Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group
V. Antoniou
, S. Lappas
, Ch. Leoussis
and P. Nomikou
Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimioupoli, Zografou, Greece
National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., Aigina’s Office, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Santorini, Greece, Μulticriteria Decision Αnalysis, AHP, Model Builder.
Abstract: The aim of this work is the assessment of landslide risk of the Volcanic Group of Santorini (Greece). The
methodology followed was based on the application of multi-criteria analysis (Multicriteria Decision
Analysis - MCDA) in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment (ArcGIS 10.5). The original
data was converted to digital form, georeferenced in the national coordinate system GGRS’87, and
individual layers were processed through digitization. Furthermore, a geodatabase was created in order to
enrich the spatial information with the requisite descriptive information. The above was necessary for
further processing and analysis, which include the classification of factor’s data, according to the specific
requirements of the region. Model Builder, an ArcGIS tool, was used to produce a Model which resulted in
individual maps for each thematic layer, in addition to providing local authorities with an easy-to-use
adaptable tool for landslide susceptibility mapping. Finally, a ranking method was used to generate criterion
values for every factor. Then, each factor was weighted according to the estimated significance for causing
landslides and the final susceptibility map was produced, depicting vulnerable areas.
Landslides are natural phenomena, which in many
cases turn into natural hazards, causing thousands of
casualties as well as extensive damages to
constructions and infrastructures. Varnes, IAEG
(1984) defined landslides as ‘almost all varieties of
mass movements on slope including some such as
rock falls, topples and debris flow that involve little
or no true sliding’. According to Brabb (1993),
approximately 90% of landslide damages can be
avoided by the early recognition of the problem.
Hence, there is a necessity for landslide hazard
assessment in different spatial scales (Pardeshi,
Autade & Pardeshi 2013).
An accurate susceptibility map can contribute to
landslide investigation and landslide risk
management/ assessment, helping in the prevention
and, if possible, the mitigation of the disasters. The
vulnerable areas can be identified directly and
indirectly with a method based on causative factors,
by analyzing the historical link between landslide-
controlling factors and the distribution of landslides.
Guzzetti et al (1999) makes the assumption that
landslide events may be repeated in the future due to
the existence of the same conditions that had
previously produced them. Therefore, susceptibility
assessments may help with the prediction of the
geographical location of upcoming events. Landslide
susceptibility does not forecast neither the time of
occurrence of a landslide nor the magnitude of the
destruction (Guzzetti et al. 2005).
Numerous techniques have been applied for
landslide susceptibility mapping such as inventory
based mapping, deterministic techniques,
probabilistic techniques, heuristic techniques,
statistical analysis techniques, and multi criteria
decision making techniques (Guzzetti et al. 1999;
Kouli et al. 2013; Pardeshi, Autade & Pardeshi
2013). All the above methods can be classified into
quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative
(Kouli et al. 2013), of which the first critically
depends on expert opinions.
Most of the aforementioned techniques have
further evοlved in the GIS environment, especially
in the generation of causative layers, computation of
different analysis and assigning of weights,
integration of data, and production of landslide
susceptibility maps. Such GIS based models are
Weighted Overlay, Decision Tree model, Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP), and physically based
landslide hazard models.
These models can also be applied in landslide
affected areas in southern Europe and specifically in
Antoniou, V., Lappas, S., Leoussis, C. and Nomikou, P.
Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group.
DOI: 10.5220/0006385801310141
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2017), pages 131-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-252-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Greece. According to the Landslide Hazard Zonation
Map of Greece (Koukis et al. 2005), which reflects
the recorded events in Greece, the majority of them
appear in the mainland, while many events occur in
the Aegean islands, which attract a large number of
tourist all year round.
For the current study, the area of the Santorini
Volcanic Group was chosen, as it presents a
spreading urbanization along with increasing tourist
visits in a strained environment due to caldera cliffs.
