The Commitment, Discipline and Motivation Effects on the
Non-domiciled Civil Servants’ Performance
, L. Suhairi Hazisma
, Jalaluddin Sayuti
, Munparidi
and M. Yusuf
Lecturers of Business Administration Department - State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Keywords: Commitment, discipline, motivation, performance.
Abstract: The improving individual performance aims to increase organizational productivity through efforts such as
commitments, discipline and individual motivation in achieving organizational goals. The objective of this
study was to analyze and prove the effects of commitment, discipline and motivation partially and
simultaneously on the non-domiciled civil servants performance in Prabumulih Mayor Office. The sample
in this study was 60 respondents. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires. The data were
analyzed by using Multiple Linear Regression so that the statistical rules were carried out in this research.
The simultaneous test results showed that all variables - independent variables: Commitment (X
Discipline (X
), and Motivation (X
) simultaneously had significant influences on Performance (Y). The
civil servants performance is the main capital of Prabumulih Government in realizing the goals. For that
reason employees` motivation must be considered, so that the existence of commitment, discipline and high
work motivation guarantees an increase in performance.
The performance measurement is very important to
assess the accountability of organization and
managers in producing better public services.
Having a reliable performance measurement system
is one of the key factors of organizational success,
because the performance measurement is used to
assess the performances of managers and
organizational units they lead. Improving individual
performance is desirable both from the organization
and workers. In general, it can be explained that an
increase in individual performance aims to increase
organizational productivity through efforts such
commitment, discipline and individual motivation in
achieving organizational goals (Yuwalliantin et al.,
According to Mahmudi (2013) performance is a
multi dimensional construct including many factors
that influence it. The influencing factors are:
1. Personal/individual factors, including:
knowledge, skill, ability, confidence, motivation,
and commitment owned by each individual.
2. Leadership factors, including: quality in giving
encouragement, enthusiasm, direction, and
support provided by managers and team leaders.
3. Team factors include: the quality of support and
enthusiasm given by colleagues in one team
trust in fellow team members, cohesiveness and
team members` closeness.
4. System factors, including: the work system,
work facilities or infrastructure provided by
organization, organizational processes, and
performance culture in the organization.
5. Contextual (situational) factors, including:
pressure and changes in the external and internal
The statement above surely these will have
impacts on the organization performance where in
the current reform era it demands high performance
of public organizations to maintain the community
trust, including in Prabumulih mayor office. Based
on data from Prabumulih Civil Service Board, out of
4,451 total civil servants in Prabumulih, 50 percent
were employees who lived in Palembang
(Prabumulih Civil Service Board, 2017). The large
number of employees in the Prabumulih Mayor
office domiciled Palembang could cause employees
ineffective at working and proposed to move to
Palembang though there was an agreement. As it is
known that the distance of Palembang to Prabumulih
by using a car in normal conditions is around 3
Dibyantoro, ., Hazisma, L., Sayuti, J., Munparidi, . and Yusuf, M.
The Commitment, Discipline and Motivation Effects on the Non-Domiciled Civil Servants’ Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009153000002500
In Proceedings of the 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2018), pages 95-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-574-6; ISSN: 2461-0739
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hours, while using a train is around 2.5 hours. The
commitment of civil servants (PNS) who initially
stated they were ready to work and provided the best
service to community who need services at
Prabumulih mayor office was considered
insufficient. Based on preliminary observations civil
servants` working time discipline from the start to
the end of work hours did not meet working hours
standards. This was complained by people of
Prabumulih because they were only able to get
services above 10.00 AM, while the service had
started to be less optimal if it passed 02.00 PM.
Based on the results of the monthly attendance
recapitulation, around 70 percent of civil servants
domiciled in Palembang had lateness in attendance
and complete working hours before their time
(Prabumulih Civil Service Board, 2017). Such
conditions are an indicator of the low commitment,
discipline and motivation of non-domiciled
employees which impact the organization's
obstructions in this case the Government of
Prabumulih to implement the vision, mission and
work programs that have been made.
In relation with the description above, it is
necessary to conduct research to determine the
effects of commitment, discipline and motivation
factors of non-domiciled employees in Prabumulih
mayor office.
The objective of this study was to analyze and
prove the effects of partial and simultaneous
commitment, discipline and motivation on the non-
domicile civil servants performance in Prabumulih
Mayor Office.
2.1 Organizational Commitment
The employee commitment to organization in many
ways in an organization social interaction is often
described as a form of attachment, identification and
involvement of individuals in the organization. The
organizational commitment for individuals can be
identified as a form of one's responsibility to
organizational goals with the intention to direct all
power (affective) for the benefit of the organization.
For an organization the existence of commitment
addressed to anyone in the organization is an
important aspect in the efforts to achieve the goals
through a process showing the presence of
continuity (Martini, Sari, & Wardhani, 2015).
Whetten & Kim (2013) provide an understanding
of organizational commitment as an attitude
reflecting the extent an individual knows and is
bound to his organization. An individual who has a
high commitment is likely to see himself as a true
member of the organization. Thus, organizational
commitment means:
1. A strong willingness to be a member of a
particular organization;
2. The willingness to work hard as organization
goals; and
3. Certain beliefs, and acceptance of organizational
values and goals.
This is an attitude reflecting employee`s loyalty
to the organization and an ongoing process in which
organizational members express their concern for
the organization, its success and continuous
2.2 Discipline
Simamora (2004) discipline is a procedure that
corrects or punishes subordinates for violating rules
or procedures. Work discipline is a way used by
managers to communicate with employees so that
they are willing to change behaviour and as an effort
to increase a person's awareness and willingness to
obey all company rules and prevailing social norms
(Rivai, 2004).
Setiyawan and Waridin (2006) there are five
factors in the assessment of work discipline towards
service delivery to the community, namely:
1. The work discipline quality, including start and
end on time, the use of time for the conducting
tasks and the ability to develop self-potency
based on positive motivation.
2. The work quantity includes the output and
contribution volumes.
3. Compensation required includes advice,
direction or improvement.
4. Work place location or residence.
5. Conservation includes respect to rules with the
courage to always prevent the occurrence of
actions contrary to the rules.
2.3 Motivation
Motivation teaches how to encourage subordinates'
working enthusiasm so that they want to work
harder and work hard by using all their abilities and
skills to advance and achieve company goals. The
theory of Mc Clelland's need in Robbins (2011)
states that achievement, power, and affiliation are a
FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) International Conference
strong motivation for each individual. Mc Clelland
proposed a theory related to the learning concept
where needs are obtained from culture and learned
through the environment. Because these needs are
learned, the behaviour given reward tends to appear
more often. Mc Clelland also revealed that there is a
person's need to achieve his goals, this also relates to
the formation of behaviour and its influence on
academic achievement, interpersonal relationships,
lifestyle choices, and performance. These things are
defined as follows:
1. Need for achievement: the drive to exceed,
achieve standards, and strive to succeed.
2. Need for power: the need to make other
individuals behave in such a way that they will
not behave in contrary.
3. Need for affiliation: the willingness to establish a
friendly interpersonal relationship.
2.4 Performance
Performance is the result of work, both in quality
and quantity that has been achieved by employees in
carrying out their duties in accordance with the
responsibilities assigned by the organization and
their work results are adjusted to the work expected
by the organization through the criteria or employee
performance standards applied in the organization.
The success or failure of the performance achieved
by the organization is influenced by employee
performance level individually or in groups (Martini,
Sari, & Wardhani, 2015). The assumption that arises
is that the better the employee`s performance, the
better the organization`s performance.
To avoid errors in performance measurement,
indicators need to be set. There are five indicators of
individual employee performance (Robbins (2011),
1. Quality. Work quality is measured by employee`s
perceptions to the work quality produced as well
as the task perfection towards skill and ability.
2. Quantity. It represents the amount resulted which
is expressed in terms of unit numbers, completed
activity cycles numbers.
3. Timeliness. It is the activity level that is
completed at the beginning of the stated time,
viewed from the coordination point with the
output and maximizes the time available for other
4. Effectiveness. The usage level of organizational
resources (power, money, technology, raw
materials) is optimized with the intention of
increasing the yield of each unit in the use of
5. Independence. It is the level of an employee then
will be able to carry out his work functions where
the employee is committed and responsible for his
Based on above exposure and previous research,
the following hypothesis is summarized:
1. It was assumed that there was a partial influence
of commitment, discipline and motivation on the
performance of non-domiciled civil servants in
the Prabumulih Mayor Office.
2. It was assumed that there was a simultaneous
influence of commitment, discipline and
motivation on the performance of non-domiciled
civil servants in Prabumulih Mayor Office.
Focus in the study discussed about the influences of
commitment, discipline and motivation on the non-
domiciled civil servants performance in the
Prabumulih Mayor Office. The population in this
study was 300 civil servants in Prabumulih Mayor
office. According to Margono (2013) if the
population is more than 200 people, then 20 percent
of the total population has already representative.
Because the population in this study was 300 people,
the sample taken was 20 percent of the total
population so that the number of samples was 60
civil servants. The data in this study used
questionnaire data collection techniques.
This study used a type of interval scale
measurement scale which showed the extent
between one data and another and has the same
weight. While the type of scale used was the Likert
scale. Riduan (2012) the Likert scale is used to
measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a
person or group of people about social phenomena.
This scale can also be used to measure moral
behavior and personality (scales of attitude, moral,
character, and social participation). For the variables
of commitment (X1), discipline (X2), and
motivation (X3) on the performance (Y), the
assessment method for each question was scored in
the research variables, as follows:
Strongly Agree (SS) : Score 5
Agree (S) : Score 4
Less agree (LS) : Score 3
Disagree (D) : Score 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) : Score 1
The Commitment, Discipline and Motivation Effects on the Non-Domiciled Civil Servants’ Performance
The following was a description of each research
variables as follows:
1. Commitment (X1): affective, continuity and
2. Discipline (X2): discipline quality, job
quantity, compensation, work location, and
3. Motivation (X3): need for achievement, need
for power, and need for affiliation.
4. Performance (Y): quality, quantity, timeliness,
effectiveness, and Independence.
The multiple regression analysis was used to
determine the effects of commitment (X1),
discipline (X2) and motivation (X3) simultaneously
on the performance variable (Y). The equation was
as follows:
Y = a + b
+ b2X2 + b3X3 + e
Y : Performance
a : Constants
X1 : Commitment
X2 : Discipline
X3 : Motivation
b1, b2, b3 : Regression Coefficient
e : error term
There are 2 types of hypotheses that were used to
test the regression coefficients in this study, namely
the F test and t test. From the F test, it could be
concluded that if F-count < F-table, H
was accepted, if F-count > F-table, H
was rejected, meaning that the independent variables
simultaneously had significant effects on the
dependent variable.
While the statistical test t test was used to test
whether the independent variables individually had
an effect on or not on the dependent variable in each
- If the value of t count > t critical then H
rejected or H
was accepted
- If the value of t counts < t value critical then H
was accepted or H
was rejected
Determination coefficient test was done to find
out the ability of all independent variables in the
regression model in explaining changes in the
dependent variable. In this case the adjusted R
square was used to measure the independent
variables. The greater the adjusted R square, the
greater the influence of the independent variables on
the dependent variable. Determination coefficient
was done to get measurement results on the
percentage of variance (variation) of independent
variables (Nachrowi and Usman, 2006).
One indicator of a good model is the goodness of
fit because the basic strength of regression analysis
is to explain as much variation as possible in the
endogenous variables caused by exogenous variables
in the model.
The model is considered good if the adjusted R2
square is as high as possible (Gujarati, 2001). Thus
R2 is a standard measure used in regression, because
it functions as a detection of whether or not a
regression model is estimated.
Furthermore, the instrument validity test was
conducted. It is a measure that shows the level of
validity or validity of an instrument (Arikunto,
2002). In testing the validity of each question item
the researchers compared r-count with r-table.
- If r-count > r-table (degree of freedom) then the
instrument was considered valid.
- If r-count < r-table (degree of freedom) then the
instrument was considered invalid (drop), so that
the instrument could not be used in research.
According to Sugiyono (2012) the criteria or
conditions of an item are stated valid if the
correlation of each factor is positive and it is 0.3 and
above. Giving interpretations to variable reliability
can be measured if the variable coefficient is more
than 0.60 (Nunnaly, 1967 in Ghozali, 2007) and
generally the following standards are used:
- The reliability of the trial 0.60 meant that the
results of the trial had good reliability.
- The reliability of the trial < 0.60 meant that the
results of the trial had poor reliability.
4.1 Result
4.1.1 General Description/Description of
The results of these research showed that employees
with senior high school education is 28 percent,
Bachelor education is 18 percent, Master education
is 10 percent, and doctoral 4 percent. From the data
of bias education respondents, it could be convinced
that respondents in the study were considered able to
answer each item of statement in the study.
FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) International Conference
Majority of Non-domiciled civil servant
respondents in Government of Prabumulih were
male (70%) which could be interpreted in terms of
physical would be better than female (30%) non-
domiciled civil servant respondents in Government
of Prabumulih which physically needed to travel
approximately 2 hours 30 minutes to reach
workplace destination.
4.1.2 Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regression analysis is a statistical tool used
to determine the effect(s) of one or several variables
on other variables. Influencing variables are often
called independent variables or explanatory
variables, with the following calculations:
Y = 20.853 + 0.353 (X
) + 0.098 (X
) + 0.368 (X
) + e
4.1.3 Test F
Simultaneous Test - using F Test with the aim to
determine whether the independent variables
simultaneously had a significant effect on the
dependent variable. The analysis result obtained
from probability value was 0.028. This showed that
the probability value was 0.028 < 0.05. Thus H
rejected and H
was accepted. This meant that the
independent variables, commitment (X1), Discipline
(X2) and Motivation (X3) simultaneously had a
significant influence on Work Performance (Y), so
the hypothesis in this study showed to have a
significant influence.
4.1.4 Partial Test
Partial influence significant test (t test) is a test
conducted to test significantly between independent
variables on the dependent variable partially or
individually. Testing the influence of the
Commitment variable (X1) on the Performance
variable (Y), with partial test the probability value
obtained was 0.040 < 0.05 (probability value was
smaller than 0.05), then Ha was accepted and Ho
was rejected, thus it could be concluded that the
hypothesis in this study showed that there was a
significant influence of the Commitment variable
(X1) to the Performance variable (Y).
Testing the influence of the Discipline variable
(X2) on the Performance variable (Y), with partial
test the probability value obtained was 0.583 > 0.05
(probability value was greater than 0.05), then Ha
was rejected and Ho was accepted, thus it could be
concluded that the hypothesis in this study was not
proven to show a significant influence of the
variable Discipline (X2) to the Performance variable
Testing the effect of Motivation variable (X3) on
Performance variable (Y), with partial test
probability value obtained was 0.021 < 0.05
(probability value was smaller than 0.05), then Ha
was accepted and Ho was rejected, thus it was
concluded that the hypothesis in this study was
shown that there was a significant influence of
motivation variables (X3) to the Performance
variable (Y).
4.2 Discussion
Correlation coefficient is an instrument used to find
out how strong the relationship between independent
variables it can be known by looking at the how high
the correlation coefficient.
Correlation coefficient (R) was 0.459, it could be
concluded that the independent variables such as
commitment (X1), discipline (X2) and motivation
(X3) had a strong relationship on the performance
variable (Y) 0.45 or 45% and the rest 55% was
explained and influenced by other factors.
Terminated coefficients (R2) was 0.210, the
determination coefficient showed how high the
contribution of variables - independent variables
Commitment (X1), Discipline (X2), and Motivation
(X3) in explaining the Performance variable (Y). In
this study, the determination coefficient reflected the
amount of contribution given by independent
variables to the dependent variable.
Adjusted R Square was 0.140. It was a correction
of R2 so that the calculation was closer to the quality
of population model exploration. R2 adjusted was
0.140, meaning that the situation was closer to the
real equal to 0.140 changes in the variation of the
dependent variable which could be explained by the
independent variables.
From simultaneous test results it was obtained Ho
was rejected and Ha was accepted. This meant that
commitment, discipline, and motivation together had
a significant influence on performance.
This study was proven to show a significant
influence between commitment on performance. The
hypothesis in this study was not proven to show a
significant influence between discipline on
performance. From testing the influence of
motivation on performance, with partial test, Ha was
The Commitment, Discipline and Motivation Effects on the Non-Domiciled Civil Servants’ Performance
accepted and Ho was rejected. It was concluded that
the hypothesis in this study was shown that there
was a significant effect between motivation on
This research is based on work supported by State
Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Indonesia. The author
thankfully acknowledges scientific discussion with
our colleagues from State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya,
Indonesia. The authors would like to acknowledge
the anonymous reviewers at the IC FIRST 2018
for their feedback on an earlier version of the
paper, and also thank to the two anonymous
reviewers who provided feedback as part of this
journal's review process.
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FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) International Conference