The Effect of Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship
Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty
Yayuk Dwi Prasetya
Postgraduate State University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Course, Interest in Entrepreneurship.
Abstract: This research was to investigate entrepreneurship course influence simultaneously and partially on the
entrepreneurship interest student of Accounting Education Economics Faculty State University of Surabaya.
This research was a quantitative research by using ex-post facto method. This research population was student
of Economics Faculty State University of Surabaya amount to 153 students. While the sample amount to 67
students by using purposive sampling technique. Data collected by using test and questionnaires. Data analysis
technique used was multiple linear regression with SPSS version 22.0 for windows. Based on the research
results, this shows that entrepreneurial course simultaneously significant effect on the financial behavior
student Accounting Education Faculty of Economics State University of Surabaya.
The globalization era is a global process marked by
the mixing of cultures from various countries to move
towards the realization of a global society with the
easy access increase. In fact the globalization era
causes something that happen in our country also
exists in other countries and vice versa. Therefore, if
incoming culture is properly absorbed it will have a
good impact on one's behavior. One is the increasing
number of younger rulers and many well-educated
unemployed from graduate students. Currently,
entrepreneurship development is a topic that is seeded
in industrial countries. The challenge faced in the
development of a country is to address the problem of
unemployment. From the data of National Planning
Agency (BAPPENAS) shows the unemployment rate
in Indonesia is still very high. In 2013 it was noted
that of the 118.19 million Indonesians who entered
the labor force, 7.39 million people (6.25%) were
unemployed. The high level of unemployment is
dominated by diploma and bachelor graduates with a
range of 614,479 people (Survei Angkatan Kerja
Nasional BPS Indonesia, 2013), whereas they are
expected to be the next generation to build this
country towards a more advanced one. These diploma
and undergraduate graduates are unlikely to become
unemployed if they have an entrepreneurial spirit.
Development of entrepreneurship through education
and training has also increased in several Indonesian
universities. The role of universities in motivating
young educated entrepreneurs is very important and
also growing the number of entrepreneurs in
Indonesia (Alma, 2010).
The growth number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia
over the past three years shows a rapid growth with
the rate of 0.18% in 2010, 0.56% in 2011 and in 2012
increased dramatically to 1.56% (Ministry of
Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of
the Republic Indonesia Year 2012), but the growth
rate is still below the ideal rate of 2%. Based from the
education level, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
data up to February 2013 shows that of 7,170,523
educated unemployed, 192,762 of them are university
graduates and 421,717 graduates of academy (Survei
Angkatan Kerja Nasional BPS Indonesia, 2013).
Several studies indicate that subjects of
entrepreneurship effect on entrepreneurship interest
like research done by Hanum (2015) showed that the
re-search results Of research results obtained that this
entrepreneurial learning through planting values,
understanding, soul, attitude and behaviour fosters
entrepreneurial thinking and characteristic and that it
supports their interests become self-employment. As
many as 91% of respondents feel it has potential as an
entrepreneur. Respondents who felt that being
Prasetya, Y.
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 780-783
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
entrepreneur is a promising career choices as much as
87.3%. The majority of the students ' career choices
after graduation was working at the same time
building a business is as much as 82%.
In developed countries they generally have more
entrepreneurs than developing countries. This has a
positive impact by improving the country's economy,
and reducing the number of unemployed by providing
jobs. As stated by Heidjrahman Ranu P. that the
success of development achieved by the Japanese
state was supported by entrepreneurs who have
amounted to 2% medium level, small
entrepreneurship 20% of the population. This is the
key to Japan's development success. But still people
are less interested to pursue the entrepreneurial
profession. The cause of this lack of interest has a
negative background of society in the profession.
They do not want their children to pursue this field,
and try to distract children to become civil servants,
especially when their children have graduated college
degrees. Based on these data, it is clear to give an
ironic picture, where high levels of education do not
guarantee a person to get a job. Currently the
Indonesian government and the private sector are
working to in-crease the number of entrepreneurs
from the younger generation by organizing
competitions and providing entrepreneurial grants
through many programs, such as Entrepreneurship
Student Creativity Program, Entrepreneurship
Student Program, Entrepreneurial Student Mandiri
and others. This is an opportunity for students to
compete to obtain capital, which later will be used as
their initial capital in running a business.
Entrepreneurship course plays an important role in
fostering entrepreneurial interests that will be aimed
at providing practical experience to the students of
business actors, both large, medium, and small scale.
The entrepreneurship increasing interest in
Economics Faculty State University of Surabaya
towards the world of entrepreneurship is also growing
rapidly. This is evidenced by the number of students
who have their own business in addition to their
activities during the lecture, whether the business is
funded from government grants programs and self-
financing, such as: boutique business, salon, design,
culinary, photocopy/ printing, business in handicraft
bags, accessories and so on (Hermina, Novieyana and
Zain, 2013)
Based on those facts the researcher interested to
conduct experiment with title “The Effect of
Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship
Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty”.
This research is a quantitative research that presents
data in the form of numbers and statistical analysis
that aims to determine the influence of entrepreneur-
ship course to entrepreneurship interests of students
in Economics Faculty, State University of Surabaya.
According to Sugiyono (2013), Population is
generalisation area which based on object/subject that
have special quality and characteristic that depend on
the researcher to be studied then find out the
conclusion. The population in this study amounted to
153 students of accounting education batch 2012 and
2013. Based on the criteria, the sample amounted to
67 students. The sample technique used is purposive
sampling. The research design can be seen in the
following figure.
Figure 1. Research design.
X : entrepreneuship course (manipulation/
independent variable)
Y : entrepreneurship interest (dependent variable)
The collection data using tests and questionnaires
where tests to determine students' understanding of
entrepreneurship by practicing entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurship practices directly (Arikunto, 2013).
This study used multiple linear regression analysis
techniques with the help of SPSS version 22.0 for
Based on the test results simultaneously note that
entrepreneurship subject towards entrepreneurship
interest simultaneously indicated by the significance
value of F arithmetic of 0.000 which is less than 0.05
then Ha accepted and Ho rejected which means
entrepreneurship courses simultaneously have a
significant effect on students’ entrepreneurship
interest in the economics faculty Surabaya State
While the partial test result of the influence of
variable of financial literacy (X) to student finance
behavior (Y) obtained result of t test value equal to
2,131 with significance value equal to 0,037 because
significance value <0,05 hence Ho refused and Ha
accepted. This shows that entrepreneurship courses
have a significant effect on students’ entrepreneur-
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty
ship interest in the Economics Faculty Surabaya State
Tabel 1: Tabulasi deskripsi data responden variabel X.
3.1 The Effect of Entrepreneurship
Courses on Entrepreneurship
The results of this study indicate that the subject of
entrepreneurship simultaneously have a significant
effect on students’ entrepreneurship interest in the
Economics Faculty. Based on the results of research
that shows the significance value of F arithmetic of
0.000 that is less than 0.05 then Ha accepted and Ho
rejected. Therefore, the better the student’s under-
standing of entrepreneurship learning subjects hence
the higher the interest of entrepreneurship students.
As a highly educated student should not just
looking for job opportunities without going to
develop to create the job itself, the provision of a
lecture on entrepreneurship at least able to help the
government not to increase the number of
unemployed when students complete their education.
With the science of entrepreneurship is created mind-
set in the graduates of Higher Education to not only
oriented to seek work, but realize that there are other
interesting options besides seeking work, which is
creating employment. Over the same period, the
choice of creating jobs is proven to generate more
income than career choice, job search, or
employment. Of course it can be achieved if students
are equipped with knowledge, insight, skills, mind-
set, strategy, and tactics are qualified, namely smart
entrepreneurship (smart entrepreneurship), not just
hard work.
Based on theoretical studies, this study uses
learning theory as a theoretical basis on
entrepreneurship interest. Entrepreneurship courses
are an integrated learning concept designed
specifically for students to learn concepts, strategies,
tactics, and knowledge on how to start a business, as
well as change the mind-set and paradigm of
entrepreneurship. According Suryana (2006) the
influence of entrepreneurship education has been
considered as one important factor to grow and
develop passion, entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurship behavior among the younger
Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) is a
discipline that studies about values, abilities (ability),
and one's behavior in facing life's challenges and how
to obtain opportunities with various risks that may be
faced. Entrepreneurship is not a born-innate talent or
field experience affairs, but it can also be learned and
taught. Someone who has an entrepreneurial talent
can develop his talent through education.
Entrepreneurship must be a mandatory course that
takes precedence and serve as the main anchor for
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
every graduate or department. For example,
entrepreneurship, technopreneur, creativepreneur,
and others. Learning theory is used to assist a person
in changing the minded from being an employee to a
businessman gained from learning outcomes during
his entrepreneurial course. Where in the change of
mind-set behavior and interest in entrepreneurship is
influenced by entrepreneurial learning.
The results of this study are supported by research
from Başçı and Alkan (2015) which states that
entrepreneurship education programs at Istanbul
University could influence the positive and
significant financial literacy on the decrease of
adherence. Odora (2015) also states that
entrepreneurship courses have a positive impact on
the students’ design skill in Africa to improve
products’ quality in accordance with market demand.
In addition, the research also strengthened from
Harkemaa and Popescu (2015) which states that
entrepreneurship education is important for the
community, especially women with the creativity and
their ideas to improve the quality of self and family.
Based on the result of the research, it can be
concluded as follows: (1) The subject of
entrepreneur-ship simultaneously has a significant
effect on students’ entrepreneurship interest in the
Economics Faculty Surabaya State University. (2)
Entrepreneur-ship courses have a significant effect
towards students entrepreneurship interest in the
Economics Faculty Surabaya State University.
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The Effect of Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty