Use of Social Media and Self-image Perception:
Descriptive Study for Adolescent in Padang Sidempuan City
Lusiana Andriani Lubis
, Suangkupon Doli
and Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar
Department Communication, Political and Social Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Department Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Student of
Department Communication, Political and Social Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Adolescent perception, self-image, social media, Padang Sidempuan.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the phenomenon of selfie photos in social media on Youth in Padang Sidempuan
City. The research method used in this research is descriptive method, which is to describe the phenomenon
of selfie photos in social media on Youth in Padang Sidempuan City. The population in this study were
teenagers in Padang Sidempuan City is 24,189. While the sample is set with a precision of 10% by using
random sampling technique, obtained a sample of 100 adolescents active social media users. Based on the
results of descriptive analysis, the mean value for the use of social media in adolescents in Padang Sidempuan
City obtained by 71.5 when compared to the ideal value that may be achieved is equal to 80 then the value is
in the high category. This means that the level of social media use in adolescents in the City of Padang
Sidempuan especially on social media instagram, line, whats app and facebook, high. While the results of the
analysis for selfie pictures, obtained the mean value (mean) for the use of social media in adolescents in the
city of Padang Sidempuan obtained for 72.66 when compared the ideal value that may be achieved is equal
to 80 then the value is in the high category. The level of social media use in adolescents in Padang Sidempuan
City especially on social media instagram, line, whats app and facebook, high and Photos selfie is one of the
arena for adolescent city Padang Sidempuan to show self-actualization in social life.
Brogan (2010: 11) said "Social media is a new set of
communication and collaboration tools that enable
the common person. "(Social media is a new set of
communications and collaboration tools that allow
many types of interactions previously unavailable to
ordinary people).
Social media by Dailey (2009: 3) is an online
content created using publishing technologies that are
highly accessible and scalable. Most important of
these technologies is the shifting way of knowing
people, reading and sharing news, and searching for
information and content. There are hundreds of social
media channels operating around the world today,
with four great facebook, Line, instagram, and twitter.
(Badri, 2011: 132).
According to Cross (2013), social media is a term
that describes the various technologies used to tie
people into collaboration, exchange information, and
interact through web-based messaging. Because the
internet is always experiencing growth, then the
various technologies and features available to users
are always changing. This makes social media more
hypernym than a specific reference to various uses or
As is known, before the emergence and popularity
of social media, most people communicate by way of
sms or lewathandphone.Namun now with the social
media, people tend to communicate through the
service in the form of messaging through services
available on social media.
One type of social media according to Karjaluoto
(2008: 4) is Social networks (social networks), which
is a virtual community that allows users to connect
with other users. Some social networking sites are
created to expand group networks (eg Facebook),
while others are based on specific areas (eg
LinkedIn). One of the most popular social media is
social networking. This network shows the way in
which they relate because of the similarities of
sociality, from those who are known everyday to
Lubis, L., Doli, S. and Siregar, A.
Use of Social Media and Self-image Perception: Descriptive Study for Adolescent in Padang Sidempuan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010043603960399
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 396-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Everett M. Rogers (1986),
communication technology is hardware in
organizational structures that contain social values,
allowing individuals to collect, process and exchange
mutual information with other individuals. Webster
(1995) can be seen from several criteria, such as
technology, where the information society will rely
on technological innovations that are increasingly
growing; economic, where the information society
will have an information industry that is divided into
five categories namely education, communication
media, information machine, information service and
other information activities such as research and
social activities; occupational, where changes that
occur in the information society lead to changes that
occur in the availability and demand of labor in the
field of information; spatial, where the information
society has an information network connected to the
location and has an effect on organizing time and
space; and culture, where the information society
undergoes changes in socio-cultural circulation in
everyday life because of the information available in
various media.
According to Mayfield quoted by Badri (2011:
133) mentioned there are now seven types of social
media, but innovations and changes continue to
happen.Social media that exist today:
1. Social networking sepebook, instagram, line,
myspace and bebo. This site allows people to help
personal web pages and connect with their friends to
share communication content.
2. Blog, is the best form of social media, in the
form of online journals with the best loading of the
best, the latest writing is on the front page.
3. Wikis like Wikipedia and the online
encyclopedia. Wikis gets anyone to fill out or edit the
information in it, acting as a document or a communal
4. Podcasts, provides audio files and videos by
subscribing through services such as Itunes from
5. Forums, areas for online discussion, around
specific topics and interests. Forums exist before
social media and become a powerful and popular
online community.
6. Content communities like flickr (for photo
sharing), (bookmarked links) and youtube
(video). This community organizes and shares certain
types of content.
7. Microblogging, social networking sites
combined blogs, where a small amount of content
(updates) are distributed online and via mobile phone
networks, twitter is the leader of this service.
From the above definition the researchers drew
the conclusion that social media has a variety of types
and have different functions and ways of use. But still
with the same purpose to exchange information and
easy to access.
Selfie (self portrait) is a photo activity that
displays the whole or part of the body of the user by
using the camera phone, where the photos can be
uploaded to social media like facebook or istagram
with the effects of social media. In addition, the selfie
is a symbol of action that is communicated by the
culprit to others who ultimately form the meaning. In
selfie and uploud activities of selfie photos in social
media, where the photographs feature a variety of
poses, makeup and physical appearance as well as a
selfie location. It is a manifestation of the interaction
of actions carried out by self-perpetrators with other
people and after the interaction takes place, then the
other social media users will interpret and give
meaning to what he sees, so that not infrequently
other users provide feedback / feedback whether it be
a comment or "like" (likes) to what is displayed by
the perpetrator selfie.
Kota Padangsidimpuan, is one of the middle cities
which is currently experiencing rapid growth in
various sectors. In addition, the city of
Padangsidimpuan is the only city located on the edge
of the west coast of Sumatra, so the city becomes a
shopping center of goods and services from several
other areas, such as; Tapanuli Selatan, Padang Lawas
Utara, Padang Lawas and Mandailing Natal.
Therefore, it is in this city in terms of the development
of information technology is also a reference for the
surrounding areas.
The phenomenon seen today in the city of
Padangsidimpuan that the teenagers from the age of
13 years to 21 years in the city of Padangsidimpuan
indeed are rife to do selfie photos, which have an
impact on their own both in terms of positive or
negative values that result in bad or otherwise for
them in take pictures of themselves to send to
colleagues or sent to social media.
Research methods
Research on "The Use of Social Media and
Perception on Selfie Photos (Descriptive Study of
Youth in Padang City)" is a quantitative research
approach. According Sugiyono (2011: 4)
Quantitative research is a systematic scientific
research on the parts and phenomena and their
The population in this study, including all
adolescents in Padang Sidempuan City registered on
statistical data about population by age group and
gender in 6 sub districts in Padangsidempuan City in
Use of Social Media and Self-image Perception: Descriptive Study for Adolescent in Padang Sidempuan City
2016 where the number of adolescents registered in
population data of Padang Sidempuan City was
24,189 person. sampling in this research using
Random Sampling Technique is sample drawn by
randomly selecting some strata, and all members of
the selected strata or at least sebahagian large.
Determination of the number of samples using the
formula proposed by Slovin (in Hussein, 2011: 77),
n = N
1 + N e2
Description: n = number of samples
N = total population
d = precision set, that is 5%
The number of population in this study is
adolescents between 12 s / d 20 years as many as
24,189 adolescents and the level of precision is set at
10%. Thus, the number of samples obtained as many
as 100 samples, such as pertitugan below.
n = N
1 + N e
n = 24.189
1 + 24.189(0.1)
n = 100
Furthermore, data collection methods in this study were
conducted with several methods namely, pustka study, field
research, and questionnaires. While the data analysis in this
study using statistical formula by finding the mean score,
percentage score and interval class. According to Tulus
Winarsunu (2009: 30) statistical formula in descriptive
analysis, as follows.
Mean, ie.
percentage score
 
 
 100
Number of respondents who choose (frequency) ×
the mean value at each interval
N: Number of respondents
: Mean
Next set the category of research instrument scanning.
The scoring category is defined by specifying the interval.
Data spans or intervals are obtained by using the formula
presented by Agus Irianto (2012: 22) below.
2.1 Use of Social Media and Adolescent
Perceptions of Self-image
The sub varaiabel from social media in this research
that is instgaram, line, whats app and facebook,
measured with 4 (four) indicator consisting of; reach,
accessibility, accessibility, usability, immediacy.
Furthermore the distribution of respondents' answers
about the use of social media based on the above
indicators, are as follows:
2.1.1 Reach Indicator (reach)
Distribution of respondents' answers about the use of
social media on the reach indicators, can be seen in
table 4.5
Table. 1. Answer Distribution Reach indicator (reach)
How often do you
use social media
every day?
11 51 23 15
Using social media
makes it easier for
me to see up-to-date
24 43 17 16
The contents of
instagram /
facebook, line
andWhatsApp are
always what I wan
26 55 11 8
Because of the wide
range of instagram /
facebook, line
andWhats App
makes me have lots
of friends
30 42 20 8
With the facebook /
instagram, line
andWhats App
makes it easier for
me to contact my
22 37 25 16
6 Although rarely met,
with the facebook /
instagram, line
andWhats App I can
communicate with
face to face
30 40 25 5
Noted: VO=Very Often, O=Often, R=Rarely. N=Never
Sources: Results of Research (Data,2017)
Based on table 1 above, for question no 1 found that
11 respondents very often use social media, 51 people
agree, 23 people are rare and 15 people never use
social media. While the question no. 2 found as many
as 24 people stated that they are very often easy to
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
obtain the latest information from social media, 43
people stated often, whereas respondents who
claimed rarely get the latest information from social
media as many as 17 people and never as many as 16
Next to question no. 3 ie the contents of instagram,
line, faceebook and WhatssApp, states very often as
many as 26 people, often 55 people, rarely 11 people
and never as many as 8 people. While the question no
4 ie the range of instagram, line, faceebook and
WhatssApp, too wide makes me have many friends
obtained respondents' answers very often as many as
30 people, often 42 people, rarely 20 people and never
8 people. Then on question no. 5 that is about the
instagram, line, faceebook and WhatssApp, make it
easier to contact the friends obtained the respondents'
answers 22 people very often, 37 people often, 25
people rarely and 16 people never. While in question
no 6 is about although rarely met, with the instagram,
line, faceebook and WhatssApp, I can communicate
with face to face obtained 30 respondents' answers
very often, 40 people often, 25 people rarely and 5
people never.
2.1.2 The Accessibility Indicator,
Distribution of respondents' answers about the use of
social media on accessibility indicators,
(accessibility) can be seen in table 4.6 as follows:
Table 2. Answer Distribution The accessibility indicator,
How often do you use social
media ever
28 26 34 12
Using social media makes it
easier for me to see up-to-date
20 45 29 6
The contents of instagram /
facebook, line andWhatsApp are
s what I want
40 41 8 11
Because of the wide range of
instagram / facebook, line
andWhats App makes me have
lots of friends
31 49 17 3
With the facebook / instagram,
line andWhats App makes it
easier for me to contact my
30 20 26 24
Noted: VO=Very Often, O=Often, R=Rarely. N=Never
Sources: Results of Research (Data,2017)
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Use of Social Media and Self-image Perception: Descriptive Study for Adolescent in Padang Sidempuan City