Writing Skill Mastery of the Non-language Department Lecturers in
Bina Nusantara University
Endang Ernawati
Chandra K. Wiharja
, Rahmi Yulia Ningsih
Language Center , English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Language Center, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Language Center, Primary Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta,
Indonesia 11480
Keywords: Department, Lecturers, University.
Abstract: The research was conducted to find out the writing skill mastery of Bina Nusantara lecturers who wrote
Bahasa Indonesia articles to be published in Binus in house journals. The writing skill mastery included the
correctness of diction, sentence, and paragraph in the article. The research applied a qualitative method by
analyzing 10 articles of non-English departments lecturers that were chosen by purposive sampling
methods. The instruments were three paragraphs in the Introduction part and then were analyzed based on
their diction, sentence, and paragraphs. The diction analysis shows that from 20 paragraphs analyzed there
are 26 standard words (76%) and 8 non-standard words (48%). The sentence analysis shows that of the 69
sentences, there are 27 effective sentences (39%) and 42 ineffective sentences (61%). The sentence
ineffectiveness was resulted from the sentence that does not meet the six terms of the effective sentence.
The results of paragraph analysis show that from 13 paragraphs analyzed there are 3 paragraphs (23%) that
have correct cohesion, while 10 sentences (77%) do not meet the cohesion within a paragraph. It is
recommended that the results of this research can be an inpuit for the Language Center for developing
writing skill mastery for Binus lectures.
Lecturers have duties and obligations as educators,
researchers, community devotees, and self-
developers (Catur Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). In
carrying out these duties lecturers must master the
Indonesian language well and correctly for scientific
communication that they do in developing science,
both oral and written, in order can easily be
understood by students, fellow colleagues,
researchers, and members of society as a whole. One
of the research functions that lecturers have to do is
publication in which they are required to write
articles for publication. This research analyses the
lecturers’ draft of articles in bahasa Indonesia that
are submitted for inhouse Binus journals’
In particular, scientific articles in bahasa
Indonesia written by lecturers cannot be separated
from their knowledge and skills of bahasa Indonesia,
especially written languages. Writing scientific
articles cannot be separated with the skills of diction
(diction), sentence, and paragraphs.given and do the
exercises, then do the test for each unit and expected
they could improve unit by unit.
The problem formulation of this research indicate
what are the level of mastery of the Indonesian
language dictions, sentences, and paragraphs of the
Bina Nusantara University lecturers?.Thus, the study
aims to discuss the extent of dictions, sentences, and
paragraphs of Bina Nusantara University lecturers
on the writing of articles to be published by Binus's
inhouse journals.
2.1 Standard of Bahasa Indonesia
Standard of bahasa Indonesian is an Indonesian
language that complies with Indonesian principles
including grammar (structure), diction, and spelling.
Ernawati, E., Wiharja, C. and Ningsih, R.
Writing Skill Mastery of the Non-language Department Lecturers in Bina Nusantara University.
DOI: 10.5220/0010023000002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 513-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The language structure involves the formation of
words, sentences, and paragraphs (Kemendiknas,
2.2 Accuracy of Diction
Diction is the precision of word choice that is
influenced by the ability of the language user
associated with the ability to know, understand,
master, and use a number of vocabularies actively
that can express ideas appropriately. The word
accuracy indicator is 1) the word is able to
communicate the idea correctly and appropriately; 2)
produces effective communication without
misinterpretation of meaning, 3) resulting in a reader
response that fits the expectations of the author /
speaker; 4) generate target communication according
to expectation of writer / speaker (Widjono, H., S.,
2.3 Effective Sentences
The effective sentence is a sentence that meets the
five requirements, namely (1) Unity: balance of
ideas with the structure of the language used, (2)
Alignment: the same grammatical form for a
particular sentence, (3) Accuracy: does not lead to
multiple interpretations, (4) Considerable use of
words, phrases or other forms is not necessary, (5)
Logic: a sensible sentence.
2.4 Cohesive Paragraph
According to Chaer (Chaer, A., 1994) good
parapraph must have two terms, namely paragraph
unity (cohesion) and coherence paragraph. Each
paragraph has only one main idea. Cohesion is a
syntactic organization and is a compact and solid
sentence for generating speech (Fuji, B., 2015).
Cohesion is a relation among sentences within a
paragraph, either on a grammatical scale or on a
particular lexical scale. The instruments used to
create the cohesiveness are (a) the grammatical
means and (b) the lexical means.
Simanjuntak (Simanjuntak, R., P., 2014) has
undertaken a research with the aim of measuring the
level of standard language proficiency spoken on
Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The
study is conducted in 6 districts, using the Sentence
Development * (TPK) test instrument and a
bilingual questionnaire. The results show that the
average English language proficiency of Enggano
oral standards is at level 2 at the ILR level
(Interagency Language Roundtable, 2007). These
results indicate the limited ability of Indonesian
language in certain situations and spheres. The
results of the analysis also show that the average
proficiency of talent between men and women is
different because it is influenced by education and
The research uses qualitative method consisting of
literature study and textual analysis. Data are
obtained from 10 non-lecturers' academic texts at
Bina Nusantara University which are taken
randomly. Selected article manuscripts are written in
bahasa Indonesia and are received during 2012-2015
in which after those year Binus only accept articles
in English. Of the 10 manuscripts, each is taken
three paragraphs of the Introduction chapter as the
instruments of research. Paragraphs taken are coded
before to be analysed. The research data will be
parsed into sentences and then analyzed to see the
errors of dictions, sentences, and paragraphs.
4.1 Diction Analysis
The standard word criteria in this diction analysis is
a word that can communicate ideas appropriately
and with an indicator that the word already
contained in the Dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia
(KBBI). The example of analysis can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1. Sample of Diction Analysis.
raph Sentence Anal
1a Pada dasarnya
yang baik
yang memiliki
merespon dan
apapun yang
This paragraph
uses standard
n bangunan,
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
negatif agar
rupa bisa
kondisi yang
6a ABC bergerak
dalam bidang
kost dimana
proses bisnis
yang efektif
demi kepuasan
The word “kost”
is not standard. It
can be replace by
The word “di
mana” must be
omitted because it
comes from the
translation. It can
be replaced by the
word “tempat”
Figure 1. Results of Diction Analysis.
The analysis of 20 sample paragraphs indicate that
there are 26 standard words (76%) and 8 non-
standard words (24%) because of unavailability in
the dictionnary, the influence of English translation,
and incorrect application, as described in Figure 1.
4.2 Sentence Analysis
The example of sentence analysis is as
follows.Errors on the unity of sentences are mostly
found because of incomplete elements of S-P-O-K
(subject, predicate, object, adverb/description) in the
sentence. A sentence only has an element of K
(information) just so it is considered ineffective, as
1. Dalam sistem yang seperti itu proses
pemilihan seorang pemimpin di Republik
Rakyat Tiongkok (RRC) dilakukan secara
tertutup atau sering juga disebut “demokrasi
internal partai.”
Dalam sistem yang seperti itu is not a
subject, the word “dalam” should be omitted.
2. Concerning the precision of a sentence, the
sentences should not have a double meaning
(multitafsir). From the research data, there are
some sentence errors caused by violation of
precision rules, such as the following
Makan tidak hanya sekedar untuk
menghilangkan rasa lapar, namun juga
sudah menjadi sebuah rekreasi dan kuliner
untuk memanjakan lidah dan mata.
3. The sentence shows an error in the use of
idiomatic pairs of words such as (not-but, not-
but-between-and, both-and, etc.). So, the
sentence cannot use the pair of tidak hanya
and “namun”, but it should the pair of “tidak
hanya” and “tetapi juga”.
4. The next sentence error is an error because it
does not qualify for austerity. Sentences can
be thrifty because of the redundant elements,
such as the following example:
Hampir di setiap setiap pusat perbelanjaan,
mal, gedung perkantoran, hotel dapat
ditemukan restoran Cina
This sentence indicates that the word “pusat
perbelanjaan” has the same meaning to the
word “mal”, it can only use either or them in
a sentence, as follows:
The correct sentence is:
Restoran Cina dapat ditemukan di pusat
perbelanjaan, gedung perkantoran, dan
5. Also, the sentence is not effective because it
is not the focus or having a double Predicate
element, as of the following sentence that has
been analysed.
Lebih ekstrim lagi (S) adalah (P) dapat
dikatakan (P) bahwa tidak ada tempat di
belahan dunia yang tidak tersentuh oleh
budaya kecinaaan (O), dan salah satu
perwujudannya di Jakarta (S) adalah (P)
dalam hal masakan cina dan restoran cina
yang menjamur di berbagai wilayah (K).
(S=subject ;P=predicate; O=object; K=
The sentence can be changed to:
Budaya Cina dapat ditemukan di seluruh
belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia tempat
masakan dan restoran Cina.
Writing Skill Mastery of the Non-language Department Lecturers in Bina Nusantara University
6. It can be concluded that the error of the
sentence is caused by an error of unity,
thoroughness, thrift, and focus. The more
unity errors are caused by the incompleteness
of the S-P-O-K element in the sentence. Much
accuracy is due to the word's inaccuracy,
especially the idiomatic word pair. More
austerity errors are caused by excessive /
redundant word usage. Focal errors are
mostly caused by excessive or multiple
sentence elements.
Finally, the sentence analysis shows that of the 69
sentences, there are 27 effective sentences (39%)
and 42 ineffective sentences (61%). The most
mistakes are found in the errors of unity rules, thrift,
and precision. Figure 2 shows the description of the
error sentence.
Figure 2. Result of Sentence Analysis
4.3 Paragraph Analysis
Paragraphs are a few sentences that contain a certain
idea or topic. As a form of disclosure of ideas, a
paragraph must meet two criteria, namely unity
(cohesion) and cohesiveness (coherence). The
research only analyzes paragraph cohesion.
Sugihastuti and Siti Saudah (Sugihastuti, 2016;
Saudah, S., 2016) say that in a paragraph there is
only one main idea, which can also be called the
main idea. Based on the following paragraphs:
(1) Restauran fine dining yang menggunakan
pelayanan berbentuk rijstaffel memang
tidak lazim ditemukan di Indonesia
karena pelayanan rijstaffel itu sendiri
tidak lazim digunakan dalam tipe
pelayanan restoran. (2) Pelayanan yang
umumnya ditemui di restoran fine dining
adalah French service, atau bahkan
Russian service. (3)Tetapi di Restoran di
Indonesia dan Belanda, ada jenis
pelayanan yang lain yaitu Rijstaffel.
The main idea of the paragraph is on the first
sentence, that is;
(1) Restauran fine dining yang menggunakan
pelayanan berbentuk rijstaffel memang
tidak lazim ditemukan di Indonesia
karena pelayanan rijstaffel itu sendiri
tidak lazim digunakan dalam tipe
pelayanan restoran.
This topic sentence is actually difficult to be called
a topic sentence because it is not an effective
sentence having a clear, straightforward, and
communicative elements.
To present an appropriate topic sentence, the
sentence must be changed to:
(1) Restoran fine dining yang menggunakan
layanan berbentuk rijstaffel tidak lazim di
(Subject (1): Restoran fine dining;
Predicate: menggunakan layanan; Object:
berbentuk rijstaffel; Adverb: not
To make a correct paragraph, the second sentence
(2) and third sentence (3) must support the first
sentence (1).
The second sentense :
(2) Pelayanan yang umumnya ditemui di
restoran fine dining adalah French
service, atau bahkan Russian service.
(The subject (2) : Pelayanan yang umum
ditemui di restoran fine dining).
It shows that sentence (2) does not
support sentence (1) that is actually
having a topic sentence “restoran fine
dining”, but it tells the service
(pelayanan) in that restaurant. The
sentence (2) also mention French service
dan Russian service that supposed to be
clarified in the following sentence.
The third sentence:
(3) Tetapi di Restoran di Indonesia dan
Belanda, ada jenis pelayanan yang lain
yaitu Rijstaffel.
(Subject (3): not available, because
“Tetapi di Restoran di Indonesia dan
Belanda” is not a subject (S), it is an
adverb (K);Predicate : not available;
Object: not available;Adverb: Pelayanan
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
The conjunction “tetapi” cannot be located at
the beginning of a sentence because if it is
so, the phrase is not a subject of the third
sentence, but it is an adverb.
Form the correlation of sentence (1),
sentence(2), and sentence (3) in a
paragraph, it can be said that sentence (2)
and sentence (3) do not support the topic
sentence (1). Therefore, the cohesion does
not meet in that paragraph.
Analysed by the same method, it can be shown that
of the 13 sample sentences, there are 3 sentences
(23%) that have good enough cohesion, while 10
sentences (77%) have not shown cohesion in one
paragraph. The results is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Result of Paragraph Analysis
5.1 Conclusions
Based on the research results, it can be concluded
a. The error diction that occurred is due to
the selection of foreign absorption word
(e.g the word "where" and "from" , and
inaccurate selection of diction (for / agar,
analysis). The results showed that from 20
paragraphs analyzed there were 26
standard words (76%) and 8 non-standard
words (24%).
b. Sentence errors are shown from 69
sentences, there are 27 effective sentences
(39%) and 42 ineffective sentences (61%)
caused by wholeness errors, accuracy
errors, austerity, and focussion
c. The paragraph errors seen from 3
paragraphs (23%) of all 13 paragraphs
that have good cohesion, while 10
sentences (77%) have not shown cohesion
within a paragraph.
5.2 Recommendation
The research recommends the same analysis of the
dictions, sentences, and paragraphs is also conducted
to the English draft of articles written by the Binus
lecturers. The results of this research can be some
inputs for the Language Center to make their
workshop material for the lecturers so that they are
capable to write the article either in English or in
bahasa Indonesia.
This research was funded by Bina Nusantara
University and data collection was gathered in
Tarumanagara University.
Kemendiknas, 2009 Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa
Indonesia yang Disempurnakan (EYD) (Jakarta:
Kemendiknas RI)
Widjono, H., S., 2012 Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta:
Chaer, A., 1994 Linguistik Umum (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta)
Fuji, B., 2015 Pengertian Kalimat Menurut Para Ahli
Simanjuntak, R., P., 2014 Measuring proficiency in
standard Indonesian for Enggano speakers Linguistik
Indonesia 32(1) pp 33-46
Sugihastuti, and Saudah, S., 2016 Buku Ajar Bahasa
Indonesia Akademik (Jakarta:PT Gramedia)
Writing Skill Mastery of the Non-language Department Lecturers in Bina Nusantara University