Lightweight Call-Graph Construction
for Multilingual Software Analysis
Anne Marie Bogar
, Damian M. Lyons
and David Baird
Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University, New York NY, U.S.A.
Bloomberg L.P., New York NY, U.S.A.
Keywords: Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Multilingual Software, Call Graph Generation, Island
Grammars, Software and Systems Quality.
Abstract: Analysis of multilingual codebases is a topic of increasing importance. In prior work, we have proposed the
MLSA (MultiLingual Software Analysis) architecture, an approach to the lightweight analysis of
multilingual codebases, and have shown how it can be used to address the challenge of constructing a single
call graph from multilingual software with mutual calls. This paper addresses the challenge of constructing
monolingual call graphs in a lightweight manner (consistent with the objective of MLSA) which
nonetheless yields sufficient information for resolving language interoperability calls. A novel approach is
proposed which leverages information from a compiler-generated AST to provide the quality of call graph
necessary, while the program itself is written using an Island Grammar that parses the AST providing the
lightweight aspect necessary. Performance results are presented for a C/C++ implementation of the
approach, PAIGE (Parsing AST using Island Grammar Call Graph Emitter) showing that despite its
lightweight nature, it outperforms Doxgen, is robust to changes in the (Clang) AST, and is not restricted to
Large companies and software projects often face
the challenge that, either for historical or for
functionality reasons, they include code in different
languages (Mushtak and Rasool, 2015). While
software engineering support for single-language
development has matured, support for multilingual
development is not as strong (Mayer, 2017). In prior
work (Lyons, Bogar, and Baird, 2017) we presented
the MLSA (MultiLingual Software Analysis)
architecture – a lightweight architecture concept for
static analysis of multilingual software, and we
showed that one important software engineering tool
for dealing with multilingual code is call graph
analysis. We showed how it was possible to stitch
multilingual programs into a single call graph which
could then be analyzed for safety, quality and other
software engineering metrics.
However, constructing a call graph, particularly
for languages with objects and first-class functions,
can be time-consuming: (Ali and Lhotak, 2012) cites
an example of a 30 second processing time to
produce a call graph for a “Hello World” program in
Java, due to the complications of dynamic dispatch.
Call graph generation is not a new topic and many
algorithms exist (e.g., (Bacon and Sweeney, 1996)
(Srivastava, 1992) (Dean, Grove, and Chambers,
1995)). While software that creates call graphs
already exist, such as Eclipse and Doxygen, these
tools usually do not provide adequate information for
multilingual analysis: handling pointers, first-class
functions and classes, as well as providing argument
value information (needed to disambiguate interope-
rability (Barrett, Kaplan, and Wileden, 1996) calls).
This paper proposes a novel approach to call
graph generation, PAIGE (Parsing AST using Island
Grammar Call Graph Emitter) with the following
Lightweight: Leverage existing software to
extract the required information from source
Modular: Process the extracted information in
a manner that is not bound to a specific
Static Analysis: All potential calls are captured
rather than the subset seen in any single run.
Bogar, A., Lyons, D. and Baird, D.
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006911803280337
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 328-337
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
PAIGE operates on a textual Abstract Syntax
Tree (AST) generated by the same monolingual
compiler used to compile the code. PAIGE is written
as an Island Grammar (Moonen, 2002) so the
approach is not tied to a single language. This paper
focuses on PAIGE for C/C++ (using the Clang AST)
but the grammar has also been modified for Python
and JavaScript.
The next section briefly introduces MLSA, for
context. Next PAIGE is introduced, explaining the
AST and Island Grammar and their use in call graph
construction. Performance results are presented for a
100-program comparison of PAIGE and Doxygen,
showing PAIGE’s ability to leverage a full AST for
a superior result despite its lightweight, Island
Grammar implementation. Results are also presented
showing source language independence and
robustness to AST changes.
Modern software development is increasingly
multilingual: Developers might build a software
project from different language components for
functionality or style reasons, while at the same time
companies maintain a commitment to language
already used in company software, leading to an
increasingly crowded and complex landscape of
multilingual software development. Any solution
that is narrowly focused on the existing state-of-the-
art will find itself quickly outdated as new languages
or interoperability APIs or language embeddings
appear. For this reason, we propose the following
design principles for a software architecture for
MultiLingual Software Analysis - the MLSA
1. Lightweight: Computation is carried out by
small programs, which we call filters, that
communicate results with each other. A
specific software analysis is built as a
pipeline of these programs.
2. Modular: Filter programs accept input and
produce output in a standard form, to allow
modules to be substituted or added with
minimum collateral damage.
3. Open: MLSA uses open-source software for
monolingual processing and for display.
4. Static Analysis: MLSA uses static analysis
as its principle approach
A generic example software analysis MLSA
pipeline is illustrated in Figure 1. Pipelines are
generally divided into three layers:
1. The initial filter programs consume a
monolingual AST generated by an
appropriate monolingual parser in the
monolingual layer of the architecture.
2. The programs that consume the monolingual
ASTs to process interoperability APIs must
be also language specific; this happens in
the interoperability layer.
3. In the final, multilingual layer, all the
program data has been transformed to
multilingual, and procedures in different
languages can be related to one another for
static analysis.
Figure 1: Example MLSA software analysis showing filter
programs (squares) and their standardized input and output
(circles) operating on a multilingual codebase (unshaded
right-hand side).
In (Lyons, Bogar, and Baird, 2017) we presented
an illustrative example of a Reaching Definitions
Analysis (Nielson, Nielson, and Hankin, 2005)
(RDA) pipeline for a C program.
A monolingual AST filter CASN inputs the C
AST and generates an output data file of
variable assignment locations.
A second filter CRCF generates the reverse
control flow as a data file.
A multilingual filter RDA takes the variable
assignment location table and reverse control
flow table as inputs, calculates reaching
definitions for each variable, and writes those
to a data file.
Each filter is a small standalone program,
implementing a single analysis, illustrating the
lightweight design principle. Filter programs can be
written in different languages or can be shell scripts.
The PAIGE program operates as a filter at the
monolingual level of the architecture: It inputs
source files (C/C++ in this paper) and generates
procedure call information that can be later
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis
Figure 2: Clang C++ Abstract Syntax Tree, Example Procedure Call Node.
Figure 3: C++ Abstract Syntax Tree, Resolving Dynamic Dispatch.
processed by interoperability and multilingual
analysis filters. PAIGE can be a lightweight process
because it relies on two concepts: an Abstract
Syntax Tree generated by the monolingual compiler
as input, and an Island Grammar to specify how the
input is processed. We begin by reviewing these two
concepts in context.
An Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is a tree structure of
the syntax of a program, in which each block – such
as an if-statement, variable assignment, or function
call – is a node with child nodes consisting of
attributes of that block and other blocks inside that
block. ASTs are generally used by compilers during
semantic analysis when language-specific errors,
such as type mismatch or out-of-scope variable
usage, are caught. ASTs are also generally used by
code analysis tools and IDEs such as Eclipse, as they
present the code in a detailed manner that is easy to
parse for specific types of blocks. MLSA uses the
AST specifically generated by Clang for C/C++
programs (e.g., Figure 2); the Python ast module is
used for Python and SpiderMonkey is used for
Figure 2 depicts how a function call in a program
is expressed in the Clang AST. The function call
node is identified by the keyword CallExpr or
CXXMemberCallExpr for member functions. The
name of the function, read, is a child node of the
CallExpr node, and the name of the object that
calls the member function, businessContact, is
a child node of the function’s name. The nodes
provide detailed information, such as each node’s ID
and the class, Contact, of the object. There is one
other child node of the CallExpr node, which is
the argument of the function call. The node states
the name of the argument, cin, the class,
istream, and the variable ID.
Leveraging the AST to analyze the code is
advantageous because:
The AST provides ample information for
each node, including type and class without
recourse to the source code.
The tree structure allows for easy parsing
(again, as compared to the source code).
The AST allows for dynamic dispatch by
displaying dynamic class types for iterators
as simply class identifiers (Figure 3), which
otherwise might be difficult to extract.
Figure 3 depicts the Clang AST translation of an
iterator. The class associated with the member
function, display, is not of the iterator, but of the
class of the object to which the iterator points. This
allows the resulting call graph to display the correct
class associated with the function.
An Island Grammar (IG) (Moonen, 2002)
(Synytskyy, Cordy, and Dean, 2003) is a Context-
Free Grammar (CFG) that catches a specific lexicon
(island) and ignores all the rest (water). While other
CFGs operate by either accepting a word that
belongs to the Context-Free Language (CFL) or
rejecting a word that does not, an IG accepts all the
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
words that belong to the language and ignores the
rest. According to (Moonen, 2002), an Island
Grammar can be defined as follows:
An IG is a good choice for parsing an AST
because of the following:
IGs are fast, because they will only search
for specific words in an AST (and ignore
the rest – and ASTs can be large).
IGs are robust because the rules only apply
to a small portion of the AST and are
unaffected by the context or syntax changes
in the remaining AST.
In (Moonen, 2002), the Syntax Definition
Formalism (SDF) (Heering, Henriks, Klint, and
Rekers, 1989) is used to present IGs; here we chose
to use the common tools Bison and Flex. Flex
defines the specific lexicon that the grammar
accepts, such as certain keywords in the AST, e.g.,
CallExpr. Flex also uses regular expressions to
catch groups of words. For example:
will catch all the strings in the textual AST. When
these keywords or defined groups of words are
caught and recognized by the program, Flex sends a
token identifying the word to Bison. The Bison
program defines the CFG by a collection of rules
using terminal and non-terminal language symbols.
All of these symbols are defined in Flex as the
lexicon. Once a word is accepted in Bison, C++ is
used for further evaluation to create an output CSV
format data file with all the function calls and their
related information.
Figure 4: Flex Lexical Syntax.
Figure 4 depicts a simplified version in Flex of
the lexical syntax of the C/C++ AST for extracting
function calls. In line 1, CallExpr is the keyword
used in the AST to denote that the block pertains to a
function call. When this line is found in the AST,
Flex returns the token CALL. Line 2 is similar, but
the keyword DeclRefExpr is in connection with
an argument of the function call.
Lines 3 and 4 utilize regular expression in lieu of
a keyword. Anytime Flex comes across a word (or
group of words in the case of a string) that fits the
regular expression, the appropriate token is returned.
In line 5, the period (.) represents everything else
that Flex could potentially come across that was not
specifically defined. This is considered water.
Because there is no code associated with the period,
Flex is instructed to do nothing, or ignore the
lexicon. Thus, Flex only acts when a line in the AST
could potentially be useful in obtaining details about
function calls.
Figure 5: Bison Context-Free Syntax.
Figure 5 depicts a simplified version of the Bison
rules for the CFL for finding function calls on the
C/C++ AST. Line 1 is the start nonterminal symbol,
input. Every word in the AST starts its analysis at
input. The recursive rule for input is in line 2. input
is either replaced by the nonterminal symbol water
or land. The terminal epsilon (ɛ) ends the recursion.
The rules for the nonterminal symbol water are
stated in lines 3 and 4. Water can either be replaced
by the terminals WORD or STRING, which are
defined in Figure 4 on lines 3 and 4 respectively.
The nonterminal water ensures that any WORD or
STRING that is found in the AST outside of the
specific lines for function calls are ignored.
The rules for the nonterminal symbol land are
found in lines 5 through 8. The first terminal option,
on line 6, states that every time the token CALL is
found in the AST, which is represented by the
keyword CallExpr defined in Figure 4 line 1,
there will be a token WORD, also defined in Figure
4, immediately afterwards. The C++ code associated
with this rule then sends the string value of WORD,
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis
Figure 6: MLSA Architecture with Island Grammar.
(in the variable $2), to the PAIGE function
The second option, on line 7, is for when the
AST comes across an argument block in which the
argument is a variable. The token ARGUMENT,
which is defined in Figure 4 line 2, begins the line
and is immediately followed by a WORD token,
which is the variable name of the argument. The
value of WORD is then sent to the function
The last option, on line 8, is chosen when an
ARGUMENT token is followed directly by a
STRING token, defined in Figure 4 line 4. Similar to
line 7, the value of STRING is sent to add_arg on
line 8.
The PAIGE filter is the first step in the production of
a multilingual call graph. These call graphs contain
the name of the function called as well as the
arguments in the call and the class (if the function is
a member function). In the MLSA architecture,
illustrated in Figure 1, the PAIGE filter is at the
monolingual level, where programs are analyzed
separately depending on the language. An IG for
function calls is designed for each language to be
processed. Our examples are limited to C/C++ in
this paper; we have built IGs also for Python and
JavaScript. The IG for C/C++ function calls was
designed to analyze the Clang AST; it was written
specifically to fit the C/C++ AST format and
keywords. The IG analyzes the AST and prints the
results in a CSV format output data file, which can
then be analyzed in MLSA’s multilingual level, as
shown in Figure 6. The multilingual level
incorporates all programs, regardless of language, to
create a multilingual call graph in a CSV format
output file. The open source Graphviz program is
used to generate a DOT format file containing a
visual representation of the call graph; Figure 7
shows an example call graph generated by PAIGE.
Figure 7: Example C++ Call Graph.
Figure 8: Straightforward Call Graph.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 9: More Involved Case Call Graph.
Figure 8 is a simple call graph generated by
MLSA. get_choice is a function defined in the
body of the C++ program,
AddressBookMain.cpp. The function is called
by the main function in the program. get_choice
also has no arguments passed to it. These three
factors make the function call quite simple to parse
and display. The IG need only retrieve the name of
the function called and the scope of where that
function was called (for this example the scope
would be the main function in
Figure 9 represents a call graph which is a bit
trickier to parse. In this example, there are functions
called which are defined in three different C++
AddressBook.cpp and Contact.cpp.
AddressBookMain.cpp can determine that it is
calling display_book from
AddressBook.cpp, but it cannot determine
which functions are called inside
display_book’s definition. Similarly,
AddressBook.cpp can determine that
display_book calls display from
Contact.cpp, but it does not know whether or
not display calls any functions. PAIGE must not
only track which function is being called, but also
which program contains the definition of that
function so that the function calls can be connected
later on in the call graph.
Another complication in this example is that both
display_book and display are class member
functions. The IG must determine that (1) the
function is a member function, and (2) of which
class the function is a member. If the function is a
member of a class defined in the program, the call
graph displays the function name as
Class::function. If the function is a member
of a class defined in a library, the function is
displayed as OBJ.function to distinguish the
The third complication cannot specifically be
detected in the function. Inside the Contact
member function display, match is called via
the implied pointer this, which refers to the object
which called the display function. PAIGE
determines the class of the this pointer, which is
displayed differently in the AST, and presents the
function call as Contact::match in the call
The function Contact::match also has two
arguments, Lname and Fname. PAIGE must
determine what type of arguments they are – for this
example the two arguments are variables – and the
names of the arguments.
Figure 10: Call graph with Arguments.
The other types of arguments are displayed in
Figure 10. In descending order: (1) variable, (2)
string, (3) integer or double (4) subscript, such as
vector[0], (5) member variable, with the name of the
object, (6) the returned value of another function call,
displayed as the function call, (7) a binary operation,
such as 2+2, (8) a unary operation, such as k++.
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis
It was decided early on to have PAIGE produce
a tree structured call graph rather than a general
graph. A tree is arguably a simpler construct for a
designer to understand. Since PAIGE shows call
arguments, different calls to the same function are in
fact different branches anyway, and any recursive
calls are simply marked as recursive leaf nodes.
5.1 Doxygen Comparison
To test the performance of the PAIGE approach, the
call graphs generated by PAIGE were manually
compared to those of the Doxygen automated
documentation system. Doxygen was developed to
automatically generate documentation from source
code, including call graphs. It uses a simple parser
for this and hence is lightweight in a similar sense to
PAIGE and is a good comparison. However, it deals
with the source code directly, whereas PAIGE looks
at the AST.
One hundred C/C++ programs were collected for
the experiment from online source repositories.
Programs were selected only if they produced a
Doxygen graph – that is, they needed to call at least
one function in the main function which was defined
in the program. This is because Doxygen does not
show library function calls in its call graphs.
Programs that included classes were preferred.
Both Doxygen and PAIGE were run on each
program, and the DOT files (visual representation of
the call graph, as in e.g. Figure 7) for each call graph
were manually compared. Because Doxygen
produces a graph and PAIGE produces a tree, only
one node for each function called was kept for
comparison. A better experiment would have been to
compare each individual function call to make sure
all were caught, but since Doxygen only shows one
node per function, this comparison was impossible.
Six features were measured for each call graph:
1. the total number of function calls caught by
each approach,
2. the number of member function calls caught,
3. the number of regular function calls caught,
4. the number of library function calls caught,
5. the number of arguments caught, and
6. the number of programs where recursion is
correctly listed.
Figure 11 shows the results of these six
measurements for the 100-program codebase for the
call graphs generated by Doxygen and those by
PAIGE. As can be seen, PAIGE collects twice as
many function calls as Doxygen, but about ¾ of
those are library function calls that Doxygen does
not show. The remaining ¼ of calls that PAIGE
catches that Doxygen does not are member
Figure 11: Doxygen and PAIGE Comparison Results.
The main reason that MLSA catches about 45
more member functions than Doxygen is that PAIGE
catches functions that are called with the implied
this pointer. The this pointer is used in member
function definitions and refers to the class object.
The this pointer can either be used when calling a
Figure 12: C++ AST with this Pointer.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
member function of the same class or when
accessing member variables. The pointer can be
implied, meaning that this is not specifically written
but will still be invoked. Because the this pointer
information is explicit in the AST, PAIGE catches
both member functions called inside other member
functions as well as functions of another class called
inside member functions where the object of the
other class is a member variable of the first class.
Doxygen catches neither as it does not parse the this
pointer. An example of how the implied this pointer
looks in the C++ AST is presented in Figure 12.
In Figure 12, m_drawingAPI is a
DrawingAPI-type member variable of class
CircleShape. In the AST, not only is the class of
m_drawingAPI given, but the class of the this
pointer (CircleShape) is also given. Therefore,
PAIGE is able to connect the function
drawCircle to the function definition in the
DrawingAPI class definition.
There are two principal reasons for lapses in
PAIGE’s ability to catch functions that Doxygen
catches. The first principal reason is the state of
development of the Clang AST: it does not currently
accept template classes, for example, and does not
include this code in its AST, so any member
functions of a template class will not be displayed in
a PAIGE call graph. Also, the Clang AST views
static functions as regular functions instead of
member functions and therefore does not include the
function’s class. PAIGE does catch this function, but
displays it as a regular function (and therefore
cannot include any more function calls inside that
function’s definition).
The second principal reason that PAIGE may
catch fewer function calls than Doxygen relates only
to the current PAIGE IG: information is available in
the Clang AST, but has not yet been addressed in the
PAIGE IG. For example, using namespaces in class
definitions: The namespace and class are included in
the function call, but only the class name is included
in the class definition right now, causing some
functions not to show up in the final call graph. But
with some addition to the IG code, this problem
could be easily addressed. Another issue is the use
of function pointers: Doxygen catches the name of
the function, while PAIGE only catches the function
and displays a warning that the name of the function
cannot be caught. The function pointer is displayed
differently in the C++ AST than a regular function
call, so additional work needs to be done to catch the
name of the function. Handling polymorphism also
falls into this class.
One difference between PAIGE and Doxygen is
that PAIGE displays library function calls. This is
necessary because MLSA is meant to process
programs written in multiple computer languages
and display how they interact. Many of these
languages interact through library functions; for
example, Python.h allows python code to be
called in a C/C++ program, so library functions are
key for catching interoperability.
PAIGE also catches all the arguments in call
functions – recall that the PAIGE call graph is a tree
and not a graph – for the same purpose that it
catches library calls. These library functions that
allow interoperability take in arguments that indicate
what cross-language code is being called, giving for
example the name of a program or the actual code
Figure 13: PAIGE Recursive Function.
Lastly, call graphs were compared to determine
whether recursion is displayed correctly. PAIGE
distinguishes a recursive function call by drawing it
as a leaf node and bordering the node in a dotted
line, as seen in Figure 13. Doxygen only caught
recursive functions in two of the 22 programs that
contained recursive functions. Catching recursion is
clearly important for analyzing a program.
5.2 Clang AST for Objective-C
Clang can process Objective-C source code as well
as C/C++ code. In theory, PAIGE should be able to
generate call graphs for Objective-C from the Clang
AST. PAIGE was tested on five Objective-C
programs. In fact, MLSA did catch all function calls
written in the C/C++-format that used the keyword
CallEpr, which some programs included.
However, it could not catch the majority of
Objective-C function definitions and function calls,
as they were displayed in the AST with Objective-C-
specific keywords – ObjCMethodDecl and
ObjCMessageExpr respectively; nonetheless, the
IG parsing did not crash either. Objective-C call
syntax can be easily included into the IG by just
adding a few keywords.
5.3 Time Comparison and Robustness
To evaluate the time performance of the IG
approach, PAIGE was tested against the original call
graph approach used in MLSA – ad-hoc string
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis
parsing with Python. Fifty-five of the 100 programs
were chosen on which to test the speed of each
approach’s execution. The programs were chosen
based on the criteria that they could in theory be
correctly processed into a call graph by the ad-hoc
software (which did not handle member functions
among other things). In the experiment, each
program was analyzed with both the ad-hoc
approach and the PAIGE approach, the time for each
program to be analyzed was recorded, and the results
are shown in Figure 14.
As can be seen in Figure 14, PAIGE outperforms
the ad-hoc approach by a factor of about 1:3. PAIGE
averaged a time per program of about 0.15 seconds,
whereas the ad-hoc approach averaged roughly 0.62
seconds per program.
Furthermore, while running the ad-hoc approach
on the 55 programs, the program crashed on 5 of the
runs. The reason for the crash has to do with an
incorrect parsing of the C/C++ AST by the ad-hoc
approach. The approach crashed while searching for
a specific line in the AST. Instead of parsing the
AST by lines and positions, the PAIGE approach
parses the AST by keywords. Not only is this
approach faster, but it also eliminates potential
Figure 14: MLSA and PAIGE Time Comparison.
This paper has presented a novel lightweight tool for
analyzing multilingual codebases, a topic of
increasing importance to large software companies.
Within the context of our ongoing development of
MLSA – an architecture for Multilingual Software
Analysis – we have presented a lightweight and
modular approach to monolingual call graph
generation which can nonetheless provide sufficient
information about function calls and arguments to
allow interoperability API processing and the
construction of a single multilingual call graph from
a set of monolingual call graphs (Lyons, Bogar, and
Baird, 2017). The input to the call graph generator
PAIGE is a monolingual AST. The paper has
focused on a C/C++ monolingual generator using
the Clang AST as input, but we have constructed
similar tools for JavaScript and Python. The Clang
AST is very rich in detail, allowing PAIGE to
address (partially) more difficult issues such as
dynamic dispatch and iterators. An Island Grammars
(Moonen, 2002) was used to specify monolingual
call syntax in a robust (with respect to changes in the
AST syntax) and lightweight fashion. Performance
results were presented to show that PAIGE
performed better than Doxygen, another more
lightweight call graph generator, performed faster
than a call graph generator that processed the AST
text in an ad-hoc fashion, and showed robustness
that the ad-hoc version could not follow.
Many solutions to static call graph extraction
exist (see (Hoogendorp, 2010) for a nice summary).
Techniques for finding the target set of a call
expression such as CHA (Dean, Grove, and
Chambers, 1995), RTA (Bacon and Sweeney, 1996),
XTA (Tipp and Palsberg, 2000) are obliged to do
extensive reasoning about the program. By
leveraging the AST, PAIGE offloads this reasoning
to the compiler. This is a sensible division of
responsibilities; compilers will improve or change in
functionality to reflect the needs of the programming
community, and PAIGE can benefit from this trend.
PAIGE is not alone in using an AST for input;
The Eclipse IDE make the compiler AST available
for static analysis applications. However, many
approaches go the route of Doxygen and write their
own parser (e.g., Rigi (Kienle and Müller, 2010)) –
resulting in a potentially poorer performance than
using a full compiler, as seen here for Doxygen.
PAIGE has a specific parser – a very simple one
thanks to the use of Island Grammars – but it applies
this to the AST rather than the source code, and
hence is a good balance of lightweight and yet
strong performance. The MLSA software repository
containing the PAIGE software can be made
available by emailing the paper authors.
The authors acknowledge the contributions of Bruno
Vieira and Sunand Raghupathi in developing the
results in this paper. The authors are partially
supported by grant DL-47359-15016 from
Bloomberg L.P.
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Barrett, D., Kaplan, A., and Wileden, J. (1996).
Automated support for seamless interoperability in
polylingual software systems. 4th ACM SIGSOFT
symposium on Foundations of software engineering.
New York.
Dean, J., Grove, D., and Chambers, C. (1995).
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Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis