The Effect of Good Governance and Accrual Accounting on
Apparatus Behavior with Supporting Devices as Moderators
Henny Yulsiati
, Sandrayati
, Susi Ardiani
, Sarikadarwati
Department of Accounting, State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Good Governance, Accrual Accounting, Administrative Behavior, and Device Support
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of good governance and to accrual accounting
behavior by device support apparatus as moderators. The population of Palembang government there are 23
department of state level, using saturation sampling technique. The data are processed in the form of
primary data collected from respondents' answers on questionnaires returned. The results showed that
partially variable accrual accounting significant positive effect on the behavior of the apparatus. Meanwhile,
the good governance and the device does not significantly influence the behavior of the apparatus.
Simultaneously, good governance, accrual accounting and supporting devices jointly significant effect on
the behavior of the apparatus. Furthermore, the device is capable of supporting moderate the relationship
between good governance and accrual accounting to the apparatus behavior. Third force independent
variable in explaining the behavior of the apparatus is 96.4%, meaning that the apparatus behavior is also
influenced by other factors by 3.6%, which is not included in this study.
The issue regarding the behavior of government
employees is very much in the public spotlight at
this time, because it has not shown good results felt
by the people. The people demand that the
government can manage and carry out the duties of
the government well, so that it can have an impact
on the welfare of the community.
When highlighting the behavior of the apparatus
in Indonesia, the community paradigm is never
separated from the negative stigma of corruption,
including Palembang, the capital of South Sumatra
Province. Some of the rampant corruption cases
involving officials in the Palembang city
government include: Plastic Bag Corruption of the
City of Sanitation and Beauty Service
(; Tax Corruption Rp
2.1 M by the Palembang City Dispenda
Investigation Section Head (;
Corruption of Financial Allocation Funds that
surrounds the Disdikpora of Palembang
One of the things that affects the behavior of the
apparatus is the application of the principles of good
governance in carrying out the duties of the
apparatus. The absence of transparency in budget
management will support indications of corruption.
Whereas in terms of financial management that are
closely related to the government accounting system,
the behavior of those who like corruption can be
influenced by the lack of transparency in the
operational picture of the government formed from
the accounting system.
The accounting system in Indonesia is currently
running from a cash basis to accruals. The lack of
transparency in the description of government
operations can occur because Palembang has not
fully implemented the principles of good governance
and accrual-based accounting systems. This is then
in line with the research of Khan and Mayes (2009)
which argues that accrual accounting can help
produce behavior changes for budget decision
makers and leaders. Thus, the application of full
accrual accounting in the city of Palembang is
expected to create government financial
transparency so that it can minimize the opportunity
for officials to commit acts of corruption.
Yulsiati, H., Sandrayati, ., Ardiani, S. and Sarikadarwati, .
The Effect of Good Governance and Accrual Accounting on Apparatus Behavior with Supporting Devices as Moderators.
DOI: 10.5220/0009152500002500
In Proceedings of the 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2018), pages 64-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-574-6; ISSN: 2461-0739
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Good Governance
The World Bank in (LAN & BPKP, 2000) provides
a definition of governance as: "the way state power
is used in managing economic and social resources
for development of society". The World Bank
defines good governance as a solid and accountable
development management in line with the principles
of democracy and efficient markets, avoidance of
misallocation of investment funds, and prevention of
corruption both politically and administratively,
running budget discipline and creating legal and
political framework for growth business activity
(Martini, Sari, & Wardhani, 2015).
2.2 Accrual Accounting
According to PP 71 of 2010 Accrual basis is the
accounting basis where economic transactions or
accounting events are recognized, recorded and
presented in the financial statements at the time of
the transaction, regardless of the time the cash was
received or paid.
Simanjuntak (2010) mentions constraints that
add to the dilemma of implementing public sector
accruals, namely: Accounting and IT Based System.
Seeing the complexity of the implementation of
accrual-based accounting, it can be ascertained that
the application of accrual-based accounting in the
government environment requires a more
complicated accounting system and IT based system.
2.3 Supporting Devices
Based on Government Regulation No. 71 Year 2010
concerning SAP, the Government Accounting
System is a series of manual and computerized
procedures ranging from data collection to
recording, summarizing and reporting financial
position and government financial operations. For
this reason, information technology is needed to help
the government accounting system to run smoothly.
2.4 Apparatus Behavior
Behavior is the accreditation and attitude of a State
Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the face of a condition that
is carried out in their duties. The apparatus must
obey the rules stipulated in the execution of work.
Responsibility is the ability of the apparatus to fulfill
the work that is given to him. The willingness to
create good governance must be the guideline of the
state apparatus.
The thinking framework in this study can be
described as Figure 1.
Figure 1: The thinking framework
The research hypothesis are:
H1: Good governance affects the behavior of the
H2: Accrual accounting affects the behavior of the
H3: Supporting devices have an effect on apparatus
H4: Good governance, accrual accounting, and
supporting devices affect the apparatus
behavior simultaneously
H5: Supporting tools moderate the relationship
between good governance and apparatus
H6: Supporting devices moderate the relationship
between accrual auntansi on apparatus
3.1 Types and Objects of Research
The research was conducted in the Government of
Palembang city, South Sumatra Province. The
population in this study is the government of the city
of Palembang, South Sumatra Province, amounting
to 23 OPD. In this study the sample was determined
by saturated sampling technique given the relatively
small population.
3.2 Data Retrieval Techniques
Data collection techniques were carried out by
questionnaire (questionnaire) method, namely by
giving a set of questions or written statements to
The Effect of Good Governance and Accrual Accounting on Apparatus Behavior with Supporting Devices as Moderators
respondents. The questionnaire is given in the form
of a closed statement so that the respondent just
chooses the answer option that is considered the
most appropriate.
3.3 Variable Operational Definition
3.3.1 Good Governance
It is good governance that governs government and a
synergistic and constructive relationship between the
state, economy and politics that is carried out by
complying with the principles of good governance
and aims to create public welfare (Martini, Sari, &
Wardhani, 2015).
These variable indicators are participation, legal
certainty, transparency, responsiveness, consensus
orientation, equality, efficient and effective,
accountability, and strategic vision.
3.3.2 Accrual Accounting
Is the basis used in government, where economic
transactions or accounting events are recognized,
recorded and presented in the financial statements at
the time of the transaction regardless of time. The
indicator used is revenue recognition, cost
recognition, recognition of assets, recognition of
debt and equity recognition.
3.3.3 Supporting Devices
Is a component contained in a computer in the form
of hardware, software, as well as users (brainware)
as the compilers of local government financial
statements that become one entity that cannot be
separated and has a binding role, the indicator used
is hardware, software, and brainware.
3.3.4 Apparatus Behavior
Is the accreditation and attitude of a person in
dealing with a condition that is carried out in his
duties. The indicators used are discipline, integrity,
politeness, and exceptions.
3.4 Data Analysis Technique
The direct relations between independent and
dependent variables, there is a possibility that they
can be influenced by other variables that are not
included in the statistical model, namely the term
moderating or moderating variables. The equation
model used in this research is:
PA = α + β1 GG + β2 AA + β3 PP + β4 GG * PP +
β5 AA* PP + e
Where :
Α : Constants
β : Regression Coefficients
e : error
GG : Good governance
A A : Accrual Accounting
PP : Device Support
GG * PP : interaction with devices
supporting good governance
AA * PP : accrual accounting interaction with a
supporting device
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
The results of the regression analysis above then
obtained the following equation:
PA = 4.03 + 0.13GG + 0.31AA - 0.15PP - 0.01GG *
PP - 0.016 AA * PP + e
4.1.2 Hypothesis Testing
Simultaneous Test (F Test).
H4: the results of
the ANOVA test or F-test showed F-count of
265.609 with a significance level of 0.000, while F
table is 2.77 to 0.05 significancei level.
Based on these results it can be deduced that Ha
is acceptable and H0 is rejected in other words good
governance, accrual accounting and supporting
devices simultaneously influence the behavior of the
Partial Test. The magnitude of the variable t for
good governance is 1.358 with a significant level of
0181 while the value Ttable is 1.67 so that t < t-table
that is equal to 1.358 < 1.67 then partially good
governance does not affect the behavior of the
apparatus. As well as to a significant degree in this
study indicates the number of > 0.05 or 0.181 >
0.05, then H1 is rejected, meaning that good
governance does not significantly influence the
behavior of the apparatus.
The magnitude of the variable t to accrual
accounting is a significant level of 2.577 with 0.013
FIRST 2018 - 2nd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) International Conference
while ttable value is 1.67 so that t > t-table that is
equal to 2.577 > 1.67 then the partial accrual
accounting positive influence on the behavior of the
apparatus. as well as to a significant degree in this
study indicates the number < 0.05 or 0.013 < 0.05
then the H2 can be accepted, meaning that accrual
accounting significantly influence the behavior of
the apparatus.
The magnitude of the variable t to support device
is -1.401 with a significant level of 0.167 while
ttable value is 1.67 so that t < t table that is equal to -
1.401 < 1.67 then partially supporting devices not
negatively affect the behavior of the apparatus. As
well as to a significant degree indicates the number
of > 0.05 or 0.167 > 0.05 then the H3 is rejected,
meaning that the device does not support a
The device can support moderate the relationship
between good governance of the behavior of the
apparatus, it can be seen from the value of t > t table
and has a negative value that is equal to -3.018 >
1.67, as well as to a significant degree in this study
indicates the number < 0.05 is 0.04 < 0.05 then the
H5 accepted, it means supporting devices able to
moderate the relationship between good governance
of the behavior of the apparatus.
The device can support moderate the relationship
between the accrual of the behavior of the apparatus,
it can be seen from the value of t > t table and has a
negative value that is equal to -2.379 > 1.67, as well
as to a significant degree in this study indicates the
number < 0.05 is equal to 0.021 < 0.05 then the H6
accepted, it means supporting devices able to
moderate the relationship between the accrual of the
behavior of the apparatus.
Test results show that the variables of good
governance, accrual accounting and supporting
devices can only explain the behavior variable of the
apparatus at 96.3%. While the remaining 3.7% is
explained by other factors not included in this
research model.
H5 is accepted, meaning that the supporting
device is able to moderate the relationship between
good governance on the behavior of the apparatus.
H6 is accepted, meaning that the supporting device
is able to moderate the relationship between accrual
accounting to the behavior of the apparatus.
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 The Effect of Good Governance on the
Behavior of the Apparatus
This hypothesis is rejected because it is based on the
testing, the value of the variable t good governance
is smaller than t-table value that is equal to 1.358 <
1.67 significance level is greater than the value of α
= 5% (0.181 > 0.05). It can be concluded H0 and H1
rejected. In other words, good governance does not
affect the behavior of the apparatus.
According (Yanwariyanidwi, 2015), when seen
from the progress of reform that has been running
for 12 years, the application of good governance in
Indonesia can not be said to succeed fully in
accordance with the ideals of the previous reforms.
There are still many fraud and leakage of budget
management and accounting are the two main
products of good governance.
Palembang still heard cases of corruption
involving government employees who worked for
the city of Palembang. This indicates that the
Palembang city government has yet to implement
the principles of governance goof so they raised the
cases of corruption and showing good behavior of
the apparatus.
4.2.2 The Effect of Accrual Accounting on
the Behavior of the Apparatus
This hypothesis is accepted because it is based on
the testing, the value of the variable t accrual is
greater than the value that is equal to 2,577 t table >
1.67 with a significance level of less than the value
of α = 5% (0.013 < 0.05). Therefore we can
conclude H2 H0 rejected and accepted.
In other words, accrual accounting have an
influence on the behavior of the apparatus. The
higher understanding about accrual accounting
personnel, the better the behavior of personnel in
managing local government finances. The results are
consistent with research (Sarwenda and Dina, 2015)
which states that the accrual accounting effect on the
behavior of the apparatus.
4.2.3 The Effect of Supporting Devices on
the Behavior of the Apparatus
This hypothesis is rejected because it is based on the
testing, the value of the variable t support device is
smaller than ttable value that is equal to -1.401 <
1.67 significance level is greater than the value of α
= 5% (0.167 > 0.05). It can be concluded H0 and H3
The Effect of Good Governance and Accrual Accounting on Apparatus Behavior with Supporting Devices as Moderators
rejected. In other words, the supporting device has
no influence on the apparatus.
The device in the form of hardware and
support have an influence on the behavior of the
apparatus, just not directly. Supporting devices
requires a more
important component in order to
operate, such as brain-ware (users), the contribution
is very large in the supporting device utilization
4.2.4 the Effect of Good Governance,
Accrual Accounting and Supporting
Tools on the Behavior of the
In addition to seeing the effect of each variable
partially to the apparatus behavior, researchers also
tested the effect of good governance, accrual
accounting and supporting devices on the behavior
of the apparatus to the apparatus behavior
Based on these results, good governance, accrual
accounting and supporting devices simultaneously
positive effect on the behavior of government
officials in the province of South Sumatra of
Palembang. This is evidenced by the value of F has a
value greater than F-tabel amounting to 265.609 >
2.77 with a significant level of less than 0.05 is
equal to 0.000.
Thus, it can be concluded that the H4 is
accepted. The results of this hypothesis illustrates
that the higher the implementation of good
governance, accrual accounting.
4.2.5 Supporting Devices Moderate the
Relation between Good Governance
and the Behavior of the Apparatus
This hypothesis is accepted because the device
supporting moderate the relationship between good
governance of the behavior of the apparatus has a
value of t negative and greater than the value that is
equal to -3.018 t-table > 1.67, and have a
significantly smaller value of 0.05 is 0.04 < 0.05.
It can be concluded that the support device is
able to moderate the relationship between good
governance of the behavior of the apparatus.
Collaboration between good governance and
supporting devices can affect the behavior of the
4.2.6 The Supporting Tool Moderates the
Relation between Accrual Accounting
to the Behavior of the Apparatus
This hypothesis is accepted as a supporting device
moderating the relationship between the accrual of
the behavior of the apparatus has a value of t
negative and greater than the value that is equal to -
2.379 t-table > 1.67, and have a significantly smaller
value of 0.05 is 0.021 < 0.05.
It can be concluded that the support device is
able to moderate the relationship between the
accrual of the behavior of the apparatus.
Collaboration between accrual accounting and
supporting devices can affect the behavior of the
Partially, the good governance does not affect the
apparatus behavior, the accrual accounting has a
significant positive effect on apparatus behavior and
the supporting device variable does not affect the
apparatus behavior. Simultaneously, the good
governance, accrual accounting, and supporting
devices have a significant positive effect on
apparatus behavior.
Supporting devices are able to moderate the
relationship between good governance and apparatus
behavior and are able to moderate the relationship
between accrual accounting on apparatus behavior.
This research is based on work supported by State
Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Indonesia. The author
thankfully acknowledges scientific discussion with
our colleagues from State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya,
Indonesia. The authors would like to acknowledge
the anonymous reviewers at the IC FIRST 2018
for their feedback on an earlier version of the
paper, and also thank to the two anonymous
reviewers who provided feedback as part of this
journal's review process.
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