering competence, and is
built based on the knowledge they have. Self-
regulated learning means developing active and
participatory learning methods for students to
improve their skills and abilities in the learning
process without being bound by lecturers or
classmates, lecturers only act as facilitators. The
indicators in self-regulated learning to facilitate the
discussion of student learning independence are as
follows: (1) Dependence on others, (2) Having
confidence, (3) Be disciplined, (4) Have a sense of
responsibility, (5) Acting on your own initiative, (6)
Perform self-control.
The subject of this study were 30 mathematics
teachers in a program of teacher professional training
at the FKIP of Sriwijaya University in 2018. The
instruments are arranged in a Likert scale which is an
instrument that is self-report. Instrument
measurement is done twice, in the first and last week
students are in the teaching profession education.
Data analysis was carried out by t-test.
The majority of teachers who take this program which
are the sample in this study are women. Most of the
samples live in boarding houses and they have taken
training for two months. To measure the self-
regulated learning variables, an instrument consisting
of 50 items in a four-scale form with the lowest
theoretical score of 50, the highest score of 200 is
Table 1: Description of mathematics teachers' self-
regulated learning before and after the professional stage.
Score Mini
learning before
taking a professional
121 187 136.9
learning after taking
a professional stage.
105 172 141.8
The mean value of self-regulated learning after
taking the program of teacher professional training is
higher than the previous value, showed by Table 1.
Data processing with t test obtained the value of t = -
0.642, p = 0.43. Thus there is no statistically
Performance of Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics Teachers in a Program of Professional Teacher Training
significant difference self-regulated learning in
before and after undergoing the stage of the program.
The learning that is done is learning as it is, which
is usually done at the stage of professional training,
without the innovations being made to improve the
effectiveness of learning. In the implementation of
the program of teacher professional training learning
process outline consists of workshops which include:
1) the deepening of the material in the area of
expertise to be taught; 2) deepening of the subject
matter of the pedagogic field; 3) learning device
development workshops; 4) peer learning practices.
Supervisors in the program of teacher
professional training have many routine tasks that
must be done, not only guiding teachers in the
teaching profession stage, but also guiding
mathematics education students. The narrow time that
can be used to guide teachers at the program often
causes learning to run spontaneously and without
planning. Innovations need to be carried out,
especially so that learning objectives and methods can
foster self-regulated learning.
Seeing the condition of the current stage of
program of teacher professional training, teachers
should have sufficient self-regulated learning, to
compensate for things that can hinder the
achievement of their competence. Based on the
results of this study, the selection of appropriate
learning methods, the quality of the guidance of
guidance given the limited lecturer time, and the
improvement of the ability of lecturers can be an
alternative for professional learning innovation.
According to Watmough, O'Sullivan and Taylor
(2010), the curriculum is one of the things that can
influence the development of self-regulated learning,
for the stage of program of teacher professional
training further exploration of the curriculum and any
learning methods that can develop self-regulated
learning need to be carried out.
The results of this study stated that there was no
statistically significant difference in self-regulated
learning before and after undergoing the learning
phase of program of teacher professional training.
More research is needed on alternative interventions
that need to be done as a way to develop teachers’
self-regulated learning, as well as similar research by
increasing the number of samples.
There are five indicators of self-regulated learning
achievement, which are: 1. Not depending on other
people, 2. Having self-confidence, 3. Behaving
discipline, 4. Having responsibility, and 5. Doing
Table 2: Indicator of not depending on other people.
Indicator 1
Before After
High 3 10 4 13,3
Middle 22 73,3 23 76,7
Low 5 16,7 3 10
Total 30 100 30 100
Table 2 shows that before taking the PPG class the
indicator of not depending on other people was only
10% for high level of independency and it improved
after joining the PPG class becoming 13.3%.
Table 3: Indicator of having self-confidence.
Table 3 shows that before and after taking the
PPG class there is no any difference at the middle
level of self-confidence. Meanwhile at the high level
of self-confidence there is improvement from 20%
becoming 26.7%.
Table 4: Indicator of behaving discipline.
Table 4 shows that before and after taking the
PPG class there is no any difference at the middle
level of behaving discipline.
Table 5: Indicator of having responsibility.
Indicator 4
Before After
% %
h 1 3,3 1 3,3
Middle 20 65,3 22 73,3
Low 9 31,4 7 23,4
Total 30 100 30 100
Table 5 shows that before and after taking the
PPG class there is no any difference at the middle
level of having responsibility .
Indicator 2
Before After
h 6 20 8 26,7
Middle 21 70 21 70
Low 3 10 1 3,3
Total 30 100 30 100
Indicator 3
Before After
High 2 6,7 2 6,7
Middle 25 83,3 26 86,6
Low 3 10 2 6,7
Total 30 100 30 100
SULE-IC 2018 - 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education
Table 6: Indicator of doing initiatively.
Indicator 5
Before After
High 7 23,4 7
Middle 22 73,3 22
Low 1 3,3 1
Total 30 100 30
Table 6 shows that before and after taking the
PPG class there was no any difference at all level of
doing initiatively.
There is no statistically significant difference self-
regulated learning of mathematics teachers in before
and after undergoing the stage of the program of
teacher professional training.
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Performance of Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics Teachers in a Program of Professional Teacher Training