CSL: A Combined Spanish Lexicon
Resource for Polarity Classification and Sentiment Analysis
Luis G. Moreno-Sandoval
, Paola Beltrán-Herrera
, Jaime A. Vargas-Cruz
Carolina Sánchez-Barriga
, Alexandra Pomares-Quimbaya
, Jorge A. Alvarado-Valencia
and Juan C. García-Díaz
Colombian Center of Excellence and Appropriation on Big Data and Data Analytics (CAOBA), Colombia
Department of Systems Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Department of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Keywords: Spanish Lexicon, Spanish Resources for Sentiment Analysis, Polarity’s Classification, Opinion Mining,
Sentiment Analysis.
Abstract: Opinion mining and sentiment analysis in texts from social networks such as Twitter has taken great
importance during the last decade. Quality lexicons for the sentiment analysis task are easily found in
languages such as English; however, this is not the case in Spanish. For this reason, we propose CSL, a
Combined Spanish Lexicon approach for sentiment analysis that uses an ensemble of six lexicons in Spanish
and a weighted bag of words strategy. In order to build CSL we used 68,019 tweets previously classified by
researchers at the Spanish Society of Natural Language Processing (SEPLN) obtaining a precision of 62.05
and a recall of 60.75 in the validation set, showing improvements in both measurements. Additionally, we
compare the results of CSL with a very well-known commercial software for sentiment analysis in Spanish
finding an improvement of 10 points in precision and 15 points in recall.
Evolution of social media through the last two
decades has led to a growing number of activities by
which people express their opinions about any kind
of issues on the web (Feldman, 2013). As a
consequence, increasing use of Internet has led to the
possibility of extracting and analyzing a huge amount
of structured and unstructured data. Interests of
research communities have increased specially in
extracting and analyzing views and moods expressed
on these global platforms through sentiment analysis,
also known as opinion mining (Taboada, 2016).
According to (Ravi and Ravi, 2015) there are
several important sub-tasks to be performed for
sentiment analysis. One of these subtasks is lexicon-
based polarity determination for the sentiment
classification. Lexicon-based approaches can use
dictionaries, which are a collection of opinion words
along with their positive (+ve) or negative (-ve)
sentiment strength. Studies for determining polarity
of a sentence expressed in social networks as Twitter
using a lexicon-based approach have shown the
necessity of high level pre-processing because of the
common presence of abbreviations and stop words, as
well as the increase of precision with different
techniques (Ravi and Ravi, 2015). The literature
review showed that the number of studies involving
Spanish Lexicons is significantly fewer than in
English (García-Moya et al., 2013; Molina-González
et al., 2013; Montejo-Ráez et al., 2014; Ortigosa et
al., 2014).
In line with (Molina-González et al., 2013) there
are two main ways for addressing the problem of
applying sentiment analysis to non-English
languages: by generating corpora, dictionaries and
lists of opinion words or by translation.
Considering the previous facts, this paper is
focused on polarity determination for sentiment
classification in Spanish, as more research in this
language is needed and it is important to advance in
tools for those interested in working with this
This paper presents a combined lexicon for
Sentiment Analysis called CSL (Combined Spanish
Lexicon). CSL effectiveness was developed and
tested through an unsupervised method developed in
Moreno-Sandoval, L., Beltrán-Herrera, P., Vargas-Cruz, J., Sánchez-Barriga, C., Pomares-Quimbaya, A., Alvarado-Valencia, J. and García-Díaz, J.
CSL: A Combined Spanish Lexicon - Resource for Polarity Classification and Sentiment Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006336402880295
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 288-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Python that uses the Bag of Words approach for
Sentiment Analysis of short texts. The principle is to
enhance the recognition of important sentimental
words using multiple lexicons and an ensemble
function that takes into account the quality of polarity
classification of the words available in each lexicon.
Thus, strengths of available lexicons are enhanced
and weaknesses are diminished.
We describe the assembling process of six
previously developed lexicons and present the results
of the experiments with the obtained lexicon by
comparing their effectiveness measures with two
references: the classification made by the Spanish
Society of Natural Language Processing and the
results obtained using the IBM Solution called
Bluemix. The validation yielded good results of
precision (62.05), recall (60.75) and F1 Score (61.39).
The paper is organized as follows: the second part
briefly describes previous related work on available
Spanish lexicons and the studies regarding to lexicon-
based polarity determination. In the third section we
explain the methodology used to assemble the
Spanish lexicon CSL. Section four presents the
experiments carried out with the new lexicon with the
purpose of proving its efficiency and discusses the
main results obtained. Finally, we outline conclusions
and further work.
Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is
the task of detecting, extracting and classifying
opinions, sentiments and attitudes concerning
different topics, as expressed in textual input
(Montoyo et al., 2012). The most relevant reviews of
opinion, sentiment and subjectivity in text (Montoyo
et al., 2012; Pang and Lee, 2009; Ravi and Ravi,
2015; Tang and Liu, 2010) highlight that a relevant
task in sentiment analysis is the so-called Polarity
classification or determination.
(Pang and Lee, 2009) state that the goal of a large
portion of work in sentiment related to classification
/ regression /ranking is to classify an opinionated text
unit or topic, as positive or negative, or locate its
position on the continuum between these two
(Ravi and Ravi, 2015) explains that sentiment
classification can be performed using machine
learning, which yields better precision, or using
lexicon – based approaches, which provide more
generality because of their semantic orientation.
Lexicon-based approaches can use dictionaries or
(Martinez-Camara et al., 2014) integrated the
iSOL SWN_SP lexicons to classify opinion polarity
in a Spanish review corpus. They applied each
dictionary separately and combined both results
through stacking meta-classification. For the stacking
approach they used Support Vector Machines, Naïve
Bayes and Bayesian Logistic Regression. For testing,
they used the MuchoCine Spanish corpus. The results
showed that the combination of different lexicons,
with the use of meta-classifiers improve the
performance of polarity classification for Spanish
texts. Later, this methodology was applied on the
combination of iSOL and ML-SentiCon, obtaining
similar results.
(Jiménez-Zafra et al., 2016) enhanced a lexicon
adapting it to a specific domain, by adding polar
adjectives obtained through Term Frequency and
Bootstrapping. They applied both techniques to the
iSOL lexicon. The results showed that polarity
classification in movie reviews was significantly
improved with respect to those originally achieved
with iSOL. This shows that properly augmenting a
dictionary can improve polarity classification in texts.
(Taboada et al., 2011) introduced the Semantic
Orientation Calculator (SO-CAL). They created
separate adjective, noun, verb and adverb
dictionaries, and hand ranked them using a -5 to +5
scale indicating the degree of orientation of a given
word; they also incorporated numeric values for
intensifiers, negations, and irrealis markers, resulting
in a formula to calculate the semantic orientation of a
given text. The lexicon used in the tests was manually
created. Several versions of the lexicon were
generated to test the calculator with four data sets.
Their results indicated an advantage in creating hand-
ranked dictionaries for lexicon based sentiment
As a conclusion, methods for lexicon combination
and augmentation have proved to be useful in
sentiment analysis. Some of these methods combine
results from individual classifiers, with a meta-
classifier. In contrast, in this paper, lexicon
improvement was obtained directly by combining
several dictionaries.
2.1 Available Spanish Lexicons
An extensive research of lexicons shows that the
developments in Spanish are fewer with respect to the
developments in English. However, the literature
review led us to find ten (10) lexicons in Spanish
classified by some polarity’s category: (i). iSOL
(González et al., 2015b; Martinez-Camara et al.,
2014), (ii). SentiWordNet (SWN) (Baccianella et al.,
2010; Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006; González et al.,
CSL: A Combined Spanish Lexicon - Resource for Polarity Classification and Sentiment Analysis
2015a; Princeton University, 2015; SentiWordNet,
2010), (iii). Multilingual Central Repository (MCR)
(González et al., 2015a), (iv). EuroWordNet (EWN)
(EuroWordNet, 2001), (v). ElhPolar (Saralegi et al.,
2013; Saralegi and San Vicente, 2013), (vi). Spanish
Emotion Lexicon (SEL), (Díaz Rangel et al., 2014;
Sidorov et al., 2012, 2013), (vii). Political Dictionary
(PL) (Alvarado-Valencia et al., 2016), (viii).
Sentiment Lexicons in Spanish (SLS) (Pérez-Rosas et
al., 2012), (xi). ML-SentiCon (Fe.L. Cruz et al., 2014;
Fermín L. Cruz et al., 2014) and (x). Multilingual
Sentiment (MS) (Data Science Lab, 2014). Table 1
compares the features of the aforementioned lexicons.
Notice that only eight (8) of the ten (10) analyzed
lexicons are available for academic use. SWN and
EWN require payment and use of specialized
software for their consultation. Also, MCR and EWN
do not refer to polarity classifications, but rather, they
refer to existing relationships between words such as
a taxonomy or ontology structures. On the other hand,
PL is the only lexicon containing words from the
political knowledge domain which implies disjoints
in the polarity’s classification of existing words. This
is the case of the Spanish word "carrusel", which in
the political context has a negative connotation, but in
the general context has a positive connotation.
Finally, with respect to the methodology of
consolidation of each available lexicon, it can be
evidenced that the majority of lexicons correspond to
automatic and translation processes, but the
validation process mainly corresponds to a manual
Additionally, the polarity standardization requires
pre-processing of the available data in order to get the
same polarity categories in each lexicon.
This section presents the main characteristics of CSL,
our approach for improving the precision and recall
in sentiment analysis. The first section describes the
strategy applied during the assembly of independent
lexicons, and the second one explains the algorithm
created to identify and to extract sentiment
3.1 Pre-processing
Six dictionaries were selected to be used in the
ensemble, using a qualitative approach where ease of
access was the most important criterion. Final
lexicons selected were: iSOL, Elh Polar, SEL SLS,
Ml-SentiCon and MS.
Some preliminary cleaning procedures were
performed on the original lexicons. Repeated words
were found in some lexicons which were eliminated
when they had the same qualification. Additionally,
Spanish phrases like “a la moda", "a pesar de",
"acoger con agrado", were eliminated from the
SEL provides the probability of expressing one of
the following six emotions: joy, surprise, anger, fear,
repulsion and sadness. Following the methodology
proposed by (Molina-González et al., 2013), joy and
surprise emotions were associated with positive
polarity and the other emotions were classified as
negative, considering that the probability of
expressing each emotion was greater or equal than
Table 1: Comparison between available Spanish Lexicons.
Tot. of words:
8,135 117,000 NA NA 5,199 2,036 1,638 3,843 11,542 4,275
Tot. categories:
2 3 NA NA 2 6 3 2 3 2
Polarity range:
-1 and 1 [-1, 1] - - -1 y 1 - [-1, 1] -1 and 1 [-1, 1] -1 and 1
Tot. positive words:
2,509 NA - - 3,302 - 356 1,332 955 1,555
Tot. negative words:
5,626 NA - - 1,897 - 260 2,511 1,300 2,720
Tot. neutral words:
- NA - - - - 1,022 - 9,287 -
Knowledge domain:
Auto. Man. NA NA Auto. Auto. Man.
Man. Auto.
Consolidation’s Ty:
Transl. Transl.
Transl. Transl. Own Own
Transl. Transl.
Validation Process:
Man. Man
Man. Man. Man. Man.
Man Auto.
A and
A and
A and
29 663 103 62 NA 14 NA 21 NA NA
Academic Availab.:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
0.3. Words with lower emotional probability were
eliminated. This threshold was decided empirically
and let to discard 20% of the terms.
3.2 Lexicon Individual Performance
The individual performance of each dictionary was
tested. The test consisted in qualifying as Positive,
Neutral or Negative a group of tweets taken from
(Villena-Román et al., 2013) which were manually
classified by a group of experts. This set of tweets
(68,019) were divided into two, training and
validation sets, with 89% and 11% of the total
tweets, respectively.
In order to use the same categories, tweets
classified by TASS (Villena-Román et al., 2013) as
neutral or "none" were grouped in the same
category. This grouping helped to achieve balanced
training and test sets. Table 2 shows the distribution
of the different polarities as classified by TASS.
Table 2: Distribution of polarity.
Polarity Training Test
37% 40%
37% 30%
26% 30%
For testing the lexicons, a methodology based on
Bag of Words with stemming and stop word
elimination was used. Additionally, accent marks
and special characters were also removed to
increase matching. Other features as intensifiers and
detection of double negatives, which are often used
in NLP in Spanish (Vilares et al., 2015) were not
included. During this testing task, the approach
keeps in a log file the sentimental words recognized
during the process and the number of documents
correctly and wrongly classified where that word
was found. After this process, each one of the
words, for every lexicon, is weighted using a score
defined as (1)
Score = Correct Classifications / (Correct
Classifications + Wrong Classifications)
The average F1 Score, which has been used by
other authors in sentiment analysis (Councill et al.,
2010; Saif et al., 2012), was used to measure the
performance of each dictionary, but other
performance metrics as precision and recall were
also calculated.
3.3 Supervised Enrichment of
Polarity Lexicons
This building process is illustrated in the
pseudocode shows below:
1. T as tweets;
2. L as the initial lexicons;
3. define S as a temporal array
of lexicons;
4. define CSL as a new lexicon;
5. for each lexicon l
in L do:
6. for each word w
in l
7. counter = 0
8. value = 0
9. for each tweet t
in T
10. if w
exists in t
11. counter = counter + 1
12. if polarity(l
]) =
13. value = polarity(t
) +
14. end if;
15. end if;
16. end for;
17. score = value / counter;
18. if score <= -0.4 or score
>= 0.4 then:
19. insert (w
round(score,0)) in S[i]
20. end if;
21. end for;
22. end for;
23. for each word w
in S do:
24. CSL(w
) = {w
…, polarity(S
25. end for;
26. Return CSL;
The new lexicon, which selected the best words
from every initial lexicon, was used with the Bag of
Words approach, using the test partition as corpus.
Afterwards, the performance measures were
calculated using the manual classification on each
Likewise, other strategies were used to create
additional ensembles by changing the conditions
used to assign the polarities to the words in the new
lexicons (pseudocode: from line 23 to line 25).
CLS_1 changed the use of average for the use of
maximum value, while CLS_2 used a threshold
value. The three lexicons showed in this paper were
CSL: A Combined Spanish Lexicon - Resource for Polarity Classification and Sentiment Analysis
the ones with a strategy that achieved a precision
and a F1 score that outperform those from the initial
This approach presents the possibility to choose
the best words of each lexicon and to discard those
which have an inadequate classification or a low
contribution to the identification of the tweet’s
3.4 Comparison Against a
Commercial Software
A comparison was also made against the Alchemy
Language, a collection of Applications Program
Interface (API) by IBM’s Watson that offers text
analyses thought NLP (IBM, 2016a). The API used
was called Sentiment, which “can calculate overall
sentiment within a document” (IBM, 2016b), among
other things, as sentiment for user-specified targets,
entity-level sentiment, quotation-level sentiment
and directional and keyword- level sentiment.
In this case, the overall sentiment within a
document was used, defining an individual tweet as
a document. Also, for this test a total of 2,764 tweets
were taken from the test partition, this number was
limited by technical restrictions in the available
calls to the API.
The calls were made from a subroutine in
Python that uses a client library developed by IBM
Watson. The parameters used were the text of the
tweet and the language (Spanish).
Finally, in a similar way used to test the Bag of
Words implementation with each lexicon, the
results were compared against the manual
classification done by the SEPLN.
This section is divided into three parts: results of the
individual pre-processing of each selected lexicon,
analysis of the ensemble lexicon and results of the
ensemble validation.
4.1 Individual Analysis
Lexicons once pre-processed, as described in the
methodology, are compared to 89% of previously
classified tweets (Villena-Román et al., 2013).
Table 3 shows the percentage of identified words of
each lexicon that were used to assign polarity to the
set of tweets and the ratio of this words to the total
words in each lexicon; this ratio seeks to establish a
measure of performance with respect to lexicon
size. According to the results, MLSentiCon, MS and
Elh Polar present the highest percentages of
identified words, but for this, only ElhPolar and MS
have high ratios. MLSentiCon and iSOL, having a
high percentage of identified words, show ratios of
15.8 and 12.4 identified words by each word of the
lexicon respectively. This behavior is emphasized
because these are the lexicons with greater number
of words and have domain of general knowledge.
On the other hand, two lexicons identified less than
6% of words, but show high ratios.
Table 3: Performance of Spanish lexicons.
words/Total lexicon
12.5 12.4
Elh Polar:
15.3 32.0
5.7 29.8
5.9 35.8
17.4 15.8
17.2 32.7
Additionally, a comparison between the words
positively and negatively identified by each lexicon
is established. As can be seen in Figure 1 positive
ratings range from 56.5% to 73%.
Figure 1: Percentage of positive and negative identified
words by each lexicon.
Finally, precision and recall measures for each
lexicon are calculated. Table 4 presents the mean of
precision, recall, and F1 Score. Notice that this was
a three-category classification task. The last
measure will be used later in the ensemble process
as described in the methodology. ElhPolar stands
out with the best indicators. This shows that the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
methodology followed by (Saralegi et al., 2013) of
eliminating conflicting words did a great work at
improving the predicting power of the lexicon.
Table 4: Precision, recall and F1 Score from each lexicon.
F1 Score
54.87 54.83 54.85
Elh Polar:
59.64 59.76 59.70
55.72 51.98 53.78
51.98 49.45 50.69
47.09 44.92 45.98
53.33 53.96 53.64
4.2 Ensemble Lexicon
For the three ensemble exercises developed here,
Table 5 presents the total of resulting positive and
negative loaded words and their comparison to the
individual lexicons presented in section 4.1. The
number of words for the ensembles is a result of the
process of selecting words that adequately classify
the tweets according to those described in the
The last column of Table 5 presents the accuracy
obtained with the test data set, quantifying the
correct classification of each lexicon with respect to
the total. It is evident that CLS_1, CLS_2 and
CLS_3 ensemble exercises have the highest values.
This table shows that the accuracy achieved by all
of the lexicons was better than the expected from a
naïve classification, where the accuracy would be
close to a 33% in a perfectly balanced dataset.
Table 5: Positive and negative loaded words in each
# Positive
# Negative
2,509 5,624 55.26
Elh Polar:
1,379 2,502 59.95
631 931 54.33
477 870 50.83
4,453 4,482 46.99
1,553 2,720 53.99
1,901 1,910 60.66
1,970 1,945 60.73
11,634 3,305 62.38
4.3 Combined Lexicon Validation
For the combined lexicon validation, the test data
set with 11% of the tweets was used. The exercise
was performed for all lexicons individually and for
the three ensembles developed to ensure
comparability in the results. Table 6 presents the
measures of precision, recall and F1 Score.
According to the results, the three proposed
ensembles surpass the individual performance of
lexicons, indicating that this procedure results in a
more efficient lexicon.
Table 6: Precision, recall and F1 Score for each ensemble.
F1 Score
59.09 58.59 58.84
59.04 58.62 58.83
62.05 60.75 61.39
The improvement in precision with respect to the
CLS_3 for each lexicon individually is presented in
Table 7. According to the results for every
individual lexicon there is an improvement in the F1
Score. The lexicon that performs best is ElhPolar,
which results in a 4.65% improvement.
Table 7. Precision, recall, F1 Score and improvement for
each lexicon.
Imp. F1
Score (%)
53.39 52.70 53.04 15.75
Elh Polar:
59.22 58.11 58.66 4.65
52.95 49.24 51.03 20.31
50.90 48.05 49.43 24.20
47.02 44.48 45.71 34.30
50.32 50.17 50.25 22.18
As an additional benchmark for the development
of this exercise, the IBM Bluemix tool was used to
make comparisons regarding the performance of
individual lexicons and the ensemble lexicon. The
comparison of our approach was made using 2,217
tweets selected randomly from the set of previously
classified tweets (Villena-Román et al., 2013). The
precision and recall obtained by the commercial
software were 51.97 and 45.58 respectively, with F1
Score of 48.57. These results show that although in
English this tool is frequently used, for Spanish, it
is possible to improve their algorithms with the
language resources proposed in this paper.
CSL: A Combined Spanish Lexicon - Resource for Polarity Classification and Sentiment Analysis
Creating a single model which integrates different
lexicon approaches has several benefits.
Principally, the predictive overall precision, recall
and F1 Score of the new lexicon is significantly
better than lexicons individually evaluated
providing researchers with a tool that integrates the
potentialities of individual lexicons. This result
might be due to the methodology to select the right
polarity explained in section 3.3, which improves
strengths and reduces weaknesses of individual
To achieve these results, it was necessary to pre-
process qualitatively and quantitatively the lexicons
available in Spanish in order to review the quality
of the polarity classification previously made in
each of them. Likewise, choosing as a gold standard
the manually classified tweets and, from this,
verifying the polarity assigned to the word, allowed
to improve the quality of the available polarity
classification. However, it is important to
emphasize that performance depends not only on
the initial lexicons, but of the way in which they are
The algorithm used by IBM to calculate the
polarity of a text could be improved by using the
methodology developed in this paper. It is important
to take into account that the algorithm was only
tested in short texts (tweets), but given the growing
importance of analyzing tweets and other short
length opinions, the authors believe that this could
greatly improve the performance of the alchemy
Furthermore, ensembles could be tested into
models that consider entity recognition, negation
handling and other sophistications, which would
help understand the performance of assembling
with different algorithms.
Moreover, to attest the generality of ensembles
in diverse contexts, the test could be done with a
different gold standard, like movies or items
This research was carried out by the Center of
Excellence and Appropriation in Big Data and Data
Analytics (CAOBA). It is being led by the Pontificia
Universidad Javeriana Colombia and it was funded
by the Ministry of Information Technologies and
Telecommunications of the Republic of Colombia
(MinTIC) through the Colombian Administrative
Department of Science, Technology and Innovation
(COLCIENCIAS) within contract No. FP44842-
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