A FHIR-based System for the Generation and Retrieval of Clinical
Crescenzo Diomaiuta, Mario Sicuranza, Mario Ciampi and Giuseppe De Pietro
Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking, National Research Council of Italy,
Naples, Italy
FHIR, Terminology Service, Interoperability, Information Exchange, Health Information Systems.
Clinical information exchange among heterogeneous systems is a complex process. It is necessary to use
dictionaries, coding standards (e.g. LOINC and SNOMED), and terminology services, in order to: i) produce
machine-interpretable information and coded data, ii) reduce information exchange complexity, and iii) allow
the fulfillment of semantic interoperability among several systems. This work presents a system to support
healthcare professionals in the creation of clinical documents using appropriate standards and in the informa-
tion reading and retrieval of interest on clinical documents. The system allows healthcare professionals to use
standard codes easily (via terminology server) during the creation of documents. Similarly, it also permits
the decoding of health standard codes, during the read documents process, to facilitate the obtaining of in-
formation. In summary, it makes use of a simple and intuitive graphical user interface and a Fast Healthcare
Interoperability Resources (FHIR) terminology server to support healthcare professionals in diagnosing and
treating patients.
The use of information and communication techno-
logy (ICT) in healthcare has enabled the creation
of the Health Information System (HIS). A HIS is
a complex system that captures, stores, manages,
and transmits health information relating to patients
(Haux, 2006). In the past few years, many HIS, each
with its own characteristics and satisfying local requi-
rements, have been defined (Esposito et al., 2012).
This has meant that these systems tend to be hete-
rogeneous (Minutolo et al., 2011). In fact, they use
proprietary solutions and do not structure and stan-
dardize the managed information in the same manner.
This failure to use the same standards makes the dis-
tribution and management of clinical information ex-
tremely diverse. An important HIS based on commu-
nication and interoperability among several systems
is the Electronic Health Record system (EHR), which
is a system that allows a complete management of
the clinical events of the patients (Garde et al., 2007).
To improve care processes in healthcare it is essential
that different HIS are able to communicate with each
other to exchange patient health information, and that
they have a common semantic meaning in all sys-
tems. Interoperability has been defined by the Insti-
tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as
the “ability of two or more components to exchange
information and to use the information that has been
exchanged” (IEEE, 1990). In this perspective, four
different levels of interoperability can be distinguis-
hed (Walker et al., 2005):
Level 1 - non-electronic data: no use of Informa-
tion Technology (IT) to share information.
Level 2 - machine transportable data: transmis-
sion of unstructured information through basic IT
Level 3 - machine organizable data or syntactic
interoperability: transmission of structured mes-
sages containing non-standardized data. This re-
quires an incoming data translation, because sen-
ding an organization’s vocabulary and receiving
an organization’s vocabulary are different functi-
Level 4 - machine-interpretable data or semantic
interoperability: transmission of structured mes-
sages containing standardized and coded data. In
this case all systems exchange information using
the same formats and vocabularies.
This paper presents a very pragmatic system capable
of enabling healthcare professionals to write and read
Diomaiuta, C., Sicuranza, M., Ciampi, M. and Pietro, G.
A FHIR-based System for the Generation and Retrieval of Clinical Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0006311301350142
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 135-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clinical documents in accordance with HL7 FHIR
1.1 Standards
This section presents certain widespread clinical stan-
dards. There are different health standards for the
structured representation of clinical information. The
most widely used standards in healthcare have been
defined by an international non-profit association, ter-
med Health Level Seven (HL7). Over the years, there
has been an evolution of these standards (Lamprina-
kos et al., 2014). There follows a brief description
of the evolution of the standards defined by HL7 for
structuring information. In particular, the first stan-
dard described is HL7 version 2 (HL7 v2). This mes-
saging standard permits information exchange by the
use of messages encoded in ASCII and delimited by
a series of escape characters. The message is compo-
sed of one or more segments and must have a precise
structure. For example, to represent clinical observa-
tions the OBX segment is used, as shown below.
Newer releases of HL7 v2 use the XML language to
define the message. Nevertheless, as a limitation of
this standard it does not have an explicit information
model and is characterized by numerous optionalities
for any change of or addition to the format. This
aspect undermines the interoperability, and, indeed,
version 2 provides multiple ways of performing the
same action. This is one of the reasons which led
to the implementation of the standard HL7 version
3 (HL7 v3). This standard, in contrast to version 2,
is based on a message development framework. It in-
volves the use of different models, for example, the
Reference Information Model (RIM), which is a set
of base classes that can be used to model any en-
tity in the health domain. One of the issues of this
standard is its high complexity of use. There is no
compatibility between HL7 v2 and HL7 v3. Anot-
her standard is the HL7 Clinical Document Archi-
tecture (CDA), derived from the HL7 v3 RIM. This
is based on the XML standard, used to specifiy the
encoding, structure, and semantics of clinical docu-
ments, for the exchange between heterogeneous sy-
stems. This standard also presents some limitations.
In particular, it is quite complex to read a CDA do-
cument, and, furthermore it does not provide granular
access to data. Subsequently, the HL7 association has
created a new standard called Fast Healthcare Inter-
operability Resources (FHIR). This standard com-
bines the best features of HL7 v2, HL7 v3, and CDA
with the addition of the use of web standards, such as
HTTP, Atom, XML, and JSON. FHIR is published as
a Draft Standard for Trial Use (DSTU) and its adop-
tion is growing rapidly (Bender and Sartipi, 2013).
FHIR designers employ an incremental and iterative
approach to develop standards that reflect the require-
ments of industry regarding the design of complex sy-
stems. FHIR is built on a set of modular components
called “Resources”. Each resource is a unique entity,
with peculiar properties and an identity. Currently,
it is allowed to represent about 90 resources. FHIR
supports a RESTful (REpresentational State Trans-
fer) architecture and seamless exchange of informa-
tion, using messages or documents. The FHIR RE-
STful API provides a consistent set of HTTP servi-
ces to find (through search operation) and manage re-
sources (through read, create, update, and delete ope-
rations). It uses an open standard for authorization,
Open Authorization (OAuth), Atom for query results,
and XML or JSON for data representation (Luz et al.,
2015). The FHIR specifications give support to pro-
vide a terminology service, offering a conformance
statement, through three main concepts: code sys-
tems, value sets, and concept maps.
1.2 Context
In this paper, an architecture is proposed to support
healthcare professionals in creating or reading struc-
tured clinical documents. The system is based on a
terminology service, compliant with the FHIR stan-
dard, and uses clinical coding systems. Using the pro-
posed architecture, the healthcare professional will be
able to structure the information about a patient. With
this system, he/she will be able to easily generate
structured clinical documents according to the FHIR
standard and will be able to extract rapidly the content
of interest from structured documents. Moreover, the
use of the standard promotes integration and sharing
across heterogeneous systems. This represents a basis
to construct a more complex systems to achieve cli-
nical interoperability. In literature, there are several
proposals, relating to the creation of clinical docu-
ments, making use of the terminology, data exchan-
ging, and standardizing of the information contained
in documents. jTerm is an open source terminology
server, that supports the use of a wide variety of exis-
ting terminological systems. It uses an abstract mo-
del (Hogarth et al., 2003). The system is released
in the form of a J2EE application, which supports a
web front-end to browse terminologies. It is a multi-
platform system, which uses a wide variety of termi-
nology systems, accessed by a command/query me-
chanism. The work proposed by Navas et al. concerns
a restrictive user interface, implemented in Java, with
the objective of improving user data acquisition (Na-
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 1: The DiagnosticReport FHIR resource, and its link to other interested resources.
vas et al., 2007). This system also allows the selection
of already coded terms, in the context of an in-patient
electronic medical record. The proposed software in-
teracts online with a terminology server for the Inte-
ractive Coding of Discharge Summaries. This so-
lution has the limitation of being topic-specific, be-
cause it is related only to discharge summaries. An
approach to ensure semantic interoperability among
Electronic Health Records was proposed by S
Caro et al. (S
anchez-Caro et al., 2014). They pre-
sent a proposal to facilitate the exchange of Cardio-
vascular Risk Stratification (CVRS) information, pro-
totyped and focused on Heart Rate Turbulence (HRT),
using archetypes and the SNOMED-CT ontology. An
archetype is defined by the OpenEHR Foundation as
follows: it “is a computable expression of a dom-
ain content model in the form of structured constraint
statements, based on some reference models”. More
precisely, archetypes are models of clinical (or other
domain specific) concepts. From a technical point of
view, archetypes are formal specifications of clinical
content, whereas, from a clinical point of view, arche-
types are the basis to intuitively define, discuss and
present clinical content. To create an HRT archetype
they use openEHR Archetype Editor. Finally, Honko
et al. designed a Wellness Warehouse Engine (W2E)
that provides interfaces to different data sources and
makes data available via REST API to other servi-
ces (Honko et al., 2015). It includes Unifier, which
is an engine that transforms input data into generic
units, and Analyzer, which is an engine for the ad-
vanced analysis of input data. The described archi-
tecture is used to ensure the semantic interoperability
of consumer health data. In particular, their architec-
ture offers solutions for the collection and storing of
data, from several sensors, and for the visualization
of the results. Furthermore, the W2E solution per-
forms data unification where possible. These soluti-
ons are lacking for semantic interoperability, in parti-
cular they do not make use of standards to represent
information (e.g. HL7 v2, CDA, and etc). In this way,
integration and data exchange with existing systems is
In this section our proposal will be presented, inclu-
ding a description of the rationale that led to the crea-
tion of the system, and of the technological decisions
made for its implementation.
2.1 Overview
The rationale for the realization of this proposal com-
prised several factors, among which one of the most
important was the aim of supporting healthcare pro-
A FHIR-based System for the Generation and Retrieval of Clinical Documents
Figure 2: Clinical document focusing on the Observation
fessionals, in creating and reading structured and co-
ded clinical documents. In this way, the managing,
sharing, and the use of information can be facilitated.
The proposed architecture uses a healthcare standard
to represent concepts. Therefore, it will be easy to
integrate it with new systems, and add new features.
The production of structured data via standards provi-
des the capability of data sharing with other HIS, and
allows the collection of clinical data from other health
information systems. The defined system offers healt-
hcare professionals two main features: the creation of
new clinical documents enriched with diagnoses and
personal observations and structured according to the
standard; and the possibility of decoding existing cli-
nical documents. In particular, the system allows he-
althcare professionals to read the detailed information
contained in clinical documents. The encoding and
decoding operations are transparent to the user, and
performed automatically by the system. The archi-
tecture is modular, in this way providing the ability
to add new features by adding modules. The modu-
les interact with each other, and communicate through
an existing terminology server, by means of a classic
client-server communication paradigm. The standard
used for the clinical document representation (for cre-
ation and retrieval) is FHIR. For the codes-concepts
association a terminology server is used with code sy-
stems, such as LOINC, SNOMED, UMLS, ICD-10,
Before presenting the system in detail, the following
paragraph shows the mapping between FHIR resour-
ces and reality concepts. In particular, to structure the
information contained within the clinical document
according to the FHIR standards, it is necessary to
represent concepts using appropriate FHIR resources.
2.2 Mapping Between Real Concepts
and FHIR Resources
To represent the resources through FHIR, it was ne-
cessary to identify the minimal set of concepts used
in real cases to describe it, and then map them with
FHIR resources. In particular, a clinical document
contains information about the patient’s health and
other personal data. Healthcare professionals record
in the documents the necessary and correct informa-
tion for the planning, arrangement, provision, and
monitoring of patient care. Only relevant informa-
tion is entered into patient documents. For exam-
ple, in the representation of a laboratory report the
following information was selected: patient, healt-
hcare professional, prescription order and accompa-
nying reasons, and measurements and simple asser-
tions about a patient. Considering a particular tre-
atment situation, more precisely, the problem of the
formulation of laboratory reports enriched with ob-
servations and diagnoses, the following concepts have
been identified: patient, healthcare professional, pres-
cription order and accompanying reasons, and mea-
surements and simple assertions about a patient. The
choice of the “laboratory report” was not random, in
that, in fact, it represents a very large domain of inte-
rest. Furthermore, it contains a lot of information of
interest such as conclusion, which refers to a clinical
interpretation of test results. Following the identifi-
cation of the concepts, the associated FHIR resources
were determined. Figure 1 shows the UML diagram
of the identified FHIR resources, listing for each one,
the cardinality and attributes. Only the most signi-
ficant have been selected (LIS, 2016). The resource
“DiagnosticReport” is associated to the laboratory re-
port concept. It references other resources for mo-
deling concepts with a hierarchical dependence. The
classification starts from the first level and progresses
to the third. In particular, the following resources are
DiagnosticReport: this is the main resource of
the architecture and it represents the “laboratory
report” concept. It contains the interpretation of
diagnostic tests on patients or on groups of pa-
tients. The report includes a set of information
that is typically provided by a diagnostic service,
e.g. a mixture of atomic results, images, textual
and coded interpretations, and formatted repre-
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 3: System architecture with a client request and server response.
sentations of diagnostic reports. It can be used in
diagnostic contexts such as hematology and mi-
crobiology, etc.
Patient: this resource models demographic infor-
mation about a patient who needs medical treat-
ment or other health-related services. As can be
seen in figure 1, this resource is connected to the
“Specimen” and “DiagnosticOrder” resources.
Practitioner: this is used to represent a person
who is directly or indirectly involved in the provi-
sion of healthcare, such as a healthcare professi-
onal. It is connected to extra information relative
to role (e.g. doctor, nurse, etc.) and specialization
(e.g. cardiologist, dentist, etc.).
DiagnosticOrder: this can be used to record a
request for a diagnostic investigation service to be
performed, such as a reservation.
Observation: this is designed to contain specific
information on non-complex concepts in relation
to a patient. It is the central element of any he-
althcare system based on FHIR, used to support
diagnosis, monitor progress, and determine base-
lines and patterns.
Specimen: this can be used to support the col-
lection of useful samples for an analysis process,
for example to indicate samples from biological
entities, living or dead.
Figure 2 shows an example of the system’s output. It
is a structured report compliant with the FHIR stan-
dard, which is both human-readable and machine-
readable. The report’s format representation is XML
(also available in JSON), and highlights the most im-
portant and required fields for the “Observation” re-
source description. In particular, it shows the resour-
ces and attributes needed to structure the result, rela-
tive to a patient’s blood sample.
2.3 Architecture
The proposed system is shown in figure 3. It consists
of several modules:
the user interface module: this module is re-
sponsible for managing input/output. It offers an
input command/query mechanism and shows out-
put replies, interfacing between the system and
healthcare professionals. In particular, it allows
the creation or reading of observations and clini-
cal documents, through the use of a simple graphi-
cal user interface. In this way the healthcare pro-
fessional with a few clicks can request the services
which he/she is interested in.
the read module: this module helps healthcare
professionals to read clinical documents. It is
used in a transparent way, when the healthcare
professional wants to read the clinical document.
The module enables the reading of the codes asso-
ciated with the diagnosis and/or observation con-
tained in the clinical document. In particular, the
module takes the codes entered by the healthcare
professional, directly from the User Interface Mo-
dule. Subsequently, it sends several requests to the
Terminology Server Interface Module for code se-
arching. The answers obtained contain the tex-
tual description of the concepts associated with
the codes. The latter are sent to the User Inter-
face Module for the presentation of information to
the user. The read module uses a concept look-up
function, offered by a terminology service com-
pliant with the FHIR standard.
the write module: this module is responsible for
the construction of a new clinical document or
the enrichment of an existing one with new ob-
servations. It includes two sub-features. The first
invokes the Terminology server Interface Module
to obtain the textual descriptions and codes asso-
ciated with the concepts stored on the termino-
A FHIR-based System for the Generation and Retrieval of Clinical Documents
Figure 4: User interface form.
logy server. These data are then used to pre-fill
the form presented to the user, via the User In-
terface Module. The textual descriptions are as-
sociated with the codes belonging to the coding
systems (e.g., LOINC), and refer to observations,
diagnoses, clinical reports, status, etc. The se-
cond feature is related to the structured and coded
representation of the information entered and/or
selected by the healthcare professional. Specifi-
cally, it refers to the document representation ac-
cording to the FHIR standards and the mapping
shown above. The created document will contain
standardized and coded data, structured in XML
or JSON format. The write module uses the con-
cept look-up and expansion functions, offered by
a terminology service compliant to the FHIR stan-
the interface terminology server module: this
is the main module. It is responsible for interfa-
cing with the terminology server. In particular, it
is used whenever the other modules need to inte-
ract with a terminology server. The communica-
tion is performed by sending a request and waiting
for a reply. Requests are made using the RESTful
API, while the received responses are in XML or
JSON format. Requests and responses travel on
the Internet network.
The final clinical document contains the following in-
formation: demographic information about a patient;
demographic and professional information about a
healthcare professional; and “atomic” observations,
narrative text and coded interpretations, written af-
ter the examination. The next subsection explains the
technical details of the solutions chosen for the archi-
tecture implementation. Figure 4 shows the develo-
ped user interface that allows to the healthcare profes-
sionals, through interaction with defined architecture,
to search descriptions of the codes by search form,
and obtain the standard system code, description and
terminology used.
2.4 Technical Details
The modules have been developed using the open
source web framework “AngularJS”, using Javascript
scripting language. The graphical user interface, was
made with HTML5 and CSS. Server requests are
made by the AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and
XML) method invocation, written according to the
REST FHIR syntax, and using the HTTP protocol
over the Internet. The server side used a public
FHIR terminology server (defined for testing purpo-
ses). In particular, the server used was the Health
Level Seven International FHIR server (GRA, 2016).
This test server is based on FHIR version 1.5.0.,
and it is available in DSTU2 or DSTU3. The ser-
ver has been installed locally, and uses the endpoint
http:localhost:960/open/. A FHIR supported termi-
nology systems list, used for the association between
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 5: Sequence diagram to construct a structured clinical document.
modeled concepts and codes, can be found here (LST,
2016). The technologies used are very light from the
computational point of view. In fact, they are simple
web interfaces and AJAX requests, which contain the
syntax of the REST APIs. Therefore, the proposed
system is particularly suitable for mobile devices. In
fact, this solution is much lighter compared to soluti-
ons, such as the SOAP technology. In this way, this
system can be executed on terminals with few resour-
ces and a low performance.
The proposal has the purpose of structuring and en-
coding information in clinical documents. In this
section two use cases of interest are examined. In
particular, the “read use case”, for the reading of a
specific clinical document, and the “create use case”,
for the creation of a new clinical document, are con-
3.1 The Read Use Case
This use case assumes that the healthcare professio-
nal has to read a clinical document. In particular, the
patient provides a laboratory report and wants to have
a consultation. The healthcare professional uses the
system to read the document. The system permits a
fast retrieval of information by decoding the health
standard codes. The healthcare professional indicates
the codes and the information contained in the docu-
ment, and the system automatically sends the request
to the terminology server. Finally, the responses from
the server are compared and integrated to prepare the
response for the user. In this way, the healthcare pro-
fessional is able to formulate a more complete and
fast diagnosis. For example, if in the document there
is the ICD code R78.71, this means that the patient
presents an abnormal lead level in blood, as shown
in figure 4. These operations are performed with a
few clicks, through a web form provided by the sy-
stem. The user enters the codes using the appropriate
form, following which the system sends the requests
to the terminology server. Finally, the information is
presented to the user.
3.2 The Create Use Case
This use case assumes that the healtcare professio-
nal who is treating a patient, has to create a new
clinical document. This document should contain
demographic data of both the patient and the healt-
hcare professional, and also information about possi-
ble diagnoses and observations relating to the patient.
These data are contained within the pre-filled fields,
and can be selected by the user through the corre-
sponding web form. In particular, these descriptions
are associated with the codes belonging to the coding
systems (e.g. LOINC), and refer to observations, di-
agnoses, clinical reports and status, etc. Once the do-
cument is complete, it is saved by the user. The result
is a clinical document, structured and standardized in
a manner compliant with FHIR standards. The corre-
sponding use case diagram is shown in figure 5, while
an example of the system output is presented in figure
2. In particular, the first part is related to pre-compiled
data populating, achieved by interrogating the termi-
nology server. The second part refers to the creation
of the document, representing the concepts through
the FHIR resources listed above, and storing locally
the final structured document.
A FHIR-based System for the Generation and Retrieval of Clinical Documents
In this paper we have proposed an architecture allo-
wing healthcare professionals read and create clinical
documents. In particular, the healthcare professional
is able to produce structured, standardized and coded
information relating to a patient. This architecture has
the advantage of using medical standards, both enco-
dings and concepts representations, and it permits to
define user-friendly interface simply. The interface
allows the healthcare professional to quickly translate
a code into a description and back again. In particu-
lar, this system allows the healthcare professional to
produce clinical documents that can be machine rea-
dable. This is its main advantage and is only a step,
suggesting several possible future developments. One
possibility may involve a complex or particular treat-
ment situations. In fact, we only focus on a laboratory
reports representation, while a complex case, might
also refer to other information and other concepts,
such as radiological or generic reports, etc. A second
possibility concerns the integration of the developed
system in other existing architectures, achieving cli-
nical interoperability, which is the ability for two or
more clinicians in different care teams to exchange
patient data. For example, interfacing the proposed
system with EHR systems that are based on different
platforms, in order to retrieve and update clinical do-
cuments directly from an EHR.
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project PON03PE 00128 1 “eHealthNet: Software
ecosystem for Electronic Health”.
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ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health