On the Performance of a One-way Car Sharing System in Suburban
Areas: A Real-world Use Case
Haitam M. Laarabi
, Chiara Boldrini
, Raffaele Bruno
, Helen Porter
and Peter Davidson
IIT-CNR, Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124, Pisa, Italy
PDC, Northbridge Road, HP4 1EH, Berkhamsted, U.K.
Car sharing, User-based Relocation, Multi-agent Transportation Simulation, Travel Surveys.
In recent years, one-way car sharing systems have gained momentum across the world with their promise
to encourage more sustainable urban mobility models. However, economic viability of car sharing is still
uncertain due to high investment cost for station and fleet deployment, as well as high operation cost for fleet
management and rebalancing. Furthermore, existing car sharing are typically confined to city centres with
significant business and residential concentrations. In this study, we evaluate the performance of a novel one-
way car sharing system that will be deployed in a suburban area of the city of Lyon using a detailed multi-agent
and multi-modal transport simulation model. Data from a recent large-scale household travel survey is used
to determine the travel demands on different transportation alternatives. We analyse the impact of different
coverage constraints on the system capacity in terms of number of trips and vehicle availability. We also
investigate the potential of user-based relocation strategies to increase the efficiency of the car sharing service.
The model shows that: (i) the car sharing system is most sensitive to the infrastructure and fleet sizes, and (ii)
user-based relocation does not have a significant impact on the total number of car sharing trips.
Car sharing systems are innovative mobility services
that are increasingly becoming popular in urban and
sub-urban areas and have the potential to solve real-
world problems of urban transports (Hampshire and
Gaites, 2011). The principle of a car sharing sys-
tem is that customers can rent for limited period of
times a car from a fleet of shared vehicle operated by a
company or a public organisation. Although car shar-
ing services have been proposed in the early 1970s,
they have emerged as a worldwide phenomenon only
in the last decade. This is due to the deployment of
one-way car sharing systems in which the customers
are allowed to leave the rented car at a drop-off lo-
cation different from the pickup location (Barth and
Shaheen, 2002). This provides an increased flexibil-
ity for the users compared to two-way systems.
Typically, one-way car sharing systems suffer
from unbalance distribution of available vehicles in
the service area. Specifically, some locations can be
more popular than others at different times of the day
(e.g., residential areas at night-time as opposed to in-
dustrial and commercial areas at peak hours). This
imbalance of demand easily results into situations in
which vehicles accumulates in areas where there is a
lower number of rental requests, while at the same
time there is shortage of vehicles where they are more
needed (Barth et al., 2004). When this happens, the
operator can resort to rebalancing policies, i.e., re-
distributing vehicles from where they are not needed
(taking into account the expected demand in the near
future) with the objective of serving more effectively
the travel demands. Clearly, this has a cost for the op-
erator, thus redistribution should be performed only
when economically viable.
However, before the operator resorts to rebalanc-
ing, he needs to know the optimal solution for infras-
tructure planning, giving the high investments costs
and travel demand. In other words, he needs to deter-
mine the number, size and location of parking stations
to deploy in the area where the car sharing system is
supposed to operate in. In the literature, this prob-
lem is generally solved considering a spatial-temporal
formulation of a MILP (de Almeida Correia and An-
tunes, 2012; Boyacı et al., 2015). In our previous
work, we formulated a set-covering model coupled
with queuing theory to guarantee certain level of ser-
vice to customers (Boldrini et al., 2016).
Different approaches for vehicle relocation in car
Laarabi, H., Boldrini, C., Bruno, R., Porter, H. and Davidson, P.
On the Performance of a One-way Car Sharing System in Suburban Areas: A Real-world Use Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0006307901020110
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2017), pages 102-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-242-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sharing systems exist (Weikl and Bogenberger, 2013).
Operator-based solutions require the use of dedicated
staff for executing the redistribution tasks. On the
contrary, user-based solutions rely on users willing to
relocate vehicles to locations where they are needed,
usually on the basis of an economic incentive. How-
ever, both approaches can be costly. Furthermore, it
is still uncertain whether users are willing to accept
incentives for deviations from their destinations. Fi-
nally, the design of optimisation frameworks for the
decision of which vehicles to relocate to which loca-
tion can become intractable due to the extremely large
number of relocation variables (Boyacı et al., 2015).
To cope with the aforementioned issues, in this
paper we design a relocation algorithm that is in-
spired by physical arguments and leverages on an
analogy between relocation tasks and thermal con-
duction. Specifically, the redistribution of vehicles
from locations where they get accumulated to loca-
tions where there is a shortage of vehicles is modelled
as a temperature gradient. Another key feature of the
proposed relocation algorithm is that it is designed
to operate with a new class of lightweight vehicles,
called ESPRIT cars, which can be stacked, recharged
and driven in a road train (ESPRIT, 2015). This is
supposed caters for more efficient relocations since
a single customer can relocated two vehicles at the
same time.
To validate the performance of the proposed re-
location strategy on a meaningful case we use the
city of Lyon as case study. Specifically, we use a
multi-agent simulation framework that we have pre-
viously designed (Laarabi and Bruno, 2016). It is
based on MATSim, a popular open-source and agent-
based traffic simulation platform, which supports dy-
namic traffic assignment, large scenarios and detailed
modelling of transportation networks (Balmer et al.,
2004). Then we set up a scenario using data from
the 2015 Lyon conurbation household travel survey,
which provides information about more than three
million trips, and public data on the Lyon’s public
transit systems. Then, we analyse the impact of the
infrastructure planning strategy (Boldrini et al., 2016)
as well as the user-based relocation on the car sharing
performance in terms of number of rental trips.
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of related lit-
erature on infrastructure planning, vehicle relocation
and car sharing performance evaluation. Section 3 in-
troduces the ESPRIT car sharing system and the user-
based relocation in such a system. Section 4 describes
the Lyon case scenario and travel demand. Section 5
discusses the simulation results. Finally, Section 6
draws final remarks and outlines future work.
There is vast body of research work on the design of
optimal solutions for the planning and operation of
car sharing systems. In the following, we overview
previous works that are most related to this study.
2.1 Models for Infrastructure Planning
Infrastructure planning tries to determine the number,
size and location of parking stations in a car sharing
system in order to maximise some performance mea-
sure, such as demand coverage or profit. From a gen-
eral point of view, this is an instance of the facility
location problem, which is an optimisation problem
extensively studied in the field of logistics and trans-
portation planning (Farahani et al., 2012).
Existing planning frameworks typically rely on
time-space optimisation approaches, which are mod-
els that assume a deterministic knowledge of the de-
mand of vehicles at each time interval of the control
period. For instance, A MILP formulation is used
in (de Almeida Correia and Antunes, 2012) to max-
imise the profits of car-sharing system, which simul-
taneously optimises the location of parking stations
and the fleet size under several trip fare schemes. The
proposed model is then used to analyse a case study
in Lisbon. A recent work (Boyacı et al., 2015) ad-
dresses the planning of an electric car-sharing sys-
tem using a multi-objective MILP model that simul-
taneously determines the number, size and locations
of stations, as well as the fleet size taking into ac-
count vehicle relocation and electric vehicle charg-
ing requirements. More recently, new modelling ap-
proaches (eg. queuing theory and fluid models) have
been proposed to take into account that the demand
process of customers is stochastic and exhibits sea-
sonal effects. For instance, a closed queuing net-
work modelling of a vehicle rental system is proposed
in (George and Xia, 2011) to derive some basic prin-
ciples for the design of system balancing methods. In
our previous work (Boldrini et al., 2016), we formu-
lated a set-covering model that minimises the cost of
deployment (in terms of number of stations and their
capacity) and leveraged on queuing theory to also
guarantee a pre-defined level of service to the cus-
tomers (in terms of probability of finding an available
car/parking space).
2.2 Relocation Strategies
Vehicle relocation strategies can be classified into
the following two broad categories: (i) user-based
schemes, which incentive customers to participate
On the Performance of a One-way Car Sharing System in Suburban Areas: A Real-world Use Case
in the relocation program, and (ii) operator-based
schemes, which leverage on dedicated staff for relo-
cation activities.
In (Kek et al., 2006) two operator-based strate-
gies are simulated. The shortest time strategy relo-
cates vehicles to minimise the travel times of staff
members. The inventory balancing strategy moves
vehicles from over-supplied stations to stations with
vehicle shortage. In (Kek et al., 2009) an inter-
programming model is developed to minimise the
costs associated to staff-based relocation. A similar
model is developed in (Jorge et al., 2014) to max-
imise the profit of the car sharing operator. In (Nair
and Miller-Hooks, 2011) a stochastic MIP model is
formulated to optimise vehicle relocations, which has
the advantage of considering demand uncertainty. A
multi-objective MILP model for planning one-way
car-sharing systems is developed in (Boyacı et al.,
2015) taking into account vehicle relocation, sta-
tion deployment and electric vehicle charging require-
ments. The design of optimal rebalancing algorithms
with autonomous, self-driving vehicles has been re-
cently addressed in (Pavone et al., 2012) using a flu-
idic model, and (Zhang and Pavone, 2016) using a
queueing-theoretical model. An alternative approach
for operator-based relocation scheme consists in se-
lecting trips so as to reduce vehicle imbalance, for in-
stance by rejecting trips to stations with parking short-
age (Uesugi et al., 2007; de Almeida Correia and An-
tunes, 2012).
User-based relocation policies are typically con-
sidered more convenient for the car sharing operator
as they do not require the use of a staff. However,
it is still uncertain whether users would be willing to
participate in a rebalancing program by accepting an
alternative destination or a more distant vehicle (Her-
rmann et al., 2014). For this reason, most of the stud-
ies in this field focus on designing pricing incentive
policies for encouraging users to relocate the vehicles
themselves (Febbraro et al., 2012; Clemente et al.,
2013). Clearly, the effectiveness of these schemes
highly depends on users’ participation and their will-
ingness to accept changes of their travel behaviours.
2.3 Simulation of Car Sharing Systems
In general, evaluating the performance of a car shar-
ing system is a difficult task due to the complex and
time-variant interplay between the demand and sup-
ply processes. Specifically, the availability of vehi-
cles in a car sharing system is intrinsically depen-
dent on trips that are demanded by the customers and
vice-versa. In addition, there are several operational
conditions that add uncertainties to the system about
the future location of vehicles, such as the impact of
pricing schemes impact on the decisions of individ-
ual users. Therefore, a simulation approach can be
very useful to cope with operation complexities and
to quickly evaluate the effectiveness of different plan-
ning and operation models.
Studies of micro-simulation for performance eval-
uation of carsharing system has been investigated as
early as 1982 (Bonsall, 1982). During that period,
there was not yet the large panel of traffic simulation
tools that are existing nowadays. Thus, the critics held
by the author in (Bonsall, 1982) regarding the com-
putational complexity and availability of data should
be taken in moderation. In 1999, a queuing-based
transport simulation has been proposed by (Barth and
Todd, 1999) for the assessment of the performance
of a shared one-way vehicle system. Different mea-
sures of efficiency were determined, such availability
of vehicles, their distribution and energy consump-
tion, while some relocation strategies were tested.
However, the simulation model is exactly predictive
and does not capture the inherent uncertainty of real
world systems. A more detailed car sharing simula-
tion model and open source was introduced by (Ciari
et al., 2013), where it is based on multi-modal agent-
based traffic simulator, such that each agent seeks to
fulfils its daily plan as a set of activities connected by
legs. In our previous work, we designed a similar but
more sophisticated car sharing simulator (Laarabi and
Bruno, 2016), in such a way to separate the carshar-
ing mobility simulation model from the operational
and demand model. The purpose is to allow users test
different operational models and strategies using the
same tool. We have, therefore, used this simulation
model to study the performance of a new car sharing
system deployed in a suburban area of Lyon.
The underlying design principles of cars are rapidly
evolving and the design of innovative lightweight ve-
hicles is coming to the fore of current academic and
industrial research programs. The long-term vision is
to reinvent urban mobility systems by leveraging on
vehicles specifically designed for city use with sig-
nificant smaller spatial use and carbon footprints, as
well as considerably less expensive to own and op-
erate (Mitchell et al., 2010). For instance, several
concept prototypes of stackable, and foldable two-
seat urban electric cars are currently under develop-
ment, such as the MIT BitCar (Vairani, 2009), or EO
Smart (Birnschein et al., 2012). A step forward is take
by the ESPRIT European Project that is designed and
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
prototyping a new vehicle that is stackable with me-
chanical and electrical coupling, and it can be driven
in road trains as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The architecture of an ESPRIT-based car-sharing
system (ESPRIT, 2015).
ESPRIT vehicles have the potential to facilitate
the deployment of one-way car sharing by also sup-
porting more efficient operational procedures. In par-
ticular, redistribution is made easier because the vehi-
cles can be driven in a road train. As a consequence,
a single staff can drive a road train of up to eight ve-
hicles, or users may drive a road train of two vehicles
with a conventional driving license. As discussed in
the previous section, one of the main hurdles for user-
based relocation strategies is to encourage the users to
change their destination to perform a relocation task.
With ESPRIT, we can afford a different way of
user-based relocation, where operator can take advan-
tage of actual trips and augmenting their relocation ef-
ficiency by delivering two vehicles instead of just one.
However, this strategy has been proven, in the follow-
ing paper, to have a low impact on the total number of
car sharing trips.
Typically, current relocation systems are based
on complex integer programming models that do not
scale to the size of real-world car sharing systems. In
this study we adopt an alternative approach that is in-
spired by the physical laws that describe heat conduc-
tion. Specifically, we assume that car sharing stations
behave as heat source in the field, while relocated ve-
hicles behave as particles that conduct heat from the
stations to each other. Then, the difference in vehicle
availability at each station is assume to be equivalent
to temperature difference in a field. More formally, let
us denote the temperature T
(t) of a station s
time interval [t, t +τ] as follows
(t) = T
(t) + λ
(t) µ
(t) (1)
where T
(t) is defined as the number of vehicles that
are parked at station s
at the beginning of the time
interval [t, t + τ]. According to formula 1, a station
is an hot spot if vehicles accumulate at the station,
while is a cold spot if vehicles disappear from the sta-
tion during the time interval [t,t + τ]. Then, vehicle
rebalance would require to move heat from hot spots
to cold spots.
However, a vehicle relocation task has a cost for
the operator because the customer must be incentive
to participate in the rebalancing program. Thus, it is
reasonable to assume that relocation opportunities are
limited. Thus, rebalancing activities should be pri-
oritized by given precedence to relocations between
stations with the maximum temperature difference
(i.e., the maximum unbalance of vehicle availability).
More formally, let R
(t) be a ranked list of the hot
spots, in which the stations are sorted in descending
order of temperature (i.e., the top ranked station is the
one with the highest vehicle surplus). Similarly, let
(t) the ranked list of the cold spots, in which the
stations are sorted in ascending order of temperature
(i.e., the top ranked station is the one with the high-
est vehicle shortage). Then, relocation trips are only
allowed between the m top-ranked stations in the two
lists. This policy ensures that relocation trips are per-
formed only to stations that have a potentially high
number of blocked customers, and that vehicles are
taken only from stations with a large vehicle surplus.
Note that necessary conditions for the feasibility of
a relocation trip between station s
and destination s
are: i) T
(t) 0 T
(t); and ii) p
i j
> 0. Clearly, the
closer m is to n, the larger is the number of feasible re-
location trips that are actually performed. The reloca-
tion model could be further complicated by assuming
that customer k interested in travelling from station s
to station s
is willing to accept to relocate a second
vehicle by receiving an economic incentive e
i j
with a
i j
i j
) : R
[0, 1]. (2)
It is reasonable to assume that a relocation be-
tween station s
and station s
is more effective if
the difference T
i j
(t) = T
(t) T
(t) is high. Thus,
the economic incentive could be determined in such a
way that the probability of accepting a relocation task
is proportional to T
i j
(t). Finally, our rebalancing al-
gorithm can be briefly summarised as follows:
1. At time t
[t,t + τ] a customer k generates a re-
quest for a rental vehicle from location O to loca-
tion D;
2. The central controller of the car sharing system
determine the station s
that is the closest to loca-
tion O with an available vehicle, and the station s
that is the closest to location D with an available
parking space;
3. The central controller checks if T
i j
(t) > 0 and
if both station s
and station s
are ranked in the
first m top positions of ranking R
(t) and R
respectively. If yes, a relocation task is decided;
On the Performance of a One-way Car Sharing System in Suburban Areas: A Real-world Use Case
4. The central controller offers to customer k an eco-
nomic incentive to ensure that the customer accept
the relocation task with a probability that is pro-
portional to T
i j
For the sake of simplicity, in the following evalu-
ation we assume that g
i j
i j
) = 1, i.e. a customer is
always willing to participate to the relocation activi-
ties. The incorporation of the users choice models in
the rebalancing design is left as future work.
Our simulation model is applied to a case study in
the city of Lyon. The operating area of the simulated
car sharing system is shown in Figure 2, and corre-
sponds to three suburban district of the city of Lyon.
The road network is constructed from OpenStreetMap
data. Regarding the public transit systems, we use
data publicly available from Grand Lyon Data plat-
to define transit routes and modes (buses, tram,
underground), transit stops, as well as schedules and
vehicles capacities.
Figure 2: Lyon map on Via traffic visualizer, showing the
road network (gray lines), the public transit network (orange
lines), the facilities (green dots), and the study area marked
with the rectangular frame.
One of the most important modelling task is to
construct the travel demand for different transporta-
tion modes. Traditionally, travel demand data is
organised as trip origin/destination (O/D) matrices,
which simply contain the number of trips that are
taken from an origin node to a destination node in a
specific period of time.
However, since we use a multi-agent modelling
approach, the travel demands are constructed as in-
dividual daily plan dairies, which contain sequence
of activities and the preferred transportation mode for
trips between activities. Then, we use data from the
(a) The modal share: private cars, ESPRIT car sharing,
and public transport
(b) Estimated spatial distribution of the demand by num-
ber of requests
Figure 3: The simulated demand of the Lyon Scenario.
2015 Lyon Travel Survey to synthesise the popula-
tion of travellers and their travel demands. More
precisely, the traffic demand is provided in terms of
travel modes and travel purposes of 20,244 house-
holds distributed across the area. Census data is used
to expand the travelling population of the survey to
133,981 travellers. Four types of travel purposes are
considered: work, shopping, leisure, and school. Ac-
tivities are performed in related facilities, which are
randomly placed within the area based on travellers’
densities. Note that our travel demand includes only
trips that have an origin/destination in the case-study
area or that go through the study area (thus, contribut-
ing to traffic congestion).
The constructed demand is depicted by both the
modal share in Figure 3(a) and the spatial distribution
in Figure 3(b). On one hand, 5.2% of the trips are car
sharing trips. To put it in numbers: the people who
would like to use ESPRIT in Lyon study area are 8345
out of 133981, while the car sharing trips represents
18952 out of 363502. On the other hand, there are
surrounding areas with very low number of potential
car sharing requests. This led us to wonder whether it
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
is worthwhile to provide a car sharing service in those
Our car sharing model is implemented in MATSim,
a popular open-source and agent-based traffic simula-
tion platform, which supports dynamic traffic assign-
ment, large scenarios and detailed modelling of trans-
portation networks (Laarabi and Bruno, 2016; Balmer
et al., 2004). We evaluate the performance of the pro-
posed rebalancing algorithm from the perspective of
the car sharing provider. Specifically, the car shar-
ing operator is interested in maximizing its net profit.
Clearly, a key contribution to the operators profit is
due to revenues from the rental services provided to
the customers. Note that users are charged for the dis-
tance they travel, or the time they reserved the car, or
both. Thus, the first metric of interest is the total num-
ber of rental trips. However, the potential increase
in the transportation demand or a rebalanced system
comes at cost of additional trips due to vehicle reloca-
tions. Thus, the next metrics of interest are the num-
ber of relocation trips and the average length of re-
location trips. The latter metric is important because
relocation trips consume energy and vehicle battery
have to be recharged before a rental trip.
Before assessing relocation performance, we set
up two scenarios such as each one of them corre-
spond to a different infrastructure planning, using the
our approach previously discussed in (Boldrini et al.,
2016). The objective is to compare the two scenarios
on the basis of the first metric, that is the number of
trips. We refer to the first deployment with Coverage
1, as in Figure 5(a), such that there are 135 stations
with 1023 parking space and 409 car sharing vehicles,
while each station is assumed to have a coverage ra-
dius of 380 meters. Figure 5(b) shows the second de-
ployment, called Coverage 2, which sets 72 stations
with 549 parking space and 220 car sharing vehicles
and a coverage radius of 635 meters. Note that the
fleet size represents 40% of the total parking space, a
percentage considered as a rule of thumb, as it is the
case for Autolib in Paris.
Results are depicted by Figure 5 that refers to the
availability of cars and parking spaces in stations in
the case of both coverages, and Figures 6-7, which
refers to the number of trips and distances covered by
each trip.
We observe then that our deployment strategy is,
on one hand, very effective in ensuring parking avail-
ability, while car availability is much more difficult
to ensure. Since deploying large stations in a dense
(a) Coverage 1: 135 stations with a radius of 380m
(b) Coverage 2: 72 stations with a radius of 635m
Figure 4: Station deployment such that cost of station is
equivalent to cost of parking spaces.
(a) Coverage 1
(b) Coverage 2
Figure 5: Car & Park availability.
manner is not sufficient, because fleet size remains
an important factor. On the other hand, with less de-
On the Performance of a One-way Car Sharing System in Suburban Areas: A Real-world Use Case
ployed station parking availability becomes more crit-
ical, which requires improving the strategy to better
capture availabilities in sparse networks.
From the figures related to the first and second
metric, we remark longer trips duration and less num-
ber of trips (rotations) per vehicle for Coverage 1.
While with Coverage 2 the results show shorter trips
and wider difference between trips distance and travel
time, as well as more rotations per vehicle. It is worth-
while to mention that the high number of rotations per
vehicle is due to the small size of the suburban area
where the car sharing system is deployed.
(a) Total number of trips is 10760 (56.7% of the
total demand), with R=380m, S=135, K=1023,
(b) Total number of trips is 6552 (34,5% of the to-
tal demand), with R=635m, S=72, K=549, V=220
Figure 6: The proportion trip distance per travel time.
When applying user-based relocation strategy to
both deployment, the improvement (new trips) was
only 0.04%. Figure 8 shows that there are many sta-
tions that seem to have a good potential for relocation,
such as red triangles refer to high temperature stations
i.e. many more drop-offs than pick-ups, while blue
(a) R=380m, S=135, K=1023, V=409
(b) R=635m, S=72, K=549, V=220
Figure 7: The proportion trip distance per travel time.
triangles refer to low temperature stations i.e. many
more pick-ups than drop-offs. However, due to the
fact that the model is constrained by real trips, which
happens to not be going from hot stations to cold sta-
tion, user-based relocation cannot take advantage of
the unbalance in the system unless we encourage cus-
tomers to change their destination, such as trips com-
ing from hot station would be directed to cold stations.
Besides, some stations with hot temperature might not
be that hot as there are many high pick-ups/drop-offs
events during a short period of time, and any deci-
sion of relocation from such stations might disturb the
original car sharing traffic flow.
Finally, the availability of vehicles is significantly
high during the day as shown by Figure 9. This is
due to the fact that very few trips are connecting hot
stations with cold stations, as mentioned before hand,
and therefore inviting a customer to take a second ve-
hicle with him/her cannot solve the situation. There-
fore, an operator-based relocation would clearly ad-
dress this issue with more flexibility, which leaves the
door open for a possible theoretical hybrid approach
VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 8: On the left: Study area map between 8:00AM and 8:30 AM on which blue triangle refers to very cold stations, while
red triangles refers to very hot stations. Numbers in boxes refer to number of trips going from hot stations to cold stations
during same period. On the top right, temperature graphs of stations between 8:00AM and 8:30 AM, while bottom right,
temperature of individual stations during same period.
where both operator and user relocation co-exists to
solve the unbalancing problem while minimizing the
operational costs.
(a) R=380m, S=135, K=1023, V=409
(b) R=635m, S=72, K=549, V=220
Figure 9: Vehicle availability during the whole simulated
The objective of the paper is to evaluate the perfor-
mance of a one-way car sharing system in a suburban
area of Lyon, France. Two different deployments have
been generated then tested with the car sharing simu-
lation framework. While we have obtained clear dis-
tinction in the number rotations per vehicle and trips
distances between the two deployments, we have de-
duced also that user-based relocation does not have a
significant impact on the total number of car sharing
trips. For this reason, as an ongoing work, we intend
to focus on the operator-based relocation as it offers
better guarantee for solving the unbalancing problem
and significantly increase of the number of total trips.
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VEHITS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems