On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud:
An Experimental Evaluation
Armen Dzhagaryan and Aleksandar Milenkovi
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, U.S.A.
Cloud Computing, Lossless Compression, Energy Efficiency, Performance Evaluation, Cost Efficiency.
An increasing reliance on cloud and distributed processing of scientific and big data in commercial, academic,
and government institutions necessitate new approaches to optimize file transfers. Lossless data compression
and decompression is essential in improving the overall effectiveness of file transfers between edge devices
and the cloud by increasing communication throughput, reducing connection latency, making effective use of
cloud storage, and reducing costs. This paper experimentally evaluates effectiveness of common and emerging
general-purpose compression utilities for file transfers between edge devices and the cloud. The utilities are
evaluated in terms of throughput and costs during representative file transfers between a workstation and the
cloud, while varying LAN network conditions. The results show that the optimal compressed transfer modes
improve both upload and download throughputs. For uploads, the peak improvements range from 5.16 to 25.6
times relative to uncompressed file uploads, and from 1.33 to 17.4 times relative to the default compressed
uploads. For downloads, the peak improvements range from 3.82 to 19.57 times relative to uncompressed
downloads, and from 1.8 to 13.8 times relative to the default compressed downloads. In addition, the best
performing compressed transfer modes reduce the costs related to cloud computing.
Cloud and distributed computing are used by com-
mercial, academic, and government institutions to
process and analyze big data generated from multi-
ple sources (Chen et al., 2014). For example, big data
applications may analyze web or users online activi-
ties generated from public web and social media to
make predictions in areas such as, product evaluation
and market characterization. An increased collabora-
tion and data exchange in scientific communities re-
sult in an increased communication between edge de-
vices and the cloud. Finally, emerging machine lear-
ning applications require transfer of a large amount of
training data to and from the cloud.
The cloud computing poses new challenges asso-
ciated with costs, security, and storage (Abadi, 2009;
Abu-Libdeh et al., 2010; Sboner et al., 2011). Whe-
reas the use of cloud services opens up new oppor-
tunities in computing and reduces the costs of ow-
ning, operating, and maintaining hardware, the costs
associated with the use of cloud services can even-
tually become prohibitively high for small research
and industry organizations. Providers of cloud plat-
forms charge utilization fees for using computing re-
sources and data transfer fees for data transfers either
to or from the cloud (Microsoft, 2017; Amazon, 2017;
Google, 2017a). The specific cloud instance configu-
ration (disk space, tenancy type, network priority, and
computational power) and location of the cloud in-
stance determine the final utilization and transfer fees
associated with each instance type. Consequently, op-
timizing data transfers between edge devices and the
cloud is very important for a range of cloud compu-
ting applications.
The importance of lossless compression in opti-
mizing throughputs and costs in cloud computing has
been recognized by both industry and academia. Los-
sless data compression is currently being used to re-
duce the required bandwidth during file downloads
(e.g., software repositories, distributed storage) and to
speed up web page loads in browsers. Several studies
showed that lossless compressed transfers between
edge devices and the cloud can increase throughput
and reduce overall cloud costs during transfers (Sbo-
ner et al., 2011; Nicolae, 2010; Bonfield and Maho-
ney, 2013; Bicer et al., 2013). Another study is focu-
sed on tradeoffs of compression in reducing time and
energy of IO in Hadoop (Chen et al., 2010). Studies
focusing on transfers over WLAN and cellular inter-
Dzhagaryan, A. and Milenkovi
c, A.
On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud: An Experimental Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006905800350046
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2018), pages 35-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-322-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
faces on mobile platforms showed that not a single
combination of a compression utility and a compres-
sion level performs the best for all file transfers and
network conditions (Barr and Asanovi
c, 2003; Barr
and Asanovi
c, 2006; Milenkovi
c et al., 2013; Dz-
hagaryan et al., 2013; Dzhagaryan and Milenkovi
2015; Dzhagaryan et al., 2015). Using measurement-
based observations, a couple of studies introduce run-
time techniques for deciding whether to use compres-
sed transfer or not (Krintz and Sucu, 2006; Nico-
lae, 2010; Harnik et al., 2013). Our previous works
on embedded and mobile devices introduced analy-
tical models for estimating effective throughput and
energy efficiency for uncompressed and compressed
file transfers (Dzhagaryan and Milenkovi
c, 2016), as
well as a run-time technique using those models (Dz-
hagaryan and Milenkovi
c, 2017). The importance
of lossless data compression is further underscored
with the recent development of new compression al-
gorithms, such as Apples lzfse (Apple, 2017), Face-
books zstd (Facebook, 2017), and Googles brotli (?).
All three are designed to replace the existing compres-
sion algorithms, such as zlib, by employing newer en-
coding methods (e.g., FSE (Cyan, 2013) in zstd and
lzfse) and focusing on optimizations to improve per-
formance and energy efficiency. Three compression
utilities were designed specifically for mobile devi-
ces and application repositories (lzfse), data centers
(zstd), and web compression (brotli).
In this paper, we perform a comparative,
measurement-based study of general-purpose com-
pression utilities with the focus on performance and
cost effectiveness in file transfers between a worksta-
tion and the cloud. We perform compressed file trans-
fers to/from the cloud instances residing in North Vir-
ginia and Tokyo for a range of input files and network
conditions. Measured throughputs and data transfer
cloud costs of each selected utility are compared to
the throughputs and costs of uncompressed file trans-
fers and the default compressed file transfers that use
gzip with -6 compression level.
We find that the compressed file transfers signi-
ficantly improve effective throughputs and reduce the
cloud costs. The level of reduction depends on (i) cha-
racteristics of an input file; (ii) network connection;
(iii) cloud pricing for data transfers and selected in-
stance type and location, and (iv) performance cha-
racteristics of the workstation that initiates the trans-
fer and the cloud instance performing compression.
Depending on the file type, selecting optimal com-
pressed uploads improves effective throughputs up to
5.16 25.6 times relative to raw uploads, and 1.33 17.4
times relative to the default compressed uploads with
gzip -6. Optimal compressed downloads improve do-
Figure 1: File uploads and downloads in cloud computing.
wnload throughputs up to 3.82 29.57 times relative
to raw downloads, and 1.8 13.8 times relative to the
default downloads with gzip -6.
We find that optimal compressed file upload mo-
des reduce the costs associated with data transfers up
to 83 - 99.6% relative to uncompressed uploads and
up to 25.4 - 90.3% relative to the default compressed
uploads. Optimal compressed file download modes
lower the download costs relative to uncompressed
downloads up to 86.1 - 93%, and up to 42.9 - 83.7%
relative to the default compressed downloads.
Optimal data uploads that improve effective
throughputs and costs are achieved using pzstd/zstd
on connections with higher network throughputs, and
using lbzip2/pbzip2 on connections with lower net-
work throughputs. Optimal data downloads that im-
prove effective throughputs are achieved using up-
per levels of pzstd/zstd on connections with hig-
her network throughputs, and using upper levels of
lbzip2/pbzip2 and pxz/xz on connections with lower
network throughputs. The cost-effective data down-
loads are achieved using lbzip2/pbzip2 and pixz/pxz,
as well as using bzip2 and xz in case of low network
The rest of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents background and motivation.
Section 3 describes experimental evaluation. Section
4 presents the results of the evaluation. Section 5 sur-
veys related work. Finally, Section 6 draws conclusi-
ons and summarizes our findings.
2.1 Transfers in the Cloud Computing
Figure 1 illustrates main steps in file transfers initiated
from a workstation. A data file can be transferred to
or from the cloud uncompressed or compressed. For
PEC 2018 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
uncompressed transfers, an uncompressed file (UF)
is uploaded or downloaded over a network directly.
For compressed uploads, the uncompressed file is first
compressed locally, and then a compressed file (CF)
is uploaded to the cloud over the network. For com-
pressed downloads, a compressed version of the re-
quested file is downloaded from the cloud, and then
the compressed file is decompressed locally. When a
compressed version of the requested file is not availa-
ble in the cloud, the file is compressed in the cloud,
and then the compressed file is downloaded and de-
compressed on the workstation. The file transfer and
local (de)compression tasks on the workstation and
the cloud are often overlapped. Compressed transfers
utilize one of available compression utilities. Each
compression utility supports a range of compression
levels that allow us to trade off speed for compression
ratio: lower levels favor speed, whereas higher levels
favor compression ratio.
We consider six common compression utilities, as
well as their parallel implementations, listed in Ta-
ble 1. We have selected relatively fast gzip, lzop, lz4,
and zstd utilities, as well as bzip2 and xz, which pro-
vide high compression ratios. As modern worksta-
tions include multicore processors, we also consider
pigz, pbzip2, lbzip2, pxz, pixz, and pzstd, which are
parallel versions of gzip, bzip2, xz, and zstd, respecti-
vely. For each utility, we consider at least three com-
pression levels: low (1), medium (6), and high (9, 12,
To evaluate the performance of individual com-
pression (utility, level) pairs, we measure the total
time and the total costs of doing the file transfer
to and from the cloud. The total time, in general,
includes the following components: (i) workstation
overhead time, (ii) network connection setup time,
(iii) file transmission time, and (iv) cloud overhead
time. Instead of reporting execution time, the ef-
fective throughputs, Th.CUP [Th.CDW], are defined
as the ratio between the uncompressed file size in me-
gabytes and the total time needed to complete the file
Table 1: Lossless compression utilities.
Utility Levels Version Notes
gzip 1-9 (6) 1.6 DEFLATE (Ziv-Lempel, Huffman)
lzop 1-9 (6) 1.03 LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer)
lz4 1-9 (6) r128 LZ4
bzip2 1-9 (6) 1.0.6 RLE+BWT+MTF+Huffman
xz 0-9 (6) 5.1.0 LZMA2
zstd 1-19 (3) 1.1.4 Huff0+FSE+LZ77
pigz 1-9 (6) 2.3.3 Parallel implementation of gzip
pbzip2 1-9 (9) 1.1.12 Parallel implementation of bzip2
lbzip2 1-9 (9) 1.1.12 Parallel implementation of bzip2
pxz 0-9 (9) 5.1.0 Parallel implementation of xz
pixz 0-9 (9) 1.0.6 Parallel implementation of xz
pzstd 1-19 (3) 1.1.4 Parallel implementation of zstd
transfer. The total costs depend on the utilization fees
and transfer fees charged by the cloud provider and
heavily depend on the effective throughput and achie-
vable compression ratio.
2.2 AWS Cloud Computing Platform
To facilitate cloud computing, we use Amazons Elas-
tic Cloud Computing (EC2) that provides computati-
onal and storage resources across a number of global
locations. Cloud instances in North Virginia and To-
kyo (Table 2) are created using a compute and me-
mory optimized m4.xlarge Linux instance type. The
selected locations of the clouds have a direct impact
on the network throughput and time to set up the net-
work connection from the local workstation. For the
geographically close instance in North Virginia, the
observed network throughput is 18.4 MB/s for uplo-
ads and 80.6 MB/s for downloads, and the time to set
up a secure connection (ssh) is less than 1 s. For
the cloud instance in Tokyo, the observed network
throughput is 8.4 MB/s for uploads and 10.5 MB/s for
downloads, and the time to set up a connection is 5 s.
In both cases, the network throughputs can be further
capped by a high-intensity network traffic and a low
network priority.
Per AWS EC2 on-demand pricing model, the user
is charged the utilization fee (per hour) based on se-
lected instance type and location, and the download-
out fee charged per GB of data transfer. For exam-
ple, the utilization fees for the selected North Virgi-
nia and Tokyo clouds are $0.239 and $0.348 per hour,
respectively. The download-out fees are $0.09 and
$0.14 per GB, respectively. File transfers to and bet-
ween the cloud instances in the same region are free.
The use of the cloud can be divided into two
categories, a service-based and compute-based on-
demand usage. A service-based usage refers to al-
ways on cloud instance, with primary examples such
as web and file servers. In this case, the utilization
cost becomes an invariable constant. A compute-
based usage refers to on-demand cloud instance, swit-
ched on only for servicing computational tasks sub-
mitted by the workstation. In this case, the total uti-
lization cost can be optimized by using AWS scripts
to start an instance, upload inputs, execute job on the
cloud, download results, and finally shutdown the in-
Table 2: AWS EC2 Cloud Instances.
Distance Utilization &
Type (miles) Download Cost
NV m4.xlarge North Virginia 600 $0.239 / $0.09
TK m4.xlarge Tokyo 7,000 $0.348 / $0.14
On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud: An Experimental Evaluation
With on-demand cloud usage, the total cost of
uploading a file to the cloud (TC.UUP [TC.CUP])
depends on the file size, US, utilization fee, Util
(expressed in $/s), and the effective upload throug-
hput, as shown in (1). Because AWS does not charge
for data uploads, the optimal costs are achieved by
transfer modes with the highest upload throughputs.
The total costs of downloading a file from the cloud
(TC.UDW [TC.CDW]) depend on the file size, utili-
zation fee, download-out fee, Dout
(expressed in
$/MB), effective download throughput, and the com-
pression ratio, CR, as shown in (2). To compare effi-
ciency of cloud utilization by each (utility, level) pair,
we also defined cost efficiency for upload (CE.UUP
[CE.CUP]), as shown in (3), and cost efficiency for
download (CE.UDW [CE.CDW]), as shown in (4).
Cost efficiency is expressed in megabytes per dollar
TC.UUP[TC.CUP] = U S · (
T h.UU P[T h.CUP]
TC.U DW [TC.CDW ] = US · (
1 + T h.DW ·
Experimental evaluation involves performing com-
pressed file transfers initiated from a workstation to
and from the cloud instances in North Virginia (NV)
and Tokyo (TK). The m4.xlarge cloud instance type
used in both cases features 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon E5-
2686 with 4 virtual cores, 16 GB of RAM memory
and 750 Mbps of dedicated bandwidth. The worksta-
tion initiating transfers is a Dell PowerEdge T110 II
featuring quad-core Intel Xeon E3-1240 v2 and 8 GB
of RAM memory.
Each transfer mode is augmented to measure the
total transfer times and thus the effective throug-
hputs. The total costs for using the cloud are cal-
culated using measured effective throughputs, local
compression ratios of each (utility, level) pair, and
cloud fees. To measure effectiveness of each utility
in terms of speedup, the effective throughputs achie-
ved by the (utility, level) pair, Th.CUP [Th.CDW],
are compared to the effective throughputs of uncom-
pressed transfers, Th.UUP [Th.UDW], and the default
compressed transfers with gzip -6, Th.CUP(gzip -6)
[Th.CDW(gzip -6)]. To measure cost savings, the per-
centage of saved cost is calculated relative to the cost
of doing uncompressed transfers as shown in (3) and
relative to the cost of doing default compression trans-
fers as shown in (4). To capture effect of network,
the experiments are repeated using uncapped, 5 MB/s,
and 2 MB/s LAN network connections.
TC.CUP(gzip 6) TC.CUP]
TC.CUP(gzip 6)
TC.CDW (gzip 6) TC.CUP
TC.CDW (gzip 6)
Table 3: Datasets to characterize local compression.
ID Dataset Type
D0 netcdf bin 7.2 Relief data in NetCDF format
D1 seq.all txt 6.7 DNA sequence data in text
D2 wikipages xml 8.1 Wikipedia archived pages
Datasets. A diverse collection of files representa-
tive of data transfers to and from the cloud is compiled
as shown in Table 3. The datasets consist of text fi-
les containing DNA sequence data from the UniGene
(NCBI, 2017) project, binary files containing Earths
surface relief data collected by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Amante,
C. and B. W. Eakins, 2009), and XML files contai-
ning web data with human-readable English text col-
lected from archived pages on Wikipedia (Wikipedia,
2017). Each dataset includes 20 files varying in size.
Files range in size from 1.61 MB to 1.87 GB with the
average and median being 592.36 MB and 333.29 MB
for wikipages files, 263.77 MB and 157.38 MB for
netcdf files, and 216.5 MB and 121.76 MB for seq.all
4.1 Local Compression Ratios and
Table 4 shows the compression ratios for all consi-
dered sequential compression utilities and levels for
the input datasets. The compression ratios are avera-
ged from 20 points to 2 points that encompass files
smaller than 100 MB and larger than 100 MB in size.
The parallel utilities achieve identical or very similar
compression ratios as their sequential counterparts.
lzop has the lowest compression ratios, followed by
PEC 2018 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
Table 4: Compression ratios.
gzip lzop lz4 bzip2 xz zstd
ID -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -19
Less than 100 MB
D0 2.50 2.43 2.59 1.40 1.40 2.26 1.69 2.13 2.13 4.31 6.11 6.47 4.59 4.21 6.06 2.56 3.39 4.60
D1 2.25 2.17 2.30 1.30 1.30 2.01 1.53 1.90 1.90 3.80 5.27 5.57 3.97 3.66 5.16 2.26 2.95 3.94
D2 2.28 2.20 2.34 1.31 1.31 2.04 1.55 1.93 1.93 3.88 5.40 5.71 4.06 3.74 5.29 2.30 3.01 4.03
More than 100 MB
D0 2.40 2.32 2.49 1.41 1.42 2.25 1.61 2.09 2.09 3.83 4.77 4.93 3.95 3.55 4.59 2.38 2.91 3.88
D1 2.39 2.31 2.49 1.41 1.41 2.25 1.60 2.09 2.09 3.81 4.74 4.90 3.93 3.53 4.55 2.37 2.89 3.86
D2 2.42 2.40 2.58 1.44 1.45 2.32 1.64 2.15 2.16 3.86 4.79 4.94 3.97 3.62 4.67 2.45 2.98 3.96
Table 5: Local compression throughputs.
pigz lzop lz4 lbzip2 pixz pzstd
ID -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -19
Less than 100 MB
D0 188 45.7 17.9 148 142 3.22 128 31.9 30.0 71.4 81.7 78.8 43.3 3.60 1.10 468 100 4.10
D1 254 67.5 20.9 212 212 2.04 190 22.6 6.03 61.1 59.2 57.5 67.0 3.30 1.16 633 195 3.63
D2 209 85.9 2.09 113 111 6.86 110 26.5 21.1 55.4 52.0 48.6 42.0 3.76 1.20 399 96.4 3.70
More than 100 MB
D0 168 32.1 14.5 157 141 2.55 99.5 28.3 27.7 68.9 81.2 80.4 36.9 4.96 2.95 457 99.6 7.12
D1 262 72.5 26.0 211 211 2.57 188 24.0 7.10 64.3 63.7 62.3 61.7 5.92 3.04 928 254 7.75
D2 239 93.1 2.20 123 121 7.30 122 28.5 22.5 63.6 60.7 58.0 45.7 6.68 3.70 587 116 7.79
Table 6: Local decompression throughputs.
pigz lzop lz4 lbzip2 pixz pzstd
ID -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -9 -1 -6 -19
Less than 100 MB
D0 83.0 93.8 95.2 120 122 155 143 153 151 196 109 90.2 43.3 3.60 1.10 188 233 287
D1 95.2 137 135 150 150 239 198 235 269 189 118 107 45.2 68.7 85.6 424 429 463
D2 78.6 89.4 86.3 95.4 94.2 123 138 168 160 165 88.6 78.2 31.6 38.2 47.5 183 258 279
More than 100 MB
D0 76.6 91.0 99.6 122 123 169 138 183 182 221 98.5 80.5 36.9 4.96 2.95 193 243 300
D1 107 157 161 166 168 325 246 349 372 240 133 116 43.0 70.4 93.5 583 631 809
D2 101 108 109 121 119 157 188 244 243 204 113 96.7 33.9 40.1 50.1 267 332 393
lz4, zstd, and gzip. The highest compression ratios
are achieved by bzip2 and xz. For all utilities, hig-
her compression levels result in higher compression
ratios. Compression ratios range from 1 (lzop -1) to
10.12 (bzip2 -9) for netcdf, 2.26 (lzop -1) to 14.39 (xz
-9) for seq.all, and 1.19 (lzop -9) to 7.73 (xz -9) for
Table 5 and Table 6 show the local compression
and decompression throughputs. The throughputs of
the parallel utilities are shown in place of the sequen-
tial counterparts because they achieve higher throug-
hputs. Both lbzip2 and pixz outperform pbzip2 and
pxz through better parallel implementation. The hig-
hest local compression throughputs are achieved by
pzstd -1 reaching up to 746.05, 1557.58, and 1092.03
MB/s for netcdf, seq.all, and wikipages respectively.
The lowest compression throughputs are achieved by
lbzip2, pbzip2, pixz, pxz, and their sequential counter-
parts. The highest local decompression throughputs
are achieved by pzstd and zstd with high compression
levels, reaching up to 609.75, 1530.51, and 810.02
MB/s for netcdf, seq.all, and wikipages, respectively.
After comparing the compression ratios and ta-
king into account better compression and decompres-
sion throughputs, we find that zstd and pzstd can ef-
fectively replace both gzip and pigz for all upload and
download transfers considered in this evaluation.
4.2 Compressed Upload/Download
Uploads. Figure 2 shows the effective throughput
for compressed uploads of all selected files (netcdf,
seq.all, wikipages) to the NV instance with the un-
capped network connection. The plots show that
the effective throughput saturates for the larger fi-
les, approaching the product of the compression ratio,
CR, and the network connection upload throughput,
Th.UUP. For top performing utilities and levels, the
effective throughput increases with increase of input
file size, ranging from 5.02 to 171.43 MB/s (lbzip2,
zstd, pzstd). Availability of compute resources on the
workstation (quad-core processor and 8 GB of RAM
memory) allows parallel utilities to significantly in-
crease the effective throughput of compressed uplo-
ads when using higher compression levels over their
On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud: An Experimental Evaluation
Figure 2: Effective throughput of compressed uploads (Uncapped, North Virginia).
Table 7: Maximum upload throughput speedups and optimal modes (North Virginia & Tokyo).
Uncapped 5 MB/s 2 MB/s
D0 8.84 lbzip2 9.56 lbzip2 7.38 lbzip2 9.07 lbzip2/pbzip2 8.93 lbzip2 5.69 lbzip2/pbzip2
D1 5.28 pzstd 10.2 lbzip2/pbzip2 10.3 pzstd2/zstd 8.74 pzstd/zstd 10.5 zstd 9.92 pzstd/zstd
D2 9.44 pzstd/lbzip2 25.6 lbzip2 6.63 pbzip2/zstd 22.5 pzstd/zstd 5.92 pbzip2 5.16 pzstd/zstd
TH.CUP/TH.CUP(gzip -6)
D0 10.3 lbzip2 4.69 lbzip2 4.76 lbzip2 7.41 lbzip2/pbzip2 4.26 lbzip2 2.1 lbzip2/pbzip2
D1 7.73 pzstd 3.08 lbzip2/pbzip2 2.19 pzstd2/zstd 2.03 pzstd/zstd 1.35 zstd 1.33 pzstd/zstd
D2 8.84 pzstd/lbzip2 1.47 lbzip2 3.74 pbzip2/zstd 17.4 pzstd/zstd 2.11 pbzip2 1.39 pzstd/zstd
sequential counterparts. In some cases (e.g., lbzip2
and pzstd), higher compression levels outperform lo-
wer compression levels. For example, the maximum
throughput achieved by the best performing zstd pair
(-3) is 145.34 MB/s, while the maximum throughput
achieved by the best performing pzstd pair (-9) is
171.43 MB/s. This observation is deviation from a
similar study done on the mobile devices (Milenkovi
et al., 2013; Dzhagaryan et al., 2013; Dzhagaryan
et al., 2015), where lower levels consistently perfor-
med better on upload. For compressed uploads of all
selected files to the TK instance with the uncapped
network connection, the effective throughput ranges
from 0.80 to 58.60 MB/s, similarly approaching the
product of the compression ratio and the network con-
nection upload throughput.
For uploads to the NV instance with the uncapped
network connection, the optimal (utility, level) pairs
are lbzip2 -9 for netcdf, pzstd -9 for seq.all, and pzstd
-9 for small and lbzip2 -9 for large files in wikipa-
ges. High network throughput, low connection time,
and abundance of computer power in the workstation
favor utilities with solid throughputs and compres-
sion ratios. Files with higher compressibility (e.g.,
netcdf, and wikipages) and larger sizes favor lbzip2.
For transfers with the 5 MB/s connection, the optimal
pair for netcdf remains unchanged, whereas seq.all
and wikipages achieve high throughputs with zstd and
pbzip2 for larger files. For transfers with the 2 MB/s
connection, the optimal pairs are lbzip2 -9 for netcdf,
zstd -9 for seq.all, and pbzip2 -9 for wikipages.
For transfers to the TK instance that has lower net-
work throughput and a larger connection time than
the NV instance, the highest effective throughput is
achieved by utilities with high compression ratios
(e.g., pbzip2, lbzip2, pxz). For transfers with un-
capped network connection, the optimal modes are
lbzip2 -9 for netcdf, upper levels of pbzip2 and lbzip2
for seq.all, and lbzip2 -6 and -9 for wikipages. For
transfers with 5 MB/s an d 2 MB/s network, a slo-
wer pbzip2 -9 is selected more frequently over lbzip2
-9 for netcdf, while for seq.all and wikipages, optimal
throughputs are achieved with upper levels of zstd and
pzstd (-9, -12).
Table 7 shows optimal (utility, level) pairs and the
maximum throughput speedups relative to the uncom-
pressed and default compressed uploads to the NV
and TK instances. In both cases, speedups are greater
at higher network throughputs. Relative to uncom-
pressed uploads to the NV instance, the maximum
speedups range from 5.28 (netcdf ) to 9.44 (wikipa-
ges) on uncapped network, from 6.64 (wikipages) to
10.3 (seq.all) on 5 MB/s network, and from 5.92 (wi-
kipages) to 10.5 (seq.all) on 2 MB/s network. Rela-
PEC 2018 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
Figure 3: Effective throughput of compressed downloads (Uncapped, North Virginia).
Table 8: Maximum download throughput speedups and optimal modes (North Virginia & Tokyo).
Uncapped 5 MB/s 2 MB/s
D0 3.82 pzstd 4.64 pbzip2 7.65 lbzip2 4.74 bzip2/pbzip2 8.98 lbzip2 6.14 bzip2/pbzip2
D1 7.87 pzstd 9.37 xz 14.01 xz 19.57 xz 14.23 xz 13.2 xz
D2 5.31 zstd/pzstd 5.76 xz 7.28 xz 6.26 xz 7.43 xz 6.48 xz
TH.CDW/TH.CDW(gzip -6)
D0 3.61 pzstd 6.78 pbzip2 2.68 lbzip2 4.43 bzip2/pbzip2 2.85 lbzip2 13.0 bzip2/pbzip2
D1 2.94 pzstd 4.66 xz 1.8 xz 13.8 xz 1.82 xz 2.52 xz
D2 2.66 zstd/pzstd 2.91 xz 1.84 xz 2.27 xz 1.87 xz 5.6 xz
tive to uncompressed uploads to the TK instance, the
maximum speedups range from 9.56 (netcdf ) to 25.6
(wikipages), from 8.74 (seq.all) to 22.5 (wikipages),
and from 5.16 (wikipages) to 9.92 (seq.all) on uncap-
ped, 5 MB/s, and 2 MB/s network respectively. Rela-
tive to default compressed uploads to the NV instance,
the maximum speedups range from 8.84 to 10.3 (un-
capped), from 2.19 to 4.76 (5 MB/s), and from 2.11
to 4.26 (2 MB/s) respectively. Relative to the default
compressed uploads to the TK instance, the maximum
speedups range from 1.47 to 4.9 (uncapped), 2.03 to
17.4 (5 MB/s), and from 1.33 to 2.1 (2 MB/s).
Downloads. Figure 3 shows the effective throug-
hput for compressed downloads of all selected files
(netcdf, seq.all, wikipages) from the NV instance with
the uncapped network connection. Due to high local
decompression throughputs, the effective throughputs
reach higher levels than for uploads and saturate si-
milarly across most compression levels within each
utility. For top performing utilities and levels, the ef-
fective throughput increases with increase of input file
size, ranging from 5.66 MB/s to 579.58 MB/s (zstd,
pzstd). For compressed downloads of all selected fi-
les to the TK instance with the uncapped network
connection, the effective throughput ranges from 0.86
to 93.54 MB/s. Limiting the network throughput on
both NV and TK instance similarly limits maximum
throughput to the product of the compression ratio
and the network connection download throughput.
For downloads from the NV instance with uncap-
ped network connection, the optimal (utility, level)
pairs are pzstd -19 for netcdf, pzstd -19 for seq.all,
and pzstd -19 for small and zstd -19 for large files in
wikipages. With lower network throughputs (5 MB/s
and 2 MB/s), favor shifts toward slower or sequential
(utility, level) pairs with stronger compression. For
downloads with 5 MB/s and 2 MB/s network, the op-
timal pair is lbzip2 -9 for netcdf, and xz -9 for seq.all
and wikipages. Similarly, for downloads from Tokyo
instance slower or sequential (utility, level) pairs with
stronger compression are selected (pbzip2, bzip2, xz).
For downloads with uncapped network connection,
the optimal modes are pbzip2 -9 for netcdf, xz -9 for
seq.all and wikipages. For downloads with 5 MB/s
and 2 MB/s networks, pbzip2 -9 for smaller and bzip2
-9 for larger files are selected for netcdf, whereas the
optimal pairs for seq.all and wikipages remain un-
Table 8 shows the maximum throughput speedups
and optimal (utility, level) pairs when being compa-
red to throughputs achieved with uncompressed and
default compressed downloads from the NV and TK
instances. In both cases, speedups are greater at the
lower network throughput. Relative to uncompres-
On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud: An Experimental Evaluation
Figure 4: Total cloud cost of compressed uploads (Uncapped, North Virginia).
Table 9: Maximum upload cost savings and optimal modes (North Virginia & Tokyo).
Uncapped 5 MB/s 2 MB/s
(%) Relative to TC.UUP
D0 99.2 lbzip2 86.6 lbzip2 89.6 lbzip2 86.9 lbzip2/pbzip2 89.8 lbzip2 87.9 lbzip2/pbzip2
D1 99.6 pzstd 89.9 lbzip2/pbzip2 90.5 pzstd2/zstd 90.3 pzstd/zstd 90.5 zstd 90.4 pzstd/zstd
D2 99.2 pzstd/lbzip2 85.1 lbzip2 83.7 pbzip2/zstd 89.3 pzstd/zstd 83.3 pbzip2 83.0 pzstd/zstd
Relative to TC.CUP(gzip -6)
D0 90.3 lbzip2 65.2 lbzip2 67.8 lbzip2 65.5 lbzip2/pbzip2 67.1 lbzip2 62.9 lbzip2/pbzip2
D1 87.1 pzstd 31.0 lbzip2/pbzip2 30.3 pzstd2/zstd 29.5 pzstd/zstd 25.8 zstd 25.4 pzstd/zstd
D2 88.7 pzstd/lbzip2 71.2 lbzip2 48.2 pbzip2/zstd 78.9 pzstd/zstd 40.3 pbzip2 33.1 pzstd/zstd
sed downloads from the NV instance, the maximum
speedups range from 3.82 (netcdf ) to 5.31 (wikipages)
on uncapped network, from 7.28 (wikipages) to 14.01
(seq.all) on 5 MB/s network, and from 7.43 (wikipa-
ges) to 14.23 (seq.all) on 2 MB/s network. Relative to
uncompressed downloads from the TK instance, the
maximum speedups range from 4.64 (netcdf ) to 9.37
(seq.all), from 4.74 (netcdf ) to 19.57 (seq.all), and
from 6.14 (netcdf ) to 13.2 (seq.all) on uncapped, 5
MB/s, and 2 MB/s network. Relative to default com-
pressed downloads from the NV instance, the maxi-
mum speedups range from 2.66 to 3.61 (uncapped),
from 1.8 to 2.68 (5 MB/s), and from 1.82 to 2.85
(2 MB/s) respectively. Relative to default compres-
sed downloads from the TK instance, the maximum
speedups range from 2.97 to 6.78 (uncapped), 2.27 to
13.8 (5 MB/s), and from 2.52 to 13.0 (2 MB/s).
4.3 Compressed Upload/Download
Uploads. Figure 4 shows the total cloud cost for com-
pressed uploads of all selected files (netcdf, seq.all,
wikipages) to the NV instance with the uncapped net-
work connection. The plots show that the total cloud
cost increases with increase of input file size, ranging
from $0.0005 to $6.7119. With the cloud cost depen-
ding only on the utilization fees (Util
), the derived
cost efficiency has similar amount of saturation and
ranking among different (utility, level) pairs as those
of the effective throughput. For top performing utili-
ties and levels, the cloud cost efficiency ranges from
93.5 to 25,821 MB/$ (lbzip2, zstd, pzstd). For com-
pressed uploads of all selected files to the TK instance
with the uncapped network connection, the total cloud
cost ranges from $0.002 to $9.80 and the cloud cost
efficiency ranges from 35.08 to 6061.95 MB/$. Limi-
ting the network throughput on both NV and TK in-
stance similarly increases total cost and reduces cost
Table 9 shows the maximum cost savings when
being compared to the total costs of uncompressed
and to the default compressed uploads to the NV and
TK instances. With no charge for uploading files to
AWS instances, the (utility, level) pairs that achieve
the highest throughputs achieve the highest cost sa-
vings. The maximum cost savings relative to the cost
of doing uncompressed file uploads to the NV in-
stance range from 83.3 - 90.5% (2 MB/s LAN) to
99.2 - 99.6% (uncapped). The maximum cost savings
achieved with optimal compressed uploads to the TK
instance are similar to those of the NV instance for
PEC 2018 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
Figure 5: Total cloud cost of compressed downloads (Uncapped, North Virginia).
Table 10: Maximum download cost savings and optimal modes (North Virginia & Tokyo).
Uncapped 5 MB/s 2 MB/s
(%) Relative to TC.UDW
D0 89.1 lbzip2 86.8 pbzip2 89.7 lbzip2 86.8 pbzip2 89.8 lbzip2 88.2 pbzip2
D1 92.6 xz 92.8 xz 93.0 xz 92.8 xz 93.0 xz 92.9 xz
D2 86.3 xz 86.1 xz 86.9 xz 86.1 xz 86.9 xz 86.1 xz
Relative to TC.CDW(gzip -6)
D0 65.6 lbzip2 68.5 pbzip2 66.9 lbzip2 68.5 pbzip2 67.1 lbzip2 83.7 pbzip2
D1 42.9 xz 50.9 xz 45.2 xz 50.9 xz 45.2 xz 67.7 xz
D2 45.7 xz 48.6 xz 47.4 xz 48.6 xz 47.5 xz 75.9 xz
2 MB/s and 5 MB/s network throughputs, but are lo-
wer with the uncapped network due to lower network
throughput (85.1 - 89.9%).
The maximum cost savings relative to the cost of
doing the default compressed uploads to the NV in-
stance range from 25.8 - 65.5% (2 MB/s LAN) to 88.7
- 90.7% (uncapped). The maximum cost savings re-
lative to the cost of the default compressed uploads to
the Tokyo cloud are lower, ranging from 25.4 - 62.9%
(2 MB/s LAN) to 31.0 - 71.2% (uncapped).
Downloads. Figure 5 shows the total cloud cost
for compressed downloads of all selected files (netcdf,
seq.all, wikipages) from the TK instance with the un-
capped network connection. The total cloud cost ran-
ges from $0.0089 to $8.5198. For top performing uti-
lities and levels, the derived cloud cost efficiency ran-
ges from 107.25 to 1522.78 MB/$ (lbzip2, pxz). For
compressed downloads of all selected files to the TK
instance with the uncapped network connection, the
total cloud cost ranges from $0.0387 to $14.1553 and
the cloud cost efficiency ranges from 49.99 to 949.18
MB/$. Limiting the network throughput on both NV
and TK instance similarly increases total cost and re-
duces cost efficiency.
Table 10 shows the maximum cost savings when
being compared to the total costs of uncompressed
and default compression downloads from the NV and
TK instances. The most cost-effective (utility, level)
pairs are the ones that achieve a balance between good
compression ratio and high throughput. For down-
loads from the NV instance, the most cost-effective
(utility, level) pairs are lbzip2 -9 for netcdf files, and
xz -9 for seq.all and wikipages files. For downloads
from the TK instance the most cost-effective (utility,
level) pairs are pbzip2 -9 for netcdf files, and xz -9
for seq.all and wikipages files, regardless of network
The maximum cost savings relative to the cost of
doing uncompressed file downloads from the NV in-
stance range from 86.9 - 93.0% (2 MB/s LAN) to 86.3
- 92.6% (uncapped). Similar cost savings are achie-
ved by the most cost-effective compressed downloads
from the TK instance. The maximum cost savings re-
lative to the cost of doing default compressed down-
loads are greater at the lower network throughput in
both cases. The maximum cost savings relative to the
default compressed downloads from the NV instance
range from 42.9 - 65.6% (uncapped) to 45.2 - 67.1%
(2 MB/s LAN). With lower network throughputs and
longer network setup times, higher cost savings are
achieved by the most cost-effective compressed do-
wnloads from the TK instance, ranging from 48.6 -
68.5% (uncapped) to 67.7 - 83.7% (2 MB/s LAN).
Cloud cost for download depends on both utiliza-
On Effectiveness of Compressed File Transfers to/from the Cloud: An Experimental Evaluation
tion fee and download-out fee. Due to fast decom-
pression and Due to additional download-out cost, to-
tal cloud cost of download increases much more ex-
ponentially with increasing file size.
We are aware of several studies that investigate use
of lossless data compression and decompression in
improving the overall effectiveness of file transfers
between edge devices and the cloud. This includes
measurement-based studies that evaluated common
and emerging general-purpose compression utilities,
and studies that introduced either analytical models or
run-time techniques for deciding whether to use com-
pressed transfer or not. Studies have been conducted
on workstations, as in this paper, and on embedded
and mobile devices.
The first set of studies, most closely related to
own work, focused on optimizing data transfers to
and from the cloud while being initiated from a work-
station. Optimizing data transfers calls for increasing
communication throughput, reducing connection la-
tency, making effective use of cloud storage, and re-
ducing cloud costs (Abadi, 2009; Abu-Libdeh et al.,
2010; Sboner et al., 2011). Measurement based study
performed by Nicolae (Nicolae, 2010) compares un-
compressed transfers with lzo and bzip2 compressed
transfers and proposes precompression of header to
select either uncompressed or optimally compressed
transfer. Work by Bonfield and Mahoney (Bonfield
and Mahoney, 2013) compares several general pur-
pose compression (gzip, bzip2) and genome specific
compression utilities using DNA sequencing data. Bi-
cer and others (Bicer et al., 2013) develop new com-
pression utility and compare it to common compres-
sion utilities (gzip, bzip2, LZO, LZMA) for upload and
download of scientific data. Over all, measurement-
based studies showed that lossless compressed trans-
fers can increase throughput and reduce overall cloud
costs during transfers. Similar to our work, datasets
with larger representative files are considered for in-
vestigations. Compared to their work, we have cove-
red a wider range of sequential and parallel lossless
compression utilities, including pzstd/zstd developed
specifically for use in data centers (Facebook, 2017).
Our experiments were conducted on two AWS EC2
Cloud instances in geographically different locations,
allowing us to extract not only effective throughput,
but also effective cost for a range of input files and
network conditions.
The second set of studies focused on optimizing
data transfers initiated from battery-powered embed-
ded and mobile devices. There, energy-efficiency be-
comes a priority followed by similar goals of incre-
asing communication throughput and reducing con-
nection latency. The datasets in those studies are se-
lected to better represent data transfers initiated to
and from mobile devices, which included raw ima-
ges, physiological data (csv), code, binary, and text.
Study conducted almost a decade ago by Barr and
c (Barr and Asanovi
c, 2003; Barr and Asa-
c, 2006) investigated energy efficiency of los-
sless data compression on a wireless handheld devi-
ces. Several studies introduced run-time techniques
for deciding whether to use compressed transfer or
not (Krintz and Sucu, 2006; Nicolae, 2010; Harnik
et al., 2013). Study by Krintz and others (Krintz and
Sucu, 2006) introduced technique that analyzes strea-
ming data in-transit and makes decisions about use of
compression. Works by Nicolae and Harnik (Nicolae,
2010; Harnik et al., 2013) propose techniques which
rely on data pre-compression to estimated compres-
sion ratios and use it as the deciding factor in selecting
optimal transfer modes.
Our past work on embedded and modern mobile
devices performed extensive measurement-based eva-
luation of common general-purpose compression uti-
lities (Milenkovi
c et al., 2013; Dzhagaryan et al.,
2013; Dzhagaryan and Milenkovi
c, 2015; Dzhaga-
ryan et al., 2015), introduced analytical models des-
cribing effective throughput and energy efficiency for
uncompressed as well as for compressed file transfers
(Dzhagaryan and Milenkovi
c, 2016), and introduced
a framework for selecting an optimal transfer mode
(Dzhagaryan and Milenkovi
c, 2017). Those studies
have also been supported by development of environ-
ment and tools for automated measurement of energy
consumption on mobile and embedded devices (Mi-
losevic et al., 2013; Dzhagaryan et al., 2016a; Dzha-
garyan et al., 2016b).
This paper presents an experimental evaluation of
general-purpose compression utilities for a range of
data files transferred between an edge workstation and
the cloud. The goal of this evaluation is to quantify ef-
fectiveness of individual compression utilities and to
provide guidelines for achieving the optimal throug-
hput or the lowest costs. The results of our study de-
monstrate that reliance on a single (utility, level) pair
is not an answer for achieving optimal throughput or
costs when transferring files to or from the cloud.
Selecting the optimal compression (utility, level)
pair for specific file size and type, network con-
PEC 2018 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing
nection, cloud fees, and workstation performance can
significantly improve the effective throughput and
significantly reduce cloud cost when compared to un-
compressed and the default compressed file trans-
fers. Throughput-effective upload and download mo-
des favor utilities that offer tradeoffs between com-
pression ratio and throughput, such as pzstd/zstd and
lbzip2/pbzip2, whereas cost-effective download mo-
des favor utilities with higher compression ratio, such
as lbzip2/pbzip2 and pxz/xz. These findings may
guide throughput and cost optimizations of big data
transfers in the cloud and encourage the development
of data transfer frameworks conscientious of the ex-
isting parameters for real-time selection of optimal
transfer modes.
This work has been supported by AWS Cloud Credits
for Research and in part by National Science Founda-
tion grants CNS-1205439 and CNS-1217470.
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