A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in
Natural Language Texts
Renato C
esar Borges Ferreira
, Lucin
eia Heloisa Thom
and Marcelo Fantinato
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Process Models, Natural Language Processing, Process Element, Business Process Management, Business
Process Model and Notation, Process Modeling.
In organizations, business process modeling is very important to report, understand and automate processes.
However, the documentation existent in organizations about such processes is mostly unstructured and difficult
to be understood by analysts. The extracting of process models from textual descriptions may contribute
to minimize the effort required in process modeling. In this context, this paper proposes a semi-automatic
approach to identify process elements in natural language texts, which may include process descriptions.
Therefore, based on the study of natural language processing, we defined a set of mapping rules to identify
process elements in texts. In addition, we developed a prototype which is able to semi-automatically identify
process elements in texts. Our evaluation shows promising results. The analyses of 56 texts revealed 91.92%
accuracy and a case study showed that 93.33% of the participants agree with the mapping rules.
Public or private organizations seeking for better in-
teraction with their customers and business partners
need to offer high-quality products or services. Fur-
thermore, they seek to achieve superior standardiza-
tion and efficiency in the performance of their busi-
ness processes (referred in this text as process). The
automation of processes performed in an organiza-
tion provides greater control over costs, time, errors
and redundancy in the execution of processes (Thom,
2012; Thom et al., 2009).
A business process is a “collection of events, ac-
tivities, and decision point actions, involving a num-
ber of actors and objects, which collectively lead to
results that bring value to the customer” (Dumas et al.,
2013). Business Process Management (BPM) is de-
fined as a set of methods, techniques and tools to
discovery, analyze, redesign, implement and moni-
tor business processes (Weske, 2007; Dumas et al.,
2013). According to (Leopold, 2013), through BPM,
organizations can flexibly adapt in a continuously
changing business environment. Therefore, BPM in-
volve many improvements to the organization, such as
the standardization of processes, improvement, qual-
ity and quick execution of the activities (Thom, 2012;
Thom et al., 2009).
The BPM lifecycle includes six steps: (i) pro-
cesses identification, (ii) discovery, (iii) analyze, (iv)
redesign, (v) implementation and (vi) processes mon-
itoring and controlling (Dumas et al., 2013) . All life
cycle steps are particularly important for process au-
tomation. The process modeling can be considered
one of the most important and complex steps. In
this step, business processes executed in the organi-
zation are designed with the use of a graphical nota-
tion such as the Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN). (Dumas et al., 2013) describe that the pro-
cess modeling is a prerequisite for analysis, redesign
and automation of business processes. An incorrect
process modeling compromises the next steps of the
BPM project, since a correct process automation orig-
inates from a precise process modeling.
We have learned from practice that the design of a
particular process (e.g., healthcare processes) can be
very complex, not only due to its variety and the need
for flexibility but also because they require knowl-
edge of several domain terms (Thom et al., 2010).
Moreover, it lead to ambiguities and interpretation
problems between process analysts and domain ex-
perts. Process modeling comprises several methods
for processes discovery, such as user’s interviews,
workshops, brainstorming and documents of the or-
ganization (Dumas et al., 2012). These documents
Ferreira, R., Thom, L. and Fantinato, M.
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts.
DOI: 10.5220/0006305902500261
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 250-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can have many sources, such as reports, forms, letters,
notes from call centers, surveys, research, business
policies, textbooks, systems knowledge management,
e-mail messages, event data of information systems,
web pages, texts documents and interviews.
However, such methods may have limitations due
to miscommunication between analysts and users, the
lack of documentation and standardization of pro-
cesses, and the lack of user information. Content
management professionals consider that 85% of the
information in companies is stored in an unstructured
way, especially as text documents (Blumberg and
Atre., 2003). To develop meaningful process mod-
els, the process analyst obtains abstract information
on how these processes are implemented. To create
the initial process model (as-is model), the process
analyst usually collects several pieces of information
about the process through the mentioned methods to
establish the initial understanding of the process (Du-
mas et al., 2013). The acquisition of the initial process
model in a BPM project requires 60% of the total time
spent (Herbst, 1999).
Several works (Friedrich et al., 2011; Chueng
et al., 2007; Goncalves et al., 2011) have demon-
strated that the extraction of process models can
minimize the effort of the process analyst to cap-
ture, mainly through user’s interviews process mod-
els. These interviews rarely lead to the understanding
of the entire process, since they often only describe
knowledge from isolated parts of the process.
In this context, this paper proposes a semi-
automatic approach to identify process elements in
Natural Language texts. The identification of pro-
cess elements in texts assists in the construction of
a processes template and can thus extract the process
models from it. We observed that most of the work
described in the literature considers that the texts in
natural language are described in a way that only an-
alysts are able to extract process models from that.
This means that the texts are developed with very spe-
cific keywords and sentences which denote process
elements. Therefore, novice process analysts cannot
extract process models from it. In addition, organi-
zations have several unstructured textual information,
which can be used as possible sources of information
for process design. Thus, natural language texts are
mostly not prepared to be directly used by process
model extraction tools. Therefore, this shows how
complex is to identify process elements in texts. Thus,
the approach presented in this paper not only con-
tributes to the identification of process elements but
also to inform completeness of natural language texts
as well as missing process elements (e.g., start, end
events, tasks, swimlanes, parallel gateways (AND)
and exclusive gateways (XOR)).
We developed a prototype to semi-automatically
identify process model elements in natural language
texts. The tool uses as input a collection of doc-
uments such as reports, manuals, forms and norms
within organizations. We combined a large set of
tools from Natural Language Processing (NLP) based
on the mapping rules, which were particularly devel-
oped for our approach. The evaluation of our pro-
totype shows very encouraging results. Considering
a set of 56 texts, the accuracy was 91.92% based
on machine learning evaluation metrics and measures
for information retrieval. Furthermore, the validation
through a survey showed that most the of participants,
i.e. 93.33%, agree with the mapping rules.
For the identification of process model elements in
natural language texts, we used the following method-
Definition of mapping rules: in this step, the map-
ping rules were defined and afterwards applied in
natural language texts.
Development of a prototype: implementation of a
prototype to semi-automatically identify process
elements in natural language texts based on the
mapping rules.
Evaluation of identified process elements: our ap-
proach follows two evaluation perspectives: First,
mapping rules validation through a survey with
potential users, in particular process experts. Sec-
ond, prototype validation based on the set of NLP
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides related works. Section 3
shows the proposed approach to identify process el-
ements in natural language texts. Section 4 shows
the evaluation and results analysis. Finally, Section
5 concludes the paper.
In this section we review the most relevant works re-
garding process model extraction from natural lan-
guage texts. The state of art can be divided in two
related categories: the extraction of process models
from natural language texts and text generation from
process models. Table 1 provides an overview of the
identified state of art.
The analyses of works exploring process model
extraction from natural language texts shows two
main aspects.
First, we should consider the source of informa-
tion of the natural language texts. (Friedrich et al.,
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts
Table 1: State of art for Identify Process Elements in Natu-
ral Language Texts.
Process Model Extraction from Text
- Generate Process Models From Text.
- (Friedrich et al., 2011)
- (Chueng et al., 2007)
- Process Mining from Natural Language Text
- (Santoro et al., 2009)
- (Jiexun et al., 2010)
- (Goncalves et al., 2011)
Text Generation from Process Models
- Generate Text from Process Models
- (Leopold et al., 2014)
- (Meitz et al., 2013)
- (Leopold, 2013)
- Inconsistencies Between Process Models and Text
- (van der Aa et al., 2015)
- (van der Aa et al., 2016)
- Text Structuring
- (Heinonen, 1998)
- (Hearst, 1994)
- (Hearst, 1997)
- (Hynes and Bexley, 2003)
2011) proposed by the extraction of process models
from textual descriptions. The proposed approach
considers three outlooks: first, syntactic analysis, de-
termination of a syntax tree and grammatical relation-
ships between the parts of the sentences; second, se-
mantic analysis, extraction of the meaning of words
or phrases; and third, anaphora resolution, identify-
ing concepts that are referenced using pronouns (we,
he and it) and articles (this, that). In this work, the
source of information from text is a limitation. For
instance, the texts analyzed for the generation of pro-
cess models need to be grammatically correct in the
English language, i.e., it is necessary to remove and
manually correct words or sentences that are gram-
matically incorrect, so that the text becomes gram-
matically correct. Furthermore, the text must not
contain questions and needs to be described sequen-
tially. In order to solve this problem, in a previous
work (Ferreira and Thom, 2016), we conducted an in-
troductory approach to generate process-oriented text
from natural language, from this approach we con-
cluded that natural language text must be processed
before the extraction of process models. In particu-
lar, (Chueng et al., 2007) describe that the source of
information from text are heterogeneous information
sources (e.g., corporate documentation, web-content,
code etc.).
The second aspect refers to process models ex-
tracted from natural language texts. (Santoro et al.,
2009) and (Goncalves et al., 2011) described an ap-
proach that explores the narrative technique associ-
ated with text mining and natural language interpreta-
tion for generating process models. The paper shows
that miscommunications can occur, e.g. each author
represents their individual point of view within the
stories, there is always a possibility of multiple work-
flows for the same business process (Wfmc, 2005).
Therefore, the source of information can have am-
biguities. (Jiexun et al., 2010) proposed a process
mining framework named policy-based process min-
ing (PBPM) for the automatic discovery of process
models based on business policies. Considering that
policy texts is a new topic in BPM research and text
mining, the approach requires additional research ef-
forts to be entire validated and produce practical so-
lutions. Thus, there is a small training set and a small
portion of positive examples in the approach.
Regarding text generation from process models,
we identified three main approaches from the works
we analyzed. (Leopold, 2013) described an approach
for generating natural language texts from process
models. In this approach, the author describes chal-
lenges to generate texts from process models such
as text planning; sentence planning; surface realiza-
tion and flexibility. The limitations of this work refer
to the fact that the sentences generated are compara-
tively short and elementary. Another limitation is to
ensure a stable level of complexity of the texts cre-
ated manually so it would be necessary to train the
text classifiers. Finally, the modeling process is not
well documented since the text generated is not struc-
tured. To reduce the time and effort needed between
process model and textual description, (van der Aa
et al., 2015) and (van der Aa et al., 2016) describe an
approach to identify inconsistencies between a pro-
cess model and a corresponding textual description.
This approach can be used to identify process mod-
els in a collection that are likely to diverge from their
accompanying textual descriptions.
To reduce inconsistency or ambiguity of process
models extracted from natural language texts, a text
structuring is necessary. Many researches seek to
identify how to optimally structure natural language
texts using paragraphs. Similarity metrics such as
the semantic relatedness between words to compute
the lexical cohesion between the sentences of a text
are implemented by many methods (Hearst, 1994;
Hearst, 1997; Morris and Hirst, 1991). Therefore,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: A semi-automatic approach to identify process elements in natural language texts.
a text can be heuristically subdivided into multiple
paragraphs. More approaches seek to use the similar-
ity distribution for identifying the optimal fragment
boundaries (Heinonen, 1998). (Hynes and Bexley,
2003) shows that paragraphs containing more than
100 words are less understandable than paragraphs
with fewer words.
In this section, we present an approach to identify pro-
cess elements in natural language texts. In our pre-
vious research (Ferreira and Thom, 2016), we con-
ducted an introductory approach to generate process-
oriented text from natural language. That research
serves as the foundation for the approach presented
in this paper.
Figure 1 shows our approach to identify process
elements in natural language texts. This approach
consists of four main steps including input data, text
syntactic analysis, text logic analysis and output. In
the following sections, we introduce and explain each
of these steps.
3.1 Input Data
In the English language, there are many classifica-
tions of texts. Each classification has different char-
acteristics, such as words, phrases, and issues related
to each text particularity. Examples of classifications
include texts descriptor; comparison and contrast; or-
der of importance; problem and solution; cause and
effect; sequential. In sequential texts, the information
is organized in steps or process and is explained in the
order they occur
The characteristics presented in the sequential text
has similarities with business process models. There
are keywords common in sequential texts, such as
first, second, near, then, finally, following, now, af-
ter, among others. These words show possible re-
lationships (correlations) with modeling elements of
BPMN such as activities, swimm, gateways, pools,
swimlanes, etc.
In this context, text documents can have many
sources, such as: forms, norms, event data of infor-
mation systems, e-mail messages, etc. These sources
are also called as natural language text, including sen-
tences not structured that do not correspond to the se-
quential texts and hence make very difficult the ex-
traction of process models from it. The output of this
step are data with .txt format separated by sentences.
3.2 Text Syntactic Analysis
In order to obtain a tagged sentence is necessary to
consider the syntactic analysis parsing from text doc-
uments. The purpose of the syntactic analysis is to
determine the structure of the input text. Per (Allen,
1995), analyze the syntactical parser, we need to per-
form three aspects: first, a parser has as input a sen-
tence and as a result produces the analysis; second, a
grammar has a set of rules that the parser can use; and
last accessed 2016-11-11
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts
Figure 2: Structural overview of the step of text syntactic analysis in order to generate a tagged sentence.
third, a lexicon, which is a dictionary of legal words
and their parts of speech (e.g., verb, adverb, adjec-
tive, subject, direct object, indirect object etc.). Part
of speech tags provides significant information about
the role of a word in its narrow context. It may also
provide information about the inflection of a word
(de Kok and Brouwer, 2011). There are many tools
refering to parts of speech (POS-taggers). Exam-
ples of POS-taggers are the Brill tagger (Brill, 1992),
, RASP system (Briscoe et al., 2006), and
For our approach, we selected as syntatic parser
. The selection of Spacy was based on ac-
curacy (Choi et al., 2015), and its supporting for all
the requirements of our prototype development (e.g.,
parts of speech).
In this work, syntactic parser and parts of speech
are an important factor to identify process elements
in sentences. In order to identify parts of speech of
sentences in Spacy, we need to divide all sentences
from text, the result is a txt file separated by sen-
tence as shown in task “input text” of Figure 2. Af-
terwards, to achieve all the syntactic analyze of the
sentence, it is necessary to execute a NLP class which
is identified and related in a syntactic tree (as shown
in the “execute NLP class” service task in Figure 2).
Such tree contains all words related to morphological
classes. Subsequently, the parser generates a DOC
class shown in a service task “generate DOC class”
of Figure 2. Such class is an array of the object with
the number of positions equivalent to the number of
words in the sentence, where each position is a word
of the sentence that would be handled in the next step
(text logic analysis). Furthermore, each position con-
https://gate.ac.uk/; last accessed 2016-11-12
http://www.nltk.org/; last accessed 2016-11-12
https://spacy.io/; last accessed 2016-11-12
tains all features (e.g., tokenization, sentence recog-
nition, part of speech tagging, lemmatization, depen-
dency parsing, and named entity recognition) of the
word on the text. Finally, tagged sentence is gener-
ated with all the sentences analyzed by the syntactic
parser. Figure 2 shows a structural overview of the
3.3 Text Logic Analysis
In order to support and minimize the effort of the pro-
cess analyst on the modeling step, we developed a
set of mapping rules and word correlations to identify
process elements in natural language texts.
The rules originate from a diverse set of grammat-
ical classes (part of speech), such as verb, pronoun,
article, numeral, and noun. Based on the study of
the grammatical classes, there is no pattern describ-
ing the way the grammar classes should be presented
in the text. This shows that they are related to each
other and represent some process elements. For in-
stance, the sentences that contains subject, verb and
object represent a process element, such as: manual
task and there is no dependence on the order in which
they occur in the text. In some sentences, grammar
classes merge among themselves, for example, sen-
tences containing the order of the verb, followed by a
subject and subsequently by an object representing a
manual task of the process and they are positioned in
different ways in the sentence.
Mapping rules have been defined manually, and
each rule is classified according to a category of the
basic set of BPMN modeling elements (e.g., flow ob-
jects, connecting objects, swimlanes etc.) proposed
by OMG (Object Management Group) which are re-
current in business processes. The complete set in-
cludes 33 mapping rules. From these, nine refers
to activities (manual tasks and service tasks), ten to
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Rules for identification of primary activities.
Activities primary rules
Rules Description Sentence example
Rule 1 <subject>+ <verb>+ <object > The Support Officer <subject> updates <verb> all group calen-
dars <object>
Rule 2 <subject>+ <aux>+ <verb>+ <ob-
ject><in the future)
The secretary <subject>will <aux>send<verb>to dispatch
Rule 3 <verb>+<article>+ <object>
- choose <verb>a <article>document <object>.
- it do <verb>a<article>order <object>.
Rule 4 <subject>+<verb>+ <object>+
<conjunction>+ <verb>+ <object>
A client <subject>calls <verb>the help desk <object>and
<conjunction >makes <verb>a request <object>.
Rule 5 <object>+<subject>+ <verb> The severity <object>of the claimant <subject>is evaluated
Rule 6 <subject (occult)>+ <verb>+ <con-
junction >+<verb>+ <object>
The first activity is to check <verb>and <conjunction>repair
<verb>the hardware <object>.
Table 3: Rules for identification of primary events.
Events primary rules
Rules Description Sentence example
Rule 1 <subject>+ <verb>+ <object > After the agent <subject>has confirmed <verb>the claim
<object>to the clerk.
Rule 2 <subject>+<verb>+ <agent >+
The SCT physical <subject>file was stored <verb in the past>by
<agent>the Back office <object>. (passive voice)
Rule 3 <object>+ <verb present perfect> . . . Urgent document <object>has been received <verb>by the
Manager. . . .
Rule 4 <object>+<verb past> + <subject> . . . a message <object>was generated <verb>to the cus-
Table 4: Rules for Identification of Primary Exclusive Gateway (XOR).
Exclusive gateways (XOR) primary rules
Rules Description Sentence example
Rule 1 <verb>+ <signal word>+ <sub-
ject>+ <object>
It first checked <verb>whether <signal word>the claimant
<subject>is insured <object>by the organization.
Rule 2 <signal word>+ <condition>+
<task/event>+<alternative signal
word>+ <task/event>
If <signal word>the claimant requires two or more forms
<condition>, the Department of customer select the forms
<task>. Otherwise <alternative signal word>, Department of
customer it requires documentation <task>.
Rule 3 <task/event>+ <signal word>+
After that they enter into a firm commitment to buy the stock and
then offer it to the public <task>, when <signal word>they
haven’t still found any reason not to do it <condition>.
Rule 4 <task>+ <signal word>+ <con-
dition>+<alternative signal
The clerk checks <task>whether<signal word>the beneficiary’s
policy was valid at the time of the accident <condition>. If not
<alternative signal word>, it send to Department of the intelli-
gence <task>.
events, four to parallel gateways (AND), seven to
exclusive gateways (XOR) and three to swimlanes.
Therefore, the mapping rules proposed in this paper
relate to categories of flow objects and swimlanes.
The labels of the tasks and events are based on the
sentence, there will be at least one subject, verb and
object. According to (Mendling et al., 2010) and
(Mendling, 2013), the activity labels are represented
by the verb and object as for example “Inform Com-
plainant”. Therefore, the use of labels is an impor-
tant process modeling guidelines because it directly
affects the clarity and understanding of the process.
The mapping rules were defined in two categories:
primary rules constituted by frequency in natural lan-
guage text and they represent a category of the ba-
sic BPMN modeling elements; and secondary rules
which were identified with less frequency in texts. In
this paper, we introduced only primary rules. The sec-
ondary rules is available at https://goo.gl/kpdEeF.
In the context of this research, for identifying
process elements in sentences, we observed the sen-
tences containing verbal tenses in the present or fu-
ture, which represent activities. On the other hand,
sentences that contain verbal tenses in the past or
present perfect of the English Language represent
events. Another difference is the elaboration of event
labels. According to (Mendling, 2013) and (Leopold,
2013), event labels are represented by an object of the
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts
Table 5: Rules for identification of primary parallel gate-
ways (AND).
Parallel Gateway (AND) primary rules
Rules Description Sentence example
Rule 1 <task/event>+
<task/ event>
Forward the docu-
ment <task>, In
parallel with this
<signal word>, the
RCC shall also notify
the Executive Board
Rule 2 <signal
In parallel with
this <signal
of sell send the doc-
ument <task>and
the department of
engineering <task>.
Then, the document is
processed <task>.
Rule 3 <signal
In the meantime
<signal word>,
the engineering de-
partment prepares
everything for the as-
sembling of the ordered
bicycle <task>.
Table 6: Rules for identification of swimlanes.
Rules Description Sentence example
The subject of
the sentence.
<task/event >
<task >+ <indi-
rect object >
She then submits an or-
der <task> to the cus-
tomer <indirect ob-
<event >+ <in-
direct object >
The Manager for-
warded the form
<event> to Official
<indirect object>.
sentence and followed by a verb in the present partici-
ple like “Invoice Created”.
For instance, rule five from Table 2 provides an
example to identify activities in sentences. The rule
contemplates the sequence of an object, followed by
a subject and afterwards a verb. The process model-
ing of this sentence would become one task with the
label is the merge of the verb and object. Therefore,
such sentence will be a candidate for process mod-
eling. The rest of the rules for this process element
(activities) follows the same pattern of identification
(see Table 2).
Rule two from Table 3 illustrates an example to
identify events in sentences. The rule considers the
sequence of a subject, followed by a verb, afterwards
by an agent
and finally by an object. Thus, such sen-
An agent is the complement of a passive verb that is
tence will be a candidate for process modeling. The
rest of the rules for this process element (events) fol-
lows the same pattern of identification (see Table 3).
The mapping rules from Table 4 and Table 5, de-
scribes words that denote control flow. Such words
are denominated as signal words and alternative sig-
nal words. Such words refer to a condition
in the
sentence (conditional clause). These words are di-
vided into two groups:
- Parallel gateways (AND): words that refer to par-
signal words: while, meanwhile, in parallel,
concurrently, meantime, in the meantime, in
parallel with this, in addition to, simultane-
ously, at the same time, whereas.
- Exclusive gateways (XOR): words that refer to ex-
signal words: if, whether, if not, or, in case [of],
otherwise, either, only, till, until (unless), when,
only if.
alternative signal words: but, then, else, or, un-
less, without, either, otherwise, other, if its is
not, otherwise.
In order to identify synonyms of these signal
words and alternative signal words, we implemented
a Python module to get synonyms of words. Such
module referred to PyDictionary
For instance, rule two from Table 4 provides an
example to identify exclusive gateway (XOR) in sen-
tences. The rule considers the sequence of a signal
word, followed by a condition, afterward a task or
event, followed by an alternative signal word and fi-
nally by a task or event. For this reason, such sentence
will be a candidate for process modeling. The rest of
the rules for this process element (XOR) follows the
same pattern of identification (see Table 4).
The rule two from Table 5 describes an example
to identify parallel gateway (AND) in sentences. The
rule consider the sequence of a signal word, followed
by a task, then by a conjunction
, afterwards by a task
and finally a task once more. Therefore, such sen-
tence will be a candidate for process modeling. The
rest of the rules for this process element (AND) fol-
lows the same pattern of identification (see Table 5).
the surface subject of its active form. In our approach, the
preposition “by” is included as a part of agent.
Conditions are defined such as task or events in our ap-
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyDictionary; last ac-
cessed 2016-11-14
A conjunct is a dependent of the leftmost conjunct in
coordination. The leftmost conjunct becomes the head of a
coordinated phrase.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Finally, the mapping rules from Table 6 further
illustrate an example to identify swimlanes from the
sentence. We observed that subject or indirect object
will always be the swimlanes of the sentence. Further-
more, the subject can be a human being, equipment,
system or something that practices the action.
In summary, we applied the mapping rules in the
sentences to identify process elements. Thereafter,
rule-mapped text is generated with all the sentences
analyzed by mapping rules.
3.4 Output
In order to obtain a rule-mapped text, it is necessary to
analyze all sentences of the text. Such sentences can
be understood as a candidate to extract process mod-
els from it according to the mapping rules identified.
In summary, to describe process elements in natu-
ral language texts this step can identify: start events,
end events, swimlanes, actions, tasks, task labels,
events labels and show the number of process ele-
ments in the analyzed text. In addition, to inform
completeness of natural language texts as well as
missing process elements.
Figure 1 shows the next step in this approach, de-
scribed as preprocessed text (process-oriented). Such
text is defined as a structure that allows to identify:
the participant associated with an activity; swimlanes
associated with each pool; interaction between pools
(message flow); events (start, intermediate and end)
and control flows (parallel gateways, inclusive gate-
ways and exclusive gateways). It is expected to gen-
erate a template of how the text should be structured
for the extraction of process models from the text. In
other words, our approach is a prerequisite for gener-
ating preprocessed text (process-oriented).
In this paper, we conducted two experiments to
demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. The first
one refers to the validation of the mapping rules. To
do so we performed a survey with potential users, in
particular process experts. Second, the prototype val-
idation was based on a set of NLP tools.
We used a survey strategy to interact with poten-
tial users and obtain information considering their ex-
periences including mainly those ones in the process
experts (e.g., chief process officer, business engineer,
process designer, process participant, process owner
etc) and from the BPM area. The only requirement
to answer the survey was basic knowledge in experi-
ence in BPMN. Thus, the survey was applied using
Google Forms
. The form was available from Oct
20 to Nov 10, 2016. We advertised it in social net-
works and websites, consequently, 43 answers were
collected from participants, including process experts,
software developer, students, among others. The sur-
vey was divided into three steps.
The first step aimed to gather general information
on the participants’ background, including: profes-
sion, education, experience in BPM, amount of ex-
perience time in BPM, experience in BPMN, amount
of experience time in BPMN, knowledge in process
modeling guidelines and knowledge in the grammar
of the English Language.
In the second step, the goal was to get opinions
on the participants about the identification of which
process elements could be identified in the sentence
considered in the survey. The purpose of this step is
to enable the agreement of the answers according to
the mapping rules created for process element shown
in the sentence. The sentences are:
1. A customer brings a defective computer and the
CRS checks the defect and hands out a repair cost
calculation back.
2. If the customer decides that the costs are accept-
able, the process continues, otherwise, she takes
her computer home unrepaired.
3. The ongoing repair consists of two activities,
which are executed, in a parallel order. The
first activity is to check and repair the hardware,
whereas the second activity checks the software
and configures the hardware.
In the third step, our goal was to get an opinion
of the participants about the process modeling shown
in the survey. Thus, six process models were cre-
ated from sentences shown in the survey, and only two
process models were modeled according to the map-
ping rules. The rest of the process models were pur-
posefully modeled incorrectly. The reason is to verify
whether the participants’ answers are in accordance
with the mapping rules for such sentence.
In terms of results obtained with the three steps of
the survey, Figure 3, 4 and 5 shows all the related data
for each step respectively.
The evaluation conducted in this paper demon-
strated encouraging results. In order to get all the in-
formation given by process experts, we analyzed the
answers of 22 participants. We have selected the fol-
lows characteristics of participants:
1. Process experts
2. Experience in BPMN
https://www.google.com/forms/about; last accessed:
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts
(a) Profession (b) Education (c) Experience in BPM (d) Amount of experience time in BPM
(e) Experience in BPMN (f) Amount of experience time in BPMN (g) Knowledge in process modeling
(h) knowledge in grammar of the English
Figure 3: Results obtained from the first step of the survey with all participants. Figure3(a) shows that more than half of the
participants are process experts (53%), 22% are students, 10% are software developer and lecturer and finally 5% are other
professions. Figure 3(b) illustrates that 61% of the participants hold ongoing graduation (M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree), 23%
hold complete under graduation, 16% hold ongoing under graduation. Figure 3(c) describes that 100% of the participants
have experience in BPM. Figure 3(d) shows that 61% of the participants have more than four years of experience in BPM,
23% have between two and four years and 16% have less than two years. Figure 3(e) shows that 100% of the participants
have experience in BPMN. Figure 3(f) illustrates that 60% of the participants have more than four years of experience in
BPMN, 21% have between between two and four years and 19% have less than two years. Figure 3(g) shows that 53% of
the participants have knowledge in process modeling guidelines and 47% no knowledge. Finally, Figure 3(h) shows that 22
participants have a high knowledge in English Language, 12 have great knowledge, eight have good knowledge and only one
have no knowledge.
3. More than two years of experience in BPMN
The second step of the survey shows that 90% of
the participants agree with the model presented in the
first sentence of the survey. Regarding the second sen-
tence 100% of the participants agree with the model-
ing while 90% agree with the modeling in the third
sentence. All sentences were modeled based on the
proposed modeling rules by our approach.
The third step of the survey also demonstrates
encouraging results. The results obtained from pro-
cess modeling of the Figures 5(a), 5(c), 5(e) and 5(f),
which represents purposefully incorrectly modeling
according to the mapping rules proposed by our ap-
proach, the majority of the participants selected dis-
agree (90%, 100%, 95% and 77% respectively) with
the proposed modeling. On the other hand, the second
and fourth modeling (Figures 5(b) and 5(d)), which
represent correct modeling according to the mapping
rules, the majority of the participants agree (68% and
81% respectively) with the proposed modeling.
In this study, we conducted one experiment to
demonstrate the feasibility of our prototype. Our ex-
perimental study includes four sets of natural lan-
guage text: the first set is from the BMW owner’s
Manuals & Documents
, the second set is from
the Immigrant Visa Process
, the third set is from
Federal Network Agency of Germany
, and the
fourth set is from Vista Project Office Documentation
. In total, the set of natural language text con-
tains 387 sentences in 56 texts. Altogether, we found
that 140 sentences represents activities, 106 events,
98 exclusive gateways (XOR) and 43 parallel gate-
ways (AND) (see Table 7).
We used standard machine learning evaluation
https://goo.gl/REUmu6; last accessed 2016-11-12
https://goo.gl/rPLqXE; last accessed 2016-11-12
https://goo.gl/KuQOBw; last accessed 2016-11-12
https://goo.gl/MxzAAH; last accessed 2016-11-12
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) First sentence (b) Second sentence (c) Third sentence
Figure 4: Results obtained from the second step of the survey with all participants. The results of the first sentence shown in
Figure 4(a) describes that 86% of the participants agreed with the modeling. Figure 4(b) illustrate that 96% of the participants
agreed with the modeling. Finally, Figure 4(c) describes that 93% of the participants agreed with the modeling. In this step
of the survey, all sentences were modeled according to the mapping rules proposed by our approach.
(a) First modeling (b) Second modeling (c) Third modeling
(d) Fourth modeling (e) Fifth modeling (f) Sixth modeling
Figure 5: Results obtained from the third step of the survey with all participants. For the Figures 5(a), 5(c), 5(e) and 5(f)
which represents purposefully incorrectly modeling according to the mapping rules proposed by our approach, the majority
of the participants disagree (70%, 79%, 77% and 49% respectively) of the proposed modeling. On the other hand, the process
modeling Figures 5(b) and 5(d) are represented according to the mapping rules proposed by our approach, the majority of the
participants agree (60% and 77% respectively) of the proposed modeling.
metrics and measures for information retrieval (Jap-
kowicz and Shah, 2011; Forbes, 1995; Manning et al.,
2008), precision (equation 1), recall (equation 2), ac-
curacy (equation 3) and F-measure (equation 4), to
evaluate the performance of our prototype. Accu-
racy measures the overall correctness. Precision, re-
call, and F-measure evaluate the correctness for each
class (activities, events, parallel gateways and exclu-
sive gateways). F-measure is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall (Jiexun et al., 2010). Such met-
rics can be calculated as follow:
Number of correctly identified instances (η);
Total of number of instances (χ);
Number of correctly identified instances for class
i (β);
Total number of instances identified as class i (τ);
Total number of instances in class i (Φ).
Precision(i) =
Recall(i) =
Accuracy =
F measure(i) =
2 × precision(i)× recall(i)
precision(i)+ recall(i)
Table 7 summarizes the performance of our pro-
totype. We report precision, recall, accuracy and F-
measure values for the four process elements: ac-
tivities, events, parallel gateways and exclusive gate-
Class activity achieved 83.57% precision, 78%
recall, 80.68% F-measure and 85.52% accuracy.
Class event reached 93.39% precision, 81.14% re-
call, 86.84% F-measure and 92.24% accuracy. Class
exclusive gateways (XOR) describes that achieved
72.44% precision, 93.42% recall, 81.60% F-measure
and 91.73% accuracy. Class parallel gateways (AND)
A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts
Table 7: Results of performance of our prototype proposed by our approach.
Class Found Precision Recall F-Measure Accuracy
Activities 140 83.57% 78% 80.68% 85.52%
Events 106 93.39% 81.14% 86.84% 92.24%
Exclusive Gateway (XOR) 98 72.44% 93.42% 81.60% 91.73%
Parallel Gateway (AND) 43 88.37% 97.43% 92.68% 98.44%
Total 387 84.44% 87.49% 85.45% 91.92%
presents that obtained 88.37% precision, 97.43% re-
call, 92.68% F-measure and 98.44% accuracy. In gen-
eral, our prototype achieves higher performance.
4.1 Evaluation Analysis
This section brings the results of a survey which was
developed with the aim of demonstrate the users opin-
ion regarding our prototype.
The results of the survey show a great acceptance
of the mapping rules by process experts (22 partici-
pants). For instance, in the second stage of the survey,
the acceptance was on average 93.33%. Therefore, it
shows the feasibility of applying the mapping rules to
identify process elements in texts.
For prototype allowed us to evaluate the perfor-
mance. Despite the small number of sentences, we
can see through evaluation metrics very promising re-
sults in terms of mainly accuracy, precision and re-
call. On average 91.92%, 84.44%, 87.49% respec-
tively. Therefore, the prototype would allow semi-
automatically identify process elements in natural
language texts.
In this paper, we proposed a semi-automatic approach
to identify process elements in natural language texts.
We have created 33 mapping rules to identify process
elements in the texts. In addition, we have devel-
oped a prototype to semi-automatically identify pro-
cess elements in texts. We combine a large set of tools
from NLP based on the mapping rules. The evalu-
ation of our prototype which was based on a set of
56 texts presented 91.92% of accuracy. Furthermore,
the validation through the survey demonstrated that
93.33% of the participants agree with the mapping
rules. Thus, our approach minimizes the effort of the
process analyst to capture business process elements
from natural language texts and indicates complete-
ness of the texts based on BPMN rules.
Despite these promising results, one limitation of
our approaches refers to the automatically genera-
tion of rules. Hence, we intend to generate them
through artificial intelligence. Although our approach
contains a category of the basic BPMN modeling
elements, in future works we will explore the cre-
ation of mapping rules for other BPMN process el-
ements, such as message flows, sub-processes, excep-
tion flows, data object, sequence flow and inclusive
gateways (OR), etc. In addition, Figure 1 shows the
next step in this approach, described as preprocessed
text (process-oriented). It is expected to generate a
template of how the text should be structured for the
extraction of process models from text. Our approach
can be considered as a prerequisite for generating pre-
processed text (process-oriented).
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A Semi-automatic Approach to Identify Business Process Elements in Natural Language Texts