Analysis of Levels Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratio Salak
Sidimpuan Leaves (Salacca Sumatrana Becc.) on Two Different
Flowering Periods
Rasmita Adelina
, Irfan Suliansyah
, Auzar Syarief
, Warnita
Faculty of Agriculture, Graha Nusantara University. Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 14 Padangsidimpuan 22 718, North Sumatra.
Program Studies Agriculture Sciences, Graduate Program, Andalas University Padang
Keywords: Carbohydrat and Nitrogen Ratio. Leaves, Salak Sidimpuan, Flowering Period
Abstract: This study aims to determine the ratio of Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratios In Flowering Period from June
to September 2016 and Flowering Period from January to April 2017 at Sidimpuan Salak Leaves (Salacca
sumatrana Becc) .This research was conducted in Palopat Maria Village, Padang Sidimpuan Hutaimbaru
Subdistrict, The city of Padang sidimpuan. and Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Nutrient Analysis at the University
of Andalas Padang Soil and Plant Laboratory. The method used in this research is survey and purposive
sampling. To know the ratio ratio of Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Leaves of Salak Sidimpuan In Two periog
of Flowering by analyzed using SPSS with independent t-test. The results showed that the ratio of
Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratios was higher in the Flowering Period from January to April with an average
of 44,809 while the June to September period averaged 29,032.
Salak sidimpuan is one of the most famous fruit on
the island of Sumatra and even the island of Java.
Salak Sidimpuan spread almost in all subdistricts in
Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. This salak began
cultivated since 1930 in District West Angkola.
Salaknya flavor is famous for the taste of spicy,
sweet, slightly sour, or a mixture of flavor and aroma
of taste and taste different from salak pondoh and bali
salak and have different color characteristic that is red
or also called salak narara (salak sidimpuan red) and
there is barking nabontar (salak sidimpuan putih) and
Salak Sibakkua (Kaputra, 2006).
Salak is included in the family palmae that blooms
throughout the year like coconut. However, in reality
the harvest season only reaches twice a year ie harvest
(January-February) from the flowering of October
and moderate harvest (July-August) from the
flowering of April, even more frequent harvest only
once a year harvest (Rai, et al. 2010).
One of the causal factors affecting the production
of salak fruit sidimpuan is the unsuccessful interest
developed into fruit (fruit-set failure). Differences in
nutrient status such as nitrogen, Posfor, Potassium
and the ratio of carbohydrates and nitrogen in the
leaves, are internal factors that affect the failure of the
fruit set. N, P and K nutrient elements are the main
nutrients used to promote the growth, production and
quality of fruit trees. External factors such as rainfall,
temperature, humidity, soil soil levels also influence
the integration of the fruit set.
One of the triggers of the fruit set is the
accumulation of carbohydrates produced by
photosynthesis that is stored as a plant food reserve,
Balance ratio of Nitrogen Carbohydrates will
determine the balance of vegetative and generative
phases. Higher amounts of nitrogen or a smaller ratio
of Nitrogen Carbohydrates will keep plants in the
vegetative phase of course will have problems in the
flowering process and conception is imminent.
However, carbohydrate values that are too high
without being offset by sufficient nitrogen amount
will cause plant death or will not bear fruit the
following season (Endah, 2008). The high ratio of the
Nitrogen and Carbohydrate has driven the plant
towards a generative development
Based on the description above it is necessary to
do research on studies of Analysis of level
Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratios Leaf Salak
Sidimpuan (Salacca sumatrana Becc) In Two
Different Flowering Periode.
Adelina, R., Suliansyah, I., Syarief, A. and Warnita, .
Analysis of Levels Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratio Salak Sidimpuan Leaves (Salacca sumatrana Becc.) on Two Different Flowering Periods.
DOI: 10.5220/0010042503310334
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 331-334
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research has been conducted in Palopat Maria
Village, Padangsidimpuan Hutaimbaru Subdistrict,
Padangsidimpuan City, from January to April 2017,
and Analysis of Carbohydrate and Nitrogen
Nutritional content was done at Andalas University
Laboratory of Padang. The flowering period of June
Up to September has been done in Harahap (2016).
The tools used in this research are: oven, scale,
Flame Emission Spectrophometer (FES), meter,
stationery, knife, camera, sign board, research sample
label and other materials supporting this research.
The material used is the leaf of salak sidimpuan plant.
This research has been done by purposive
sampling method, analysis of nutrient nitrogen and
carbohydrate is done to the leaves with the following
criteria are : DI (Leaf on the open midrib), DII
(Leaves on the midrib there are flowers) and DIII (
leaf on the midrib which is there are fruits).
The ratio analysis of nitrogen and carbohydrate
two flowering periode is analyzed using Independent
Test sample T-test. Method of analysis To see the
nutrient content, ratio of Nitrogen Carbohydrate and
to the flowering of salak was analyzed by T-Test.
Test t for different variants (unequal variance)
using manual formula Separated Variance below :
: Number of samples in flowering period from June to
: Number of samples in flowering period January
: Average sample during flowering period June
- September
: Average sample during the January-April flowering
: Sample variance during flowering period June
- September
: Sample variance in flowering period January-April
The null hypothesis is rejected if the t ratio or the
result of the analysis goes beyond the critical point (t
an.> T table). If the production and the large sugar
content the null hypothesis is rejected if p value
<alpha is set (Sarwono, 2006)
The research parameters were: ratio of
carbohydrate and nitrogen leaf and production on one
periode flowering (kg).
3.1 Production of Salak Sidimpuan
Production of Salak Sidempuan On Two Season of
Flowering Through the result of observation of
average production of salak sidimpuan on 10 plants
sample of salak sidimpuan salak can be seen in Table
Table 1. Average Salak Salak production in June Up to
September 2016 and Salimp Sidimpuan Salak Production
Rate from January to April 2017 (kg).
Juni- Sept
1 2.8 3.5
2 4.4
3 4.6 5.2
4 2.4
5 4.4 4.6
3.8 6 2.5
7 3.7 5.7
4.7 8 4.6
9 3.5 3.8
6.4 10 3.6
e 3.65 4.37
Average production of salak Sidimpuan on
flowering periode June to September that is: 3.65 kg.
While in January to April that is 4.37 kg. The average
production of salak plants in January Up to April is
higher than the average production of salak from June
to September. This condition is in line with the fact
that the ratio of Nitrogen Carbohydrate to Salak
plants in January to April is higher than the ratio of
Nitrogen Carbohydrate from June to September (table
2). According to the study of Liferdi et al. (2005)
found that the ratio of carbohydrate and nitrogen to
four rambutan varieties increased sharply from the
vegetative phase ranging from 0.85 to 0.90 and
towards the generative phase (fruit formation)
ranging from 1.03 to 1.27. The high ratio of Nitrogen
Carbohydrate has encouraged the plant towards
generative development. 3% glucose content both for
flowering and fruit formation process (Diah, 2012).
3.2 Results Analysis of Carbohydrate
and Nitrogen Ratios Leaf Salak
Carbohydrate and Nitrogen ratio analysis on leaf
tissue of salak sidimpuan with leaf criteria that is
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
midrib fully open leaves of leaf (DI), leaf on the
midrib which is there are flowers (DII) and leaf on the
midrib which is there is fruit (DIII) can be seen in
table 2 below.
Table 2. Average Carbohydrate Ratio, Nitrogen Flaring
Results In Flowering Periode June-September 2016 and
January-April 2017.
Juni-Sept 2016
Jan - April 2017
D I 31.614 46.489
D II 24.330 35.626
D III 17.020 52.563
Total 29.203 44.809
Based on table 2, it can be seen that the result of
average analysis of ratio of Carbohydrate, highest
Nitrogen In flowering season of January-April 2017
is highest in type of leaf of DIII( Leaves on the midrib
there are fruit) 52.563% and the lowest is in DII leaf
type (Leaves on the midrib there are flowers) is
Ratio C / N imbalances can disrupt vegetative
phases (developmental periods of roots, stems and
leaves) and the generative phase (the time of flower
and fruit formation) of plants. High C / N ratio will
encourage rapid flowering and fruit formation.
(Liferdi et al., 2000). This is seen in table 2 C / N ratio
of the highest obtained on DIII is the leaves of the
stem which in the armpits there were fruits.
Based on rainfall data, high production in
flowering periode January to April is caused by high
intensity of precipitation in September, so the
production of salak during flowering period of
January to April is higher that is 4.37. According
Sofyan et. al (2002), states that water for plants is one
of the main ingredients to increase the rate of
photosynthesis. The presence of water is required in
the nitrogenase process. The high rainfall then the
process of nirogenase in leaf cells run smoothly so as
to support the process of flowering and fruit set in
salak plants. The availability of essential elements
such as the N elements that are part of the protein, the
enzyme of the biological catalyst agent helps the
formation of leaf chlorophyll.
Table 3. Independent T Test Analysis Results Carbohydrate
and Nitrogen Ratio In two flowering periode
April 2017
Number of sample
30 30
Carbohydrate and
NitrogenRatio (%)
29.023 44.809
Signifikansi : 0.000< 0.05
t-count : 5.176
: 2.048
Comparation : 0.220- 9.492 %
Note : * (significant)
Based on the results of the independent t-test test
obtained a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) which
means there is a significant difference between
Flowering June to September 2016 with the flowering
period January-April 2017. T-count value obtained
for 5.176larger than t-table (0.05,28) = 2.048 which
means RI (Average Nitrogen Carbohydrate Ratio In
June of June) rejected and R II (Average
Carbohydrate Ratio in January April 2017) accepted
which means tested statistically average
Carbohydrate ratio, Nitrogen Leaf of salak Sidimpuan
in Flowering from January to April 2017 is higher,
significantly different from the ratio of Carbohydrate,
Nitrogen in flowering period June to September 2016.
This is caused by external factors such as
temperature, humidity With the knowing change of
ratio of Carbohydrate, Nitrogen from each phase
growth, allowing for flowering arrangements outside
the seasons through cultivation manipulation
(Pidkowich et al., 1999).
Environmental factors will affect the
physiological processes in plants. All physiological
processes will be affected by temperature and some
processes will depend on light. Optimum temperature
is required for plants to be utilized as well as possible
by plants. Temperatures that are too high will inhibit
the growth of plants will even be able to cause death
for plants, and vice versa too low temperature (Sarief,
The existence of the nitrogen element is also very
important especially in relation to the formation of
chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is considered as a
"machine" of plants because it is able to synthesize
carbohydrates that will support plant growth. The
presence of nitrogen in the structure of plants is
influenced by several factors, especially the
availability of water, nutrients in the soil, especially
Analysis of Levels Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Ratio Salak Sidimpuan Leaves (Salacca sumatrana Becc.) on Two Different Flowering
nitrogen.Intensitas of light affects the activity of
photosynthesis. To form chlorophyll, a high enough
ATP (energy) is needed and for the assimilation of
CO2 is also required enzyme which is largely protein
(Liferdi et al, 2005).
Carbohydrate Ratio, Nitrogen flowering periode June-
September 2016 is 29.203 while in the flowering periode
January-April 2017 is 44.809. Based on the results of t
test analysis, the ratio of carbohydrate and nitrogen
flowering period of January to April 2017 was
significantly different with the ratio of carbohydrate and
nitrogen perode flowering June to September 2016
The highest carbohydrate and nitrogen ratio is
obtained in the flowering periode of January-April 2017,
which is 44,809 where the highest value is at D III
(Leaves of the armpits there were fruits) 52,563 and the
lowest in D II (Leaves of there were flowers) that is
Based on the results of observations in this study The
average production of salak flowering period of January-
April 2017 is higher than the average production of salak
in the period of flowering from June to September 2016.
This research is part of dissertation research with
topics of application of off season production
technique on salak Sidimpuan plant to be fruitful
throughout the year. We said thank you very much to
the nutrient analysis team in the laboratory of the
majors of the Land Faculty of Agriculture University
Andalas Padang and research team students of
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