Developing Human Resources Personality to Improve Employees’
Performance of Indonesian Bankers
Elisabet Siahaan
Magister Management Property and Valuation, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Employee Commitment, Employee Performance.
Abstract: Sustainable development requiring the utilization of resources owned by the company today and in the
future. This study focused on discussing aspects of human resource personality development that referred to
bankers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of organizational culture and employee
commitment to the organization as an existing system in the organization to improve employee
performance. A number of 196 bankers participated in this study. Data were collected by using customized
questionnaires adapted on the banking aspect. The model was evaluated by using multiple linear regression
analysis. The results indicated that the ability of employees adapting to organizational culture holds the
most dominant influence in encouraging the performance of bankers. Employee commitment to the
organization also has a positive and significant impact in improving the performance of bankers. Employees
of the banking system that adhere to existing systems within organizations such as adhering to
organizational culture and having a high commitment to the organization will produce superior
Sustainable development is a challenge for
management and economy in facing the global era
(Singh, 2014). In an effort to achieve sustainable
growth, the synergy between natural resources and
human resource development is needed. Synergy
activities should be done by the company in the
short term and also for the long term. One important
point in this statement is the need for human
resource development that supports management so
that the organization is able to achieve better
performance in the future. The achievement of
sustainable development is complex (Oladeji, 2014)
but it is the key in making the global economy
successful (Osborn et al. 2015). The trigger of
sustainable achievement relates to human resource
and natural resource management (Ojo and
Oluwatayo, 2016).
In the midst of Indonesia's economic slowdown
due to the global crisis and US policy on import
restrictions affecting other countries, and the policy
of the US Central Bank to raise interest rates, a
healthy and strong Indonesian banking is highly
needed. Strong and healthy banking is strongly
influenced by many things including internal and
external conditions. This study looks at ways to
improve the banking performance from the internal
side, i.e. from the organizational culture and
organizational commitment.
Like humans as individuals who have
personality, organizations also have personality. The
personality of an organization is better known as the
organizational culture that becomes the identity, the
distinction between one organization and another
and as a tool for determining the direction of the
organization, directing what employees can and
cannot do. Organizational culture contains values,
norms that serve as guidelines in behaving, to bind
all different members in order to behave the same in
achieving organizational goals. Organizational
culture is not a tool that impedes the freedom of
employees, but rather a means to improve employee
performance (Siahaan, 2017). Therefore,
organizational culture is the identity of an
organization, fostering commitment to achieve
greater goals by overriding self-interest and
directing employee behavior so as to achieve
performance with behavior based on noble values.
Strong organizational culture is characterized by
the core values of organization that are firmly held
and widely agreed upon. The more members of the
Siahaan, E.
Developing Human Resources Personality to Improve Employees’ Performance of Indonesian Bankers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009898600002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 118-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organization that receive core values and the greater
their commitment to those values, the stronger the
culture is, so the performance increases. In line with
this definition, a strong culture will obviously have a
great influence in the attitude of the members of the
organization compared to the weak culture. The
specific result of a strong culture is the low entry of
workers. A strong culture will show high agreement
on organizational goals among its members.
Employees who are able to adapt to organizational
culture will behave according to organizational
culture, so that the organizational culture is stronger
and less management needs related to the
development of formal rules and regulations in
guiding employee behavior are needed due to the
existence of organizational commitment of
employees which results in improved performance
(Uddin, 2013).
A good fortune for a company if it has
employees who have a high commitment to the
organization. Therefore, the company conducts
selection in the form of written and oral
examinations and conducts interviews to get
employees who have the same culture with corporate
culture and who have a high commitment to the
organization. Employees with a strong desire to
remain as members of the organization (loyal),
desire to strive for the sake of the organization's
desire and accept the value and goals of the
organization which will result in high performance .
Therefore it is very important to examine and
analyze the source of the cause of the high
commitment of employee organizations, especially
in banking companies that rely heavily on the
performance of employees in winning competition
with banks in the country and abroad.
2.1 Organizational Culture
The culture of an organization refers to a system of
sharing meaning by members that distinguishes
organizations from other organizations (Robbins and
Judge, 2015). Organizational culture refers to a
system of sharing meaning by members that
distinguishes the organization from other
organizations (Robbins and Coutler, 2012).
Organizational culture is a hallmark of a company
that includes a set of trust values that help
employees to know what action can or cannot be
done related to formal and informal structures within
the corporate environment.
Mangkunegara (Mangkunegara, 2013) defines
organizational culture as a set of assumptions, or
system of beliefs, values and norms developed in
guiding organizational behavior for its members to
address external and internal adaptation issues.
Djokosusanto (2003) sees a link between
organizational culture and employee performance
stating that the better the quality of organizational
culture factors ae, the better the employee
performance will be. Organizational culture has a
direct impact on improving organizational
performance. Employees applying organizational
culture will result in high performance (Anderson et
al. 2008; Ehgbal et al. 2017; Marbawi et al. 2018;
Mathis et al. 2014; and Siahaan, 2017).
2.2 Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is a measure of
willingness to retain employees with a company in
the future (O’reilly and Chatman, 1986).
Organizational commitment will affect how the
behavior of the worker within the compan. Meyer
and Allen propose three forms of organizational
commitment which are still widely used today in
measuring employee organizing commitments
(Meyer and Allen, 1991). Organizational
commitment is divided into three forms, namely
affective commitment that shows the emotional
bond between employees and the organization; an
ongoing commitment that demonstrates employee
engagement with the organization on the basis of
work sustainability or work stability concerns; and
normative commitment that shows employee bonds
on the basis of the norms of employees' debt to the
organization that raises them. The study of the
empires indicates that organizational commitment
has a positive and significant effect on the
performance of civil servants in West Coast Region
(Lily et al. 2017). Research of Yetta (2012) and
Wibowo (2012) conclude that organizational
commitment is one that affects the behavior of
employees, that is faithful to the organization. A
high organizational commitment will keep
employees loyal to their jobs and retain their
positions to improve their performance in companies
where organizations want workers who want to do
new things and have not done before. Employees
who have a commitment to the organization shows
the increase in organizational effectiveness through
high performance achievement.
Developing Human Resources Personality to Improve Employees’ Performance of Indonesian Bankers
3.1 Location and Time of Study
This research was conducted in Medan in the year
2017. The unit of analysis in this study was a
banker. This research was a case study conducted in
Bank Sumut Main Branch of Medan which was
located at Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 48, Medan, North
Sumatra, Indonesia.
3.2 Participants
The research was conducted by distributing
questionnaires and short interviews to employees of
Bank Sumut. The approach by Slovin method
(Sugiono, 2013) indicated that 196 employees of
Bank Sumut Main Branch of Medan were required.
Sampling method was done randomly by using
reference list of employees of Bank Sumut.
3.3 Variable Operationalization
This research applied analysis by using two
independent variables, that were organizational
culture and organizational commitment and one
dependent variable that was employee performance.
Operationalization of variables in the study refers to
Table 1.
Table 1: Variable Operationalization
Notation Variable Operational
Dimension Measurement
Value system of
Bank Sumut held
by employees of
Bank Sumut Main
Branch Medan
itself, which
then affects the
way of working
and behaving of
the members of
the organization
A situation where
employees of
Bank Sumut Main
Branch Medan
feel bound by the
organization and
want to maintain
membership in the
organization and
devote themselves
to the interests of
the organization
Affective Interval
Y Employee
Ability of
employees of
Bank Sumut in
achieving the
results of work in
quality and
quantity in
carrying out tasks
in accordance
with the
given to them
Quality Interval
3.4 Instrument Validity and Reliability
Questionnaires in this study were prepared by
researchers by using theoretical studies tailored to
the situation at Bank Sumut. Therefore the
researchers tested the validity and reliability to
measure the feasibility of the instruments used
(Sekaran, 2003). Validity test was done by using
Pearson Correlation and reliability test was done by
using Cronbach's Alpha. The reliability summary
refers to Table 2.
Table 2: Cronbach's Alpha Research Questionnaire
Variables Number of
15 0.831 Reliable
9 0.901 Reliable
9 0.822 Reliable
Validity test was done by using correlation of
statement items to the total score for each variable.
The correlation value > 0.361 indicated an exact
statement item measuring the research variable. The
validity test indicated that the whole item was
accurate in measuring each research variable. Table
2 provides information that the instruments applied
in this study were reliable and appropriate to be used
to evaluate the research model.
3.5 Data Analysis Method
This research used multiple linear regression
analysis to evaluate the influence of independent
variable to dependent variable. The classic
assumption test was used to ensure that the
regression model generated through this research
had an appropriate model in explaining the
phenomenon occurring in Bank Sumut.
Multiple linear regression analysis in this study was
conducted systematically, namely testing the
coefficient of determination, simultaneous test, and
partial test. Table 3 indicates that organizational
culture and organizational commitment variables
could account for 45.4% of variations in employee
performance. Correlation analysis of 0.678 indicated
a strong relationship between independent variables
to the dependent variable in this study. This proved
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
that the research model was potentially important in
explaining employee performance.
Table 3: Coefficient of Determination
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
,459 ,454 ,449977
a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Commitment,
anizational Culture
. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Table 4: Simultaneous Test (F-test)
Model Sum of
Df Mean
F Sig.
ression 33,195 2 16,597 81,971 ,000
Residual 39,078 193 ,202
Total 72,273 195
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
.Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Commitment,
Organizational Culture
Table 4 indicates the organizational culture and
organizational commitment variables of employees
significantly influenced the employee performance
of Bank Sumut Main Branch Medan. The evaluation
of the effect between the research variables is
specifically described in Table 5.
Table 5: Partial Test (t-test)
odel Unstandardized
t Sig. Collinearity
B Std.
Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) ,286 ,278 1,029 ,305
,613 ,076 ,456 8,029 ,000 ,870 1,149
,337 ,053 ,364 6,413 ,000 ,870 1,149
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Table 5 gives an influence between research
variables that explained employee performance.
Based on the table, the regression equation in this
research could be arranged as:
Y = 0.286 + 0.613 X
+ 0.337 X
Equation (1) indicates that in the initial
conditions without any adaptation of organizational
culture and commitment to the organization, the
performance of the banker only reached the level of
0.286 indicating a very low performance. Each 1
point increased in organizational culture would
improve performance by 0.613. This meant that
every 1 point increased in the application of bankers
to the organizational culture, then the performance
of bankers rose by 0.613. Every increase of 1 point
in organizational commitment would increase the
performance of employees of banks amounted to
0.337 points. It meant that 1 point of employee
commitment to organization increased, then
employee performance would increase by 0,337.
The results indicated that both research variables
have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance. Of the two variables in the model, the
ability of bankers to adapt to organizational systems
that include organizational culture in the work
environment of employees has a dominant role to
the performance of bankers. Successful employee-
accepted and employed cultures play an important
role in encouraging the formation of behaviors that
perform their work very well which leads to the
improvement of employee performance that is
considered very important for employee success and
banking success (Anderson et al. 2008;
Djokosusanto, 2003; Ehgbal et al. 2017; Marbawi et
al. 2018; Mathis et al. 2014; and Siahaan, 2017).
Bank employees who are highly committed to
the organization will have a high loyalty to the
organization, will work harder, prioritize the
interests of the organization rather than personal
interests, want to continue to provide benefits and
contributions to banking workplace, have an
emotional bond with the banking place to work
thereby encouraging excellent behavior that leads to
improved performance of bankers (Lily at al. 2017;
Meyer and Allen, 1991; O’Reilly and Chatman,
1986; Wibowo, 2012; and Yetta, 2012).
This study provided empirical evidence that the
ability of bankers to develop self-personality by
following the existing work system within the
organization would have an impact on increased
performance. Organizational culture is mandatory to
be applied by every employee to produce quality
work. Employee performance is significantly
influenced by organizational culture and employee
commitment to the organization. Employees who are
able to accept organizational culture well and build
organizational commitment will perform better than
those who are less able to adapt to the company's
environment. The suitability of employee
personalities with organizational culture will help
achieve better employee performance.
Organizational culture can encourage the
commitment of employees in the organization so as
to produce consistency in behaving to produce
quality performance that benefits the organization.
Developing Human Resources Personality to Improve Employees’ Performance of Indonesian Bankers
The ability of bankers to apply organizational
culture and the ability to build commitment in the
employees is an important and must always be done.
Organizational culture is used to direct employees to
behaviors that the company expects employees to
apply during their work in the company.
Organizational culture is a process of understanding
and acceptance of the work system and values that
exist within an organization. Organizational culture
cannot be quickly received and executed well by
employees. Employees need to be selected
appropriately so as to get employees who have the
appropriate personality culture of the organization.
Top management should always set an example in
applying an organizational culture in every word and
behavior. Employees also need to be given training,
socialization and adaptation in order to be able to
accept and implement the corporate culture as
expected by the company. This study strongly
suggests the development of employee personalities
in the form of learning and cultural adaptation and
build organizational commitment through increased
employee participation to the company directly. This
effort will help companies improve employee
performance that brings improved corporate
performance and build sustainable development for
the company.
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ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development