The Influence of Training on Lecturer’s Performance
Muhammad Noval
, Ida Wahyuningrum
, Yusniarti
, Henny Madora
Department of Management Informatic, State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Training, performance.
Abstract: This research is to analyze the effect of training to Lecturer’s Performance of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya.
The respondents in this research are the lectures of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya having status as public
servants. The data used in this research are primer and secondary data. Analysis method in this research is
using regression linear with training as independent variable and performance as dependent variable. The
result of this research is independent variable has strong influence to dependent variable.
The knowledge is dynamic it means that will change
and develop according to era development. The
knowledge to be transferred from a lecturer to
students must be update because the knowledge
which is received by the students will be applied in
job area after they complete their studies in a
university. In the rule of teacher and lecturer number
14 year 2005, a lecturer is a professional educator of
a scientist with the main assignment to transform,
develop and spread the knowledge, technology and
art widely through education, research, and society
The quality of an educational institution is
determined by the quality of all educators and the
quality of educator in this matter a lecturer determines
the quality of graduate of an institution or university.
Self development is a way to increase the quality of a
lecturer. A lecturer must have self development
through trainings in order to have the updates
The development of human resources is a process
to increase the knowledge and skill of the employee
to reach effective and efficient goal (Bangun, 2012).
One way of self development is joining the
training which is a process to maintain and improve
the skill of employee to make an effective work.
The training joined by the lecturer will give the
direct output namely to increase the lecturer’s
knowledge and skill besides it will increase the
lecturer’s performance. The more skill and
knowledge of a lecturer are expected the better
performance of this lecturer.
The definition of performance is output reached
by an employee which is based on job requirement.
Performance is a measurement of what an employee
has to and does not has to do (Bangun, 2012). The
better lecturers’ performance will make the
performance of institution better.
In this research the discussed problems are: 1)
How is the influence of the training on lecturers
performance of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya?; 2)
What are others variables influencing lecturers’
performance of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya?
Based on the problems defined above that
purposes of this research are: 1) To know the
influence of training on lectures’ performance of
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya; 2) To know other
variables giving influence on lectures’ performance.
2.1 Training
A lecturer is one of human resources owned by one
educational institution. An effective organization
must be able to find, use, maintain and develop
human to reach ambitious goal (Marwansyah, 2012).
The quality of an educational institution is
determined by the quality of human in this matter
namely lecturer. Human resource is main element of
an organization compared to other elements such as
capital, technology and money because the human
controlling other elements (Ismail, 2010)
Noval, M., Wahyuningrum, I., Yusniarti, . and Madora, H.
The Influence of Training on Lecturer’s Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009153100002500
In Proceedings of the 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2018), pages 101-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-574-6; ISSN: 2461-0739
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Performance
According to (Mangkunegara, 2009) performance is
output performance is output of work with quality and
quantity reached by an employee in doing the given
responsibility. (Wirawan, 2009) explains that
performance is output which is resulted by the
functions or indicators of a job or a profession.
(Bangun, 2012) says that performance is output of
work by an employee that is based on job
Indicators to measure the performance (Dessler,
2010) are first, qualities of work are accuracy,
carefulness and the output which meets the standard.
Second, productivities are quantity and efficiency of
work in certain time. Third, the knowledge of job are
skill and practical information or the technic used in
work. Fourth, an employee can be relied on
completing the work and assingment. Fifth, the
presence of an employee is on time and the
supervising the time for break and lunch and the
record of presence. Sixth, an employee can work
indepently with or without supervision.
3.1 Time and Place of Research
The time of research is 6 (six) month. The collected
data use the questionnaire with quantitative research.
The research is in Palembang with the object of
research is lecturer of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya.
3.2 Data Source
In this research there are two kinds of data, they are:
primary and secondary data. Primary data is data
collected directly from the first source, example
questionnaire. Secondary data is data collected from
secondary source, example lectures and employees of
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya.
3.3 Analysis Method
Method of research used in this research is themethod
of correlation survey with multiple regression
analysis technical that is a technique used to analyze
the influence of some independent variables on
dependent variable. To process data statistically we
need a software that is E-views.
The model is made to test statistically which is
used to modify the correlation between training as
independent variable and performance as dependent
3.4 Analysis Method
A questionnaire is a list of questions filled by
respondents to get data to be related to the research.
The questionnaire is used to get data to test the
hypothesis. Data collecting by delivering the
questionnaire to respondents who are the lecturers of
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya.
3.5 Population and Sample
Population is all object (people, incident, or
something) having certain characteristic both tangible
and untangible. The object is called the unit of
population. The finite population is a population can
be counted no matter of the size and the infinite
population is the large population which cannot be
counted (Puspowarsito, 2008).
The lectures of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya are
population of this research. To determine the size of
sample we apply the Slovin formula written by Steph
Ellen with reference principles and methods of
research (Ellen, 2010).
n = N/(1 + Ne^2)
n = sample
N = population
e = level of tolerance
This research is the survey research with using
sample as the object of research because of limited
time and financial and large population. Sample must
represent the respondents. Sampling method is non
probabilistic sample, which every element of
population does not have the same probability to be
choose as a sample or sampling which is not random
and objective. Probabilistic sample with purpose
sampling means that the sample is suitable for the
purpose of research. The population in this research
is the lecturer of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya as
much as 361.
n = N/(1 +( Ne^2))
n= 361/(1+(361*10%
The samples are 78 respondents of 361
FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) – International Conference
4.1 Result
The following table is output of data processing. The
influence of independent variable to dependent
variable simultaneously and partially is shown in
table 1.
Table 1: The result of the research
Variable Persamaan
Coefficient Prob.
Adjusted R-Squared
Prob (F-Statistic)
Durbin-Watson stat
Source: SPSS proceed. 2018
After processing the respondents’ data regression
Y = 10.38402 + 0.459536 X
4.2 Discussion
The coefficient of variable X training has positive
value 0.459536 it means that training variable has
positive correlation with performance variable. It has
meaning that if training variable increases one so that
lecturer’s performance will increase 0.459536
The value of R
0.407021 which means
that 40.70% of independent variables gives influence
to dependent variable and the remaining 59.30% is
influenced by other variables outside of the model of
this research.
F-test is a test to see the influence of all
independent variables on dependent variables
simultaneously. The value of prob F-Test is 0.0000
where it is < 0.05 it means that independent variables
give influence on dependent variable simultaneously.
T-test is a test to see the influence of independent
variable on dependent variable partially. The value of
prob. t-test is 0.0000 where it is < 0.05 it is concluded
that there is a positive influence between training
variable and lecture’s performance of State
Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. The coefficient of training
variable is 0.4595 and significant statistically with
confidence level 95%. The value indicates that
training variable has influence positively on lecturer’s
performance variable with every one training can
increase lecturers’ performance.
Variable training gives positive and significant effect
to variable performance with probability 0.0000 and
coefficient value 0.4595 with level of confidence
95%. That training has a strong influence of lectures’
performance both partially and simultenously at State
Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia.
This research is assigned by State Polytechnic of
Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. The author
thankfully for the scientific discussions with other
authors from State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya,
Palembang, Indonesia. The authors would like to
acknowledge all reviewers at the IC FIRST 2018 for
their feedback on an earlier version of the paper, and
also thank to the reviewers who gave feedback as part
of this journal's review process.
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The Influence of Training on Lecturer’s Performance