Optimization Implementation of Suspendated Peoples
Hydrology Policy (KHG) in Riau Province
Febri Yuliani
Lecturer of Public Administration, Fakulty of Social and Political Science, University of Riau
Bina Widya Campus Km 12.5 Simpang Baru, Tampan Pekanbaru, 28293, Indonesia
Keywords: Public Policy, Peat Hydrological Unity
Abstract: Peat ecosystem is an element of peat structure which is a whole unified whole that affect each other in
forming balance, stability, and productivity, then the Hydrological Unity of Peat (KHG) is a peat ecosystem
located between two rivers, between rivers and seas, and / or on the swamp. The function of the Peat
Ecosystem is the function of the element of peat that serves to protect water availability, biodiversity
conservation, carbon storage of oxygen producers, climate balancing which is divided into protected
functions of peat ecosystem and peat ecosystem cultivation function. Riau Province has 59 Hydrological
Peat Unity (KHG) with total area of 5.004.727,47 ha, consisting of protected function 2,216,621,84 ha
(44,29%) and cultivation function 2,788,105,63 ha (55,71 %). Rapid development has put great pressure on
the preservation of the KHG. This research explains how the ongoing Hindu Hindu Policies on Unity
(KHG) Policy in Riau Province. This research uses qualitative method, the research result shows that the
policy on peat must be supported by all components of the nation and community participation so that there
will be disaster risk reduction of forest and land fire.
Peat is a naturally occurring organic material of
improperly decomposed plant debris with thickness
of 50 (fifty) centimeters or more and accumulates in
swamp (Regulation of the Minister of Environment
and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. P.14 /
Menkhk / Setjen / Kum .1 / 2/2017, 9 February
2017, Article 1, paragraph 1). The peat ecosystem is
a set of elements of peat that constitute an integral
whole that affects each other in shaping its balance,
stability, and productivity (Ministry of Environment
and Forestry Regulation No. P.14 / Menlhk / Setjen /
Kum.1 / 2/2017, 9 February 2017, Article 1,
paragraph 2). The Hydrological Peat Unity (KHG) is
a Peat Ecosystem located between two rivers,
between rivers and seas, and / or on swamps
(Regulation of the Minister of Environment and
Forestry of the Republic Indonesia Number P.14 /
Menlhk / Setjen / Kum.1 / 2/2017, February 9, 2017,
Article 1, paragraph 3) The function of the Peat
Ecosystem is a function of the element of peat that
serves to protect water availability, biodiversity
conservation, oxygen, climate balance divided into
Protected functions of Peat Ecosystem and Peat
Ecosystem Culture function (Regulation of the
Minister of Environment and Forestry of the
Republic of Indonesia No. P.14 / Menkhk / Setjen /
Kum.1 / 2/2 017, 9 February 2017, Article 1,
paragraph 6).
Indonesia's peat forest area is known as one of
the countries that has the largest peatland forest in
the world. The area of peatland in Indonesia is
estimated to be 20.6 million hectares or about 10.8
percent of Indonesia's land area (Subajo, 1998;
Wibowo and Suyatno, 1998 in Wetlands
International-Indonesia Program (WI-IP), 2004).
Indonesia is a country that has the largest peat area
among tropical countries, this peatlands are spread
in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua (BB R & D
SDLP, 2008 in Agus and Subiksa, 2008). The WI-IP
report states that of the 5.7 million ha or 27.8% of
Indonesia's peatland area is found in Kalimantan.
The peat phenomenon that occurs in Riau Province
negatively impacts the environmental conditions
resulting from the management and utilization of
peat ecosystem areas that are out of control and
irresponsible. For example, forest fires and land that
occurred have an impact of smoke haze that hit Riau
and Sumatra region.
Yuliani, F.
Optimization Implementation of Suspendated Peoples Hydrology Policy (KHG) in Riau Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0009899200002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 144-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The occurrence of disasters in the form of smoke
haze that hit our country which impacts so great for
the environment both in terms of health, economy,
and so on did not escape the factors that influence it
especially in terms of management and utilization of
the peatland. The smoke haze occurring on the
island of Sumatra, especially in Riau, Jambi and
South Sumatra provinces has resulted in the effects
of extraordinary losses, and other parts of Indonesia
have begun to show similar conditions, even though
the government has not set this critical situation as a
national disaster.
To see a policy, it depends on the implementation of
the policy itself. Implementation concerning the
action of how far the direction has been programmed
it is really satisfactory. Finally at the highest
abstraction level of implementation as a result there
are some measurable changes in the big problems
the program aims.
Mileti and Gottschlich (2001) argue that disaster
losses are the result of interactions of natural
physical processes, social characteristics of
population, and environmental conditions built. The
characteristic differences of these three systems
result in different losses in different natural
disasters. In more depth, the research reveals about
community mitigation strategies in dealing with land
and forest fire disasters.
The paradigm in the concept of disaster
management is growing, from a technocratic
approach to a disaster risk management approach.
This approach is the result of interrelationships of 3
components, hazard assessment, vulnerability
analysis, and enhancement of management capacity.
Changes in approaches in the disaster management
process are also done by switching the top-down
system to bottom-up. The community plays an
important role in disaster risk reduction in its region
(Yodmani, 2001).
Relatively extensive forest fires are caused by
the abundance of commonly flammable objects. The
type is distinguished on (1) ground fire (2) surface
fire (3) crown fire and Causes of Forest and Land
Fires in Indonesia are: Natural Factors and Human
The complexity of peat ecosystems has an
impact on the dynamics of its management. There
are two variables that indicate the position of peat
policy in Indonesia, namely the value of
sustainability (Sustainable Value) and development
value (Indrarto, 2015). The discourse that
accompanies the current policy, inspired by past
experience that has brought Indonesia to the dark
point of peat management, in which, finally, the
Government issued Government Regulation (PP) no.
71/2014 on Peat Ecosystem Protection and
Management (PPEG) considered by many to be a
progressive policy towards conservation orientation.
Not only until there, the government then revised
this PP with PP. 57 of 2016 and issued its derivative
regulation, namely PERMENLHK No. 14/2017,
15/2017, 16/2017, 17/2017, and KEPMENLHK no.
129/2017 and 130/2017.
The Hydrological Unity of Peatlands (KHG) is
the foundation of the protection and management
unit of the peat ecosystem. The complexity of
activities in KHG such as industrial timber estates
(HTI), oil palm plantations, settlements,
infrastructure, etc. are the biggest challenges in
implementing this policy, which was built already
leads to contestation between the function of
protection and cultivation function. The stakeholders
certainly have a vital role.
This research type is qualitative with explorative
method This research activity will use two data
source, that is primary data that is data obtained
directly from field, and secondary data that is data
obtained through study of documents from various
sources relevant in this activity. Primary data will be
obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in
research areas, Observation on perceptions and
behaviors, and interviews using questionnaires. The
secondary data of this study are research reports,
journals, annual reports, evaluation reports,
regulatory and legislative documents, minutes of
meetings and other relevant documents.
Riau Province has 59 Hydrological Peat Unity
(KHG) with total area of 5.004.727,47 ha, consisting
of protected function 2,216,621,84 ha (44,29%) and
cultivation function 2,788,105,63 ha (55,71 %).
Rapid development has placed considerable pressure
on the conservation of the KHG, at least 5% / year
of deforestation has occurred in peatlands during the
period 2000-2010 (Miettinen et al, 2010),
accompanied by land and forest fires
Optimization Implementation of Suspendated Peoples Hydrology Policy (KHG) in Riau Province
(Kusumaningtyas & Aldrian , 2016) and CO
emissions (Husnain et al, 2014). The consequences
of this development process must be minimized
through a comprehensive and objective joint effort,
oriented towards the consistency of the frame of
mind and action.
The area of tropical peatlands (swamps and
forests) is estimated at about 42 million hectares
spread across Indonesia, Malaysia, the Amazon and
Central Africa lowlands (Osaki & Tsuji, 2016). This
area stores about 148 Gt of carbon. This area is still
relatively untouched development and the forest is
still relatively virgin. The region of Southeast Asia
has about 24, 78 million ha or 56% of the world's
peatland. Indonesia has 14.91 million ha of
peatlands or 35.5% of the world's peatland (Osaki et
al., 2016) spread over Sumatra at 6.44 million ha
(43%), Kalimantan 4.78 million ha (32%) , and in
Papua 3.69 million ha (25%). While Riau has
4,221,000 ha of peatland (Budi Wardhana, 2016) or
28.31% of the total peat area of Indonesia or about
65.54% of the peat area in Sumatra. The extent of 59
KHG of Riau Province reached 5.004.727, 47 ha
(Final Report of RPPEG, 2016), consisting of
protected function 2,216,621,84 ha (44.29%) and
cultivation function 2,788,105,63 ha (55,71% ).
In 2007, Riau's peatlands were only 1,603,008
hectares of 2,280,198 ha in 2002 (Okto Yugo Setiyo
et al, 2016). This means that in the period of 5 years,
Riau has lost peatland area of 677,190 ha or about
19% with an average loss of 135,438 hectares per
year. Of the remaining area, the National Peat
Restoration Agency (BRG) has set 938,619 ha as
Riau Peat restoration 2016-2020 (Budi Wardhana,
2016). What kind of road map and action plan detail
Riau peat restoration no information or data that can
be accessed. While at the central level, the
Indonesian Peat Restoration Agency (BRG, without
years) has targeted 2 million hectares of peatlands to
be targeted for restoration over the next five years
(2016-2020) with targeted achievements of 30%
(2016), 20% (2017 ), 20% (2018), and 10% (2020).
In the national peat restoration program's road
map, Riau is one of 7 priority provinces of
restotation programs other than Jambi, South
Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan,
South Kalimantan and Papua. If the ambition of
BRG RI becomes a reality, then this effort is the
largest peat restoration program in the world
(JLIFAD, 2016) To support the action plan, the
support of academic research on Riau's
comprehensive peat ecosystem is a necessity for the
successful implementation of the restoration action
plan Riau peat, from the stage: the formulation of
policy, implementation process, and evaluation of
program impact measurable.
The success of degraded peatland restoration
should be based on scientific knowledge, relevant to
socioeconomic conditions, and local community
engagement (Page et al., 2009). This analysis is
intended to provide an overview of the extent to
which academic research on Riau's peat ecosystems
has been carried out in almost three decades (1989-
2017). The descriptive contents analysis used in this
literature study focuses on obtaining a description
of: 1) research institutes, 2) research sites, and 3)
variables or research parameters. The results of this
analysis can be given a little contribution to the
reinforcement of academic research Riau peatland
ecosystem to support the success of Riau peat land
restoration program. The following data on Area of
Hydrological Unity in Riau Province as follows:
Table 1: Unique hydrology units in the province of Riau
o Existence Lar
e (HA) %
1 In the fores
area 3.287.676 64,48
2 Outside the fores
area 1.810.857 35,52
Total 5.098.533 100,00
ature Reserve /
ature Conservation /
ew Par
Area 231.690 7,05
2 Protected Fores
31.117 0,95
3 Limited Production Fores
535.233 16,28
4 Permanen
Production Fores
1.773.811 53,95
5 Convertible Production Forests 715.824 21,77
Total 3.287.676 100,00
Wide unity of peat hydrology : +5.098.533 Ha (56,42%) of riau land area, spread over 59 groups in 11 districts of the city
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Actions that have been undertaken include:
establishment of institutional peatland managers at
the site level, by (a) Optimizing the role and
institutional function of the Peat Restoration Team
(b) Establishment of UPT Peat (c) Optimizing UPT
Unity of Forest Management (KPH)
All the action is done with the wetting movement
(rewetting), done through: Development of artesian
drilling well, Construction of channel canal,
Supervision of water management (at company),
Establishment and Training of KHG Water
Management Team. Revegetation Movement, done
through: Making of peatland village seedlings,
Making crops of peatland villages, Making
horticultural seeds, Preparing crops from
horticultural crops.
Social Revitalization Movement of Community
Economy, Development of fishery business,
Development of cattle breeding business, goat,
Honey bee development, Peatland ecotourism
development, Development of demplot gelam,
Cultivation of Plant Life, Utilization and processing
of sago pulp, Mangrove Crab cultivation,
Sustainable Food, Establishment of Peat Concern
The Brg program in Riau Province in 2017 is
carried out by: Construction of 550 Drilling Wells,
830 Units of Canal Construction, Facilitation of
Secretariat of Peat Restoration Team (TRGD),
Establishment of Peat Concern Village, RREG
Preparation, Procurement of Fire Extinguishers,
Infrastructure Development, Peat Wetting,
Revegetation, Economic Revitalization, Preparation
of SID and DED Infrastructure Wetting Peat,
Development of Technical Capacity of Village
The Peat Restoration Program in Riau Province
includes: (1) water management/ management in
peatlands in accordance with government regulation
no. (3) rehabilitation and reforestation in 2015
(158,531 ha) (3) reorganization of the utilization of
peatlands according to their function (eg, 4)
increasing public awareness of sustainable peat
management (5) law enforcement of forest
encroachment on peatland (6) new moratorium on
clearing or peatland clearing.
This peatland restoration program should continue to
be implemented in accordance with its achievement
targets for all priority areas throughout Indonesia
and not just a pilot project by a handful of interests.
As an important role-playing implementer, the
Agency for the Restoration of Peatlands (BRG)
should be more coordinated to the local government,
since the regional government other than owning the
territory also has the authority. For the restoration
program in Tebing Tinggi Timur sub-district,
especially Sungai Tohor Village, it is expected to be
improved not only to focus on the development of
channel canals only, and expanded cooperation to
the stakeholders so that the restoration program will
reach its destination until 2020.
In implementing this peatland restoration
program, there are certainly factors that influence it,
both in terms of positive and negative, therefore the
conceptualization must be clear, the emphasis of
strategy and coordination must also be clear in order
to create a good cooperation for the realization of
peat restoration that sustainable to prevent forest and
land fires.
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ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development