Designing Situation Awareness
Addressing the Needs of Medical Emergency Response
Julia Kantorovitch
, Ilkka Niskanen
, Jarmo Kalaoja
and Toni Staykova
VTT-Technical Research Center, Espoo, Finland
CambridgeUniversity Hospitals, Cambridge, U.K.
Keywords: Situation Awareness, Design Principles, Decision Support, Medical Emergency Response.
Abstract: The effective support of Situation Awareness (SA) is the core of many applications. In this paper, we report
a progress on the research towards the complementing of the existing studies with new knowledge, on
engineering of SA in particular keeping in mind a complex multi-stakeholder context of existing and future
knowledge intensive intelligent environments. A medical emergency response use case is used as an
instantiation example to evaluate our engineering thoughts.
The importance of Situation Awareness (SA) has
been firstly recognized for crews in the military and
aviation domains. The most prominent and complete
work in this direction is a Theory of Situation
Awareness studied and consolidated by Mica R.
Endsley (Endsley, 1995). In her work the theoretical
model of situation awareness and in particular its
role in human decision making is defined. From the
application point of view this research addresses
mostly the needs of various time-critical
environments, such as air traffic control, large
complex manufacturing systems, some medical
systems and tactical and strategic systems. These
systems are in a sense closed systems of single
provider supporting strict top-down design and
development approach and aim at addressing the
needs of a “single operator”.
On the other hand the increased availability and
robustness of sensors, the wide-spread use of the
internet, as well as intensified research in the area of
the content convergence and social media have led
to the definition and acceleration of various research
fields and phenomena that draw on the advances of
these technologies, Pervasive computing, Ambient
Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT), as well as
cloud computing, which define a vision where in
the future distributed services and computing
devices, mobile or embedded in almost any type of
physical environment all cooperate seamlessly with
one another using information and intelligence to
improve user experience. The support for Situation
Awareness is equally important in this new context.
The value of SA can be found in the product
manufacturing domain, emergency management,
design, supply chain management, and equipment
remote maintenance, to mention a few applications.
The Situation Awareness requires applications to
support management of data, knowledge and related
services in an integrated and sustainable way.
Mastering of “simplicity” and “openness” will be
deterministic for the digital products, application and
services successful in the future. Openness in the
creation of products and services allowing various
independent networks of stakeholders to participate
in the services creation process will enable the
complementary bottom-up approach in smart
systems development. Simplicity is demanded by
users. Simplicity is related to usability and there is a
trend in industry to conflate these terms as much as
possible. Better usability will increase user
acceptance of technology, which is crucial for
products take-off in many contexts. The purpose of
the system may play an important role in defying of
respective elements that influence system acceptance
from the end-user as well as the developer and
business point of view.
In this research we aim at extending the existing
studies in the field looking on SA according this new
context. A medical emergency response context is
used as an example to instantiate and to evaluate the
respective design thoughts. Various stakeholders
Kantorovitch, J., Niskanen, I., Kalaoja, J. and Staykova, T.
Designing Situation Awareness - Addressing the Needs of Medical Emergency Response.
DOI: 10.5220/0006475504670472
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 467-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dealing with Situation Awareness, such as end users
of the system (i.e. emergency responders), applica-
tion developers and business actors are examined.
By applying the usercentred approach to elicit the
requirements for patient safety during emergency
medical response, one of our contributions to the
state of the art is to extract the “simplicity” hidden in
apparently complex emergency context. Our second
contribution lies in the resulted domain model and
respective knowledge oriented architecture, which
are defined to guide the development of desired
situation awareness.
In the following section, the related studies on
SA as well as the motivation for this research are
further discussed. The aim is to capture challenges
and needs still to be addressed in developing of SA
and therein to facilitate innovation and more
substantial system design. In Section 3, we discuss a
model based SA design for medical emergency
response context. Conclusions are summarised in
Section 4.
SA originated with aviation practitioners. After the
research has spread to other environments, such as
air traffic controllers, nuclear power plant operators,
anaesthesiologists and automobile drivers in
particular addressing cognitive tasks that operators
in such environments may face, thus extending the
theoretical model defined by Endley (Endsley, 1995
& Endsley, 2003).
Looking on the relevant advances in research in
the area of pervasive ubiquitous computing
environment and IoT, a related concept to SA is the
notion of Context Awareness (CA), which is defined
as ”any information that can be used to characterise
the situation of the entity” (Dey, 2001). The term
Context Awareness and Situation Awareness are
used interchangeably by some authors as they mean
the same, however there is an important difference
in their usage. The CA aims to enable better service
delivery through proactively adapting use and access
of information, physical resources and multi-
modality feature of human-computer interaction
process with respect to available context information
(Soylu, 2009; Schmidt, 2012). In contrast, SA is the
perception of the elements and “events” in the
environment related to the entity (i.e. user) or in
other words, it is simply about knowing and
understanding what is going on around. This
understanding may lead to some action taken by the
While the methodology towards the developing
of context-aware applications for various intelligent
environments has appeared (Dey, 2001; Hong, 2009;
Perera, 2013), there has been a little focus put to
support the situation awareness in this new context
(Chen, 2012). The existing approaches aim mainly at
the addressing of development of domain specific
applications and improvements of existing
technology according to the theoretical models
introduced earlier (Endsley, 2003). For example, the
SA needs of an operator in road traffic management
domain are enhanced by developing a number of
ontology based applications (Baumgartner, 2010).
The machine learning algorithms towards the
recognition of situation are presented in
(Häussermann, 2010). A role of semantic
technologies in improving SA is discussed in
(Smart, 2007). In the domain of emergency
management, the research has been mainly focusing
on tackling of organizational aspects to achieve a
sufficient shared SA (e.g. Sapateiro, 2007;
Seppänen, 2013).
The existing approaches lacked the touch of
widely adopted software engineering practices
where the requirements to SA engineering are
mastered by examining various design-view points,
actors involved, and the domain specific aspects
such as standards and accepted work practices, as
visualised in Fig.1. Developing the effective and
sustainable Situation Awareness necessitates the
availability of respective Model, which is created to
build the description of the problem domain in
software engineering and to define the system
development process. Models are very much
associated with the domain they present.
Accordingly, in the following section we illustrate
our approach to the design of Situation Awareness
by researching and developing the domain specific
model to tackle the needs SA in a medical
emergency response context.
Figure 1: Design views in SA engineering.
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
The information systems for emergency manage-
ment are based on information provided by various
actors, by diverse collections of sensors in the field
and information supplied by human volunteers. The
information may come in different forms such as
field reports, images and remote sensing informa-
tion. In order to achieve SA, various knowledge and
information models need to be aligned. It is widely
acknowledged that good SA leads also to good
decision making (Feng, et al. 2009). Moreover, as
various actors (and accordingly various heterogene-
ous information infrastructures) are involved as
information providers in the emergency management
context, there is a demand for the means to support
the interoperability among different information
sources towards their access and information reuse
and further acceptance of the system by business and
earlier adopters.
3.1 End-user View
The methods for the collection and analysis of
general emergency response user needs towards the
creation of domain model involved literature and
clinical practice reviews and face-to-face interviews
with stakeholders (e.g. the London Ambulance
Service, the Vienna Red Cross, the Sofia Military
Medical Academy). This led to the codification of
the principle five spaces, related actors and their
actions directly linked to medical emergency
response: (1) Initial Alert: the phase, where the
initial alert is being managed, usually a 112 call
center or Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP); (2)
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) on the Way: the
phase, in which an EMS team is dispatched to
emergency event’s location; (3) Field Management:
the event’s site where the people requiring urgent
medical help are located; (4) Transport: the phase, in
which an EMS team takes patients to a First
Receiver; (5) First Receiver: the phase, in which the
First Receiver, usually hospital, prepares for and
later takes over the care of the patient. The
emergency responders working in each of these five
phases/spaces have sets of patient-related tasks,
which are the same, irrespective of country or type
of incident. These are the tasks that form the basis
for the generic set of requirements for technology
and situation awareness and decision supports,
discussed next. The more the actions across the
spaces are interlinked by effective information
sharing technology and the more provisions for
mutual visibility, early situational awareness, and
decision support are provided, the more the phases
are enabled to run in parallel, therefore saving time
and becoming more effective in saving lives.
3.1.1 Situation Awareness Model
A Common Information Space (CIS) introduced to
maximise the quality of available information and its
outcome across five operational conceptual spaces
of emergency medical response, Decision support
points and Information sharing patterns constitute
the Situation Awareness model. The Situation
Awareness model is represented in form of the
sequence diagrams in Fig. 2. The purpose of these
sequence diagrams is: 1) to clarify the decisions that
different actors make during the course of an
incident and explain how the system supports deci-
sion making; 2) to illustrate the collaborative nature
of decision making and represent what kind of
critical information is required to support different
actors with their tasks; 3) to represent the important
information flows that potentially exist between
involved actors mediated by a knowledge mana-
gement system in form of notifications and alerts.
The emergency management process is started as
PSAP receives a call to the emergency telephone
number. Usually, the caller provides basic informa-
tion about the incident including the type and the
location of the incident and injured if any. PSAP
staff reports the received information to the CIS
system and determines also a priority dispatch code
for the event. The inserted information is transmitted
to the Decision support system that should be able to
analyse the data and to generate recommendations
for resources that should be invited to manage the
incident. The recommenda-tions are returned to the
CIS system, which in turn should notify PSAP staff
about the recommenda-tions. Subsequently, PSAP
staff may analyse the recommendations to make the
final decision about the resources that are invited
and dispatched. Next, PSAP staff communicates the
dispatch information to selected EMS staff members
and, additionally, informs hospitals through the CIS
system. After that, both EMS staff and the field
commander should compare the incident details (e.g.
the number of patients) against dispatched resources
and evaluate whether the required resource
estimations are accurate and justified. If necessary,
both of the aforementioned actors can decide to
dispatch additional resources for the incident. The
field commander also performs task allocation for
EMS staff members. The Decision Support system
may support this activity by creating
Designing Situation Awareness - Addressing the Needs of Medical Emergency Response
Figure 2: Sequence diagram of a collaborative decision making in an incident situation.
recommendations for task allocation utilizing, for
example, personal profiles that describe the
capabilities of involved EMS staff members. Actors
can also set critical tags to the system to indicate that
the incident involves potentially dangerous chemi-
cal, biological, radiological or nuclear materials. The
final decision making point presented in the Fig. 2
considers whether external experts should be invited
to the scene of an incident. Based on the incident
type, injuries of patients and/or the existence of
possible hazards and critical tags the field
commander may decide to insert information about
required external experts to the CIS.
The activities, decisions and communication
flows that are usually executed in the following
phases of an incident management process are not
illustrated in the sequence diagram due to the space
limit, however they are explained in the following.
Once EMS staff has examined the patients, patient
data (e.g. the results of triage) is reported to the CIS.
Next, the received information is analysed by the
Decision support system towards the generation of
recommendations for allocating patients to hospitals.
The recommendations are constructed by comparing
patients’ reported injuries against available hospital
data including provided specialities, location and the
number of available beds. Based on the received
recommendations EMS staff can decide the patient
allocation and is able to send allocation alerts to
hospitals and medical transportation. The allocation
alerts include the IDs of the patient and the hospital
receiving the patient. In the next phase, the CIS
system may communicate the location of hospitals
and current traffic information to the Decision
support system that should be able to process the
information and to generate route recommendations
for transportation vehicles. Once a patient arrives to
the hospital the hospital personnel downloads a
patient form from the CIS system thus
acknowledging the arrival.
Typically, the transportation personnel and
responders in the field also utilize specific cards that
offer guidance and thus facilitate the treatment of
different kinds of patients or allocation of required
The defined Situation Awareness model is used
as a basis to formulate the required knowledge
models for the Common Information Space and to
propose the overall architectural pattern that can be
used to achieve the desired SA functionality. The
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
proposed architecture and knowledge models, which
take into account the developer- and the business-
views are discussed next.
3.2 Developer and Business Views
Glossaries and vocabularies play a significant role in
emergency management due to the importance of
clear communication during disaster response. It is a
good practice to use standards if available to enable
information sharing interoperability. Several
standards addressing data modelling and data
exchange formats related to medical emergency
response have been designed so far. Based on the
conducted research (Kantorovitch et al. 2015),
OASIS EDXL based models (EDXL, 2015) appear
more promising to address the needs of medical
services in the context of emergency. To date, it is
the most complete and mature effort to facilitate
emergency information sharing and data exchange
across various actors - public, commercial and also
medical involved in the process of emergency
management. Consequently the EDXL-based
vocabularies have been selected as the central
knowledge models to utilize. Obviously there is no
possibility of universal agreement on any conceptual
scheme including EDXL, however it is argued that a
practical common ontology does not need to have
universal agreement, it only needs a large enough
user community to make it profitable for developers
to use it as a means to general interoperability, and
for third-party developer to develop utilities to make
it easier to use.
In addition, in order to support evolvability, the
system solutions have to take into account
requirements that arise from anticipated changes on
environment, technology and stakeholders’ needs.
Fortunately there is already accumulated knowledge
of well-known general software design principles
presented as architectural tactics and patterns that
can be used to guide design. Architectural tactic is a
characterization of architecture level decisions that
can be used to achieve a desired quality attribute
response. Evolvability is typically associated with
modifiability, which can be addressed by a tactic
localizing changes by increasing cohesion,
preventing ripple effects of changes by reducing
couplings, and deferring binding time to support
dynamic adaptability (Bachmann et al. 2007).
Studies have identified several architectural patterns
supporting evolvability, most important examples
being layering, Model-View-Controller (MVC)
pattern, and use of plug-ins (Bode and Riebisch
2010). Based on the best practices identified, the
architecture of the system is designed to adopt
layering and Model-View-Presentation (MVP)
architectural pattern that itself is a derivation of
MVC. Layers defined in MVP pattern are presented
with shades of blue in Fig. 3.
Model layer captures the information on problem
domain i.e. individuals of incidents and their
participants. The model stores dynamic data into
RDF store, which directly manages its logic and
consistency with axioms and rules. The Incident
ontology is the core ontology of Model. Model is
constructed using both domain specific and generic
ontologies shown as grey layers. The Incident
ontologies and EDXL concepts are structured in an
extensible way and constructed according to Linked
Data (LD) principles. Both, the developed Incident
ontologies and EDXL vocabularies are released as
an open source to GitHub software repository for
their further reuse (COncORDE, 2016).
Presenter layer typically retrieves data from the
model, and formats it to be useful in the views
(facilitated e.g. by REST API/JSON format). In the
emergency context the presenter layer contains
queries that report the overall situation and also may
enable alerts and notifications presented in Fig.2.
Presenter layer also supports queries and reasoning
based on generic ontologies for time, location and
organization or personal information. When other
external vocabularies are utilized by Model, new
presenters for them can be added. In addition,
Presenter Layers is designed to support other
functions and services of the system, such as
ontology-assisted information extraction, decision
support algorithms and overall management of
heterogeneous incident related content.
Figure 3: The knowledge oriented architecture.
Designing Situation Awareness - Addressing the Needs of Medical Emergency Response
Finally, a View can be any output representation
of information, such as a diagram or it may contain
multiple views, such as a map with several
information visualization layers.
Layers on the right shaded as green represent
stakeholder specific development, maintenance and
evolution related aspects of the system with
examples of supporting tools. For instance, ontology
evolution is supported with version control using
GitHub with wiki as a means for documenting the
rationales for changes in ontology. In order to ease
version control, ontology source is developed using
textual Turtle format.
The proposed framework utilizes two of the
main strengths of linked data technologies. First is
that the evolution of ontologies used by models can
be opened to collaborative work among developers.
Second is that the models themselves can be
extended and tailored for the specific needs of
systems and user views by choice of external
vocabularies and ontologies.
This paper has provided the detailed technical
description of a model based approach aiming at
achieving Situation Awareness and support for
decision making in a dynamic medical emergency
response context. The effective exploitation of
domain models, architectural tactics, linked open
data technology and domain specific vocabularies
aim at the interoperability, better acceptance and
evolution of the developed system. The use of Web
standards and a common data model makes it
possible to implement applications that operate over
the complete integrated data space. The focus of our
future work is put on further prototyping of the
proposed SA framework. The developed decision
support services are based on the mathematical
modelling of optimization problems for timely
allocation of resources and on semantically
supported domain knowledge modelling, as well as
on the machine-learning-based prediction of
emergency incident expected victims and
subsequently demand for resources.
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ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies