A on Spam Filtering Classification: A Majority Voting like Approach
Youngsu Dong, Mourad Oussalah and Lauri Lovén
Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, PO Box 4500, 90010 Finland
Keywords: Machine Learning, Text Mining, Majority Voting.
Abstract: Despite the improvement in filtering tools and informatics security, spam still cause substantial damage to
public and private organizations. In this paper, we present a majority-voting based approach in order to
identify spam messages. A new methodology for building majority voting classifier is presented and tested.
The results using SpamAssassin dataset indicates non-negligible improvement over state of art, which paves
the way for further development and applications.
Global email traffic is constantly growing (The
Radicati Group, 2017), and along with it, the number
of unsolicited email (“spam“) is on the rise (Shams
and Mercer, 2013). Spam is sent for various reasons:
for promotion campaigns, advertisement, spreading
backdoors or malicious programs, to name but a few.
Excessive amounts of spam are not only harming
individuals by creating frustrating situations for the
user, but also generate major problems for the
sustainability of the SMEs and IT services.
To cope with the increasing spam traffic, filtering
techniques to discriminate genuine from spam emails
require constant improvement. However, also spam
itself evolves, adjusting to the changes in the filters.
This evolution together with the high variability in the
textual contents of spam messages makes the
development of new algorithms and methodologies
challenging, with standard pre-processing and natural
language processing techniques often showing their
inherent limitations.
This motivates extensive work in development of
anti-spam techniques. The latter can be classified
(Chuan, et al., 2005) into i) a content-based approach,
where the email body is tested for selected key-words,
or patterns that are typical for spams; ii) a header-
based approach, which requires collecting email
addresses of known spammers and known non-
spammers; iii) a protocol-based approach,
introducing new procedures for sender authentication
such as visiting specific websites, collecting personal
codes, adding new entries to DNS servers, or the the
greylisting approach (Harris, 2017), where the
receiving mail server requires an unknown sender to
resend the email again later; or iv) a social network
based approach, with a graph based metric such as the
clustering coefficient is used to test the likelihood of
spam (speculating that spammers send thousands or
even millions of messages).
This paper focuses on the first class, namely, the
content-based approach. We propose a new method
using an ensemble of classifiers.
A classifier-based approach for spam-detection is
nothing new. For example, Amayri and Bouguila
(2010) conducted an extensive study of the use of
support vector machines (SVM) in spam filtering.
They analyzed the performance of SVMs in relation
to a variety of kernels and feature selection methods,
and concluded that the SVM recognizes spam
messages well. This also reinforces previous results
of SVM to text classification (Joachims, 1998).
Further, Metsis et al. (2006) explored various
variants and feature selection in Naive Bayes (NB)
for spam filtering, using multiple public email
corpora for testing the approach. The study concluded
that Flexible Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes
classifier models outperformed several traditional
spam filtering models.
In the same spirit, Androutsopoulos et al. (2000)
investigated the effect of attribute-set size, training-
corpus size, lemmatization, and stop-lists on the
performance of NB spam-detection.
In addition to approaches using a single classifier
to determine spam email, there are many studies
employing multiple classifiers. For instance, Saberi et
al. (2007) employed several classifiers, combining
their results for better performance. In more detail, an
Dong Y., Oussalah M. and LovÃl’n L.
A on Spam Filtering Classification: A Majority Voting like Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006581102930301
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 293-301
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ensemble of K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), NB, and
Poisson classifiers reported a considerable
improvement in accuracy compared to the result of
any classifier alone involved in the study.
Similarly, Tretyakov (2004) combined NB, SVM,
and Perceptron classifiers. They, too, conclude that
the accuracy with respect to spam misclassified as
legitimate emails (false negative) was improved by
employing an ensemble of classifiers.
This paper advocates using multiple classifiers for
spam detection. However, our approach differs from
the state of art in several ways. First, to ensure the
generality of the approach, our research is constrained
by the configuration employed in state or art
approaches on SpamAssassin dataset, which eases
comparison. Second, our choice of individual
classifiers was motivated by both the intensive testing
across multiple classifiers as well as the reported
results in the literature. Third, instead of the binary
spam/ham classification, a finer-grained
classification model opens up the problem of analogy
between binary classification and multi-class
classification problem. This is motivated by the
presence of subcategorization; namely, “hard
legitimate emails” in the original dataset.
Section 2 of this paper details the background of the
approach. Section 3 deals with the majority-voting
based classifier approach. Section 4 highlights setting
of the experiment. The results and discussion are
reported in Section 5. Finally, conclusion and
perspective work are described in Section 6
2.1 Preprocessing
Building a spam filter requires a sizeable collection
of spam and ham messages (“corpus”) to train and test
the filter. Most classification methods require that the
corpus is first preprocessed. This process usually
involves steps such as converting e-mails to plain
text, removing headers, html components and non-
conventional symbols/characters (e.g. non-standard
symbols, URLs, or non-textual inputs such as
multimedia files or images), tokenizing the message
body into words, and removing “stopwords” (i.e.
common words such as “a”, “an” or “the”, that
convey very little information). Further, using e.g. the
Porter-Stemming algorithm (Willett, 2006), word
suffixes may be stripped to remove the most common
morphological and inflexional word endings.
Building a spam filter requires a sizeable
collection of spam and ham messages (“corpus”) to
train and test the filter. Most classification methods
require that the corpus is first preprocessed. This
process usually involves steps such as converting e-
mails to plain text, removing headers, html
components and non-conventional symbols/characte
rs (e.g. non-standard symbols.
2.2 Text Feature Selection
The choice of features, translating the textual input
into a numerical representation, plays key-role in
evaluating the performance of the classifier of choise.
The Vocabulary V consists of all the words (usually
in their primitive forms) available in the preprocessed
corpus. In the “bag of words" representation, each
message (document) M = (M
, M
) is
represented by the subset of V contained in the
message. A vector representation of size |V| can be
utilized for this purpose. In the binary word feature
representation, the component M
is assigned the
value 1, if it is present in the message and zero
otherwise. Similarly, in words-count (a.k.a TF; Term
Frequency) model, the value of M
corresponds to the
frequency of occurrence of the underlying word in the
Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency
(TF-IDF) is another simple yet effective model to
represent the message (Salton, and McGill, 1986).
TF-IDF is related to the term frequencies of the
document, with the weight M
determined by the
product of the term-frequency and the inverse-
document frequency. Specifically,
when  is the size of the corpus (total number of
denotes the frequency of the i
of V in the message M and
for the number of
documents (messages) in the corpus containing the i
2.3 Cross-Validation
Cross-validation is a method that helps overcome data
scarcity in constructing a classifier model while
preventing the model from overfitting. In general, we
often divide the corpus into three subsets: the training
set, the validation set, and the test set. The proportion
of each set is chosen depending on the experimental
condition and the size of the original corpus. Similar
to many other related studies, we adopted the
20:20:60 ratio for testing, validating and training. One
acknowledges, though, that this can also be
problematic in case of data sub-sampling due to lack
of high quality training dataset.
2.4 Classifiers and Modelling
Three classifiers have been selected by our study:
Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes and Decision
Tree. The rationale behind this choice is twofold.
First, many related spam-detection filters have been
built with these classifiers, offering a nice opportunity
for comparison. Second, a simple test with a
collection of readily available classifiers (scikit-learn
toolkit in python was employed for this purpose)
reveals that these classifiers systematically score high
in terms of classification accuracy. A short detailed
description of the configuration of these classifiers
with respect to spam detection task is described next.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a classification
method that maps class examples (e.g., messages) to
points in space and aims to maximize the margin
around the hyperplane separating the classes (Vapnik,
1995). It is proven to be quite robust and perform
substantially well in applications related to text
mining and categorization (Joachims, 1998).
In the context of a spam / ham classification
problem, given a training set of n points (or messages)
attempts to find the "maximum-margin hyperplane"
that divides the group of points
(of dimension |V|)
for which
(categorized as spam) from those
for which
 (categorized as ham), so that the
distance between the hyperplane and the nearest point
from either group is maximized. More formally,
let W and b be the vector normal to the hyperplane
and its displacement relative to the origin,
respectively, then the decision boundary can be found
by solving the following constrained optimization
Subject to
 
The preceding generates a quadratic programming
problem that can easily be solved using numerical
optimization packages. Several other variants of the
above optimization problem have been put forward in
order to accommodate non-linear separation through
a set of predefined Kernels, or soft-margin
optimization criterion, among others (Amayri and
Bouguila, 2010).
Naive Bayes (NB) is reported to achieve the best
common selection for the problem of text
classification and spam filtering (Metsis,
Androutsopoulos and Paliouras, 2000). Its principle
is based in estimating the conditional probability and
statistical independence of the individual features.
More formally, a class (either spam or ham) is
assigned to a message M based on the posterior
probability P(
|M). For example, class “Spam” is
selected if and only if P(
=Spam|M) >
=Ham|M)). Using Bayes’ theorem,
In the case of binary features (M
is assigned 1 if
word V
is present in message, zero, otherwise), we
  
  
with b
=1 if V
is present in a message, and zero,
Now (5) defines a model for generating document
feature vectors of class
, in which the document
feature vector is modelled as a collection of |V|
weighted coin tosses, the t
having a probability of
success equal to P(V
). Individual probabilities
are estimated using the training set,
as the ratio of the number of messages of class
which word
occurs to the total number of messages
of that class and the relative frequency of messages of
(with respect to total number of messages in
the training set), respectively.
A classical multinomial model feature, say, x in
which x
is the count of the number of occurrences of
in a message, is often employed to account
for the frequency of words. In this respect, the
counterpart of (5) is given by
Prior class probabilities are estimated similarly to
Bernoulli’s model using the training set, while
are computed using the
multinomial model vector x
of each ith message as:
where the sum in the numerator expression of (7)
is over all messages M
of the training set whose class
Especially, multinomial NB has been reported to
perform relatively well in the text classification
domain (McCallum and Nigram, 1998) , Metsis,
Androutsopoulos and Paliouras, 2006). The method
is found to be of particular interest when messages
contains repetitive wordings that are fully ignored in
Bernoulli model (McCallum and Nigram, 1998).
Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) is a non-
parametric classification method based on acyclic
directed graphs with hierarchical structure, from the
highest node (root) to terminal nodes (leafs) that
represent document category (spam or ham). While
the internal nodes of a decision tree denote the
different attributes, the branches between the nodes
tell us the possible values that these attributes can
have in the observed samples.
A common strategy to build a decision tree is
based on entropy and information gain. More
specifically, for a message M and using the same
notations, its entropy is given by:
  
  
Similarly, given a training set D of all messages,
the information gain of the i
term of the vocabulary
is given by:
 
stands for the set of messages in D that
contain the ith element, and
stands for the
messages in D that do not contain the ith element of
the vocabulary. The entity under bracket in (9)
corresponds to the expected entropy when the ith
attribute was used to partition the data. Therefore, the
algorithm selects the attribute that yields the
minimum entropy (so, maximizing the information
gain) in order to split the dataset into left and right
subtree. In other words, the information gain is
calculated for each term of the vocabulary so that the
term that maximizes the information gain is selected
as a root node. The process is repeated on the subtrees
until the resulting dataset is pure, e.g., only contains
one single category (leaf node).
Classifiers ensemble is a method leveraging a
combination of classifiers. The method often
performs better than a single classifier, provided
appropriate design and handling approach (Ruta and.
Gabrys, 2005). Research in ensemble classifier
started in early seventies with pioneer work of Tukey
(1997), and continued with results such as the
AdaBoost algorithm and the theoretical foundations
of information fusion theory.
However, research is far from reaching a steady
state from both theoretical and practical perspectives,
motivating this study. We focus on independent
individual classifiers with an identical training set,
reducing the problem to finding appropriate
adjudication function that links the outcome of
individual classifiers.
Majority Voting (or one of its various
refinements), where the classification of an unlabeled
instance follows the class that obtains the highest
number of votes, is well established and commonly
employed for this purpose (Ruta and. Gabrys, 2005),
building on acknowledged Condorcet’s Jury theorem.
Indeed, the majority vote method with independent
classifiers is guaranteed to give a higher accuracy
than individual classifiers when each individual
classifier has a probability of p > 0.5 to yield a correct
output. Such reasoning is also incorporated in
bagging algorithm (boostrap aggregation) (Breiman,
The simplest approach is a standard majority
voting, where each classifier is assigned one single
vote. However, to take into the distinct performance
levels of individual classifiers, the votes may be
weighed. For this purpose, various metrics have been
suggested to determine a classifier’s weight. We
follow Opitz and Shavlik (1996)’s intuitive idea,
setting the weight proportional to the classifier’s
accuracy performance on the validation set. More
formally, let
be the set of labelled
data in a validation set. For each classifier
, one can
construct an n-dimensional binary vector
, with
Therefore, the accuracy of
on a validation set
Z is given by
The latter can be normalized with respect to
accuracy of all classifiers to yields a weighting factor
On the other hand, instead of looking at global
classifier accuracy, it is possible to focus on the
accuracy for each class. Accordingly, (11) can be
modified to
takes a value if classifier D
classifies instance z
in class c, otherwise
After normalization (12), this gives the weight
with respect to each class label c (i.e. spam and ham
This, the output of the majority voting for an
unknown instance x can be written as:
is an indicator variable indicating
whether the outcome of classifier D
for input x falls
in class c or not.
Weighing the votes with the class-specific
, we can rewrite (14) as
In the context of our study, we deliberately
restricted the number of classifiers to Naives Bayes,
SVM and Decision Tree. This choice is justified by
the wide popularity of the above classifiers in the
related research, easing comparative analysis.
Further, these classifiers performed best in our tests.
4.1 Email Corpus
We used the SpamAssassin email corpus. It is a
historical and standardized public corpus, appearing
in a variety of studies from the past to present (Chuan,
et al., 2005), (Zhang, Zhu and Yao, 2004), (Bratko, et
al., 2006), (Katakis, Tsoumakas and Vlahavas, 2010).
All elements of email (heading, body, etc.) were
considered in the classification process.
The corpus consists of a total of 6100 legitimate
(ham) and unsolicited (spam) emails. The legitimate
emails are sub-categorised into hard legitimate emails
(spam resembling structure; subscribed promotions)
and generic emails. Spam ratio is 30%, and there are
250 hard legitimate emails as highlighted in Figure 1.
An example of instance of emails is depicted in
figures 2-4.
Figure 1: Statistics of the corpus used in the experiment.
Figure 2: A legitimate email example.
Figure 3: A hard legitimate email example.
4.2 Configurations
Prior to applying the majority voting rule (14-15), it
is important to tune the parameters of individual
classifiers such that the overall performance level is
likely maximized. On the other hand, because of
sensitivity of the performance with respect to the
distribution of hard-legitimate emails, the number of
hard ham (spam-like legitimate email) is equally
allocated to the train and test set. On the other hand,
since the performance of the algorithms depends on
the configuration of the training set, generated at
random and changing at each run, we deliberately
repeated the running of the algorithm one hundred
times. The mean and standard deviation values are
therefore reported for individual classifier results.
Figure 4: A spam mail example.
We used with most standard textual features (e.g.,
TF-IDF, TF, Binary) to restrict the scale of our study
and emphasize the expected gain from utilizing some
unexplored properties of the dataset, as well as the
limit of the majority-voting like mechanism.
We implemented classifiers using the Scikit-learn
library of the Python script language. The library is
available as open-source and built specifically for
Python, which eases the preprocessing that includes
tokenization, cleanup, among others, and post-
processing tasks.
5.1 SVM
Scikit-learn allows different types of kernel functions
for an SVM model. While some studies state that the
majority of text classification problems can be solved
by a linear kernel (Joachims, 1998), (Zhang, Zhu and
Yao, 2004), others argue that the performance varies
across different parameters and kernel settings
(Amayri and N. Bouguila, 2010). To make a fair
assertion, we ran a set of validation tests, modelling
classifiers with different kernel functions provided by
Scikit-learn library. A comparative result is presented
in Figure 5 and Table 1.
Figure 5 shows that given a training set sampled
from the corpus, the linear kernel (with TF-IDF
features) performs best. We investigated also the
features, with TF-IDF compared to binary and TF
features in Table 1. The results show the TF-IDF
features consistently performed very well on all
kernel types with, justifying the choice in further
Figure 5: SVM performance evaluation by four different
kernel functions applied: Linear, Polynomial, RBF, and
Sigmoid; kernel degree is set to 1 and 0.7 for gamma value.
Table 1: Results of cross-validation, with SVM kernel
models with different feature selection approaches. The
total hard ham (spam-like legitimate email) is joined in the
training set.
5.2 Naïve Bayes
Similarly to SVM, we tested the performance of the
NB classifier with respect to the three most
commonly employed features (binary features, TF,
TF-IDF). We also compared the multinomial and
multivariate based models (Schneider),
Eyheramendy, Lewis and Madigan, 2003) of NB
implementation. The results are summarized in Table
Table 2: NB model comparison by feature selection
methods; results of cross-validation.
0.97 ()
0.92 ()
0.93 (
0.92 ()
0.86 ()
0.92 ()
Table 2 shows that the multinomial model
performs better with binary word feature model,
while the performance of the multivariate model
seems to be more consistent regardless of the
selection of the feature models.
We investigated also the alpha-parameter of the
multinomial classifier model (since it showed a better
performance in average; Table 2), with the accuracy
on the validation set for various values of alpha
reported in Fig. 6. The result indicates a model with
the default alpha value a1 yields the best
Figure 6: NB performance measure by incremental alpha
5.3 Decision Tree Classifier
The DT classifier results for the three distinct features
are summarized in Table 3. The results show that
given the corpus, DTC performs consistently well
regardless of applied feature selection approach.
Table 3: DTC Accuracy with respect to various features and
two impurity measures.
DT Accuracy
0.96 ()
0.97 ()
0.96 ()
Gini Impurity
We also tested the impurity criterion (Tan,
Steinbach. and Kumar, 2006) by the DTC algorithm
to see whether entropy or gini-impurity based
criterion is preferred. The results shown in Table. 3
supports the default entropy criterion for the DT
5.4 Majority-Voting Classifier
An ensemble of three classification algorithms (SVM,
DTC, and NB) is evaluated to measure the
performance of the classification method on the test
set. First, we further tuned individual classifier
models using cross-validation in order to maximize
their performance levels. The results displayed in
Table 4 distinguishes between the case where the
“hard-ham” cases are shifted dominantly to the test-
dataset and the case where they are uniformly
distributed. More specifically, the two experiments
allocate the number of hard-ham in different
proportion, where the first experiment puts the entire
hard-ham into test data set, while the second one
selects the sample data on the given input parameter
basis (random selection for each categories of
emails). The result shows that the majority voting
method performs remarkably well as compared to
individual performance levels. Especially in the first
case, the majority-voting based classifier provided
more robustness and a higher average performance in
the final decision. For the sake of notation
simplification in Table 4 and subsequent ones, one
shall denote by the accuracy, precision, recall, F1-
score by A, P, R an F.
In Table 5, we tested the majority voting
according to the weightings (14) and (15), accounting
for individual classifier performance on the validation
Table 4: Classifier model performance comparison.
The result shown in Table 5 indicates that a
standard majority voting scheme outperforms the
weighted majority classifier regardless of the
weighing ((14) or (15)) used. To explain the result,
Table 6 exhibits the accuracy of individual classifiers
on spam and ham class category (the global classifier
accuracy being the average of the two accuracies).
Table 5: Comparison of weighted majority classifiers.
Table 6: Confidence table: weight for each class is given
based on f1-score of the class of each classifier. LC:
confidence value on legitimate emails, SC: confidence
value on spam emails.
Table 6 clearly indicates that SVM outperforms other
classifiers in terms of classification accuracy on the
validation set, which, in turn, makes the result of the
weighted classifiers very much biased by the outcome of
SVM, and, therefore, fails to capture the diversity among
the different classifiers.
5.4 Use of Subcategorization
The SpamAssassin public corpus contains 250 emails
labelled as "hard-ham". For the hard-ham emails, the
content resembles a spam email. This makes it
difficult for a model to make the classification
decision. Indeed, all of our models struggled with
classifying hard-ham: including the hard-ham emails
in a test set pulled down the accuracy of classifies up
to 11% (Table 4).
To tackle this, we defined hard-ham as an
independent class apart from the legitimate and ham
emails. Accordingly, we trained the individual
classifiers to classify all three classes. The result
exhibited in Table 7 shows a substantial improvement
in accuracy of around 0.991 (SVM) and 0.988
(SVM+NB+DTC) in comparison to the data present
in Table 5.
Table 7: Classification performance of models trained and
tested on the multi-class base.
This result raises further research questions for the
use of subcategorization in order to enhance the
classification result. For example, given a binary
classification problem that categorizes classes c1 and
c2, if elements of class c1 can further be split into c3
and c4 classes, how does the classification of c2, c3,
c4 enhance or degrade the initial binary classification
problem. Without speculating on the result, the
problem is ultimately linked to the nature of features
and the quality of the training set, especially with
respect to the subcategory dataset. This constitutes a
part of our future investigation in this context, which
lies down promising theoretical foundation. Table 8
summarizes the performance of the binary and multi-
class classification.
The performance level achieved competes with
state of the art results obtained using the same corpus.
For instance, Chuan, et al., (2005) reported a spam
precision and a spam recall of 98.97 and 93.58
respectively. A lower classification performance is
also reported in Bratko et al., (2006).
Table 8: Comparison of model performance, measured by
different metrics.
DTC (Multi
C (Binary
This paper addressed the usefulness of majority-
voting based classification strategy for spam
identification with specific focus to SpamAssassin
corpus combining machine learning and natural
language processing based techniques. Three most
commonly employed classifiers; namely, Support
vector machine, Naïves Bayes and Decision Tree
have been implemented and tested with textual
features. The result shows that standard majority
voting strategy can increases the performance of
individual classifiers in terms of accuracy, precision,
recall metrics. Nevertheless, the use of weighted
majority classifier according to accuracy of
individual classifiers on validating set fails to display
the expected improvement. On the other hand, the
study also reveals the importance of exploring the
subcategorization that exists in the original dataset,
where substantial improvement has been noticed,
which brings the achieved accuracy marginally
outperforming many of the state of the art results
employing the same dataset. This also opens
interesting perspective work in order to explore the
theoretical foundation of such mechanism.
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