Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit
Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District
Julia Marisa
and Ismail Dahlan
University of Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
Keywords: Business Analysis, Citra Water Apple, Revenue Cost Ratio.
Abstract: This study aims to identify the cultivation technique of citra water apple farming system, to determine the
production cost component in the farming system, and to analyze the feasibility of the citra water apple
farming system. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative analysis that researchers describe the
condition variables: revenue volume businesses citra water apple cultivation in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village,
Pulau Semikat, Langkat District. To determine the cost of the components can be seen by analyzing the
feasibility citra water apple using a calculation Analysis of Acceptance and Expense Balance (R/C Ratio) and
Break Even Point (BEP) with descriptive analysis method is direct interview to farmers in the study site.
Respondents in this study are all existing citra water apple farmers in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau
Semikat, Langkat District. The samples were 25 families using Simple random sampling method. The result
of this research shows that the citra water apple farming system in the research area is economically beneficial
for the farmers which is 11,557,027 rupiah and from the business feasibility aspect is the type of activity that
is feasible to be cultivated and developed because the value of Revenue Cost Ratio is 1.66.
Citra water apple farming is much in demand by
farmers as a livelihood which is a source of farmer
income. The prospect of farmers working on citra
water apple farming can increase farmers' income. It
can also increase the nutritional value of food.
Because citra water apple contains many proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, and vitamin C is good
for the health of the body.
Farmers in the implementation of farming has
a goal that is how farming is done will be able to
provide benefits by using resources well-owned in
order to obtain high income so as to meet daily needs.
Therefore, analysis of citra water apple farming
system needs to be done by farmers in implementing
their farming in order to know the amount of income.
2.1 Research Procedure
The design of this study was first performed by
observing to study the problems or difficulties that
arise. The results of the observations then made
scenarios that support and create a flow problem. The
second stage is the stage of data analysis by analyzing
the costs of production and business acceptance with
the income analysis approach. Then analyzing the
breakeven point of the cashew water business with
the Break Even Point (BEP) analysis approach in
terms of both price and production, then analyzed the
feasibility of the business. The third stage is the
interpretation of the data by interpreting the results of
the predictive values of each variable and comparing
it with previous theories and research results.
Interpretations may prove the theory, opposed to
theory and developed a new theory as a reference on
the research results. The next stage is to draw
conclusions, which this stage to conclude the results
achieved and recommend to the relevant parties.
Marisa, J. and Dahlan, I.
Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District.
DOI: 10.5220/0010040902220229
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 222-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1.
2.2 Parameters Observed
Parameters observed in this study include: farmer
family data, data analysis of citra water apple farming
system consisting of variable costs, fixed costs and
income and feasibility of the farming.
2.3 Type and Scope of Research
The type of this research is descriptive quantitative
research that is the researcher who describes the
variable condition that is the amount of income
obtained by the citra water apple business actor and
the feasibility of the business.
The scope of this research is in Hamlet II Paya
Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District. The
method used in this study were interviews to farmers
citra water apple by using a questionnaire that had
been made in advance. The research location is taken
purposively (intentionally) on the basis that one of the
areas that have great potential in the development of
farming, especially citra water apple, in addition to
the scale of farming citra water apple is owned by
local farmers relatife a lot.
2.4 Data Collection Technique
Data collection conducted in this research are:
1. Observation, which is a direct observation of
the citra water apple farming system in
Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat,
Langkat District.
2. Questionnaires and interviews, the retrieval
of data by dividing the questionnaire or a list
of questions to the farmers as well as
communicate directly with respondents to
obtain the necessary data.
2.5 Population and Sample
Population in this research is all farmer of jambu air
citra that exist in Hamlet II Paya Salit Desa Semikat
Island Sirapit District of Langkat Regency. The
number of population as many as 45 families and the
number of samples in the set as many as 25 families
using Simple random sampling method, where the
sample characteristics are homogeneous, the
treatment in the farm and the variables will be
examined the same. It is the same with Bailey's theory
that states for research using statistical analysis, the
minimum sample size of 30 (Hassan, 2002).
2.6 Data Analysis Method
Analysis of the data used to determine the income of
citra water apple are:
Π = TR – TC (1)
TR = Py. Y (2)
TC = FC + VC (3)
Π : The level of income or profit in the citra water
apple business n Hamlet II Paya Salit Village,
Pulau Semikat, Langkat District.
TR : Total business revenue
TC : Total cost
FC : Fixed cost
VC : Variable cost
Y : Production obtained in a business
Py : Price Y
Analysis of Acceptance and Expense Balance (R/C
Ratio). To view the relative advantages citra water
apple business is done by calculating the value of the
balance between revenue and costs. The balance
value is derived from the ratio of the total acceptance
of the fee or can be derived from the ratio of
acceptance of cash costs. The value of a counter can
be calculated by:
By criteria ::
1. RCR > 1 : feasible (profitable).
2. RCR = 1 : break even point.
3. RCR < 1 : not feasible (unprofitable)
Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District
3.1 Research Result
3.1.1 Farmers Characteristics of
Respondent Farmer's Age
The respondents were aged between 23-60 years old.
Distribution of respondents by age and percentage
can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Distribution of farmer's age of respondents in
Number of
21-30 2 6,67
31-40 8 26,67
41-50 17 56,67
51-60 3 10,00
Total 30 100,0 0
Average: 42 years
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that most
respondents are at the age of 41-50 years (56.67%)
and are at least in the range of 21-30 years (6, 67%).
This shows that the average age of respondents is still
at productive age.
Education and Experience Level. Farmers of
respondents are divided into five groups based on the
level of education that is not finished primary school,
graduated from elementary school, graduated from
junior high school, graduated from high school, and
graduated degree. In the following table it can be seen
that the level of education of respondent farmers is
quite varied with the most respondents take high
school and equivalent as many as 12 people (40%).
A total of 6 people graduated from elementary
school, and 4 people were able to graduated degree.
The formal education of the respondent farmers is not
very influential because all the respondent farmers get
informal education that is training and counseling
conducted by farmer group and local government.
Table 2. Distribution of farmers' level of education in 2017
Level of
Number of
6 20,00
8 26,67
h school 12 40,00
4 13,33
Total 30 100
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Citra water apple farmers have different experience
and not too long in developing the commodity of citra
water apple because it is classified as new kind of fruit
plants in Indonesia. The following distribution of
farmers' experience can be seen in table 3.
Table 3. Distribution of farmers' experiences in 2017.
Level of
Number of
8 26,67
ears 16 53,33
ears 4 13,33
ears 2 6,67
Total 30 100
Average: 2 years
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Land Size, Land Status, and Number of Trees
Based on the number of plants owned by respondents
in table 4 it is known that most of the respondent
farmers have the number of trees 1-200 trees reach 17
people (70.83%). The age of trees planted by farmers
is generally over 2 years old.
Table 4. Distribution of the number of plants owned by
farmers of respondents in 2017.
Number of
12-100 8 26,67
101-200 11 36,67
201-300 5 16,67
>301 6 20,00
Total 30 100
Average: 229 trees
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Based on the land ownership status of the farmers,
the respondents are differentiated into the farmers
who process their own land, the farmers who cultivate
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
the land belonging to the same lease land and the
farmers who process the land of people (profit
Farmers who worked on their own land amounted
to 20 people, but there is 1 person who also worked
on rented land. In addition there are 4 people who
work on the land of others with the terms of profit
sharing where all expenses borne by the tiller. This
shows that the ownership of the land of the
respondents is high so that the farmers can more
easily take decisions in cultivation. The farmers' land
area ranges from 0.016 to 0.7 hectares. It is seen that
most of the farmers that is 50 percent have cultivated
land with an area of between 0.1 - 0.3 hectares. The
grouping of farmers based on cultivated area can be
seen in Table 5.
Table 5. Distribution of farmers of respondents by land area
Land Area
Farmers Respondents
Number of
< 0,1 ha 7 23,33
0,1-0,3 ha 17 56,67
>0,3 ha 6 20,00
Total 30 100
Average : 0,24 ha
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Farming Status. Based on the status of farming in
table 10, it is known that most farmers of respondents
do citra water apple farming as a side business that is
22 people (91.67%). Respondents who made the citra
water apple as the main livelihood is only 2 people
Table 6. Distribution of farmers respondents based on
farming status
Land Area
Farmers Respondents
Number of
< 0,1 ha 1 4,16
0,1-0,3 ha 1 4,16
>0,3 ha 22 91,66
Total 24 100
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
The household income of farmers is derived from
the income of farming and income outside the farm.
Revenue outside the farm can come from off-farm
employment, income of other family members
coming from outside the farm, outside assets and
other farming. Farmers of respondents generally have
income outside the farm which reaches Rp 2.000.000
per month as many as 18 people (75%). The main
work done by farmers consists of civil servants,
laborers, entrepreneurs and farmers.
3.1.2 Cost of Revenue, Total Cost and
Revenue Farming Citra Water Apple
Regional Research
Admission Fee, total cost and income of citra water
apple farming system in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village,
Pulau Semikat, Langkat District can be explained in
table 7 below. Business income obtained from the
number of fruit multiplied by the unit price and from
the seeds sold as much as 229.27 seeds with the price
per seed of Rp. 10,000.
The total cost of the business consists of cash
costs and calculated costs. The cash cost consists of
purchasing fertilizers, labor costs outside the family,
and paying taxes. While the calculated costs consist
of labor costs in the family, depreciation costs, and
land rent.
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Constraints Faced in Citra Water
Apple Farming
Farmers in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau
Semikat, Langkat District faced various obstacles in
implementing citra water apple farming system. Most
of the problems lie with the cultivation sector.
Problems in the upstream subsystem is the
availability of labor, the family members there tends
reluctance because it is busy with their individual
activities. Farmers only do this farming activities as a
side job so that when taken into account the use of
labor is still less efficient. Farmers who only do
maintenance activities when they are spare plants
causing plants to be unkempt, crop failure, dead, and
the end of many farmers stopped as in the first year of
production of this citra water apple in Hamlet II Paya
Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District.
The use of labor has an impact on the increase in
cash costs that must be issued by farmers who are still
limited capital. At the beginning of the event often
occurs the theft of plants up to hundreds of trees and
fruit when going to harvest. The cultivation
subsystem has many problems because the plant is so
sensitive that cultivation must be tightly controlled.
The use of inputs such as intensive labor leads to high
costs and also ultimately makes the selling price high.
Farmers do cultivation without training so farmers
do it with an estimate of personal experience alone.
Complaints that often arise from farmers are pests and
Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District
diseases. Fruit does not have a layer of wax as told
before so farmers are not ready Because the fruit field
is easily attacked by pests. The level of pest attack is
very high when the farmer late to do the packaging of
fruit. Conversely wrapping fruit when the fruit is still
too small also makes fruit to fall out.
Fertilization done by farmers is less causing the
growth of plants disturbed. The high price of non-
subsidized fertilizer is one of the causes of the lack of
fertilizer which resulted in low yields other than
because farmers' crops generally have not entered the
productive age of 2-10 years.
The cost of drugs to treat diseases tend to be high
because of the variety of pests and diseases
encountered. The lack of key inputs that directly
affect fertilizers and medicines causes far-reaching
crop yields. The problem of the off-farm subsystem,
the problem faced is the low selling price due to the
low quality of the crop. The harvest is strongly
influenced by the physical appearance of the fruit,
such as the color and smoothness of the fruit skin. The
color of the fruit is too old due to poor wrinkling
mistakes. Unscheduled harvests lead to
overproduction but the bad consequences of the fruit
sale price have been reduced.
The marketing of this fruit resulted in many
farmers began to rely on the sale of transplanted
seedlings. In the field seen some farmers tend to focus
on grafting graft so that the harvest is low. The farmer
cuts the fruit on the transplanted portion so that the
nutrients are focused on root growth. Transplants
should only be done when the plants are grown,
which is around the age of two years. Young breeds
cause the transplant plants to die more easily. The
price of citra water apple seeds in the market reaches
Rp 10,000-Rp15 000.
3.2.2 Analysis of the Income of Citra Water
Apple Farming System
The analysis of farming is done by calculating the
level of income and R / C ratio of cashew water
farming system. Respondent analysis of cashew water
farming system done in this research is 30 people.
The farming analysis conducted refers to the concept
of income over the cost of cash costs and total costs.
Cash costs can be interpreted as costs incurred in
cash such as the cost of purchasing production
facilities, the cost of labor outside the family and
taxes. The total cost is the cash cost plus the
calculated cost. Calculated costs are expenses that are
not in cash such as fees for family labor use,
depreciation of equipment and the cost of
counterparts for land or lease of land.
The analysis of farm income is useful to give an
idea of the advantages or disadvantages of a farm that
is calculated based on the amount of revenue earned
less the cost incurred. Analysis of farm income
includes an analysis of revenue on cash costs and
income analysis over total costs. In the cost
component, the costs incurred by the farmers consist
of cash costs and costs are taken into account.
Analysis of farm income is done by comparing
respondent farmers based on plant age.
3.2.3 Farming Costs Structure
Expenditure or expense is the entire sacrifice of
economic resources in the units of money (rupiah)
required to produce the product within a production
period. Production cost is all expenses incurred to
produce a commodity or product either in cash or
taken into account. The cost of farming is divided into
cash costs and calculated costs. The calculation of
cash costs includes the cost of cutting the harvest
payments, the purchase of fertilizers, medicines, fruit
wrappers, family labor and other costs such as tax
costs. Calculated costs or non expenses include
depreciation expenses and counterpart fees for family
labor, and land. The balancing cost for land or land
rent is included in the cost is taken into account
because the average farmer has his own land.
Depreciation cost of equipment in each used by
farmers have the same value because the comparable
farming is a farm which in the same cultivation
technique so that the equipment used for farming is
relatively the same.
3.2.4 Cash Cost
The cash cost of the citra water apple farming system
used in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat,
Langkat District include :
a. Seeds
Seeds of plants used are the result of grafting
seedlings that where the price of the seedlings
transplanted citra water apple are Rp 10.000.00
b. Fertilizer
The use of fertilizer in citra water apple
is manure, artificial fertilizer (NPK Mutiara,
Phonska, KCl). The amount of fertilizer used by
farmers of respondents in 2017 per hectare can
be seen in the following table.
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
Table 7. Use of fertilizer per stratum age per hectare per
No. Type
Total Value
1. Manure
1.416,67 9.916.690
PK (k
) 633,83 7.605.960
3. KCL (k
) 288,89 3.466.680
Total 2.339,39 20.989.330
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
The results showed the use of fertilizers is very
varied and not patterned, it is because the farmer
does not follow the standard fertilization given
during counseling. Many farmers do not follow
the counseling because they are busy with their
main work.
Manure is purchased from animal breeders such
as goats, buffalo, and chickens that are scattered
around the research area. Artificial fertilizers
such as NPK, Phonska, and KCl are purchased
from kiosks of agricultural production facilities.
The cost of manure reached Rp 7 000 per sack
while the pearl NPK fertilizer reached Rp 12
000 per kg, Phonska Rp 3 000 per kg, and KCL
Rp 12 000 per kg. Artificial fertilizer prices are
cheaper when purchased per bag which weighs
about 50 kg where there are pieces to Rp 2000
per kg. The fertilizer cost reached Rp.
20,989,330 or approximately 41.05% cash cost
incurred by farmers. The use of fertilizer in the
field is still less than the standard of fertilization
is the cause of nutrient deficiency crops so that
the harvest is less than the maximum.
c. Plastic Packaging and Styrofoam Nets
Fruit wrapping costs is Rp. 4.700.000,00 or
7,42% cash costs incurred by farmers.
d. Families of Labor Affairs
The cost of labor is divided into two parts,
namely labor in the family and labor outside the
family. the use of labor is mostly in the weeding
stage that is equal to 247.24 HOK or about
32.61% total HOK. This is because the citra
water apple
requires a lot of nutrients and
fertilizers that many participate in improving the
growth of weeds in the vicinity so that farmers
should often weeding plants in order to make
efficient use of fertilizer is very expensive
because there is no fertilizer subsidy.
Labor outside the family that is used by the
respondent amounted to 121.66 HOK farmers
for a year with an average wage per day Rp
36. 302.72 for eight hours of work requires a fee
of Rp 4.730.772,76 per hectare per year or
reaches 6,15% cash costs.
Table 8. Cash cost incurred by citra water apple farmers
Total Unit
Cost of
350 seeds 5000 1.750.000
633,83 12.000 7.605.960
288,89 kg 12.000 3.466.680
46,52 liter
91,3 HOK 50.000 4.565.000
5,31 HOK 50.000 265.500
11,04 HOK 50.000 552.000
9,87 HOK 50.000 493.500
6,3 HOK 50.000 315.000
00.00 HOK 50.000 -
Total Cost
of Family
Tota Cash Fees
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
In the table above can be seen that cash business cash
citra water apple cost of Rp. 33,367,640, - consisting
of installment costs in the purchase of seeds
amounting to Rp. 1.750.000,00 NPK fertilizer of Rp.
7.605.960,00 KCL fertilizer as much as 288.89 kg of
Rp. 3.466.680,00 the use of drugs 46.52 liters of
Rp.9.304.000,00 Labor costs from outside the family
in terms of cleaning, pruning, fertilization, spraying,
packaging, and harvesting of Rp. 6.191.000,00 and
the tax payment fee of Rp. 350.00.-.
3.2.5 Calculated Costs
Costs are calculated on a citra water apple farming
imagery used in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau
Semikat, Langkat District cover depreciation of
agricultural equipment, labor in the family, and land
lease are taken into account. Land owned by farmers
in this village has an area of 0.005 ha to 0.7 ha.
Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District
The cost of land rent per hectare per year reaches
Rp 7,000,000. The land used is owned by the farmers
and some of the land is cultivated with profit sharing
so this cost does not include the cash cost.
Depreciation cost of equipment in each used by
farmers has the same value because the comparable
farming system is the same guava farming
(homogeneous) or farming in the same cultivation
techniques so that the equipment used for farming is
relatively the same. Tools that are mostly owned by
farmers are hoes, sickles, cutting scissors, fruit
scissors, scissors, and machetes. The cost of
depreciation of farm equipment owned by farmers is
computed using the straight-line method. Calculation
of the value of depreciation of agricultural equipment
can be seen in table 9.
Table 9. Depreciation value of agricultural equipment
per year
1 50.000 750 5 9.850
1 30.000 750 5 5.850
1 20.000 750 5 3.850
1 50.000 0 2 25.000
1 25.000 0 2 12.500
1 10.000 0 2 5.000
1 50.000 750 5 9.850
Total Cash Cost
235 000 71.900
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
The calculated cost in the citra water apple farm in the
research area consists of depreciation cost of Rp.
71.900, labor cost of the family (HOK) of Rp.
3.500.000 and land rent of Rp. Rp. 7,000,000. For
more details can be seen in table 10 below.
Table 10. Costs calculated on the citra water apple farming
Component Cost (Rp)
Depreciation costs
Labor (HOK)
Land ren
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
3.2.6 Reception Farming
Acceptance of received farming is the multiplication
of total crop yield and the selling price received.
Reception of farmers comes from the production of
citra water apple farming system. Acceptance of citra
water apple farming system in Hamlet II Paya Salit
Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District in 2017 is
Rp. 55,505,167 from fruit receipt and seed receipt of
Rp. 53,212,500 and Rp. 2,292,667. Acceptance of
seedlings is obtained when plants are grafted.
Transplantation reduces the productivity of the fruit
because the fruit will have to be removed so that the
roots can grow.
Table 11. Average acceptance of citra water apple farming
in 2017
Total Unit
Fruit 2128,5 kg
Seeds 229,27 Seeds
Total Revenue
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
3.2.7 Farming Income
Farm income will be profitable if the difference
between revenue and expenditure is positive.
Revenue is divided into revenues over cash costs and
total cost revenues. Revenue on cash costs is derived
from a reduction in total revenue by cash
disbursements. Revenue on total costs is derived from
the reduction in total revenue and total expenditure.
Table 12. Revenue of citra water apple farming 2017
Total Revenue 55.505.167
Total Entire Cos
Revenue on cash costs 22.137.527
Revenue on total cos
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Table 12. shows the production value (revenue)
generated from the business in this research area of
Rp. 55.505.167, - per one cycle. Citra water apple is
sold fresh. The total cost resulting from the sum of
fixed costs and variable costs is Rp. 43.948.140. The
results of the data from Table 12 show the net income
received by the farmers of the citra water apple
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
business obtained from the total receipts less the total
cost / total cost is Rp. 11,557,027 per cycle.
By looking at the criteria of assessment that a
business is profitable if a price level multiplied by the
amount of citra water apple production exceeds all
costs, it can be ensured that the citra water apple
business is feasible to develop. At the level of efforts
to maximize profits are usually realized through
improvements in technical efficiency.
3.2.8 Farming Efficiency
Hernanto's (1989) opinion, one measure of farm-
based income efficiency is the calculation of Revenue
and Cost Ratio (R / C Ratio). Overall value of R / C
cash and R / C total of this business is 1.66 and 1.30.
Citra water apple farming in Hamlet II Paya Salit
Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District is feasible to
be cultivated (shown) as indicated by the R / C Ratio>
1, the average value is 1.66. It means with the
sacrifice (production cost) of Rp. 1.00 then the farmer
will get the revenue (production value) of Rp. 1.66.
With reference to this situation, the citra water apple
farming system in the research area is feasible and
provides benefits even to be developed or
implemented. For more details can be seen in table
Table 13. Efficiency of citra water apple farming 2017.
Description Value
Total Revenue 55.505.167
Total Entire Cos
Revenue on cash costs (A-B) 22.137.527
Revenue on total cost (A-D) 11.557.027
R/C rasio over cash char
e (A/B) 1,66
R/C rasio over total costs (A/D) 1,3
Source: Primary Data (processed), 2017.
Based on the analysis of farm income done to the
farmers of respondents in Hamlet II Paya Salit
Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District, it can be
1. Citra water apple farming in the research area is
an activity that is economically still profitable for
farmers that is Rp.11.557.027, -. Overall, the
citra water apple farm has an income value on
cash cost and revenues at a positive total cost.
2. In terms of the feasibility of citra water apple
farming system is a kind of activity that deserves
to be cultivated and developed because the value
of Revenue Cost Ratio 1.66.
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Analysis of Citra Water Apple Business in Hamlet II Paya Salit Village, Pulau Semikat, Langkat District