Forecasting Time Series Data with Artificial Neural Network of
Bayesian Regularization
Doni El Rezen Purba
, Herman Mawengkang
and Tulus
Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan - Indonesia
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan - Indonesia
Keywords: Data Mining, Forecasting, Optimization, Training Function.
Abstract: Forecasting or predicting future events is important to take into account in order for an activity to proceed
properly. Flights predict the weather forecast, the banking industry predicts the price of currency, the health
world predicts the disease, the retail business predicts total sales. prediction or forecasting of events is
calculated using past data, usually in the form of time series. Artificial neural networks are capable of
forecasting time-series data. Forecasting results with artificial neural network is influenced from the network
architecture model is determined, one of which determination of training function. Based on research
conducted by Aggarwal KK (et al 2005) and Murru & Rossini, R. (2016), using Bayesian regularization
training function in their research, this research uses the algorithm for time clock data forecasting process
with several model of layer count and number of neurons. The results obtained with the number of 3 layers
and each neuron of 36, 12, 6 for the best process performance, and the number of neurons 24, 12, 6 for the
shortest iteration process.
Forecasting activities are widely used in various
areas. predict future events will greatly affect the
success of an activity. In the field of aviation, for
example, weather forecasting to anticipate failure in
flight. Predictions of possible severe weather
resulting in communication disturbances due to
storms, or the presence of cumulonimbus clouds that
could endanger the flight. In the retail business is also
so, conducted forecasting to estimate the increase or
decrease sales of a product in order to be done
anticipation to avoid losses.
Many methods can be used to do the forecasting.
Can use statistical models or with artificial neural
networks. Artificial neural networks are a method of
forecasting that is directed at a simple mathematical
model of the workings of the human brain. The
complex nonlinear relationship between response and
predictor variables (Hyndman Rob J. 2014). The
statistical model can be called by classical forecasting
methods and artificial neural networks called modern
forecasting methods. There is also a combination of
both to do the forecasting. (Medeiros,, 2006).
Many research has been done to determine the
best model of artificial neural network architecture
(Aggarwal K.K, 2005). Problems about the slow
process of training, the variety of existing data, the
increasing need for information from available data
and the increasingly sophisticated computing
equipment to improve the process of computer work.
The results of forecasting with neural network
motion are influenced based on the data form and the
network architecture parameters used. The choice of
neural network model must be in accordance with the
form of data to be used. Vhatkar. S and Dias. J (2016)
conducted a research method of artificial
backpropagation network to forecast sales of oral care
products ranging from suppliers to final consumers to
help in determining business decisions. Zhao K. and
Wang C. (2017) used the Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) model on his research on sales
forecasts in the E-commerce field using promotional
history data, price changes and user preferences to
help manage the workforce, cash flow and sources
power on the company based on the results of
forecasting done.
The selection of network models influences the
outcomes of the learning process, both the accuracy
of the results and the length of the calculation process.
Selection of activation functions, training functions
and the number of layers and neurons for the training
Rezen Purba, D., Mawengkang, H. and Tulus, .
Forecasting Time Series Data with Artificial Neural Network of Bayesian Regularization.
DOI: 10.5220/0010046505640568
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 564-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and testing process should be well considered.
Aggarwal K.K. (et al 2005) conducted a study titled
Bayesian Regularization in a Neural Network Model
to Estimate Lines of Code Using Function Points,
stating that, the neural network model trained using
Bayesian Regularization gave the best results and was
suitable for the study. Then, doing research on the
Effects of Training Functions of Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) on Time Series Forecasting,
obtained from all the training algorithms used for
hourly weather history data forecasting, levenberg
marquardt proved to have the least squares error and
correlation coefficient (Aggarwal R and Kumar R.
Based on the exposure, in this research will be
conducted research for testing the best neural network
model against some time series data that has been
provided. To get the best forecasting results.
2.1 Forecasting
Forecasting is the process of estimating future needs
that include the need for quantity, quality, time and
location required to meet the demand for goods or
services (Nasution, 1999).
Demand forecast is the level of demand for
products that are expected to be realized for a certain
period of time in the future. Basically the approach of
forecasting can be classified into two approaches,
namely (Makridakis,, 1995):
1. Qualitative Forecasting
2. Quantitative Forecasting
There are 4 types of data patterns in forecasting
(Makridakis,, 1995) :
1. Trend : The trend data pattern shows the
movement of data tends to increase or decrease
for a long time.
2. Seasonality : Seasonal data patterns are formed
due to seasonal factors, such as weather and
3. Cycles : Cycle data patterns occur when
variations of corrugated data over a duration of
more than one year are influenced by political
factors, economic changes (expansion or
contraction), known as business cycles.
4. Horizontal/Stasionary/Random variation : This
pattern occurs if the data fluctuates around a
random average value without forming a clear
pattern such as a seasonal pattern, trend or cycle.
2.2 Neural Nerwork
An artificial neural network processes large amounts
of information in parallel and distributed, this is
inspired by the biological brain work model.
Hecht-Nielsend (1988) defines artificial neural
systems as: a distributed and parallel processed
information processing structure, consisting of a
processing element (which has local memory and
operates with local information) interconnected along
with a direct-line flow called a connection. Each
processor element has a single outlet connection that
fan out to the desired number of collateral
connections (each connection carrying the same
signal from the output of the processing element). The
output of the processing element can be any kind of
mathematical equation desired. The entire process
that takes place on each processor element must really
be done locally, ie the output depends only on the
input value at that moment obtained through the
connection and the value stored in the local memory.
The structure in Figure. 1 is the basic standard
form of a unit of simplified human brain network
units. The human brain tissue is composed of 10
neurons connected by about 10
dendrites. The
dendrite function is as a transmitter of signals from
the neuron to the neurons connected to it. Nucleus is
the nucleus of a neuron, the axon acts as the output
channel of the neuron, and the synapses that govern
the strength of the relationship between neurons.
Figure 1. Structure of neural network biology
An artificial neural network consists of a collection of
neuron groups arranged in layers.
Forecasting Time Series Data with Artificial Neural Network of Bayesian Regularization
Input Layer: serves as a network link to the
outside world (data source).
Figure 2. Structure of artificial neural network
Hidden Layer: A network can have more than one
hidden layer or even can not have it at all.
Output Layer: The working principle of neurons
in this layer is similar to the working principle of
neurons in the hidden layer and here also the
Sigmoid function is used, but the output of the
neurons in this layer is considered to be the result
of the process.
2.3 General Type of Neural Network
In general, there are three types of neural networks
that are often used based on the type of network it is:
Single-Layer Neural is a neural network that has
connections on its input directly to the output
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network is a neural
network that has a layer called "hidden", in the
middle of the input and output layers. Hidden is
variable, can be used more than one hidden layer.
Recurrent Neural Networks Neural network is a
neural network that has characteristics, namely
the existence of a feedback connection from the
output to the input.
2.4 Backpropagation Neural Network
Backpropagation is one of the training methods of
Artificial Neural Network. Backpropagation uses a
multilayer architecture with supervised training
training methods. The Back Propagation Model has
several units that exist in one or more hidden layers.
Figure 3 is a back propagation model architecture
with n input (plus one bias), a hidden layer consisting
of p units (plus a bias) and m units of output units.
Figure 3. Architecture of backpropagation neural network
2.5 Bayesian Regularization Algorithm
Regularization plays a role in improving the
generalization process by limiting the size of the
weight of a network. If the value of network weight is
smaller then the network will respond more subtly.
With regularization, a large, simplified network must
be able to represent the actual function. In the classic
Backpropagation algorithm it aims to minimize
functionality F=E
, where :
In this case n is the number of inputs in the
training set, t
is the target value in the data to-i and a
is the output for the data to-i which is obtained as a
neural network response.
The regulatory method changes the performance
of the error function by adding a standard deviation
of the weights and biases:
F = βE
+ αE
αβ is regularization parameter, and E
define as:
is a weight or a threshold. Using the equation
to change the error performance function allows the
network to obtain the smallest weights and
thresholds, but it can not determine effective network
weight and thresholds. The conventional method is
often difficult to determine the size of the parameter,
Mackay (1992) proposes a network that can adjust the
size of adaptive parameters using Bayesian
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
theoretical framework, and enables achievement of
optimal performance.
2.6 Backpropagation Neural Network
At the feed-forward stage, each input unit (X
receives the input signal and sends this signal to each
hidden unit Z1, ..., Zp. Each hidden unit counts its
activation and sends its signal (Z
) to each output unit.
Each output unit (Y
) calculates its activation (Y
) to
indicate the network response to the given input
During the training, for each unit of output
compared to Yk activation with the target Tk to
determine the error between the input pattern and the
output unit. After obtained error value, factor δ
(k=1,...,m) calculated δ
which is used to distribute
the error on the Y
output unit back to all units on the
previous layer (hidden unit connected to Y
). Then
this error is used to change the weights between the
output and the layer with the hidden layer. In the same
way, the factor δ
(j=1,...,p) is calculated for each unit
. Factor δ
used to change the weights between the
hidden layers and the input layer.
After all the factors δ are determined, the weights
for the whole layer are adjusted directly. The weight
adjustment Wjk (from hideen unit Z
to Y
unit) is based on the factor δ
and activation of unit Z
The weight adjustment of the vij (from the X
unit hidden unit Z
) is based on the factor δ
activation of teh input unit x
The usual activation function used to train
artificial neural network is sigmoid function, both
binary and bipolar. Here's the training algorithm
(Fausett, Laurene, 1994) :
Step 0. Initialize initial weights (specifies a small
random value)
Step 1. As long as the stop condition is false, take
steps 2-9
Step 2. For each pair of training, step 3-8
Step 3. Each input unit (X
, i = 1, ... n) receives the
input signal X
and sends the signal throughout the
unit on the next layer (hidden layer).
Step 4. For each hidden unit (Z
, j = 1, ..., p), the input
signal is weighted in and applied the activation
function to calculate its output and send this signal to
all subsequent layer units (output layer).
Step 5. For each Output unit (Y
, k = 1, ..., m) see the
weighted input in sequence.
Back Propagation from Error
Step 6. For each output unit (Yk, k = 1, ..., m)
received a target pattern corresponding to the input
pattern, calculated the error and calculated the weight
correction and calculated the correction and sent δk to
the unit in the previous layer.
Step 7. For each hidden unit (Z
, j = 1, ..., p), the
summed delta function is then multiplied by its
activation function to calculate, calculated its weight
correction and correction.
Step 8. For each output unit (Yk, k = 1, ..., m) the bias
and weights are changed (j = 1, ..., p). For each hidden
unit (Z
, j = 1, ..., p) the weight and bias are changed
(i = 1, ..., p).
In this study used time series data of the population
of a region in Indonesia for the forecasting process.
The training function used is Bayesian
Regularization. The best network model is
determined based on the accuracy and speed of the
forecasting process. Prediction will be done by trying
some models of the number of layers and the number
of neurons. Table 1 below is a form of network model
that will be used for forecasting.
Figure 4. is flow diagram proses forecasting data
Forecasting Time Series Data with Artificial Neural Network of Bayesian Regularization
Table 1. The number of layers and the number of neurons
umber of neurons
er 1 La
er 2 La
er 3
1 12 6 2
2 24 12 6
3 36 12 6
4 48 12 6
5 48 24 12
The program used for forecasting process in this
research is matlab. Source code as follows:
inputs = data_latih;
targets = target_latih;
x1 = number of neurol layer 1
x2 = number of neurol layer 2
x3 = number of neurol layer 3
net = newff(inputs,targets, { x1, x2,
net = train(net,inputs,targets);
net.trainFcn = 'trainbr';
outputs = net(inputs);
errors = outputs - targets;
perf = perform(net,outputs,targets)
hold on
hold off
grid on
title(strcat(['Plot Performa NNBR,
Value = ', num2str(perf)]))
xlabel('Month -')
ylabel('Total Population')
legend('Output Neural Net','
the results of data experiments with the network
model in Table 1 are presented in table 2.
Table 2. Result experiment
Model Result
iteration Perform Regresion
1 8 0.00094869 0.83259
2 7 0.00076587 0.83968
3 10 0.00046405 0.94414
4 7 0.0021427 0.3515
5 9 0.00081544 0.82761
From the result of research can be concluded that:
- Artificial neural network with training function
Bayesian Regularization can do well forecasting
- Best performance results are designated by
neural net 3 model but require more repetition
- The network model 2 is capable of converging
with less iteration and less bad performance
- Speed and performance are necessities that can
not be clearly compared. Both of these depend
on user requirements.
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ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and