From Religious Exclusiveness towards Inclusiveness in
Parung Panjang – Indonesia: Ethical Reflection on Just and Civilized
Humanity of Pancasila Ideology in Digitalized Era
Frederikus Fios
, Christofora Megawati Tirtawinata
, Catarina Manurung
Character Building Development Center, Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara
Univeristy, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Language Center, English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Keyword: Indonesia, Civilized Humanity, Pancasila
Abstract: A difference in social, cultural and religious reality in Indonesia is ambiguous. In one side, the religion
difference is a good thing and beautiful, but on the other it creates disharmony relationship. It appeared in the
phenomenon of counter-value practices of just and civilized humanity, as already outlined in Pancasila
ideology. The root of the problem caused of the lack of a proper understanding of the substance of the human
being to a just and civilized, so bring the negative implication in intolerance condition that is not accordance
with the ethical imperative precepts of just and civilized humanity. This study aimed to dismantle the
empirical fact of religious exclusivist practices that occurred in the Kabasiran Village, ParungPanjang, Bogor,
Indonesia in 2014 until now. Using the methods of philosophy (ethical reflection) on written documents were
found, researchers construct moral ethical values that should be practiced in relation of different religious
beliefs to the establishment inclusive ideology in Kabasiran Village, ParungPanjang, West Java, Indonesia.
In the digitalized humanities era, the role of social media is very strategic and important as an effective means
of channeling ethical values to society.
In 2014 until now, there was a case of religious
intolerance in the village Kabasiran, ParungPanjang,
Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. A group of Muslim
communities provide a letter of rejection to the
Catholic people who will perform worship
celebration of Easter, the Passover of Lord Jesus
Christ. Rejection letter signed by 115 Muslim
residents and approved by local government officials.
The letter forbade Catholics to worship using prayer
house located in the Kabasiran Village,
ParungPanjang. The reason of rejection letter because
Catholic prayer house has not been granted legal
permission by Bogor Regent according to SKB of 2
Ministers of Republic of Indonesia about building the
This phenomenon is interesting to reflect on
ethical manner within the context of the ethics of just
and civilized humanity contained in the ideology of
Pancasila. Pancasila is the state ideology of Republic
Indonesia. Until now this case has not been exposed
in the media because the local government asked
reporters not to publish. So this intolerance case is
disguised and hidden in the silence of the mute.
Exclusivism practices continue to occur in
ParungPanjang. Exclusivism (intolerance) has not
been resolved satisfactorily by the local government
and the parties concerned. The government has not
provided a solution that is satisfactory to all parties in
ParungPanjang. Therefore, this study represents an
offer theoretical solution to resolve the cases of
intolerance in ParungPanjang. This intolerance
phenomenon needs to be solved by building a
positive-constructive ideology which is useful as the
application of relevant approaches to resolve this
issue ethically and wisely namely: from religious
exclusiveness to inclusiveness ideology.
These research questions are: a). what is the
ideology of exclusiveness and inclusiveness of
religion? b). What are the roots of the main reasons
for the attitude of religious exclusivism in
ParungPanjang? c). How to practice exclusivism
operates in ParungPanjang? d). How ethical precepts
Fios, F., Tirtawinata, C. and Manurung, C.
From Religious Exclusiveness towards Inclusiveness in Parung Panjang – Indonesia: Ethical Reflection on Just and Civilized Humanity of Pancasila Ideology in Digitalized Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0010010600002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Ar ts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 462-466
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
just and civilized humanity applied to build religious
inclusiveness ideology in the village Kabasiran-
ParungPanjang to create social harmony?
This study aims to map the root problems of
religious exclusivism practices in ParungPanjang,
Indonesia and try to develop a strategy to build a
theoretical epistemological paradigm of positively
inclusive to solve the issue based on the ideology of
Pancasila, especially just and civilized humanity
ethics. Analysis developed by philosophically
reflective practice to dismantle the religious
exclusivism towards the construction of an
inclusiveness paradigm among adherents of different
religions in the Kabasiran Village, ParungPanjang,
The method used in this study is philosophy
methods especially applying ethical reflection using
Aristotelian ethics and ethical traditions of Alasdair
MacIntyre (Bochert, 2006). MacIntyre thinking about
ethical reflection method can be found in his book
“After Virtues" (MacIntyre, 2007). MacIntyre claims
that a person's actions presuppose the context of
moral traditions espoused in certain cultures. Humans
act ethically with based on sources primacy within the
scope of a cultural tradition where it is located. In the
book "After Virtues", MacIntyre postulate that the
essence of the moral virtues of human is comes from
3 elements are: practice, narrative order, and moral
tradition (MacIntyre, 2007). These three elements are
interrelated and an important role shaping the quality
of one's ethical conduct manifested both internally
and externally in social reality.
This study overall categorized in Qualitative
Research Methods to approach ethical reflection.
Researchers conduct ethical reflection on the
phenomenon of religious exclusivism which occurred
in the Kabasiran Village, ParungPanjang with a focus
on two (2) construct namely: exclusivism ideology to
construct religious inclusiveness based on ethical
precepts just and civilized humanity of Pancasila
Ideology. Data was collected by looking for evidence
of written documents and observation participatory
that are relevant to the research topic. The data
obtained is reduced to finding constructive meaning
that is useful to overcome the existing problems. The
study design includes: data collecting, data reduction,
interpretation of data, and conclussion.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies the good
and bad of human action in social life. Aristotelian
virtue ethics emphasized the good attitude and ethical
human action. Virtue ethics emphasizes the character
traits of human being (Bochert, 2006). Ethics of
Aristotle put character of the human person in the
morally good act for the common good (bonum
commune). Characteristics of virtue theory of
Aristotle noticed dimension of attitude or character of
human as moral actors in the actualization of its
actions with others. "I see the other as 'like me' in
some respects and 'unlike' me in the others, but this
both ways of seing the other are in terms of 'me'
(Treanor, 2006).
The theory of virtue ethics laid by classical Greek
philosophers such as Plato (427-347 BC) and
Aristotle (384-322 BC). Aristotle claimed the highest
goal of human behavior that produces the good. "...
That man aims at a knowledge of the Idea of the
Good” (Stumpf, 1982). Aristotle’s ethics virtue there
is in his work on Nichomechean Ethics that showed
the highest goal of human life that cultivate the virtue
of kindness. Virtue Ethics of Aristotle also
teleological. Human life is ethical and meaningful life
by basing him/herself on the qualities and values of
kindness. Virtuous life is what needs to be
comprehended by the human subject in the totality of
his existence in social reality.
Pancasila Ideology is the source of ethics for the life
of Indonesian people in the mindset, attitudes and
patterns of social action. The second principle of
Pancasila reads: "A Just and Civilized Humanity".
This statement contains ethical values that are
important in human interactions to the harmony of
living together. Permatasari (2011) conducted a
study entitled "Implementation of Just and Civilized
Humanity of Pancasila in public life". Permatasari
(2011) find the values of just and civilized humanity
is the foundation of national life and social. Just and
civilized humanity has meaning: weigh the same
weight, the blame is wrong and justify correct, restore
the right to the owner and not unjustly. So long as
justice is still available in the community, the
association will be safe, arising mandate and trust
each other. Mutual respect and respect for others will
produce social harmony and can grow together to
tackle the nation's development. Pradana conducted a
study entitled "Implementation of Pancasila Juat and
Civilized Humanity in the Life of Students in
From Religious Exclusiveness towards Inclusiveness in Parung Panjang – Indonesia: Ethical Reflection on Just and Civilized Humanity of
Pancasila Ideology in Digitalized Era
Boarding Schools: A Case Study of Pondok Pesantren
Muhammadiyah Weak Mountain Village, Sub City
Kudus” (Pradana, 2014). Pradana (2014) found that
the boarding school has implemented a value precepts
of humanity just and civilized of Pancasila in each
program activity: 1) Do not differentiate students rich
and poor, 2) The recognition of human dignity that in
determining the room distinguished students boys and
girls, 3) the punishment for students who violate and
gift-giving on-abiding students/achievers, 4) the
existence of activities to promote tolerance, mutual
cooperation, mutual respect, nationalism, justice, and
Hick says religious exclusivism is an idea that
religious ideology against the principles of pluralism
and ignores the altruistic attitude in social life (Hick,
2006). De Ridder said that religious exclusivism is
something which in fact has never stopped happening
and the values of life of neighborhood harmony (De
Rider, 2011). Johnbaek (2013) said that exclusivism
is a logical claim religious truth itself is considered
the most correct. Mathivanan and Soundararajan
(2016) claim that exclusivism is a truth claim one God
who is not accepted (rejected) by a group of followers
of other religions. From a conceptual understanding
above, we can be concluding that religious
exclusivism is a claim of thinking that considers itself
religious belief is the most correct compared to those
of other faiths. This claim is shown in how you think,
how to feel, patterns of attitudes and actions that are
not friendly or hostile to other faiths even seem
Pozza says that inclusiveness is the ideology of
universalism that is blend different religious beliefs in
an atmosphere of togetherness and tolerance (Pozza,
2016). Thus, inclusiveness is a religious ideology that
respects differences of religious belief in social life
and respect for the reality of religious pluralism in the
reality of social life. Inclusivism able to create social
harmony in peaceful co-existence and fraternal in life.
Looks significant differences between
exclusivism and religious inclusiveness. Anti
exclusiveness of religious differences and beliefs of
faith in God, whereas in fact appreciate the
inclusiveness and respect for diversity of religious
beliefs in faith to God. Exclusivism hostile to other
faiths outside, while inclusiveness considers other
faiths as relatives and friends who need to respect
each other and work together in a social difference.
ParungPanjang District is a region located in
Bogor, West Java Province with a land area of
7118.06 hectares. ParungPanjang consists of 11
villages with a total population of 122 838 inhabitants
consisted of 63 413 men and 59 425 women
(Kecamatan Parung Panjang, 2016). ParungPanjang
is a social reality that is classified as plural. The
existence of the synagogue of followers of Islam in
ParungPanjang is guaranteed well, but adherents of
minority religions (Catholic, Protestant, Buddhism,
Hinduism and Confucianism) not guaranteed by
either the government. Data from Bogor District
Secretariat (2015) states that in 2012 there were 86
mosques, 245 sub mosques, 91 boarding schools, 0
Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0 Vihara
temple. In 2013 there were 98 mosques and 245 sub
mosques, 0 Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0
Pura, 0 Temple. In 2014 there were 105 mosques, 0
Catholic church, 0 Protestant church, 0 Pura, 0 Vihara
(Kecamatan Parung Panjang, 2016). This suggests
that the availability of formal houses of worship for
religious minorities in the District of ParungPanjang
not facilitated by the government. Though society
adherents six official religions in Indonesia living and
domiciled in ParungPanjang well and growing over
Statistic of Catholics people at the Secretary
Church of St. Lawrence Parung Panjang as many as
350 people, consisting of 70 families dispersed in
Parung Panjang Region (Sekretariat Stasi Laurensius
Parung Panjang, 2016). It has been 10 years of
Catholic adherent’s worship using prayer house in
Block E/II No. 3-4, RT 004 / RW 05,
GriyaParungParungPanjang, Bogor. The number of
Catholics continues to grow up because now many
private housing developers who build new housing
projects that further increase the number of Catholics
who come and stay in ParungPanjang.
In April 2014, the Catholic adherents
ParungPanjang receive a letter Number 037/RT04-
05/PP.2014. The contents of this letter saying Islam
rejects the citizens Easter celebration worship
activities of Catholics People in RT 004/RW 05. The
letter signed by the Head of RT 004 (T) and the
Secretary (AS) also 115 adherents of Islam People
(Catholic adherents Parung Panjang, 2014). The
reason for rejection because of Easter activities 2014
in the location not yet get permission from the Village
Chief of Kabasiran. Substantively, this letter contains
Muslims reject the worship activities of Catholicism
in the RT 004 and objected to the presence of Catholic
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference
people to worship were considered incompatible with
the rules of SKB Minister of Religious Affairs and the
Minister of Domestic of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 8 and 9 of 2006.
The root causes of the exclusivism attitude of
religion is caused by several factors among others: the
attitude of formalism of government officials and a
group of Islamic people, closed attitude of Muslims
towards Catholic people, attitude fanaticism of
religion of the followers of Islam, there is a
conspiracy and arrogance among a group of Islamic
society supporting by elements of the local
government. Exclusivism operates through public
element is supported by a group of Islamic society
and local government.
To overcome the problem of religious
exclusivism in ParungPanjang, the Pancasila ethics
can have used as the main framework. All parties can
learn from the noble values contained in “Pancasila
Ideology”. Pancasila containing ethical guidelines for
everyone in Indonesia to behave and act towards
others. The second principle of Pancasila reads: "Just
and Civilized Humanity", containing the basic ethical
paradigm with regard to the importance of each
subject of the Indonesian people to treat others
ethically. Humanity gives an ethical imperative to any
human subject to ethically treat each other any ethnic
background, religion, race and faction. Ethics
emphasizes the humanitarian principle of Pancasila
moral action is good for others. Aristotle's theory of
virtue ethics containing the payload contents of the
quality of human act ethically virtuous life alongside
others. Virtue ethics emphasizes the character traits of
human being [1]. Ethics Aristotle put character of the
human person to act morally to achieve the common
good (bonum commune). Virtue ethics hints that
human activity is said to be good if it had a positive
impact for good to live together in the social order.
Pancasila is the crystallization of cultural values
of the Indonesia nation since the beginning and
becomes the ethical value system for the Indonesian
people's behavior over time. Pancasila is proven to
unify the diversity of tribes, groups, religions,
languages in public life of Indonesia from Sabang to
Merauke, being the life of the nation Indonesia in the
form of culturally diverse [15]. Therefore, officials
and a group of followersof Islam in ParungPanjang
not aware of the ethical values of Pancasila. Unethical
acts they did to the Catholic people also hurt not only
Catholic people, but also against the ethics of
Pancasila Ideology.
To restore relations among all religious in
ParungPanjang (Islam versus Catholics), Just and
Civilized Humanity of Pancasila can be used as the
main reference in the awareness and actions of all
people in the society of ParungPanjang. The
adherents of different religions in ParungPanjang
need to be aware of and to make Pancasila ethics (Just
and Civilized Humanity) as a moral benchmark in
attitudes, actions and everyday behavior among
humans. Officials and a group of Islamic community
in ParungPanjang need to make Pancasila as a source
of moral act towards others, especially Catholics. If
the followers of Islam make the humanism ethics of
Pancasila as a standard of behavior, then the act of
religious exclusivism will not occur or definitely stop.
If Pancasila as a benchmark of ethics in Islamic
society action, then this time the ideology of religious
inclusiveness can be constructed in ParungPanjang.
Pancasila is the basis of ethical behavior that should
serve as a rational awareness within the apparatus and
a group of followers of Islam so that it can become a
habit that creates an attitude of acceptance attitude to
the adherents of the Catholic religious minority.
Acceptance as a human would produce a sense of
unity, brotherhood, humanity and tolerance of
different religions in ParungPanjang.
Build a sense of religious inclusiveness based on
Pancasila ethics is not easy. It takes the role of all
political and social agents namely: the government,
parliament and police institutions and community
leaders to fight the attitude of exclusivism in
ParungPanjang. Efforts should be made to socializing
(educating) awareness ethical values of Pancasila to
the citizens of Islam so that they can open patterns of
thought receive different other faiths. Local
government officials also need to get the socialization
of the ethics of Pancasila intensive and programmed.
Socialization ethical values of Pancasila must be
promoted and carried out to the people who have the
attitude of exclusivism that they have an open
paradigm to appreciate the social differences. With
openness to others, then the followers of Islam
ParungPanjang able to treat each other Catholic
religious minorities in a fair and humane. It will
create a climate of tolerance of different religions in
ParungPanjang ethically based on the ethics
humanism of Pancasila Ideology. Ethical precepts
just and civilized humanity is able to form the basis
for the construction religious inclusiveness ideology
in ParungPanjang.
In the current digital era, the role of social media is
very strategic and important as an effective means of
channeling ethical values to society. This opportunity
can be maximized to campaign for the values of
inclusivism based on the noble values of Pancasila.
Pancasila values ranging from the values of divinity,
humanity, unity, social and social justice can be used
From Religious Exclusiveness towards Inclusiveness in Parung Panjang – Indonesia: Ethical Reflection on Just and Civilized Humanity of
Pancasila Ideology in Digitalized Era
as an effective means to socialize inclusive values to
the public and society. The use of digital media can
contribute to the dissemination of positive
information to the community so that a change in
mind set can be created in a positive direction to
replace the exclusive paradigm with an inclusive
The phenomenon of religious exclusivism by Islamic
adherents to the Catholic minority in ParungPanjang,
West Java is a contradiction to the essence of ethical
precepts just and civilized humanity of Pancasila
Ideology. Until now, this problem taken away without
settlement prudent approach and especially satisfying
for the parties involved. This should be a concern the
government, religious leaders, police and parliaments
of Indonesia and community leaders. Because if it is
left, it is feared at times will give birth to horizontal
conflicts are increasingly damaging the religious
tolerance in ParungPanjang. This research resulted in
the following points: First, the attitude of religious
exclusivism is thought that considers the claims of
religious belief itself is truest in comparison with
groups of other faiths shown in mindset, feelings, and
patterns of human action that is hostile to other faiths.
Second, the attitude of religious inclusiveness is an
attitude of appreciation of the religious faith that is
open to the followers of other religions are different.
Third, the root causes of religious exclusivism in
ParungPanjang namely: the attitude of the formalism
of local government officials and a community group
of adherents of Islam, closed stance adherents of
Islam of religious differences, the attitude of the
followers of Islam in religious fanaticism, conspiracy
and arrogance of local government officials. Fourth,
just and civilized humanity of Pancasila is an ethical
system that can be relied upon as the basis for
constructing the philosophical foundations of the
ideology of religious inclusiveness in the village
Kabasiran, ParungPanjang, West Java, Indonesia.In
the current digital era, the role of social media is very
strategic and important as an effective means of
channeling ethical values of Pancasila to society.
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BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference