Thematic Paper Activities for Young Children
Hasmalena, Syafdaningsih, Mahyumi, Gustiana
Early childhood education, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Thematic, Paper Activities, Young Children
Abstract: This study aims to develop valid and practical thematic paper activities. Subjects used in this study were
two groups in Pembina kindergarten Palembang. The model development is Rowntree and using Tessmer's
formative evaluation stages which consist of self-evaluation, expert review, aims to know the level of
validity of paper activities, the learning product is concluded valid if developed with adequate theory. All
components of the learning product are consistently related to one another called construct validity. One to
one evaluation, and small group evaluation aim to see practicality if experts and practitioners claim that the
developed product is applicable, easy to administer. Data collection used in this research is interview
method, walkthrough and observation. Based on the results of research show that the validity of the content
and design obtained average value of 3.77 categories is very valid. For paper activities practicality test from
observation at one to one evaluation with 95% average value very practical category. Then for the small
group evaluation stage, the average value of 92% of the categories is very. This research concludes that of
thematic paper activities is already valid and practical and worthy to be used as paper activities learning for
young children.
Based on the regulation of the Minister of Education
and Culture of the Republic Indonesia Number 137
of 2014 on National Standards at Early Childhood
Education chapter VI standard content article 9
paragraph 2 that is, the theme and sub theme as
referred to in paragraph (1) prepared in accordance
with characteristics, needs, children, and local
culture. In line with the above ministerial regulation,
there is also a ministerial regulation No. 146 of 2014
on the 2013 curriculum there are basic
competencies, recognize the social environment
(family, friends, place of residence, place of
worship, culture and transportation) and presents
various works related to the environment social
(family, friends, shelter, places of worship, culture,
transportation) in the form of drawing, storytelling,
singing and gestures. For that reason, as an early
child educator we have to introduce about the social
environment, especially the nearest children's
environment such as city name, icon, special food,
regional dance, traditional games, regional songs,
and traditional clothes around the child.
Culture consists in patterned ways of thinking,
feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted
mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive
achievements of human groups, including their
embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of
culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically
derived and selected) ideas and especially their
attached values (Kluckhohn, 1951).
After the researcher conducted observation in 3
kindergartens of group B in Palembang such as
kindergarten Al-Ikhlas, kindergarten Pertiwi 1 and
kindergarten Puri Abadi each observation was done
on November 30, 2017 and December 4, 2017. From
interview with the classroom teacher at that time for
Kindergarten Al-Ikhlas and kindergarten Pertiwi 1, it
is generally said that at the time of learning my
homeland theme teachers only rely on thematic
paper student or what they usually call magazines
for children they buy per package in each semester.
For development the theme itself, especially to
introduce the city of Palembang as a local culture
that must be known by children, teachers have not a
special media to introduce the local culture of
Palembang, they only print images typical
Palembang monuments such as Ampera bridge,
Monpera, Agung Mosque and others with invites
children to ask questions about the city center of
Palembang. Then the obstacles that teachers face are
Hasmalena, ., Syafdaningsih, ., Mahyumi, . and Gustiana, .
Thematic Paper Activities for Young Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0009994200002499
In Proceedings of the 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education (SULE-IC 2018), pages 142-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-575-3
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
for the provision of the media itself for example they
must print the image first before giving the material
to the learners, then the resulting size is not so big
even not seen clearly by the whole child because
using A4 paper. For thematic paper that used by Al-
Ikhlas Kindergarten is a book from publisher of
Intan Pariwara which is refers to the 2013
curriculum and each theme are spread in seven
different titles.
This book has been referring to the 2013
curriculum, and printed the theme. From some
obstacles that researchers have found above it can be
said that the lack of teaching materials in this case is
thematic paper student associated with the local
culture of Palembang, because in general thematic
my homeland theme of each thematic paper student
used by schools include the culture that exists in
Indonesia but the content of the material is
sometimes not related to the cultural environment
around the child.
Results of interviews with classroom teachers,
teachers strongly agree if there is teaching materials
or thematic paper student in local culture of
Palembang City. Teachers feel very helpful with the
sub theme of Palembang city, at least the teacher no
longer need to print the media or activity sheet of
learners. So it can save time and more practical in its
use. For children with thematic paper student
existence it can provide knowledge about the local
culture of Palembang city which is the city where
children grew up. That is why we need to develop
paper activity sub theme of Palembang city. Based
on the identification of the problem above, the
researcher intends to develop Thematic Paper
Activities For young children.
In this research use development research method.
Furthermore, This study represents design research.
Design research is conducted by a researcher or
researchers with experience of and interest in
building theory and instructional designs in
collaboration with teachers. The teacher is
considered a member of the research team with the
responsibility for implementing the instructional
design (Stephan, 2014). Design research has both
pragmatic and theoretical goals by further
developing particular forms of learning and specific
theories by systematically studying learning and the
means of supporting them. The attraction of design
research is based on the fact that it is closely
connected to practical settings (Stephan, 2014).
Stages of this model are planning, development, and
assessment or evaluation. In the evaluation phase,
the researcher uses Tessmer's formative evaluation,
(Tessmer, 1993) model consisting of self evaluation,
expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small group
evaluation. This research has been carried out with
the planning phase in November-December 2017
and evaluation phase in March 2018 at Pembina 2
state kindergarten Palembang.
2.1 Planning
At this stage of the analysis includes the following
three activities: Conduct competence analysis
required of the learner at this stage the researchers
analyzed the competencies that correspond to the
age of the child on government regulation no. 146 of
2014 on the 2013 curriculum in early childhood
Analyze the characteristics of learners about their
learning capacity, knowledge, skills, attitudes that
students already possess and other related aspects;
Conduct material analysis in accordance with
competence demands. At this stage the researcher
performs indicator analysis for children aged 5-6
years in accordance with the theme of my homeland
which has been described in the previous chapter.
Selanjutya collect data used as a supporting
reference to develop student work sheet. References
can be books, journals, and internet sites in the form
of print or soft files.
2.2 Development
The next stage after the planning phase is the stage
of topic development, as has been described in the
previous chapter that is about the local culture of
Palembang city and has been adapted to the basic
competencies and learning objectives. After
compiling the material then the next step is to
produce the prototype. The material that has been
compiled is then made into the activity sheet of the
learner that has been illustrated into the picture.
2.3 Evaluation
The last stage is the evaluation stage aims to analyze
the validity and effectiveness and practicality of
thematic paper student that we implement.
Formative evaluation is an incorporated process for
collecting data on the effectiveness and efficiency of
learning materials (including into the media) to
achieve established goals. Meanwhile, according to
Worthen, Sanders, and Fitzpatrick (1997) formative
evaluation focuses attention on ongoing, midstream
Thematic Paper Activities for Young Children
assessments that feed information back to
intervention implementers, allowing them to make
real-time adaptations and refinements to ineffective
aspects of an intervention. Formative feedback often
leads to decisions about program development (such
as whether to modify or revise the intervention),
whereas summative feedback often leads to
decisions about whether to ultimately continue,
expand, or adopt the program.
2.3.1 Self Evaluation
At this stage, thematic paper for student has been
produced then the researchers make their own
corrections to thematic paper student in theme home
land sub theme of Palembang that has been
developed. After correction then proceed to the next
evaluation stage that is expert review.
2.3.2 Expert Review
At this stage thematic paper studentis evaluated by
experts. The criteria used in determining the
validator in this study based on the assessment that
the experts have been experienced in assessing the
products to be developed. There are two validators
involved at this stage that the material expert is
required to test the material feasibility or the
accuracy of the contents and questions in accordance
with the competencies and learning objectives to be
achieved. Media experts are required to assess the
look / design and language to be used. The
procedures used at this stage with the provided
questionnaire. Furthermore, the suggestions
provided by the validator are analyzed and then used
as revision materials.
2.3.3 One-to-One Evaluation
In this one-to-one evaluation phase, the researcher
involves three young children in Pembina 2 state
kinergarten Palembang representing students with
low, medium and high ability. Then they are asked
to do the work on the student work sheet. After
thematic paper studenthas had its practicality in the
one-to-one evaluation stage then thematic paper
studentwhich has been revised through expert test
called prototype 2 continued to small group
evaluation stage, Plan the report (s) of the
evaluation, Implement the evaluation
2.3.4 Small Group Evaluation
In small group evaluation stage, evaluation is done
by testing prototype 2 which has been developed in
the student group consisting of nine student, which
is divided into three capabilities, that is with high
ability, medium ability and low ability besides with
different characteristics such as from family
background of tribe and others..
2.4 Data Collection Techniques
The research data was collected by teacher interview
technique used for initial data analysis. Then the
walkthrought technique is data validation involving
several experts to evaluate the product as a basis for
revising the initial product. The data collection tool
used in the form of validation sheet given to the
expert. The validation sheet given to the expert in
the likert scale.
The next data collection technique in this research is
observation. Observation is done during the activity
which aims to see the practicality of thematic paper
studentto be developed. The observation was held
for 4 days and 2 days of one-to-one and 2 days in
small group stage. Observations are measured
through learning indicators that have been
determined on thematic paper student problems that
have been made. Then the acquisition score gets
changed to the value.
The practicality about the use of thematic paper
student that will be developed it is necessary to do
the questionnaire to the teacher. The Likert scale can
be used to obtain data through questionnaires about
teacher responses to student work sheet. The
collected data can be used as a percentage.
3.1 Self Evaluation
At this stage of self-evaluation thematic paper
activities that has been produced then the researchers
make their own corrections to thematic paper student
Theme Home land Sub Theme of Palembang City
that has been developed. After correction then
proceed to the next evaluation stage that is expert
SULE-IC 2018 - 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education
3.2 Expert Review
At this stage thematic paper studentis evaluated by
experts. The criteria used in determining the
validator in this study based on the assessment that
the experts have been experienced in assessing the
products to be developed. There are two validators
involved at this stage that the material expert is
required to test the material feasibility or the
accuracy of the contents and questions in accordance
with the competencies and learning objectives to be
achieved. Media experts are required to assess the
look/ design and language to be used. The
procedures used at this stage with the provided
questionnaire. Furthermore, the suggestions
provided by the validator are analyzed and then used
as revision materials. If there are things that need to
be improved then the researcher should revise the
student work sheet. If it has been declared valid then
thematic paper studentthat has passed the expert
review stage will then be done one-to-one
evaluations. Validity test is done to test the level of
validity and student work sheet, involving 2 experts
namely design experts and materials. The average of
the total validation score of experts is 3.77 with very
valid category. Both validators allow product testing
after revision in accordance with the suggestions that
have been made.
3.3 One-to-One Evaluation
In this one-to-one evaluation phase, the researcher
involves three students of group B Pembina 2 state
kindergarten Palembang representing students with
low, medium and high ability (Tessmer, 1993). Then
they are asked to do the work on the student work
sheet. The selection of research subjects is reviewed
from the level of ability. Average score from one-to-
one evaluation stage is 95% with very practical
category. While small group stage involving 9
students in group B3 with average value of 92%
with very practical category. After thematic paper
studenthas had its practicality in the one-to-one
evaluation stage then thematic paper student which
has been revised through expert test called prototype
2 continued to small group evaluation stage.
Media validation stage consisting of 4 indicators
such as 1) clarity of writing on student work sheet,
writing not blurred, no errors in writing, thematic
paper studentwriting interesting to read and the type
of letters used can be read, with a total score of 22,
2) instructions for use which consists of the
language used effectively and efficiently and the
clarity of the information provided, with a total score
of 8, 3) clarity of the image on thematic paper
studentthat is not blurred image, strategic image
position, there is an explanation, the picture is easy
to understand and get the total score 15, 4) display
thematic paper studentconsisting of images in
accordance with the theme and sub theme,
interesting to see, drawings arranged regularly and
there are titles along with other information, the total
score obtained 16. Average score obtained in the
design evaluation stage of 3.78 with the category
very valid. Then it is worth to be tested according to
suggestion. Suggestions obtained by the researcher
in the form of spelling or writing repaired, the title
moved to the top center of the worksheet, the size of
the title is enlarged and make the steps of learners.
After the suggestion of the validator is fixed then it
is feasible to be tested.
The validation of the material/ content of 3.76
with the category is very valid, then for the design
validation of 3.78 with the category is very valid.
Thus, thematic paper student developed by the
researcher can be used in the next test phase. Based
on the suggestion of the validator then there are
some revisions on prototype 1 as described in the
previous step. Furthermore, the validated and
revised thematic paper studentis then tested at the
one to one evaluation stage. Overall the average
value of expert validation review results on the
theme thematic paper studentmy homeland sub
theme of Palembang city is 3.7 with very valid
category. In line with the results of the researcher,
Bronwyn H. Hall (2006) Research and Development
(R&D) is the term commonly used to describe the
activities undertaken by firms and other entities such
as individual entrepreneurs in order to create new or
improved products and processes. All components of
the learning product are consistently related to one
another called construct validity. The indicators used
to infer the developed learning product are valid, the
validity of the content and the validity of the
constructs. In line with the expert opinion above
according to According to H. E. Garrett (1965) the
validity of a test or any measuring instrument
depends upon the fidelity with which it measures
what it proposes to measure.” According to Freeman
(1960) an index of validity shows the degree to
which a test measures what it purposes to measure
when compared with accepted criteria. According to
Anastasi (2007) “The validity of a test concerns with
what the test measures and how well it does so.
The one to one stage aims to see the practicality
of prototype 1 that has been evaluated by the expert.
This stage of teachers teach children about the city
of Palembang which refers from the theme of my
Thematic Paper Activities for Young Children
home land. After the teacher explains the material
the child is working on the thematic paper
studentthat has been provided. Researchers observed
children at the time of learning that aimed to see
their practical value for the prototype 1. The three
observational indicators were 1) attraction,
consisting of enthusiastic descriptors in working
student work sheet, paying attention to thematic
paper studentcarefully, 2) ease of use, consisting of
three descriptor that is, understand the thematic
paper studentinstruction, understand the material,
answer the problem independently, 3) interest or
motivation consists of two descriptor such as
discussing or asking with a group of friends about
the material in thematic paper student and showing
curiosity. The average acquired by 95% category is
very practical. The result of prototype 1 was then
revised again into prototype 2.
3.4 Small Group Evaluation
In small group evaluation stage, evaluation is done by
testing prototype 2 which has been developed in the
student group consisting of nine student, which is
divided into three capabilities, that is with high ability,
medium ability and low ability besides with different
characteristics such as from family background of tribe
and others. Learners are then asked to return to work on
the tasks on the student work sheet. Then after the
repair and prototype 2 has a practicality then the
product has been completed.
In the activity of attaching pieces of images
Monpera and Great mosque children feel confusion
because there is no sample image intact so that after the
revised researcher adds a complete picture on both
worksheet of the learners. For a clearer picture can be
seen in the attachment. Each child with an average
percentage of 92% with the category very practical so it
can be concluded that the small group evaluation stage
that aims to see the level of practicality thematic paper
student developed by researchers can be said to be very
3.5 Results Angket Practicality
The level of practical thematic paper student that has
been developed by the researcher then required a
questionnaire given to three teachers in Pembina 2
state kindergarten Palembang. Respondents in this
case are teachers who teach in group B2. In the
opinion of Centaury (2016) practicality is the level
of exposure and implementation prototype of
learning devices by teachers and students. Based on
the above opinion, researchers review the level of
practicality in terms of the use of thematic paper
studentin children and teachers. The following is a
table of presentation of thematic paper student
practicality questionnaire data developed by the
researcher. Questionnaire of practicality against
thematic paper studentthat has obtained an average
score of 97% with very practical category. So it can
be said that thematic paper student has met the criteria
of practicality.
The practicality of using thematic paper student
was tested prototype 2 on children called small
group evaluation. At this stage the researchers used
nine children group in Pembina 2 state kindergarten
Palembang. This stage of the researchers back into
the observer as well as doing the documentation
through video and photos. Teachers provide material
about the city of Palembang using the media images
or print outs that have been provided by researchers
who then pasted in carton media and placed on
board the classroom. After the teacher convey
material about the city of Palembang and then
children are guided to work on thematic paper
student that has been provided by researchers. The
indicator used to see the level of practicality at this
stage is the same as the indicator in the previous
stage is the one to one evaluation stage. Observation
value at small group evaluation stage in thematic
paper student with average of 92% so it can be said
that the use of thematic paper student theme of
Palembang City has practical criteria for children.
Furthermore, to determine the practical level of
thematic paper student use in terms of teachers. The
number of respondents at this stage of three
kindergarten teachers Pembina Negeri 2 Palembang
took place in the same kindergarten when
researchers conducted research. Respondents taught
to group B2 two teachers and one teacher B3. At this
stage the researchers gave a questionnaire to
respondents with a likert scale. Respondents only
provide checkers according to what they feel. At this
stage it consists of eight statements including 1) with
this thematic paper student can help me teach in
class, 2) clarity of indicator so that can be measured,
3) in the presence of assessment table can facilitate
me in using student work sheet, 4) make it easier for
me to give the value of the work of the child 5) after
I use this thematic paper studentI no longer have
trouble in providing print out for children, 6) after I
use this thematic paper studentI know more about
the material about Palembang city, 7) after use this
thematic paper student, the more confident in giving
the material, 8) the material contained in thematic
paper studentis short, solid, clear and interesting.
Based on the above eight indicators, the percentage
SULE-IC 2018 - 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education
of teachers with the initials of YM is 96% with very
practical category, then the teacher with initials SZ
obtained 100% percentage result very practical
category and lastly the teacher initialed NR get the
percentage result of 96% very practical category so
that the results of the questionnaire value of
practicality against thematic paper student obtained
an average value of 97% category very practical. So
it can be said that thematic paper student theme of
Palembang City has met the level of practicality.
Practicality is practical and easy in
administration, such as easy to implement,
corrected or checked and given assessment or
scoring equipped with clear instructions.
Practicality can be fulfilled if the experts and
practitioners state that what is developed can be
applied and the reality shows that what is
developed can be applied and used easily.
Practicality refers to the condition of products
developed easy to use by users both teachers and
students so that learning can be meaningful,
interesting, fun and useful for student life. So it can
be said that practicality can be said to be practical if
the experts and practitioners claim that the
developed product is applicable, easy to administer
it as easy to implement, corrected or checked, easy
to scratch and equipped with clear instructions and
referring to product conditions that can be used by
students and teachers that are meaningful,
interesting, fun and useful.
3.6 Product Results of Thematic Paper
Activity for Young Children
The result of the research entitled the development
of activity sheet of learners of my homeland theme
sub theme of Palembang city, using Rowntree model
through three stages: planning, development and
evaluation phase.Tessmer in Gwendolyn J. Ogle
(2002) outlines 11 steps that are necessary when
planning an evaluation. Although not graphical, the
steps are prescriptive in nature and this model
constitutes one of only a few formative evaluation
models. Determine the goals of the instruction,
Determine the resources for and constraints upon the
evaluation, obtain a complete task analysis of the
instruction, Describe the learning environment,
Determine the media characteristics of the
instruction, Outline the information sought from the
evaluation Choose parts of the instruction for
evaluation, Select the stages and subjects for the
evaluation, Select the data gathering methods and
tools for each stage. For more information, it will
be shown in the picture below.
Figure 1. Thematic paper student activity
Based on the picture above, the activities carried
out on the worksheet with the theme of the city of
Palembang are connecting images of the Palembang
monument. The child performs the activities
according to the instructions already available on the
worksheet after the teacher evaluates the work of the
Figure 2. Thematic paper student activity
In the picture above, it can be seen that the
child's activity on the worksheet is encircling food
which is typical of Palembang then the child
circulates on the worksheet and the teacher makes an
assessment. The activity on the worksheet uses a
Thematic Paper Activities for Young Children
scientific approach. The learning objectives in this
activity are children can circle 4 Palembang
Based on research conducted on the development of
thematic paper student theme Home land
Palembang subtema can be concluded thematic
paper student developed is stated valid at the expert
review stage consisting of material and design
experts so that thematic paper studentis feasible to
be used as a teaching material for the theme of
Home land and Palembang subtema this can be
known from the average expert review results of
3.77 categories are very valid.
Test the practicality of thematic paper student
can be seen from the observation of children and
questionnaire given to three teachers. The results of
the one-to-one stage conducted by three students
obtained an average score of 92% with a very
practical category. Then at the small group
evaluation stage given to nine students in group B3
obtained the average value of practicality
percentage of 92% with very practical category.
Then the last step to see the practical level of
thematic paper studentis teacher questionnaire, the
result of the questionnaire value of practicality to
thematic paper student that has obtained an average
value of 97% category very practical. So it can be
concluded that the theme thematic paper student
sub theme of Palembang city has been eligible valid
and practical and feasible to be used in learning the
theme of my homeland sub theme of Palembang
city in kindergarten.
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SULE-IC 2018 - 3rd Sriwijaya University International Conference on Learning and Education