The Ecological Adaptation of Honeybee Eyes: A Review
Abdul Razak
Environmental Science Graduate/Post Graduate School Programme, Department of Biology Universitas Negeri Padang,
Prof. Dr.Hamka Street, Padang,West Sumatera, Indonesia.
Keywords: Ecological adaptation, honeybee eyes.
Abstract: This paper a review about honeybee brain and eyes. In this paper we discuss about brain and vision and
habitat as environmental condition honeybee with special ecology adaptation as multifunction animals in
our ecosystem. Honeybee can learn, decision making, understanding colour of flowers targets as source
nectar. Small insect like honeybee be able to think and food from nectar flowers. Honeybee can visually
distinguish landscape scenes, many types and odors of flowers, many shapes and patterns with such a small
visual brain. This capability are supported by specific work honeybee brain, eyes and environmental
Animals as living things interact ecologically with
the environment. One group of invertebrate animals
that have the ability to interact with the environment
is insects. Insects already have brains and vision
organs as well as animals and tall as birds and
mammals. Brain and eye are inseparable mutually
support is vital as a supporter of existence in our
earth. Brain and eye are very important to support
the life of insects. An excellent insect genus of
development is honeybee (Apis spp). Honeybee is
one type of insect that has a very developed eye and
supports its role in the ecosystem. (Ribbands 1954;
Lindauer and Kerr 1960)
The eyes of the honeybee grows supported by a
reliable nervous system that forms the brain. These
eyes and brains are a form of adaptation and
function of the honeybee. Honeybees are able to
observe, learn, remember the pattern, color,
movement and direction and the target flowers as a
source of nectar which is the food. Honeybees are
also able to smell the flower that is the result of
interaction, communication and honeybee
recruitment patterns in the colonies. This ability is
supported by a very effective brain and nervous
system working simultaneously and precisely
(Ribbands 1954; Lindauer and Kerr 1960;
In the brain of insects is commonly known as the
mushroom bodies. This section is the center of the
brain that plays a role in learning and recall proeses
(Mizunami et al., 1993).The head houses the brain, a
collection of about 950,000 neurons. These neurons
are specialized, and they communicate with specific
neighboring neurons. This division of tasks is part of
why a bee's brain. This is a fraction of the size of the
bee's head can perform complex tasks that might
ordinarily require a bigger brain. A system of nerves
allows the brain to communicate with the rest of the
body. On its head, a bee has two sensory antennae. It
also has five eyes -- three simple eyes, or ocelli, and
two compound eyes. The compound eyes are made
of lots of small, repeating eye parts called
ommatidia. In each compound eye, about 150
ommatidia specialize in seeing patterns and
polarized light
ml, 2018).
The Honeybees represent an attractive model for
research the integration of different visual features
in the insect brain. Visual process cues are detected
by compound eyes made of ommatidiium and
hosting nine cells of photoreceptor . Three types of
photoreceptors were found, S, M, and L (for short-,
mid-, and long-range wavelength, respectively).
Razak, A.
The Ecological Adaptation of Honeybee Eyes: A Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009896600002480
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ICNRSD 2018), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-543-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The peak of wavelength are the UV, blue, and
green regions of the spectrum, respectively. They
have been identified in the honeybee retina (Peitsch
et al., 1992; Wakakuwa et al., 2005).
The lamina is composed of thousands of optical
cartridges, each receiving an axon bundle that
contains the axons of the nine photoreceptors from
an overlying ommatidium, as well as the dendrites of
different types of monopolar cells. Most L
photoreceptors are terminated in the first neuropil of
the optic lobe. The lamina have some synapse on
lamina monopolar cells (Menzel, 1974). The spatial
arrangement of photoreceptor axons and lamina
monopolar cells within a cartridge remains constant
throughout the lamina, thus providing the basis for a
retinotopic organization. Axons of lamina
monopolar cells and M and S receptors proceed to
the second visual neuropil, the medulla, by way of
the outer chiasm, which reverses retinotopic
organization in an anteroposterior manner. (Mobbs,
1982, Ehmer and Gronenberg, 2002).
Major output neurons from the medulla project
via the inner chiasm to the third visual neuropil, the
lobula. Extrinsic lobula neurons convey information
to different brain regions, including the mushroom
bodies (Mobbs, 1982, Ehmer and Gronenberg,
2002). The optic lobe of the contralateral eye and
different subregions of the ipsilateral lateral
protocerebrum (Hertel and Maronde, 1987).
Figure 1. Anterior Optic Tubercle (AOTu) which
contribute to spatial vision by processing dorsoventrally
segregated information (Mota et al., 2011).
Our analyses showed that the honeybee AOTu is
composed of four compartments. The MU-VL and
the MU-DL (figure 2)that together constitute a major
unit, and two smaller units placed posterior to the
MU, the VLU and the LU. We found retinotopic
small-field input to the MU, with dorsal and ventral
parts of the medulla and lobula differentially
supplying MU-VL and MU-DL. In contrary, the
VLU only receives input from the dorsal medulla.
Input from the mushroom body supplies the MU
exclusively. The LU, conversely, does not seem to
receive input from the optic lobe or mushroom body
but is connected to the contralateral AOTu and to the
LAL. We cannot exclude, however, the possibility
of having missed in our mass fillings some specific
optic lobe input to the LU. Inter-tubercle neurons
innervate all AOTu compartments in both brain
Each AOTu receives from and provides to the
contralateral AOTu dorsoventral segregated
information. Distinct types of output neurons
connecting the AOTu with the LAL appear to
originate from different AOTu compartments, but
the organization of dorsoventral information in these
neurons remains to be clarified by additional studies.
Our results show that some level of segregation
between dorsal and ventral eye information occurs in
the AOTu and point toward a specialization of
certain AOTu compartments for this segregated
spatial processing. Input– output circuits in the
AOTu Input from the optic lobe runs via the AOT,
which contains two main neural types: (1)
transmedullary neurons and (2) lobula columnar
neurons. Dual supply from the medulla and lobula to
the AOTu was also described in butterflies
(Strausfeld and Blest, 1970), flies (Strausfeld and
Na¨ssel, 1981), and locusts (Homberg et al., 2003).
In a new study, researchers report that a regulatory
gene known to be involved in learning and the
detection of novelty in vertebrates also kicks into
high gear in the brains of honey bees. When
honeybees are learning how to find food and bring
it home. Activity of this gene, called Egr, quickly
increases in a region of the brain known as the
mushroom bodies whenever bees try to find their
way around an unfamiliar environment.
The researchers observed this gene is the insect
equivalent of a transcription factor found in
mammals. Transcription factors regulate the activity
of other genes.The researchers found that the
increased Egr activity did not occur as a result of
exercise, the physical demands of learning to fly or
the task of memorizing visual cues; it increased only
in response to the bees' exposure to an unfamiliar
environment. Even seasoned foragers had an uptick
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
in Egr activity when they had to learn how to
navigate in a new environment.This discovery gives
us an important lead in figuring out how honey bees
are able to navigate so well, with such a tiny brain.
The Egr, with all that this gene is known to do in
vertebrates, provides another demonstration that
some of the molecular mechanisms underlying
behavioral plasticity are deeply conserved
(, 2018)
Honeybees must gather widely dispersed nectar
and pollen and then return to their nests to feed their
brood. For honeybees that exploited hundreds of
flowers spread over several kilometers at each
foraging trip, this involves learning a large number
of places. This foraging lifestyle is cognitively
demanding. Foraging involves learning to recognize
flowers, discriminating the most profitable flower
patches, and learning how to handle flowers of
different species. Because flower meadows are
extremely dynamic environments. Where resources
appear and disappear within hours or days, flower
foraging also requires flexible learning processes for
being able to keep track of environmental
variability. This in a miniature brain of about one
million neurons. To accomplish these feats,
honeybees have been included excellent memory
and navigation skills. In the bee brain, visual and
olfactory stimuli are first processed in specialized
sensory lobes. After that tranfer information to
multisensory integration centers dedicated to
learning, memory, and spatial navigation tasks.
While the results of some human activities, like
habitat loss, directly compromise bee survival,
others. Pesticides, parasites, and malnutrition,
threaten colony survival by compromising bees'
cognitive capacities.
The eyes of the honeybees are used to see flowers
for nectar as food. The honeybee's eye consists of
many simple eyes (omatidium). Honeybee shape is
hexagonal. The eyes of the honeybees are used to
see flowers for nectar as food. The honeybee's eye
consists of many simple eyes (omatidium).
Honeybee shape is hexagonal. The amazing
honeybee eyes, honeybee eyes see objects using
ultraviolet light. It is also used by fish to see which
planton is the food. Bee eyes are able to see objects
that he saw in more detail. This is what is interesting
to discuss further. Understanding of the eye will
reveal how the behavior and interactions of bees to
the environment ecologically in a broad sense. Eyes
are a highly functional ecological and physiological
interaction tool and support the life of organisms in
many habitats that require light. Honeybee eyes are
also like that, honeybee eyes need light in order to
successfully run life activities as possible.
Figure 2. Compound eyes honeybee
In response to the pressures of parasitism,
predation, and competition for limited resources,
several groups of tropical honeybees and wasps
have independently evolved a nocturnal lifestyle.
Like their diurnal relatives, these insects like
honeybee possess apposition compound eyes, a
relatively light-insensitive eye design that is best
suited to vision in bright light (Warrant, 2018).
Figure 3. Five eyes honeybee
Honey BEES have two large compound eyes on
either side of their head. Three tiny eyes on the top
of their head. The honey bee’s two compound eyes
are special because they allow her to see different
colors and markings on flowers that we cannot see.
The Ecological Adaptation of Honeybee Eyes: A Review
They can also see ultra violet light. A flower that
looks white to us may actually look blue-green to a
bee. The three eyes on top of the bees head are used
to help her see in the dark, because it’s dark inside
the bee hive
Honeybees have a visual system composed of
three ocelli (simple eyes) LOCATED on the top of
the head, in addition to two large compound eyes.
Although experiments have been conducted to
investigate the role of the ocelli within the visual
system. Their optical characteristics, and function
remain controversial. In this research, we created
three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of the
honeybee ocelli, conducted optical measurements
and filled ocellar descending neurons to assist in
determining the role of ocelli in honeybees. In both
the median and lateral ocelli, the ocellar retinas can
be divided into dorsal and ventral parts. Using the 3-
D model we were able to assess the viewing angles
of the retinas. The dorsal retinas view the horizon
while the ventral retinas view the sky, suggesting
quite different roles in attitude control. The lateral
ocelli very important to higher spatial resolution
compared to the median ocellus. In addition, we
established which ocellar retinas provide the input to
five pairs of large ocellar descending neurons.We
found that four of the neuron pairs have their
dendritic fields in the dorsal retinas ofthe lateral
ocelli, while the fifth has fine dendrites in the ventral
retina. One of the neuron pairs also sends very fine
dendrites into the border region between the dorsal
and ventral retinas of the median ocellus (Hung et al,
Flowering plants are associated with a broad
spectrum of animal pollinators. Honeybees
constitute an important but not exclusive subset and
whose sensory and learning capabilities have been
explored (Weiss 2001; Dobson 2006).
The total economic value of pollination
worldwide for the 100 crops used directly for human
food (as listed by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations)(Gallai et
al.2009). Hence, the decline of honeybees would not
only cause dramatic changes in habitat diversity but
also could jeopardize the considerable share of
human food supply derived from insect-pollinated
To see reliably, an eye must capture sufficient
light. For a diurnal activity, animals, adapted for
vision in bright sunlight. This basic need is easily
achieved. However, at night, or at tremendous
depths in the sea, where light levels may be many
orders ofmagnitude lower, reliable vision cannot be
guaranteed. Indeed, many nocturnal and deep-sea
animals have simply ceased to rely on vision as their
primary sense, depending instead on olfaction,
hearing, electroreception and mechanoreception to
interpret their environments (Warrant and Locket,
2004; Warrant, 2008).
This, however, is by no means the rule: many
others have INVESTED heavily in vision, evolving
remarkable adaptations to see well in dim light
(Laughlin, 1990; Meyer-Rochow and Nilsson, 1998;
McIntyre and Caveney, 1998; Warrant, 2004;
Warrant, 2006; Warrant, 2008). This review
showcases one particular group of such animals then
octurnal bees and wasps a group that is starting to
reveal some of the basic principles used by animals
to process visual information in dim light
Figure 4. Honeybee vision versus human vision
neybee+brain&tbm, 2018)
To SEE well in dark, a visual system needs to
extract reliable information from what may be an
unreliable visual signal; that is, to extract
information from a visual signal that is contaminated
by visual ‘noise’. Part of this noise arises from the
stochastic nature of photon arrival and absorption:
each sample of absorbed photons (or signal) has a
certain degree of uncertainty (or noise) associated
with it. The relative magnitude of this uncertainty is
greater at lower rates of photon absorption, and these
quantum fluctuations set anupper limit to the visual
signal-to-noise ratio (Rose, 1942; de Vries,1943;
Land, 1981).
ICNRSD 2018 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Figure 5. Flowers is loved by honeybees
NOT surprisingly, apposition eyes are typical of
diurnal insects active in bright sunlight. This
condition includes all diurnal bees and wasps.
Strangely, apposition eyes are also get on several
groups of bees and wasps (and also ants) that have
evolved a nocturnal lifestyle. Even stranger, despite
the poor sensitivity afforded by apposition eyes.
Many insects invariably see quite well, with well-
documented abilities learned visual landmarks and
to use them during homing and foraging (Warrant et
al., 2004; Greiner et al., 2007b; Somanathan et al.,
Honeybee eyes have characteristics and good
ecological adaptation especially to flowers vision.
Special thank you to Director Graduate Programme
and Rector Universitas Negeri Padang. Both give me
as author and presented this paper in ICRNSD
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neybee+brain&tbm, 2018)
The Ecological Adaptation of Honeybee Eyes: A Review