Performance Analysis and Strategy for Improving Working
Achievement in Community Services in Police Office Sector
Patumbak Polrestabes Medan
Afdhal Junaidi
Master of Management Study Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Community service, Medan, North Sumatera, Police.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze what factors that significantly affect the low performance
achievement and alternative strategies that need to be implemented in Polsek Patumbak Polrestabes Medan.
Sample taken in this research is as many as 123 people and then tested data analysis by using Structure
Equation Modeling (SEM). This study concludes that the results of hypothesis testing show that leadership
style has significant effect on motivation, professionalism has significant effect on motivation, competence
has significant effect on job satisfaction, competence has significant effect on Job Performance, Leadership
Style has no significant effect on Job Satisfaction, Leadership has no significant effect on Work
Achievement, Self Efficacy has no significant effect on Motivation, Self Efficacy has no significant effect
on Job Satisfaction, Self Efficacy has no significant effect on Job Performance, Professionalism has no
significant effect on Job Satisfaction, Professionalism has no significant effect on Job Performance, Job
Satisfaction has no significant effect on Job Performance, Motivation has no significant effect on Job
Competence is an important and important variable
that must be possessed by a personnel in carrying
out his work, so that with the existing competence
can help a personnel to complete the work quickly
and accurately in accordance with the target set by
the leadership. Conversely, poor competence will
make it difficult for personnel to carry out the
workload they are responsible for, and this will
undoubtedly result in poor performance of the
personnel, which will automatically result in poor
performance of Patumbak Police.
Furthermore professionalism of personnel is also
urgently needed. The attitude and independence of
this professionalism will be attached to the time a
person is working to carry out basic tasks and
functions as a member of Police Patumbak.
Professional attitude of personnel is a reflection of
police norms and ethics. A professionally run code
of ethics will make controllers for personnel to
improve the quality of their performance.
Furthermore, Self-efficacy is needed in
developing the performance because with the
existence of Self Efficacy in the individual will
cause confidence in his ability to complete the job
given by the boss secata on time. Lee and Bobko in
Engko (2008), stated that individuals who have high
Self Efficacy will devote all their efforts and
attention to achieve the goals and failures that occur
and make the effort even more. If so, then it is very
clear that when Patumbak Police personnel have Self
Efficacy properties will certainly improve the
performance of personel.
Leadership is defined as the ability and skills of a
person who occupies the position as a leader of the
work unit to influence personel in achieving
organizational goals. If a leader has credibility and
vision - missions that are inconsistent with personnel
or subordinates, this will lead to lower performance
by subordinates. This may be because the thoughts
of the leaders and subordinates are not aligned.
Therefore, it is clear that leadership is one of the
most important factors in improving the
performance of Police personnel Patumbak.
However, all of these factors and variables will
also not be effective when they are not motivated.
Whoever the leader should provide motivation to
Junaidi, A.
Performance Analysis and Strategy for Improving Working Achievement in Community Services in Police Office Sector Patumbak Polrestabes Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009904800002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 470-477
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
each subordinate to achieve the desired goals.
Motivation is a motivation given by the leader to
encourage subordinates to have the spirit and can
achieve performance in accordance with that
expected by the leadership. Bad motivation is owned
by subordinates will make a problem for the
leadership in relation to the performance to be
achieved by subordinates. When the competence,
professionalism, Self Efficacy¸ and leadership style
owned by the leadership is good, but the lack of
leadership motivation, this can make the
performance of subordinates become less good.
Based on the above explanation, the purpose of
this study is To know and analyze the influence of
Leadership Style, Self Efficacy, Professionalism,
Competence to Motivation in Police Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan. To know and analyze the
influence of Leadership Style, Self Efficacy,
Professionalism, Competence to Job Satisfaction in
Patumbak Polrestabes Police Medan. To know and
analyze the influence of Leadership Style, Self
Efficacy, Professionalism, Competence to Job
Performance in Patumbak Polrestabes Polsek
Medan. To know and analyze the influence of Job
Satisfaction and Motivation on Job Performance in
Patumbak Polrestabes Polsek Medan.
This research is a quantitative descriptive research
According to Nawawi (2003) descriptive method is
research methods that focus on actual problems or
phenomena at the time of the research, then describe
the factors about the problem being investigated as it
is accompanied by the interpretation rational and
accurate. Quantitative research is an approach to
empirical studies to collect, analyze, and display
data in numerical form rather than narrative. This
research is done by survey approach.
As for the population in this study is the
personnel who served in the Police Station Sector
Patumbak Polrestabes Medan, which amounted to
123 people. The sampling technique used in this
study is a saturated sampling technique, where the
entire population becomes a sample. This technique
was chosen because according to Hair, et al (2010)
the ideal sample size for Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) is between 100 - 200 samples.
The analysis technique used in this research is
Structural Equation Model (SEM) which operated
through AMOS program. The reason for using SEM
is that SEM is a set of statistical techniques that
allows the measurement of a relatively complex set
of relationships simultaneously. A complete SEM
modeling basically consists of two main parts: the
Measurement Model and the Structural Model.
Measurement Model or measurement model to
confirm indicators of a latent variable as well as a
structural model that describes the causality
relationship between two or more variables.
Structural Model is a model of relationship structure
that forms or explains causality between factors.
This equation is formulated to express the
causality relationship between the various
constructs. The structural equation is basically
constructed with the following guidelines:
Motivation (Y1) = ß1X1 + ß2X2 + ß3X3 +
ß4X4 + z1
Job Satisfaction (Y2) = ß5X1 + ß6X2 +
ß7X3 + ß8X4 + z2
Job Satisfaction (Y2) = ß9Y1X1 +
ß10Y1X2 + ß11Y1X3 + ß12Y1X4 + z2
Working Performance (Y3) = ß13Y2X1 +
ß14Y2X2 + ß15Y2X3 + ß16Y2X4 + z3
Motivation (Y1) = ß17Y2 + z1 (5)
Motivation (Y1) = ß18Y3 + z1 (6)
The suitability of the model is evaluated through
a review of the various Goodness-Of-fit criteria. The
first action is to evaluate whether the data used can
meet SEM assumptions ie, sample size, Normality
and linearity, Outliers, Multicolinearity and
Singularity. Researchers tested using several fit
indexes to measure the correctness of the proposed
model. Some conformity indexes and their cut off
values are used to test whether a model is accepted
or rejected, ie Chi Square Statistics (χ2), RMSEA
(The Root Mean Square Error of Approximation),
GFI (Goodness of Fit Index), AGFI (Adjusted
Goodness of Fit Index), CMIN / DF, TLI (Tucker
Lewis Index), CFI (Comparative Fit Index)
(Arbuckle, in Ferdinand 2006).
This confirmatory factor analysis is a measurement
stage against the dimensions that make up the latent
variables in the research model. The latent variables
or constructs used in this research model consist of 7
latent variables: Leadership Style (X1), Self Efficacy
Performance Analysis and Strategy for Improving Working Achievement in Community Services in Police Office Sector Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan
(X2), Professionalism (X3), Competence (X4),
Motivation (Y1), Job Satisfaction (Y2) and Work
Achievement (Y3) with an overall number of
dimensions of 28. As with the usual factor analysis,
the purpose of the confirmatory factor analysis is to
test the unidimensionality of the constituent
dimensions of each latent variable. In other words
that Confirmatory Factor Analysis for testing the
analysis of validity and reliability. The result of the
validity test of the indicator meets the criteria if the
value of Critical Ratio (CR) is greater than 1,96
(CR> 1,96), with Probability level less than 0.05 (P
<0,05). Construct Reliability value sebeslebih larger
than the value of 0.7 it can be concluded that all
collisions on latent variables in this study is feasible
to use.
In testing this outlier is done by looking distance
Mahalanobis (Mahalanobis Distance). In viewing
the Mahalanobis distance on each observation can be
calculated based on the Chi-Square value in the
Mahalanobis table. To detect the outlier data can see
the comparison between the Chi-Square-count
values in the Mahalanobis table with the Chi-
Square-table values. Data is declared free outlier if
Chi-Square-count <Chi-Square-table at p level
<0.05. The value of Chi-Square-table at degrees of
freedom of 28 (indicator) at the level of p <0.05 is
known is 41.337.
The lowest value of Chi-Square-counted
Mahalanobis is 21.488 with probability level is
0.804 while the highest value is 41.299 with a
probability level of 0.051. It is known that the value
of Chi-Square-table is 31,337. Thus it can be
concluded that Chi-Square-counts
Mahalanobis<from Chi-Square-table with a
probability level smaller than 0.05. So in this outlier
test there is no data that have outlier with other
words no data should be eliminated.
In the univariate normality test, C.R. in
Skewness each data is seen value one by one, if not
its value outside of ± 2,58 hence data expressed not
normal. Univariate data abnormality however can be
ignored if the value of C.R. on Skewness is between
± 2.58 multivariate. The value of C.R. on Skewness
both univariate and multivariate. Univariate note that
the data PK6 is -2,619, PK2 is -2,619, KK2 is -
4.643, when compared with the value of C.R. on a
standard Skewness of ± 2.58 univariate all three data
is experiencing data abnormality. But if seen from
Multivariate known value of C.R. in Skewness is
sebaasr 0.945 the value is between the values of
C.R. on a standard Skewness of ± 2.58 so it can be
concluded that all data has been normally distributed
by ignoring univariate testing.
Based on the results of the multicollinearity test
on this research model it is known that the
Determinant of Sample Covarians Matrix value is
1,217. From the results it is known that the value of
Determinan of Sample Covarians Matrix away from
zero so it can be concluded that the combination of
variables in the research model is not exposed to
problems multikolineritas in other words that every
variable of research that make up the model is
variabelyang has singularity.
Analysis of data processing result on Goodness
of fit Model Structure Equation Modeling must be in
accordance with Goodness of fit testing standard
Model Structure Equation Modeling which can be
seen as in the following table:
Table 3: Goodness of fit Index.
No Goodness of fit
Cut of Value
1 Chi Square Chi Square-
pada sig. 5%
2 Probabilitas >0,05
3CFI >0.95
4 TLI >0.90
5GFI >0.90
6RMSEA <0,08
It is known that the Goodness of fit Index can be
tested Goodness of fit Model Structure Equation
Modeling in this study. It shows that Chi Square
value is 568,288. If compared with Chi Square-table
with degrees of freedom (df) 330 is 373,363 it is
concluded that Chi Square-count> Chi Square-table
(568,288> 373,363) so it is concluded that Goodness
of fit Index on the Chi Square value of the unknown
model is not fit. If the test of Goodness of fit Index
using probability level is known that test probability
value is 0.000 value is smaller than 0.05 (p <0,05) so
it can be concluded that Goodness of fit Index test
on probability value side known that model not fit
Based on the test results, it is known that the
Goodness of fit Chi Square and Probability test do
not meet the assumption of fit model, therefore, it is
necessary to modify the model. The modification
recommendation shows on the model to produce a
Goodness of fit Index test in accordance with the
Cut of Value assumption required by the test.
Therefore, it is necessary to modify the model in this
study. However not all that is recommended will be
Based on the results of modifications to the
model, Chi Square value-count is 337,364. When
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
compared with the value of Chi Square-table with
degrees of freedom (df) 308 of 349.929 it is
concluded that Chi Square-count <Chi Square-table
(337,364 <349,929) so it is concluded that the test of
Goodness of fit Index on the value side of Chi
Square is known that the fit model.
If the test of Goodness of fit Index using
probability level is known that probability value of
test is equal to 0,120 the value is bigger than 0.05
(p> 0,05) so it can be concluded that Goodness of fit
Index test on probability value side known that fit
If the Goodness of fit Index test using the
RMSEA value is known that the RMSEA value is
0.028. When compared to Cut of Value RMSEA
value (0,08) it is known that RMSEA value is
smaller than CMS value of 0.031 <0.08) so it can be
concluded that Goodness of fit Index test on
RMSEA value side known that model fit.
After all assumptions can be met, then will be
tested hypothesis as proposed in the previous
chapter. Testing this hypothesis is seen based on the
following table:
Based on results, it can be tested hypothesis as
1. The Leadership Probability Values influence
Motivation is 0.001. Probability value is smaller
than 0.05 (0.001 <0.05) so it can be concluded
that the style of leadership has a significant effect
on Motivation. The amount of influence of
Leadership Style influence Motivation is
indicated by Estimation value of 0.327. This
means that any change in leadership style of a
certain unit will increase the motivation of
Polsek Patumbak Polrestabes Medan personnel
by 32.7%. Certainly the magnitude of Leadership
Style affects Motivation is very dominant than
other variables.
2. Value of Probability Self Efficacy affect
Motivation is equal to 0.626. Probability value is
greater than 0.05 (0.626> 0.05) so it can be
concluded that Self Efficacy has no significant
effect on Motivation. The amount of Self
Efficacy influence Motivation is indicated by the
estimated value of 0.090. This means that any
change in Self Efficacy for a certain unit will
increase personnel motivation Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan by 9%. The effect of elf
Efficacy on motivation is very low.
3. Probability Value Professionalism affects
Motivation is 0.041. Value Probability is smaller
than 0.05 (0.041> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that Professionalism has a significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of Professionalism
influences Motivation is indicated by the
Estimated value of 0.212. This means that any
change in Professionalism for a certain unit will
increase personnel motivation Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan by 21.2%. Viewed the
magnitude of the influence of Professionalism on
motivation is high enough.
4. Value Probability Competence affect Motivation
is equal to 0.019. Probability value is smaller
than 0.05 (0.019> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that the Competence has a significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of Competence
affecting Motivation is indicated by the
Estimated value of 0.409. This means that any
change in the Competence of a certain unit will
increase the motivation of Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan personnel by 40.9%. Viewed
the magnitude of influence Competence to
motivation is high enough.
5. The Leadership Probability Values affect Job
Satisfaction is 0.054. Probability value is greater
than 0.05 (0.054> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that the style of leadership has no significant
effect on Job Satisfaction. The amount of
Leadership Style affects Job Satisfaction is
indicated by the estimated value of -0.208. This
means that any change in Leadership Style for a
certain unit will decrease Job Satisfaction of
Polsek Polrestabes Polsek Medan personnel by
20.8%. Viewed the influence of Style Leadership
on Job Satisfaction is quite low.
6. Value of Probability Self Efficacy affect Job
Satisfaction is 0.794. Probability value is greater
than 0.05 (0.794> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that Self Efficacy has no significant effect on Job
Satisfaction. The amount of Self Efficacy affect
Job Satisfaction is indicated by the estimated
value of 0.055. This means that any change in
Self Efficacy for a certain unit will increase the
Job Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestabes Medan
Police personnel by 5.5%. Seen the influence of
Self Efficacy to Job Satisfaction is very low.
7. Probability Value Professionalism affects Job
Satisfaction is 0.654. Value Probability is greater
than 0.05 (0.654> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that Professionalism has no significant effect on
Job Satisfaction. The amount of Professionalism
affect Job Satisfaction is indicated by the
estimated value of 0.051. This means that any
change in Professionalism of a certain unit will
increase Job Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestekes
Polrestabes Medan personnel by 5.1%. Seen the
magnitude of the influence of Professionalism on
Job Satisfaction is very low.
Performance Analysis and Strategy for Improving Working Achievement in Community Services in Police Office Sector Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan
8. Value Probability Competence affect Job
Satisfaction is equal to 0.014. Probability value
is smaller than 0.05 (0.014 <0.05) so it can be
concluded that the Competence has a significant
effect on Job Satisfaction. The amount of
Competence affect Job Satisfaction is indicated
by the value of Estimation of 0.459. This means
that any change in the Competence of a certain
unit will increase Job Satisfaction of Polsek
Polrestabes Pol Medan personnel by 45.9%.
Viewed the magnitude of the influence of
Competence to Job Satisfaction is quite high.
9. The Probability Value of Leadership Style
influences Job Performance is 0.054. Value
Probability is greater than 0.05 (0.054> 0.05) so
it can be concluded that the style of leadership
has no significant effect on Job Performance.
The amount of Leadership Style affecting Job
Performance is indicated by the estimated value
of 0.183. This means that any change in
Leadership Style for a certain unit will increase
the Work Achievement of Police Officer
Patumbak Polrestabes Medan by 18.3%. Viewed
the influence of the Leadership Style on Low
Work Achievement.
10. The Probability Value of Self Efficacy Affects
Job Performance is 0.716. Probability value is
greater than 0.05 (0.716> 0.05) so it can be
concluded that Self Efficacy has no significant
effect on Job Performance. The amount of Self
Efficacy affecting Work Performance is
indicated by the estimated value of 0.057. This
means that any change in Self Efficacy for a
certain unit will increase the Job Performance of
Polsek Polrestekes Polrestabes Medan personnel
by 5.7%. Viewed the effect of Self Efficacy on
Low Work Achievement.
11. Probability Value Professionalism Affects Job
Performance is 0.096. Probability value is greater
than 0.05 (0.096> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that Professionalism has no significant effect on
Job Performance. The amount of Professionalism
affecting Job Performance is indicated by the
estimated value of 0.146. This means that any
change in Professionalism of a certain unit will
increase the Working Performance of Polsek
Polrestabes Medan Police personnel by 14.6%.
Seen the magnitude of the influence of
Professionalism on Job Performance is quite low.
12. Probability Values Competence affect Job
Performance is equal to 0.017. Probability value
is smaller than 0.05 (0.017 <0.05) so it can be
concluded that the Competence has a significant
effect on Job Performance. The amount of
Competence affecting Job Performance is
indicated by the estimated value of 0.454. This
means that any change in the Competence of a
certain unit will increase the Job Performance of
Polsek Polrestabes Polsek Medan personnel by
45.4%. Viewed the magnitude of the influence of
Competence on Job Performance is high enough.
13. Probability Value of Job Satisfaction affect Job
Performance is 0.225. Value Probability is
greater than 0.05 (0.225> 0.05) so it can be
concluded that Job Satisfaction has no significant
effect on Job Performance. The amount of Job
Satisfaction affecting Job Performance is
indicated by the estimated value of 0.120. This
means that any change in Job Satisfaction of a
certain unit will increase the Job Performance of
Polsek Polrestabes Polsek Medan personnel by
12%. Seen the influence of Job Satisfaction on
Job Performance is low.
14. Probability Value Motivation Affect Job
Performance is 0.259. Probability value is greater
than 0.05 (0.259> 0.05) so it can be concluded
that motivation has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Motivation
affecting Job Performance is indicated by the
estimated value of 0.150. This means that any
change in Motivation for a certain unit will
increase the Working Performance of Polsek
Polrestabes Polsek Medan personnel by 15%.
Seen the influence of Job Satisfaction on Job
Performance is low.
The next analysis is to know the magnitude of
indirect effect of an exogenous variable on
endogenous variable through mediator variable. The
purpose of this analysis to determine the role of an
exogenous variable indirectly to endogenous
variables because of the variables mediator. This
analysis uses the Sobel Test method obtained
through the following website
x?id=31. The results of indirect effect analysis on
this research as follows:
1. The Indirect Influence of Leadership Style on
Work Performance
a. The result of Sobel Test analysis shows that
the probability value of significance is 0.305
greater than 0.05 (0.305> 0.05) with the
estimated value of the indirect effect of -
1.026. This gives an illustration that the
Leadership Style has an insignificant indirect
influence on Job Performance when Job
Satisfaction as a mediator variable. This
means that the role of Leadership Style affect
the performance of personnel because of the
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
existence of Job Satisfaction is almost non-
b. Results of Sobel Test analysis revealed that
the probability value of significance is 0.286
greater than 0.05 (0.286> 0.05) with the
estimated value of the indirect effect of
1.066. This suggests that the Leadership Style
has an insignificant indirect effect on Job
Performance when Motivation is a mediator
variable. It means that the role of Leadership
Style influences the work performance of
personnel because of the almost non-existent
2. Indirect Effects of Self Efficacy on Job
a. The result of Sobel Test analysis shows that
the probability value of significance is 0.797
greater than 0.05 (0.797> 0.05) with the
estimated value of the indirect effect of
0.257. This gives an illustration that Self
Efficacy has an insignificant indirect effect
on Job Performance when Job Satisfaction as
a mediator variable. This means that the role
of Self Efficacy affect the performance of
personnel because of the existence of Job
Satisfaction is almost no.
b. The result of Sobel Test analysis shows that
the probability value of significance is 0.655
greater than 0.05 (0.655> 0.05) with the
estimated value of the indirect effect of
0.447. This suggests that Self Efficacy has an
insignificant indirect effect on Job
Performance when Motivation as a mediator
variable. This means that the role of Self
Efficacy affects the performance of personnel
because of the motivation is almost non-
3. Indirect Effect of Professionalism on Job
a. The result of Sobel Test analysis revealed
that the probability value of significance is
0.672 greater than 0.05 (0.672> 0.05) with
the estimated value of the indirect effect of
0.423. This provides an illustration that
Professionalism has an insignificant indirect
influence on Job Performance when Job
Satisfaction as a mediator variable. This
means that the role of Professionalism affects
the performance of personnel because of the
existence of Job Satisfaction is almost non-
b. The result of Sobel Test analysis revealed
that the probability value of significance is
0.324 is greater than 0.05 (0.324> 0.05) with
the estimated value of the indirect effect of
0.987. This gives an illustration that
Professionalism has an insignificant indirect
influence on Job Performance when
Motivation as a mediator variable. This
means that the role of Professionalism affects
the performance of personnel because of the
existence of motivation is almost non-
4. Indirect Impact of Competence on Work
a. The result of Sobel Test analysis found that
the probability value of significance is 0.277
greater than 0.05 (0.277> 0.05) with the
estimated value of the indirect effect of
1.087. This gives an idea that Competence
has an indirect effect that is not significant on
Job Performance when Job Satisfaction as a
mediator variable. This means that the role of
Competence affects the performance of
personnel because of the existence of Job
Satisfaction is almost non-existent.
b. The result of Sobel Test analysis revealed
that the probability value of significance is
0.310 greater than 0.05 (0.310> 0.05) with
the estimated value of the indirect effect of
1.016. This gives an idea that Competence
has indirectly indirect effect on Job
Performance when Motivation as mediator
variable. This means that the role of
Competence affects the performance of
personnel because of the existence of
motivation is almost non-existent.
Leadership style has a significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of influence of Leadership
Style affect the Motivation is 0.327. This means that
any change in leadership style of a certain unit will
increase the motivation of Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan personnel by 32.7%.
Professionalism has a significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of Professionalism
affecting Motivation is 0.212. This means that any
change in Professionalism for a certain unit will
increase personnel motivation Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan by 21.2%.
Competence has a significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of Competence affect
Motivation is 0.409. This means that any change in
the Competence of a certain unit will increase the
Performance Analysis and Strategy for Improving Working Achievement in Community Services in Police Office Sector Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan
motivation of Polsek Patumbak Polrestabes Medan
personnel by 40.9%.
Competence has a significant effect on Job
Satisfaction. The amount of Competence affect Job
Satisfaction is 0.459. This means that any change in
the Competence of a certain unit will increase Job
Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestabes Pol Medan
personnel by 45.9%. Viewed the magnitude of the
influence of Competence to Job Satisfaction is quite
Competence has a significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Competence affecting
Job Performance is 0.454. This means that any
change in the Competence of a certain unit will
increase the Job Performance of Polsek Polrestabes
Polsek Medan personnel by 45.4%. Viewed the
magnitude of the influence of Competence on Job
Performance is high enough.
Leadership style has no significant effect on Job
Satisfaction. The amount of Leadership Style affect
Job Satisfaction is equal to -0.208. This means that
any change in Leadership Style for a certain unit will
decrease Job Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestabes
Polsek Medan personnel by 20.8%. Viewed the
influence of Style Leadership on Job Satisfaction is
quite low.
Leadership style has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Leadership Style
affects Job Performance is 0.183. This means that
any change in Leadership Style for a certain unit will
increase the Work Achievement of Police Officer
PatumbakPolrestabes Medan by 18.3%. Viewed the
influence of the Leadership Style on Low Work
Self Efficacy has no significant effect on
Motivation. The amount of Self Efficacy influence
motivation is equal to 0.090. This means that any
change in Self Efficacy for a certain unit will
increase personnel motivation Polsek Patumbak
Polrestabes Medan by 9%. The effect of elf Efficacy
on motivation is very low.
Self Efficacy has no significant effect on Job
Satisfaction. The amount of Self Efficacy affect Job
Satisfaction is equal to 0.055. This means that any
change in Self Efficacy for a certain unit will
increase the Job Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestabes
Medan Police personnel by 5.5%. Seen the influence
of Self Efficacy to Job Satisfaction is very low.
Self Efficacy has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Self Efficacy affect Job
Performance is equal to 0.057. This means that any
change in Self Efficacy for a certain unit will
increase the Job Performance of Polsek Polrestekes
Polrestabes Medan personnel by 5.7%. Viewed the
effect of Self Efficacy on Low Work Achievement.
Professionalism has no significant effect on Job
Satisfaction. The amount of Professionalism affect
Job Satisfaction is of 0.051. This means that any
change in Professionalism of a certain unit will
increase Job Satisfaction of Polsek Polrestekes
Polrestabes Medan personnel by 5.1%. Seen the
magnitude of the influence of Professionalism on
Job Satisfaction is very low.
Professionalism has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Professionalism affects
Job Performance is equal to 0.146. This means that
any change in Professionalism of a certain unit will
increase the Working Performance of Polsek
Polrestabes Medan Police personnel by 14.6%. Seen
the magnitude of the influence of Professionalism on
Job Performance is quite low.
Job Satisfaction has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Job Satisfaction
Affects Job Performance is equal to 0.120. This
means that any change in Job Satisfaction of a
certain unit will increase the Job Performance of
Polsek Polrestabes Polsek Medan personnel by 12%.
Seen the influence of Job Satisfaction on Job
Performance is low.
Motivation has no significant effect on Job
Performance. The amount of Motivation affect Job
Performance is equal to 0.150. This means that any
change in Motivation for a certain unit will increase
the Working Performance of Polsek Polrestabes
Polsek Medan personnel by 15%. Seen the influence
of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance is low.
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