Developing Creative Thinking Skills in Metal Purification Concept
through Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Method
Cucu Zenab Subarkah
, Abdul Latif
and Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari
Department of Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. Cimincrang, Cimenerang, Panyileukan,
Bandung, West Java, 40292, Indonesia
Keywords: Creative Thinking, Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Creative Problem Solving, Metal Purification.
Abstract: Students are not only required to have good cognitive abilities, but must also have creativity in facing global
competition. In this study, student creativity has been developed by applying creative problem solving
(CPS) learning to metal purification concept. The design of the method used is a one shoot case study with
research subjects as many as 38 students of the second semester Chemistry Education study program. Data
on students' creative thinking ability is measured through a creative thinking ability evaluation test
consisting of indicators of fluency, flexibility, and originality. The value on the fluency indicator is 88
which is in the very good category. The value on the flexibility indicator is 72 which is in the good
category. While the value in the originality indicator is 66 which is in the adequate category. Overall the
level of creative thinking ability of students is at level three by achieving fluency and flexibiity indicators
and categorized as creative. CPS learning uses an approach centered on problem solving skills, which is
followed by strengthening creativity so as to create a creative learning process. Thus, CPS learning on metal
refining materials can develop students' creative thinking skills.
In the 21st century, Indonesia as a developing
country is in dire need of creative personnel who are
able to improve the welfare of this nation (Noer,
2011). Student creativity is also required in the
learning process, because college graduates must be
able to apply logical thinking, critical, systematic,
and innovative in the context of the development or
implementation of science and technology that pay
attention to and apply the values of humanities that
are in accordance with their fields of expertise. In
fact, in the learning process there are still many
students who have low creative thinking abilities,
thus it will be difficult to face global competition
that not only requires an individual good cognitive
abilities, but also has creativity (Sani, 2013). Based
on this phenomenon, a learning model is needed that
can develop students' creativity in order to achieve
learning goals (Yudhanegara, 2015).
One of learning model that can develop creative
thinking skills is the Creative Problem Solving
(CPS) learning model (Lee, 2005). This model uses
an approach that focuses on problem solving skills,
which is followed by strengthening creativity
(Pepkin, 2009). Unlike general problem solving
methods, this CPS learning model develops a series
of ideas at the problem solving stage into new ideas
to solve problems (Cardellini, 2006). Treffinger and
Isaksen provide reinforcement that this CPS model
can be used by individuals to formulate problems
and analyze various kinds of effective problem
solving to implement a solution with a series of new
actions (Treffinger & Isaksen, 2005).
Characteristics of chemistry as a science are
difficult to understand, require deep and creative
thinking skills (Sari & Hidayat, 2017). One of
chemical concept that is considered difficult to
understand and is considered complicated is
electrolytic cells (Subarkah et al., 2016). Direct
experiments are needed to better understand the
concept of electrolytic cells (Subarkah et al., 2016).
Some concepts in electrolytic cell are abstract but
have concrete examples in everyday life (Subarkah
et al., 2016), such as changes in electrical energy
into chemical energy in the process of metal plating
(electroplating) and metal purification
(electrometallurgy) (Jespersen et al., 2012). Metal
purification material is not sufficiently understood
with the level of basic thinking, because the learning
Subarkah, C., Latif, A. and Dewi Sundari, C.
Developing Creative Thinking Skills in Metal Purification Concept through Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010024100002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 551-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
objectives expected from learning this material are
students can evaluate the symptoms or processes that
occur in it so that the development of creative
thinking skills is needed (Humaeroh, 2016). Metal
refining material is a relevant material for
developing creative thinking skills, because the key
to creative thinking is thinking to design, solve
problems, make changes and improve and get new
ideas (Bono, 2007). Therefore, in this research, the
application of creative problem solving learning
(CPS) to develop creative thinking ability in metal
purification concept is studied.
This research applies a class research method with
one shoot case study research design, i.e. research
carried out without the presence of a comparison
group, to determine the effect of the treatment given
without regard to other factors (Sukmadinata, 2007).
At the beginning of the study, students watched
videos about gold metal purification and were asked
to explain the contents of the video. Then the
students were given worksheets about copper metal
purification and students were asked to follow the
instructions and answer questions in the worksheet
in groups. Furthermore, students are instructed to
make an efficient copper metal purification product
that will be used for experiments at the next
meeting. After successfully making copper metal
purification equipment, students conduct
experiments using the tools that have been made and
report the results of the experiment. Finally, students
are given evaluation questions to determine students'
creative thinking skills after the implementation of
CPS learning. Determining the level of creative
thinking ability, namely at level 4 students can
achieve three indicators of fluency, flexibility and
originality which are categorized as very creative, at
level 3 students can only achieve two indicators of
fluency and originality or flexibility and originality
which are categorized as creative, at level 2 students
only achieve one indicator of flexibility or
originality which is categorized as quite
creative/adequate, while at level 1 students only
achieve fluency indicators which are categorized as
low creativity, and at level 0 students cannot reach
these three indicators and are categorized as very
low creativity.
Students' creative thinking skills were measured
using evaluation tests that include fluency,
flexibility, and originality indicators. The indicator
of fluency is the ability to produce many ideas. In
measuring fluency, students are asked to think of
many different solutions for a problem. Flexibility
indicator is the ability to produce uniform ideas, be
able to change ways or approaches and have
different directions of thinking. Flexibility is
measured in terms of individual abilities in trying
approaches or ways to solve a problem. While the
originality indicator is the authenticity of the ideas
produced in responding to the idea correctly. The
originality indicator is measured by evaluating
unusual solutions or new solutions given by students
(Kaplan et al., 2005). The results of the analysis of
each indicator of creative thinking ability, i.e.
fluency, flexibility and originality are presented in
Table 1.
Based on Table 1, the average value of the
creative thinking ability test on the fluency indicator
obtained is 88 points with very good categories. As
for the learning achievement group, the higher group
obtained an average score of 90 with very good
interpretation. The group was getting an average
score of 91 with very good interpretation, and the
lower group obtained an average score of 84 with
very good interpretation. In this indicator of creative
thinking abilities all students can easily master the
fluency indicators. This is seen from the acquisition
data which states that all learning achievement
groups obtain an average score above 80 with very
good interpretation. The success of this indicator
when learning using the CPS model precisely at the
clarification of the problem stage, students have
been able to link problems with the concepts learned
so that they can determine the main problem
appropriately. The connection between the problem
and the concept will help students to learn so that
they can solve problems (Suma & Suastra, 2013). As
a result, students are accustomed to seeing problems
from various points of view so that students easily
clarify the problem (Trianto, 2009) i.e. curiosity,
independence, problem solving and linking
problems (Sari & Hidayat, 2017). In addition, the
criteria for the questions are having more than one
answer make students able to solve them easily
(Siswono, 2011).
The overall analysis results on the flexibility
indicators obtained by students are interpreted as
good. This can be seen in the average value obtained
on the flexibility indicator of 77. As for the learning
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
Table 1. Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability Test Results on Each Indicator based on Learning Achievement Groups
Aspects of Creative Thinking Abilit
Score Interpretation
Fluency Flexibility Orginality
Higher group 90 81 72 81 Very creative
Medium group 91 72 69 77 Creative
Lower group 84 62 56 67 Creative
Average 88 72 66
75 Creative
Category Very good Good Adequate
achievement group, the higher group obtained an
average score of 81 with very good interpretation,
the medium group was getting an average score of
72 with very good interpretation, and the lower
group achieved an average score of 62 with good
interpretation. Based on observations that have been
made during CPS learning, precisely at the stage of
brainstorming, students actively discuss their ideas
to create hypotheses. With discussions, groups of
students can solve problems that they may not solve
themselves (Cardellini, 2006). Discussion can
encourage students to think and improve the ability
of students who have average or low achievements
to participate in the learning process (Djamarah &
Zain, 2006). As a result, students are used to
answering questions with different answers than
usual, so that the approach to answers to students
always has the different answers.
In the third indicator that is originality, the
overall results are interpreted as good. This is seen
in the average value obtained in the originality
indicator that is equal to 66. As for the learning
achievement group, the high group gets an average
value of 72 with good interpretation, the medium
group is getting an average score of 69 with good
interpretation, and the lower group gain an average
score of 56 with a fairly good interpretation.
Originality indicators are developed during CPS
learning, precisely at the implementation stage. At
this stage students are instructed to make efficient
copper metal purification products. The aim of
making copper metal purification equipment is to
develop the originality of thinking skills that
students have. In this case Nirmala (2010) explained
that the ability to think creatively can be developed
by making learning products. With the creation of
learning products, students' thinking power can
develop (Fatmawati, 2011). In addition, assigning
students to make learning products can foster
learning motivation which is the key to success in
the learning process (Lam et al., 2009). In the higher
achievement group, the group get the highest score
because the the students can express ideas that are
rarely expressed by most students, while in the lower
achievement group get the lowest score because they
only able to provide answers that are fixated on the
textbook. Originality is the main characteristic in
assessing a product of creative thinking that must be
different from before (Siswono, 2011). Therefore,
the originality indicator is considered very important
in knowing students' creative thinking skills. But in
the test of creative thinking skills carried out by
researchers, the achievement of these indicators of
creative thinking is in the lowest position when
compared with other aspects of creative thinking
such as flexibility and fluency. This is because the
originality indicator is at the highest level of
difficulty between the two indicators of other
creative thinking abilities so that students still
experience difficulties in achieving these aspects.
Student difficulties due to learning resources are not
allowed to be used during this test.
Based on the description of the three indicators
of creative thinking, the highest average score is
found in the fluency indicator with very good
interpretation. Meanwhile, the indicator of creative
thinking with the lowest achievement is on the
indicator of originality with sufficient interpretation.
Overall the level of creative thinking ability of
students is at level 3 with the achievement of fluency
and flexibility indicators and categorized as creative.
The number of students at each level of creative
thinking ability based on group learning
achievement can be seen in Figure 1.
In Figure 1, the higher achievement groups of 5
people were in level 4 with very creative categories
and 3 people included in level 3 with creative
categories. While in the medium achievement group
as many as 9 people were at level 4 with a very
creative category and 18 people included in level 3
with the creative category. In lower achievement
group, 3 people are included in level 3 with creative
categories and 1 person is at level 2 with quite
Developing Creative Thinking Skills in Metal Purification Concept through Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Method
Figure 1 Number of Students at Each Level of Creative Thinking Ability based on Achievement Groups (VC: Very
Creative, C : Creative, A: Adequate, LC : Low Creativity, VLC : Very Low Creativity).
creative categories, but no students are included in
level 4. The highest number of students is included
in level 3, with total 24 students from higher
achievement group, medium and lower group.
The sequence of levels of creative thinking
ability based on learning achievement groups are as
follows: in the first place is the higher group at level
4 categorized as very creative with the achievement
of indicators of fluency, flexibility and originality.
Meanwhile, the third order is occupied by a lower
group that is at level 3 categorized as creative with
the achievement of fluency and flexibility indicators.
Overall the average value of each group of learning
achievement is at level 3 with the achievement of
fluency and flexibility indicators which are
categorized as creative. Thus CPS learning plays a
role in developing students' creative thinking skills.
The creative thinking skills of students developed
through CPS learning on metal purification material
as a whole are at level 3 and categorized as creative
with fluency indicators reach very good category,
flexibility indicators achieving good category, while
the originality indicator only reaches adequate
We acknowledge LP2M UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung provided financial support.
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