Preservation of Local Wisdom: Reconstruction and Revitalization of
Cecak Puppet from Riau Island
Agency for Development and Cultivation Language
Ministry of Education and Culture
Keyword: tradition, collective memory, reconstruction, revitalization
Abstract: Wayang Cecak or lizard puppet is one kind of oral tradition which is almost critically abandoned because of
lack of successors. Its maestros are no longer active nor alive. This puppet remains only in the memories of
the people in Penyengat Island. To prevent this puppet from being completely forgotten, it is important to
revive it through research, reconstruction, and revitalization of this puppet. This paper is intended to find a
way of reviving Wayang Cecak within the collective memory of the people into a living tradition by means
of literary study and field study through surveys, observations, and interviews. The finding shows that the
last maestro of Wayang Cecak has been inactive since the 1940s. Wayang Cecak has a distinctive
performing structure. To reconstruct the puppet show, traditional artists from Penyengat Island were
involved in this project based on collective memory data. From the reconstruction, revitalization of Wayang
Cecak was carried out through socialization and improvement of the performance. Revitalization was
conducted by performing Wayang Cecak in Penyengat Island, the origin place of this performing art. It is
expected that Wayang Cecak will be revived from its critical condition to a safer condition as a living
tradition among the Malay community. Support from regional stakeholders, the Central Government, and
the local community is needed to realize this purpose.
Interest in the literary tradition of the Wayang Cecak
began when Sanggar Lembayung participated in the
Art Performance in Tanjung Pinang on November
17, 2012, by performing the fragments of King Haj
Fisabilillah’s struggle against the Dutch colonial.
They performed the puppet made of cardboard. Why
cardboard? Why not the famous puppet called
Wayang Cecak that had become the icon of
Penyengat Island in the past. Has it been completely
forgotten? These questions found their answers in
2016 when the Center for Language Development
and Preservation initiated a research program with
Wayang Cecak as the object of study.
Early searches were carried out through literature
study and collecting information from several
cultural elites around Tanjung Pinang and the
surounding island. It turned out that Wayang Cecak
had not been performed for a long time, and their
active puppetters were no longer found. Indeed, its
artefacts are difficult to find. After the field study by
interviewing several elderly people in Penyengt and
Tanjung Pinang islands, there came a slight hope.
Resource person, most of whom were in their late
60s provided some informations. Those are people
who have watched the Wayang Cecak performance.
This puppet show used puppet doll made of
cloth. The show ws set on a table with a small stage.
In Malay oral literary tradition in Penyengat Island,
the puppet show was also known as a traditional
play. Their memories are the key to reconstruct and
revitalize Wayang Cecak in the community.
Basically, the traditional puppet shows can be
found in many ethnic groups in Indonesia, such as
the Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Balinese, the
Sasak, and Malay. Malay people living all over the
country have various kinds of Wayang, such as
Wayang Betawi, Wayang Palembang, and Wayang
Banjar. Those ethnic groups still maintain their
puppets show and perform them in the local
languages with their respective cultural
backgrounds. This puppet tradition can be found in
various types, ranging from Wayang Orang, Wayang
Beber, Wayang Kulit, and Wayang Golek.
In addition to the four types of puppet show,
there are also puppets resulted from acculturation
between Javanese and Chinese cultures, also known
Mu’jizah, .
Preservation of Local Wisdom: Reconstruction and Revitalization of Cecak Puppet from Riau Island.
DOI: 10.5220/0009901700002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 288-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as Wayang Potehi. This kind of puppet show can be
found in several regions, such as in Jakarta,
Sukabumi, and Semarang (Mastuti, 204: 4). What
about the Wayang Cecak in Riau Islands?
According to some sources, Wayang Cecak is
also the result of acculturation between the Malay
and the Chinese ethnic groups. This puppet has
never been performed on stage again, and no more
been the living tradition of the Malay people. The
local community is no longer intact with Wayang
Cecak show.After some tracking back, somehow,
some traces of this Wayang Cecak can still be found,
especially in Penyengat and Tanjungpinang islands.
Moreover, the tradition of Wayang Cecak
performance can sill be tracked down in Daek
There are several opinions about the origin of
Wayang Cecak. This oral tradition is named Wayang
Cecak because the puppets are made into small
puppets like the wall lizards. This statement was
taken from Azmi Mahmud the gazal player of
Kampung Kambat. According to King Abdul Malik,
the Malay people in Riau used to refer something
tiny to the word cecak or wall lizard. The word is
directly contrasted with the word buaya which refers
to something big.
Different from Javanese or Sundanese wayang
which originated in the Indian epic, the Mahabarata
and the Ramayana, Wayang Cecak presents stories
of typical Malay epics, such as Syair Siti Zubaedah,
Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah, and Syair Silindung Delima.
Those three stories are very well known among the
Malay community. The recordings of this story are
also documented in the ancient handwritten-
manuscripts. No screen is needed to create a shadow
for Wayang Cecak, and a small stage is used instead.
The condition of Wayang Cecak can now be
considered as critical or even extinct because this
kind of puppet show is no longer staged. This
information was obtained from several cultural
observers in the Riau islands. To revive this puppet
show, the research was carried out through
interviews with elderly people who witnessed the
live puppet show.
The critical condition of Wayang Cecak has
raised concerns amids the latest effort of UNESCO
to establish wayang as the world heritage from
Indonesia in November 2003 (Masterpiece of Oral
and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). The
recognition of UNESCO is an appreciation of
Indonesian dignity to the world level. In connection
with the award, Indonesian people should maintain
the Wayang as their cultural heritage in the effort to
revive the Wayang tradition as part of the living
traditions. The efforts are carried out not only by
preserving the tradition, but also by developing
wayang to continue living in the tradition, not
merely in the memory of the elderly people who
witnessed the Wayang Cecak show.
Related to the high appreciation of wayang and
the efforts to develop it, it is appropriate that
Wayang Cecak is revived and developed so that its
existence can be known and its performance can be
enjoyed again by the present generation.
The main problems in this paper are to show the
current condition of the Wayang Cecak as part of the
local traditiions, to describe its performance, and to
revive it as part of the living tradition of local
people. The aim is to explore the existence of
Wayang Cecak within the Malay community and to
know the elements of the show and to revive it as an
effort to improve the viability of Wayang Cecak.
Wayang Cecak, like other puppet shows, should
have aesthetics and benefits. According to
Yirtohadimidkoko (1987), the puppet show contains
splendid philosophy and moral teachings. Wayang
can be used as a means to refine human behavior
and attitude. Refinement through aesthetic package
in this puppet show is delivered through its narative.
Related to thas, Wayang Cecak also has aesthetics
and ethics that should be empowered. Such
empowerment can be done through research tracing
back its existence.
Wayang Cecak
2.1 Memory Reminding and the
In the 1940s, a Wayang Cecak puppet show was
played by a maestro, named Khatijah Terung, wife
of Abu Muhammad Adnan. Thanks to Khadijah that
made Wayang Cecak quite populer in its time. The
puppets used in the performance are small-sized
dolls made of cloth. It also reflect the influence of
Chinese culture in the Malay community.
The existence of Chinese culture is inherent in
the Malay tradition. Chinese people living in
Senggarang Island—across Penyengat island—have
a tradition of Chinese opera and puppet show. The
proximity of those places allows for a blend of
cultures. This can be proven by many Malay
classical literature with Chinese nuances, such as
Syair Perkawinan Nak Kapitan, Syair Baba Tik
Sing, and Syair Tan Tik Tjoe. The existence of
Preservation of Local Wisdom: Reconstruction and Revitalization of Cecak Puppet from Riau Island
Malay-Chinese literature was examined by Salmon
(1985:30). According to him, in 1852 during the
Netherlands Indies there were around 1165 Chinese
residents aged 12 years and over. The closeness of
the Chinese people and Malay ethnic group made
them acculturated.
Basically, Wayang Cecak in the Riau islands was
adapted from the Chinese puppet show. The
interraction between Malay and Chinese cultures has
been going on for a long time. Salmon (1985:30)
"... ada satoe njonja Tionghoa dengan anak
prampocannja, golongan orang baek-baek tapi
miskin, jang biasa tjari penghiopenan dengan trima
oepah menjanji dan mendongeng. Beberapa njonja
biasa patoengan aken ondang itoe iboe dan anak di
salah satoe roemah boeat dengerkan rame-rame
marika poenja dongengan dan njanjian, jang
biasanja diberikoetkan djoega dengan taboengan
gambang ... Banjak njonja-njonja Tionghoa jang
pande berpantoen lantaran soedah biasa denger
wajang tjokek jang meramekan pesta-pesta jang
mempoenjai stock besar dari segala machem
pantoenan..." (Claudine Salmon, 1985:30)
There was a Chinese woman with her daughter
from a good but poor family. They earned their
living by singing and story-telling. Some hostesses
would collect some money to invite the mother and
daughter to sing songs and narrate folklores in one
of the houses. This occasion would be accompanied
by gambang musical instrument.... Many Chinese
mistresses could recite the poems because they had
been familiar with the Wayang Cecak that was
performed in big parties with a lot of poetry
reading….” (Claudine Salmon, 1985:30)
Wayang Cecak as the product of aculturation
existed in the past and was developed in the Riau
regions, especially in Penyengat island. Even though
Wayang Cecak is now no longer performed, its
traces are still aparent in the public memory. The
process of tracing back was conducted by
intervieweing several live-show spectators.
According to Mr. Ibrahim and Mr. Adenan from
Daik Lingga (as conveyed by Yoan Sutrisna, 2016),
the puppets were made of cloth. These dolls were
small in size, about 7.8 inches or 20 cm. Cotton was
inserted into the dolls to shape them in proportion.
This puppet was played at night with a kerosene
lamp and was played on a portable mini stage. This
puppet show told well-known stories from the old
Malay poems, such as Siti Zubaidah, Selendang
Delima, and the story of King Haj and the Chinese
The information about the dolls made of cloth
and stuffed with cotton was justified by Mrs. Zainab,
wife of Raja Hamzah, the owner of the Indrasakti
Foundation in Penyengat Island. The same
information was affirmed by Mr. Ibrahim Jantan, a
cultural observer of Penyengat island.
Another trail that deserves attention is the
collection of around 50 puppets in the Setiadarma
Mask House in Bali. The most interesting
information of the puppet show tells that the puppet
show was originated from the Hok Kian province in
China with the name of Wayang Kaet or Mu Euw
Shi. These puppets have become the collection of
the Mask and Puppet House of Setiadarma, in
Sukawati, Gianjar, since 2010. Wayang Gaek (Mu
Euw Shi) performs folklores that are popular among
Chinese descents living in Tanjungpinang, Riau
Islands, and the surrounding areas. Those dolls were
obtained from antique dealers. The question which
follows is whether Wayang Cecak has something to
do with Wayang Kaet.
The public memory of the Wayang Cecak was
also traced through four different works that might
have been inspired by Wayang Cecak, but with
different performances. First, the theatrical puppet
performance of Yoan Sutrisna (2013). This young
artist works in cooperation with the Sabda Bunian
community and Sanggar Lembayung to make a
puppet show made of cardboard paper. The story
played was taken from a fragment of “Raja Haji
Fisabilillah against the Dutch collonial” at
Tanjungpinang City Art Council.
Second, the dance “Lenggang Cecak”
choreographed by Hasnizar Hood. This dance was
played by 8 people with a duration of 10 minutes.
This dance was performed at the Riau Island Art
Council. Third, the “Senandung Perce” dance
created by Azmi Mahmud. This performance was
played by 10 young men. According to the
choreographer, this dance was created based on his
memory of the Wayang Cecak. The fourth, a novelet
by Hasan Junus (2005) entitled “Pengantin Boneka”
deicted clearly about the Wayang Cecak puppet
show. The play played “Amuk si Biring Kuning,” a
Malay legend that tells about the origin of mermaids.
This novelet becomes the most complete records of
Wayang Cecak.
In this paper there are also some important things
about the dalang or the puppeters. One of them is
Salamah who lives in a small island (Referred to as
Penyengat island). Her father became a widower
after her mother passed away on the day when she
was born. Her father gave her the name Salamah
which means ‘female carrier of peace.’ Salamah’s
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
husband is Mr. Muhammad, a government court
official in Penyengat island. Her husband passed
away in Mecca where he sought higher education.
Since childhood, Salamah was trained by her
grandmother to make dolls. Salamah was also taught
by her grandmother about Wayang Cecak. Every
time she ended her puppet show, salamah always
mimicked her grandmother’s words. She has recited
those words thousands times during her life.
One day a young man was introduced to
Grandma Lamah (a common address for Nenek
Salamah). He has been living for a few months on
the island. He knows in details about Wayang
Cecak, except for the twelfth story. After amost a
year of practice, he officially performed the puppet
show in the large living room of her house.
Salamah’s mastery was handed down from
Nenek Anjung, the old woman who had rigorously
nursed her since childhood, ranging from all sorts of
housework, courtesy, to memorizing the dialogue.
There was supposed to be no mistake in the plots as
well as the narration.
It ws stated on a part of Hasan Junus’s work that
“Salamah was invited by the sultan to play Wayang
Cecak in the royal palace in front of the Sultan’s
family, and it happened several times. Nevertheless,
the twelfth episode of Wayang CecakAmuk si
Biring Kuning” could not be finished because she
got news from people that Nenek Anjung passed
away. Other information about the stage
performance of Wayang Cecak,The old womans
voice was still clearly heard. The old woman was
sitting in front of the copper mini stage.” One by one
she set the patchwork dolls in front of the stage.
“The drum and the trumpet sounded, soft at the
beginning, then the sound became louder as they
approached closer. All the puppets were lined up
towards the door facing to the sea. And then
Grandma walked down the stairs ont onto the calm
water while leading all the puppet brides in twelve
episodes of Wayang Cecak.
Other interesting information is stated that before
the puppet show, there was a special ceremony. The
ceremony was carried out by the Grandma. “Incense
was burned, the mantra was spelled out by the
grandmother with her trembling old voice. But how
did she get the voice of a teenage girl when she
began singing the prologue?
Hidup ini seperti embun di daun
Seperti embun di atas daun
Embun di ujung daun…
Dan dalam embun Tuban
Mari mandikan diri
Life is like dew on leaves
like dew in the leaf's surface
dew on the tip of the leaf
and in the dew of Tuban
let's take care of yourself
do the washing up.
There are 12 episodes in Wayang Cecak, some of
which are “Pengantin Duyung” (The Bride
Mermaids), andSi Biring-Biring Kuning. Yoan
Sutrisna told that the story was taken from a
manuscript with various versions, such as the story
of Nak Kapiten, Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah, and “Syair
Sitti Zubaedah.”
The original text of the story is still stored in the
Indrasakti foundation, chaired by Raja Hamzah.
Now it was handed down to his son after the cultural
observer died. The story of Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah is
found in the Hikayat Negeri Johor. The manuscript
of the Hikayat Baba Tik Sing is still well-kept in the
National Library in Jakarta and in Leiden University
library. The same thing applies to Syair Sitti
Zubaedah which has been popular in Malay. This
story tells about a brave woman who travelled to
China (Al-Hamidi, without years).
The audience of this wayang perca or puppet
cloth is children from the noble family, and it cannot
be performed carelessly. In the work of Junus, there
were about twenty women and children during the
puppet show. All those audience were amazed by the
show. They watched it and thought that it was real,
and that they became parts of the story.The distance
between the spectators and the stage is not too far
because of the small-sized puppets.
2.2 Revitalization of Wayang Cecak
Based on the track record of Wayang Cecak, a
puppet show was performed. This show is one of the
efforts to revitalize it so that this puppet show will
not extinct. This performance is expected to remind
the people of Penyengat island about the Wayang
Cecak performing art. The community together with
the stakeholders must work hand in hand to revive
the Wayang Cecak show, and to maintain it so that
the puppet show will remain as part of the local
tradition in the Malay land. Maintenance is
important because when puppets are no longer exist,
a lot of cultural teachings will be lost, too.
Revitalization and reconstruction of the Wayang
Cecak were carried out by the team from the Center
of Development and Protection, the Language
Agency (Mu’jizah and Purwaningsih) in
collaboration with relevant institutions, including
Tanjungpinang City Tourism and Cultural Office
Preservation of Local Wisdom: Reconstruction and Revitalization of Cecak Puppet from Riau Island
and the Riau Islands Provincial culture Office, and
Mr. Azmi Mahmud supported by several artists and
the adat elders of Penyengat Island. This
collaboration has made the performance of Wayang
Cecak possible and can be enjoyed by the Malay
people in Penyengat and Tanjungpinang Islands. Mr.
Azmi Mahmud and the traditional leaders on
Penyengat Island were very proud if the tradition of
Wayang Cecak can be performed again.
With various limitations, eventually the Wayang
Cecak was performed by taking a fragment taken
from “Syair Sitti Zubaedah.” The performanced
lasted about 30 minutes on July 23, 2017 at 3:00
p.m. It was performed in the village hall of
Penyengat Island together with the Penyengat Island
Festival 2017. The second performance was held at
Tanjungpinang City Center (TCC) on July 25, 2017,
at 7:00 p.m.
During this premiere puppet show, small dolls
were used, about 15 cm in size involving a total of 7
dolls based on the story of “Sitti Zubaedah.” The
stage was about 1.5 meters high with proper
decoration based on the story. Sitti Zubaedah’s story
was composed into some dialogues which were
adjusted to the number of characters in the story.
The plot involved conflict and climax at the end of
the story with careful scriptwriting. The process of
composing the story was very important so that it
became an interesting story for the audience. The
accompanying music for this puppet show included
the gongs, kompang, babanu, tambur, kecapi, and
violin. In the past, this kind of puppet shows was
only accompanied by trumpet and tambourine.
The audience was currious about this show after
its disappearance for almost 70 years. It was sold-out
and all of them were very enthusiastic. The came
from various backgrounds and age groups: parents,
teenagers, and children. Many spectators sit down on
the floor. Even both sides of the stages were full
with audience. Even a lot of people sat on the
guardrail of the mosque. The heat of the sun did not
inhiit them from watching the Wayang Cecak show.
The second performance was staged at night on
the Tanjungpinang City Center (TCC). The
audience’s enthusiasm could also be seen during this
show. Many people who were shopping approached
the stage and watched it till the end. This show could
satisfy their curiosity on Wayang Cecak. The
performance of “Sitti Zubaedah” puppet show was
not a final and perfect performance. This show still
searched for appropriate styles; therefore, some
elements as parts of the stow still need some
improvement, in terms of stories, puppets, stages
decoration, and accompanying music. People’s
feedback was needed to improve the puppet show in
the process of finding the perfect style of Wayang
The show, which was presented by the Language
Agency, in collaoration with the Penyengat Island
Heritage Center, was expected to provoke people to
revive the Wayang Cecak performance. People were
asked to criticize this performance so that in the
upcoming performance, there would be better
performance. For the socialization of this activity,
news of the puppet show was broadcast b several
media, at RRI Tanjung Pinang and Fitcom TV.
News were also broadcasted through Riau Pos.
The Wayang Cecak show is now starting to crawl
back to life. This was also marked by te re-
peformance of the puppet show by Mr. Azmi
Mahmud and his team in several shows, including
the performance that tells the story of “Hang Tuah.”
This show was recorded and specifically reported in With the redisplaying of Wayang
Cecak, this traditional performing art is expected to
return as part of the living tradition among local
Wayang Cecak as an oral tradition of Penyengat
Island needs immediate attention to prevent it from
being extinct. The disappearance of Wayang Cecak
will also mean the lost of cultural teachings inherent
in it. Intensive efforts are needed to dig and excavate
it from the people’s memory for the re-
eompowerment of the Wayang Cecak as an
important part of the living tradition in Malay.
Hopefully, Wayang Cecak will regain its popularity,
and this condition can be achieved by the frequent
performance of Wayang Cecak in the region.
Efforts to trace the existence of Wayang Cecak
can be done in various ways, ranging from literature
studies and field studies through interviews with
elderly people who have watched it. Ideally, this
effort of revitalizing Wayang Cecak will be
supported by the community and the stakeholders in
the local area where the tradition lives and survives.
These reconstructed performance must be presented
and repeated in various important events within the
The Wayang Cecak show with the story of “Sitti
Zubaedah” is not a final reconstruction. This
performance must continue to improve and achieve
the best performance that are close to the origiinal.
For this reason, the role of the community is needed
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
in giving their criticism regarding its story, puppet,
stage, and music.
Hopefully, the effort of reconstructing Wayang
Cecak performance is not the end activity. A series
of revitalization program should be initiated to make
this effort successful. One of the ways is through
learning process, either formally or informally, or
through non-formal trainings. Through these
process, it is expected that the effort of revitalizing
Wayang Cecak will be maximum.
Thanks you for people who helped to recunstruction
and revitalization of Cecak Puppet tradition in Pulau
Penyengat, Riau Island. There are Dr. Hurip Danu
Ismadi, the head of Center for Development and
Cultivation Language. Our thanks also to the source
and artists in Riau Islands, especially to Raja Malik,
Ibu Zainab, Bapak Abdul Kadir Ibrahim, and Pak
Azmi Mahmud. Thank you also for head of
Department of education and cultural in Riau Island.
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Preservation of Local Wisdom: Reconstruction and Revitalization of Cecak Puppet from Riau Island