On Web based Sentence Similarity for Paraphrasing Detection
Mourad Oussalah and Panos Kostakos
Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, P.O.Box 4500, FIN-90014, Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Semantic Similarity, Text Mining, Paraphrasing.
Abstract: Semantic similarity measures play vital roles in information retrieval, natural language processing and
paraphrasing detection. With the growing plagiarisms cases in both commercial and research community,
designing efficient tools and approaches for paraphrasing detection becomes crucial. This paper contrasts
web-based approach related to analysis of snippets of the search engine with WordNet based measure. Several
refinements of the web-based approach will be investigated and compared. Evaluations of the approaches
with respect to Microsoft paraphrasing dataset will be performed and discussed.
Paraphrase detection is found to be critical in
information extraction, information retrieval, summa-
rization, question-answering, plagiarism identification,
among others. Nevertheless, paraphrase detection is
acknowledged as a challenging natural language
processing task because of inherent difficulty in
grasping the meaning of individual phrases. Although
standard approaches for this task relies intensively on
purely lexical based matching through counting the
number of matching tokens of the two-phrases
(Zhang and Patrick, 2005), other approaches which
make use of semantic similarity features with/without
other heuristics begin to emerge. For instance, Dolan
and Brockett (2004; 2005) used string edit distance
and a heuristic that pairs sentences from different
stories in the same cluster. Islam and Inkpen (2007)
used a modified version of the longest common
subsequence string matching algorithm. Mihalcea et
al. (2006) used corpus-based and knowledge-based
measures of similarity. Fernando and Stevenson
(2008) proposed a similarity matrix approach that
makes use of WordNet based semantic similarity
(Fellbaum, 1998). Collobert and Weston (2008)
advocated a deep neural network based approach that
uses word feature representations.
Motivated by Bollegala et al. ’s (2007) work on
web-based word similarity that exploits the outcome
of web-search engine, this paper proposes a new
paraphrasing detection method that exploits both the
page count and the semantic redundancy of the
snippets outputted by each of the two queries
(phrases) to be compared. Intuitively, one expects that
similar queries would yield similar outcomes, in
terms of web search outcome. The latter includes both
the number of outputs (page count) and the content of
each link (including the snippet expression).
However, given the complexity of the search engine
operation and the subjectivity that may pervade the
meaning of the query, such intuition is rarely fully
verified, which motivates further reasoning in order
to narrow this gap. For this purpose, several
approaches will be examined and contrasted.
Evaluations using Microsoft Research Paraphrase
Corpus (MRPC) (Dolan and Brockett, 2005) will be
carried out. Section 2 of this paper presents the
background and related work. Section 3 emphasizes
our suggested web-based paraphrase detection
approach. Testing using MRPC dataset is
in Section 4. Finally, conclusion and perspective
work are highlighted in Section 5.
The availability of word lexical database, e.g.,
WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998), where words are
organized into synsets which are then encoded with
conceptual and lexical IS-A relations enables creation
of semantic distances among any word-pair (verb and
noun categories).
Here we considered the commonly employed Wu
and Palmer measure (1994), which is solely based on
Oussalah M. and Kostakos P.
On Web Based Sentence Similarity for Paraphrasing Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0006581002890292
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 289-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
path length between WordNet concepts because of its
simplicity and desire to omit corpus based effect.
Mihalcea et al. (2006) proposed a canonical extension
of the word-to-word semantic similarity to sentence-
to-sentence similarity by averaging the maximum
pairwise conceptual scores. More specifically, given
two query sentences Q and S, the sentence similarity
reads as:
,() ( ,() (
|| | |
max ( , ) max ( , )
xx S POS w POS x S POS w POS x
wQ wQ
Sim Q S
im x w sim x w
∈= ∈=
Where Sim(x,w) stands for Wu and Palmer
WordNet conceptual similarity measure between
word “x” of sentence S and a word “w” of sentence Q
that has the same part of speech (POS) as P (only
nouns and verb categories have their word-to-word
similarity available). |Q| (resp. |S|) stands for the
number of noun and verb tokens in the query sentence
Q (resp. S).
Nevertheless, given the PoS tagger uncertainty
where the prediction of the correct category is far to
be fully accurate, a cautious counterpart of (1)
examines all pairwise comparisons as follows:
|| | |
max(,) max(,)
xxS S
wQ wQ
Sim Q S
im x w sim x w
Alternatively, several researchers analyzed the
word semantic similarity by evaluating the outcome
of the search engine results. Cilibrasi and Vitanyi
(2007) proposed the well-known normalized Google
distance using only page counts for individual queries
and joint occurrence. Bolegala et al. (2007) proposed
WebJacquard coefficient that reads as, where H(.)
denotes the number of hits of (.), and δ some
predefined threshold.
0 if H(Q S)
H(Q S)
, otherwise
H(Q) H(S)-H(Q S)
WebJ Q S
Sahami and Heilman (2006) quantified the
semantic similarity between two queries using a TF-
IDF (term frequency x inverse document frequency)
model of snippets outputted by the search engine that
accounts for contextual information. Chen et al.
(2006) proposed the co-occurrence double checking
(CODC) measure that counts the occurrences of word
Q (resp. S) in snippets of word S (resp. P).
Bollegala et al. (2007) proposed an optimal
combination of page counts-based co-occurrences
measure and lexical patterns extracted from text
snippets that uses SVM (support vector machine)
classification. Strictly speaking, there are several
limitations when attempting to extrapolate the word
web based similarity to sentence-to-sentence
similarity. First, the use of joint query (Q AND S) in
the search engine often yields void result. Second, the
complexity of the search operation which accounts
for several other parameters (e.g. number of links,
date, named-entities, context) renders the probability
of having snippets which contain redundant wording
rather very low. Third, inputting a phrase like
expression to search engine involves several other
lexical and semantic processing that goes beyond
simple bag-of-word like reasoning. This motivates
the approach put forward in the next section.
3.1 Outline
Given two queries P and Q, let S(P) and S(Q) be the
top-ranked set of snippets outputted by the search
engine (for limitation of public search API, one shall
only consider the first n snippets of each individual
query. More formally, we have
S(P) = {SP
, SP
S(Q) = {SQ
, SQ
where SP
(resp. SQ
) stands for the i
snippet generated by query P (resp. Q), after filtering
out stop words, symbols/characters. Individual tokens
can also stand for composed words, if entry is found
in WordNet lexical database.
We next compute two types of similarity
measures among snippets. The first one builds on
Chen et al. (2006) double checking model and the
optimistic view of similarity.
(, )max ,
CODC i j
reaches its maximum value
1 whenever all tokens of P (resp. Q) are found in
snippet SQ
(resp. SP
). The second similarity is a
refinement of Fernando and Stevenson (2008)
measure as:
(, )
||| |
FSW i j
) corresponds to the binary vector
of snippet SP
(resp. SQ
) with respect to a dictionary
constituted of SP
. In contrast to (Fernando and
Stevenson, 2008), the matrix W carries pairwise
similarity values calculated using both Wu &
Palmer’s semantic similarity and Wikipedia based
measure such that
()( )
m ax ln ( ),ln ( ) ln ( , )
max ( , ),
ln ( ) ( ) m in ln ( ),ln ( )
kl kl
WP k l
kl k l
Ht Ht Ht t
Ht Ht Ht Ht
represents the number of documents in
Wikipedia containing token t
. In other words,
semantic similarity between two tokens corresponds
to the best evaluation among Wu & Palma and
Wikipedia based evaluation quantifications. The
rationale behind the use of Wikipedia evaluation is to
deal with situations in which individual semantic
similarity returns void results. For instance, tokens
“Ronald Reagan” and “US President” would yield
zero using Wu & Palmer and 0.44 using Wikipedia
normalized distance.
(6) corresponds to a canonical extension of Fernando
and Stevenson (2008) sentence-similarity suggested
for paraphrasing purpose, where its initial
formulating is shown to outperform the tf-idf vector
based representation as well as quantification (1)
(Fernando and Stevenson, 2008).
Finally, the overall semantic similarity between the
two queries P and Q is quantified as the best matching
among the refined double checking model and
weighted construction in the sense of (6); that is,
( , ) max max ( , ),max ( , )
CODC i j FSW i j
ij ij
In other words, the web-based semantic similarity
between query P and Q is quantified according to the
best evaluation between the extent of overlapping of
one query into the top snippets of the second query,
and the best pairwise evaluations of snippets
associated to the two queries according to WordNet –
Wikipedia evaluation metric similarity. It is
noteworthy that expression (8) corresponds to a
cautious attitude towards paraphrasing detection
where a potential hit found in one snippet can yield a
full similarity score. However, such reasoning seems
in agreement with the prudent attitude of plagiarism
detection where the officer is interested to candidates
that will be subject to further checking, which would
intuitively decrease the amount of false negatives in
the system. A graphical summary of the approach is
highlighted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Outline of proposed method.
3.2 Exemplification
Consider the following two sentences in the
Microsoft research paraphrasing corpus
A: “Amrozi accused his brother, whom he called
‘the witness’, of deliberately distorting his evidence.”
B: “Referring to him as only ‘the witness’, Amrozi
accused his brother of deliberately distorting his
The use of evaluation (1) yields Sim(A , B) = 0.81
while the quantification (8) yields Sim(A , B) = 1,
which demonstrates a better agreement with human
Similarly, the following less trivial paraphrasing
caseof the dataset:
C: “The former wife of rapper Eminem has been
electronically tagged after missing two court
D: “After missing two court appearances in a
cocaine possession case, Eminem’s ex-wife has been
placed under electronic house arrest.”
yields Sim(C, D) = 0.63 when using (1) while the
quantification (8) yields Sim(C , D) = 0.87, which
again reinforces the aforementioned usefulness.
We used the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus,
which is a standard resource for paraphrase detection
task. It consists of 5801 sentence pair selected from
Web news sources, which are hand labeled by human
judges as whether the pair stands for a paraphrase or
not. Table 1 present the average scores in terms of
similarity measures for paraphrase and non-
paraphrase cases. Results were also compared to
evaluation based on (2), tf-idf cosine similarity,
Fernando and Stevenson (2008) (implemented in the
same spirit as (8)).
Next, one can use the available training dataset of
MRPC in order to learn the threshold beyond which a
similarity score is considered as a paraphrasing (a
simple logistic regression were employed for this
purpose). This will be used to evaluate the overall
accuracy of the approach. Overall results of the
classification on testing MRPC dataset are
highlighted in Table 2.
Table 1: Average similarity score for paraphrase and non-
paraphrase cases in MRPC dataset
Method Paraphrase Non-paraphrase
Our method 88% 46%
Quantification (2)
If-Idf Cosine Sim
Method [5]
Table 2: Overall classification accuracy on MRPC testing
Method Accuracy rate
Our method 84%
Quantification (2)
If-Idf Cosine Sim
Method [5]
Results highlighted in Table 1 and Table 2 testify of
the usefulness of the proposed approach that fruitfully
combine Wikipedia based measure, WordNet based
semantic similarity and double checking model on the
top extracted snippets of the queries in order to infer
enhanced similarity measure. Future work involves
study of algebraical and asymptotical properties of
the elaborated measure as well as testing on
alternative corpus. Especially, it is easy to see that
expression (8) will require further refinements in the
case where the presence of false negative is dominant
in the dataset.
This paper contributes to the ongoing research of
developing efficient tools for paraphrase detection.
The approach advocates a web-based approach where
the snippets of the search are analyzed using
WordNet semantic based measure and Normalized-
based distance Wikipedia based measure. The
proposal has been designed in order to accommodate
a prudent attitude like reasoning. The test using
Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus has shown
good results with respect to some of state of the art
approaches. Although, the complexity of web search
outcome is well documented, the proposal opens
news ways to explore the timely availability of the
search results by exploring the similarity of the search
outcomes regardless of the accuracy of single search
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