The Effect of Composite Flour of Wheat, Durian Sheed and Purple
Sweet Potato on Muffin’s Quality
F. K. Simanjuntak
, R. J. Nainggolan
and M. Nurminah
Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Centre for Tubers and Roots Crop Study, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Composite Flour, Muffin, Durian Seed, Sweet Potato Flour
Abstract: Developing processing flour from Indonesia like durian seed stone and sweet potato can make decrease
dependency on import flour like wheat. Composite flour consist wheat flour (WF), durian seed flour (DSF)
and purple sweet potato flour (PSPF) that used for muffin’s production which composite flours formulation
(DSF/PSPF) was used as a factor (40%/10%, 30%:20%, 20%:30%, 10%/40%) and the wheat flour was used
as a fixed factor (50%) for each treatment. Physical, chemical and sensory properties of muffin from
composite flour were examined. Parameters analyzed in this research were
Hue value, L value, moisture
content, ash content, protein content, fat content, crude fiber content, value of texture, aroma, color and
taste. Wheat flour (WF) 50 %, durian seed flour (DSF) 10 % and purple sweet potato flour (PSPF) 40 %
produced the best and acceptable muffin.
The growth of population will be increase and
depend on consumption wheat flour that cause
problem in food security in Indonesia, an example
the amount of import of wheat flour will increase
every year. The solution for that problem is decrease
dependency on the wheat flour with developing
processing flour from Indonesian’s local food, like
durian seed and potato sweet. When developing
food security, the most urgent task is to increase the
resource efficiency in all local food. Durian seed is
the waste that can be changed to be flour and consist
high level carbohydrate. Durian seed flour has long
shelf life so we can use for bakery (Rofaidah, 2008)
and has white yellow colour (Amin, et. al, 2009).
One the bakery products traditionally made from
wheat is muffin. In Indonesia, the sweet potato is
known as the edible tuber. Sweet potatoes hold the
first rank (super food) in nutrition among vegetables
(Milind and Monika 2015). The characteristic of
anthocyanins content in sweet potatoes are high.
Anthocyanins are the most basic type of flavonoids
from fruits and vegetables that can be used as natural
purple dyes (Montilla et. al., 2011) and possess great
potential as a source of antioxidants as well as bitter
taste (Miguel, 2011), highly capture free radicals,
prevent the occurrence of cancer, aging, and
degenerative diseases, such as atherosclerosis than
black soy beans, and rice. The relationships also has
the ability as a antimutagenic and anticarsinogenic,
prevent disruption in the functioning of the liver,
antihyperthensive and antihiperglycemic (Ginting et.
al., 2014)
2.1 Materials
Durian seed and purple tuber varieties of sweet
potato. Other ingredients, such as eggs, margarine,
salt, sugar, baking powder, and water.
2.2 Composite Flour Preparation
Composite flours formulation consist a factor
(Durian Seed Flour/Purple Sweet Potato Flour:
40%:10%, 30%:20%, 20%:30%, 10%:40%) and the
wheat flour was used as a fixed factor (50%) for
each treatment.
Simanjuntak, F., Nainggolan, R. and Nurminah, M.
The Effect of Composite Flour of Wheat, Durian Sheed and Purple Sweet Potato on Muffin’s Quality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009899300002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 149-152
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.3 Muffin
Four composition of three flours were used to make
muffin (Purnomo et al., 2012). 200 g of flours was
added with 2 g baking powder, 2 g vanilli, 150 g
margarine, 200 g sugar, 31 g liquid milk, 65 g egg
in a kitchen mixer for 15-20 min at low speed
(speedsetting: 1). Then baked at 150
C for 25
minutes in an electrical oven. We analyzed proximat
composition of muffin by according (AOAC, 1995)
and sensory. Panelists were randomly selected from
students of Department of Food Science and
Technology University of Sumatera Utara, to
perform the evaluation of sensory.
2.4 Data Analysis
We analyzed data using SPSS Version 22.
Differences were determined using the method of
Least Significant Difference (LSD) tests at 95%
confidence level (P< 0.05) and 99% confident level
(P< 0.01). The best treatment of the test was then
compared with the control treatment using T-test.
3.1 Effect of Composite Flour on
Physical Properties of Muffin
F1 flour made from proportion 50% wheat flour,
40% durian seed flour, 10% purple sweet flour had a
Hue and lower L. F4 flour made from
proportion 50% wheat flour, 10% durian seed flour,
40% purple sweet flour had a lower
Hue and lower
L. It was influenced by the stability of the pigment
anthocyanin (cyanidin and peonidin) which
contributed in the formation of blue or purple hue on
muffin quality (Truong et al. 2010). Beta-carotene
content of sweet potato (Teow et al. 2006) is high,
so that it will increase the presence of betakarotene
on the final product, but beta carotene is unstable to
heat. High intake of betacarotene may help protect
against oxidative damage, lowering cancer and
cardiovascular disease risk (Genkinger et al. 2014).
Table 1: The effect of composite flour on physical properties of muffin quality
Sample Paramete
75,54 4,78 37,50 0,94
60,39 1,57 35,97 0,61
48,87 7,79 32,80 4,45
2,44 28,72
*) F1= proportion 50% wheat flour, 40% durian seed flour, 10% purple sweet flour. F2= proportion 50% wheat flour, 30%
durian seed flour, 20% purple sweet flour. F3= proportion 50% wheat flour, 20% durian seed flour, 30% purple sweet flour.
F4= proportion 50% wheat flour, 10% durian seed flour, 40% purple sweet flour
3.2 Effect of Composite Flour on
Chemical Properties of Muffin
Table 2 showed a significant difference at the 1%
level in protein content, fiber content, and fat
content. The low level of moisture in muffin from
composite flour was due to lower baking
temperature and longer of baking time as compare to
traditional proces (Purnomo et al. 2012). Moisture
content of muffin from composite flour lower than
100% wheat with ranging than 12.99-15.55%
(Barcennas and Rosell, 2006). Moisture content in
muffin was influenced by potato sweet flour and
durian seed flour (Srivastava, 2012), because
decrease and increase of the moisture content took
place linearly with the increase and decrease potato
sweet and durian sweet. The plasma membrane that
protect the inside of cell will damaged if temperature
continued to be offered up, it will cause fluid loss in
the cells, cause shrinkage of the heavy (Estiasih dan
Ahmadi, 2009). Crude fiber in durian seed flour
(9.44%) higher than potato sweet flour (4.68), it
indicated higher crude fiber, higher ability to bind
water (Widiatmoko dan Estiasih. 2015).
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Table 2. The effect of composite flour on chemical properties of muffin quality
Samples Paramete
Moisture Ash
Protein Fat
Crude Fibe
0,05 1,44
0,17 5,77
0,17 29,76
0,21 1,90 0,008
0,13 1,43
0,11 5,24
0,16 30,19
0,24 1,89 0,002
13,87 0,17 1,42 0,16 4,60 0,13 31,50 0,69 1,85 0,006
12,99 1,02 1,36 0,11 4,11 0,01 32,48 0,24 1,83 0.003
*) F1= proportion 50% wheat flour, 40% durian seed flour, 10% purple sweet flour. F2= proportion 50% wheat flour, 30%
durian seed flour, 20% purple sweet flour. F3= proportion 50% wheat flour, 20% durian seed flour, 30% purple sweet flour.
F4= proportion 50% wheat flour, 10% durian seed flour, 40% purple sweet flour.
Table 3. The effect of composite flour on sensory properties of muffin quality
Samples Paramete
Texture Aroma
3,56 0,23 3,60 0,18 3,36 0,04 3,700 0,51
3,56 0,23 3,66 0,18 3,56 0,04 3,76 0,14
3,70 0,33 3,66 0,18 3,73 0,09 3,83 0,04
3,73 0,37 3,66 0,09 4,03 0,14 3,93 0,00
*) F1= proportion 50% wheat flour, 40% durian seed flour, 10% purple sweet flour. F2= proportion 50% wheat flour, 30%
durian seed flour, 20% purple sweet flour. F3= proportion 50% wheat flour, 20% durian seed flour, 30% purple sweet flour.
F4= proportion 50% wheat flour, 10% durian seed flour, 40% purple sweet flour.
3.3 Effect of Composite Flour on
Sensory Properties of Muffin
All sensory indicated higher sweet potato higher
value. Muffin had the higher purple sweet potato
more preferable. Muffin from F4 higher texture,
aroma, color and taste than F1, F2 and F3. Color
difference was due to the differences in flour color
conditions as raw materials, material formulations,
Maillard reactions and caramelizations. Egg yolks
had carotenoid pigments that reflect yellow, orange
or red colors (Sahara. 2011). Maillard tanning was
due to the reaction of carbonyl compounds derived
from the break down of carbohydrates or fats with
amino compounds in the material. The
caramelization occured because the material was
heated at high temperature (Eskin et al., 1971)).
Antocyanins were positively associated with
redness(Han et al., 2017).
Based on the results of research on the use
composite flour to make muffin, it can be drawn
conclucion that using durian seed flour and potato
sweet flour can make acceptable muffins. The study
indicate that composite flour showed effect on the
quality of muffins. The final results showed that F4
(50% Wheat Flour, 10% Durian Seed Flour and 40%
Potato Sweet Flour) produced the best and
acceptable muffins.
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ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development