The Affecting Factors of Student for Choosing Business
Administration Department as a College Study
, Paisal
, Hendra Sastrawinata
Department of Bussiness Administration, State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: the affecting factors, business administration department
Abstract: This study discussed the factors of influence students for choosing a Business Administration Department as
a place to study in college, and than to find out where’s the factors which is has influence students for choosing
Business Administration Department as a place to study in college. According from the data, prospective new
students enrolled was approximately 2531 thousand registrants and 4330 for Business Administration with
the highest number of total applicants. Business Administration Department has three study program, first
Business Administration Major with 1815 applicants, Business Management Study Program 1479 registrants
and Tourist Travel Study Program totaling 512 registrants. From these figures, it is necessary to conduct a
comprehensive study with the four factors (cultural, social, personal and psychological factors) by used partial
regression test and simultaneous regression test. From result of partial test showed social factors was
dominated from the fourth indicators in value of 4.067. Results of simultaneous regression test showed that
these four factors significantly influence the decision with the results of 40.844.
The current world condition in the world is in an
advanced and free situation. Unlimited technological
advances occur every day, minute, and even seconds,
the development of this technology is supported by
good quality human resources, supporting natural
resources, available capital and a conducive political
climate. automatically must be fulfilled to make it
easy for everyone to be able to freely meet their
individual needs. In the flow of change, the
community has the freedom to interact outside the
borders of the country has become a prerequisite for
self-development, both in terms of individuals and
groups or organizations. This indicates increasingly
fierce competition, so to be able to play a role and
compete in the conditions of the developed and free
world, education is an absolute requirement to achieve
what is desired and needed by the workforce.
Within the joining of Indonesia as part of the
Asean Economic Community (MEA) officially on
December 31, 2015. This provides competition
openness not only in the exchange of products but also
labor, the mechanism for no longer requiring labor
visas to find work out is concrete evidence that quality
labor must be prioritized for the people of Indonesia.
The ease of the procedure has resulted in tight
competition in employment, staying now that the
government must provide certified skills that are
licensed and recognized by any country so that the
labor force in this case university alumni can be able
to compete with foreign workers.
According to Law No. 20 article 19 of 2003
concerning the National Education System, Higher
Education is a level of education after secondary
education which includes diploma, undergraduate,
master, specialist and doctoral education organized by
universities. Through this institution students in the
university to be an expert, professional for the sake of
knowledge or a scientific field and able to devote it to
the interests of society and the nation.
State Polytechnic of Siwijaya has 23 departments
consisting of engineering and non-engineering. In
2017 the number of prospective new students enrolled
was approximately 2531 thousand registrants, with the
highest number of total applicants, namely Business
Administration Department 4330. Where the
distribution of participants on March 28, 2017
registered the three most study programs in Business
Administration study program namely 1815
registrants, Business Management Study Program
1479 registrants and 2033 Accounting Study Program
for non-engineering (Polsri academic, 2017).
Afrizawati, ., Paisal, . and Sastrawinata, H.
The Affecting Factors of Student for Choosing Business Administration Departement as a College Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009152600002500
In Proceedings of the 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2018), pages 70-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-574-6; ISSN: 2461-0739
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Table 1: Distribution new student Sriwijaya State
Polytechnic based on study program
1 Bussiness
2 Travelling
Agent (D4)
3 Bussiness
Mgt (D4)
Source: Polsri Academic, 2017
From the table 1 shows that the distribution of
enthusiasts for Business Administration Departments
from year to year has increased, especially in 2017 the
Administration of Business Administration is very
high, 8886 enthusiasts, this shows that the Business
Administration Department has a good market share
among the public, especially graduates of the
Administration Department Business is absorbed by
the employment sector, both BUMN, BUMD,
Banking, Non-Bank Financial Institutions and other
sectors. Many factors cause the Department of
Business Administration to become a favorite non-
engineering department at Sriwijaya State
There are several factors that can be used as a yard
stick to see things that affect students choosing a
particular leadership as a place to study, including the
existence of cultural factors, social factors, personal
factors and psychological factors (epignopsis. The
most dominant thing in this case is family, individual,
work, economic situation, motivation, perception,
beliefs and attitudes and interests. Of the factors that
influence this desire, the most important person
entering a college is to be able to work professionally
and get a decent job after college in a state university.
Based on the description above, the title of the
research that was raised was that the writer examined
the analysis of the factors that influence students to
choose the Department of Business Administration as
a place to study in Higher Education and it is hoped
that through this research, students' needs and desires
for Higher Education, especially administration
science business.
According from the explanation above, so the
reseach question is “Do these factors have an
influence on the decision in choosing a Business
Administration Department as a place to study”?
2.1 History of the Origin of
Some countries have administrative terms, for
example according to Italian using the word
"administrazione", French "administration" Dutch
language "administratie" and English "management".
In terms of etymology, administration comes from the
Greek language administrare which means serving,
Whereas in English, use the actual administration
terms from the words Ad (intgressive) and ministrare
(to serve) which means to serve. Finally interpreted
to serve well. Administration can be seen from 2
points of view.
Administration in a narrow sense. Narrowly,
administration comes from the word administratie
(Dutch) which is defined as writing work or
administration/secretariat. This work is related to the
activities of receiving, recording, gathering,
processing, copying, sending, storing, and so on.
Administration in a broad sense. Broadly speaking,
administration is a process of collaboration of several
individuals in an efficient way to achieve previous
goals. Based on this, the administration is viewed
from 3 points of understanding.
Process angle. Administration is a process of
thinking activities, setting goals, until the execution
of work until finally the goals that have been
determined can be achieved.
Function angle. Administration is an activity
carried out by a group of individuals and individuals
themselves, in accordance with the functions that
have been delegated to achieve a predetermined goal,
for example: planning, organizing, mobilizing,
supervising, and so on. Institutional angle.
Administration is personnel both individuals and
groups of individuals who carry out activities to
achieve a predetermined goal (Dewi, 2011: 2-5).
2.2 Factors Affecting Consumer
2.2.1 Cultural Factors
Cultural factors provide the most extensive influence
on consumer desires and behavior. Culture is the most
basic cause of one's desires and behaviors. Culture is
the composition of basic values, perceptions, desires,
and behaviors learned by members of a community
from other important families and institutions. Sub-
culture, cultural attitudes contain a smaller sub-
The Affecting Factors of Student for Choosing Business Administration Departement as a College Study
culture (subculture), or groups of people who have the
same value system based on the same experiences and
life situations.
Social class, almost every society has some form
of social class structure. Social classes (social classes)
are relatively permanent and neatly arranged parts of
society whose members have the same values,
interests and behavior.
2.2.2 Social Factors
The reference group, a person's behavior is influenced
by many small groups. Groups directly influence and
have someone called a membership group. Family,
family members can greatly influence the behavior of
Families are the most important consumer purchasing
organization in society. Roles and status, the position
of a person in each group can be determined either
through their role or status in their organization.
Individual, Violent behavior that can be done by
individuals according to this expert group is the
aggressiveness carried out by individuals alone, both
spontaneously (accidentally) and planned, and violent
behavior carried out with others. (Sarwono, 2005:
2.2.3 Personal Factors
Age and life cycle stage, someone changes the goods
and services purchased during the person's life. Taste
of food, clothing, furniture and recreation are often
related to age. Job, someone's work affects the goods
and services they buy. Marketing people try to
identify groups of workers who have higher average
interests in the goods and services produced.
Economic situation, one's economic situation will
affect the choice of products. Marketers observe
income trends, personal savings, and interest rates.
Lifestyle, people who come from sub-cultures, social
classes and jobs can have quite different lifestyles.
Personality and self-concept, personality are unique
psychological characteristics, which produce
relatively consistent and lasting responses to one's
2.2.4 Psychological Factors
Motivation, as for other notions of motivation is the
physiological and psychological conditions contained
in a person who encourage him to carry out certain
activities in order to achieve a goal (Djaali, 2009:
Perception is the process by which a person
chooses, organizes, and interprets information to
form a meaningful picture of the world.
Learning illustrates changes in individual
behavior that arise because of experience. The
learning process takes place through drives (stimuli),
stimuli (stimuli), clues (clues), responses (responses),
and reinforcement (reinforcement), which influence
each other.
Beliefs and attitudes, beliefs (beliefs) are
someone's descriptive thinking about something.
Attitude (attitude) describes a relatively consistent
assessment, feeling, and tendency from someone for
an object or idea. (Kotler, 2004: 196).
Interest, Interest is a sense of preference and a
sense of attachment to something or activitiy without
anyone telling. Interest is basically the acceptance of
a relationship between yourself and something
outside yourself. The stronger or nearer the
relationship, the greater the interest (Djaali, 2009:
2.3 Theory Process Making Decision
The decision making process is not an isolated single
action, but is a woven form that cannot be separated
from one another. Dewey (1910) proposed the view
that the problem solving process is an attempt to
answer the questions in the following three phases:
(1). Problems faced, (2). The alternatives that are
owned, (3). The best alternative. Simon (2006), offers
the following problem solving models:
1. Intelligence: search for internal and external
environmental information;
2. Design: determination and analysis of steps;
3. Choice: choose one of the steps to be
implemented, with consideration of the steps that
are most effective in achieving the decision-
making goals.
Kotler (2005: 157) states, the process of consumer
decision making cannot occur by itself, many factors
influence it, that consumer decisions are influenced
by consumer culture, social, personal, and
psychology. These factors are very useful for
identifying buyers who may have the greatest interest
in a product.
FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) International Conference
Figure 1: Research design
The object of this study were all students of the
Sriwijaya State Polytechnic Business Administration
Department with a total population of 705 people
from the total of the three study programs of the
2016/2017 academic year where the Business
Administration of morning and evening classes
amounted to 405 students, Business Travel Class and
morning tours 168 students, and Management
Morning and evening business classes totaled 132
students. hence the total number of students both
regular and non-regular and the samples obtained by
241 students from the three study programs. In order
for the representative sample size to be taken, it is
calculated using the Slovin formula in Umar (2004)
with a 5% precision, the formula is as follows:
Sample amount of Business Administration
= 398 students
Sanusi (2003) to determine the size of the sample
in each work unit can be done with the proportional
allocation formula as follows: Ni = Ni / N x n
The total sample of students is 705 people, then
allocated as follows:
Table 2: Details of population and students sample
No Students P
(Ni/N X n)
2 Traveland Tourist 168
3 Business
132 132/705x399 74
Amount 705 398
Source: Polsri secondary data, 2017
The formula for calculating answers to
questionnaires from respondents:
Percentage of answers =
𝑥 100%
Description :
𝑋 = amount of respondents anwers
𝑛 = amount of respondents
4.1 Result
Test F (simultaneously) is done to find out whether
the independent variable has a joint effect on the
dependent variable, it will be seen from the SPSS
calculation in the summary model, especially the R
Square number. The F test is used to determine the
effect of jointly between the Department of Business
Administration on variables X1, X2, X3, X4 (cultural
factors, social factors, personal factors and
psychological factors). Based on data analysis for
independent variables consisting of cultural factors,
social factors, personal factors and psychological
factors dependent variable is the Department of
Business Administration, obtained the results of the
analysis as follows:
Testing can be done in two ways. First, by
comparing the magnitude of the F count with F tables.
Second, by comparing the significance level (sig) of
the calculation results with a significance level of
0.05 (5%).
Second, Using the first method or comparing
Fcount with Ftable from SPSS processing obtained a
value of 40,844. Then calculate F-table with the
following conditions: significance level of 0.05 and
degree of freedom (DK) with the provisions of
numerator: number of variables -1 or 6-1 = 5, and
denumerator: number of cases-2 or 90-2 = 88.
Table 3: Model summary
Model R R S
Adjusted R
Std. Error
of the
1 .622
.387 .377 1.15281
a. Predictors: (Constant), Jml_X4, Jml_X2, Jml_X1,
b. Dependent Variable: Jml_Y
Source: datas proccesed, 2017
on test
factors influence
the students
1. culture factor
2. social factor
3. personal factor
4. Physicology
The Affecting Factors of Student for Choosing Business Administration Departement as a College Study
Based on the results the calculation is obtained by
F-table 2.072 and the F-count is 40,844 > 2,072. This
means that there is an influence between variables of
cultural, social, personal and psychological factors, in
determining the main choices to the Business
Administration Department to continue their studies
at the Polsri.
4.2 Discussion
From the results of the above research, it can be seen
that based on variables x1, x2, x3 and x4 it turns out
competitiveness has a strong influence on students to
choose business administration majors as a place of
study. Its look from method or comparing the
magnitude of the significance level (sig) of the study
with a significance level of 0.05.
Based on the calculation of the number of
significance of 0.000 < 0.05. This means that the
factors that influence students in choosing a business
administration program at Sriwijaya State
Polytechnic regression model above is appropriate
and correct.
The results of multiple regression testing also showed
significant results where the variables X1, X2, X3, X4
both have an effect on students in choosing the
Business Administration Department as a place of
study at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic.
This paper is about the influence of students for
choosing a Business Administration Department as a
place to study in college. I also would like to thanks
to my head of Department of Bussiness
Administration State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya.
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