Few landslide events have occurred along the
caldera causing significant damages on paths and
roads and, rarely, causalities (eg. landslide in Oia,
To sum up, the aim of this study is the
assessment of landslide risk of the Volcanic Group
of Santorini (Greece) by applying the Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) (a multi criteria decision
making process) in a Geographical Information
System (GIS) environment. Besides the benefit of
providing a landslide susceptibility map, local
authorities will also gain a handy tool in dealing
with landslide hazard.
The Volcanic Group of Santorini (Thera) is located
in the southern Aegean Sea (Figure 1) and currently
represents the most active volcanic field of the
Hellenic Volcanic Arc (Nomikou et al. 2013). Its
most recent large eruption, known as the Minoan
Eruption (Late Bronze), occurred 3600 years ago
and is particularly well known for the significant
impact on the Minoan civilization (Friedrich 2000).
The volcanic complex includes the islands of Thera,
Therasia, Nea Kameni, Palaia Kameni, and
Aspronisi, arranged in a circular shape.
The morphology of the Santorini Volcanic Group
is composed of: (i) the internal rocky and steep
slopes of Thera, Therasia, and Aspronisi islands,
forming the aforementioned caldera ring,
characterized by high morphological dip values that
approach vertical values in certain locations, and
consisting of impressive morphological
discontinuities, and (ii) the external sections of the
islands, characterized by smooth surfaces of
relatively low dipping angles and radial distribution
to the volcanic centre, representing the remnant
outer slopes of the volcanic cone. The unique
morphological plays an important role in landslide
rockfall occurrence and determine the landslide
hazard in a great extent (Antoniou & Lekkas 2011).
Druitt et al. (1999) described the geological
Figure 1: Location of the Volcanic Group of Santorini
(Cyclades, Greece).
evolution of the volcanic field of Santorini. The
young Akrotiri volcanic strata (650–550 ka BP) are
hydrothermally altered silicic tuffs and lava flows. A
stratocone complex emerged in the northern half of
the volcanic field between 530 and 430 ka BP.
Major explosive activity began around 360 ka BP.
Since that time, about 12 large (few cubic kilometers
or more) explosive eruptions have occurred,
alternating with periods of constructional intra-
caldera activity (Druitt 2014). Repeated effusion in
the northern part of the volcanic field constructed a
10 km
shield volcano (the Skaros shield) that by 54
ka BP had reached a height of 350 m above present-
day sea level. This volcano was capped, between 45
and 23 ka BP, by a 2 km
dyke-fed succession of
dacitic lavas (Therasia dome complex) that reached
a thickness of up to 200 m on the western flank of
the edifice. At 22 ka, a >10 km
dacitic explosive
eruption (Cape Riva eruption) collapsed the Skaros–
Therasia edifice, forming a caldera (Druitt &
Francaviglia 1992; Druitt et al. 1999; Fabbro, Druitt,
& Scaillet 2013). About 18 ky of reduced magmatic
output then ensued, prior to the 3.6 ka Minoan
eruption. The 22 ka caldera dominated the
morphology of northern Santorini in the late Bronze
Age prior to the Minoan eruption. Several eruptive
phases followed the birth of Kameni islands (Palaia
and Nea), both onshore and offshore, and the latest
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
one occurred in 1950 AD (Pyle & Elliott 2006;
Nomikou et al. 2014 and references therein). The
LBA caldera is 10x7 km wide, comprises of three
flat-floored basins around the Kameni edifices, and
is connected to the sea by three straits (one to the
NW and two to the SW) (Nomikou et al. 2016).
There are no officially recorded landslides from
any local authority (i.e. Municipality of Santorini),
however a number of events have been found
through the use of bibliography.
Although landslide hazard is not uniformly
distributed along the caldera slopes (Lekkas 2009),
Stergianos (2016) has made a serious effort to
document as many landslides occurring throughout
the island as possible. Two main regions can be
distinguished due to frequent rockfall events:
Teleferik area and Athinios port (Lekkas, Alexoudi
& Lialiaris 2013; Lekkas 2009), with the lateral
movement causing damages to roads and vehicles.
Oia is another area where rockfalls occur (Lekkas et
al. 2010), and it is the only one where a fatal
incident was documented in 2011, in Oia port, when
a rockfall led to the loss of a tourist’s life. One last
event worth mentioning occurred in the Red Beach
area, south of Akrotiri, which was closed to the
public due to extensive rockfalls.
Most of the aforementioned events are located
along the caldera’s cliffs, as expected. It is of utmost
importance to note that the recorded landslides
mainly affect human activities and infrastructures,
such as residential areas and road/path networks.
Moreover, in many cases there was no exact location
of the events identified, but only a description of
them, which leads us to allocate them approximately
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Approximate location of documented landslide
events found through bibliography.
The Methodology that was used can be divided into
two stages.
In the first one, all necessary vector and raster
data were collected and imported in a Geographical
Information System, specifically in ArcGIS -
ArcMap 10.5 ( Then, once
the factors that would be taken into account were
defined, a categorization of the data according to
their susceptibility to landslides was made. Each
category was normalized to 100 per cent, so that
calibration would have the same scale in all factors.
In order to produce the maps that represent each
factor, Model Builder, an ArcToolbox tool of
ArcMap 10.5 (ArcGIS platform, ESRI) was used.
The Pairwise Comparison Method is used in
Stage 2 in determining the weights for the criteria
(Saaty 1980) and in producing the susceptibility
map. The criterion for choosing the pairwise
comparison matrix was that it takes the pairwise
comparisons as an input and produces the relative
weights as an output, and the Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) provides a mathematical method of
translating this matrix into a vector of relative
weights for the criteria.
In order to investigate the landslide risk of the
Santorini Volcanic Group, the morphology of the
area was taken into account because it influences
both initiation and runout of landslides.
For this reason, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
was used to derive topographic factors other than
simply elevation, including slopes, aspects,
curvature, and hillshade. The DEM was derived
from the area’s Orthophoto map (2012) of the
National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A., having
a ground resolution of 5m.
Apart from the morphology factors of the area,
the lithology, land cover, road network, mean annual
rainfall, drainage network, fault zones, and soil
thickness were used as follows (Table 1):
Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group
Table 1: Conditioning factors that were taken into account
for landslide susceptibility mapping.
4.1 Lithology
Lithology is a major controlling factor for
landslides. In the present study the geological
formations of the Santorini Volcanic Group were
derived from the geological map of Druitt et al., 1999.
Formations were grouped in regards to the
stratigraphy, geotechnical characteristics, and the
stability of each formation.
Even though lava formations are considered as
hard and stiff rocks, due to the fragmentation they
are favorable to rock falls.
Loose and high erodible formations like scoriae
and scree are prone to landsliding, since they are
unconsolidated formations. Also, dykes, subvertical
sheet-like intrusion of magma which are located
mainly across the northern cliffs of the caldera, were
given a high risk value. On the contrary, tuff is an
impermeable formation, thus it is not likely that
landslides will occur. In the same category
metapelites are also included; although they
normally have good geotechnical characteristics,
they are weathered in the study area.
All the formations mentioned above dominate the
caldera cliffs, making them susceptible to landslides.
The rest of the Santorini Volcanic Group is formed
by volcanic formations, with the exception of the
Mesozoic limestones in the northeastern part of
Profitis Ilias, which are presented with a low risk.
4.2 Slope Gradient
As slope increases shear stress in unconsolidated soil
cover, increases as well. Generally, landslides are
not expected to occur on gentle slopes due to lower
shear stress (Ladas, Fountoulis & Mariolakos 2007).
According to statistical approach (Mpliona
2008), landslides in Greece occur mostly in 16-35
slopes, while >35
slopes include both landslide and
rockfall phenomena.
A slope map was processed from the 5m-DEM
(in degrees) with values ranging from 0° to 85°.
Slope values were classified into four classes
according to Table 1. The caldera cliffs and the
southeastern part of the island (composed of Profitis
Ilias limestones) are characterized by steep slopes.
On the contrary, most parts of the island are
characterized by gentle slopes (0
– 15
4.3 Land Cover
Land cover is considered to be an important
landslide-controlling factor since it affects the
hydrological conditions and the soil strength (Ladas,
Fountoulis & Mariolakos 2007). Additionally, urban
areas reduce infiltration, increasing runoff erosion.
In the Santorini Volcanic Group, settlements on top
of caldera cliffs add an extra weight, weakening the
bedrock structure and increasing the susceptibility of
landsliding. Sparsely vegetated areas are generally
prone to erosion and present greater instability.
In this study, The Corine Land Cover map 2012
(CLC2012) of the European Environment Agency
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
(EEA, Copenhagen, 2012;
was adopted for the assignment of the land use
classes, which was updated with the help of the
orthophoto map. The evaluation of cover types was
conducted according to Table 1. Highest values were
given to areas covered by urban fabric and bare
rocks which dominate the caldera cliffs and Kameni
Ιslands. Lower weights were assigned to natural and
semi-natural areas. Cultivations/Agricultural areas
distributed randomly in Santorini, were given
moderate values.
4.4 Distance from Road Network
Another evaluation factor related to the occurrence
of landslides is the distance from the road network.
It is considered that landslide susceptibility
decreases when increasing the distance from the
main roads located on steep slopes (Ladas,
Fountoulis & Mariolakos 2007).
Road construction is also related to extensive
excavations, application of static and dynamic loads,
vegetation removal etc. along natural and engineered
slopes. These landslide triggering actions (WP/WLI
1994) were considered in the design of the landslide
susceptibility maps by introducing a road network
buffer zones data layer.
The road network was derived from
OpenStreetMaps, an open data source platform
(, and updated with the help
of the orthophoto map. Roads in steep slope areas
increase the proneness to mass movements.
Documented landslides in Santorini island occurred
in areas close to road networks (either asphalt roads
or paths). Three distance classes, 3, 5, and 10 meters
were used according to the type of road as shown in
Table 1. Roads which appear inside the urban fabric
were not taken into account, as they were included
in the Land Cover factor.
4.5 Curvature
Curvature values represent the morphology of the
topography. They can be calculated in terms of plan
curvature (which is perpendicular to the direction of
the maximum slope), profile curvature (which is in
the direction of the maximum slope) and general
curvature (Ladas, Fountoulis & Mariolakos 2007).
In this study the general curvature was used since
it combines the characteristics of the first two.
Curvature was selected as a factor as it affects the
hydrological conditions of the soil cover (Ladas,
Fountoulis & Mariolakos 2007) and it was derived
from the 5m-DEM. Potentially, the soil cover on a
concave slope can contain more water and retain it
for a longer period than a convex slope, thus the first
ones are favorable to landslides.
In the Santorini Volcanic Group curvature ranges
from -653 to 633 m
. However, the majority of
values are within -30 to 10 m
and they are
classified based to natural breaks classification
method. Negative values of the general curvature
represent convex slopes while positive values
correspond to concave slopes. The first ones are
mostly observed on the caldera cliffs and at Profitis
Ilias hill, as well as along the drainage network.
Curvature was divided into 7 classes accordingly to
Table 1.
4.6 Mean Annual Rainfall
Rainfall is an important factor, because as water
passes through discontinuities, it widens the holes
and leads to their destabilization, triggering
landslides. Although the mean annual rainfall of the
surrounding area is about 460mm (SSW, 2015), in a
few extreme events rainfalls of approximately
570mm have been recorded, which they could not be
To interpolate the mean annual rainfall across the
Santorini Volcanic Group, the Thira meteorological
station data (National Weather Service, 36° 25' 3'' N,
25° 25' 55'' E, altitude 37m, gauging period 1931-
2002) were processed and rainfall information was
calibrated with the altitude using the 5m-DEM
(Karamesouti 2011), dividing the area into zones per
200m of altitude (Table 1) based on low
precipitation gradient. High risk areas are located
mainly in the SE part of the Volcanic Group.
4.7 Distance from Streams
It is assumed that the seasonal flow regime of
streams and gullies in the basin presents noteworthy
erosive processes, leading to superficial mass
wasting phenomena in areas adjacent to drainage
channels (Kouli et al., 2013). Fluvial erosion is one
of the most common triggering factors of the
landslides (WP/WLI 1994), and it usually affects the
slope’s toe.
The drainage network was derived from the 5m-
DEM and then corrected using the orthophoto map.
It was classified in two distance classes; 20 meters
away from streams, as they present periodic flow
therefore reduced corrosivity and the rest of the
areas (Table 1). Streams are located mainly at the
eastern and southern part of Thera Ιsland and at the
western part of Thirasia Island, while the absence of
Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group
streams along the caldera cliffs is noticeable, as well
as the presence of water erosion that formed narrow
channel-like canyons on volcanic rock surfaces.
4.8 Proximity to Fault Zones
Landslides can be produced by tectonic factors such
as thrusts and major faults, which create steep slopes
and sheared zones of weakened and fractured rocks,
leading to landslide potential (Ladas, Fountoulis &
Mariolakos 2007).
Fault lines were digitized in vector format from
the geological map of Druitt et al. (1999), where the
presence of the major NE-SW Kolumbo fault zone
in the northern part of Santorini island is noticeable.
The buffered layer was classified into two distance
classes; 50 meters away from faults, as they present
low activation rate and the rest of the areas (Table
1). Other major fault zones are not distinguishable
on the island due to the existence of several volcanic
4.9 Aspect
Considering the influence of the aspect it can be
assumed that it has an effect on the degree of
saturation and evapotranspiration of the slopes. It is
generally considered that the N and NW facing
slopes in Greece are prone to landsliding due to their
shadier and colder conditions that favor the
accumulation and preservation of soil moisture.
Thus, landslides are expected to be more common
on the North and NW-facing slopes, due to larger
water accumulation (Ladas, Fountoulis &
Mariolakos 2007).
The aspect map was derived from the 5m-DEM
and has been divided into two classes (Table 1).
Relatively the northern part of the study area is
dominated by high risk aspect slope faces.
4.10 Soil Thickness
The Soil factor corresponds to soil thickness and
was derived from the Soil Associations Map of
Greece, in a scale of 1:500.000 (Yassoglou 2004).
Due to the fact that soil thickness is less than 15m all
over the Volcanic Group, which is considered as not
prone to landslides, it was decided not to take the
value into account when calculating the final
landslide susceptibility map.
Model Builder, an ArcToolbox tool of ArcMap 10.5
(ArcGIS platform, ESRI) was used to create the
spatial distribution of each factor. Model Builder is a
visual programming language for building
geoprocessing workflows to create, edit, and manage
geoprocessing models that automate those tools
A toolbox was created, containing a unique
model for each factor (Figure 3). Each model
consists of a workflow that strings together
sequences of the appropriate geoprocessing tools,
feeding the output of one tool into another as input,
taking into account the respective data variables.
Having completed all the contributed factor
maps, the relative contribution of each one was
taken into account.
Landslides are influenced by many factors
(preparatory or triggering) which vary significantly
from region to region. It is therefore difficult to
determine each factor’s relative contribution in
landslide occurrence and assign the respective
Consequently, the multi criteria decision making
approach is of high importance in susceptibility
mapping. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
is a popular semi-qualitative method which
introduces objectivity in weight assignment through
pair wise comparisons and relies on the judgment of
the experts to derive priority scales (Barredo et al.
2000, Ayalew et al. 2005. Akgun & Bulut 2007,
Saaty 2008).
AHP is divided into two stages: (a) construction
of a pair wise comparison matrix, and (b)
determining weights and obtaining overall priority.
Absolute numbers (from 1 to 9) were assigned to
each landslide related factor based on its relative
importance and comparison matrices were
constructed to compute the Consistency Ratio (CR)
and the Consistency Index (CI).
The resulting maps of 5m resolution for each
factor (Figure 4) were used as input in the Analytic
Hierarchy Process tool extAhp 20, developed for
ArcGIS by Marinoni (2014), in order to determine
the weight of each factor and to produce the
susceptibility map (Table 2).
In this table, factors are listed in order of
importance. For example, lithology is the most
important one, slope is the second one, etc. The
numbers in each cell correspond to the degree of
preference between the two relevant factors. In the
last column the assigned weights for each factor and
the computed consistency ratio (CR) are shown.
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 3: The models that created through Model Builder (ArcMap 10.), in order to produce the final map for each factor.
All the aforementioned factors processed with the
AHP methodology resulted in the generation of the
Landslide Risk Assessment Map of the Santorini
Volcanic Group, in which the study area is classified
according to the degree of landslide risk, pinpointing
the problematic regions for further analysis (field
observations, detailed mapping, etc.) (Figure 5).
The final map illustrates that the spatial
distribution of landslide risk was classified into five
categories: very high, high, moderate, low, and very
low. Classification was based on a frequency
histogram of landslide risk values, of which the
higher the value, the more susceptible the area is to
Generally, caldera cliffs display high risk values.
The internal northern cliffs of Thera Island and the
eastern ones of Thirasia Island display high landslide
risk due to the effect of the three most important
factors (lithology, slope, and land cover), with very
high risk values to be scattered along Thera’s cliffs.
Moderate to high values occurred mainly on Nea
Kameni island (slope and lithology factors), along
Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group
the caldera rim (land cover and road network
factors) and scattered throughout Thera and Thirasia
island due to land cover and drainage network. Low
and very low risk areas dominate the rest of the
Santorini Volcanic Group.
In order to produce a landslide risk assessment map
of the Santorini Volcanic Group, nine causative
factors were taken into account by using the AHP
methodology in a GIS environment.
The susceptibility map shows that landslide risk
is not uniformly distributed along the caldera cliffs
and it is compatible with the distribution of
Figure 4: Contribution factors for Santorini susceptibility mapping, categorized according to the normalization rates of
Table 1.
GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Table 2: The contribution factors and the corresponding weights, according to the AHP method.
documented past landslide events. The main factors
which contribute to the phenomena are the
- Geotechnical conditions of the lithological
composition of the geological formations, which
vary perpendicularly along the caldera.
- The large morphological dip values, although
they are not uniformly distributed along the
Human interventions with negative impact, which
are represented mainly by expanding the urban
As Santorini constitutes an active volcano, it is
subjected to periodic tremors which strain on the
already congested areas. However, it was impossible
to model the spatial distribution of this specific
Considering the need for local authorities to
manage the landslide risk, a model was built,
providing an easy-to-use tool for landslide
susceptibility mapping.
In case a single factor or a number of factors
change through time, the model gives the
opportunity to decision makers to reevaluate the
landslide risk according to future conditions. In
addition, the model can be easily edited in order to
add any other determinant or triggering factor. These
options make the model extremely adaptable.
Furthermore, it makes it very easy for other
researchers to realize the preliminary landslide risk
assessment in other areas, simply by changing either
the controlling factors, or their respective weights.
We would like to thank Viktor Vereb, PhD Student
from the Department of Physical Geography, Eötvös
Loránd University, who digitized and shared with us
the geological map of Druitt et al. (1999) in vector
Akgun, A & Bulut, F 2007, ‘GIS-based landslide
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‘Comparing heuristic landslide hazard assessment
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Brabb, E 1993, Proposal for worldwide landslide hazard
maps, Proceedings of 7th International Conference
and field workshop on landslide in Czech and Slovak
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Landslide Risk Assessment of the Santorini Volcanic Group
Figure 5: Landslide susceptibility map of the Santorini Volcanic Group.
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late Bronze Age’, Bull. Volcanol., vol. 54, pp. 484–
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Fabbro, G, Druitt, TH, Scaillet, S, 2013, ‘Evolution of the
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the 22-ka caldera-forming eruption of Santorini
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GISTAM 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
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1999, ‘Landslide hazard evaluation: a review of
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