Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management
A Systematic Mapping Study
Walter Takashi Nakamura, Elaine Harada Teixeira de Oliveira and Tayana Conte
Computer Institute, IComp, Federal University of Amazonas, UFAM, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Keywords: Usability Evaluation, User Experience Evaluation, Learning Management Systems, Systematic Mapping
Abstract: Background: Advances in technology made possible the development of powerful platforms called
Learning Management Systems (LMSs), designed to help the teaching and learning process. Studies show
that usability and User Experience (UX) of such platforms may influence in this process. Although several
studies had been conducted in this area, most of them are at initial stages and need improvements or deeper
empirical studies. Aim: This work aims to analyze scientific publications in order to characterize the
usability and UX evaluation techniques in the context of LMSs. Method: We performed a systematic
mapping study regarding the usability and UX evaluation techniques in the context of LMSs. Results: A
total of 62 publications were accepted in this mapping, which helped identifying the techniques used to
evaluate the usability and UX of LMSs and their characteristics such as its origin, type, performing method,
learning factors, restriction and availability. Conclusion: Several studies were conducted regarding the
evaluation of LMSs. However, there are still some gaps such as the lack of techniques with some features,
e.g., feedback with suggestions to correct the identified problems. Besides, there is no sufficient evidence of
which of them is best suited for this context.
The advances of the technology made possible to the
e-learning evolving in a complex manner regarding
the educational content, technological resources and
interaction possibilities (Brusilovsky, 2004). Such an
event led to the development of powerful tools
designed to help the teaching and learning process
called Learning Management Systems (LMSs).
Learning Management Systems are specialized
platforms that provide educational content by digital
means (Dubost et al., 2004). A LMS can offer
various functionalities such as the management of
educational content, accomplishment of assessment
activities and communication between the students
and teachers (Freire et al., 2012; Kakasevski et al.,
2008; Hijon-Neira et al., 2014).
The adoption of LMSs is not limited to learning
institutions such as universities and schools.
Corporations and government bodies also have been
implementing such platforms to promote the
employees’ education and training (Oztekin et al.,
2010). Thus, there is a need to use adequate
techniques to evaluate these platforms so that is
possible to improve their quality and, consequently,
the learning and teaching process through them.
Usability and User Experience (UX) play an
important role on the quality of the LMSs and in the
learning process. While usability is focused on the
pragmatic aspects such as user’s tasks and their
accomplishment, UX augments the subjective,
focusing on hedonic aspects, such as user’s emotions
and stimulations while interacting with a product
(Hassenzahl et al., 2006). When the learning process
occurs through a LMS, besides learning the content
of the disciplines, the learner also needs to learn how
to use the platform (De Carvalho and Anacleto,
2008). If a LMS do not provide a good usability, the
learner will spend more time trying to understand
how to use it rather than learning the educational
content (Lanzilotti et al., 2006). Similarly, a good
UX is essential to make the platform more
pleasuring and satisfactory to the learner. Being
usable and interesting at the same time, the platform
would be much more attractive to the user
(Hassenzahl et al., 2000).
Nakamura, W., Oliveira, E. and Conte, T.
Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Lear ning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0006363100970108
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 97-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Due to the difficulty in evaluating the usability of
educational systems, many techniques tried to
consolidate pedagogical aspects with heuristics
related to interfaces (Mtebe and Kissaka, 2015).
Nevertheless, there is still a lack of a widespread
culture of usability in the e-learning field, besides
most of the studies are at initial stages and needs
improvements or deeper empirical studies (Granić
and Ćukušić, 2011; Mtebe and Kissaka, 2015). This
need for further studies and the importance of
usability and UX in the e-learning process motivated
us to perform this systematic mapping to determine
what usability and UX evaluation techniques have
been applied on LMSs.
The goal of this paper is to describe a Systematic
Mapping of studies related to usability and UX
evaluation techniques in the context of LMSs. The
objective was to identify the techniques employed in
the published studies. Moreover, the intention was to
identify the characteristics of these techniques, such
as its origin, type and performing method. With this
work we present conclusions regarding the state of
the art in this field and contribute to the
development/improvement of the usability and UX
evaluation techniques in the context of LMSs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 presents related work. Section 3
describes the methodology applied to conduct this
Systematic Mapping. Section 4 presents the results
of the mapping study. Section 5 presents the threats
to validity. Section 6 presents the discussion of our
results. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.
This section presents the literature reviews that were
conducted concerning to the usability and/or UX
evaluation of Learning Management Systems.
Freire et al. (2012) presented a review about the
relationship between ergonomics and usability in e-
learning context. There are no details whether the
research was conducted in a systematic way or in a
narrative way. The analysis of the results allowed
the authors to identify three main differences among
these usability evaluation methods. Most of the
methods were proposed from general (non-
educational) contexts. Others were adapted from
already consolidated evaluation methods (such as
usability tests) with semi-structured questionnaires
and interviews. There were also methods that were
composed by a mix between methods,
methodologies and techniques from the fields of
Participatory Design, Interaction Design and User-
Centered Design. Methods such as Cognitive
Walkthrough were oriented to the socio-cultural
aspects of the system and the user’s profile. The
authors concluded that knowing how to integrate the
most pertinent methods to each type of evaluation
and each kind of stakeholder is the most important
issue to evaluate the usability of LMSs.
Cota et al. (2014) conducted a systematic
mapping of the literature, aiming to evaluate and
interpret all relevant publications related to mobile
usability and m-learning (mobile learning), with
emphasis on mobile devices like smartphones and
tablets. The authors divided these publications in
four categories: (i) m-learning applications, (ii)
guidelines and frameworks, (iii) specific aspects of
m-learning, and (iv) analysis and tendencies of m-
learning. Based in this classification, the authors
concluded that there were no guidelines, frameworks
or tools that evaluate educational factors and
usability in m-learning applications. Therefore, they
proposed an initial model to develop and evaluate
m-learning applications, considering learning
aspects and the student experience.
The research conducted by Navarro et al. (2016)
was an update of the systematic mapping mentioned
previously. Only two frameworks developed to
evaluate mobile devices regarding m-learning were
found. The authors refined the proposed framework,
detailing its factors and subdivisions. The
framework is divided in two categories: pedagogical
usability and user interface usability. The
pedagogical usability is concerned to factors that
ease and support teaching and learning activities,
and is divided in five subcategories: (i) content, (ii)
multimedia, (iii) tasks or activities, (iv) social
interaction, and (v) personalization. The user
interface usability is concerned to the easiness of the
interface to be learned, recognized and remembered
by the users. This category is also divided in five
subcategories: (i) design, (ii) navigation, (iii)
customization, (iv) feedback, and (v) motivation.
The authors intend to develop a web tool to test the
m-learning application through a questionnaire,
aiming to score, compare and detect the possible
improvements of the application.
In summary, we did not find a systematic review
regarding the evaluation of both usability and UX of
LMSs. Therefore, our contribution with this
systematic mapping is to report, classify and
describe the features of the techniques used to
evaluate the usability and UX of LMSs for both
desktop/Web and mobile context.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A systematic mapping is a method used to identify,
evaluate and interpret all relevant publications on a
particular research question, under a rigorous and
well defined methodology. It allows obtaining less
biased results and broader information about a
variety of empirical methods, requiring, on the other
hand, more effort from the researcher (Kitchenham
and Charters, 2007). The following subsections
detail the activities concerning the planning and
conducting stages of this systematic mapping
defined in our review protocol.
3.1 Research Question
The goal of this research was to analyze the
publications regarding usability and UX evaluation
techniques in the context of LMSs. Our main
research question was: “Which usability and UX
evaluation techniques were applied on Learning
Management Systems and how have they been
used?” Sub-questions were defined in order to
answer specific questions about each study and
technique (see Table 1).
3.2 Search Strategy
In order to construct the search string, we defined
the search terms based on the procedure described
by Kitchenham and Charters (2007), who suggested
defining the parameters for Population, Intervention,
Comparison, Outcome and Context (PICOC). The
population were Learning Management Systems; the
Intervention was composed by techniques used to
evaluate the usability and User Experience of LMSs;
the Comparison was not applicable, since our goal
was to characterize these techniques; the Outcome
was the evaluation of usability and UX of LMSs; the
Context was not applicable, since there is no
comparison to determine the context.
The search terms were divided in two groups.
The first group was related to the different spellings
and synonyms of LMSs, while the second group was
related to the different types of terms used for
usability and UX evaluation. These terms were
identified based on the reference set of relevant
articles and the knowledge of experts in this context.
The reference set of articles was composed by the
following publications: Freire et al. (2012),
Lanzilotti et al. (2011), Theng and Sin (2012),
Kakasevski et al. (2008), Zaharias and Koutsabasis
(2012) and Medina-Flores and Morales-Gamboa
Table 1: Systematic mapping sub-questions.
# Description
What is the origin of the technique? If
new, what is the difference from the
other existing techniques?
SQ2 What is the type of the technique?
SQ3 How is the technique performed?
Does the technique consider learning
specific factors?
Does the technique consider usability,
UX or usability and UX?
Does the technique provide some kind of
feedback to the evaluator?
Was the technique empirically
evaluated? If affirmative, what studies
were performed?
Does the technique have any kind of
restriction/condition to perform?
Is the technique available to
download/consultation? Where?
In what kind of platform was the study
Does the study perform a comparison
between techniques?
The string was constructed using the Boolean OR
between the alternative spellings and synonyms, and
the Boolean AND to join these two groups. The
string was tested in several runs to reduce the
amount of noise in the results, while ensuring that
the reference set was returned.
The search string is presented in
Table 2 and was
used on the Scopus
and Engineering Village
digital libraries. These two are meta-libraries that
index publications from several well-known
publishers such as ACM, IEEE, Springer and
Elsevier, besides allowing defining filters such as
document type, language and knowledge area.
3.3 Publication Selection Process
Two steps called filters composed the publication
selection process. In the first filter, the researchers
read only the title and abstract to select the
publications related to the evaluation of usability
and/or UX in the context of LMSs, applying the
inclusion and exclusion criteria (see Table 3). In the
second filter, we did the complete reading of the
selected publications. The publications were selected
according to the same criteria used in the first filter.
Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study
Table 2: Search string used in the systematic mapping.
("learning management system*" OR "LMS" OR "online education platform*" OR "online education system*" OR
"online education environment*" OR "e-learning environment*" OR "e-learning system*" OR "e-learning course*" OR
"e-learning platform*" OR "e-learning application*" OR "e-learning course*" OR "distance learning system*" OR
"distance learning platform*" OR "distance learning environment*" OR "distance education platform*" OR "distance
education system*" OR "distance education environment*" OR "online learning platform*" OR "online learning
system*" OR "online learning environment*" OR "virtual learning environment*" OR "LMS" OR "managed learning
environment*" OR "MLE" OR "course management system*" OR "web-based learning system*" OR "remote learning
system*" OR "m-learning system*" OR "m-learning platform*" OR "m-learning environment*" OR "mobile learning
system*" OR "mobile learning platform*" OR "mobile learning environment*" OR "b-learning" OR "blended learning"
OR "learning content management system*" OR "LCMS")
("usability evaluat*" OR "usability assessment" OR "usability inspection" OR "usability improvement*" OR "usability
test*" OR "usability technique*" OR "usability guideline*" OR "UX evaluat*" OR "UX assessment" OR "UX
improvement*" OR "UX technique*" OR "UX guideline*" OR "user experience evaluat*" OR "user experience
assessment" OR "user experience improvement*" OR "user experience technique*" OR "user experience guideline*")
Regarding the exclusion criteria, some
considerations must be done. We did not consider
publications related to the evaluation of MOOCs -
Massive Open Online Courses (EC2), since they are
not LMSs, but online courses aimed for massiveness
and openness (Pireva et al., 2015). Publications
related to augmented reality (EC3) or specifically to
accessibility aspects (EC4) were also unconsidered.
The former is out of the scope of this work, while
the last does not consider the usability as a whole.
Table 3: Inclusion and exclusion set of criteria.
# Inclusion Criteria
Publications that describes the utilization of the
usability or UX evaluation techniques in LMSs
# Exclusion Criteria
Publications not related to the evaluation of
usability or UX in LMSs
Publications related to the evaluation of
Publications related to the evaluation of
augmented reality systems
Publications related specifically to accessibility
Publications in which the language is different
from English and Portuguese
Publications that are not available for reading
or data collection (publications that are only
accessible through payment or are not provided
by the search engine)
EC7 Duplicated publications
The publications that presented an empirical study
were assessed regarding its quality. This type of
assessment is important, especially for studies that
present contradictory results (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007). The studies were assessed through a
questionnaire composed by three questions
regarding: (i) the detailing of the employed
techniques; (ii) the detailing of the process regarding
its application, and (iii) the clarity of the empirical
results. Each question was composed by three
answers: (i) Disagree; (ii) Partially agree, and (iii)
Totally agree. The overall quality of the publications
ranks from 1.0 (low quality) to 3.0 (high quality).
3.4 Data Extraction Strategy
This section details the data extraction process. The
following information was extracted from each of
the selected publications:
Regarding SQ1 (Technique Origin), the
technique was classified as: a) New, if it was
developed or adapted specifically to the e-learning
context or b) Existing, if it already exists from other
HCI contexts and is used as it is.
SQ2 (Technique Type) is related to the
classification of the techniques, according to the
taxonomy proposed by Ivory and Hearst (2001): a)
Inspection, when the evaluator uses a set of criteria
to identify potential usability problems; b) Testing,
when the evaluator observes a participant interacting
with an interface in order to identify usability
problems; c) Inquiry, when the user provides a
feedback about an interface through interviews,
surveys and the like; d) Analytical Modeling, when
the evaluator employs different kind of models to
generate predictions of usability problems; e)
Simulation, when the evaluator simulates an user
interaction within an interface by employing any
kind of simulation algorithm.
Concerning SQ3 (Performing Method), the
technique can be classified as: a) Manual, when the
technique is performed manually; b) Semi-
automatic, when part of the evaluation is performed
manually and another is performed through
automatized tools; c) Automatic, when almost all
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the evaluation process is performed through an
automatized tool, requiring the evaluator to just
interpret the results.
Regarding SQ4 (Learning Factors), the goal is to
identify whether the technique considers specific
learning factors, for example, content relevance,
learner control, instructional feedback and so forth.
SQ5 (Evaluation Focus) aims to identify whether
the technique considers only usability factors (e.g.:
navigation and feedback), only UX factors (e.g.:
user’s emotions/feelings regarding the interaction
with the platform) or both usability and UX factors.
Concerning SQ6 (Feedback), the goal is to
identify whether the technique provides a feedback
about how to correct the identified usability
problems or just identifies them.
SQ7 (Investigation Type) verifies whether or not
the study was empirically evaluated. The studies can
be classified according to three main investigation
strategies described by Wohlin et al. (2012): a)
Survey, if the study is performed in retrospect, when
a tool or technique has been used for a while; b)
Case Study, if the study is observational, aiming to
track a specific attribute or establish relations
between different attributes; c) Controlled
Experiment, if the study performs an empirical
investigation that manipulates one or more variables
or factors in the studied context, verifying the effects
of this manipulation.
Regarding SQ8 (Restriction), we want to identify
whether or not the technique have any kind of
restriction or condition for being applied, for
example, a specific tool or equipment or a need for
specific knowledge.
Concerning SQ9 (Availability), the goal is to
identify whether or not the complete technique
(questionnaires, processes, etc.) is available for
download or consultation in the publication itself or
in some external resource (e.g.: websites).
SQ10 (Platform Used) aims to identify whether
the study was conducted in Desktop/Web, Mobile or
both Desktop/Web and Mobile context.
Regarding SQ11 (Techniques Comparison), the
goal is to identify whether the study conducted a
comparison between techniques.
In order to avoid the bias of a single researcher, the
systematic mapping involved two researchers. One
researcher specified the review protocol, which was
reviewed by the second researcher.
For the first step, the researchers independently
classified a sample of 17 randomly selected
publications based on the selection criteria. The
agreement between the researchers was evaluated by
the Kappa statistical test (Cohen, 1960). The result
of this evaluation showed a substantial strength of
agreement between the two researchers (kappa =
0.610) according to the range described by Landis
and Koch (1977).
Details of this systematic mapping can be found
on technical report (Nakamura et al., 2017).
4.1 Selected Publications
The search string returned a total of 177 publications
in the Scopus library and 13 in the Engineering
Village library (see Figure 1). Duplicated
publications were found during the process. In these
cases, the publications were accounted for only
once, selecting the most complete of them. After
removing the duplicated publications, the number of
selected publications for the first filter was 175. Out
of these 175 publications, 33 were rejected in the
first filter, since they did not meet the inclusion
criteria. The remaining 142 publications were fully
read and classified in the second filter, according to
the criteria. At the end of the process, 62
publications were accepted and extracted.
The selected publications were published
between 2004 and August 2016. The graph
presented in Figure 2 shows a variation of the
number of publications related to the evaluation of
usability/UX in the context of Learning
Management Systems during this period, with peaks
of publications in 2008 and 2009 with 7
publications, 2011 with 10 publications and 2015,
the year with the highest number of publications,
with 11 publications. Since this systematic mapping
was done in September 2016, the data referring to
this year are incomplete, which can possibly explain
Figure 1: Publications selection process.
Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study
the low rate of publications for this year.
Figure 2: Frequency of publications by year.
4.2 Results Overview
An overview of the results is presented in Table 4.
Although 62 publications were selected, the sub-
questions regarding the studies counted only 58
publications. The studies from Freire et al. (2012)
and Cota et al. (2014) were not considered in this
counting, since they presented literature reviews, not
being possible to extract their data as the techniques
presented in other publications. For these cases a
different extraction form was used, which can be
found on technical report (Nakamura et al., 2017).
Although the publication of Navarro et al. (2016)
presented a systematic review, this study was not
excluded from the counting, since it proposed a
technique based on the results of the systematic
mapping. The publication from Zaharias (2006) and
Zaharias (2008) were not included, considering that
they presented an initial evolution stage of an
already classified technique or a partial analysis of a
study already done.
Regarding the classified techniques, some
publications presented more than one technique,
each of them being counted separately. Thus, the
total number of techniques presented in the 58
publications was 104.
In SQ7, SQ10 and SQ11, given that they are
related to the investigation strategy and platform of
the study respectively, the publications were
considered as a whole and not each technique
Next sections will present the analysis of the
results obtained through each research sub-question.
4.3 Technique Origin
The results of the SQ1 show that most of the
techniques used in the e-learning context (67,31%)
were originated from other areas of HCI. For
example, Blecken et al. (2010) employed the Think-
Aloud Protocol and SUS (System Usability Scale)
questionnaire to perform a usability evaluation of a
LMS called koaLA.
Table 4: Overall results for each research sub-question.
Sub-question Answer Qty. %
SQ1. Technique
New 34 32,69%
Existent 70 67,31%
SQ2. Technique
Inspection 29 27,88%
Testing 35 33,65%
Inquiry 54 51,92%
1 0,96%
Simulation 1 0,96%
Manual 94 90,38%
Semi-automatic 3 2,88%
Automatic 7 6,73%
SQ4. Learning
Yes 29 85,29%
Not specified 5 14,71%
SQ5. Evaluation
Usability 72 69,23%
UX 2 1,92%
Usability and
30 28,85%
SQ6. Feedback
Yes 0 0
No 104 100%
Survey 15 25,86%
Case Study 27 46,55%
10 17,24%
No 7 12,07%
SQ8. Restriction
Yes 12 11,54%
No 92 88,46%
Yes 69 66,35%
No 35 33,65%
SQ10. Platform
Desktop/Web 46 79,31%
Mobile 10 17,24%
and Mobile
2 3,45%
Yes 6 10,34%
No 52 89,66%
Around 32,69% of the techniques are new, specific
to the context of e-learning. Most of them use some
kind of questionnaire, such as proposed by
Ssekakubo et al. (2014). The authors proposed a
technique that involves instructional usability and
motivation factors, besides the conventional
usability factors.
4.4 Technique Type
The results of the SQ2 reveal that Inquiry was the
most employed type of technique, with 51,92% of
the techniques. Some of the most applied techniques
were questionnaires, focus groups and interviews.
Questionnaires: users provide answers to
specific questions. Zaharias and Poylymenakou
(2009) developed and empirically evaluated a
questionnaire that considers the usability of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
platform and the instructional design, focusing
on motivation to learn;
Focus Groups: multiple users attend a
discussion session coordinated by a moderator.
An example of this technique can be found in
the study conducted by Tee (2013), who
employed open questions to get opinions from
two groups (students and lecturers) about the
interface usability of Moodle platform;
Interviews: one or more users attend to a
discussion session, where specific questions are
asked to the participants. Santoso et al. (2014)
conducted semi-structured interviews based on
the Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules
(Shneiderman and Plaisant, 2010) to get the
perceptions of the students about the usability
of an e-learning platform called SCELE
(Student Centered E-Learning Environment).
The second most employed type of technique
was Testing, in other words, about 33,65% of the
techniques employed some type of test involving
users. Some of the most representative techniques
were: performance measure, think-aloud protocol
and log file analysis.
Performance Measure: quantitative data, such
as task completing time and number of errors,
are collected during the test. Stickel et al.
(2008) conducted a test using a technique
called NPL Performance Measurement Method
to calculate the metrics related to task efficacy,
user efficacy and user relative efficacy;
Think-Aloud Protocol: participants are
encouraged to verbalize their thoughts during
the test. Gordillo et al. (2014) applied the
think-aloud protocol together with PrEmo, a
self-evaluation instrument with a scale of
emotions, composed by 7 pleasant emotions
and 7 unpleasant emotions;
Log File Analysis: evaluator analyses the logs
containing collected and recorded usage data.
De Kock et al. (2009) conducted a usability
test with users supported by eye tracking, in
order to detect participant’s visual fixation
points and identify possible usability problems.
Around 27,88% of the techniques were of
Inspection type. The most representative techniques
were: heuristic evaluation, pattern-based evaluation
and checklist-based evaluation.
Heuristic Evaluation: evaluators verify the
conformity of the application according to a set
of guidelines. Ssemugabi and De Villiers
(2007) proposed a heuristic evaluation
technique that considers the learning and
teaching factors, divided in three categories.
The first one is composed by the Nielsen’s 10
heuristics (Nielsen, 1994) adapted to e-learning
context. The second is composed by criteria for
educational websites. The third contains
learner-centred instructional design criteria;
Pattern-Based Evaluation: inspectors perform
a usability evaluation according to a set of
predefined patterns that indicates the places to
look for the problems and the actions that have
to be taken to analyze these aspects. Ardito et
al. (2006) applied a methodology called SUE
(Systematic Usability Evaluation) to evaluate
the usability of e-learning applications. This
methodology consists in the definition of
Abstract Tasks through a predefined template,
which will be used to conduct a usability
inspection and a task-based user testing;
Checklist-Based Evaluation: heuristics are
simplified in a questionnaire with elements that
must be scored by an evaluator. Oztekin et al.
(2010) proposed a technique called UseLearn,
which is composed by a checklist related to 12
usability dimensions, such as visibility,
aesthetics, and flexibility. The technique allows
generating an overall usability index from the
calculation of the weight of each attribute.
Regarding the Analytic Modeling, there was only
one technique identified (0,96%), which was
classified as of Design Analysis type.
Design Analysis: allows the evaluator to
represent a user interface in multiple levels of
abstraction and evaluate its representation,
being typically used to specify the UI design
before its implementation. Rodrigues et al.
(2011) utilized Markov Models to calculate the
probability of change between states, allowing
verifying whether the user can go to another
state or whether will be stuck in it.
Since Markov Models simulates the user’s
interaction process between different navigation
pages, this technique was also classified as
Simulation type, being the unique technique (0,96%)
classified in this category.
4.5 Performing Method
The results of the SQ3 show that the majority of the
techniques are performed manually, representing
90,38% of the techniques, followed by automatic
techniques, that represent about 6,73% and semi-
automatic 2,88%.
Regarding the automatically performed
techniques, the study conducted by Stickel et al.
(2008) aimed to evaluate the usability and UX of an
Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study
LMS using psychophysiological methods to detect
user-hostile systems, collecting data through
Electroencephalograms, Heart Rate and Skin
Conductance Level.
An example of semi-automatically performed
technique can be found in the study conducted by
Oztekin et al. (2013). First, the usability evaluation
is conducted manually through a form using the
UseLearn technique. Then, an analysis of this
evaluation is performed automatically through a
machine-learning program using artificial neural
networks. The program calculates the usability
problems that produce the highest impact on overall
system usability and presents them to the evaluator.
4.6 Learning Factors
The results of the SQ4 reveal that about 85,29% of
the new techniques consider learning factors. There
was no consensus, however, about which learning
factors should be evaluated. We identified 30
different learning factors. The most evaluated factor
was “Content Relevance”, with 50,00%, followed by
“Interaction between participants”, with 46,15%.
“Feedback and Orientation” and “Instructional
Assessment” were considered by 42,31% of the
techniques employed. “Content organization and
structure” accounted for 38,46%, followed by
“Motivation” and “Support for Significant Learning
Approach” with 30,77%. “Media Use” and
“Collaborative Learning” were considered by
26,92% of the techniques. Other factors were
considered by less than 25% of the techniques.
About 14,71% of the techniques did not specify
whether they consider learning specific factors or
4.7 Evaluation Focus
The results of SQ5 show that about 28,85% of the
techniques addressed usability and UX factors in the
evaluation process. Navarro et al. (2016) proposed a
framework to evaluate m-learning applications,
considering pedagogical factors (e.g.: content,
organization and objectives) and the motivation
related to the affective factor.
Techniques that only evaluate usability factors
accounted for about 69,23% of the techniques.
Yusoff and Zin (2014) developed a usability
evaluation questionnaire composed by 10 questions
related to aspects such as ease of use, ease of
navigation and class learning support.
Only 1,92% of the techniques were specific to
evaluate the UX. However, all of them were generic
techniques, not specific for the learning context.
Santoso et al. (2014) used the UEQ (User
Experience Questionnaire) to evaluate the User
Experience of a platform called SCELE. The UEQ
consists of 26 items that measures factors such as
attractiveness, stimulation and novelty.
4.8 Feedback
The results of SQ6 show that none of the techniques
provides a feedback with suggestions about how to
correct the identified usability problems. All
analyzed techniques just perform an identification of
these problems.
4.9 Investigation Type
Concerning to the investigation type, we classified
the empirical studies according to the three main
investigation strategies described by Wohlin et al.
(2012). The results of SQ7 show that the majority of
the studies used case studies (according to the
authors), representing 46,55% of them. Hamdi et al.
(2011), for example, performed a case study to
evaluate the usability of a m-learning application at
the Arab Academy for Science and Technology
(AASTMT). The study was conducted through a
task-based user testing using the Think-Aloud
Protocol and USE (Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease
of Use) questionnaire to analyze the user’s efficacy,
efficiency and satisfaction.
Survey was the second most used type of
investigation, with about 25,86% of publications.
Alkhattabi (2015), for example, performed a survey
through an own questionnaire, composed by a 5-
point Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, neutral,
disagree and strongly disagree) and a field for
comments, in order to analyze the usability,
practicality, pedagogical efficacy and overall design
of an LMS called Tadarus.
About 17,24% performed controlled
experiments. Zaharias and Koutsabasis (2012)
performed an experiment to compare two usability
inspection techniques specifically developed to e-
learning context: the Mehlenbacher et al. (2005)
heuristics and Reeves et al. (2002) heuristics. The
results showed that both heuristics have good
coverage of the usability problems, however, they
did not present a satisfactory distribution of
problems. Some heuristics identified several
problems, while others identified just some of them
or even none. The authors also stated that there is a
need for better orientation and organization of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
heuristics regarding its level of abstraction.
The publications that did not present empirical
studies represented about 12,07%.
4.10 Technique Restriction
The results of SQ8 show that 11,54% of the
techniques have some type of restriction for its
application. These restrictions can be, for example, a
specific knowledge, software or equipment. The
UseLearn technique proposed by Oztekin et al.
(2010) needs that the usability analyst has
knowledge in structural equation modeling-based
criticality metric analysis, which limits its
The other techniques, which do not have
restrictions for utilization, represent 88,46%.
4.11 Technique Availability
The results of SQ9 show that 66,35% of the
techniques are available, that is, they provide the
questionnaires and/or procedures for carrying out the
usability/UX evaluation in the article itself or in
external sources (other publications or websites, for
example). Junus et al. (2015), for example,
provided the questionnaires in the article itself.
The techniques that are not available for
download/consultation accounted for 33,65%.
4.12 Platform Used
The results of SQ10 show that the majority of the
studies were performed in the context of desktop
platforms, representing about 79,31%. Orfanou et al.
(2015) performed a usability evaluation of the
Moodle platform and Eclass platform (based on
LMS Claroline). The evaluation was performed
through the application of the SUS questionnaire.
The authors performed a validity evaluation of the
questionnaire and its correlation with several factors
like genre, age and frequency of use of LMSs.
Studies in the mobile context represented about
17,24% of the publications. Fetaji et al. (2008)
evaluated a mobile application called MobileView by
utilizing a usability evaluation framework developed
by the authors themselves, called MLUAT (Mobile
Learning Usability Attribute Testing). This
framework uses heuristic evaluation, usability
testing and questionnaires to evaluate the usability of
m-learning applications.
About 3,45% of the studies were carried out both
in mobile and desktop context, making comparisons
between the usability problems related to the
interaction with the interfaces. Sánchez-Chamochin
et al. (2008), for example, performed a usability test
of a mobile version for a legacy e-learning platform.
The users performed the tasks both in the desktop
and the mobile device, in order to get, for example,
the relation between the number of steps needed to
perform a task between the two type of devices.
4.13 Techniques Comparison
Although several techniques were identified, only 6
publications (10,34%) presented a comparison
between them. Lanzilotti et al. (2011), for example,
performed a comparison between the HE of Squires
and Preece (1999), Think-Aloud Protocol and
Pattern-Based Evaluation. The authors concluded
that the Pattern-Based Evaluation identified a higher
number of different types of problems, provided
more consistent and reliable results and had a better
cost/benefit. However, it tended to induce to an
overestimation of the problem’s severity and did not
reach a higher perceived value compared to the other
The publications that did not perform
comparison of techniques represented 89,66%.
Although we conducted this research under a
systematic mapping methodology by defining a
research protocol, some threats to validity can be
identified: (i) the researcher’s bias regarding the
analysis of the primary studies; (ii) the university’s
limited access to some scientific databases, which
can prevent some publications to being accessed;
(iii) the limitation of the scope of this research to the
two selected databases.
These threats were minimized by taking some
actions. For the first threat, we reviewed the review
protocol and conducted the Kohen’s Kappa
statistical test in order to reduce the researcher’s
bias. Additionally, other experienced researcher
reviewed the execution process. For the second
threat, we asked for the full publication to the author
whenever it was possible and included those that
were made available. Regarding the third threat,
although the research had been conducted on only
two databases, these databases indexes publications
from a large number of very known publishers,
journals and conferences, which can possibly reduce
the number of publications that was not addressed
by this research.
Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study
This systematic mapping aimed to identify the
usability and UX evaluation techniques in the
context of Learning Management Systems. The
results showed that there are several studies
regarding the techniques used to evaluate the
usability and UX of LMSs. However, there are still
some gaps that can be explored by further studies:
We did not find evidences of techniques that
provide a feedback with suggestions to correct
the usability/UX problems, being limited to
just identify them;
There was no consensus about which learning
factors must be considered in the evaluation
Few studies were conducted in the m-learning
context. Among the 12 studies that were
found, only 5 of them presented a new
technique. Altogether, 4 different frameworks
were identified among them and just one was
empirically evaluated;
Only 6 studies presented a comparison
between the different techniques, which
difficult the definition of the most adequate
technique for the e-learning context. Another
limiting factor is the unavailability of the
techniques in a considerably number of
studies, which makes it difficult to perform
this kind of comparison;
Few techniques performs the usability/UX
evaluation process in an automated way;
Among the new techniques, none of them
considered the UX evaluation with greater
depth. Some studies considered the motivation
factor, however, they were limited to this
scope. Other techniques involved aspects
related to the user’s satisfaction only.
Although some of the UX aspects could be
captured by these techniques, none of them is
concerned about, for example, the user’s
feelings and its change over the time;
There were no studies relating the influence of
the usability/UX improvement in the learning
Thus, despite the large number of techniques
employed, there is still room for more research in
this area. These identified gaps may contribute to
give an insight to further research in order to
improve the quality of the evaluation techniques and
of the LMSs.
In this systematic mapping, we analyzed the
publications regarding the usability/UX evaluation
of Learning Management Systems. From a starting
set of 190 publications, a total of 62 publications
were selected and a total of 104 employed
techniques were identified.
Although several studies had been conducted
regarding the evaluation of LMSs, the results of this
systematic mapping revealed that there is still a need
for more research in this area. Among the identified
techniques, for example, none of them provided a
feedback with suggestions to correct the identified
problems. Besides, even though many techniques
had been developed to evaluate the usability/UX of
LMSs, there is no sufficient evidence of which of
them is best suited for this context. Thus, the
identified gaps in this systematic mapping may be a
starting point to other researchers.
We hope that our findings may contribute to the
development and improvement of the usability and
UX evaluation techniques for the e-learning context,
hence the improvement of the LMSs.
We would like to thank the Brazilian funding agency
FAPEAM through process number 062.02646/2014
and the Usability and Software Engineering Group
(USES) of the Federal University of Amazonas
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