Hutinta (Riddles) in Simalungun Ethnic Oral Tradition
Asriaty R. Purba
, Adelina Ginting
Faculty of Humanities, University of North Sumatra, Medan
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Catholic University of Santo Thomas, Medan
Keywords: Hutinta, Simalungun Ethnic. Oral Tradition.
Abstract: Hutinta (riddles) is a part of oral tradition which is a cultural heritage of the local community which the
process of the inheritance was done orally and passed on from one generation to another generation. Hutinta
is interpreted as a form of question that is difficult to answer and can only be answered after the answer is
known. The purpose of this journal is to describe hutinta in Simalungun ethnic oral tradition. The result of
this journal show the form of hutinta in Simalungun ethnic group consisting of three parts. Those are
ordinary hutinta, hutinta umpasa, and hutinta turi-turian, and the object of hutinta obtained from daily
experience through human nature and behavior.
Indonesia consists of various cultures and
ethnicities. Each ethnicity has a different culture.
Culture is a form of interaction in the life process,
thus forming a close relationship between humans
and humans, humans with other creatures, humans
with natures that can be used according to their
needs. The consequences of that life process cause
humans to gradually and unwittingly form habits
that apply to society. One of that cultural form is the
oral tradition.
Oral tradition is a cultural heritage of the local
community which the process of the inheritance was
done orally and passed on from generation to
another generation. In daily life the oral tradition
usually spoken by a mother to her child, a storyteller
to the audience, teacher to the students, or among
fellow members of the community.
Oral tradition consists of folklore, traditional
riddles (traditional question) traditional proverbs,
and traditional song. Each region has an oral
tradition and has its own characteristics, although in
certain forms it has similarities.
As explained above, one of the items that
contained in oral tradition is riddles (traditional
question). Some ethnic that exists in Indonesia in
term of riddles has its own name. Like the Toba
ethnic group with the term Huling huling ansa, Karo
ethnic group with the term Kuning-kuningen,
Simalungun ethnic group with the term Hutinta, and
Sunda ethinc group with the term tata rucingan.
Hutinta (riddles) in Simalungun ethnic group at
the ancient times was still maintained properly
which serves as an entertainment tool in spare time
that is used as a traditional game because it is played
by at least two people. There are a person who ask
the question and a person who answer the question.
If the answerer cannot answer the question then the
questioner will answer the question, and very often
end up laughing together. However, at this time we
rarely find the oral tradition of riddles especially in
the younger generation of Simalungun ethnicity.
This is due to the influence of rapid technological
development and also the influence the environment
that is not supporting, especially in urban
communities. Therefore the role of the community
in learning, preserving the oral tradition of
marhutinta (teka teki), needs to be developed for the
sake of national cultural resilience.
Hutinta is the same as traditional questions. In
Indonesia better known as riddles, the question is
made in such a way that the answer is difficult, and
often even must be answered after knowing the
answer first. According to Georges and Dundes
(Danandjaja, 1984) riddles is a traditional verbal
expression that contain one or more of descriptive
R. Purba, A. and Ginting, A.
Hutinta (Riddles) in Simalungun Ethnic Oral Tradition.
DOI: 10.5220/0009897700002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 71-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
elements, a pair of them contradict each other and
the answer must be guessed.
According to the two scholars that riddles can be
classified into two general categories, those are: (1)
non-oppositional riddles and (2) oppositional
riddles. The two categories are differentiated by the
presence or absence of descriptive elements in
opposition. Non-oppositional riddles with the
descriptive elements may be termed literal, that is,
what is written (literal) and figurative
(metaphorical). Oppositional riddles are
characterized by the occurrence of an opposition
between at least one pair of descriptive elements.
While according to Tarigan (1980), Hutinta
(riddles) is an oral literature that passed down from
grandmother to father, and from father to son. This
hutinta (riddles) was submitted quickly and
automatically never written. Anything they see
around the house, in the yard, in the fields, in the
garden, in everyday life, they can make it become
hutinta (riddles).
2.1 Simalungun Ethnic Hutinta
(riddles) Form
Simalungun Ethnic Hutinta (riddles) form can be
classified into three parts those are:
2.1.1 Ordinary Hutinta
Ordinary hutinta consists of one or two lines of
sentences, however, that does not mean that ordinary
hutinta (riddles) are easy to answer, because usually
the questions are difficult to understand while the
answers are very identical to the questionable nature.
(1) Songon goranni daini
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: tobu
“It feels the same as the name
What is that?
The answer is: cane (tebu)
(2) Anggo itutup labahni roh ia, anggo ibuka mulak
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: gurgur ni indahan
“If the door is closed he comes, if the door is
opened he comes
What is that?
The answer is: a boiling rice water”
(3) Ja daoh jenges, ia dohor bajan
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: dolog
“If far, it looks beautiful, if it is approached it
seems ugly
What is that?
The answer is: mountain”
(4) Iponophon tois ni
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: huting
“It hid the dirt
What is that?
The answer is: cat”
If we look at that hutinta above, the questions
and the answers are very identical, such as in the
(1) The word tobu/ tebu (cane) in Simalungun it
means sweet. That means the question is very
identical with the answer.
(2) Gurgur ni indahan “a boiling rice water”, if we
pay attention when the rice is boiling, if we close
the steam will rise, while if we open the steam
will go down.
(3) Dolog / mountain if viewed from afar it is
beautiful but if we look closely, the mountain is
so creepy that consists of wilderness.
(4) Huting / cat if we pay attention to the cat
behavior, if its throw away the dirt, the cat
always covers or hid the dirt.
2.1.2 Hutinta Umpasa (Poem Riddles)
Hutinta umpasa usually consists of four lines
containing sampiran (a first two lines of poem) and
contents. However, the answer is not in the poem
(pantun) because the content of the question always
shows the nature or is identical to the question.
Hutinta umpasa it sounds is more beautiful because
it is pronounced like a bouncy.
(1) I suan ma naming utek
I huta Dalig Raya
Marsisik sedo dengke
Marpayung sedo raja
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: honas
“Orange planted
In Dalig Raya village
Scaly instead of fish
Umbrella instead of king
What is that?
The answer is: pineapple”
(2) Buha hulit dapot hapas
Buha hapas dapot tulan
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Buha tulan dapot daging
Buha daging dapot bah
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: halambir
“Open the skin can be cotton
Open the cotton can be bone
Open the bone can be meat
Open the meat can be water
What is that?
The answer is: coconut”
(3) Sampuran na dob gombur
Parhotangan lang tarbolus
Paima mangan maningon bosur
Dob mangan malohei holpus
Aha ma ai?
Bolosni: bahul-bahul
“The waterfall that was cloudy
The place to find rattan that has been crossed
Before eating must be full
After eating, hungry, flat stomach
What is that?
The answer is: baskets of pandanus
To guess the answer in hutinta in the form of
poem (pantun) is more difficult than ordinary
hutinta. This happens because the listener can be
lulled to hear the rhymes, so that they are not paying
attention to the object of the question. The question
in Hutinta Umpasa found in the third and the fourth
lines. Such as in:
(1) Marsisik deo dengke
Marpayung sido raja
(2) Buha tulan dapot daging
Buha daging dapot bah
(3) Paima mangan maningon bosur
Dob mangan malohei holpus
2.1.3 Hutinta turi-turian (Story Riddles)
Hutinta turi-turian usually delivered in the form of
stories. A person before present the hutinta (riddles)
tell a story first then when the story is end, the
storyteller ask the hutinta (riddles). Therefore the
listener must be keen to listen the contents of the
story because it is not uncommon for the listener to
be lulled by the trap of the story.
Adong ma sada parinangon. Halani porluni
horjani itadingkon ma nimobahni I huta. Misir ma ia
hu juma, tap lang piga dokah nari dob misir inang
on, mulakna niombahni sikahanan hun sikolah. I
sukum anakni sikahanon on ma anggini ninima: o
ambia ija do idadah ho inangta? Rohma balosni
anggini on, anggo inang domma laho hujuma
marsarosok janah membuat bobabi hata. Aha ma
ai? Balosni: laaho membuat demban.
There is a mother because of the importance of
her work then she left her children in the village
(house) and this mother went to the field, shortly
after his mother went to the field, her son came
home from school. Seeing his mother not at home,
then her son who had just returned from school
asked his brother. Where is our mother, brother?
Then his brother answered that their mother had
gone to the fields to take a speech opening, what is
that? The answer is: betel.
In Simalungun ethnic group demban (betel) can
be used to speech opening especially in traditional
ceremonies. The story riddles always use reasoning
and earnest concentration in order to answer the
hutinta (riddles).
Another example Hutinta turi-turian (story
Adong ma namamurou I juma. Sanggah
namamurou on ia, adong ma dingis na habang I
atas ni ome ni ai, jadi roh nini pamurou on,
hei………hei……..hei…. dingis si siah-siah! Roh ma
balosni dingis on, seng siah hanami, anggo seng
tambah satongah name, pigama dingis na habang
ai? Balosni: onom
There is a person who scare the birds in the field.
When he looks after the birds, the birds flew over
the yellowing rice. Then the birds keeper shouted, he
said, hey….hey….hey….. nine sparrows. Then the
sparrows answered, we are not nine, if not added
half of our amount, how many sparrows are flying?
The answered is: six.
2.2 the Objectivity of Simalungun
Ethnic Hutinta (riddles)
Hutinta (riddles) source is obtained from daily
experience through the nature and behavior of
humans, animals, plants, and other objects, the
nature or behavior of the object become a hutinta
(riddles), while the answer is the object. Thus, the
object of the Simalungun ethnic riddles includes:
(1) Humans
Sintakkon ma galomhon
Golomhon gompang batu
Hutinta (Riddles) in Simalungun Ethnic Oral Tradition
Huoaima ronsi itolon
Asal dapotan ma au
Aha ma ai?
Balosni: pangkail
“Pull and hold
Hold, the rock crashing
I wait until it’s swallowed
After swallowing, get me
What is that?
The answer is: a person who is fishing”
This example depicts the behavior of a human
who is fishing.
(2) Animals
Si hala erdeng erdeng
Erdeng bulung hosaya
Sonaha pe pangeleng
Na dong halak porsaya
Ahama ai?
Balosni: haluhui
“Red ginger lily is swinging
Leaves sway
No matter how swerving
No one believes"
The answer is: eagle
This Hutinta (riddles) depicts the behavior of an
animal, in this case that animal is eagle,
(3) Plants
Songon goranni daini
Ahama ai?
Balosni: siak
“Tt feels same as the name
What is that?
The answer is: chili”
The Hutinta (riddles) above depicts the behavior
of siak plant in Simalungun it means chili and
also spicy,
(4) Other objects
Marpinggol tapi lang marpambege
Aha ma ai?
Balosni: balanga
“Have ears but can’t hear
What is that?
The answer is: cauldron".
2.3 Simalungun Ethnic Hutinta
(riddles) Function
(1) To test someone’s intelligence
In fact may riddles cannot be answered by
thinking, but the answer must be known first.
This happens because most of the questions
described are metaphorical, consequently it is
almost impossible for someone to be able to
answer a riddle without knowing the exact
(2) As entertainment to fill leisure time
Usually the children before going to bed or
after finishing cooking, they often fill the time
by guessing the hutinta (riddles) with fellow
children and they regard it as a game.
(3) To be able to surpass the other
With the intention of defeating others.
(1) Hutinta
Hutinta (riddles) is a part of Simalungun ethnic
oral tradition which is passed on orally from
one generation to another generation.
(2) Simalungun ethnic hutinta (riddles) form
consists of:
a. Ordinary Hutinta (ordinary riddles)
b. Hutinta umpasa (poem riddles)
c. Hutinta turi-turian (story riddles)
(3) The objectivity of Simalungun ethnic hutinta
(riddles) are humans, animals, plants, and other
(4) Hutinta (riddles) function:
a. To test someone’s intelligence.
b. As entertainment to fill leisure time.
c. To be able to surpass the other.
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Sibarani, R., 2012. Kearifan Lokal Hakikat, Peran dan
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Tarigan, H.G., 1980. Hutinta ni Simalungun (teka teki
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ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development