The Use of Project Based Learning the Effect on Students’ Creative
Thinking Ability
Yeyen Suryani and Siti Asmawati
University of Kuningan, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Project Based Learning Model, Creative Thinking Ability.
Abstract: The problem in this research is the low students' creative thinking ability. This is shown from the learning
pro-cess during the discussion where students are less able to develop ideas or ideas from various information
received. The purpose of this study was to describe students' early ability, to describe the students' creative
thinking ability after learning took place between class using PJBL model and class using lecture or
conventional method, and to describe the improvement of students' creative thinking ability in the class using
PJBL model with the class using lecture method. The method used in this research is experimental method.
With the subjects of research are 28 students in the experimental class, and 31 students in the control class.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is revealed several findings. First, hypothesis testing of preliminary test
(tobs 0,18<ttable 1,672) means that there is no difference of student's initial ability. Second, hypothesis testing
of the final test (tobs 3,363>ttable 1,672) means the use of PJBL model is effective in improving student
creative thinking ability. Third, the N-Gain hypothesis test (tobs3,88>ttable 1,672) means the improvement
(N-Gain) of students' creative thinking ability in the class applying the PJBL model is higher than the class
using the lecture method.
Education is one of development aspects that must be
developed in addition to the other aspects. School as
one of the educational institutions plays an important
role in establishing quality human re-sources. In order
to achieve the objectives of education as listed in
UUSPN Number 20 Year 2003 article 3 is the
development of the potential of learners to be a
human being who believes and cautious to God
Almighty, have noble character, healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and
become democratic and responsible citizens.
Teaching and learning process is the most
important part in the educational process involving
teachers and students. A two-way communication
process that not only transforms teaching materials
from educators to students, but invites students to
work and experience. Therefore it is a need to design
a learning process that is able to motivate students to
be actively involved and able to think creatively.
There are three important aspects of student
learning outcomes that must be considered, namely
affective (attitude), psychomotor (skills), and
cognitive (knowledge). Affective domains, including
the attitude, spirit, tolerance, responsibility, and
others. Psychomotor domains, including student
skills, such as speaking skills, expressing opinions,
and presenting reports. While the cognitive domain
includes the ability to solve problems, decision
making, critical thinking skills, and the ability to
think creatively
In an effort to improve the ability of creative
thinking, teachers have a big enough share. The
learning climate developed by teachers has an
enormous influence on the success and excitement of
learning. The learning method chosen and used by the
teacher will influence the success of a learning
process. Therefore teachers should be more creative
and innovative to be able to create a learning that is
not only fun but also train students' thinking skills so
that students become more creative.
The old paradigm about the learning process that
comes from John Lock's tabulation theory where the
mind of a child is like a blank paper and ready to
receive the strokes of the teacher is less appropriate to
be used by the teacher. Teachers need to develop and
Suryani, Y. and Asmawati, S.
The Use of Project Based Learning the Effect on Students’ Creative Thinking Ability.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 772-776
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
implement teaching and learning activities where
students can actively build their own knowledge. This
is in line with the concept of constructivism in which
the success of learning depends not only on the
environment or learning conditions, but also on the
initial knowledge of students.
Based on the observations made by researchers
for 2 months, the researchers concluded that the
creative thinking ability of ten grade students of
Social Studies class Senior High School 2
KUNINGAN is still relatively low. This is shown
through the learning process during the discussion,
students are less able to develop ideas or ideas from
various information received. In addition, most
students are less able to provide alternative answers
that are different from existing ones in the book or
given by the teacher. Students are still difficult in
analyzing and solving the problems discussed in these
subjects. Most students fill in the answers only fixated
on the existing material on the book, which they had
previously memorized at home. Good learning is not
just a memorized lesson but more emphasizing
understanding, because understanding places more
emphasis on the extent to which students understand
the material that has been taught. This is also
supported by the average value of the midterm test
which is still less than Minimum Criteria of mastery
learning (KKM).
Student-centered learning requires creative and
innovative learning methods that can support such
learning. Therefore, teachers need to improve
learning patterns and pursue an innovation in
learning. One of them is by using the model of Project
Based Learning where students are required to have
higher order thinking ability.
Hardini and Dewi (2012: 128) say that "The
model of Project Based Learning has great potential
to provide a more interesting and meaningful learning
experience for students".
Moving from the background of the research
above, then the problems in this study can be
formulated as follows:
Is there a difference in students' creative
thinking ability on initial measurements
between experimental class using the Project
Based Learning model and control class using
the lecture learning method?
Is there a difference in the students' creative
thinking ability on the final measurement be-
tween the experimental class using the Project
Based Learning model and the control class
using the lecture learning method?
Is there a difference in N-Gain of students'
creative thinking ability between experimental
class using the Project Based Learning model
and control class using the lecture learning
2.1 Creative Thinking
Thinking is an essential human skill that takes place
for life, work and all other aspects of life. According
to Peter Reason in Sanjaya (2011: 230), "thinking is
a mental process of a person who is more than just
remembering and comprehending.
According to J.M. Bochenski in Suharsaputra
(2012: 4), "thinking is the development of ideas and
concepts", whereas according to Partap Sing Mehra
in Suharsaputra (2012: 5), "thinking (thinking) is
looking for something not yet known based on
something already known."
According to John Dewey in Uhar Suharsaputra
(2012: 6) the thinking process has the following
sequences (processes):
The emergence of difficulty, either in the form
of adaptation to the tool, difficulty about the
nature, or in explaining things that appear
Then the difficulty is given a definition in the
form of problems.
Arise a possible solution in the form of puzzle,
hypothesis, inference or theory.
Solving ideas are rationally explained through
the formation of implications by gathering
evidence (data).
Strengthen the proof of the above ideas and
conclude them, either through explanations or
According Sujanto (2001: 56) suggests that:
“Thinking is a symptom of the soul that can
establish the relationships between our knowledge.
Thinking is a dialectical process, meaning that as long
as we think our mind holds a question and answer to
be able to put the relationships between our
knowledge correctly”
From the above opinion it can be concluded that
thinking is a mental process that someone does by
connecting the knowledge he has and the ideas and
concepts which are contained in his thinking.
Thinking is divided into two namely low-level
thinking and high-level thinking. In low-level
thinking can generate ideas, ideas and knowledge.
While in high-level thinking it can result in a
problem-solving and decision-making.
The Use of Project Based Learning the Effect on Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
According to the model of intellect structure by
Guilford in Munandar (2012: 167) "Divergent
thinking (also called creative thinking) is to provide a
variety of possible answers based on information
provided with an emphasis on the diversity of
numbers and suitability." According to Rusman
(2012: 324) suggests that "Creative thinking always
begins with critical thinking, namely finding and
delivering something that previously did not exist or
fix something". Meanwhile, according to Munandar
(2012: 25) suggests that:
“Creativity is a common ability to create
something new, as the ability to provide new ideas
that can be applied in problem solving, or as the
ability to see new relationships between pre-existing
So that creativity not only makes something new,
but it can also modify from various old combinations.
According to Ramdhy and Dadi (2012: 126) suggests
The characteristics of a creative person can be
differentiated into cognitive traits and non-cognitive
traits. Into cognitive traits include four characteristics
of creative thinking namely originality, flexibility,
fluency, and elaboration. Non-cognitive
characteristics are: (a) open to new and extraordinary
experiences, (b) flexible in thinking and acting, (c)
free in self-expression, (d) able to appreciate fantasy,
(e) interest in activities - creative activities, (f) believe
in own ideas, and (g) independently.
2.2 Indicators of Creative Thinking
According to Guilford in Ramdhy and Dadi (2012:
123) mentions five indicators of creative thinking,
Fluency; is the ability to generate many ideas
Flexibility; is the ability to develop various
alternative solutions and approaches to
Originality; is the ability to decide ideas in
genuine or genuine ways.
Elaboration; is the ability to describe in detail
and systematically.
Redefinition; is the ability to review a problem
from a perspective that is different from what
many people already know.
According to Filsaime (2008: 21) argued that the
indicator of creative thinking, namely:
The category of originality refers to the
uniqueness of any response given. Originality is
shown by an unusual, unique and rare response.
It is the ability to decipher a particular object.
Smoothness or fluency
It is the ability to create a myriad of ideas. This
is one of the most powerful indicators of
creative thinking, as more ideas, the more likely
it is to gain a significant idea.
Is the ability to overcome mental obstacles,
change the approach to a problem. Not stuck by
assuming rules or conditions that cannot be
applied to a problem.
2.3 Definition of Project Based
Learning Method
According to Buck Institute for Education (BIE) in
Wena (2010: 144) argues that:
“Project Based Learning is a learning model that
involves students in problem-solving activities and
gives students the opportunity to work autonomously
construct their own learning, and the peak produces
valuable and realistic student work.”
According to Warsono and Hariyanto (2013: 153)
"Project-based learning is defined as a teaching that
tries to link technology with everyday life issues that
are familiar with students, or with school projects".
Meanwhile Bransfor and Stein in Warsono and
Hariyanto (2013: 153) "define project-based learning
as a teaching approach in cooperative and sustainable
The research method used in this research is quasi
experimental method where the research sample is
not randomly grouped but accept the sample
condition as it is (Ruseffendi, 2006: 2). The subject of
research is the ability of creative thinking of students,
especially the students of Class X Social Studies of
Senior High School 2 Kuningan academic year
2014/2015 consisting of one class of control using
lecture teaching method that is Class X Social Studies
2 with the number of students 31 students and one
experiment class by using Project-based learning
method is X IPS 1 with a total of 28 students.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
4.1 Hypothesis Testing of Pre-Test
The results of hypothesis testing of pre-test by using
t test can be seen in the following table:
Table 1: The result of hypothesis testing of pre-test.
From the calculation results obtained t
= 0.18
while α = 0.05 and db = 57, obtained t
= t0.05 (57)
= 1.672 then H0 accepted. It can be concluded that the
students' learning outcomes in the two sample groups
were not significantly different, because t
(1.672). So there is no difference in early ability
between the experimental group and the control
4.2 Hypothesis Testing of Post-Test
The results of hypothesis testing of post-test by using
t test can be seen in the following table:
Table 2: The result of hypothesis testing of post-test.
From the calculation results obtained t
= 3.363
while α = 0.05 and dk = 57, obtained the t
= 0.05
(52) = 1.672 or t
then H0 is rejected and H1is
accepted. In short, the method of Project Based
Learning has a significant influence on students'
creative thinking ability. Thus there is a difference in
the post-test between the experimental class and the
control class.
4.3 Hypothesis Testing of N-Gain
Table 3: The result of hypothesis testing of n-gain.
Based on the calculation result obtained t
4.13 while t
with significant level α = 0.05 where
dk = 57 which shows the value of t
= 1.672. Then
this means that t
is 3.88 > 1.672 or reject H0.
The average gain value of student learning outcomes
of the experimental class is higher than the average
gain value of student learning outcomes in the control
class. This shows that the model of Project Based
Learning can improve students' creative thinking
4.4 Discussion
The implementation of the project-based learning
model to the experimental class was able to improve
students' creative thinking ability compared to the use
of the lecture learning method to the control class.
After learning in both classes with different
approach, it turns out that both classes have improved
student learning outcomes. But the increase that
occurs in the experimental class is greater than the
control class. This shows that the experimental class
using Project Based Learning method can improve
students' creative thinking ability.
The results of the above study, supported by the
study of Hardini and Dewi theories (2012: 128) say
that "the model of Project Based Learning has great
potential to provide a more interesting and
meaningful learning experience for students".
Meanwhile, according to Buck Institute for Education
(BIE) in Wena (2010: 144) argues that "Project Based
Learning is a learning model that involves students in
problem-solving activities and gives students the
opportunity to work autonomously construct their
own learning, and peak produce student work
products Valuable and realistic". Based on some of
the above opinions the researcher found out that
Project Based Learning is a student-centered learning
and puts teachers as motivators and facilitators, where
students are given the opportunity to work
autonomously construct their learning, acquire new
ideas, and can develop ideas that already exist, so as
to improve students' creative thinking ability.
The use of Project Based Learning method re-
quires students to be active (student-centered) while
the teacher acts as facilitator and motivator, students
cooperate with various experiments. So many
opportunities are provided to invite students to think
creatively about the real issues that will be raised in
Project Based Learning.
The ability to think creatively is a cognitive
ability of mental activity to generate and develop new
ideas as the development of pre-existing ideas to
produce a decision in solving problems.
There is no difference in students' creative thinking
ability on initial measurements between experimental
class using Project-Based Learning method and
The Use of Project Based Learning the Effect on Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
control class using lecture learning method. There is
a difference of students' creative thinking ability on
final measurement between experimental class using
Project Based Learning method and control class
using lecture learning method. There is a difference
in N-Gain of students' creative thinking ability
between experimental class using Project-Based
Learning method and control class using lecture
learning method.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship