Towards Cost-Effective Utility Business Models
Selecting a Communication Architecture for the Rollout of New Smart Energy
Toni Goeller
, Marc Wenninger
and Jochen Schmidt
MINcom Smart Solutions GmbH, Rosenheim, Germany
Department of Computer Science, Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, Rosenheim, Germany
Smart Meter, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI.
The IT architecture for meter reading and utility services is at the core of new business models and has a decisive
role as an enabler for resource efficiency measures. The communication architecture used by those services has
significant impact on cost, flexibility and speed of new service rollout. This article describes how the dominant
system model for meter reading came about, what alternative models exist, and what trade-offs those models
have for rollout of new services by different stakeholders. Control of a self learning home automation system
by dynamic tariff information (Real-Time-Pricing) is given as an application example.
Technology advances in the last 50 years as well as
decreasing prices for integrated circuits and communi-
cation have driven the move from mechanical towards
electronic meters, from manual to automated reading,
and from annual or monthly readings towards more
frequent readings, e. g. in a 15 minute period. The
interesting aspect here is the approach taken to imple-
ment these straightforward developments – either as
a dedicated system solution for a specific problem or
as a generic infrastructure serving multiple purposes
with similar demands. Such demands are:
Ubiquity – meters can be almost anywhere in an
area served by electric energy and other metered
Medium reliability – a system with extreme geo-
graphic distribution may not be dependent on the
availability of a single element or communication
Cost efficiency – low communication cost per ap-
plication using the ICT infrastructure. It is desir-
able when nodes and communication do not in-
cur a fixed monthly cost or cost per transferred
byte, because a fixed monthly cost per element
may break many business cases and a fixed cost
of data may render cost estimates unpredictable.
As an example, assume you calculated the commu-
nication cost based on the small amount of meter
data to be transferred and are confronted with sev-
eral firmware upgrades of meters which involve a
significantly higher data transfer volume.
In the beginning, generic use of the smart metering in-
frastructure was in focus. Theodore Paraskevakos, one
of the frontrunners of automatic meter reading, applied
his invention of Caller ID transmission in telecommu-
nications to fields as diverse as meter reading (Paraske-
vakos and Bushman, 1980), sensor communication
at the heart of today’s Internet of Things (IoT) –,
the transmission of video rentals and other applica-
tions. With technology progress, the dedicated op-
timization of systems for the readout of billions of
meters got more attention. Potential customers for
such systems sales or distribution units of utilities,
or dedicated meter reading service providers – usually
have no business in providing communication services
for elements outside their meter and distribution con-
trol infrastructure. Instead, they are interested in a
complete fulfillment of their customer-side tasks by a
single infrastructure:
Automated meter reading at defined times and
transmission of the reading data to a data center,
Software update for all elements of the meter in-
frastructure, such as the meters themselves, con-
Goeller, T., Wenninger, M. and Schmidt, J.
Towards Cost-Effective Utility Business Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006759202310237
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2018), pages 231-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-292-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sensor / Actuator
Information System
Meter Data
Headend System
Smart Meter
Energy Service
Sensor /
Data Center
Customer Premises
Figure 1: Traditional model for the Advanced Metering
Infrastrucure. The utility’s area of responsibility is depicted
on the left, the customer’s on the right. In some components
(e. g. home automation, sensors and actuators), the sphere of
influence overlaps or depends on the service model.
centrators and data hubs,
Configuration of meter infrastructure elements,
Securing bidirectional communication to inhibit
tampering with reading data as well as modifica-
tion of firmware running on meters or other ele-
ments of the metering infrastructure.
Such customers are almost always confined to a re-
gion or a country, and are subject to a long history
of national or regional regulation. Thus their interest
for globally standardized solutions is low, since po-
tential cost benefits by global purchasing are offset by
the effort to convince the regulator to drop national
requirements in conflict with global solutions. This
is reflected in the large number of physical
and logi-
cal communication protocols employed in meter read-
ing systems. For each solution, this means a smaller
market and less competition within its region. For a
system, this means less compatibility among potential
solution components. Besides the fact that national
specifics in regulation hinder the definition and adop-
tion of global standards in the metering field, the use
of this infrastructure for services beyond its scope and
provided by other organizations would create addi-
tional legal and administrative complications. As long
as the cost of an exclusive meter reading infrastructure
can be offloaded to customers and/or citizens, tradi-
tional utilities will have little incentive to engage in
services reusing the metering infrastructure.
Narrowband powerline communication like Echelon,
Prime, G3, broadband powerline communication, Wireless
MBus, LoRa, Sigfox, GPRS, LTE, Zigbee, WiFi and Low
Power WiFi dialects, just to name a few.
However, the generic infrastructure tasks listed
above led utilities to plan value-added services of their
own on top of the meter reading communication infras-
tructure. A typical service area is the optimized use of
electrical energy e. g. by identifying energy-intensive
devices or by optimizing the time-of-use according to
the utility’s incentives. Naturally, the utilities plan to
offer these services over the infrastructure they control
(see Figure 1). At consumers’ homes, small offices or
workshops, this can be achieved by adding a commu-
nication link between the meter infrastructure and a
home automation system – either an existing one or a
system delivered to the customer as part of a service
contract. As shown in Figure 1, sensors, actuators
and information systems can be connected directly to
the utility driven infrastructure. This model is used in
classic ripple control or with the in-home display of
an external meter. Or, sensors, actuators and informa-
tion systems can be connected to a home automation
system which in turn is influenced by information is-
sued by the utility via its infrastructure. For the sole
purpose of meter reading dedicated large scale system
rollouts have started about 15 years ago and will be
extending well into the 2030s. This has happened in
parallel to the buildup of other communication infras-
tructure and in parallel to the almost ubiquitous avail-
ability of smartphones supporting WiFi and mobile
data. The pace of alternative communication system
rollouts will further accelerate with IoT sensor deploy-
ment and with applications that rely more and more
on online connectivity. It is not necessarily a bad thing
to have several dedicated systems performing similar
tasks. Some criteria to decide whether an additional
communication system is useful are total cost, total
system complexity (especially complexity of applica-
tions relying on several communication systems) and
the speed of innovation rollout (which may be higher
in a dedicated system). Our question is: Which sys-
tem architecture supports innovation in the energy and
utility markets, which are subject to rapid changes
some of them with the potential to be disruptive? To
this end, we will look at two examples of cost and
complexity drivers. Then we discuss the evolution of
the economic and regulatory landscape in its influence
on the usefulness of architecture choices. We have
a look at communication systems available in homes
and small enterprises and discuss which architecture
enables fast and cost-effective rollout of new business
models. For this architecture, we describe a sample
application which is currently being realized.
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Using a dedicated communication infrastructure
means all costs have to be covered by the applica-
tions having access to and using this infrastructure. In
the extreme case of smart metering, only an annual
reading is necessary to bill a classic residential tariff.
In this case, the meter reading infrastructure has to
transmit no more than a few bytes of useful payload
every year. When we assume that the operational cost
for a smart metering infrastructure is up to 50 Euro
a year compared to a classic Ferraris meter with an-
nual reading, and that the meter reading can be coded
in a 50 byte data unit, we get communication costs
of 1 Euro per byte. When 15 minute readings are re-
quired and transmitted we transmit 35 kByte per Euro
communication cost, or 29.26 Euro per MByte of pay-
load. This is a considerable price, even compared with
the most expensive volume-based mobile data tariffs.
When other applications want to use this communi-
cation infrastructure, its owner will tend to charge a
prohibitively high cost, so that many applications will
become economically unfeasible over this infrastruc-
ture. Thus, third parties very probably will use another
available communication infrastructure.
As mentioned before, the variety of communica-
tion protocols in dedicated metering infrastructures
increase cost and complexity. This is illustrated by the
requirement of a separate display (In-Home Display)
for smart meters in some countries. A separate dis-
play makes sense when the customer has no access to
the meter itself, e. g. when the meters for several apart-
ments are located in the basement of an apartment com-
plex or when the meters are mounted on a nearby pole
to inhibit tampering. Smart meters often have built-in
wireless MBus or PLC modems, but a greater choice
of In-Home Displays exists with Zigbee modems. If
the utility does not want to buy all components from
a single source, it is often penalized by the need for
gateways with protocol conversion. In addition, data
content, presentation and data security from time to
time necessitate software and configuration updates.
Therefore, a secure software distribution and activa-
tion platform has to be developed or extended for each
new integration component like an In-Home Display.
To develop and maintain such a platform is costly and
incurs permanent operating expenses. Furthermore,
professional displays generally offer limited function-
ality at a higher price than consumer goods. When we
look at the In-Home Display problem a second time,
the question is whether we need an In-Home Display
at all. Any old smartphone has more functionality and
most importantly – comes with a well-established soft-
ware distribution platform. Better still, a smartphone is
available at almost all customers, who have no interest
in yet another display hardware (Gosden, 2015). The
requirement to use this superior and customer-friendly
solution is support of WiFi, the most widespread com-
munication solution. By doing that, solutions from
other industries are immediately available to the utility
industry, yielding immediate cost and customer satis-
faction benefits. The consideration for regulation is
not to specify technical detail, which is often based
on a specific solution approach and risks to mandate
inferior solutions after new approaches have become
available (see (UK Department of Energy & Climate
Change, 2016) for an example of the lengthy and cum-
bersome process to scale back on technical detail in
Utility services belong to basic needs and competition
on the physical access is rarely feasible for the supply
of energy, water, gas or long-distance heating. There-
fore utility services including metering, transmission
and remuneration of meter readings are highly regu-
lated. Also regulated is the unbundling of generation,
transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy.
In Germany, the operation of metering points is de-
fined as an additional role; due to the security solution
specific to Germany (BSI-Gateway, smart metering
system) the meter point operator has additional regu-
lated tasks (Smart Metering Gateway Administration).
The combination of role unbundling and regulation of
network charges results in side-effects, which render
offering new services via traditional market roles un-
profitable. For example, sales is burdened with higher
network charges when energy consumption of private
households deviates from standard load profiles.
Offering further energy services is usually unreg-
ulated business, at least if they are organizationally
separated from the regulated market roles, based on
a separate contract (opt-in), and obtain the required
meter readings (where necessary) with consent of the
customer using other ways than the official smart me-
ter gateway. Economically, the energy provider market
is developing towards more complex contractual re-
lationships: Distributed energy generation provides
manifold possibilities for optimizing the local or re-
gional utilization of renewable energy sources by per-
sonal and regional use. This helps to reduce necessary
investment in transmission, and to share the resulting
savings. Presently, only one sales contract per end-
customer is foreseen. With self-consumption and the
Towards Cost-Effective Utility Business Models
future possibility of local peer-to-peer selling, the tra-
ditional energy sales contract will carry less value in
terms of energy delivered and more in terms of an
insurance to provide a supply guarantee that steps in
when locally produced energy is not available in suf-
ficient quantity. This will at a pace the regulator
allows – lead to a considerable increase of connection
fees. Possibly, this increase will be compensated by
a decrease in the kilowatt-hour rate. In any case, the
share of sales, and presumably also the total revenue,
that depends on metered and priced readings in com-
pliance with regulation will decrease. Therefore, the
economic benefit of the metering infrastructure will de-
crease further, the “cost of smart metering” to “energy
consumption revenue” ratio will become less and less
favorable, as long as there are no other applications
that use the metering infrastructure.
Applications going beyond pure energy supply usu-
ally require hardware on the customer side. The de-
velopment in the area of home and office automation
solutions is currently very dynamic, regarding both
the functionality provided as well as interfaces offered
for device and solution integration. For a utility com-
pany, selecting a home automation solution or a home
automation portfolio and integrating it with its commu-
nication infrastructure therefore poses a high risk. Any
choice would have to be accompanied by continuous
market observation, and must be updated if required,
entailing new integration efforts. The customers’ qual-
ity demands on a solution recommended by the utility
company are higher than those on one purchased di-
rectly from some retailer, putting additional pressure
on the utility’s ability to compete. Also, home au-
tomation provides many functions (comfort, security,
entertainment, amongst others) which are neither in
the utility’s focus nor is it the customer’s expectation
that the utility excels in all application areas of home
automation. And even if the utility or its energy ser-
vice provider offers an attractive package, the customer
may be uncomfortable with external control of his pri-
vate sphere. If the hardware on the customer side is
linked via the same communication infrastructure that
is used for meter readings, the provider is not free re-
garding the integration. In addition to that, specific
German regulation requires that data flows which are
not defined yet in the smart meter gateway specifica-
tion must be cleared by the Federal Network Agency
(Bundesnetzagentur) and the Federal agency for In-
formation System Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit
in der Informationstechnik, BSI). Using the regulated
infrastructure for unregulated services therefore poses
a high project risk. This is an inherent problem, as it
cannot be the duty of regulation to identify possible in-
novative business models before the market does, and
adjust the rules proactively to these business models.
Thus, the regulated and the new unregulated ser-
vices in the energy sector should be separated, both
organizationally and regarding the communication in-
frastructures, if delays and uncertainty factors are to
be avoided when launching new services.
For system optimization the following communication
systems common to residential or office areas can be
Communication infrastructure for smart meter
readings: regulated; completion of nationwide roll-
out in Germany by 2032.
Internet via landline, cable or mobile modem, usu-
ally with WiFi access point: 2016 available in
89.3% of all households (Statistisches Bundesamt,
2017a). Under control of the owner/tenant, re-
garding contracts as well as availability, which
depends, e. g., on whether the modem is turned on
or whether the current WiFi password is known to
the clients.
Internet via smartphone, maybe with WiFi access
point: used in 2017 by 70.5% of all persons aged
10 and above living Germany (Statistisches Bunde-
samt, 2017b). Controlled by the smartphone user;
physical presence of the user, active device as well
as availability of data connection via mobile net-
work required.
Public WiFi: Currently low availability in house-
holds, with increasing tendency in densely popu-
lated areas.
For the regulated application of meter readings the
communication systems 2-4 were rejected early on, as
they are outside the control of the provider, and their
use by the provider might entail considerable coor-
dination effort between provider and communication
contract holder.
By bundling energy and internet supply it would
be quite possible to integrate the communication mo-
dem in the meter, thus guaranteeing the uninterrupted
function of the modem under control of the utility com-
pany or the internet provider. As an opt-in offer this
kind of bundling would be unobjectionable – the net-
work separation between smart meter system and the
customer’s home network could be realized without
difficulty using logical network separation functional-
ity provided by modern modems. This model promises
considerable savings, as only a single communication
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
infrastructure and its operation is required, refinanced
by two utilizations. Unfortunately big utility compa-
nies had substantial concerns, fearing that telecommu-
nication providers would become competitors in the
energy sector, and that they would facilitate market
entry by this bundling model. Still, this approach is
an excellent business model for municipal utilities that
hold shares in local telecommunication providers.
Generally, concerns regarding the reliability of
customer-provided infrastructure cease to apply when
the service is in the customer’s self-interest. In the
application example presented in this paper (Section 6)
this is obtained by providing tariff information via
the customer’s internet link, resulting in lower energy
costs and optimization of the utilization of the cus-
tomer’s own energy sources and storages.
Public WiFi (item no. 4) is the only technology
available independently of contracts with mobile net-
work operators in virtually any smartphone
. The
fact that public WiFi access points become more
widespread is powered by several strongly growing
applications, as it uses the most pervasive wireless
communication technology with the most affordable
chip-sets. It is therefore suitable for communicating
with all sensors and actuators that are connected to a
power supply or have sufficient ambient energy at their
disposal for energy harvesting. For local control and
inspection applications, a common smartphone can be
used over WiFi with authentification; dedicated main-
tenance hardware is not required. Further applications
for public WiFi are in-house location-based services
and connectivity offers for citizens and customers. All
these reasons will lead to public WiFi coverage in-
crease in city regions, albeit not a coverage that will
ever come close to 100% of all supplier end-points.
If as in the case of smart metering no real-
time communication is required
, in many cases a
secure connection over any smart phone can be used
This requires that smartphone users get incentives for
the data transport. As data transmission using a dedi-
cated infrastructure is very expensive (cf. Section 2),
the budget for such a reward is sufficiently large. A
study performed by the TU Munich is available that
Bluetooth is not much worse regarding modem perva-
siveness, but less attractive due to its short range and lower
For billing a monthly transmission of 15-minute read-
ings is sufficient even for real-time pricing. For measur-
ing feedback in demand-response applications a higher rate
makes sense; as feedback-measuring is a statistical evalua-
tion, obviously not all meter points have to be transmitted for
each feedback-round, as long as the readings can be stored
in the meter or concentrator sufficiently long.
In Germany the requirements for a smart meter system
specify that a permanent tunneled connection is mandatory.
Sensor / Actuator
Information System
Meter Data
Headend System
Smart Meter
Energy Service
Data Center
Customer Premises
Figure 2: Providing energy services through dedicated and
public communication systems.
compares costs between traditional meter reading and
readings using existing smartphones (Schwab et al.,
To conclude: Several communication devices are
available that can be accessed in households, as well as
several applications refinancing a joint communication
infrastructure, thus lowering the application-specific
costs of communication considerably.
Respecting costs, complexity and regulation, the fol-
low conclusions can be derived:
Additional services beyond the regulated ones
should make use of generic communication infras-
tructures and interfaces (LAN, WiFi) in order to
avoid high costs for development and operation
and an increase in project risk.
The communication infrastructure does not need
to be the property of the provider, as delivering un-
regulated services is always an opt-in model. This
implies the customer’s interest in service delivery
and provides the service provider with a motivation
for a customer-centric approach.
The service should make use of control standards,
or, if not possible, combine quasi-standards to con-
trol or influence smart home products to avoid the
need for custom hardware.
Thus, it seems advisable that new energy and provider
services are delivered using an existing communication
infrastructure as shown in Figure 2. The protection
of data privacy is governed by generic consumer pro-
tection and privacy rules. Those rules are much more
Towards Cost-Effective Utility Business Models
Sensor / Actuator
Information System
Meter Data
Headend System
Smart Meter
Energy Service
Data Center
Customer Premises
Shared access,
e.g. Public WiFi
Smart City
Smart City
Figure 3: Communication in shared infrastructures.
generic than specific requirements on the handling of
meter data and thus apply even to new business models
that did not exist when the regulation was written.
The regulation and role concept of intelligent me-
tering systems are of no relevance in terms of addi-
tional energy services, as they are not regulated energy
delivery services. In this system model, subsidiary
companies of energy providers and other third party
energy service companies may provide their service
by conclusion of a contract with the customer.
In Germany regulations demand intelligent meter-
ing systems to only use tunneled connections, other
countries may not regulate the communication, thus
not enforcing a dedicated communication infrastruc-
. This is shown in Figure 3.
The communication architectures in Figure 2 and
Figure 3 are heavily affecting the system costs and
variety of providers. As a side effect it is also lowering
the entry threshold for IoT applications. Thus, if smart
metering is utilizing and investing in a shared infras-
tructure, it will support the development of additional
local applications. The previous chapter has shown
that it is possible for alternative providers to provide
services without accessing the smart meter infrastruc-
ture. Even the lack of access to energy consumption
readings of the meter operator can be substituted by
measuring consumption using one or several additional
calibrated meters within the customer’s electric circuit.
Possible deviations within the range of the calibration
tolerance are in most cases insignificant and manipula-
tions can be detected by comparison with the readings
of the energy provider. In a regulated energy market,
traditional energy providers do not have the possibility
to prevent alternative services, they only get to choose
their communication architecture and the resulting in-
vestment costs of their services. The cooperation with
In case the provider makes use of mobile communica-
tion standards such as GPRS or LTE, the metering system
does already utilize a non-dedicated communication system.
Tariff Server
Billing Component
Actuator / Switch
Information System
Home Automation
Billing System
Headend System
Smart-Meter Infrastructure
Figure 4: Adaptive home automation guided by dynamic
alternative service providers also results in substan-
tial cost reduction and increase of customer benefits
for traditional providers of energy services and energy
Highly dynamic energy tariffs, known as Real-Time-
Pricing (RTP), are an example for additional energy
services. In (Wenninger et al., 2017) we describe a
generic, incentive-based load shifting method that op-
erates independently from the energy provider’s in-
frastructure by using RTP and a Home-Automation-
Gateway (HAG, see Figure 4). Based on the same
infrastructure, instead of providing highly dynamic
prices as an incentive for load shifting, it is possible to
implement a bonus system where the customer will be
provided with an inducement in form of a bonus while
having a static energy tariff.
The HAG fulfills the task of automatically shifting
loads under the premise of respecting the customers’
habits when using appliances. This minimizes the risk
that load shifts would have negative effects on the cus-
tomers’ habits, which would lead to issues regarding
user acceptance of the automation system. We achieve
this by creating user profiles based on high resolution
energy data, which provides insight into the residents’
appliance usage habits. Based on this profiling, it
is possible to predict the probability of appliance us-
age, thus only scheduling load shifting tasks within
the user’s comfort zone. Through an information sys-
tem the customer can be provided with incentives for
manual load shifting of appliances that cannot be con-
trolled automatically by the HAG. The operation of
such systems requires requesting current energy tariffs
from a tariff server as well as high resolution energy
data provided by a smart meter. Additionally, the HAG
requires access to local appliances such as washing
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
machine, dish washer or climate control. From a de-
mand side management (DSM) point of view, only the
combination can generate a surplus from the opera-
tion of smart meters. For example, in Germany the
planned smart meter infrastructure will not allow en-
ergy providers to have access to high resolution energy
data, but only to aggregated data that is of relevance for
billing purposes. Hence, the required high resolution
data must be extracted locally through an interface.
This interface acts as a bridge between the regulated
smart meter infrastructure and, e. g., the local WiFi.
Likewise, it is possible to install an additional unregu-
lated smart meter which will gather the required data,
especially in a bonus based system.
The benefits of such an architecture goes beyond
overcoming regulations, as the high resolution and
therefore sensitive data must not leave the household
as they may solely be used within the HAG. Hav-
ing a smart meter independent infrastructure also pro-
vides the possibility for, but is not limited to, a local,
smartphone-based information system where the user
profiles stay within the user’s local network and there-
fore are not transmitted to any third-party. On the
contrary, it is possible to develop cloud-based DSM
business models, where the high resolution data is
centralized on a server, accessible over an internet
This provided example shows, that by adapting the
communication infrastructure, even with the regulated
smart meter infrastructure it is possible to develop new
and innovative business models which make use of
high resolution energy data.
The considerations and examples in the article show
that the communication part of the ICT system design
heavily influences the range of offers to customers,
market success and costs for delivering public ser-
vices and optional unregulated services. The ability
to reuse an existing infrastructure and to easily extend
the offered service is a key success factor of big in-
ternet companies. However, innovative services are
not limited to big internet companies: small and local
companies have the ability to develop such services,
and they are even more capable of reaching customers
whom they already have a business-relationship with.
Overcoming the entry threshold is much easier if no
custom hardware and protocols are required to deliver
new services. In the area of smart energy, smart utility,
smart city, and IoT, a positive competition and coopera-
tion between internet providers, energy providers, and
municipalities will arise in the coming years. For eco-
nomic efficiency reasons, they will almost exclusively
make use of generic communications infrastructures
to stay competitive in a fast moving market.
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Porto, Portugal.
Towards Cost-Effective Utility Business Models