Financial Analysis and Additional Value of Mangrove Plant
Processing in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang
Bedagai District, North Sumatra
A. Purwoko
, R. Rambey
and A. Y. Pradita
Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Mangrove plants, Financial analysis, Value added, Mangrove processed products
Abstract: Community in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village utilize the mangroves to be cultivated into food
and beverage products such as jeruju crackers, pedada syrup and Dodol Avicenia. This research aimed to
know the cultivation process of mangroves products, analyze the financial feasibility and calculate the
value-added of mangrove cultivation business in Sei Nagalawan. The research is conducted by taking
primary and secondary data through interviews and questionnaires and it will be analyzed descriptively.
The results of this research indicates that mangrove cultivation business in Sei Nagalawan Village, Dusun
III, produce various foods and beverage, which the raw materials is obtained from mangroves that grow in
the village, and the cultivation processing activity is carried by the Muara Tanjung Farmers Group. Product
cultivation is still done traditionally. The resulting product are kerupuk jeruju, Dodol Avicenia, and pedada
syroup. The processing business of crackers jeruju, pedada syrup and Dodol Avicenia make profit and
financially feasible with the R/C value of each product is 1,6; 1,2 and 1,2. The added value produced for
crackers jeruju is IDR. 52.871 /kg, the added value of pedada syrup is IDR. 20.725 /kg and the added value
for Dodol Avicenia is IDR. 31.318 /kg.
Mangrove is a type of plant that Mangrove is a type
of plant that grows on the coast and one of the
unique and distinct forms of forest ecosystems found
in tidal areas of sea water and tolerate the salinity of
seawater. Almost along the coast in the archipelago
is overgrown by mangrove plants. Mangrove has an
important function in the coastal ecosystem, the
existence of mangrove able to withstand abrasion in
the coast. Mangrove is also a good place to breed for
several species of fish. In addition mangrove also
has a high economic value to be utilized. Mangrove
forests have the potential of natural resources are
very much to be used one of them into food and
beverage products. Mangrove has an important role
both ecologically and economically. Ecologically,
mangrove acts as a coastal protector of wind, waves
and storms.
Mangrove stands serve as a biological bastion of
settlements, buildings and farms of strong winds or
sea water intrusions. Economically, mangroves can
be utilized directly for daily necessities such as
firewood, building materials, household necessities,
paper, medicines, bark and charcoal and even the
fruit can be processed into various foods and
beverages (Khoriah, 2015).
Sei Nagalawan Village is one of the villages
located in Perbaungan subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai
District. Sei Nagalawan village has a mangrove
ecosystem that is a mainstay in terms of mangrove
ecotourism and some mangrove plants in the village
of Sei Nagalawan also utilized the surrounding
community into processed food products and
beverages. Some processed products such as chips
and tea made from jeruju leaf (Acanthus ilicifolius),
dodol derived from the api-api (Avicennia marina)
and syrup from the fruit pedada (Sonneratia
caseolaris). Processing of mangrove plants into
processed food products and beverages conducted
by people who are members of the Farmers Group
located in the village of Sei Nagalawan. This study
aims to identify the processing of mangrove plant
products, analyze the financial feasibility and
calculate the added value of mangrove plant
processing business in Sei Nagalawan Village.
Purwoko, A. and Pradita, A.
Financial Analysis and Additional Value of Mangrove Plant Processing in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang Bedagai District, North Sumatra.
DOI: 10.5220/0009896800002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 15-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Place and Time
This research was conducted at mangrove
processing plant by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
located in Sei Nagalawan Village, Perbaungan
Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North
Sumatera Province. The study was conducted from
March to April 2018.
2.2 Tools and Materials
The tool used in this study is a camera that is useful
for research documentation, stationery to record
information about research. Materials used are
questionnaires to obtain secondary or primary data.
2.3 Types and Data Sources
Types and sources of data used in this study are as
follows primary data, ie data obtained directly from
the respondents of the study by using a questionnaire
containing the questions asked in writing to
respondents to get answers, responses and
information required by researchers. Secondary data,
ie data obtained through recording on agencies and
other library sources related to this research.
2.2 Data Collection
Data collection technique used in this research is
survey, that is doing direct observation at research
location. Interview, which is conducting question
and answer with respondent, related to problem in
this research by using questionnaire sheet. Library
study, ie data collection using literature related to
this research.
2.4 Data Analysis
Data analysis, among others: (1) Processing this data
is obtained by interview and questionnaire with the
respondent. Respondent from this research is
chairman and member of Muara Tanjung Farmer
Group of 27 people. Then analyzed descriptively
and by doing direct observation. It aims to know the
general description of managed business and
processed products in the research area, (2) Business
Feasibility Analysis Data obtained through
interviews and questionnaires to the processors are
then analyzed quantitatively through feasibility
a. Analysis of business income This analysis
aims to determine the amount of profits derived
from the effort made this. According Asanti (2011)
is formulated as follows:I = TR -TC
TR: Total Revenue
TC: Total Cost
Where to find Total Revenue and Total Cost:
TR = P × Q
P: Price per unit of Product
Q: Total production
TFC: Total fixed cost
TVC: Total non-fixed costs
Criteria used:
- If total revenue> total cost, then the business is said
to be profitable.
- If total revenue = total cost, then business is not
profitable and no loss.
- If total revenue <total cost, business loss. b.
Analysis of Revenue Cost Ratio (R / C)
This analysis aims to test the extent to which the
results obtained from a particular business is quite
profitable. The extent to which each rupiah value of
the cost used in a particular business activity can
provide the value of revenue as a benefit.
According to Supartama (2013) the formula for
calculating the R / C value is as follows:
R / C = Total Receipts
Total Cost R / C> 1, then business profit R / C = 1,
then break even R / C <1, then the business loss
2.5 Payback Period
Payback Period is the time required for funds
embedded in an investment to be recovered entirely.
According to Sianturi (2012) formula Payback
Period (PP) is formulated as follows:
PP = Total Cost × 1 times production
Total income.
Break Even Point Analysis (BEP) Break Even
Point analysis is needed to find out the volume of
sales or production of a company and is a point
where the company does not get a profit and does
not suffer losses. BEP calculations by Wijayanti
(2012) can be done with the following formula: BEP
Production Vol = TFCP / unit - VC unit Or the
calculation of BEP on the basis of rupiah unit is
done by the following formula:
BEP = Total Cost Total Production
3. Add Value Analysis a. Value-added
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Value-added analysis of a product is needed to
determine whether the product provides added value
to the surrounding community even if it does not
provide a profit in its production. The determination
of the added value of a product can be calculated in
the following way: if the total output of each
production is A, and the amount of raw material
required for one production in kg is B. Then the
conversion factor is:
D = AB Calculation The output value is as
follows: J = D × F
A: The output value
D: Conversion factor
F: Price of output
The formula for calculating value added is
formulated as follows:
K = J - I – H Information:
K: Value added
A: The output value
I: Other input donations
H: Raw material price
b. Added Value Distribution
Distribution of the value of tam
Financial feasibility analysis is used in farming
to understand the feasibility and how much profit a
farmer gets. The amount of profit generated from a
business can be known from the difference between
the many receipts obtained by the amount of
production costs required. Therefore a business
needs a good plan in order to be able to generate
profits as big as possible. Here is a financial
feasibility analysis of mangrove processing business
in Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang Bedagai District.
3.1 Cost Production and Income
In this mangrove processing business there are some
costs incurred to perform production activities called
production costs. Production cost is divided into
two, namely fixed cost and variable cost. Fixed costs
are costs independent of the amount of production of
jeruju crackers, dodol sparks and pedal syrups such
as equipment depreciation, land rent, taxes and
equipment maintenance. While the variable cost is
the cost of which depends on the amount of
production of jeruju crackers, pedal syrup and dodol
flames such as the cost for starch, starch, coriander,
fine shrimp, salt, brown sugar, white sugar, garlic,
oil, and for gas as well as the required labor wages.
Total cost of production is derived from the sum
of fixed costs and variable costs required in a single
production. The calculation of each item and the cost
incurred for a one-time production of jeruju crackers
can be seen in Appendix 1. The components of fixed
costs consist of depreciation expenses, equipment
and building maintenance costs, land rent and taxes.
The variable cost component consists of the cost of
raw materials of jeruju leaves, coriander, garlic,
sugar, salt, fine shrimp, oil, starch, gas, labor and
packaging wages. The calculation of the profits
derived from a business is derived from the
difference in total receipts with total cost of
production per one time of production. Total
revenue can be known from the multiplication of the
number of products produced in one production at
the price of the product per pack. Cost detail of
processing of jeruju crackers is found in Table 1.
Table 1: Cost and Income of Jeruju Cracker Processing by
Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Description Value Percenta
Fixed cost (IDR) 54.134 10,7
Variabel Cost
(IDR) 450.400 89,3
Total cost (IDR) 504.534 100
Volume (pack) 100
Price (IDR/ pack) 8.000
Receive (IDR) 800.000
Income (IDR) 295.466
Based on the details of the cost in table 1 it can
be seen the amount of variable costs used is quite
large this is because the amount of costs incurred for
other raw materials is quite large. Net income
obtained from processing jeruju crackers is IDR.
295,466 in one production. The number of products
produced in one production is 100 packs with total
acceptance of IDR. 800,000. Can be seen total
revenue obtained greater than the total cost incurred
for production, on the basis of the business
processing jeruju crackers can be said to be feasible
and meet the criteria in generating profits.
Table 2: Cost and Revenue Processing of syrup Pedada
by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Description Value Percenta
Fixed cost (IDR) 32.900 6,5
Variabel Cost (IDR) 472.000 93,5
Total cost (IDR) 504900 100
Volume (pack) 50
Price (IDR/ pack) 12.000
Receive (IDR) 600.000
Income (IDR) 95.100
Financial Analysis and Additional Value of Mangrove Plant Processing in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang Bedagai
District, North Sumatra
Based on Table 3, it can be seen the proportion
of variable cost is also greater that is equal to IDR.
472,000, due to the cost required for larger
supporting materials as well as other factors such as
labor required. The total revenue obtained from
pedal syrup processing is IDR. 600,000 out of 50
packs of products produced per one production, so
the net income received is IDR. 95.100. It indicates
that the processing of syrup worthy and meet the
criteria of profit.
Table 3: Cost and Revenue of Dodol Avicenia Processing
by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Description Value Percenta
Fixed cost (IDR) 47.634 18,04086
Variabel Cost
(IDR) 216.400 81,95914
Total cost (IDR) 264.034 100
Volume (pack) 33
Price (IDR/ pack) 10.000
Receive (IDR) 330.000
Income (IDR) 65.966
The processing of dodol Avicenia requires
variable costs such as glutinous rice flour, brown
sugar, white sugar, coconut milk, gas, and plastic
packaging. Therefore the variable cost required is
quite large. Production volume produced per one
time production is 33 packs with selling price IDR.
10.000, total revenue earned as much as IDR.
330,000. Net income earned is IDR. 65.966. It
shows the business of processing dodol fire-flame
feasible and meet the criteria of profit.
3.2 R/C Ratio Analysis
R / C Ratio Analysis is an analysis obtained from the
ratio of total revenue and total cost required for
production. This analysis aims to determine how
much profit a business gets from the amount of costs
incurred for its production. The value of R / C
processing of jeruju crackers can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4: The value of R / C processing of jeruju crackers
Description Total
Receive (IDR) 330.000
Total of Cost Production (IDR) 504.534
R/C 1.6
The result of comparison between total revenue
and total production cost of R / C results obtained by
1.6, the ratio obtained is greater than 1, it shows the
processing business of jeruju crackers produce profit
and has the potential to be developed. The ratio of
1.6 indicates that if the cost production issued is
IDR. 504,534.
Table 5: Total revenue and total production cost of R / C
syrup pedada
tion Total
Income (IDR) 600.000
Total of cost production (IDR) 504.900
R/C 1,2
Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the
comparison between total revenue and total
production cost of R / C results obtained is 1.2, the
ratio obtained is greater than 1, it indicates that the
processing of syrup of pedada produce profit and has
the potential to be developed. Ratio 1.2 indicates
that if the production cost incurred is IDR. 504,900
it will be gained 1.2 times of production costs
Table 5: R / C Analysis of Dodol Avicenia Processing by
farmer group of Muara Tanjung
Description Total
Recieve (IDR) 330.000
Total of cost production (IDR) 264.034
R/C 1.2
Based on Table 5, we can see the result of
comparison between total revenue and total
production cost of R / C results obtained by 1.2, the
ratio obtained is greater than 1, it shows the business
of dodol Avicenia processing produce profit and has
the potential to be developed . Ratio 1.2 indicates
that if the production cost incurred is IDR. 264.034
it will be gained 1.2 times of production costs
3.3 Payback Period Analysis
Payback Period analysis aims to find out the time
required for funds invested by investors back
entirely. The repayment period is obtained by
comparing the total cost of production with the
profit received multiplied by 1 time of production.
Table 6: Payback Period Analysis of Mangrove Processed
Products by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Kinds of product Payback Period (times)
Jeruju Crakers 2
Syrup Pedada 5
Dodol Avicenia 4
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Based on Table 6. it can be seen that the time
required for the return of processing capital of jeruju
crackers is 2 times the production. In the processing
of pedal syrup the time required for the return of
capital for 5 times the production and for the
processing of fire-spark dodol the time required for
payback for 4 times production. The time period of
return of capital of pedada syrup and dodol of fire
long enough because the cost required to produce
the product is big enough and production volume
produced in one production little compared to jeruju
crackers, the limitation of raw material also
influences because the raw material of Avicenia and
pedada seasonal production is also done seasonally.
This is in accordance with the statement
Moerdiyanto (2008) the most important variable that
affects the financial needs of the company is the
projection of sales volume. Sales forecasting usually
tends to be raised in the projection of financial
needs. Therefore, careful sales forecasting is the
basis for the projection of financial needs. For this
IDR it is necessary to establish the ratio between the
level of sales and the types of expenditures required.
It should also be taken into account seasonal sales
and sales fluctuations.
3.4 Break Even Point Analysis (BEP)
Break Even Point analysis or break even analysis
needs to be done for feasibility analysis of farming.
This analysis aims to determine a point where the
business is not experiencing a loss or gain.
Based on Table 7, it can be seen that the breaking
point of jeruju cracker processing occurs when the
production reaches 15 packs. The number indicates
the breakeven number is below the production
volume of 100 packs. While in terms of selling price
breakeven point on selling jeruju jeruk occurs at the
selling price of IDR. 5,045 per pack. Based on the
results of the analysis can be said that the business
processing jerukan crackers generate profits.
Table 7: Breakeven Point Break Analysis (BEP) Jeruju
Cracker Product by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Description Value
Fixed cost (IDR) 54.134
Variabel cost (IDR) 450.400
Total cost (IDR) 504.534
Volume (pack) 100
Price (IDR/pack) 8.000
Recieve (IDR) 800.000
Income (IDR) 295.466
BEP Volume of Production (pack) 15
BEP price (IDR/ pack) 5.045
Table 8: Breakeven Point Analysis (BEP) syrup Pedada
Product by Muara Tanjung Farmer Group
Description Value
Fixed cost
Variabel cost
Total cost
Volume (Botle) 50
Price (IDR/ botle) 12.000
Receive (IDR) 600.000
BEP Volume Production
BEP Price
IDR/ botle
In Table 8, it can be seen that the break-even
point of pedal syrup processing occurs when the
production reaches 13 bottles. The number indicates
the breakeven number is below the production
volume of 50 bottles. While in terms of selling price
breakeven point on selling jeruju jeruk occurs at the
selling price of IDR. 10,098 per bottle the price is
still below the actual selling price of IDR. 12,000
per bottle. Based on the results of the analysis can be
said that the processing of syrup pedada produce
Table 9: Break-Even Point Analysis (BEP) Dodol
Avicenia Product by Muara Tanjung Farmers Group
Description Value
Fixed cost (IDR) 47.634
Variabel cost
Total cost (IDR) 264.034
Volume (pack) 33
Recieve (IDR) 330.000
Income (IDR) 659.66
BEP Volume of Production
BEP price (IDR/ pack) 8.001
Based on Table 9. it can be seen that the break-
even point of pedal syrup processing occurs when
the production reaches 14 bottles. The number
shows the number of breakeven point is below the
production volume of 33 bottles. While in terms of
selling price breakeven point on selling jeruju jeruk
occurs at the selling price of IDR. 8.001 per bottle
the price is still below the actual selling price of
IDR. 10,000 per bottle. Based on the results of the
analysis can be said that the processing of syrup
pedada produce profits.
Financial Analysis and Additional Value of Mangrove Plant Processing in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang Bedagai
District, North Sumatra
3.6 Value Added Analysis
Value added analysis needs to be done in a farming
business because this analysis aims to determine the
success of a business in providing value or more
rewards to business actors such as statement Nur
(2013) usability to analyze added value to know the
value added occurs due to certain treatment given to
agricultural commodities, distribution of benefits
received by the owner and labor. The calculation of
cost and income of processed mangrove products
contained in appendix 5. Based on these data can be
seen on the processing of jeruju crackers if the
output price of IDR. 8000 and the conversion factor
is 10 then the output value is IDR. 80,000.
The value will then be deducted by the amount
of costs incurred for other supporting materials such
as starch, coriander, salt, sugar, garlic, fine shrimp,
and plastic packaging will be added value for Jeruju
cracker products of IDR. 52,871 for one production
requiring 1 kg of jeruju leaf so that the added value
for jeruju cracker product is IDR. 52.871 / kg. As for
pedal syrup products if the selling price of IDR.
12.000 and the conversion factor 10 then the output
value obtained is IDR. 120,000. The value is then
subtracted by the amount of expenses incurred for
other supporting materials such as white sugar, gas,
bottle, and label. After that the added value for syrup
pedada is IDR. 103,627 for one production that
requires 3 kg of fruit pedada so that the added value
of syrup pedada product is IDR. 20.725 / kg.
On the calculation of added value Dodol
Avicenia if the sale price of IDR. 10,000 and the
conversion factor 11 then the output value obtained
is IDR. 110,000. Value are then subtracted by the
amount of costs incurred for other supporting
materials such as white sugar, brown sugar, coconut
milk, gas, plastic packaging, and labels. After that,
the added value for dodol Avicenia is IDR. 93955
for one production that requires 5 kg of Avicenia so
that the added value of dodol avicenia products is
IDR. 31,318/kg. Based on the results of value-added
analysis can be seen each product generates
substantial added value to business actors. It also
shows that this mangrove processed product has
great potential to be developed. But the bottleneck is
the production of seasonal syrup and dodol Avicenia
that is seasonal so that the production is limited.
3.7 Added Value Distribution
Based on the calculation results can be obtained
value added for jeruju crackers is IDR. 52.871 / kg,
syrup pedada is IDR. 20.275 / kg, and for dodol
avicenia is IDR. 31.318 / kg. The calculation of
value-added distribution is influenced by the selling
price of the product, the purchase price of each raw
material, and the production and marketing cost of
each factor.
Table 10: Distribution Analysis of Added Value of
Mangrove Processed Products by Muara Tanjung Farmer
Profit level
Jeruju Crakcers 80.000 13,6 86
Syrup Pedada 120.000 23,1 76
Dodol Avicenia 110.000 25,5 74
Based on Table 10, the result of remuneration
given to the owner of production factor is IDR.
80.000 / kg for jeruju crackers, IDR. 120.000 / kg
for syrup pedada and IDR. 110.000 / kg for dodol
avicenia. Based on the calculation of the margin then
obtained the share of labor as much as IDR. 7,200 or
13.6% of the production value for jeruju cracker
products, as much as IDR. 24,000 or 23.1% of
production value for pedal syrup products and as
much as IDR. 24,000 or 25.5% of the production
value for the product of Dodol Avicenia.
Furthermore, for the rate of profit obtained by the
processor is equal to 86% of the value of Jeruju
cracker production, 76% of the production value of
pedal syrup and 74% of the production value of
Dodol Avicenia. This means that if will be produced
100 units of production value will be obtained
profits of 86, 76 and 74 units of products produced.
According to research results from Prayogo
(2015) about the financial analysis of the utilization
and processing of jeruju leaf (Acanthus ilicifolius)
into various processed products conducted in the
same research location obtained the results for the
distribution of added value in processing jeruju
crackers IDR. 12,500 or as much as 25% while for
tea jeruju IDR. 15,000 or 18 %% of production
value. For the profit rate for the processor is 74% of
the value of the production of jeruju crackers and
81% of the production value of jeruju tea, which
means that every 100 units of production value to be
produced will be gained by 74 and 81 units. Based
on these results can be seen the comparison on the
level of profit for jeruju directly in the location of
tourism Kampung Nipah so it becomes characteristic
for tourists who visit crackers that increased from
74% to 86% this indicates that the mangrove
processing business is experiencing one of the
factors that support these developments is because
the processed products are marketed the tourist sites.
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
The conclusions of this study are: The product
processing is still done manually by the members of
Muara Tanjung Farmer Group. The resulting product
is the product of jeruju crackers, dodol Avicenia,
and syrup pedada. Jerawang cracker processing
business, pedal syrup and flame dodol produce profit
and financially feasible with R/C value of each
product is 1.6, 1.2 and 1.2. The added value
generated for jeruju cracker products is IDR. 52.871
/ kg, the added value of syrup pedada products is
IDR. 20.725 / kg and the added value for the dodol
avicenia product is IDR. 31,318/ kg.
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Financial Analysis and Additional Value of Mangrove Plant Processing in Kampung Nipah, Sei Nagalawan Village, Serdang Bedagai
District, North Sumatra