Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System
A Dissimilarity Representation Approach
Diana Batista
, Helena Aidos
, Ana Fred
, Joana Santos
, Rui Cruz Ferreira
and Rui C
esar das Neves
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Escola Superior de Sa
ude, Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal
Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisbon, Portugal
CAST - Cons. e Apl. em Sistemas e Tecnologias, Lda, Lisbon, Portugal
ECG, Biometrics, Dissimilarity Representation, Dissimilarity Increments, Cloud-based System.
Biometric recognition has become a popular approach for user identification and authentication. Howe-
ver, since in ECG-based biometrics users cannot change their authentication/identification signal (unlike
in password-based methods), its applicability is seriously constrained for cloud-based systems: a hacker
could potentially retrieve the stored ECG signal, eternally disabling ECG-based biometrics for the attacked
user. To overcome such an issue, new methodologies must be devised to enable cloud-based authentica-
tion/identification systems without requiring the transmission and storage of the user’s ECG signal on remote
servers. In this paper we propose an ECG biometric approach that relies on non-linear irreversible dissimi-
larity spaces to encode (encrypt) the user’s ECG. We show how to construct the dissimilarity space, and also
evaluate the system’s accuracy with the dimensionality of the dissimilarity space. We show that the proposed
biometric system retains similar identification errors as an equivalent system relying on the Euclidean space,
while the latter can potentially be broken by using triangulation techniques to uncover the users original ECG
In the last years, electrocardiographic (ECG) signals
have demonstrated their potential in biometrics appli-
cations (Fratini et al., 2015; Islam and Alajlan, 2017;
Hejazi et al., 2016), due to its inherent characteris-
tics. The ECG has essential properties in the context
of biometrics (Odinaka et al., 2012), including: uni-
versality (it is found in all living beings), performance
(performs accurately for subsets of the population),
measurability (can be measured with appropriate sen-
sors), acceptability (the sensors can be designed in a
non-intrusive way), and circumvention (it is not ea-
sily spoofed, since it does not depend on any external
body traits). Besides, the ECG provides intrinsic ali-
veness detection and is continuously available. These
ECGs’ properties allow the development of exciting
applications, where continuous and non-intrusive au-
thentication are demanding factors, such as electro-
nic trading platforms, where high-security, continu-
ous authentication is essential.
Nowadays, an enormous amount of sensitive data
has been generated, containing personal and confiden-
tial information about a subject (e.g., financial status
or medical records). Thus, the privacy of an indivi-
dual may be compromised with the release of such
sensitive information, e.g., to cloud servers. Those
are susceptible to hacker attacks (see the example bio-
metric application in figure 1), and the sensitive infor-
mation released and sold to third parties. All over the
web, news can be found reporting examples of hac-
ker attacks on servers with sensitive and confidential
user information
, despite the multiple security levels
that are usually employed at the communication net-
works and cloud systems. Hence, it is crucial to de-
sign privacy-preserving techniques to ensure the con-
fidentiality of the users data even after security brea-
ches, especially when dealing with sensitive data that
can not be changed or replaced (e.g., the ECG signal).
Data privacy-preserving techniques tend to transform
the data by distortion, approximation, or even by sup-
Batista, D., Aidos, H., Fred, A., Santos, J., Ferreira, R. and Neves, R.
Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System - A Dissimilarity Representation Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006723900780086
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 78-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-279-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pression or aggregation, such that the data is not the
same but a sort of approximation. However, this often
leads to a deterioration of the quality of data mining
results (Aggarwal and Yu, 2008). In particular, a com-
monly used privacy-preserving technique consists of
adding noise to the data. Yet, adding a large amount
of noise compromises the utility of the data, whereas
a small amount allows for an easy estimation of the
original signal.
User (local)
ECG Sensor
User identification
Figure 1: Cloud-based biometric system. If the users ECG
signal is stored on the server, an attacker could potentially
retrieve it, permanently disabling ECG-based biometric sy-
stems for the affected users.
Another privacy preserving technique consists of
transforming the data to a new space, such as by des-
cribing sensitive data through a dissimilarity repre-
sentation (Marques et al., 2015). Dissimilarity me-
asures can be used to describe objects, by comparing
pairs of objects, and, consequently, building represen-
tations of data that preserve the information therein.
In this work we follow such a concept and adopt a
dissimilarity representation in order to build a cloud-
based biometric system that avoids storing, or other-
wise transmitting, the users ECG signal. For such
purpose, the system uses a public key (collection of
prototypes) to locally encrypt the users ECG signal
through a dissimilarity representation, before trans-
mitting it to the server (where biometry is actually
performed). Since different prototypes lead to diffe-
rent space representations, different public keys may
be generated at any time, increasing the protection of
sensitive information.
From different dissimilarity representations, we
avoid the usage of the Euclidean distance to compare
objects, as such a metric allows the uncovering of the
original data through triangulation approaches (as in
GSM navigation or surveillance applications). In con-
trast, we rely on a nonlinear second-order dissimila-
rity measure to build the dissimilarity representation
and therefore obtain the encrypted signal.
The main contributions of this paper are:
A novel remote biometric system for user iden-
tification that prevents hackers to obtain sensi-
tive user’s information. This is achieved by only
storing a transformed (non-invertible) key in the
cloud server, and not the user’s original ECG sig-
A method for the generation of public keys, achie-
ved through a clustering algorithm and using a re-
ference set of ECGs to produce it.
We show that this key can be easily changed to
ensure the privacy of the data, by changing the pa-
rameters of the algorithm, the algorithm itself, the
reference set of ECGs or by a simple permutation
of the current key.
We analyse the accuracy of the proposed scheme
as well as the required size of the public key in
order to create the cloud-based biometric system.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the proposed remote ECG
biometric system relying on a cloud server. Section 3
presents the concepts for the dissimilarity represen-
tation of the signals. Sections 4 describes the data-
set used in the experiments, while section 5 presents
the experimental setup and results. Conclusions are
drawn in section 6.
Despite the multiple security levels that are usually
employed at the communication networks and cloud
and remote systems, the storing or transmission of
raw user’s data may still compromise the safety of
many modern systems. This is particularly proble-
matic as hackers shift their modus operandi to spe-
cifically target administrators accounts, hence getting
access to users’ accounts and passwords. In the case
of ECG-based biometric systems, this is especially
distressing as a user’s ECG signal cannot be modified.
Hence, once a hacker acquires the user’s ECG signal,
he is permanently able to gain access to any ECG-
based biometric system. To avoid such a problem, a
new methodology is herein proposed that is built upon
the concept of privacy-preserving transformations for
sensitive user data. To create such transformations we
rely on an non-invertible data transformation techni-
que, using a dissimilarity data representation between
user’s data and a public key, which can be freely trans-
mitted or otherwise stored on a cloud server, and that
may change at any time (e.g., in the event of a hacker
attack to the server).
The proposed remote biometric system works as
depicted in Figure 2, and comprises two phases: user
Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System - A Dissimilarity Representation Approach
enrollment, where a user ECG signal is recorded
for later identification; and user identification, where
the system matches the observed ECG signal against
those of enrolled users. The following subsections
describe how each of these steps work, namely enrol-
lment (subsection 2.1), identification (subsection 2.2)
and public-key generation (subsection 2.3).
2.1 User Enrollment
A user can enroll in the system by using an off-the-
person sensor to acquire its ECG signal, e.g., BITalino
(Alves et al., 2013). At that point, the local system
requests the public key to the cloud server so it can
locally encrypt the user’s ECG. Hence, the real signal
is never sent to the cloud server, but only an encrypted
version of it, which is used whenever an identification
query is requested.
The local encryption of the ECG signal of the user
is made by representing its acquired heartbeats in a
dissimilarity representation. This kind of representa-
tion is an attractive way to preserve the privacy of sen-
sitive data since it is non-invertible. In this system, the
dissimilarity representation is obtained by computing
a dissimilarity measure between the enrolled heartbe-
ats of the user and a public key (generated as descri-
bed in subsection 2.3) received from the cloud server.
After that, instead of directly storing the enrolled he-
artbeats, the dissimilarity representation is sent to the
cloud server and stored until the subject needs to test
his/her identity.
2.2 User Identification
After a user enrolls into the biometric system, such
data can be used for identification purposes. For that,
the user must acquire a new ECG signal from the local
sensor and, using the received public key, generate the
encrypted signal. As in the previous case, this encryp-
tion is performed by computing a dissimilarity repre-
sentation between the new acquisition and the public
The newly encrypted signal is then sent to the re-
mote server, where a proper classification algorithm
will try to match it with the encrypted ECG signal
that was previously stored on the server during en-
rollment. It should be noticed that this identification
does not require the ECG to be decrypted, since it is
performed over the same dissimilarity representations
as used in the enrollment (and stored in the cloud ser-
ver). Afterwards, the server returns the identification
results to the local system.
The proposed methodology has several advanta-
ges over traditional solutions, namely because sen-
sitive data is never transmitted nor stored in a cloud
server, which can potentially be attacked by hackers.
The only information stored in the cloud server is the
public key and the encrypted user enrollment data. If
an attack occurs, the public key can always be modi-
fied, therefore resulting in the encoding of the users
data in a different dissimilarity space, which ensures
the privacy of this sensitive data. Finally, new clas-
sifiers can be developed and updated directly on the
server, which means that each user does not need to
be concerned in updating its local system, ensuring
the reliability of the entire system.
2.3 Public-key Generation
Naturally, the generation of the public key represents
a critical step, since it must not contain any direct
information regarding any of the enrolled users, but
must still ensure that an accurate identification is at-
tained. In other words, while the dissimilarity space
cannot be constructed using the users ECG signal, it
must still contain enough information about the mor-
phology of an ECG to ensure a proper operation.
With this goal in mind, the public key is compri-
sed of a set of carefully selected prototypes, which are
obtained from a reference ECG database (i.e., an inde-
pendent dataset composed by several heartbeats from
different subjects (but not from any of the users), or
derived synthetically). To achieve this, multiple ap-
proaches can be adopted, such as by applying a clus-
tering algorithm over the set of heartbeats from the re-
ference database (e.g., k-means), or by devising other
prototype selection methods (Garc
ıa et al., 2012). As
a consequence, the generation of a new public key can
be performed by simply devising new data clusterings
(e.g., running k-means with the same or with different
k values) while using different initialization parame-
ters. In this context, it should be highlighted that a
simple random permutation of the public key (i.e., of
the order of the selected set of prototypes) leads to a
different space representation, therefore enabling the
system to remain resilient after a hacker attack (see
also section 5).
To build the dissimilarity representation used for data
encryption, let us assume that we have acquired the
ECG signal from a set of N subjects, S = {S
resulting in n
heartbeats for subject S
. This means
that we have a set of heartbeats H = {h
, such
BIOSIGNALS 2018 - 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
1. Send public key
3. Return encripted ECG
To prevent from hacker
attacks, user ECG signal is
not stored on server
1. Send public key
3. Return encripted ECG
5. Return identity
ECG Reference
(not user ECG)
Generation of a set of N
representative prototypes
(e.g., via K-Means clustering)
Public key
(Set of prototypes)
2. Encrypt
ECG with
public key
Figure 2: Proposed remote biometric system relying on a cloud server and encrypted ECG signals.
= M, with n
the number of heartbeats for
subject S
Let P = {h
be the set of heartbeats repre-
senting the selected set of prototypes (public key in
figure 2), such that card(P ) card(H ). A dissi-
milarity space (Pekalska and Duin, 2005) is defined
as the data-dependent mapping D(·,P ) : H R
Accordingly, each heartbeat h
is described by a T -
dimensional dissimilarity vector
,P ) = [d(h
)... d(h
)], (1)
where d(·, ·) represents a dissimilarity measure. Thus,
the dissimilarity space is characterized by the M × T
dissimilarity matrix D, where D(h
,P ) is the i-th row
of D.
Three different dissimilarity representations are
addressed in this manuscript, two first-order spaces,
namely the Euclidean and Cosine spaces, and one
second-order space, Dinc, as detailed next. In particu-
lar, the usage of a second-order dissimilarity measure
provides interesting security improvements, since tra-
ditional triangulation approaches cannot be used to
capture the original signal. Accordingly, as long as
no substantial accuracy degradation is observed in
the identification process of a subject (evaluated in
section 5), second-order spaces are preferable and
should be used instead.
3.1 First-order Spaces
The Euclidean space is defined by replacing the dis-
similarity measure d(·,·) in (1) by the Euclidean dis-
tance, as follows:
) =
. (2)
An alternative solution for the construction of a
first-order space consists in using the cosine dissimi-
larity, as follows:
) = 1
· h
. (3)
3.2 Second-order Space
The dissimilarity increments (Fred and Leit
ao, 2003)
is a second-order dissimilarity measure that can be
considered for constructing a dissimilarity space (Ai-
dos and Fred, 2015). This measure is built upon the
concept of triplets of points (heartbeats), (h
obtained as follows: h
is the nearest neighbor of h
and h
is the nearest neighbor of h
, but different from
. Therefore, the dissimilarity increments between
neighboring heartbeats is defined as
) =
) d(h
, (4)
where d(·,·) represents the pairwise dissimilarity be-
tween two heartbeats, which can be obtained by ap-
plying any first-order dissimilarity measure (e.g., the
Euclidean distance).
Dinc space: Based on the definition of dissimila-
rity increment, it is possible to build a dissimilarity
space, where each sample of this space is descri-
bed by a T -dimensional dissimilarity vector D(h
,P ).
,P ) is computed by evaluating the dissimilarity
increment between each heartbeat h
and the public
key, {h
,· ·· ,h
} P . For the dissimilarity incre-
ments space (or Dinc space), each new prototype h
constructed by considering the edge between an ele-
ment of the public key h
and its nearest neighbor h
in the heartbeats set H (obtained from the reference
database). Therefore, the distance between any he-
artbeat h
from the dataset H and the prototype h
given by
) = min{d(h
)}, (5)
and the (i, j)-th element of the Dinc space is given by
) = |d(h
) d(h
)|. (6)
This dissimilarity measure ensures that the matrix
D is non-negative (from (6)) and asymmetric (Aidos
and Fred, 2015).
Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System - A Dissimilarity Representation Approach
The biometric system will be tested in a database pro-
vided by a local hospital, Hospital de Santa Marta,
that has been previously validated regarding biome-
tric performance (Carreiras et al., 2014).
The used ECG records were acquired during nor-
mal hospital operation, encompassing scheduled ap-
pointments, emergency cases, and bedridden patients.
For this study, we decided to focus on signals origi-
nating from individuals with normal rhythms. Con-
sequently, each record had to be labeled by a specia-
list. All signals were acquired using Philips PageWri-
ter Trim III devices, following the standard 12-lead
placement, with a sampling rate of 500Hz and 16-
bit resolution. Each record has a duration of 10 se-
conds. To date, we have 955 healthy subjects, whose
real identities are obfuscated at the hospital.
4.1 Data Pre-processing
The raw ECG signals must be pre-processed to allow
the feature extraction methods to capture the morpho-
logy of the signal and not the noise. Thus, three steps
are considered in this work to obtain a set of heartbe-
ats (see figure 3).
The filtering of the signal is a crucial step due to
the presence of several noise sources during measure-
ment, e.g., power line interference, electrode contact
loss, baseline drift due to respiration, and motion ar-
tifacts (Friesen et al., 1990). Here, two median filters
are applied to remove the baseline, with window si-
zes of 0.2 and 0.6 seconds. Afterwards, a finite im-
pulse response low-pass filter with cut-off frequency
of 40Hz is used to deal with high-frequency noise.
The identification of the R peak is needed to seg-
ment the ECG signal in heartbeats. Since the focus of
this paper is not on algorithms for R peak detection
(which have been intensively studied in prior works,
e.g., (Canento et al., 2013; Friesen et al., 1990)), in
this manuscript the annotations previously made by a
specialist are used. After that, the segments are con-
structed by merely taking the ECG signal in the win-
dow [-200ms ; 400ms] in relation to each one of the
identified R-peaks, leading to segments with a fixed
length of 600ms.
Finally, abnormal heartbeats were removed using
the DMEAN method proposed by (Lourenc¸o et al.,
2013), with parameters a = 0.5, b = 1.5 and using the
Euclidean distance to compare heartbeats. From this
procedure n
heartbeats for a subject i (i = 1,. ..,N)
are obtained, resulting in a set of heartbeats H =
, such that
= M.
5.1 Experimental Setup
Following the proposed biometric system presented
in figure 2, it is crucial to define the prototypes gene-
ration process, the dissimilarity representation used in
this manuscript to encrypt the signals, and the classi-
fier stored in the cloud server. Figure 4 presents the
methodology adopted for the experiments herein. In
the remainder of the paper, it is assumed that the bi-
ometric system only uses sensors that acquired ECG
signals from lead I (Barold, 2003).
From the dataset described in section 4, and after
pre-processing the signals as described in section 4.1,
a set of heartbeats is obtained and split into two sets.
The first set, called reference set, is composed by the
heartbeats of 50% of randomly chosen subjects from
the original dataset. This reference set is used to pro-
duce prototypes, generating the public key that enco-
des the heartbeats from any given subject. The remai-
ning 50% of subjects are the ones used to train and
test the proposed biometric system. Hence, this set of
heartbeats is then further split in 80% for training the
model and 20% for validation.
We are assuming that a close world setup is in
place: all users have gone through the enrollment
phase and the system always returns an identity. The-
refore, an error is accounted when the returned iden-
tity is incorrect.
To evaluate the whole system a nested cross-
validation is performed, where the creation of the re-
ference set is repeated ten times, and for each one of
these reference sets, the training and validation of the
model is run another ten times. The results presented
here are average error rates.
Public key generation (selection of prototypes):
To generate the public key, two clustering algorithms
were applied to the reference set: k-means and k-
medoids. The resulting centroids (or medoids) are
then set as the desired prototypes, i.e., the public key
being stored in the cloud server. The use of k-means
to generate the set of prototypes from the reference
set provides a generic template representing different
morphologies of heartbeats. Consequently, it might
be a good choice for a public key, since no informa-
tion about a specific subject is disclosed. To analyze
the influence of the size of the key in the identifica-
tion results, the value of k was chosen from the set
,· ·· ,2
Dissimilarity representation: Each ECG signal is
transformed by computing the dissimilarity represen-
BIOSIGNALS 2018 - 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Filtering Segmentation
Figure 3: Pre-processing steps of a raw ECG signal.
per subjects
(selection of
HB Split
(ECG encrypt)
(ECG encrypt)
(Model testing)
Figure 4: Experimental setup.
tation between each of its heartbeats and the public
key. Three types of dissimilarity measures were app-
lied: the Euclidean distance, the cosine distance, and
the dissimilarity increments. The first two representa-
tions are based on a first-order dissimilarity measure
whereas the second one is based on a second-order
dissimilarity measure, providing a more difficult way
to trace back the original ECG signal of a user.
Classification: A classification algorithm must be
used to perform user identification on the cloud
server, namely to compare the encrypted key
(dissimilarity-represented heartbeat set) stored on the
server during the enrollment phase, and the key used
for querying user identification. In this paper, a k-
nearest neighbor is considered, by setting k = 3 and
the cosine distance, since the latter shows to provide
better results than the Euclidean distance.
5.2 Results
Figure 5 presents a study of the number of prototypes
that are required to generate a suitable public key, for
each dissimilarity representation considered in this
paper (Euclidean, Cosine, and Dinc). Moreover, it
also shows the difference (in error rates) of using an
independent database to generate the set of prototy-
As can be seen, all spaces present a similar beha-
vior: when using a reduced set of prototypes (e.g., a
public key with length eight), the error rates are quite
high; notwithstanding, the error significantly decrea-
ses as the number of considered prototypes increases,
with the accuracy becoming stable for a large number
of prototypes. Furthermore, it is quite visible from
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Euclidean Space
Reference = Train
Independent reference dataset
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Identification error rate (%)
Cosine Space
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Number of prototypes
Dinc Space
Figure 5: Evaluation of the error rates when using the origi-
nal training dataset or an independent reference dataset for
prototype selection with the k-means algorithm.
this set of experiments that the prototypes obtained
from an independent set of subjects (the reference set)
do not degrade the system performance. In fact, espe-
cially for larger number of prototypes, the identifica-
tion error is the same.
Figure 6 presents the comparison between the
three dissimilarity spaces when the reference set is
used to obtain the public key. We can notice that all
three spaces achieve the minimum error rate between
256 and 512 prototypes. It is not therefore useful to
generate a public key larger than that, since it would
only increase memory and computation requirements.
In what respects the comparison between dissimi-
larity spaces, it is clear that using the Cosine space
Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System - A Dissimilarity Representation Approach
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Number of prototypes
Identification error rate (%)
Euclidean Space
Cosine Space
Dinc Space
Figure 6: Evaluation of the error rates in the three dissimi-
larity spaces when using an independent reference dataset
for prototype selection.
results in the worst error rates for any choice of num-
ber of prototypes. Euclidean and Dinc spaces achieve
similar performances. However, the Dinc space has
an advantage over the Euclidean dissimilarity space:
since it is based on an asymmetric measure, it is equi-
valent to using a non-invertible transformation of the
data. If the cloud server is hacked, and the public key
revealed, the data encrypted with the Euclidean dissi-
milarity measure can potentially be broken by using
triangulation techniques, while data encrypted with
the dissimilarity increments measure is more difficult
to decrypt.
A few modifications to the experimental setup of
figure 4 can be envisioned. We explore here two of
these possibilities: changing the clustering algorithm
used to construct the prototypes, and altering the num-
ber of subjects used to create the public key.
Besides the k-means algorithm, an obvious choice
to cluster the heartbeats is the k-medoids algorithm.
Figure 7 shows the evaluation of the error rates for
the three spaces when using the training dataset and
an independent dataset for prototype selection.
If we compare the results obtained here with the
ones from figure 5, it is clear that the same conclusi-
ons can be drawn in what regards the number of pro-
totypes, the differences between datasets, and the per-
formance of the three spaces. It is worth noting that
there is a slight improvement overall when using k-
medoids as opposed to k-means to generate the public
Unlike the k-means algorithm, when clustering
with k-medoids, the clusters’ centroids are actual
samples. This has an important consequence here.
The public key now contains prototypes that are not
generic, they are real heartbeats from specific sub-
jects. In order to prevent ECG data from users en-
rolled in the system to be gathered from an unwanted
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Euclidean Space
Reference = Train
Independent reference dataset
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Identification error rate (%)
Cosine Space
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Number of prototypes
Dinc Space
Figure 7: Evaluation of the error rates when using the origi-
nal training dataset or an independent reference dataset for
prototype selection with the k-medoids algorithm.
third party, it is therefore advisable to use an indepen-
dent reference dataset to select the prototypes. Since
the identification error rates are very similar for the
two datasets, this should not degrade the system per-
Figure 8 shows the influence on the identification
error rate of altering the number of subjects used to
construct the public key. An independent reference
dataset is used with the number of subjects varying
from 10 to 100% of the initial random 50-50 subject
split. For both k-means and k-medoids, k was set to
256 and the Dinc space was used.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of subjects used to produce prototypes
Identification error rate (%)
Figure 8: Evaluation of the influence of the number of sub-
jects used to construct the prototypes.
As can be observed, the identification error rates
are not significantly affected by the variation of the
number of subjects used to generate the public key.
In fact, when varying the number of subjects from
10% (46 subjects) to 100% (463 subjects), the error
rate stays relatively close to 7% for both clustering
algorithms (with standard deviations in the 0.5 - 1%
range). This observation can be important when en-
visioning a real-world application of the proposed sy-
stem: it is not necessarily important to have a massive
BIOSIGNALS 2018 - 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
amount of data to generate the public key. As long as
the selected prototypes are able to capture the relevant
characteristics of the heartbeats, the biometric system
should be able to maintain its performance.
Another interesting perspective of the proposed
cloud-based biometric system is the change of the pu-
blic key, which can be made by applying another clus-
tering algorithm, or changing the number of prototy-
pes in the clustering algorithms used in this paper. In
this case, it should be highlighted that a simple per-
mutation of the prototypes after training the classifier
shows an error rate higher than 95% for all three spa-
ces. This means that, when the system is attacked,
a mere permutation of the public key is able to sig-
nificantly change the identification process, whereas
a more substantial change should make sure that an
hacker obtaining the remotely-stored user key can no
longer be identified by the system.
This paper proposes a new ECG-based biometric ap-
proach for cloud systems, which locally encrypts the
ECG signal through a dissimilarity representation.
Such representation is obtained by applying a non-
linear and non-invertible transformation, the dissimi-
larity increments, between the public key, stored on
the server, and the real-time acquired ECG signal.
This provides significant advantages, as it does not
require the users’ ECG signals to be stored on the ser-
ver, but only a transformed version of it. In traditio-
nal approaches a hacker might be able to retrieve the
original ECG signal and thus forever compromise the
usage of ECG biometrics for that user. However, in
the proposed system, the hacker will only capture the
public key and a transformed version of the signal.
Accordingly, under such circumstances, a new public
key can be easily generated by simply selecting a new
set of prototypes and by asking the user to perform a
new enrollment.
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methodology provides no significant degradation in
the identification error rates, especially when the se-
lected prototypes are generated from a reference da-
taset, independent of the users data, i.e., it is compo-
sed by the ECG signals of independent (unidentified)
This work was supported by the Portuguese Founda-
tion for Science and Technology, under scholarship
number SFRH/BPD/103127/2014 and grant number
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BIOSIGNALS 2018 - 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing