Development of Kamosu Learning Media for Rotation Dynamics
Susi Badriyah
, Muhammad Minan Chusni
, Endah Kurnia Yuningsih
Department of Physics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH Nasution No. 105 Bandung, Indonesia
Keyword: Kamosu, Media, Rotational Dynamics.
Abstract: This research aims to determine the feasibility of learning media in the form of Kamosu (Kayu Momentum
Sudut) practicum tools. The development of Kamosu practicum tools refers to previous research conducted
by Sri Jumini and Lilis Muhlisoh. This type of research is a development research with ADDIE model. This
research procedure follows the steps of the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. Data collection techniques in this study are by distributing expert assessment
questionnaires and student questionnaire responses. Based on the results of the expert assessment, Kamosu
practicum equipment is suitable for use in the learning process with a percentage of 90.48% feasibility. The
results of the questionnaire responses of students that amounted to 81.90% stated that students responded well
to the use of Kamosu practicum tools. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the
Kamosu practicum learning media is suitable for use in the learning process.
Natural Science, especially physics is a physical and
cyclic knowledge which includes processes, products
and scientific attitudes that are interconnected and
explain the measurement of natural symptoms
through observation and research (Yuliani, 2012).
One of the most important goals of science education
is to teach students to be directly involved in the
investigation process (Zeidan & Jayosi, 2015). A
teacher as an educator must carry out the learning
process in the classroom with a pleasant, interactive
atmosphere and involve students directly. The
interactive learning process can be done by the
teacher by using assistance including approaches,
methods, models, and learning media. Learning
methods that are supported by instructional media and
innovative practicum kits are one of the potential to
create an interesting learning process, so as to
motivate students to be more active in the learning
process (Wicaksono, 2016). Physics learning is more
fun and easily understood by students if the process
uses practical tools (Hamdani, Kurniati, & Sakti,
Material in physics is generally abstract and
difficult to understand including material dynamics of
rotation. Rotational dynamics is one of the physics
material that becomes a difficulty for students
(Rimoldini & Singh, 2005); lvaro, Moreira, &
Sahelices, 2009). Therefore, learning media is needed
to help the learning process become more interactive
and fun for students so that they are able to receive
and understand material easily. The design of
learning media based on a development model in an
effort to facilitate the teaching and learning process is
an alternative to improve the learning process
(Nurjanah, Sukarmin, & Rahardjo, 2014) (Yuningsih,
Chusni, & Sidik, 2018).
The type of research used is the development research
with ADDIE model. The ADDIE model stages are
Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation (Aldoobie, 2015) (Sugiyono, 2010). The
analysis phase is to find problems by means of needs
analysis, media analysis, curriculum analysis and
literature study. The design stage is done by designing
learning media and selecting materials. Kamosu
learning media is developed from a pre-existing
practicum tool (Jumini & Muhlisoh, 2013). The
development process was carried out to make
Kamosu learning media and validated by three
Badriyah, S., Chusni, M. and Yuningsih, E.
Development of Kamosu Learning Media for Rotation Dynamics Materials.
DOI: 10.5220/0010025300002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 595-598
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
experts. The implementation process is carried out by
the application of Kamosu learning media in the
learning process of rotational dynamics at Yadika
Cicalengka High School, Bandung Regency. The
implementation process is also used by the Student
Activity Sheet to find out the practicum process and
the student questionnaire is distributed to Kamosu
learning media. Evaluation or evaluation is done at
the end of each ADDIE phase.
This research was conducted at Yadika
Cicalengka High School, Bandung Regency with
participants two expert lecturers, one physics teacher
and 20 MIPA students who were divided into four
practical groups. Expert validation and field testing
using a questionnaire with a number of statements
based on guidelines for making physics teaching aids
(Jumini & Muhlisoh, 2013). The statement on the
expert validation questionnaire consists of seven
aspects, namely: linkages with teaching materials,
suitability with the intellectual development of
students, equipment durability, accuracy of tools,
efficiency of tools, safety for students, and aesthetics.
The statement on the field test questionnaire consists
of four aspects, namely: implementation, continuity,
suitability, and acceptance (Depdikbud, 2011). These
four aspects produce nine indicators, namely: ease,
clarity, efficiency, maintenance of tools, durability of
tools, intensity of use, compatibility with the
environment, attractiveness, and acceptance. In
addition to using questionnaires, the field test also
used student activity sheets as practical instructions
made according to the guidelines for making
instructional materials (Hikmah, 2017).
The expert validation test data analysis technique
is done by calculating the average score of each
aspect (Depdikbud, 2008). The average score
obtained was changed to the eligibility criteria
according to Wisdom (Depdikbud, 2011). The
eligibility criteria for learning media according to
Wisdom are found in Table 1.
Table 1: Feasibility Categories of Learning Media
e Score Cate
80% - 100% Valid / Feasible
60% - 79,9% Quite Valid / Quite Feasible
40% - 59,9% Less Valid / Less Feasible
0 - 39,9% Invalid / Infeasible
Kamosu is a learning media in the form of practical
equipment made of wood. This learning media can be
used to measure the number of turns and the time
required for a homogeneous rod to rotate so that the
moment of inertia, angular velocity and angular
momentum of the homogeneous rod can be
calculated. the homogeneous rods used in Kamosu
numbered three homogeneous stems with different
masses. Kamosu development results can be seen in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Kamosu Practicum Tool
Based on the results of expert validation, every
aspect of the feasibility of the learning media is the
aspect of linkages with teaching materials, the value
of education, equipment durability, accuracy of tools,
efficiency of tools, safety for students, and aesthetics
included in the feasible category. The results of expert
validation can be seen in Figure 2.
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
Figure 2: Results of Validator Assessment
Based on the assessment given by the expert, it
can be stated that this Kamosu practicum tool can
explain the phenomenon related to the angular
momentum of a homogeneous rod well, can provide
direct experience to students so that the acquired
knowledge is more meaningful. The use of practicum
tools in the learning process will facilitate students in
understanding the explanation of the material being
learned and the learning process becomes more
enjoyable (Sukarno & Sutarman, 2014).
Kamosu practicum tool is strong enough, can be
used for a long time, efficiently used in the learning
process. This practicum tool is made of materials that
are safe to use by students. In addition, the
components of this tool are quite strong and the
design of this practicum tool is attractive with an
unobtrusive color.
The responses of students for each indicator
include good and even very good, namely indicators
of ease, clarity and compatibility with the
environment (Depdikbud, 2011). The results of the
student response questionnaire can be seen in Figure
Figure 3: Results of Questionnaire Responses of Students
Based on the students' responses, Kamosu
practicum tools are easy to use and can clarify the
learning material, namely the rotational dynamics of
angular momentum. In addition, the use of Kamosu
practicum tools makes the learning process more
efficient. Kamosu practicum tool is easy in terms of
maintenance and durable in any condition. In
addition, the Kamosu practicum tool can be used for
a long period of time not only for one use. This
practicum tool is suitable for use in high school and
100 100
83,33 83,33
87,5 87,5
Percentage (%)
Assessment Aspect
A. Relation to teaching materials
B. Value of education
C. tool durability
D. The accuracy of the tool
E. Efficiency of the tool
F. Security
G. Aesthetics
Series 1;
A; 90
Series 1;
B; 88
Series 1;
C; 77
Series 1;
D; 79
Series 1;
E; 83
Series 1;
F; 76
Series 1;
G; 85
Series 1;
H; 80
Series 1;
I; 79
Percentage (%)
A. Ease
B. Clarity
C. Efficiency
D. Maintenance of tools
E. Endurance of the tool
F. Intensity of Use
G. Compliance with the
H. Attraction
I. Acceptance
Development of Kamosu Learning Media for Rotation Dynamics Materials
has been able to become an interesting practicum tool
that is accepted as a learning media in schools.
The conclusion of this research is that the Kamosu
practicum learning media is suitable for use in the
learning process of rotational dynamics material.
The author would like to thank the physics teacher
and students of the 11th grade of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences at Yadika Cicalengka High School,
Bandung Regency, two lecturers as validators, and all
parties involved in this research
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BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference